Alien invasion in "Search": was it or not? What to do in the event of an alien invasion When the alien invasion of earth begins

For the first time, mankind thought that the Universe could be inhabited by other intelligent races, the existence of which can only be guessed at, after the discovery of the Martian channels in 1877. From this discovery began the construction of assumptions about the presence of some alien civilization. Its development has stepped so far forward that people are not able to accept not only its existence, but also the possibilities that aliens have. This is due to a common misconception that man is the king of the Earth, who is also subject to the cosmos.

Why do UFOs come to Earth?

More and more often you can hear reports that in different parts of the world people are encountering UFOs, appearing and disappearing for unknown reasons, pursuing unknown goals. Some believe that * aliens * help us, leveling the consequences of man-made disasters, which are increasingly occurring due to the inability of people to take care of nature and direct the existing potential in the right direction. Perhaps * aliens * are simply watching us, studying our behavior, surprised at the width of the range of feelings subject to humans and incomprehensible to more intelligent, but also more cold-blooded creatures. It is also possible that *UFO* arrives to control the planet, which they themselves created as an experimental site. Fiction? Perhaps, but this theory has the right to exist until the opposite is reliably established.

Is the possibility of an alien invasion real?

Given the increasing incidence of UFO sightings, it is quite natural that people fear the possibility of an invasion by extraterrestrial invaders. For most, stories about unidentified flying objects, aliens, and their abductions of people seem to be just fiction or fantasy. But after all, many things that 50 years ago were the most incredible improbability are real today. For example, we can recall the movie “Faceless”, in which the face of one person was allegedly transplanted into another, as well as many other medical manipulations. Is it just a scriptwriter's idea? When the film was being shot, yes, and today such operations are successfully carried out by leading surgeons. The same story with computers and robots: what until recently seemed impossible has now become a reality. So why then do few people believe in the possibility of an alien invasion?

The fact is that we are simply not ready for such a turn of events. Most likely, * aliens * understand this and are in no hurry to show themselves in all their glory, so as not to bring confusion to the unsettled human psyche. But this is only if the *aliens* are friendly. What if a UFO visits our planet for reconnaissance purposes to develop a strategy for the subsequent capture of the Earth? It is likely that extraterrestrial civilizations that have reached such a high level of development that they can overcome distances that are incredible by our standards in the shortest possible time will act quite hostilely. And why should they establish contacts with primitive "people"? It is easier to capture them, so that later they can freely manipulate and control them.
Thus, the invasion of aliens can be both completely friendly and hostile. It is difficult to make any predictions, one can only hope for the best.

Yesterday it was the most ordinary day, but today the world has changed forever! Who could have imagined that all these crazy ufologists would be right! Who could believe that aliens would attack us!

The video version of the article can be viewed here (continuation of the text below):

The thing is, today we are going to talk about such a thing as alien invasion! Some claim that it's impossible, others are waiting from day to day contact with extraterrestrial civilization, others say that the invasion has already begun and now earthly governments are ruled aliens in disguise! My opinion, in this matter, is extremely restrained. I look at this phenomenon from the point of view, what if? But if this really happens, then you want it or not, but you have to somehow resist all this and survive.

What do we people know about them today, where is this truth, which is so close by? What do all these crop circles mean? Is this a message aliens? Or maybe nature is playing around like that, or what ugly person in special stilts is fooling us all? Whom abducted by aliens and put their experiences, and who simply invents excuses to justify, say, another absenteeism at work. Let's put these useless questions aside and just imagine - we were attacked!

What if attacked it is most likely that these alien creatures , much more developed, how in scientifically , as well as in questions bloodlust! Then someone will notice that this is probably a forced attack, and aliens can be both good and bad! It is clear that you will not take into account all scenarios, but one thing is clear, there are enemies on our land and they are attacking!

It is quite important what our enemy is, but stepping back from the lyrics, and not discussing the appearance in too much detail, first of all us as humanity , and how individuals need to think about weaknesses of the enemy and if you manage to find such weaknesses, by all means strike at them!

Still, these aliens came to us from another world, and, for example, they can even breathe, perhaps only with a certain device. Or maybe a person is superior to the enemy in some way? There is also a chance that they just need to hold out for a while, and they will die by themselves, for example, unable to adapt to earthly conditions!

Naturally, the enemy will have to be studied, but this is precisely where there will apparently be problems, especially if the attack is sudden and well thought out! Will there be time for this at all, if, for example, in just 5 minutes, the resistance of the earthlings is practically suppressed! By the way, it cannot be ruled out that the attack itself may fail, or the resistance of the earthlings will be much stronger than expected, in such cases it will be possible to best study the enemy!

But more to the point, where do I go to a person going, let's say, for bread? Obviously, first you need to try not to turn yourself into a target, or in other words, avoid instant death, find some kind of shelter, save your own family and start resistance! To keep us from falling!

Obviously, in this situation, it would be nice for humanity to unite and defend Mother Earth - together! But if there is discord here, all that remains is to heroically partisan! If the enemy is difficult to kill with earthly weapons, you still need to contrive to try to kill at least one creature, turn on your imagination! They do not take bullets, perhaps a hundred-ton crane that has fallen on the enemy will stop him, a Molotov cocktail or a bottle of sulfuric acid! After the death of the adversary, try to arm yourself with extraterrestrial weapons, for sure it will be more effective if its use is possible! Check out what we're dealing with! Naturally, you must not forget about caution and before your own attack you need to have at least some kind of weapon!

However, it is possible that alien weapons can fall into your hands without a fight. It can be an unsuccessful alien paratrooper, or a downed pilot - in general, a concrete corpse or a wounded reptile that does not pose a great danger! You can try to interrogate the prisoner, if, of course, he understands our language or if you own it, remember that the information received from him or in the process of studying him is no less important than weapons, and possibly more!

In any case, it seems that aliens will prepare an unenviable role for humanity, let it go for canned goods or fertilizers, make slaves out of us, or simply destroy it! Let's say they will remake the earth for themselves, change the living conditions on it, transforming the planet beyond recognition, or they will simply pump resources out of it, however, things can go completely differently.

But what if the invasion is of such a plan - asteroids, viral weapons, climatic weapons, or, but there are already other threats, such as when the aliens themselves may not be visible - invariably one thing, we will have to survive. And since it is so obvious that if we learn survival skills, we will have some kind of weapon, equipped shelters, have food supplies and drinking water, equipment, and in general refers to this issue as survivalists, raising the question “what if?”, twhen naturally we will have less shock in case alien attacks do occur. And while skeptics will rush about in a panic and wonder “How is this possible ?!”, we will already act! We will draw up a plan for survival based on the circumstances and we will probably have more chances for its success, which means there will be more chances that the attack of aliens will end in the victory of mankind.


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Recently, the Russian Defense Minister unexpectedly held military exercises aerospace defense. Isn't it a strange name for a branch of the armed forces for which there is no potential enemy? More precisely, it exists, but is not located on Earth, since these units are designed to fight weapons placed in the orbit of the planet.

At the same time, if we imagine for a second that an aggression of another space civilization will begin on Earth, then it is these troops that will have to protect the population of Russia, fully justifying their name. The only question is, how real is this threat? Putting aside the numerous ufological conspiracy theories claiming that governments largest countries of the world are collaborating with aliens, and look at the obvious facts, it turns out that the anxiety is not entirely groundless.

The simplest analysis of most science fiction films will give an interesting result: earthlings tend to count aliens warlike and aggressive conquerors. The only exceptions are astrophysicists who, with maniacal persistence, send messages about the Earth and its inhabitants into space - both by radio channel and in the form of messages on spacecraft.

At the same time, they do not think at all that their epistles can get to a warlike civilization, which, after reading the text, wants to enslave our planet. The most famous message was sent to the stars back in 1974. Then, during the modernization of the radio telescope in the crater of the Arecibo volcano, a series of powerful radio signals was sent towards the constellation Hercules. More than one and a half thousand consecutive radio pulses contained encoded information about humanity.

It took a long time to decide what code to send information to, as a result, scientists agreed on the method of frequency modulation. As a result, on November 16, 1974, a message was sent to the stars, formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones. The addressee was: the constellation Hercules, the star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project manager Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization. A message was sent to the stars, formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones.

The addressee was: constellation Hercules, star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project manager Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could be located. Information about the decimal number system of earthlings went to the stars, the atomic weights of the most important chemical elements, a schematic representation of earthlings, formulas for the main sugars and nucleotides of human DNA, an image of the solar system and a telescope in Arecibo, a diagram of its operation and the diameter of the antenna parabola.

Despite the fact that there was no hope for a quick answer, he still came. In August 2001, in one of the wheat fields in England, near a radio telescope, a huge picture was discovered, also consisting of 73 lines, 23 points each. When the picture was photographed from the plane, there was no doubt: it was a copy of Drake's message, which went to the stars 27 years ago.

And pictogram on the field didn't just copy Drake's message, it had significant changes, it wasn't a copy, it was an answer. The alien civilization was not only able to read the message, but also reported its civilization to earthlings in a similar way, which indicates a fairly high level of its development. In the first place, as in the earthly message, was the decimal number system, in the second - the atomic weights of chemical elements, indicating the existence of another biological life.

Comparing this fragment of two messages, researchers I was surprised to find that they differ ... by one element. As for earthlings, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus turned out to be vital for “them”. But another one has been added. New element is silicon. There are many theories that prove that biological life can be not only on a carbon-hydrogen basis, as on Earth, but also on a silicon-hydrogen basis.

The structure of the molecules in the message was identical to the human one, only the DNA helix itself changed. The growth of a cosmic being, also encrypted in the binary number system, turned out to be much less than ours - only 140 centimeters. The number of unearthly beings was also indicated. It turned out that the number of alien civilizations is at least twice as large as ours.

And finally, the most interesting- an image of the system of planets where the intelligent species is located. Number of alien objects star system turned out to be identical to ours solar system. At the same time, if in the message of the Drake group one planet of the system was singled out - the habitat of the human species, then in the answer three planets were marked in exactly the same way.

A year later, a second letter arrived. In a grain field five miles from the first "letter", an information circle appeared that looked like a huge CD-ROM, and next to it was a portrait of the sender. From the field, the head of a strange creature looked at the people, vaguely resembling a lizard with cat's eyes. Almost all ufologists actively involved in the study of alien civilizations had a hand in deciphering this message.

And finally, in the fall of 2002, the first version appeared: “ Beware of those who bring false gifts and break promises. Lots of pain, but not for long... (corrupted text)... It's good there. We resist deception. Channel closed».

You can speculate for a long time about aliens " letters”, but one thing is clear: if the first responding civilization is indifferent to humanity, then the second one may well be aggressive. In addition, it is not known how many other civilizations received a message from Earth.

In order to rectify the situation, a group of American activists decided to raise funds to send information to the stars that depicts earthlings as an evil, militant and unfriendly force. According to the authors of the project, such a message can scare away potential space aggressors. The Your Face in Space project website is raising money to send a satellite to the center of the Galaxy, on the outer cladding of which an image will be applied aggressive men and women, next to which there will be an image of a bird with a sizzling gaze at a disc-shaped UFO.

Also, according to the authors of the project, images of nunchucks, a guitar, a shotgun, torn jeans, a leather vest, a Viking helmet and, for some reason, a girl in a bikini under the shadow of the American flag, should forever repel the warlike civilizations of space. For greater persuasiveness, photographs of earthlings grimacing maliciously will be placed on the satellite. If you have a desire to become famous throughout the Galaxy, you can transfer any amount to the account of the organizers by attaching a photo of your face twisted in a wild grimace - it will fly into space to scare off potential aggressors.

On the pages of the book, the authors seriously tell how to act in the event of an attack by aliens, and also analyze the possibilities of repelling an attack from outside. Moreover, eminent scientists sent their work not just anywhere, but to the US Department of Defense and NASA. No response was received, but the authors of the book are confident that sooner or later their work will be rewarded.

Analyzing the ability to resist the attack, the authors of the work give a pessimistic forecast, quite rightly believing: while the alien ship is in the air, it is invulnerable, therefore, until the moment of its landing, it is better for people not to provoke the aliens and, if possible, evacuate to inaccessible places. When the alien aggressors set foot directly on Earth, they need to apply the methods of guerrilla warfare.

Today it is difficult to say whether Russia is ready for contact with aliens from other worlds and whether our government is thinking about this topic. At the same time, such preparations have long been in full swing at the UN!

Back in 1959, the Committee for the Peaceful Use of space space. At the same time, a number of scientists are sure that if there is an international body that regulates the relationship between a person and an alien, conflicts can be avoided. And in 2010, the director of the committee, Mazlan Otman, stated that statistically extraterrestrial life is possible!

This remark is not accidental, because scientists are constantly discovering more and more new planets with conditions close to the earth's, in their ecosystems, it is likely that intelligent life. In this regard, Othman called on the world community to prepare for a meeting with extraterrestrial beings, for example, to develop a law regulating the relationship between man and an alien. For example, in England, scientists from the Royal Society published circulars regulating all aspects of the relationship with extraterrestrial life, believing that this serious issue should be considered in both scientific and government circles.

A few years ago, a book by Travis Taylor and Bob Boen came out in the US with the intriguing title An Introduction to Planetary Defense. On the pages of the book, the authors seriously tell how to act in the event of an attack by aliens, and also analyze the possibilities of repelling an attack from outside.

The UK is gearing up for space invasion, and this is confirmed by the former employee of the Ministry of Defense Nick Pope, an interview with which caused a great resonance. Pope said he had previously worked as a UFO researcher and his country has a full set of tools to suppress aggression from space, if any. The former military man did not specify what these funds were, he only said that their description would be “top secret” for another fifteen years.

Professor of paleobiology at the University of Cambridge Simon Conway Morris, like many of his colleagues around the world, believes that aliens who can theoretically visit Earth will be hostile a priori. According to Morris, aliens are generally identical to humans, so they simply must have the same passion for oppressing newly discovered peoples.

The first to panic were scientists from the SETI research center, which is also engaged in listening to space in order to search for possible radio signals from intelligent beings. At some point, they discovered that objects were approaching the Earth, possibly being alien ships. agitated public consciousness information quickly disappeared from the news feeds. However, in a number of developed countries of the world, governments launched a whole campaign to prepare the population for the landing of aliens. The British The Guardian published an article with the shocking title "Aliens can destroy humanity." The newspaper provided links to fairly competent sources, such as NASA reports and reports of a number of serious scientists.

The conclusions reached by the authors of the article disappointing: if desired, the aliens can help us make a technological breakthrough, or they can, if they want, destroy humanity or use it as food. It is interesting to note that the very next day a refutation appeared in the newspaper, and NASA officials said that they had nothing to do with the report on aliens and the dangers associated with them, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

The famous portal also distinguished itself Wikileaks hosting various secret documents. His publications confirmed that there are alien scouts on Earth, and three huge alien ships have passed the orbit of the Sun and are moving towards Earth.

Be that as it may, but so far no expansion of aliens has occurred. Maybe the danger has passed? It is difficult to draw any conclusions and forecasts on this score, there can be many versions. For example, the governments of the largest countries in the world could collude with the envoys of other planets.

But probably, aliens they considered that they were not interested in us either as partners, or even as food, and flew past. Or maybe everything is just beginning, and we will soon hear on television: “Attention, a special message! Landed on earth spaceship another civilization." How to know?

UFO Invasion of Earth Hidden Truth!

Attention: the text of the article contains spoilers for the detective thriller Anish Chaganti "Search" (2018).

Many people think that "Search" is just a movie about how John Cho is looking for his missing daughter, sitting at the computer. But now we will tell you that this is also a movie…. about the alien invasion.

Cho, who plays David, searches for his daughter using email, Facebook, and instant messengers, but something else is going on in the background. Clues are scattered in the videos, comments and news that David's screen is full of. The filmmakers left many hints of a full-scale alien invasion taking place during the protagonist's personal drama.

“Like most great ideas, it all started with a joke,” he told the portal. io9 Sev Oganyan, co-author and producer of Poisk. He also revealed that The Search originally had only 117 pages, but later he and colleague Anish Chaganti realized that the script would have to be rewritten for the film to be played online. And that means making it 10 times longer.

“The joke was that since we still had to come up with a lot of new things, we decided to use the background of the film to tell another, completely separate story,” Ohanyan continues in his interview. “Something really crazy. Like an alien invasion. How do you like that? Anish just laughed at the idea. Then I got offended and said: “No, seriously, Anish! What if we really do it?” Anish laughed even louder. And I said, “I really think we should create that backdrop for the main story in The Search. Then Anish stopped laughing. I don't think he's laughed at all since then."

According to Oganyan, the most big problem was to tell a massive Hollywood invasion story using nothing but headlines, Facebook comments, and hashtags. We also had to make sure that this line fit into the main plot of The Quest. To do this, the creators used tables. Here is a translation of a fragment of one of them:

“You see a table, each chapter of which is associated with a particular scene. All photos were created in Photoshop. We took a picture of the White House from our editor, Nick Johnson, who traveled to Washington a few years ago. In the process of making the film, the invasion line changed slightly, but in the end it turned out even better than we expected. I remember the first comments on Reddit that led to viewers going to rewatches and posting about our film. I was very touched,” says Oganyan.

And while The Search ends without completing the invasion story, Ohanian is happy that it keeps fans watching the movie over and over again. Which, of course, sets the bar high for new projects.

“Now our team in the same composition is working on a new film. It's called "Running" - says Oganyan. “I promise you that our love for Easter eggs is as strong as ever. We're planning a cool reference to "Search", and "Search" might already have a reference to "Run". But don't expect an alien invasion to affect the upcoming movie in any way. It was just a joke, and will not lead to a sequel. I swear."

You can watch the full English-language video with other Poisk Easter eggs.

The author of the theory is Nick Pope. The ufologist's version is ambiguous and leaves many questions unanswered. However, scientists and experts in the field of military weapons are in a hurry to reassure members of the public that everything is not so sad. Science and modern technologies are able to fix a possible UFO flight and protect our planet from its a priori invasion.

The network has information that the British ufologist and former US Air Force officer Nick Pope warned the inhabitants of the United Kingdom about the alien invasion. In an interview with The Sun magazine, the alien theorist urged the British and American governments to come up with a joint plan to save humanity. The relevant ministries of defense of the countries will help the highest government instance in this. Pope claims that the aliens will initially attack the United States, then Britain, and Europe is next in line. In order to neutralize the common enemy, the ufologist is now calling for the development of a plan to combat the alien enemy.

Ufologist claims that by the end of the year alien ships land on the surface of the earth. Nick Pope considers it quite appropriate to use even nuclear weapon in its arsenal, as well as the introduction of biological weapons and cosmic energy in the fight against the enemy. The option of using the resources of NATO and the UN is possible, the ufologist believes. However, the tabloid reports that, despite the statements of the ufologist, such an attack is unlikely. The ufologist suggests that there is a strong possibility that Britain will not be able to resist its alien enemy.

“I based my document on the declassified plans for the Iraq war, as well as my own knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This is just that strategic document top level, which politicians and high-ranking officials need to make very fast and important decisions, ”quotes Pope Express. However, the tabloid reports that NASA representatives do not exclude the possibility of the existence of life outside the Earth. However, scientists predict a meeting of humanity with aliens in the form scientific research, not the UFO invasion of Earth. Ignoring the data of the Nasovites, Pope continues to assert that we are talking about aggression from the aliens.

“There is no government plan to deal with the alien invasion. Aliens who are able to get to Earth will obviously have more technologically advanced weapons. Therefore, the war for humanity should be the last step in resolving the conflict with representatives of an alien civilization. We can only speculate about what technology they (the aliens) might have and what weapons they might use. I hope that if aliens arrive on Earth, they will have research purposes, but do not wishful thinking,” added the British ufologist. Nick Pope said that the aliens will arrive on our planet with the aim of enslaving humanity. They will be some kind of slave traders who aim to use the material and mental resources of our civilization. “The biggest and perhaps the only thing we can do to protect ourselves is to admit that this is a real problem for us. When NASA and other agencies openly report the possibilities of alien life, we can no longer take it as science fiction information. Is it really hard to believe that we cannot be alone, and there can be civilizations much older than ours, and therefore more advanced? ”, Express quotes Nick Pope.

“Based on my experiences in the MoD, I have created a war plan that reflects how the British government is likely to respond to an extraterrestrial attack. Despite the fact that my plan was “hacked” and it is not a real government document, we need to do everything to protect ourselves in the event of an alien attack, ”the British tabloid The Sun quotes the ufologist.

According to The Sun, for the first time, the alien invasion will be talked about on a scientific level after the Hubble telescope records the flight of an object. At the same time, ultra-sensitive instruments such as Jodrell Bank and RAF Fylingdales can very well detect UFOs. “Any UK military response is likely to be part of an international coalition, possibly led by the United States and including NATO. Leadership for military action will come from the United Nations and other international bodies to counter attack on sovereign nations,” says author George Harrison. The UK Army currently has the latest weapons in the form of Eurofighter Typoons and Meteor and Sea Viper missiles and Type 45 destroyers.