What to do to quickly awaken clairvoyance. An amazing gift is clairvoyance. How to develop clairvoyance on your own? Effective methods and recommendations. How is a person trained in clairvoyance?

moola bandha- This is a well-known yoga exercise, when the muscles of the anus are contracted by force of will. It is similar to the natural contraction of muscles when a bowel movement stops. Only when performing Mula bandha, you need to continue the movement, as if pulling the middle of the anus up and feel this movement along the spine. Another option is to extend the tension forward through the perineum to the genitals. In some schools, working with the muscles of the anus is called Ashwini mudra. And when they talk about Mula bandha, they mean only work with the perineal muscle, or Qi muscle, in the tradition of Taoist Yoga. Mula bandha practice consists of three stages. At the first stage - work at the physical level with the muscles. On the second - muscle contraction is rhythmically synchronized with the pulse of the heart. On the third - you need to feel the beating of the pulse in the Muladhara region without physical impact, without compression and relaxation. Do not pay much attention to discrepancies and terms. Start working, and after a while you will have your own feelings, your own knowledge.

Mula bandha technique

Main variant. Please sit with a straight back in any position that is comfortable for you. Put your hands on your hips. Feel with your buttocks and anus the seat of a chair or the floor. Inhale half the volume of the lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly squeeze the anus with as much force as possible. Pull the muscles of the anus from the periphery of the circle to the center and up. Hold the tension on the held breath for as long as you can. Then relax the pelvic muscles, take a small and short breath and exhale gently. Another continuation is possible after you have inhaled and contracted the muscles of the anus. Women can extend the force forward from the anus to Vijayna, and men to the scrotum. There are special female and male modifications of the exercise.

When doing Mula bandha, we are dealing with energy and two muscle groups. The sphincter muscle, tightly surrounding the anus, contracts inward. The second muscle lies behind the sphincter muscle. This is a muscle that lifts or pulls the anus up. The Latin name for the muscle is "levator ani". By doing Mula bandha in this way, one can feel its action in all parts of the perineum. In women, the anus and Vijaina are girdled by the same muscle. It represents the number 8. The bridge of this muscle, the seat of the pereneum, is the seat of the mystical Qi muscle in the Taoist tradition. Having realized the location of the muscles, it is possible to achieve a reduction in individual sections of the figure eight. These are the muscles of the anus, Vijaina and pereneum.

Mula Bandha - First female version

While inhaling, squeeze the anus strongly, as when stopping a bowel movement, and then direct not so much with the muscles, but rather with an effort of will or visualization, the energy upwards. Hold the contraction until a shiver appears and goosebumps run down the back. At the same time, one must imagine how, from this movement, the energy of Muladhara quickly rises up the spine. You can feel it at the base of the skull or the root of the tongue. Maybe you will feel that there is more saliva in your mouth, and it has become sweetish in taste. This is also a sign of the movement of sexual energy up the spine. As you exhale, relax all the muscles involved in the process. Repeat 5-7 times. Pleasant warmth may appear in the pelvis and lower back.

Mula Bandha - Second female version

The exercise is performed while standing, feet shoulder-width apart. At the beginning of the practice, you can put your palms on your buttocks. Without moving the legs, while inhaling firmly squeeze the buttocks, squeeze the anus and pull it up. The lower part of the body may also be tense. The top one should be free. Squeeze Vijaina's muscles and feel the clitoris push forward. Be aware and feel the muscles surrounding the clitoris. Contract and relax them for one minute. Relax and see what is happening in your Vijaina. Do this exercise several times a day. This exercise is so powerful that it sometimes causes the awakening of the Kundalini. There have been cases of entering an altered state of consciousness after practicing this exercise in seminars.

Mula bandha for men

In men, Mula Bandha strengthens the main muscle that holds the Lingam up. This muscle runs throughout the Lingam below and is attached at its base to the pelvic bones. To train this muscle, one more is added to the usual version of the Mula bandha of the tantrikas. They do the exercise when the Lingam is about 50% excited.

The basic technique for performing mula bandha. The initial stage of the exercise is performed in the same way as the main version: sitting with a straight back, hands on hips. Feel the floor or seat of a chair with your buttocks and bring your attention to your anus. Inhale half the volume of the lungs, swallow saliva and hold your breath. Slowly contract your anus muscles to your limits. Spread the tension from the anus along the underside of the Lingam forward and upward. You need to feel how the scrotum, together with the testicles, rose up. Hold tension for as long as possible. Take an additional small breath, relax all the involved muscles and exhale completely calmly.

Sit down, straighten your back and squeeze the muscles of the pelvic region. These muscles include the muscles of the genital organs, the anus and the muscles of the perineum between them. In fact, only the muscles of the perineum need to be tensed, but since an untrained person is usually not able to control individual muscles in his body, start practicing by tensing all the muscles. Over time, you will be able to control them separately.

As you tense your perineal muscles, feel your perineum pull inward into your pelvic region.


During execution, it is important to concentrate on the area of ​​​​muladhara - the chakra, that is, focus on those muscles that are tense.

Effect on physiology

The main effect is to prevent any diseases of the human genitourinary system. Mula bandha is used in medicine and is known as the Kegel Exercise. It is recommended for the prevention of genitourinary diseases, including urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, prostatitis, hemorrhoids. Also, mula-badha is recommended for pregnant women to train the muscles of the walls of the vagina on the eve of childbirth.

Impact on internal energy

Mula bandha is designed to awaken the dormant energy of Shakti-Kundalini, which is awakened by the heat inside your body that appears when you perform bantha. During the exercise, apana prana changes the direction of its flow and remains in your body, and does not leave it, flowing down, as it normally does.

During the practice of bandha, a powerful surge of apana energy is created in the central channel of sushumna. This process affects the purification of the physical and mental state of the body.

Impact on consciousness

Mula bandha has a cleansing effect on the mind. Thanks to bandha, a person is able to get rid of uncontrollable sexual impulses and outbursts of aggression.

By practicing moola bandha, you will be able to control your emotional and sexual outbursts, become purposeful and collected.


Mula bandha is not recommended for people with problems of the cardiovascular system and hypertensive patients. When performing mula bandha, blood pressure first decreases, but when the head is raised, the so-called release of the chin lock, the heartbeat can become very frequent, which will negatively affect well-being.

Yoga therapy. A New Look at Traditional Yoga Therapy by Swami Sivananda

26. Mula bandha mudra

26. Mula bandha mudra

The practice of Mula bandha as a technique “built into” the practice of other exercises has been discussed above in sufficient detail. Here is a description of Mula Bandha as a separate exercise, which not only has an extremely beneficial effect on all organs of the sexual sphere, but also allows you to properly understand the technical aspects of Mula Bandha as a means of controlling ascending pranic flows.

"Mula" - root, source, beginning.

Above the perineum inside the pelvis is the formation of the energy body, called "Kanda" - an egg. This is a small egg-shaped space from which all Nadis begin - the channels of the energy body. By contracting Kanda, prana is forced out into the channels, which causes the flows in them to increase. This manipulation is carried out by contraction of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is called Mula-dhara-mudra - the lock of the root stream.

Mula-dhara-mudra is the central part of Mula-bandha. In addition, Mula Bandha also includes its back part - Ashwini Mudra and the front part - Vajroli Mudra, combined with retraction and tension of the lower front wall of the abdomen.

Mula-dhara-mudra stimulates the root flow, which is distributed evenly through all the channels of the subtle body.

Vajroli mudra - contraction of the sphincter of the bladder with pulling the penis up by contraction of the abdominal muscles without pressing them against the spine - stimulates the upward flow in front of the middle ring.

Ashwini mudra stimulates the upward flow in the volume of the subtle body and in the back of the middle ring. Combined with Vajroli mudra and pressing the muscles of the lower abdomen to the back, Ashwini mudra concentrates the flow in the back of the middle ring.

In combination with Vajroli Mudra and Ashvini Mudra, Muladhara Mudra directs the flow into the three main inner channels - central, left and right - respectively, Sushumna, Ida and Pingala.

Thus, full Mula bandha, compressing Kanda from all sides, causes prana to rise up through all four main channels - central, right, left, front middle and back middle, reaching Aham-granthi and Mahat-granthi. After the muscles, by means of which the Mula Bandha is performed, are relaxed, the prana from the head is directed downward, distributed throughout the body and accumulated in the lower abdomen - in the area of ​​​​the vortex of the Manipura Chakra, from where the energy can be taken directly and used without additional processing on any level of the subtle body - this is the quality of the energy of Manipura (it determines the function of Manipura as the main repository and source of life force).

Thus, the practice of Mulabandha mudra collects the energies of all (lower levels, of which the most powerful is sexual energy), lifts it up, modulates it with subtle vibrations of the upper chakras, thereby changing its “informational” quality, and then concentrates it in the form of creative life energy into a repository of personal power, from where it can be taken for direct use by any system whose energy potential has been damaged for any reason.

Execution technique. Sit in Padmasana or any other meditative posture. Exhale completely. Suspending breathing after exhalation, perform Vajroli Mudra, contracting the sphincter of the bladder and pulling the sexual organ up, as in Maha Bandha Mudra.

Inhaling slowly, perform Ashwini mudra and tighten the lower part (the front wall of the abdomen, pressing it to the back. At the same time, tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor.

The general movement should be aimed at compressing the intrapelvic space and, as it were, “displacing” its contents upwards. Having taken a full breath, you should perform Jalandhara-bandha - stretching your neck up to the top of your head, press your chin to the infra-jaw notch - and, stopping breathing, but not blocking the glottis, tighten all the muscles below even more, squeezing Kanda as tightly as possible in the lower part of the intrapelvic space.

Start exhaling. Remove Jalandhara Bandha. Relax everything with a slow exhale. At first, respiratory arrest may not be practiced, as this sometimes causes undesirable consequences, adversely affecting the functioning of the heart.

As the Mula Bandha is mastered, the pause after inhalation can be slightly increased. It is advisable to wait for the moment when the feeling of the ascending flow of prana fills the head. Then it will be very easy to control its downward movement during exhalation and the collection of prana in the abdomen.

For beginners, the practice of this mudra should be limited to only ten repetitions in the morning and evening. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20 twice a day.

Action. Promotes the accumulation, purification and transformation of sexual energy, gaining control over sexual impulses. Eliminates constipation and all the troubles associated with them - hemorrhoids, sperm incontinence, excessive sexual excitability with a lack of sexual strength, loss of appetite, etc.

Yogis claim that the regular practice of Mula Bandha Mudra allows you to keep the body youthful to a very, very old age.

[With regular practice, Mula Bandha Mudra ensures the accumulation of prana in the abdomen - the location of the main vortex. If, with the help of inverted asanas and mudras, the direction of rotation of this vortex is reversed, the accumulation of energy in this area gives additional inertia to the rotation of the vortex and increases its speed. As a result, the aging process of the body slows down to an even greater extent than with the practice of inverted asanas, not supported by the performance of Mula Bandha Mudra.]

This text is an introductory piece.

Theme 4 Bandhas. Mula Bandha In this lesson, we introduced you to the first of the human chakras - muladhara (1). In kriya yoga, one must be able to easily and accurately find the physical location of the activation point of this chakra. A good way to do this would be to do

Maha-bandha, Maha-vedha and Maha-mudra are the keys to the practice of transforming sexual energy into life force Maha-bandha, Maha-vedha and Maha-mudra are three very special (exercises that are always described together and are, in fact,

17. Maha-bandha-mudra - the symbol of the great castle Maha-bandha is a very specific exercise that prevents the leakage of sexual energy and allows you to redistribute it, directing it to eliminate " weaknesses" in subtle body. Given the fact that sexual energy

38. Uddiyana-bandha-mudra - a symbol of ascending flight This exercise should be treated with special attention and be sure to master it. Uddiyana-bandha is the most important and powerful of the bandhas - energy locks. Technique. Starting position - standing,

Mula Bandha Poses for performing Mula Bandha - standing or sitting in a lightning pose (Vajrasana). The main thing in this case is a straight back. Performing Mula Bandha, men press their heels on the perineum between the anus and scrotum, women on the vestibule of the vagina. Practice it more effectively

Chapter 2. Mula-bandha The word "mula" in Sanskrit means "a root firmly attached; the source of the cause, the basis, the base; the lowest part." "Bandha" also means "lock, clamp, close, lock". The phrase "mula bandha" means contraction of the mooladhara chakra,

Practical part Chapter 9. Mula bandha as component yoga practice It is very important that a person practicing yoga perceives mula bandha in combination with other yogic practices. According to tradition, along with the mula bandha, the student masters the following aspects

Chapter 10. Mula-bandha-sadhana The technique of performing mula-bandha is quite simple. In this section you will find short, clear and understandable instructions. Mula bandha can also be an integral part of many yogic techniques. In this book, we have included only those exercises that Mula bandha (perineal lock) Sit in meditation posture (knees should be firmly on the floor). The best poses are siddhasana, siddha yoni asana, or mulabandhasana (more difficult) because in these poses the heels rest against the perineum, contributing to the bandha.

Chapter three. MUDRA AND BANDHA Shloka 1. Kundalini is the basis of yoga practices As the snake (Sheshnaga) supports the earth and all its mountains and forests, so kundalini is the support of all yoga practices. The concept of kundalini is the basis of tantra and yoga. Kundalini yoga is

Mula Bandha How can mula bandha help you? If you do not go into details about the chakras and vital energies, then with its help the nerves and muscles of the pelvic region are stimulated, the sphincter muscles of the anus are strengthened and intestinal motility is activated, which contributes to

Mula bandha (closing the root) “Mula” is translated as “root”, “base”, “source”, “cause.” Sitting in Padmasana, strongly contract the anal muscle so that the compressed anus rises and effortlessly reaches the base of the pelvic plexus to 3 channels of energy

The proposed training and practice will be divided into 3 stages

(1) preparation and "contact" with the third eye or ajna chakra,

(2) activating it, and directly,

(3) management of its work.

With each stage there is an increase in the complexity of practices.

Step by step practice is a must!

That is, you need to start with mastering and practicing the first stage, then move on to the second and then to the third. Otherwise, you simply will not get the desired results, or you will not get what you expected at all.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises and practices offered in this section are not a set of random techniques from different resources, but a generalized base of exercises that has been analyzed and collected for more than ONE YEAR. This may seem strange, given the small volume of the section, but nevertheless, it is true.

In this section, that the work that you are going to do using this manual is a serious, esoteric and spiritually advanced path that can significantly affect the psyche and worldview of a person.

First stage. Practical course "Clairvoyance and the opening of the third eye"

This stage is devoted to the basic practical skills of "contact" with the third eye chakra. The purpose of the stage is to learn to feel the chakra and visualize it (mentally imagine). Despite the simplicity of the stage, it will be quite difficult for many to do this. The location of the third eye chakra is between the eyebrows, a place on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Perhaps some of you have already experienced similar sensations - a feeling of fullness in this area or a slight "stirring", like a breath of breeze. This could also happen during the usual reading of literature on esoteric topics.

It is important to learn to control this feeling. The stage can be considered passed if you learn to freely concentrate on this area at any time and feel it, a feeling of light pressure or fullness in it.

Exercise 1.

Assume a calm, comfortable meditative posture. Discard unnecessary thoughts. Next, you need to focus on the area between the eyebrows and try to feel this area. Perhaps someone will immediately feel a feeling of light pressure - this is a good sign. If you find it difficult to feel this area and concentrate on it - help yourself, rub the place on your forehead between the eyebrows with your knuckles. As an option for the first time, use some kind of adhesive material that can be glued to the indicated area in order to better feel it. Maintain concentration on the indicated area for as long as you can.

Positive signs will be considered a feeling of fullness, pressure, "stirring" of air in the area between the eyebrows. For some individuals, this practice can already cause paranormal activity and manifestations of the chakra, this can be expressed in the appearance of some kind of visions, flashes of light, or even involuntary astral exits. If this happens, gently stop the exercise until the next day.

It is recommended to perform this exercise as often as possible, including in your free time. Terms can be limited with experience. The color of the chakra is sky blue or blue. Rotation is counterclockwise. Target images are a ball of blue radiant energy, an energy funnel, a clot of light.

At this stage, you also need to learn how to visualize the third eye chakra, i.e. its figurative representation. Let me remind you that these two points are very important for further practice - sensation and visualization. Be sure to work out the proposed exercises to the maximum possible perfection.

Exercise 2.

Take a comfortable position, sit down, relax, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Close your eyes and try to raise them and look at the area between the eyebrows. Of course, do it carefully, you don’t need to look up your eyes in an incomprehensible direction or try to bulge them to the point of pain. All you need is to slightly raise your gaze to the area between the eyebrows, while the eyes are closed. Feel the area between the eyebrows, as you did in the previous exercise.
Observe the sensations.

Try to imagine any of the above images - a bright blue energy ball, a clot of light, a solar disk - whichever is more convenient for you. Mentally transfer it to the area between the eyebrows, reducing the image to the size of a walnut. It may be difficult for you to do this right away, in which case you can imagine yourself from the side and impose an image on the interbrow of your imaginary self. Keep visualizing for as long as possible - a ball of light in the area between the eyebrows.

You will have to work thoroughly with this exercise, it is quite difficult for beginners to master, besides, many may have problems with visualization (imagination of the image). Look for good pictures or images on the Internet and use them in your practice. The criterion for a successful exercise can be considered the appearance of a feeling of lightness, some euphoria, an increase in energy.

Exercise 3

Recommended for those who may have problems with visualization (figurative representation). For this you will need a candle. Lightly darken the room. Light a candle. Take a comfortable meditative position, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. With a calm look, contemplate the flame of a candle. Spend about 5 minutes contemplating. Then close your eyes. A bright image from the flame of a candle, left in the imagination and on the retina of the eye, mentally transfer to the area between the eyebrows, presenting it as a clot of bright energy or a ball, or like a funnel. Save the visualization for as long as possible. Then open your eyes, shake, wash your face. The exercise is over.

TIP: Useful for this stage, as well as for preparing for the development of clairvoyance, are ways to improve cerebral circulation. For this purpose, a regular massage or self-massage of the head and neck and shoulder girdle will cope.

If you smoke, drink alcohol, or like rich, fatty foods, all this will be a serious hindrance to your practical work. It is important to monitor and maintain the cleanliness of the vessels, especially the vessels of the brain, in order to provide the brain with sufficient blood supply and nutrition.

1st stage completed. The suggested exercises are recommended to be practiced regularly. Without having received clear skills from this stage, it will be difficult to proceed further. Practice the exercises carefully, try to achieve perfection in their performance.

The approximate turnaround time for this stage is 1-2 weeks on average.

Second phase. Practical course "Clairvoyance and the opening of the third eye"

This stage will be devoted to techniques of energy activation, purification, removal of blocks that interfere with the manifestation of clairvoyance, active techniques that contribute to the development of the third eye chakra.

Exercise 1. "Energy Breathing"

One of the simplest and most effective exercises to control the flow of energy through the third eye chakra. All you need is to take a comfortable position, relax, concentrate on the practice. Visualize or feel the area between the eyebrows, imagine a ball of energy there, as you did in the previous exercises.

Next, you need to concentrate on your breathing, inhale - exhale. As you inhale, imagine clean energy, coming from space fills the ball-chakra, expanding it, and on exhalation it leaves the chakra back into space. The time to complete the exercise is up to 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to visualize (represent figuratively) or feel the sensations, breathe not with the nose, but with the energy center.

Similar exercises are often found in the network in a single form, i.e. as an independent tool for the development and activation of selected chakras. We suggest performing it in combination with other exercises of this stage, in order to achieve a faster and more harmonious effect.

Exercise 2. "Energy pyramid"

Similar to the first exercise, and performed almost the same way. Get ready for practice, sit comfortably, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts.

Rub your palms together and slowly spread apart, feeling the energy resistance between them, creating an energy ball. For some time, concentrate on your breathing, imagining how you take energy from the surrounding space while inhaling, and as you exhale, fill the ball between your palms with it, until you feel fullness, filling. Then you need to make your palms into a triangle (fingers touching, palms apart), and place them in the area between the eyebrows, so that the third eye chakra is its base. Do the same, forming an energy ball between the palms, use the breath. With the difference that in this case you fill with energy and condense the ajna chakra.

Exercise 3. "Removing blocks"

This simple exercise aims to visually work to remove energy blocks that interfere with the development of your clairvoyance and activation of the third eye chakra.

Take a pose for practice, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Feel and visualize the area between the eyebrows. Then, using the fingers of your right hand and without touching the area between the eyebrows, make a wrapping motion, as if removing a veil from the chakra or removing an energy plug.

The exercise can be diversified with a large number of options, which your imagination will tell you. Here is one of them - press firmly with your fingers on the area between the eyebrows and hold your hand for a while, imagining that you feel a barrier or block in the chakra. Then slowly, very slowly, release the pressure and move your hand away from your forehead, imagining how the obstacle disappears, or you pull out some kind of imaginary clamp.

Exercise 4. "Vision of Light"

This exercise also helps to develop and train in seeing and feeling subtle energies and developing the third eye chakra. You will need a light source (such as the sun or a bright lamp) and a white landscape sheet of paper. The sheet is placed close to the eyes, like a mask. Through it, you need to contemplate a bright light, achieving the creation of a uniform, white light field in front of your eyes.

After some time of such contemplation, the eyes begin to observe bright spots or sparks, concentrate on them. You need to look without straining, with an absent-minded look. Approximate time execution - 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to take the sun as a light source. Another variation of the exercise is to look at the sky during the day. The look is scattered. Notice bright dots or flashes of light that will flicker before your eyes.

Breathing Energy Practices

Many useful breathing exercises are described in yoga treatises, which have no equal in effectiveness. Breathing exercises are generally a very strong practice and useful for self-development. On the this stage two exercises will be given, the regular implementation of which can have a powerful effect in the shortest possible time, even using them as an independent practice. They contribute to a powerful filling of the body with energy and recharging, so it is undesirable to perform them right before bedtime.

For the development and activation of the third eye (Ajna - chakras), it is useful to hold the breath ON THE INHALE.

Exercise 1 a.
Sit comfortably with your spine straight. The most correct will be the lotus position. Relax, get ready to practice. Take a few calm and deep breaths. Then start breathing rhythmically. Take the deepest possible quick breath (three seconds) and immediately exhale as deeply as possible, also quickly (4 seconds).

An important detail - while inhaling, first try to fill the stomach with air, then the chest. Exhale in reverse order. You can do the usual quick exhalation if it is difficult to breathe as indicated, but it is advisable to do the inhalation in this way - first the stomach is filled with air, then the chest. Such inhalation and exhalation are counted as one cycle. There should be no breaks between cycles, as well as between inhalations and exhalations. Sharp inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. Take 10 such breaths. With experience, you can increase to 15-20.

Breathing will be facilitated by slight dizziness - you are actively saturating the body and brain with oxygen. On the last cycle, after exhaling, take the deepest possible breath and hold your breath for as long as you can. During the delay, you can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Then exhale slowly and calmly. You have done 1 set. Such approaches (rhythmic breathing and then air retention) should preferably be done at least 2-3, with short breaks. You can do it in the morning and in the evening. The practice is quite powerful on its own, if available. serious problems with health - not recommended. A certain effect can be felt already on the 3rd day of implementation, even without doing all the previous exercises.

Exercise 1 b

This breathing exercise is more relaxed and can be done after the above. Take a comfortable position, preferably the Lotus position. Take a few deep and calm breaths in and out. During practice, it is desirable to provide an influx of fresh air, and the most optimal way is to train in nature, away from highways. Just open the window (if you do not live on the first floor). Close the right nostril with your finger and inhale through the left, approximately equal to 4 seconds in duration. Hold your breath in the same way for about 4 seconds. Now close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril, similar in time to inhalation and retention. In total, we have a 4-4-4 cycle. Inhale again, already through the right (the left is closed), delay, close the right and exhale through the left. We continue this breathing for 10-15 minutes, closing the nostrils alternately.

With experience, it is desirable to increase the time intervals. While breathing, it will be useful to visualize the chakra and fill it with energy.

Exercise 5. "Candle"

It is believed that the mere contemplation of a candle flame is one of better ways contributing to the development of clairvoyance and the vision of subtle energies. At the same time, it has an excellent harmonizing effect from everything negative. Choose free time ( better evening, in the twilight) and dedicate this exercise. Contemplate the candle flame, watch the rays of light, the blue halo of the flame. Close your eyes, watch the color spots and images that float before your eyes. Duration - no more than 5 minutes. Shake yourself after the exercise, wash your face.

Exercise 5 a. "Lock"

Get on your knees. Make hands in the castle - right hand(palm) clasps the left - like the way men shake hands, your hands should be in the same castle, as if you were shaking hands with yourself. Next, get down on your elbows. The forehead needs to be leaned on the castle of the palms, the back of the left hand to the forehead, so that the approximate center of the palms is at the level of the area between the eyebrows. Close your eyes, focus on the pulsation between the palms. Observe and track any images that will appear before the inner eye. The execution time is approximately 5 minutes.

Exercise 5 b. "Auto-training"

To remove psychological blocks that can also interfere with the development of your clairvoyance, it is useful to periodically use auto-training formulas. Here are some sample options (the rest you can think of yourself, the most suitable for you):

"I am clairvoyant."
"My third eye is open, I see everything I want"
"I see the essence of things"

Exercise 6

Useful for tuning your third eye will be the already familiar exercises for working out etheric and astral vision. They are quite simple - contemplation of the contour of one's hand against the background of a white sheet, or in twilight, contemplation of a reflection in a mirror in order to see the ethereal areola, and so on, we recommend that you definitely take the Aurovisor course as part of this course. All this will help you tune in to the perception of subtle energy.

Exercise 7

This exercise involves the ability to observe the images that pop up before the eyes in the pre-sleep state. Every time you go to bed, try to stay on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, an uncomfortable position will help to do this, or a hand raised and placed on the elbow, which will fall if you still fall asleep and wake you up.

While in this state, try to observe what will pop up in your mind. It can be vivid images, visions, pictures. Try not to fall into them and observe dispassionately. Emotions and experiences will also be superfluous, it is the position of an impartial observer that is needed and important for you. With experience, you can try to set a "theme" for the performance. Wish to see something specific. Or pretend you've already seen it. Train this ability as much as possible. Considering that each of us sleeps in one way or another every day, you should have such an opportunity anyway)

Third stage. Practical course "Clairvoyance and the opening of the third eye"

This step will be a bit incomplete. It will be devoted to the most difficult thing - controlling what you managed to awaken and activate. Methods of control are very individual, so it is difficult to deduce any specific dogmas. However, a few basic tips will be given.

Exercise 1. "Screen of perception"
Set a specific goal, for example, to see what is behind the wall. It is very important to imagine exactly how it will look like. Imagine a certain screen in front of your eyes, on which the necessary images will pop up. Imagine how it happens. Next, activate the chakra, make contact. Imagine it as a bright clot of light or energy. The eyes are closed. Imagine how the light from the area between the eyebrows falls on the wall, shines through it. Try to look not with your eyes, but “through” the area between the eyebrows, through a clot of light. Slowly open your eyes, trying to keep and concentrate on the link - "eyes - third eye - wall or selected object." With the successful course of the exercise, you will probably be able to see what you need on your “inner screen”. The exercise needs regular practice in order to achieve success in it.

Exercise 2. "Vision in the dark, X-ray vision."
Do exactly the same. Preferably in a darkened room. Establish contact with the chakra, imagine exactly how you will see in the dark, what objects will be in front of you. Close your eyes, look "through" the chakra, which is a bright clot of light. Imagine how its light floods the twilight of the room or room where you train. Gradually open your eyes, keeping the "eyes - third eye - object" connection. After doing the exercises, shake up, wash your face.

In conclusion, a mantra for clairvoyance