Messing's grave at the Vostryakovsky cemetery. Where is Wolf Messing buried? In cinema and television

This man still remains one of the most mysterious and enigmatic personalities of the last century. Today you will find out where Wolf Grigorievich Messing is buried and why Adolf Hitler placed a reward on his head. Was he a real mentalist or was he just fooling people?


Where Wolf Messing is buried and why the Honored Artist of the RSFSR died will be told a little later, but for now let’s remember where this extraordinary man was born. In the small village of Gura Kalvaria, the devout Gershek raised four sons. The family was poor, and the boys had to work to help their parents. Little Wolf caused a lot of problems with his somnambulism. The father found a good way out of the situation - they placed a basin with cold water in front of the boy’s bed, and lowering his feet to the floor in his sleep, he immersed them in ice water. So over time he got rid of sleepwalking.

The father wanted to make the boy a rabbi and for this he resorted to deception. He hired a tramp who appeared to Wolf in the form of an angel and told him that great things awaited him if he chose this path. However, after several years of study, he escapes to Berlin. On the way, he realizes for the first time that he has hypnosis. Instead of a ticket, he hands the conductor a piece of paper, and at the same time looks into his eyes. The man mistook it for a travel card.

In Berlin

In the capital, the young man had a very bad time: working as a messenger, he could not even earn money for food. After another hungry faint, he was taken to the morgue, where he woke up safely three days later. Psychiatry professor Abel became interested in the unique boy and took him into his home. He successfully teaches Wolf to control his own body and read the thoughts of other people. Soon he was able not only to fall into a lethargic sleep, but also to turn off any painful sensations by force of will.

His first fame came after he became a circus performer. His colleagues hid things in the auditorium, and Messing appeared looking for them and won applause. During the First World War, he traveled all over Europe and returned home. He was already rich and famous, but a great test lay ahead of him. In 1939, the Nazis captured Poland and all the brothers, father and relatives were shot in Majdanek. Wolf managed to leave for the Soviet Union on time.

Not just an artist, but a real Person!

In the union, he continued to perform and demonstrate his psychological experiments. With the money received from the concerts, he was able to sponsor the construction of the Yak-7 fighter. Hero Konstantin Kovalev flew it until the end of the Second World War. Messing became friends with the pilot, and the people appreciated the artist’s patriotic act.

There were more influential people among my acquaintances. Joseph Stalin, although he was skeptical about Messing’s talent, listened to his predictions. In this way he saved the life of his son. Wolf predicted a plane crash, and the Secretary General forbade Vasily to fly with the hockey team. No one survived that disaster.

Under the yoke of power

Messing had, if not friendly, then quite warm relations with Stalin, and his successor became enemy number one for the artist. Nikita Sergeevich took the place of his main enemy. But at the same time I constantly felt his shadow behind me. He made all decisions with caution, and this could not help but strain the head of state. But most of all, Stalin’s authority put pressure on him. He began to make attempts to destroy the cult of the leader and for this he needed the help of Messing. They could not openly announce that the Soviet people were fighting for a tyrant and a murderer, so they had to act in a roundabout way. He forced Messing to speak at a congress, where he had to read out predictions. One of them was the need to remove the leader’s body from the Kremlin. Wolf categorically refused to play with such things - he made predictions only if he was absolutely sure of them. But he was not going to say what was beneficial to Khrushchev. The fall has begun.


Since 1960, Messing began having problems with performances. At first he exchanged huge halls for village clubs, but soon he was barred from going there too. Khrushchev did not forgive disobedience. After the death of his wife, the artist became a recluse. He lived with two lapdogs, whom he doted on. His wife's sister looked after him. Until his death in 1974, he was never able to return to his previous activities.

Wolf Messing: where he is buried and photo of the grave

The artist’s death was not unexpected for him: before leaving for the hospital, he said goodbye to the apartment. The fortuneteller knew that he would not return here again. After successful surgery on his legs, his kidneys failed and his lungs swelled. If you are interested in information about where Wolf Messing is buried and how to get there, you should use the map. His grave is located at the Vostryakovsky cemetery, which can be reached by metro. The stop you need is Southwestern. If you go by ground transport, it is better to choose bus 718, 752 and 720. Route taxis 71 and 91 will also take you to the place where Wolf Messing is buried. The years of his life (1899-1974) and the artist’s portrait on a black granite monument will help identify his grave.


Wolf Messing made a large number of predictions, but the most famous prediction was the prophecy about the loss of Nazi Germany in World War II. He even hinted to Hitler that if he turned east, he would be killed. Instead of listening to Messing's words, Adolf declared a hunt for him. A reward of 210 thousand marks was placed on his head (a huge amount at that time).

After this incident, the artist became cautious with his visions, and preferred to keep silent about what he saw in short flashes of insight. All modern forums, websites and other information resources mislead readers - Messing never made any predictions for Russia, and certainly not for every year!

Biography and episodes of life Wolf Messing. When born and died Wolf Messing, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. Quotes from a medium and telepath, Photo and video.

Years of life of Wolf Messing:

born September 10, 1899, died November 8, 1974


“And now there are still prophets,
Although the altars have fallen,
Their eyes are clear and deep
By the coming flame of dawn."
From the poem “Prophets” by N. Gumilyov

“Your rare gift has entered the history of mankind.”
Inscription on Wolf Messing's gravestone


The biography of Wolf Messing is a story in which truth and fiction are intertwined so closely that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. A telepath and psychic, Hitler's nightmare and Stalin's advisor, a miracle of nature and a talented pop artist... Which of this is true and which is fantasy is still difficult to understand.

The only fairly complete source of information about Messing remains his autobiography. From it we learn about how a Jewish boy, born in Poland, unexpectedly discovered the gift of instilling thoughts in strangers and reading their own. How he participated in Dr. Abel’s experiments and began giving performances during which he fell into a cataleptic sleep. How he finally predicted the downfall of Hitler, was arrested, escaped from prison by hypnotizing the guards, and moved to the USSR.

It’s amazing how many sonorous names are woven into Messing’s biography. For example, Einstein and Freud, whom he said he met in Vienna. Or, what is absolutely amazing, Stalin. If you believe the words of Messing himself, the leader subjected the medium to various tests, which he passed with honor.

Messing has said more than once that his “magic” is based on science, but on those facets of it that are not yet accessible to human consciousness. So, for example, the psychic actually explained reading thoughts as reading body language, the smallest signs and vegetative reactions of the body to a stimulus. As for the insight into the future and prophecies... Messing himself could not explain this, hoping only that in the future such phenomena would find a scientific basis.

Who really was Wolf Messing? During special research dedicated to him, it turned out that many of the alleged facts that he describes in his own biography could not possibly have taken place in reality. But it’s not for nothing that Messing called it “A Book of Questionable Reliability.” Characters like him were often called charlatans and deceivers. But if people crave a miracle, is giving it to them a deception?

Messing died at the age of 75 from kidney failure after surgery. But this talented man is still not forgotten. Already in the 21st century. his name again became famous thanks to several documentaries and feature films, including the film “I am Wolf Messing” in 2009, the serial film “Wolf Messing: Seen Through Time” of the same year and the film “Son of the Father of Nations” in 2013. In The last two roles of Messing were played by Evgeny Knyazev.

Life line

September 10, 1899 Date of birth of Wolf Grigorievich (Gershkovich) Messing.
1910 Escape from home, arrival in Berlin.
1915 Moving to Vienna.
1939 Arrest and escape to the Soviet Union after the outbreak of World War II.
1942 Meeting his future wife, Aida.
1960 Death of Messing's wife.
1965 Publication of Messing’s memoirs “A Book of Questionable Reliability” in the journal “Science and Religion”.
1971 Receiving the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”
November 8, 1974 Date of death of Wolf Messing.

Memorable places

1. Gura-Kalvaria, where Messing was born.
2. Berlin, where Messing moved at the age of 11.
3. Vienna, where Messing was on tour in 1915.
4. Tashkent, where Messing was evacuated during the war.
5. Novopeschanaya street in Moscow, where Messing lived after the war.
6. Vostryakovskoe cemetery in Moscow, where Messing is buried (site No. 38).

Episodes of life

The information about Messing's meeting with Einstein in his Vienna apartment was refuted by a simple study of the facts: Einstein did not have an apartment in Vienna at that time. The same applies to the story of putting a bank teller into a state of hypnosis so that he would give Messing a check for 100,000 rubles: the issuing procedure for such amounts in a Soviet bank was much more complicated than that described by Messing.

In 1944, during the war, two aircraft were built at Messing's expense. Hero of the Soviet Union K. Kovalev flew on one of them, who subsequently communicated with Messing.

They claim that Messing accurately predicted the date and time of death of both his wife and himself.


“...None of my abilities provide any special advantages. Unless, of course, their owner is an honest person and does not intend to use his skill for personal gain, deception, or crimes. But even in this case, he will not achieve success, because he will eventually be discovered and, simply put, punished... Definitely! So don't be jealous! "

“Hypnosis is a dangerous weapon. Just like the energy of the atom, it should be used wisely."

“Yes, foresight of the future, not scientific foresight, but intuitive foresight exists. Inexplicable? Yes, with our unclear understanding of the essence of time, its connection with space, the interrelations of the past, present and future, it is still inexplicable.”

Program “Predictions of Wolf Messing” on the TV channel “Top Secret”


“Wolf Grigorievich was committed to fair play, did not use any tricks and condemned those who passed off all kinds of tricks as telepathy.”
Yuri Gorny, professor and academician

Wolf Grigorievich (Gershkovich) Messing(September 10, 1899, Gura-Kalwaria, Warsaw province of the Russian Empire - November 8, 1974, Moscow, USSR) - pop artist (mentalist), who performed in the USSR with psychological experiments “on reading the minds” of the audience, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971).

  • 1 Biography
  • 2
    • 2.1 Origin of Legends


Wolf Messing was born into a Jewish family in the city of Gura Kalwaria, located 25 km southeast of Warsaw - on the territory of the Russian Empire. In his youth he participated in illusionist acts in Polish traveling circuses. Then he mastered “pop telepathy” (the so-called “contacts through the hand”). In an interview with P. Oreshkin, Messing described his performances in this way:

Corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences D. A. Biryukov, head of the medical institute where the artist demonstrated his skills, explained Messing’s technique in a similar way.

This statement of Messing was confirmed by Yuri Gorny when reproducing a number of Messing’s experiments, including in a more complicated form.

In 1939, after the outbreak of World War II, he fled to the Soviet Union, where he began performing “mind reading,” first as part of propaganda teams, then with individual concerts from the State Concert. He performed as an illusionist in the Soviet circus.

Father, brothers, and all relatives died in Majdanek and in the Warsaw ghetto.

During World War II, two fighter planes were built at the expense of the artist Messing. The first Yak-7 fighter, built in Novosibirsk, was purchased by Wolf Messing in 1944 specifically for Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Kovalev after he read the order awarding the ace pilot the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the fuselage of the plane there was an inscription: “ A gift from the Soviet patriot V. G. Messing to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Baltic pilot K. F. Kovalev" On this fighter, Konstantin Kovalev shot down 4 enemy aircraft. Kovalev and Messing became friends and visited each other after the war. The second fighter was purchased in 1944 and served in the Warsaw air regiment.

In 1943-1944 Messing lived in Novosibirsk.

Before his illness and death, Wolf Messing’s assistant in the rooms was his wife, Aida Mikhailovna Messing-Rapoport.

From 1961 to 1974, V. I. Ivanovskaya was Messing’s assistant.

On November 8, 1974, at 11 p.m., Wolf Messing died in hospital after a long illness in his legs, which he damaged during the war. He underwent successful surgery on the femoral and iliac arteries, but for an unknown reason, a couple of days later, after kidney failure and pulmonary edema, death occurred. He was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Autobiography and verification of its authenticity

In 1965, Messing’s “memoirs” were published in the journal “Science and Religion” (issues 7 to 11), fragments of which were also published in “Smena”, “Soviet Russia” and a number of other publications. Attempts to verify the artist’s most sensational statements showed their unreliability.

  • Messing claimed that in 1915, as a 16-year-old, he met with Einstein in his apartment in Vienna, where he was amazed by the abundance of books, and had a telepathic session with Einstein and Freud. However, it is known for certain that Einstein did not have an apartment in Vienna at all, and from 1913 to 1925 he did not visit Vienna. In addition, Einstein always kept in his apartments only a few reference books and reprints of the most important articles.
  • Messing claimed that when the German army occupied Poland, his head was valued at 200 thousand marks, since in one of the theaters in Warsaw he predicted the death of Hitler if he turned east. He was allegedly captured and put in a police station, from where he allegedly escaped using his supernatural powers. However, no evidence is known for such loud claims.
  • During a check of 857 funds of captured documents in the Russian State Military Archive (funds of the archives of the Imperial Chancellery, ministries, secret police departments, state security departments, personal funds of Nazi leaders), no information was found about the artist Wolf Messing. A check of the Berlin Library catalog gave a similar result. When checking the archives of the Government of the General Government (Poland), the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Embassy in Moscow, the Reich Chancellery, the Reich Ministry for Public Education and Propaganda, the German News Bureau, the German Foreign Scientific Institute, the locations of Rosenberg's service, the Reich Propaganda Manual, no No documents have been found on Hitler's reaction to Messing's public appearances.
  • In magazines of the interwar period in Poland, writing on the topics of secret knowledge, parapsychology and the occult ("Obeim", "Sunflowers", "World of the Spirit", "Supersensible World", "Spiritual Knowledge", "Light"), no mention of Wolf Messing was found (unlike other hypnotists and clairvoyants). In the reference book “Bibliography of Warsaw. Publications for 1921-1939." There is not a single article dedicated to Messing. In the book by Józef Switkowski “Occultism and Magic in the Light of Parapsychology” (Lotus, Lvov, 1939 / Krakow, 1990), the surname Messing does not appear. In the "SonderfahndungsbuchPolen", ("Detailed Book of Surveillance (Observations) in Poland"), published by the criminal police in June 1940, the surname Messing does not appear.
  • Messing allegedly met in 1940 in Gomel with Stalin, who was allegedly “interested in the situation in Poland, Messing’s meetings with the leaders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.” Similar meetings with Stalin allegedly took place later, including in Moscow. However, there are no documents confirming such meetings between Stalin and Messing in the Central Archive of the FSB of the Russian Federation, the archive of the CPSU Central Committee (now the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History), the Central Archive of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus, the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus, state archives Georgia, the party archive of Georgia (now the archive of the President of Georgia), in the records of persons received by Stalin in the Kremlin (published in the journal “Historical Archive”: 1994, No. 6; 1995, No. 2,3,4,5-6; 1996, No. 2,3,4,5-6; 1997, No. 1), in notebooks of visitors to Stalin’s office from 1927 to 1953.
  • Messing claimed that at Stalin’s request, he hypnotized the State Bank cashier, handed him a blank sheet and received 100,000 rubles from him. But at that time, the procedure for issuing money at the State Bank was completely different: the check was submitted to an accountant who had no money. Then this document goes through the internal channels of the bank, is carefully checked by an auditor (or two auditors, if the amount is large), then the check goes to the cashier, who prepares the documents and money and after all this calls the client.

Origin of Legends

Nikolay Kitaev in his brochure “Forensic psychic. Wolf Messing: Truth and Fiction” claims that Messing’s “memoirs” were fabricated by the famous popular journalist, head of the science department of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Mikhail Vasilyevich Khvastunov. The fact that Messing’s book “I am a telepath” was actually written by Mikhail Khvastunov, as well as the fact that what is written in it is fiction, was confirmed by the popularizer of science, writer and journalist Vladimir Gubarev (former scientific editor of Komsomolskaya Pravda).

In addition, V.S. Matveev, a specialist in reading ideomotor acts, noted that when meeting him, Messing refused to demonstrate the skill of hypnosis or any other trick described in his memoirs.

According to psychiatrist Mikhail Buyanov, Wolf Messing turned to him for medical help in the last years of his life, suffering from many phobias.

Participation in solving crimes

Journalism repeatedly mentions Messing's participation in solving various crimes (capturing a spy, pointing out the true killer during the trial, etc.). As N.N. Kitaev’s research has shown, almost all such stories are unreliable: Messing’s participation in the investigation of the cases is not indicated in the archives, and court and prosecutorial personnel who worked in the places of the alleged events unanimously claim that nothing similar actually happened.

An exception is the events of June 1974 in Irkutsk. During the investigation into the case of the director of a fruit and vegetable store, accused of large-scale theft, Messing was present at his interrogation and on the same day the representative of the BHSS familiarized the investigator with a “certificate” drawn up allegedly after a conversation with Messing. The certificate contained previously unknown facts that exposed the accused. The certificate was filed in a secret operational accounting file, the information was checked and confirmed. However, as it later turned out, the investigator legalized the intelligence information in such an unconventional way, not wanting to reveal its true source.

In cinema and television

  • "Wolf Messing. The first Soviet psychic" (2005) - a film by the Pygmalion television company directed by Maxim Faitelberg, based on Messing's memoirs.
  • “Secrets of the Century 36: Wolf Messing. I see people’s thoughts” (2005) - a film by the Ostankino television company directed by Vladimir Lutsky, based on Messing’s memoirs.
  • “I am Wolf Messing” (2009) is a feature film directed by Nikolai Viktorov, based on Messing’s memoirs.
  • “Wolf Messing: Seeing Through Time” (2009) is a multi-part feature film directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov based on the script by Eduard Volodarsky, based on Messing’s memoirs.
  • "Son of the Father of Nations" (2013). As in the 2009 film, Evgeny Knyazev plays the role of Messing.

The grave of the famous fortuneteller and psychic Wolf Messing at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow is visited by many tourists every year. Some do it out of simple curiosity, others - with the aim of coming into contact with something mystical and mysterious. It is believed that Messing’s grave has a certain energy, almost magical, and its aura can change a person’s life.

The interest in Messing's grave is understandable: he was a very extraordinary person. Wolf Grigoryevich Gershikovich, who later took the pseudonym Messing, was born in 1899 in Poland, into a Jewish family. He spent his childhood in Germany. Messing experienced poverty early on; he had to beg on the street. However, it was on the street that a fateful meeting for the boy took place: he met the famous psychiatrist G. Abel. The doctor was amazed by Messing’s gift: he knew how to put people into a borderline state, into a trance, instilling in them his own thoughts. Abel advised Messing to use his gift to advance in life.

As a result, Wolf ended up in a traveling circus. He performed on stage with a “magic” program, reading people’s thoughts.

Messing's biography is as mystical and mysterious as his personality. For example, there is a legend that a psychic predicted the collapse of the Third Reich in the confrontation with the USSR long before the Second World War. This information reached Hitler, who ordered the Gestapo to arrest the circus performer. Messing did not stay in prison for long: after hypnotizing the Gestapo, he escaped from the dungeons, and then from Germany. The USSR became Messing’s new homeland: he loved this country endlessly and was devoted to it until the last days of his life. Unfortunately, Messing's parents and brothers were unable to escape the clutches of the Gestapo: they, along with other Jews, were burned in one of the Warsaw concentration camps.

Messing's psychic talent turned out to be in great demand in the Soviet Union. After his audience with Stalin, Wolf was allowed to make public appearances. For the USSR, this was an unprecedented event: religion was being eliminated in the country, and there was a struggle against sects and mystics.

However, Messing began each speech by explaining the scientific nature of his gift. According to him, telepathic abilities were entirely based on human physiology, on the laws discovered by official science.

During the Second World War, Wolf Messing transferred his savings to the Novosibirsk Aviation Plant. These funds were used to build two Yak-7 fighters. One of the planes was handed over to the ace pilot, Hero of the USSR K. Kovalev. After the war, Kovalev became one of Messing's closest friends.

Wolf Grigorievich died in 1974 in Moscow. Vostryakovskoe cemetery was chosen as the burial place of the famous artist. To avoid creating a cult place from Messing’s grave, the authorities prohibited the construction of a monument on it. In the early 90s, at the expense of the descendants of the psychic, a tombstone made of dark granite was installed on the grave.

The fears of the Soviet authorities were confirmed: in our time it is believed that the grave has magical powers. Many people come to remember the great telepath, calling themselves his colleagues and heirs of Messing’s gift.

Video about Wolf Messing:

There are probably few people who do not know who Wolf Grigorievich Messing is. This man lived an amazing life, predicted and even changed people's destinies. They knew him and feared him, believed him and did not trust him. Stalin himself favored the clairvoyant, allowing him to hold concerts throughout the Soviet Union.


In 1899, on September 10, in a place near Warsaw, which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire, Wolf Grigorievich Messing, a man famous for his outstanding superpowers, was born in Gure-Kalvaria. His parents were very religious and wanted their boy to become a rabbi. However, Volka (that was the name of Wolf Grigorievich) resisted such a fate in every possible way. Then they resorted to a trick and bribed a colorful tramp to play the messenger of God in front of the boy. Volka believed the vision and went to study. However, two years later, having met that same tramp, he recognized him as an angel who had appeared with a sign and realized that his parents had simply deceived him. Then the boy, disappointed in everything, left home, stealing money from donations to the yeshiva.

He boarded the train to Berlin, but since there was not enough money for a ticket, he hid under a bench. When the controller came up and asked for a ticket, he was very scared, but he picked up some piece of paper from the floor and, wishing with all his being that it would turn into a ticket, handed it over. In response, the ticket holder calmly took the piece of paper, punched it and wondered why the boy was traveling under the bench if he had a travel card and the carriage was full of empty seats.

This is how young Messing learned about his ability to instill in people an illusory reality.


The newly discovered ability did not help in life at all at first. The boy worked as a messenger in a house for visitors and did everything he was told. At the same time, he earned almost no money. And once he even fainted from hunger right on the street. He was taken to the hospital, and not finding a pulsation, he was sent to the morgue. But some trainee still felt the heartbeat. Abel, a very famous neurologist and psychiatrist, was present. The professor became interested in the boy and began to teach him how to control his body, and then introduced him to the man who became his first impresario, Zelmester.

This is how young Messing began his career. He lay down in a crystal coffin and plunged himself into a state similar to death, receiving considerable money for this. Over time, I learned to read other people's thoughts and turn off pain, turning into a real artist.

The future psychic Messing Wolf Grigorievich became more and more famous. In 1915, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein even attended his performance, but unfortunately, they did not leave any notes about this fact.

In a speech in Warsaw in 1937, he predicted the death of the Fuhrer if he moved his troops east. For this, the artist and his family were arrested, but thanks to his superpowers he managed to escape. He crossed the river and ended up on the territory of the Soviet Union, where Wolf Grigorievich Messing began his new life.

Mature years

The psychic hardly knew the Russian language, and during his entire subsequent life, having lived in the country of the Soviets, he never really learned it. Here he was hardly known, but having become a member of the concert brigade in the Brest region, Wolf Grigorievich Messing nevertheless became an artist. His biography apparently became known at the very top of the government. And one day, right at a concert in Gomel, two NKVD workers appeared on stage and, asking for forgiveness from the audience, took the artist to Stalin, with whom he later met more than once.

After this meeting, Messing receives a new start in life, and they begin to pay him fabulous fees.

When the war began, Wolf Grigorievich (of his own free will or under the compulsion of the NKVD) donated his money for two planes. It is known that at this time he was even arrested and interrogated. It happened during a tour in Tashkent.

Messing continued his travels with performances. By personal order of Stalin, he was given a one-room apartment in Moscow on Novopeschanaya Street, where he lived the happy years of his life with his wife Aida Mikhailovna from 1954.

Old age

Wolf Grigoryevich Messing lived out the rest of his life alone in another, more spacious apartment on Herzen Street, without his beloved wife. He was surrounded by two dogs (Mashenka and Pushinka), as well as his wife’s sister.

He knew about the date of his death, and the closer it became, the more phobias the old man developed. However, Messing said that he was not afraid of death, he was simply endlessly sad that this very special experience of living life on Earth would never happen again.

One day, when he was taken to the hospital, leaving the house, he looked back and said that he would never return here again. The operation was performed by a first-class surgeon and was successful. But then complications began and my kidneys began to fail. The legendary telepath Messing Wolf has died.

Years of his life: 1899-1974.


During his life, an outstanding person, artist and psychic managed to travel to different countries. He performed and traveled a lot, of course, in the Soviet Union.

Despite the materialism that reigned in the country, Messing managed to lift the veil of the unknown and show by his own example the existence of a different, intangible world.

Very often at his speeches he read people's thoughts and carried them out. For example, guessing what was in the hands of a certain person or written words on paper that was sealed in an envelope was typical.

All these numbers seemed fantastic to the audience. Although skeptics, of course, came up with a rational explanation for them, talking about his excellent command of elementary idiomotor skills.

Personal life

In Novosibirsk, Wolf Grigorievich Messing met and fell in love with a woman, Aida Mikhailovna Rappoport, who became a reliable friend, assistant at performances and wife.

They lived happy years side by side, but in 1960 Aida Mikhailovna died suddenly of cancer. And Messing knew about her upcoming departure. He was left alone and did not give any concerts for six months, experiencing the loss very hard.

But as time went on, he began to gradually come to his senses and even perform sometimes. Wolf Grigorievich was surrounded by close people, but life began to become burdensome and the talent bestowed on him turned into a punishment.


Messing was afraid to have children, so he did not have his own. But among those around him there were close people whom he treated with fatherly care.

One of them was Tatyana Lungina, who met him for the first time in June 1941, when she was only 18. Later, the latter used her notes about meetings with Messing to write his autobiography “About Myself.”

Many people described wonderful stories in which they became participants, and where the main character was the psychic Messing Wolf.

Vadim Chernov talked about an incident at the dacha when everyone went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Messing did not like this activity, but together with everyone else he also went into the forest. Everyone scattered in search of mushrooms. After some time, Vadim went out into a clearing, where he saw Messing sitting on a log, surrounded by local children. The guys squealed with delight and asked Wolf Grigorievich about the non-existent little animals that they saw and played with. When Vadim approached and Messing noticed him, their eyes met and the clairvoyant said that here was the beast for him. The young man suddenly saw a bear, but was not at all afraid, and numerous squirrels, bunnies and hedgehogs appeared around the children. However, what he remembers most is the basket, filled to the brim with excellent mushrooms (although before meeting their eyes, he knew for sure that it was empty).

Another case was described by Tatyana Lungina. It was a session at the Central House of Writers when Wolf Grigorievich Messing agreed to demonstrate a cataleptic state. By that time he was no longer young, so in case he could not get out of it on his own, Doctor Pakhomova assisted him. Forty minutes after Messing tuned in, she stated that the pulsation had ceased to be observed. The audience placed two chairs on the stage, on the backs of which they placed a lifeless body (heels and the back of the head). It looked like it was made of wood. The heaviest man sat on Messing's stomach. And even after that, the body did not bend one iota. The psychiatrist pierced the neck muscles right through. There was no blood or other body reaction. Then Messing was asked a question, to which he did not answer, but when they put a pen in his hand and put the album on him, he, like a robot, raised his hand and wrote the answer on it.

With the help of medical manipulations, he was brought out of this state, but it was not easy for the 64-year-old medium. And a few days later he continued to remain unsociable and taciturn.

Gift or Punishment

In old age, the gift began to weigh heavily on Messing. He was tired of other people's thoughts, which were mostly not the most pleasant. If in his youth everything was much easier, then in old age he treated his gift as a punishment. After all, he knew everything in the smallest details about his future, and all the miracles that he showed to the public had long become a daily routine for him.

He knew that many people were jealous of the gift, thinking that if they could do this, they would move whole mountains. However, Wolf Grigorievich argued that there could be no advantages in life from talent, and therefore there was no need to be envious. If a person is decent and does not intend to commit any illegal acts, no gift will give him superiority.

Wolf Grigorievich Messing, whose photo is given below, in the last years of his life turned into a gloomy pessimist.

Messing and the greats of this world

The highest ranks and those in power were interested in the telepath. Hitler, Stalin, Khrushchev - they all knew Messing, and he even made predictions to some of them.

He did not see Hitler, but foresaw his death, for which he almost paid with his life.

Stalin wanted to personally test Messing's gift. For this purpose, he first suggested that he receive one hundred thousand rubles from Sberbank by presenting a blank piece of paper. When this succeeded, the poor cashier who gave out the money suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, he was saved. In addition, Messing himself unhinderedly walked to Stalin through all the patrols, and also left him, waving his hand to the leader from the street. When asked how this was possible, Wolf Grigorievich said that he simply convinced everyone he met that he was Beria.

However, the psychic did not always observe political caution, and at a time when almost everyone in the country was confident in the friendship of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, Wolf Grigorievich Messing predicted a completely different development of events. Because of this, his biography was almost cut short again. He said at his speech, answering a question from the audience, that he saw Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. Although his concerts were temporarily cancelled, he was not arrested. Later, when the war began, the artist continued his activities.


In addition to the fact that Wolf Grigorievich predicted the death of Hitler and predicted the war, he also named the date of victory (the eighth of May) at one of his speeches. True, the year was not named. But in the first days of the war, he was summoned by Stalin to the Politburo, where he predicted victory for the Soviet troops and named the year and month.

Stalin kept track of the predictions that the psychic made; he was overgrown with all sorts of legends, sometimes difficult to distinguish from those that actually happened. But on the day when the act of surrender of Germany was signed, Stalin sent a telegram to Messing, where he noted the accuracy of the predicted date. And it's a fact.

They also say that the leader of the peoples asked the telepath about his date of death. But the latter, anticipating an awkward question, said that he would not answer, but at the same time promised never to tell anyone about it.

It is known that the psychic secretly kept a green notebook in which he wrote down predictions relating to both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, about events in the USSR, the USA and Israel. However, she disappeared without a trace after Messing's death.

The life of this mysterious man was cut short on October 8, 1974. The place where Messing Wolf Grigorievich is buried is