The ideal tourist in English with translation. Project in English "ideal tourist". Other questions from the category

An ideal tourist Travel to Europe Botaeva V eronika

Europe is a hot favorite destination spot for tourists. You can travel to Europe anytime you want. There are many marvelous places in Europe. To name few are Chamonix, Prague, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, and Norway. All these cities are covered with ski resorts, castle, beautiful bridges, and snow sports areas like snowboarding, skiing etc. Besides there are aesthetic mountains, hills and small shops decked with your favorite things. It's really a different experience to visit Europe during winters. You can enjoy snowshoeing, ice fishing, reindeer ride and many others.

Like there are few best places to visit Europe during winter, there are also few good places to visit during summer. Few of them are London, Vienna, Barcelona, ​​Dublin, Venice, Paris, Athens, Helsinki, and Lisbon. Europe is also rich in culture and heritage. It has many ancient monuments, lovely shops, museum, park like marina and Guel , decent theaters and galleries. Few museum renowneds are British museums, natural history museums etc. all the countries are decorated beautifully. Everyone has something stored in it to see and enjoy. Even the little shops and castles are beautifully designed and litter up. May be this is the reason why European countries is like a city of dreams to everyone. It's really an excellent place for your relaxation.

The best part to travel in European countries like US, Canada is to travel by train. European countries have a very good railway network spread all over. Most of the people in Europe prefer traveling by train rather than airways, shipping etc. compared to North American railways the European trains are cheaper, environmental friendly, punctual and have high speed. It requires less fuel compared to car and airways. Even if you book in advance they will cost you less

If you want to travel to European countries like Canada, US etc. it can be a bit expensive for. Travel through airways to Europe places like France, Rome, Paris, London etc. are bit higher. Students can travel to Europe at a discount rate through a consolidator ticket. For this, they have to contact wholesale dealer or travel agency

Therefore, I suggest shoulder time is the best time to visit Europe. There will be less people and even the accommodation, transportation cost will be reduced.

So what are you waiting for if you have not visit Europe yet make it as your next holiday destination. You can get avail of the travel tickets through internet or online. Not only ticket you can also book accommodation hotel, guest house, lodge etc.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and is also known as the "city of angels". Very few are aware that Bangkok began as a small trading center and port community.

While Bangkok signifies many things to many people, it is considered a shopping haven for most! Siam Square is central Bangkok's famous shopping district, which has several large malls and side shops storing both local and international brands. Shopping in Bangkok is thrilling because you seem to be able to find whatever you want. The hustle of the street markets is what grabs your attention though. Here, you will get anything from gorgeous antiques to the latest mobile phones and designer jewelery. It is advisable to polish your bargaining skills, as it is something that will be of good use while street shopping! many things to many people, it is considered a shopping haven for most! Siam Square is central Bangkok's famous shopping district, which has several large malls and side shops storing both local and international brands. Shopping in Bangkok is thrilling because you seem to be able to find whatever you want. The hustle of the street markets is what grabs your attention though. Here, you will get anything from gorgeous antiques to the latest mobile phones and designer jewelery. It is advisable to polish your bargaining skills, as it is something that will be of good use while street shopping!

Bangkok is listed among the top 20 tourist hotspots in the world, with a majority of the foreign tourists arriving in Bangkok. There's more to Bangkok than meets the eye, where there is a confluence of ancient art history and modern high-rises. Beautifully designed temples are all over Bangkok with Wat Phra Kaew and Wat Pho being the two most fantastic. Other famous tourist destinations within Bangkok are the national museum, Temple Mount, the Grand Palace, the Dusit Hall and the Zoo. Bangkok is listed among the top 20 tourist hotspots in the world, with a majority of the foreign tourists arriving in Bangkok. There's more to Bangkok than meets the eye, where there is a confluence of ancient art history and modern high-rises. Beautifully designed temples are all over Bangkok with Wat Phra Kaew and Wat Pho being the two most fantastic. Other famous tourist destinations within Bangkok are the national museum, Temple Mount, the Grand Palace, the Dusit Hall and the Zoo.

Apart from 24 hour shopping and crowded tourist sites, Bangkok also offers a lot more. As a tourist visiting Bangkok, you can arrange for a guide or join a tour so that you are guided around the other attractive tourist sites. Two of the famous tourist sites are Sukhumvit road and Khao San Road.

Another famous place to visit while in Bangkok is the Floating Market. It is a must-see, as you sit in long tail boats as they guide you through all their wares. The floating market is worth all the noise and the chaos and is a one hour "s drive southwest of Bangkok. Other places to visit are the Koh Kret, which is a small island on the Chao Phraya River and takes you away from the busy central Bangkok.

Writing a short while the full definition of "tourism", by the diversity of his functions, and a large number of forms of expression, it is difficult. In the development of the different interpretations given to the term and each of them represents one or another aspect of tourism. The basic criteria for the definition of "tourism" are the following:
Changing places: moving to a place that is beyond the daily environment.
Stay in another place, the seat should not be a place of permanent or long-term stays (12 months or more).
Payment activity in the visited location to travel should not be implementing an activity remunerated from within the place visited, or employment (wages).
Modern tourism is impossible without the tourist activity on the production of the product: special clothing, equipment, hotels, travel agencies, transportation, etc., etc. However, in the proposed definitions of these activities are currently not reflected.
Since recreational resources are distributed unevenly in the world, more and more people on a journey with recreational purposes and motives. These recreational travel (medical, health, educational, sports) became the basis for the development of recreational tourism. Recreational aspects are always present in the types of tourism business (business tourism, congress tourism, shopping tourism).
The tourism business in the market can be made in the presence of four major components: capital, technology, human resources, recreational resources. This means that, having enough capital to purchase frames, technology, and engage in tourism. To do this, select a place where there are recreational resources, or, if there is no place, then create it. This is one of the specific features of tourism business in the marketplace. Since the fourth component - recreational resources - is the cheapest, then generally it determines the high profitability of the tourist business. If tourism is associated with the creation of the tourist resource, the cost of the tourist product increases dramatically.

Costumed knights festival, USA
Under the recreational resources to understand - a set of natural and artificial man-made objects that are suitable for a tourist product. Generally, recreational resources determine the formation of tourist business in a particular region. These resources have the following main characteristics: attractiveness (attractiveness), climatic conditions, accessibility, level of study, excursions importance of socio-demographic characteristics, potential reserves, how to use, etc., these resources are used for recreation, tourism, sport and educational purposes.
Recreational resources can be subdivided into natural and socio-economic (social and cultural).
Natural tourism resources are classified:
by belonging to certain components of the natural environment (climate, water, forest, etc.).
by function (health, cognitive).
by issyakaemosti (running dry: the objects of hunting, fishing and inexhaustible: the sun, sea water).
for Sustainability (renewable: plants, animals, and non-renewable: mud, cultural sites).
Socio-economic resources are:
cultural and historic sites (monuments and memorials, museums, architectural ensembles).
cultural and historical phenomenon (ethnographic, religious).
economic (financial, infrastructure, labor).
Despite its social and humane role tourism alters the environment. Reducing damage to the environment of the tourism industry is regulated at the national and international levels through environmental education, tax regulations, restrictions tourist and recreational pressure on natural resources, etc.
Thus, recreational resources are considered as one of the factors in the development of tourism and the basis for production planning tourism product.



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The ideal tourist is a person who just really wants to relax. Who dreams of traveling. And it doesn't matter how much he is willing to spend on the trip. The main thing is that he should have a desire to relax, go somewhere, see something, learn something new. Then he becomes the ideal tourist.

The ideal tourist is a person who just really wants to relax. Who dreams of traveling. And it doesn't matter how much he is willing to spend on the trip. The main thing is that he should have a desire to relax, go somewhere, see something, learn something new. Then he becomes the ideal tourist.

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Results (English) 1:

Ideal tourist is a person who just really wants to relax. Who dreams of traveling. And no matter how much he is willing to spend on travel. The main thing is that he had a desire to take a break, somewhere to go, something to show, learn something new. Then he becomes a perfect tourist.

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