Interesting facts about the work of Mayakovsky. Vladimir Mayakovsky - facts, poems, biography - One of the greatest poets of the 20th century

Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the most prominent poets of the early twentieth century. His talent manifested itself both in poetry, written only in his own poetic style, and in dramatic works. He accompanied his literary creations with his own illustrations, so it can be said without exaggeration that Vladimir Mayakovsky also had artistic talent.

About the versatility of this creative personality also speak of his directorial and acting work. Mayakovsky's biography has no "blank spots". His spiritual world, which influenced creativity and the vicissitudes of fate, is still a mystery. Perhaps some interesting facts from the life of the poet will help to open this mysterious veil.

Childhood and youth - the years of personality formation

In the small Georgian village of Baghdati with July 7, 1893 the countdown of the life of the world-famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky began. Children's and youthful years largely determined his future life path.

  • The poet's father, although he was a hereditary nobleman, worked as a forester, and his mother raised children. The pedigree of both parents went back to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.
  • After paternal death, Vladimir and his mother moved to Moscow. There, Vladimir Mayakovsky began to study at the gymnasium, from which he was expelled in 1908 for non-payment. Having a talent for fine art, he entered the Stroganov Art School, where Mayakovsky had a hard time because of his revolutionary democratic views.
  • In his youth, he was arrested three times. The first time - in connection with the suspicion of the activities of an underground printing house. Released as a minor under the supervision of parents. The second arrest was due to suspicions of collaboration with anarchists. The third arrest was participation in the organization of the escape of female political convicts from prison. Then he spent 11 months in prisons, including the famous Butyrka. He was then released for lack of evidence.

Mayakovsky had a controversial character. In youth, being in prisons, he became closed. In addition, he was very sensitive and therefore prone to extremes in thought and action. Some facts from his life testify to these character traits.

  1. Due to the death of his father from a pin prick, Mayakovsky developed a phobia of catching some kind of disease, so he always had a soap dish with him and constantly washed his hands.
  2. The poet was very kind and generous to the elderly. He often himself found the needy old people, gave them money and at the same time never gave his name.
  3. Mayakovsky was very fond of dogs, which speaks of his kind character. In many photographs, he is captured with his beloved dogs and looks happy from communicating with them.
  4. The extremes in behavior are clearly evidenced by the story told by the famous artist Repin. He liked the curly brown hair of the poet, and he offered to paint his portrait. Soon Mayakovsky came to pose for the artist, shaving his head bald.
  5. Vladimir Mayakovsky was an avid gambler. Gambling, especially billiards and cards, was his irresistible passion. There is even a version that his suicide is connected with the loss of Russian roulette. However, the exact causes and circumstances of the death of the famous poet still remain unexplored.

Mayakovsky, as a versatile talented person, was able to realize himself in various types of art in his short life. This is clearly evidenced by his creative legacy.

  • He began to write his first poems in his youth, while in prison. They were taken from him by prison officers.
  • Mayakovsky was the founder of the famous "ladder". It is believed that he chose this poetic style due to the fact that he would receive a larger fee. At that time, the work of the poet was evaluated for the number of lines in poetry, so he received a fee twice as much as his colleagues in creativity.
  • Mayakovsky often composed on the go and, in search of the perfect rhyme, could walk 15-20 kilometers.
  • The first filming in the movie was the film Chained by Film, where he starred with Lilia Brik. This film was not preserved, only photographs and posters depicting the main character remained. The picture “The Young Lady and the Hooligan” has survived to this day, the screenwriter and main character of which was Mayakovsky himself.
  • In the dramatic genre, Mayakovsky's archive contains five plays, four of which were staged at the Meyerhold Theater.

Mayakovsky never married. He had peculiar relationships with his beloved women, not typical of the morality of that time.

The muse and beloved of the poet, whom he idolized, was Lilia Brik. Mayakovsky confessed his love to her, presenting a ring with engraved initials - "LOVE", which also meant the word - I love. Lilin's marriage did not prevent the poet from living, traveling and creating with his spouses. It is known that her husband Osip Brik even helped the poet in correcting punctuation and spelling errors. The secret of the relationship between Mayakovsky and Brikov tried in 1927 to reveal the film "Love in Three" directed by Abram Roma and screenwriter Viktor Shklovsky.

Mayakovsky often toured abroad. Once in Paris, the poet fell passionately in love with the Russian emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva, who, unfortunately for the lover, did not reciprocate. Then, before leaving for Russia, the poet transferred all his fee received from the tour to the flower company, so that once a week his beloved would be brought the best bouquet with a note “from Mayakovsky”. Flowers were brought long after the death of the poet, and during the Nazi occupation they saved Tatyana Yakovleva from starvation. It was said that the woman sold these bouquets and bought food with the proceeds.

Vladimir Mayakovsky was the biological father of the muralist sculptor Gleb-Nikita Lavlinsky. The poet became closely acquainted with his mother, married Elizaveta Lavinskaya, in 1920, when they worked together at the ROSTA satire windows, and a year later a son was born in the Lavlinsky family. The paternity of the poet was revealed in the documentary television project "The Third Extra", shown on Channel One in 2013.

The poet's daughter Patricia Thompson was born in America in 1925, lived in Upper Manhattan and taught at New York University. Outwardly, she was very similar to her father. The secret of her birth was told to her by her mother when the girl was 9 years old. The poet's daughter died on April 1, 2016.

Mayakovsky committed suicide April 14, 1930 by pistol shot. The last beloved woman of the poet Veronika Polonskaya witnessed his tragic death. Two days before the tragic incident, he left a suicide note in which he asked no one to blame for his death.

The body of the poet was cremated. For some time, the urn with the ashes was in the columbarium at the New Donskoy Cemetery. Relatives and Lilia Brik made efforts to ensure that the ashes of the poet were interred at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is a talented and one of the most famous poets of the 20th century. Interesting Facts Mayakovsky will be told about the versatility of his personality. This man, without exaggeration, had a huge artistic talent. But some events of his fate have remained a mystery to this day.

1. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born in Georgia.

2. Three times in his entire life, Mayakovsky was arrested.

3. This poet enjoyed great success with women.

4. Despite her marriage to another man, Lily Yuryevna Brik was the main muse and woman in Mayakovsky's life.

5. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was never officially married, but he had two children.

6. Mayakovsky's dad died from blood poisoning. And it was after this tragedy that Mayakovsky himself was always afraid of catching an infection.

7. Mayakovsky always carried a soap dish with him and washed his hands regularly.

8. The invention of this person is a poem, which is written with a "ladder".

10. Mayakovsky liked to play billiards and cards, which makes it possible to judge his love of gambling.

11. In 1930, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky shot himself, having written a suicide note 2 days before.

12. The coffin for this poet was made by the sculptor Anton Lavinsky.

13. Mayakovsky had two sisters and two brothers. The first brother died at a very young age, and the second - at 2 years old.

14. Personally, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky starred in several films.

16. The genealogy of Mayakovsky's parents went back to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks.

17. Mayakovsky always treated the elderly generously and with kindness.

18. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky always gave money to needy old people.

19. Dogs really liked Mayakovsky.

20. Mayakovsky created the first poems at a young age.

21. Mayakovsky usually composed poetry on the go. Sometimes he had to walk 15-20 km to come up with the right rhyme.

22. The body of the deceased poet was cremated.

23. Family Brik Mayakovsky bequeathed all his own creations.

24. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was considered an accomplice in an anti-religious campaign, where he promoted atheism.

25. For the creation of the "ladder", many other poets accused Mayakovsky of cheating.

27. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky had a daughter from a Russian emigrant, Elizabeth Siebert, who died in 2016.

29. While in prison, he never ceased to show his complex character.

30. Mayakovsky was considered an ardent supporter of the revolution, even though he defended socialist and communist ideals.

31. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky did not like futurists.

33.Mayakovsky's creations were translated into different languages peace.

34. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born into a family of mixed classes.

35. Due to the fact that Mayakovsky's parents did not have money, the boy only finished his studies up to the 5th grade.

36. The main needs of Mayakovsky were travel.

37. The poet had many not only admirers, but also enemies.

39. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky committed suicide at the age of 36, and he prepared for it for a long time.

40. Mayakovsky met the liberal-democratic intelligentsia while studying at the Kutaisi gymnasium.

41. In 1908, Mayakovsky was expelled from the Moscow gymnasium due to a lack of money from the family.

42. Mayakovsky and Lilia Brik never hid their relationship, and Lilia's husband was not against such an outcome of events.

43. Mayakovsky's bacteriophobia formed after the death of his father, who pricked himself with a pin and introduced the infection.

44. Brik always asked Mayakovsky for expensive gifts.

45. Mayakovsky's life was connected not only with literature, but also with cinema.

46. ​​Mayakovsky's works began to be published in major publications only in 1922.

47. Tatyana Yakovleva - another beloved woman of Mayakovsky, was 15 years younger than him.

48. Veronika Polonskaya, his last woman, was a witness to the death of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

49. The death of Mayakovsky was only in the hands of Lilia Brik, who received a cooperative apartment and money as an inheritance from the poet.

50. In his youth, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky took part in revolutionary demonstrations.

52. In 1917, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky had to lead a detachment of 7 soldiers.

53. In 1918, Mayakovsky had to star in 3 films of his own script.

54. Mayakovsky considered the years of the Civil War to be the best time of his life.

55. Mayakovsky's longest journey was a trip to America.

56. For a long time, Polonskaya was considered the culprit of Mayakovsky's death.

57. From Mayakovsky, Polonskaya was also pregnant, who did not destroy her married life and had an abortion.

58. Dramaturgy also attracted Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

59. The poet created 9 screenplays.

60. After the death of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky, his creations were strictly prohibited.

April is coming to an end... I wonder if anyone else remembers that it was in this month (April 14, 1930) that the great master of short chopped verse, Vladimir Mayakovsky, could do it? We decided to honor his memory by reminding readers of some interesting facts from the life of the Russian poet.

1. Few people know, but Mayakovsky was born in Georgia, although his parents were not Georgians (his mother was generally from the Kuban Cossacks).
2. In addition to Vladimir, two girls were born in the family - his younger sisters Olga and Lyudmila, and two more boys - Alexander and Konstantin. However, both of his brothers left this mortal world in childhood.
3. After the death of his father from blood poisoning, Vladimir Mayakovsky formed, which continued throughout his life: bold, arrogant, outrageous, revolutionary poet wartime was terribly afraid of being pricked with a needle or pin.
4. Mayakovsky did not finish school: he was expelled "for poverty."
5. The great poet was arrested three times for revolutionary sentiments. At the same time, in prison, he showed himself to be such a brawler that the guards were forced to transfer him from unit to unit, and as a result, lock him up.

6. Mayakovsky not only wrote poetry, he also tried himself in other types of creativity: at the suggestion of a girlfriend, he painted, then staged plays, wrote scripts and directed films, acted in films and edited magazines. Meanwhile, he loved not only creativity, but also gambling, because he was the most addicted person: he played billiards very well, almost professionally. Although rare, but for the money.

7. Having a spiritual inclination towards cruel, domineering, fatal women, Vladimir Mayakovsky had the most tender feelings for Lila Brik. Few, however, remember that this lady was married and very materialistic. The poet did not reciprocate. However, his fame and fame flattered her, and, seeing the breadth of Mayakovsky's romantic nature, Brik begged him for expensive gifts from abroad in her letters. Despite the presence of a husband, she had an affair with both Vladimir and the head of Prombank at the same time.

8. From time to time, Mayakovsky tried to give up his vicious love in favor of other women. Among his mistresses were Tatyana Yakovleva, Sofya Shamardina, Veronika Polonskaya (also married) and Natalya Bryukhanenko. Yakovleva, by order of the poet, brought flowers every day until her death.
9. Due to the stinginess of the syllable of his poetic "ladder", other poets accused Mayakovsky of fraud, because. at that time, poets were paid according to the number of lines.
10. Finally, despite the suicide note, many, after his sudden and tragic death, doubted that he really committed suicide. Such an act turned out to be too unexpected for everyone who knew Mayakovsky closely. There were rumors that one of the “horned” husbands offended by him dealt with the poet. Unfounded, however, because Willy-nilly, Veronika Polonskaya, whom he affectionately called Nora, became a witness to his dying loneliness.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930) - One of the most famous and largest Russian poets of the 20th century. In addition to poetry, Mayakovsky showed himself as a playwright, film director, actor, screenwriter and even an artist. In this article, we would like to highlight the most famous facts from the life of Mayakovsky V.V.

1. Mayakovsky had two sisters and two brothers, but one brother died in infancy and the other died of scarlet fever at the age of three.

2. Officially, Mayakovsky was never married, but nevertheless he left two children behind him. Son Nikita (Gleb-Nikita) Antonovich Lavinsky (1921-1986) - Soviet muralist and Daughter Patricia Thompson (nee Elena Vladimirovna Mayakovskaya) (born in 1926) - Doctor of Philosophy and writer.

3. Most of all, Mayakovsky was afraid of dying from some kind of illness. This fear has simply passed into. Vladimir constantly carried soap with him and tried to wash his hands at every opportunity. It is believed that this fear began to develop after his father died of blood poisoning after being pricked with an ordinary pin.

4. Mayakovsky invented and introduced into poetry such a literary form as "Ladder". Because of this, many poets blamed and hated Mayakovsky, because at that time newspapers and magazines paid not for the number of words or characters, but for the number of lines, and such a ladder could increase the number of lines in a poem by 2-3 times.

5. Vladimir Mayakovsky was a very gambling man and loved to play cards and billiards. By the way, there is one opinion that it was the loss of Russian roulette that caused his death, because the circumstances of his death are still not clear.

6. Mayakovsky personally starred in several films (“Drama in the Futurist Cabaret No. 13”, “The Young Lady and the Hooligan”, “Shackled by the Film”). Unfortunately, only fragments have survived to this day, but even there you can see the real Mayakovsky. Among other things, about 10 films were shot based on his scripts and plays.

7. The image of Mayakovsky was played in 10 scenes. Almost all paintings are Russian and Soviet production, except for "Deja Vu" (Russia-Poland) and "Doctor Zhivago" (USA, UK, Germany).

8. Mayakovsky was arrested three times in 1908-1909. In the first case (the Case of the Underground Printing House), he was released under the supervision of his parents as a minor. In the second case (on suspicion of having links with a group of anarchists), he was released due to lack of evidence. In the third case (Aiding the escape of political women from prison), he was also released due to insufficient evidence, but before his release he managed to visit several prisons (he was constantly transferred for scandals), incl. in Butyrskaya prison, where he spent 11 months in solitary confinement and left only in 1910.

9. Despite the fact that Mayakovsky was never married, he burned with love for Lilia Yuryevna Brik and gave her a ring with her initials LOVE. The initials were arranged in a circle and from them an endless "LOVE" was obtained.

10. Mayakovsky was born in Georgia, the village of Baghdati. 10 years after his death, the village was renamed and the village of Mayakovsky became known in honor of the poet. In 1981, this village received the status of a city, and already in 1990 it was renamed Baghdati again.

11. Mayakovsky could not finish school because he was expelled from it for non-payment of tuition.

12. On April 14, 1930, a tragedy occurred in an apartment on Lubyanka. Mayakovsky shot himself in the chest. This suicide was witnessed by his last beloved lady at that time - Veronika Polonskaya (Mayakovsky's mother and sisters blamed her for the death of her son). Two days earlier, Mayakovsky prepared a suicide note that said “Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying, and please don’t gossip, the deceased didn’t like this terribly ...”. The poet was cremated, and his ashes were for some time in the columbarium of the New Donskoy cemetery, then, thanks to the actions of Lilia Brik and sister Lyudmila, the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky was reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Mayakovsky was born in Georgia, in the village of Baghdati. Ten years after his death, the village was renamed in his honor, but after the collapse of the USSR in 1990, the village of Mayakovsky again became known as Baghdati. The future genius of Soviet poetry could not finish school. He was expelled for non-payment.

During his short life, Mayakovsky was arrested three times. This happened during his youth in 1908-1909. He was first taken into custody in the case of an underground printing house, but then he was soon released under the supervision of his parents as a minor. The second case - on suspicion of having links with a group of anarchists. Here, the future great poet was released for lack of evidence. The third case brought against Mayakovsky is aiding the escape of women political convicts from prison. Mayakovsky again managed to escape punishment. He was again released due to insufficient evidence, however, before that he managed to visit several prisons and even the famous Butyrka, where he spent 11 months.

Vladimir Mayakovsky was successful with women. He knew how to use his fame to good use. The main lover and muse in his life was Lily Yuryevna Brik (1891–1978). Lilya Brik was married, which did not prevent Mayakovsky from living, traveling and creating with his spouses. In 1918, Lilya and Vladimir even starred together in the film Chained by Film, the script for which was written by Mayakovsky. Unfortunately, this film has been lost, but there are photographs and a large poster depicting Lily Yuryevna. Mayakovsky can be seen in the film "The Young Lady and the Hooligan". This is the only film with his participation that has survived to this day.

Abram Room's film "Third Meshchanskaya" ("Love"), released in 1927, opens the veil of secrecy over the relationship between Mayakovsky and Brikov. The script for the film was written by Viktor Shklovsky, who was closely acquainted with Mayakovsky and the Briks. Shklovsky was even accused at one time of being tactless towards the poet and his lover when writing the script.

Mayakovsky presented Lilya Brik with a ring, inside of which her initials - "LOVE" were engraved. This engraving has turned into a kind of declaration of love, an endless "LOVE".

Mayakovsky was never officially married, but he nevertheless had two children. Nikita Alekseevich Lavinsky (1921-1986) - the poet's son was a monumental sculptor, the author of a number of monuments erected in the cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Mayakovsky's daughter - Patricia Thompson (nee Elena Vladimirovna Mayakovskaya) (born 1926) - writer, publicist. Mayakovsky met Patricia's mother, Elizaveta Petrovna Siebert (Ellie Jones) in New York, where he came to visit a friend, the artist David Burliuk. The acquaintance of the Soviet poet with the daughter of a large landowner, a native of Germany, ended with the fact that a year later a girl was born. Ellie Jones' ex-husband acted very nobly: he put his name on the child's birth certificate so that in the eyes of society the girl was legitimate and did not become a victim of prejudice. When Patricia was nine years old, she found out who her real father was. However, her mother and stepfather asked her not to tell anyone about this until their death.

The poet's father died of blood poisoning, pricked with a pin. This tragedy left a heavy imprint on the psyche of Mayakovsky. He has a phobia. Vladimir Vladimirovich was terribly afraid of contracting some kind of disease, so he constantly carried a soap dish with him and washed his hands very often.

Poems written with a "ladder" are an invention of Mayakovsky. Many of the poet's colleagues accused him of cheating, because at that time publishers paid royalties to authors by the number of lines, not characters.

Mayakovsky often traveled abroad with tours, and not only in Europe, but also in America, which was a rarity in those days. One very beautiful legend is connected with his trips abroad. In Paris, the Soviet poet was inflamed with love for the Russian emigrant - Tatyana Yakovleva. This time, this love of Mayakovsky did not find a response in the heart of a woman. Unfortunately in love, Vladimir, before leaving for his homeland, put his entire fee for the tour on the account of the flower company, provided that once a week Tatyana Yakovleva would be sent the most beautiful bouquet with a note “From Mayakovsky”. And even after the death of the poet, flowers continued to come once a week. It is said that this unusual gift saved Yakovleva from starvation during the occupation of Paris. fascist troops. The woman sold the received bouquets and with the proceeds she could buy the necessary food for herself.

Mayakovsky simply adored gambling. He is known to have enjoyed billiards. There is even such a version: his suicide is nothing more than a loss in the “Russian”, because the exact circumstances of the death of the poet are still unknown.

On April 14, 1930, Mayakovsky shot himself. The witness of the tragedy was the last beloved in the life of the poet - Veronika Polonskaya. Two days before his death, the poet wrote a suicide note: “Don’t blame anyone for dying, and please don’t gossip, the deceased didn’t like this terribly ...”

The coffin for Mayakovsky was made by the sculptor Anton Lavinsky, husband of Lilia Lavinskaya, mother of Gleb-Nikita Lavinsky, who was the son of Mayakovsky.

The body of the poet was cremated and for some time his ashes were in the columbarium of the New Donskoy cemetery. Thanks to the efforts of the relatives of the poet and Lily Brik, the urn with the ashes of Mayakovsky was reburied on the territory Novodevichy cemetery.

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Advice 2: Interesting facts from the biography of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

The life of the classic of Russian poetry Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was extremely eventful and unusual. The textbook on literature does not tell how ambiguous the character of this great poet was. He wrote extensively about the plight of the Russian peasantry, although he himself was an avid and very successful gambler, led a luxurious lifestyle and was a drunken alcoholic.

Biography of Nekrasov

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 (December 10, according to the new style) in the Podolsk province. The father of the future great poet was a very powerful man with a complex character. It is noteworthy that Nekrasov's mother, Elena Zakrevskaya, married against the will of her parents. She was a refined, well-bred girl who was turned to the head by a poor and poorly educated officer.

Still, the parents of Elena Zakrevskaya were right: her family life turned out badly. Nikolai Nekrasov, recalling his childhood, often compared his mother to a martyr. He even dedicated many of his beautiful poems to her. As a child, the classic of Russian poetry was also subjected to the tyranny of his cruel and power-hungry parent.

Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters. As a child, Nikolai Nekrasov repeatedly witnessed his father's cruel reprisals against serfs. During his trips to the villages, Alexei Nekrasov often took little Nikolai with him. In front of the boy, the peasants were beaten to death. These sad pictures of the hard life of the Russian people were deeply embedded in his heart, and subsequently found reflection in his work.

The poet's father dreamed that Nikolai would follow in his footsteps and become a military man, and at the age of 17 sent him to the capital of Russia to be assigned to a noble regiment, however, the future classic had an irresistible desire to continue his education. He did not heed his father's threats to deprive him of his maintenance, and entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University as a volunteer. Nekrasov remembered the student years. It was a time of poverty and deprivation. He didn't even have the money to eat properly. Once, Nikolai Alekseevich even lost his home and at the end of November found himself on the street, sick and deprived of his livelihood. On the street, a passer-by took pity on him and took him to a rooming house, where even Nekrasov earned 15 kopecks by writing a petition to someone.

Gradually, life began to improve, and Nekrasov learned to earn his living by writing small articles, writing romantic poems and creating frivolous vaudeville for the Alexandria Theater. He even began to have savings.

In 1840, Nekrasov's collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds" was published. The well-known critic Belinsky so criticized his poems that Nikolai Alekseevich, in frustrated feelings, rushed to buy up and destroy the entire circulation. Now this edition is a bibliographic rarity.

Nekrasov led the Sovremennik magazine for a long time, and under his skillful leadership, the publication became very popular among the reading public.

There have been changes in my personal life as well. Back in the 40s, the critic Belinsky brought Nekrasov to visit the famous writer Panaev. His wife Avdotya Panaeva was considered very attractive in literary circles, she had a lot of fans. At one time, even Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky himself sought her favor, but he was refused. But with Nekrasov they developed a relationship. He managed to recapture his wife from Panaev.

Being already quite an adult and a famous writer, Nekrasov became addicted to the game. It is worth noting that his paternal grandfather once lost his entire fortune in cards. It turns out that the passion for the game was inherited by Nikolai Nekrasov.

In the 1950s, he often began to visit the English Club, where the game was held. When Avdotya Panaeva noticed that this gambling addiction could lead to a disastrous result. To this, Nikolai Alekseevich remarked to her that he would never lose at cards, because he plays with people who do not have long nails.

There was a curious incident in Nekrasov's life. He was once beaten by a fiction writer Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky, who was famous for his long, well-groomed nails. By the way, at that time, many men wore long nails. It was a sign of aristocracy and was considered refined. So, Nekrasov sat down to play a game of cards "a little bit" with the novelist. While the game was going on at small stakes, the author of the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” was winning and was glad that Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky had so successfully dropped by for dinner. But when they decided to raise the stakes, fortune suddenly turned away from the poet and turned to the novelist. As a result, Nekrasov lost a thousand rubles (a very large amount at that time). As it turned out later, Nekrasov was cruelly deceived. Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky managed to mark the maps with his beautiful and long nails. It turns out that Nikolai Alekseevich became a victim of an ordinary sharper, but it would seem that he is a writer, a cultured person.

Every year, Nekrasov set aside about 20,000 rubles for the game - huge money, I must say. During the game, he increased this amount several times, and then the game began at very high stakes. It is worth noting that over time, the classic himself mastered some cheating tricks, which helped him out well from time to time and made him a very successful player who did not know the loss.

This is how the picture appears: the classic comes home after a tense game, where he won many thousands of rubles, sits down at the table and writes:

Late fall. The rooks flew away, the forest was exposed, the fields were empty,

Only one strip is not compressed ... It induces a sad thought.

It seems that the ears are whispering to each other: "It's boring for us to listen to the autumn blizzard,

It's boring to bend down to the very ground, Fat grains bathing in dust!

Every night the villages of every flying gluttonous bird ravage us,

The hare tramples us, and the storm beats us ... Where is our plowman? what else is waiting for?

Or are we born worse than others? Or unfriendly blossomed-eared?

Not! we are no worse than others - and for a long time grain has poured and ripened in us.

Not for the same reason did he plow and sow, so that the autumn wind would dispel us? .. "

The wind brings them a sad answer: - Your plowman has no urine.

He knew why he plowed and sowed, Yes, he started work beyond his strength.

It’s bad for the poor fellow - he doesn’t eat or drink, The worm sucks his sick heart,

The hands that brought these furrows, Dried up to a chip, hung like lashes.

As if on a plow, leaning his hand, the Plowman thoughtfully walked in a lane.

Like all gambling people, Nekrasov was a very superstitious person. One day, his personal superstitions turned into a real tragedy. Ignatius Piotrovsky, who worked with Nekrasov at the Sovremennik publishing house, turned to Nikolai Alekseevich with a request to lend him some money. But, unfortunately, Nekrasov refused him: a big game was planned, and lending money to someone before the game is considered a very bad omen. Piotrovsky threatened that if he refused, he would commit suicide, but Nekrasov remained adamant. As a result, the petitioner pretended his threat to life - put a bullet in his forehead. Nekrasov later recalled this case for the rest of his life, and was very sorry that he did not come to the aid of a person in difficult times.

Women of Nekrasov

There were several women in Nekrasov's life. He loved a luxurious lifestyle and tried not to deny himself anything. For more than 16 years he has been married to Avdotya Panaeva, and together with her legal husband. Such a “triple union” lasted until the death of the legal spouse.

It is worth noting that the beautiful Avdotya Panaeva did not immediately respond to the courtship of the persistent and ardent Nikolai Alekseevich. Ivan Panaev - her husband, literally after a year of marriage, completely stopped paying attention to her and began to spend time with friends and easily accessible women. The wife turned out to be completely useless to anyone.

Nekrasov courted her for a long time, but could not achieve favor in any way. Avdotya Yakovlevna did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings. Once Nekrasov rolled her along the Neva and threatened her that if she refused, he would jump into the river, and he did not know how to swim at all, so he would certainly drown. Panaeva only chuckled contemptuously, and Nekrasov did not fail to immediately put his threat into practice. Avdotya Yakovlevna began to scream in horror, the poet was saved, and she finally answered his courtship.

In 1846, the Panaevs and Nekrasovs spent the summer together and, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, settled together in the same apartment. In 1849, Nekrasov and Avdotya were expecting a child and together wrote the novel "Three Sides of the World", unfortunately, the boy was born very weak and soon died.

Nekrasov was a very jealous and passionate person. His fits of rage alternated with periods of black melancholy and blues. After all, they are. In 1864, Avdotya Yakovlevna married the critic Golovachev and gave birth to a daughter.

Nekrasov converges with the Frenchwoman Selina Lefren. This windy woman helped Nekrasov squander most of his fortune and returned to her homeland, Paris.

The last woman in the life of a classic of Russian literature was Fyokla Anisimovna Viktorova.
By that time, Nekrasov was already very addicted to alcohol. Six months before his death, he married nineteen-year-old Thekla. The girl, whom he called Zinaida, remained with him until his death, which occurred on December 27, 1877. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died of rectal cancer.

Alexander Blok has always been an unusual, mysterious person. His poetry was a mystery, strange, in many ways mysterious stories his love, is still a mystery and his death. To understand how interesting and multifaceted the personality of the poet is, it is worth recalling five curious facts from his life.

Block and the Beautiful Lady

Blok's wife was Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva - the daughter of the great chemist, creator periodic system chemical elements Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. The poet sang her image in the famous "Poems about beautiful lady". When Blok went to make an offer to Lyubov Dmitrievna, he had a suicide note in his pocket - the poet firmly decided to commit suicide in case of refusal. Unfortunately, this marriage brought only bitter disappointment to the young wife - as it turned out, Alexander Alexandrovich decided to maintain an exceptionally lofty, platonic relationship with her.

Despite a rather strange relationship with his wife, Blok was an incorrigible womanizer by nature. He was even credited with an affair with another iconic figure " silver age"- Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. However, after the death of the poet, Akhmatova on the pages of her memoirs dispelled all rumors about her supposedly passionate love for Blok.

In February 1919, Blok was arrested on charges of participating in a conspiracy to overthrow Soviet power. True, his term of imprisonment lasted only one and a half days. The fact is that Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky, People's Commissar for Education, stood up for the poet himself.

Last days

Shortly before his death, Alexander Blok read his poems on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. His speech was preceded by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, who said many kind words to the poet. Then Blok himself spoke with a recitation of poems about Russia. Many of those present at the evening later said that its atmosphere was too sad and solemn. One of the spectators uttered a phrase that became almost prophetic: “This is some kind of commemoration!”. The performance was the last...

The cause of Blok's death remains a mystery to this day. There was even a version that the poet was poisoned. A few days before his death, Alexander Blok spent in, worrying about whether copies of his poem "The Twelve" were preserved. Having sung the revolution in it, Blok very soon regretted it and wanted the full work. Perhaps that is why another great poet - Vladimir Mayakovsky - suggested that it was the poem "The Twelve" that ruined Alexander Blok.

Alexander Blok is an amazing, subtle, mysterious, unlike any other poet. But his fate, like the fate of most of the great Russian poets, turned out to be tragic.

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