Alexander Tvardovsky short biography. Tvardovsky, Alexander Trifonovich - short biography

Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich

Poems by A. T. Tvardovsky

1910 - 1971 Russian poet, editor-in-chief of the magazine " New world"(1950 - 54, 1958 - 70). The poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941 - 45) is a vivid embodiment of the Russian character and popular feelings of the era of the Great Patriotic War. In the poem "For the distance - the distance" (1953 - 60, Lenin Prize, 1961) and lyrics (book "From the lyrics of these years. 1959 - 67)", 1967) - reflections on the movement of time, the artist's duty, life and death. deadening of being. In the final poem-confession "By the Right of Memory" (published in 1987) - the pathos of the uncompromising truth about the time of Stalinism, about the tragic inconsistency of the spiritual world of a person of this time. 1946); prose, critical articles. Tvardovsky's lyrical epic enriched and updated the traditions of Russian classical poetry. USSR State Prizes (1941, 1946, 1947, 1971).


Born on June 8 (21 n.s.) in the village of Zagorye, Smolensk province, in the family of a blacksmith, a literate and even well-read man, in whose house a book was not uncommon. The first acquaintance with Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Nekrasov took place at home, when these books were read aloud on winter evenings. Poems began to write very early. He studied at a rural school. At the age of fourteen, the future poet began to send small notes to the Smolensk newspapers, some of them were printed. Then he ventured to send poetry as well. Isakovsky, who worked in the editorial office of the Rabochy Put newspaper, received the young poet, helped him not only to be published, but also to form as a poet, and influenced him with his poetry.

After graduating from a rural school, the young poet came to Smolensk, but could not get a job, not only to study, but also to work, because he had no specialty. I had to exist "on a penny literary earnings and beat the thresholds of editorial offices." When Svetlov published Tvardovsky's poems in the Moscow magazine Oktyabr, he came to Moscow, but "it turned out to be about the same as with Smolensk."

In the winter of 1930, he again returned to Smolensk, where he spent six years. "It is to these years that I owe my poetic birth," Tvardovsky later said. At this time, he entered the Pedagogical Institute, but left the third year and completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature (MIFLI), where he entered in the fall of 1936.

Tvardovsky's works were published in 1931 - 1933, but he himself believed that only with the poem about collectivization "Country Ant" (1936) did he begin as a writer. The poem was a success with readers and critics. The release of this book changed the life of the poet: he moved to Moscow, graduated from MIFLI in 1939, and published a book of poems, Rural Chronicle.

In 1939 the poet was drafted into the Red Army and participated in the liberation of Western Belarus. With the beginning of the war with Finland, already in the rank of officer, he was a special correspondent for a military newspaper.

During the Great Patriotic War, the poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941 - 45) was written - a vivid embodiment of the Russian character and the nationwide patriotic feeling. According to Tvardovsky, "Terkin was ... my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart talk and a remark to the occasion."

Almost simultaneously with "Terkin" and the poems of the "Frontline Chronicle", the poet began the poem "House by the Road" (1946), completed after the war.

In 1950 - 60, the poem "For the distance - the distance" was written, and in 1967 - 1969 - the poem "By the Right of Memory", which tells the truth about the fate of the poet's father, who became a victim of collectivization, prohibited by censorship, published only in 1987.

Along with poetry, Tvardovsky always wrote prose. In 1947 a book about the past war was published under the general title Motherland and Abroad.

He also showed himself as a deep, insightful critic: the books "Articles and Notes on Literature" (1961), "The Poetry of Mikhail Isakovsky" (1969), articles on the work of S. Marshak, I. Bunin (1965).

For many years, Tvardovsky was the editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine, courageously defending the right to publish every talented work that came to the editorial office. His help and support affected creative biographies such writers as Abramov, Bykov, Aitmatov, Zalygin, Troepolsktsy, Molsaev, Solzhenitsyn and others.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky a truly great Russian poet of the 20th century. His great talent was reflected in numerous poems, prose writings and journalism. In his works, he managed to show the true and sometimes tragic life of the common people, convey the state of mind of Soviet society, and help readers to truly comprehend everything that happens in everyday reality. He witnessed the birth and development of the Soviet country, and as a true patriot of his people, he truthfully described all the historical events taking place.
In the village of Zagorje, located in Smolensk region, June 8, 1910, the future outstanding writer was born - Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Parents were ordinary people, peasants. But still, the father, although he worked as a village blacksmith, was literate and loved to read. Books were not uncommon in their home. And on long winter evenings, the family whiled away the time reading Pushkin, Nekrasov, Lermontov, and others. Therefore, little Alexander showed interest in literature as a child, and then he already tried to compose poetry.
The first place of study at Tvardovsky was a rural school. And at the age of 14, before he had finished his studies, he was already writing his first notes, articles, poems and publishing them in the local newspaper. And in 1926. the future poet begins cooperation with city publishing houses. In one of them, the first selection of poems was published, and a note was published about creative way Tvardovsky himself. Since 1927 he lives and works in Smolensk, as a correspondent. But in 1930. he decides to continue his education, enters the Pedagogical Institute. During his studies, he continues to write poetry.
The very first poem entitled "The Path to Socialism" was published in 1931. But wide popularity came to the poet only in 1936. along with his poem about post-revolutionary village life "Country Ant". Between 1936 and to 1938 collections of poems "The Road", "Rural Chronicle", "About Grandfather Danila" and others were published. As a student, he becomes a famous poet. He is already known in Moscow. Therefore, he was transferred from the Pedagogical Institute in Smolensk to the third year of the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, which he successfully graduated in 1939.

In 1939 Tvardovsky was called to serve in the army, where he spent six years and went through several wars - he was a participant in the Finnish War (1939-40), the Great Patriotic War (1941-45). He went through the war as a war correspondent, wrote essays and poems. It was in 1941. the poet begins to work on the poem "Vasily Terkin", which later brought the well-deserved popularity to the writer. Also at this time, he wrote the poem "I was killed near Rzhev", the poem "House by the Road", in which he talks about the horrors and cruelty of the war.
The poet returns to peaceful topics after the war, talking about people's lives and their dreams. In the period from 1950. to 1960 Tvardovsky works for the Novy Mir magazine. At this time, the poem "For the distance, the distance" was written. And in 1969. - the poem "By the Right of Memory", which revealed the truth about the times of collectivization (the prototype was the story of the dispossession of Tvardovsky's father). But A. Tvardovsky was also known as an excellent prose writer and literary critic. An example of this was his "Articles and Notes on Literature", the book "Motherland and Abroad".
Working as the editor of the magazine, the poet courageously and fairly defended the rights of all talented authors. He helped Solzhenitsyn, Aitmatov, Bykov and others contemporary writers who tells the truth of life in his works. For such activities, Tvardovsky was removed from the post of editor, and his publication was actually closed. He took this twist of fate hard. And in 1971, on December 18, he died of an illness.

Born on June 8 (21 n.s.) 1910 in the village of Zagorye, Smolensk province, in the family of a blacksmith, a literate and even well-read man, in whose house a book was not uncommon. The first acquaintance with Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Nekrasov took place at home, when these books were read aloud on winter evenings. Poems began to write very early. He studied at a rural school. At the age of fourteen, the future poet began to send small notes to the Smolensk newspapers, some of them were printed. Then he ventured to send poetry. M. Isakovsky, who worked in the editorial office of the newspaper "Working Way", received the young poet, helped him not only to be published, but also to form as a poet, influenced him with his poetry.
After graduating from a rural school, he came to Smolensk, but could not get a job, not only to study, but also to work, because he did not have any specialty. I had to exist "on a penny literary earnings and beat the thresholds of editorial offices." When M. Svetlov published Tvardovsky's poems in the Moscow magazine "October", he came to Moscow, but "it turned out approximately the same as with Smolensk."
In the winter of 1930 he returned to Smolensk again, where he spent six years. "It is to these years that I owe my poetic birth," Tvardovsky would later say. At this time, he entered the Pedagogical Institute, but left the third year and completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature (MIFLI), where he entered in the fall of 1936.
Tvardovsky's works were published in 1931 - 33, but he himself believed that only with the poem about collectivization "Country Ant" (1936) did he begin as a writer. The poem was a success with readers and critics. The release of this book changed the life of the poet: he moved to Moscow, graduated from MIFLI in 1939, and published a book of poems, Rural Chronicle.
In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army and participated in the liberation of Western Belarus. With the beginning of the war with Finland, already in the rank of officer, he was in the position of a special correspondent for a military newspaper. During the Patriotic War, he created the poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941 - 45) - a vivid embodiment of the Russian character and the nationwide patriotic feeling. According to Tvardovsky, "Terkin" was ... my lyrics, my journalism, a song and a lesson, an anecdote and a saying, a heart-to-heart talk and a remark to the occasion.
Almost simultaneously with "Terkin" and the poems of the "Frontline Chronicle" he began the poem "House by the Road" (1946), completed after the war.
In 1950 - 60 the poem "For the distance - distance" was written.
Along with poetry, Tvardovsky always wrote prose. In 1947 he published a book about the past war under the general title "Motherland and Abroad".
He also showed himself as a deep, insightful critic: the books "Articles and Notes on Literature" (1961), "The Poetry of Mikhail Isakovsky" (1969), articles on the work of S. Marshak, I. Bunin (1965).
For many years, Tvardovsky was the editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine, courageously defending the right to publish every talented work that came to the editorial office. His help and support was reflected in the creative biographies of such writers as F. Abramov, V. Bykov, Ch. Aitmatov, S. Zalygin, G. Troepolsky, B. Mozhaev, A. Solzhenitsyn and others.
December 18, 1971 A. Tvardovsky died after a serious illness.

1910, 8 (21 N.S.) June. He was born on the farm of the wasteland Stolpovo (village Zagorye) of the Pochinkovskaya volost of the Smolensk province in the family of the blacksmith Trifon Gordeevich and Maria Mitrofanovna Tvardovsky. 1919-1924 He studies at the Lyakhovsky rural school and at the nine-year school in White Hill; did not finish school. 1925 First publication: the poem "New hut" in the newspaper "Smolenskaya village".

1928 Moves to Smolensk.
1931 Marries M.I. Gorelova.
1932 Enters the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute. 1935 Publication of the Collection of Poems. 1930-1935". 1936-1938 Moves to Moscow; entered the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History (MIFLI), from which he graduated in 1939. The poem "Country Ant" was written (1936; State Prize 1941).

1939 Publication of the poetry collection Rural Chronicle. Drafted into the army: as a war correspondent takes part in the Finnish campaign.

1941 The collection "Zagorye" is published.
1941-1945 Work in front-line newspapers; the creation of the poem "Vasily Terkin" (State Prize 1946).
1946 Creation of the poem "Road House".
1947 Publication of the book of essays and stories "Motherland and foreign land". Award Stalin Prize for the poem "Road House".
1950s-1960s Appointed as editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine. Work on the poem "For the distance - the distance."

1961 Collection "Poems from a notebook".
1963 The poem "Terkin in the next world" was written.
1967 Collection “From the lyrics of these years. 1959-1967".
1969 The poem "By the Right of Memory" was created.
December 18, 1971 Died A.T. Tvardovsky; buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Soviet writer and poet, winner of many awards, editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born June 8 (21), 1910 in the Smolensk province on the farm Zagorye in a peasant family. Alexander began to write poetry quite early. At the age of 14, he already left his notes in newspapers. M. V. Isakovsky liked his works, who became a good friend and mentor of the young poet.

In 1931, his first poem appeared in print, entitled "The Path to Socialism." He married M. I. Gorelova, they had two daughters. By that time, the entire family of the writer was dispossessed, and his native farm was burned down. Despite this, he supported collectivization and Stalin's ideas. Since 1938 he became a member of the CPSU (b).

In 1939 he received a diploma from the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History. Then he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, and also participated in Finnish war as a war correspondent. During the years of the Great patriotic war the most famous poem of the writer - "Vasily Terkin" was published. This poem became the embodiment of the Russian character and national patriotism.

In 1946, Tvardovsky finished work on the poem "House by the Road". In the 1960s, the writer wrote the poem "By the Right of Memory", where he told the whole truth about the life of his father and the consequences of collectivization. This poem until 1987 was banned for publication by censors. Along with poetry, the writer was also fond of prose. So, in 1947, his book about the past war "Motherland and Foreign Land" was published. In the 1960s, the poet showed himself as a professional critic and wrote articles about the work of S. Marshak, M. Isakovsky, I. Bunin.