A methodological guide to quickly learning the Egyptian language. Decoding Egyptian hieroglyphs

There were more than 5,000 ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Only about 700-800 were used in writing. The proportions of use are approximately the same as in Chinese writing. But what do we know about this ancient writing?

I will start with the official part of the historical interpretation of this process and what modern history generally knows about the decipherment of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Penetration into the history of Ancient Egypt has long been hampered by the barrier of Egyptian writing. Scientists have been trying to read Egyptian hieroglyphs for a long time. They even had at their disposal the ancient manual “Hieroglyphics,” written in the 2nd century. n. e. a native of Upper Egypt, Horapollo, and since the time of Herodotus it was known that the Egyptians used three types of writing: hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic. However, all attempts to overcome the “Egyptian letter” with the help of the works of ancient authors remained in vain.

In the study of this writing and in the decipherment of hieroglyphs, the most outstanding results were achieved by Jean Francois Champollion (1790–1832)

Rosetta Stone- a granodiorite slab found in 1799 in Egypt near the small city of Rosetta (now Rashid), near Alexandria, with three identical texts engraved on it, including two in the ancient Egyptian language - inscribed in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and Egyptian demotic script, which is an abbreviated cursive script of the late Egyptian era, and one in ancient Greek. Ancient Greek was well known to linguists, and the comparison of the three texts served as the starting point for deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The text of the stone is an inscription of gratitude, which in 196 BC. e. Egyptian priests addressed Ptolemy V Epiphanes, another monarch from the Ptolemaic dynasty. The beginning of the text: “To the new king, who received the kingdom from his father”... During the Hellenistic period, many similar documents within the Greek ecumene were distributed in the form of bi- or trilinguistic texts, which subsequently served linguists well.

The main obstacle in deciphering was the lack of understanding of the Egyptian writing system as a whole, therefore all individual successes did not give any “strategic” result. For example, the Englishman Thomas Young (1773–1829) was able to establish the sound meaning of the five hieroglyphic signs of the Rosetta Stone, but this did not bring science one iota closer to deciphering Egyptian writing. Only Champollion was able to solve this seemingly insoluble problem.

First of all, Champollion examined and completely rejected Horapollo's Hieroglyphics and all attempts at deciphering based on his concept. Horapollo argued that Egyptian hieroglyphs are not sound, but only semantic signs, signs-symbols. But Champollion, even before Jung’s discovery, came to the conclusion that among the hieroglyphs there were signs that convey sounds. Already in 1810, he expressed the opinion that the Egyptians could write foreign names with such phonetic signs. And in 1813, Champollion suggested that alphabetic characters were also used to convey suffixes and prefixes of the Egyptian language.

He examines the royal name “Ptolemy” on the Rosetta Stone and identifies 7 hieroglyphic letters in it. Studying a copy of the hieroglyphic inscription on the obelisk, originating from the temple of Isis on the island of Philae, he reads the name of Queen Cleopatra. As a result, Champollion determined the sound meaning of five more hieroglyphs, and after reading the names of other Greco-Macedonian and Roman rulers of Egypt, he increased the hieroglyphic alphabet to nineteen characters.

He established in the course of his research and concluded that the Egyptians had a semi-alphabetic writing system, since they, like some other peoples of the East, did not use vowels in writing. And in 1824, Champollion published his main work, “Essay on the hieroglyphic system of the ancient Egyptians.” It became the cornerstone of modern Egyptology.

But look at these hieroglyphs and their phonemes:

Doesn't it seem strange to you that certain images are passed off as phonemes? It's not even a syllabary! Why is it so difficult to depict sounds? You can depict a simple symbol and associate a sound with it, as can be seen in other peoples and cultures. But in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs there are pictures, images.

You can look at the translation, decipherment, and in my opinion, deep misconception or even nonsense of Egyptologists

And Egyptologists cannot take a single step away from this! After all, all this is based on the authority of Champollion himself!

Look at this. This is a whole series of meanings, figurative writing. You can probably even say that this is a universal language that any bearer of intelligence can understand. Then the conclusion is whether we are reasonable that we still cannot read this. This is just my opinion. And this is a doubt in the method, where everything is based on phonetic comparisons of hieroglyphs from the beginning of the 19th century. I got it a long time ago. Only now I decided to express it in this article.

It is quite possible that something technical is being shown here

Probably only the lazy have not heard about these technical hieroglyphs under the ceiling in one of the Egyptian temples

There are symbols here that look like aircraft, and probably more than one type.

Stones will probably be thrown at me once again, saying that I am talking nonsense and everything has long been translated. Or maybe the codebreakers were putting an owl on a globe, earning their living?

I don’t want to completely tilt everyone towards absolute forgery and misconceptions based on the works of Champollion. But it’s worth thinking about whether everything is once again as Egyptologists tell us. After all, Napoleon went to Egypt for a reason, and it is possible that the Rosetta Stone is a simple fake. Moreover, the quality and size of the inscriptions on it do not correspond to the size of the hieroglyphs of the early kingdoms of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian hieroglyphs are perhaps one of the most common and popularized variants of ancient writing. There are many common misconceptions regarding Egyptian hieroglyphs, and sometimes ordinary people simply do not know this topic even in the most superficial way.

Therefore, we consider it quite relevant to talk briefly about the language of Egypt, some development trends, the esoteric meanings of this language and the semantic elements of Egyptian culture as a whole.

History of appearance

In the beginning there was a word - this fact is known to many and from this fact it is not difficult to conclude about the high importance of language. In each individual culture, languages ​​​​developed in a special way, but for the most part they were always based on various magical or religious beliefs. They made language not just a way of communication, but a way of influencing reality.

There are a huge number of similar examples, for example, the modern Hebrew alphabet includes letters, each of which has a secret meaning. Chinese characters have not only a direct, but also a metaphorical meaning, and often the meaning of a word hidden in a character indicates a deep understanding of the world and the wisdom of the people. In fact, almost every language (or group of languages) has a very interesting one.

From the very beginning, it should be noted that hieroglyphs are characteristic of many ancient civilizations. In fact, if you look at the development of not only Egyptian, but also Chinese, and the Sumerian-Akkadian language and writing in particular, you can see many similarities.

In particular, the structure of the evolutionary development of these languages ​​is almost identical, although in each variant there are differences that are determined by the characteristics of culture and perception.

In general, hieroglyphs moved along an approximately identical path of development, from a picture representation to a more schematic one. Thus, at the initial stage, in the language where hieroglyphic notation was used, only pictures were used that corresponded to the designated object.

For example, the word was actually written as a schematic image of a man in profile, and an identical version with the word woman. Further, the language (and written speech in particular) continues to develop and hieroglyphs acquire various additional meanings and functions.

For example, if a name is written in hieroglyphs, then after the word the hieroglyph “man” or “woman” is added so that the reader can understand which gender the given name belongs to.

How could they write down names in Egypt if they only used pictures that meant certain words? Here, a different direction was used in the development of written speech, which involved the use of a variety of phonemes. Simply put, some hieroglyphs began to correspond to sounds.

Further, the Egyptian language moved towards systematization and reducing the number of hieroglyphs. In order to write down long texts, scientists considered it more expedient to use not a huge number of a wide variety of hieroglyphs, but to use phonetic writing and various clarifying elements that make it possible to understand in what sense a particular set of hieroglyphs should be read.

Over time, hieroglyphic writing became obsolete and changed in Egypt to more modern forms of the language.

Even during the period of using hieroglyphs, there was a so-called hieratic - a special writing method used for papyrus texts(hieroglyphs were mainly used for wall paintings) something like Egyptian cursive writing.

In addition, demotic writing is developing towards the new era, which eventually completely replaces hieroglyphs. If you look at the Egyptian texts written in demotic, then in appearance they are practically indistinguishable from the Arabic script or similar versions of the written language.

Moreover, even schematic demotics are based on Egyptian hieroglyphs. It’s just that over time they simplified and became more schematic, and easier-to-write alphabet icons appeared.

Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt with decoding in Russian

When you travel to Egypt, you can see many souvenir alphabets sold by local merchants. In particular, near the pyramids and in other places saturated with tourists, stylized papyri are offered, on which certain hieroglyphs and the corresponding meanings of the letters of the Latin alphabet are indicated.

Moreover, sometimes you can see a similar alphabet translated into Russian and actually learn the way words are written in hieroglyphs.

Of course, this looks a little strange, because... It’s unlikely that Egypt thought about adapting its own language to the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet. Nevertheless, there is still a rational meaning in such correspondences.

Indeed, in the Egyptian language, over time, indeed phonetic equivalents began to be used for some hieroglyphs, simply put, a certain part of the hieroglyphs, in addition to the direct meaning, began to be assigned an additional purely phonetic one.

Thus, it is possible to talk about the existence of the Egyptian alphabet. Although, of course, the sound scale of the Egyptian language did not correspond to the phonetic spectrum of the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet. The sounds had their own specificity, and some differed from the alphabet you were used to.

There is nothing surprising in this; such examples still exist. For example, in the languages ​​of the Romance group, the sound y is practically not used, nor is any letter or defthong used to denote such a letter.

Thus and some sounds of the Egyptian language may be unfamiliar to you, and some familiar sounds may be absent in this language.

Therefore, such correspondence alphabets should be considered in a certain sense a convention. Although, as a hobby, you can actually learn to write words in Egyptian hieroglyphs and, moreover, not only you yourself, but also Egyptologists or other people who can read hieroglyphs can understand your writing.

The correspondence of Russian letters to hieroglyphs can be seen in the picture.

The Egyptian alphabet uses 24 basic letters. Let us remind you that this classification is to a certain extent conditional, since different hieroglyphs can be used for identical letters and sounds. However, there are the most common hieroglyphs that are used as the alphabet.

What do the symbols mean?

In addition to hieroglyphs, a variety of Egyptian symbols are often better known. Many words that related to a religious cult could well be written from their constituent parts. For example, the word Ra could consist of the hieroglyphs mouth + arm bent at the elbow, which phonetically gave the combination of sounds r + a.

In addition, there was a separate hieroglyph for writing, which looked like the hieroglyph “man” but had a special headdress; we are talking about the hieroglyph pharaoh or king, which could additionally mean the supreme deity.

In addition to the indicated spelling options, there was also a religiously mystical version that used the hieroglyph of the eye (something like an all-seeing eye) or the Sun to designate Ra, that is, symbolic overtones and a metaphor were also used here. Horus could also be designated by the hieroglyph of eyes, since there was a common udjat symbol - the eye of Horus, which was also used as a protective amulet.

Mysticism in Egypt was developed in a very significant way and each of the symbols used had a powerful charge and deep meaning. The symbolism of Egyptian religion is deep and multifaceted. In addition, we should not forget about the development of the purely practical aspect of the Egyptian, from which many more modern cults, in all likelihood, developed.

Egyptian symbolism underlies many modern religions. Thus, Egyptian symbols should be considered more ancient and, in a certain sense, the basis for modern mystical symbolism. Therefore, if you want to use powerful symbols and amulets, we advise you to turn your attention towards Egyptian symbols.

  • Ankh- probably the most common symbol, which almost everyone knows about, is a cross whose upper part is ring-shaped, is a symbol of eternity and is often associated with the Breath of Life, which Egyptian deities endow with chosen people passing into the afterlife, should be interpreted in general as a symbol of eternal life, a favorable sign.
  • Ba- depicted as a hawk with a human head, symbolizes the soul, but in the Egyptian religion the presence of seven souls was attributed to man, for example, there was a doctrine of Ka, which is more similar to the eternal and individual soul.

    Nevertheless, the Ba is a significant symbol, something like an astral shell in which the personality can act even after mummification, as it was believed that the Ba could also be contained in the statues that were erected for the pharaohs.

  • Shenu- looks like an oval, in fact, it is something like a rope ring, which has neither beginning nor end, it is a protective symbol, the name of the owner was written in the shena and the outer ring protected the owner of this name from adversity, you can still buy an amulet representing with your name written in.
  • Feather Maat– looks like a symbol of a feather and represents the attribute of Maat, which is the embodiment of morality, balance and justice, this attribute indicates a commitment to fairness and justice.
  • Udjat– the eye of Horus, is a symbol of healing and protection.
  • Ra- can be depicted as a circle with a dot, or as a circle with symbolic rays, is in many ways the basis of Egyptian cosmogony and mythology, represents the supreme deity, the source of all blessings.

As a rule, such symbols were used not only in written speech, but also separately to perform some religious and mystical rituals or to create amulets.

How to use signs?

In order to try Egyptian magic, you don’t really need any lengthy research or similar efforts. Many texts have been translated and studied, and a significant part of the written monuments that have survived to this day are:

  • fortune telling books
  • religious books
  • books describing spells and performing various rituals

In addition, you can use purely practical elements of the teaching and perform certain ones. Most, of course, are inaccessible to the common man, but some involve only the use of spells and certain symbols.

Therefore, if you understand the meaning of various symbols and can depict similar signs, then you can easily take advantage of the work of the Egyptian mystics. Let us remember that this tradition is one of the oldest available to contemporaries and has high potential.

In addition, it is advisable to use Egyptian signs for amulets. For example, it is always useful to use a protective amulet like Shenu with your own name. The remaining signs also have a powerful positive charge and can be used as a personal talisman and for any space, for example, at home or office.

Of the most powerful signs, the feather of Maat, the eye of Horus and the Ankh should be noted. These signs have slightly different meanings, but can also be used in combination, since each is generally favorable for almost every person, although we are talking about respectable people, since in Egypt significant attention was paid to morality and ethics.

Egyptian hieroglyphs, pictures of which will be given below, constitute one of the writing systems used almost 3.5 thousand years ago. In Egypt, it began to be used at the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. e. This system combined elements of phonetic, syllabic and ideographic styles. hieroglyphs were pictorial images supplemented with phonetic symbols. As a rule, they were carved on stones. However, Egyptian hieroglyphs could also be found on papyri and wooden sarcophagi. The pictures that were used in the drawing were similar to the objects that they represented. This made it much easier to understand what was written. Later in the article we will talk about what this or that hieroglyph meant.

The mystery of the appearance of signs

The history of the system goes deep into the past. For a very long period, one of the oldest written monuments in Egypt was the Narmer palette. It was believed that it depicted the earliest signs. However, German archaeologists in 1998 discovered three hundred clay tablets during excavations. They depicted proto-hieroglyphs. The signs date back to the 33rd century BC. e. The very first sentence is believed to be inscribed on a Second Dynasty seal from the tomb of Pharaoh Seth-Peribsen at Abydos. It should be said that initially images of objects and living beings were used as signs. But this system was quite complex, as it required certain artistic skills. In this regard, after some time the images were simplified to the necessary contours. Thus, hieratic writing appeared. This system was used mainly by priests. They wrote inscriptions on tombs and temples. The demotic (folk) system, which appeared somewhat later, was easier. It consisted of circles, arcs, and dashes. However, recognizing the original characters in this letter was problematic.

Improving signs

Egyptian hieroglyphs were originally pictographic. That is, the words looked like visual drawings. Next, a semantic one was created. With the help of ideograms, it was possible to write down individual abstract concepts. So, for example, the image of mountains could mean both part of the relief and a mountainous, foreign country. The image of the sun meant “day”, since it shines only during the day. Subsequently, ideograms played a significant role in the development of the entire Egyptian writing system. Somewhat later, sound signs began to appear. In this system, more attention was paid not so much to the meaning of the word, but to its sound interpretation. How many hieroglyphs are there in Egyptian writing? During the New, Middle and Old Kingdoms, there were approximately 800 signs. Under Greco-Roman rule, there were already more than 6,000.


The problem of systematization remains unresolved to this day. Wallis Budge (English philologist and Egyptologist) was one of the first scholars to catalog Egyptian hieroglyphs. His classification was based on the external characteristics of the signs. After him, in 1927, a new list was compiled by Gardiner. His "Egyptian Grammar" contained a classification of signs also based on external characteristics. But in his list the signs were divided into groups, which were designated by Latin letters. Within the categories, the signs were assigned serial numbers. Over time, the classification compiled by Gardiner began to be considered generally accepted. The database was replenished by adding new characters to the groups he defined. Many subsequently discovered signs were assigned additional letter values ​​after the numbers.

New codification

Simultaneously with the expansion of the list compiled on the basis of Gardiner’s classification, some researchers began to make assumptions about the incorrect distribution of hieroglyphs into groups. In the 80s, a four-volume catalog of signs, divided by their meaning, was released. Over time, this classifier also began to be rethought. As a result, a grammar compiled by Kurt appeared in 2007-2008. He corrected Gardiner's four-volume work and introduced a new division into groups. This work is undoubtedly very informative and useful in translation practice. But some researchers have doubts about whether the new codification will take root in Egyptology, since it also has its own shortcomings and flaws.

Modern approach to character coding

How is Egyptian hieroglyphs translated today? In 1991, when computer technology was already quite developed, the Unicode standard was proposed for encoding characters of various languages. The latest version contains basic Egyptian hieroglyphs. These signs are in the range: U+13000 - U+1342F. Today, various new catalogs continue to appear in electronic form. Decoding Egyptian hieroglyphs into Russian is carried out using the graphic editor Hieroglyphica. It should be noted that new catalogs continue to appear to this day. Due to the fairly large number of signs, it is still not possible to completely classify them. In addition, from time to time, researchers discover new Egyptian hieroglyphs and their meanings, or new phonetic symbols for existing ones.

Direction of the characters

Most often, the Egyptians wrote in horizontal lines, usually from right to left. It was rare to see a direction from left to right. In some cases, the signs were positioned vertically. In this case, they were always read from top to bottom. However, despite the predominant direction from right to left in the writings of the Egyptians, for practical reasons, in modern research literature, the style from left to right is adopted. The signs that depicted birds, animals, and people were always facing the beginning of the line. The upper sign took precedence over the lower one. The Egyptians did not use sentence or word separators, meaning there was no punctuation. When writing, they tried to distribute calligraphic characters without spaces and symmetrically, forming rectangles or squares.

Typeface system

Egyptian hieroglyphs can be divided into two large groups. The first includes phonograms (sound signs), and the second includes ideograms (semantic signs). The latter were used to denote a word or concept. They, in turn, are divided into 2 types: determiners and logograms. Phonograms were used to designate sounds. This group included three types of signs: three-consonant, two-consonant and one-consonant. It is noteworthy that among the hieroglyphs there is not a single image. Thus, this writing is a consonantal system, like Arabic or Hebrew. The Egyptians could read the text with all the vowels, even if they were not written down. Each person knew exactly which sound should be placed between which consonants when pronouncing a particular word. But the absence of vowel marks poses a serious problem for Egyptologists. For a very long period (almost the last two millennia), the language was considered dead. And today no one knows exactly how the words sounded. Thanks to philological research, it was, of course, possible to establish the approximate phonetics of many words and to understand the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphs in Russian, Latin, and other languages. But this kind of work is today a very isolated science.


Monoconsonant characters made up the Egyptian alphabet. In this case, hieroglyphs were used to indicate 1 The exact names of all monoconsonant signs are unknown. The order of their occurrence was developed by Egyptologists. Transliteration is carried out using If there are no corresponding letters or several of them are needed, then diacritics are used for designation. Biconsonant sounds are designed to convey two consonants. This type of hieroglyphs is quite common. Some of them are polyphonic (transmit several combinations). Triconsonant signs convey, respectively, three consonants. They are also quite widespread in writing. As a rule, the last two types are used with the addition of monoconsonant signs, which partially or completely reflect their sound.

Ideogrammatic Egyptian hieroglyphs and their meanings

Logograms are symbols that depict what they actually mean. For example, the drawing of the sun is day, and light, and the sun itself, and time.

For a more accurate understanding, the logogram was supplemented with a sound sign. Determinatives are ideograms that are intended to indicate grammatical categories in logographic writing. As a rule, they were placed at the end of words. The determiner served to clarify the meaning of what was written. However, it did not denote any words or sounds. Determinatives can have both figurative and direct meaning. For example, the Egyptian hieroglyph “eye” is not only the organ of vision itself, but also the ability to see and look. And a sign illustrating a papyrus scroll could not only designate a book or the scroll itself, but also have another abstract, abstract concept.

Use of signs

The decorative and rather formal nature of the hieroglyphs determined their use. In particular, signs were used, as a rule, to inscribe sacred and monumental texts. In everyday life, a simpler hieratic system was used to create business and administrative documents and correspondence. But, despite its fairly frequent use, it could not supplant hieroglyphs. They continued to be used during the Persian and Greco-Roman periods. But it must be said that by the 4th century there were few people who could use and understand this system.

Scientific research

Ancient writers were among the first to become interested in hieroglyphs: Diodorus, Strabo, Herodotus. Horapollo had particular authority in the field of studying signs. All these writers strongly argued that all hieroglyphs are picture writing. In this system, in their opinion, individual signs denoted entire words, but not letters or syllables. Researchers of the 19th century were influenced by this thesis for a very long time. Without attempting to scientifically confirm this theory, scientists deciphered the hieroglyphs, considering each of them as an element of pictography. The first to suggest the presence of phonetic signs was But he, too, could not find the key to understanding them. Jean-François Champollion managed to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. The historical merit of this researcher is that he abandoned the thesis of ancient writers and chose his own path. As the basis of his study, he accepted the assumption that Egyptian writing consisted not of conceptual, but phonetic elements.

Exploring the Rosetta Stone

This archaeological find was a black polished basalt slab. It was completely covered with inscriptions that were made in two languages. There were three columns on the stove. The first two were made in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The third column was written in Greek, and it was thanks to its presence that the text on the stone was read. This was the priestly address of honor sent to Ptolemy the Fifth Epiphanes on the occasion of his coronation. In the Greek text, the names of Cleopatra and Ptolemy were present on the stone. They should also have been in the Egyptian text. It was known that the names of the pharaohs were enclosed in cartouches or oval frames. That is why Champillion had no difficulty finding names in the Egyptian text - they clearly stood out from the background of other characters. Subsequently, comparing the columns with texts, the researcher became increasingly convinced of the validity of the theory about the phonetic basis of symbols.

Some drawing rules

Aesthetic considerations were of particular importance in the writing technique. On their basis, certain rules were created that limited the choice and direction of the text. The symbols could be written from right to left or vice versa, depending on where they were used. Some signs were written so as to face the reader. This rule applied to many hieroglyphs, but the most obvious limitation was when drawing symbols illustrating animals and people. If the inscription was located on the portal, then its individual signs faced the middle of the door. The person entering could thus easily read the characters, since the text began with hieroglyphs located at a distance closest to him. As a result, not a single sign was “ignorant” or turned their back on anyone. The same principle, in fact, can be observed during a conversation between two people.


It should be said that, despite the external simplicity of the elements of writing of the Egyptians, their system of signs was considered quite complex. Over time, symbols began to fade into the background, and soon they were replaced by other ways of graphically expressing speech. The Romans and Greeks showed little interest in Egyptian hieroglyphs. With the adoption of Christianity, the symbol system completely fell out of use. By 391, by order of the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius the First, all pagan temples were closed. The last hieroglyphic record dates back to the year 394 (this is evidenced by archaeological finds on Philae Island).

When deciphering the writings of Ancient Egypt, an important role was given to the inscriptions carved on the Rosetta Stone. This stone was found on June 15, 1799 by an officer of the French troops P. Bouchard during the construction of a fort near the Arab town of Rosetta, located in the western part of the Nile Delta. The stone was sent to the Egyptian Institute in Cairo. Since the French fleet was completely destroyed by the English fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson, as a result of which the connection between Napoleon’s troops and France was interrupted, the French command decided to leave Egypt, handing over the discovered ancient Egyptian monuments, including the Rosetta Stone, to the British.

The Rosetta Stone is 114.4 cm high and 72.3 cm wide. It is a fragment of a high stele. Three inscriptions are engraved on the front surface of the stone: in the upper part there is a hieroglyphic text, in the middle there is a demotic text, and at the bottom there is a text in ancient Greek. Basically, 32 lines of demotic text have been preserved. Only the last fourteen lines of the hieroglyphic text have been preserved, but they have also been broken off, all fourteen on the right side, twelve on the left. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the stone go from right to left, as the heads of people and animals face to the right. Thus, the endings of two lines (thirteenth and fourteenth) have remained unchanged to this day, which made it possible to decipher the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt.
It can be assumed that the hieroglyphic and demotic texts are written in the same language. It is also assumed that the hieroglyphic text also had 32 lines, like the demotic one, which gives researchers the opportunity to find in the hieroglyphic text groups of graphemes located in the lines of text at almost the same distances as there are between groups of syllabic graphemes in the lines of the demotic text. A comparison of these groups of hieroglyphs with lexemes of the demotic text would make it possible to determine the phonetic meanings of the hieroglyphs, as well as to clarify the phonetic meanings of the graphemes of demotic writing. It is still believed that most of the hieroglyphs are ideograms, that is, most researchers of the culture of Ancient Egypt are of the opinion that a significant part of the hieroglyphs are not phonetic.

Decipherment of demotic writing by T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov

In 2005, Macedonian scientists T. Boshevski and A. Tentov presented to the international scientific community a work that was the result of research carried out as part of the project “Deciphering the Middle Text of the Rosetta Stone,” which was carried out with the support of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2003, when starting their research, Macedonian scientists were confident that the language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, which they were going to study, must definitely have the characteristics of a Slavic language. Macedonian scientists decided that since Ancient Egypt was ruled for a long time by the ancient Slavic dynasty of the Ptolemies, whose homeland was ancient Macedonia, then the decipherment of demotic writing must be carried out on the basis of Slavic languages ​​(http://rosetta-stone.etf.ukim.edu.mk).
Their hypothesis was confirmed by the research results arrived at by Macedonian scientists. The results of their research were the identification and sound identification of syllabic graphemes in the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, representing 27 consonants and 5 vowels (see Fig. 1). The language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone is Slavic.

Rice. 1. Table of syllabic graphemes identified by Boshevsky and Tentov

Syllabic signs were also written one above the other. When reading the middle text, you must first read the upper grapheme, and then the lower one. However, Macedonian scholars did the opposite, which led to a misunderstanding of the meaning of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone. In one of the lines of the demotic text one can read: “And what is my God like? - Come to life! Reveal What He Is.”
The Macedonian researchers themselves identified the language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone as a Proto-Slavic language. They also came to the conclusion that there is no need to look for the complete identity of the three texts, since it is impossible to find it.

Deciphering the hieroglyphic writing of Ancient Egypt

Modern science supports the theory that two scripts - hieroglyphic and demotic - were used to write the act of state on the Rosetta Stone in one language - ancient Egyptian. Thus, the same language was used to write the middle text and the text at the top of the Rosetta Stone. Macedonian scientists T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov proved that when writing the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, one of the ancient Slavic languages ​​was used. Consequently, when deciphering hieroglyphic text, one of the Slavic languages ​​should also be used.

Apparently, the hieroglyphic text of the Rosetta Stone also had 32 lines, like the demotic one, which makes it possible to find in the hieroglyphic text groups of hieroglyphs located in the lines of the hieroglyphic text at the same distances from one group to another as the distances between groups of graphemes whose phonetic values are beyond doubt in a demotic text. A comparison of these groups of hieroglyphs with the lexemes of the demotic inscription would make it possible to determine the phonetic meanings of the hieroglyphs.
The decipherment began by comparing the end of line 32 of the middle text (see Fig. 2) with the end of line 14 of the hieroglyphic text (see Fig. 3).
The result of the transliteration of the end of line 32 of the middle text, carried out by T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov, is presented in Fig. 4. The phonetic meanings of many graphemes are not determined entirely accurately. The syllable “NA” was used completely inappropriately.

After comparing these two sections of inscriptions, it became possible to establish the phonetic meanings of several hieroglyphs. It has been established that the lexeme “NATSZHOY” in a segment of text on a demotic (see Fig. 5) cannot be found in correspondence in a segment of hieroglyphic text.
Continuing to compare sections of the two texts, I determined the phonetic meanings of several dozen hieroglyphs. Subsequently, a syllabary of ancient Egyptian writing was created:

Rice. 2. Drawing the end of line 32 of the middle text

It has been established that the sign ||| denotes plural. Before it, the member of the sentence has the ending -и or -ы. In rare cases, this sign is placed at the beginning of a word. It has also been established that if there is a sign next to the hieroglyph | , then the vowel sound of the hieroglyph is unstressed. Sign | next to a hieroglyph denoting only one vowel sound, indicates stress on this vowel. If after a hieroglyph denoting a consonant with a vowel sound there is a hieroglyph denoting a vowel sound, then the vowel sound of the first hieroglyph is not pronounced.
The hieroglyphic inscription of the Rosetta Stone is read from right to left.
Line 1: ...(Str)ilts in the wounded we ttsem and value, and we have two legs to tsat...
Line 2: ...The most tsanya in Adtsu da Dtsin passed away. Don't (t)dtsani Dtstyaba! Ttsemy sadtse ts gods... Nitsyae early we are early, hell is price... and we...
Line 3: ... (Rays) live mi Sanats Badzzh dtsvuima and mynnya. Drinking, sweating, and nothing. Tsimmi dtsanimya themselves are tsandtsaim - dtspottsaim! Eddzzha nadzzzhamyya warriors...
Line 4: ...Tschi tsishchie dtsit tsig (no ||| - Author), and we will bring down, so that somavts, ganadz... We are not tselimysa Tseb: we are pits of dowry. Zhwe Tseng Yeyi. Yo Nimya tsganadz dtsynytshi dzmyya, so that Tsem abye...
Line 5: ...(Save) we ye velytstse dtsanimya, retshi yo runema. Zsaruniedz lies to the people. Let's live here. Nevermind! Ttsam nitzvom sweaty, and tse drinking yo! Bloody...
Line 6: ...No be tsyayay ttmyyama baeamymy. Tse zzh ani ni e Yoa. Tabe of the Tsar (Nadrtsiy E Dzttsanatsey), badem of the face of life! (Nadrtsiy E) Yayyo Yaghnya Nazzha (Nadrtsiy E)…
Line 7: ...Gods new - three tsatin. Otsei nasa - Tswa. Dtsim bo Dtsvu, dzaniim, appreciate, vaviim, nadymaeamy, be Bozzhimimy voi vuby. Netsim dtsi, by imm. Yonni tsikav, bai them tsvya tsuzzhae: “We are the sanams of the Tsar (Nadrtsiy E)…”.
Line 8: Detstsescha dsesya for us tsudtsa. Bogm navya do not tsti, because do not tstsiti oyu. Dzi dtsiya sabota. Eating tsuxua battlefathers? - Bo nasai vain! “Tsezzhai yone for you... Badtsem, hundred dtsim, dtsanim,” they say to you...
Line 9: ... He thinks: you are in love, rutzems, - he thinks. Ie batsu: don’t fuck with me... And hereby we ttsem, so that sya shemya e mae dtsezzhadtsa nitsnommy nagama avi vobba, notsni of darkness...
Line 10: ... “Not a groan, not a breath. Nazj kirey (from here - CAIRO - Author) runs away. Dtse we avtzymy tza dzim, - bayaime. - Dzttsamyaya, stsucho, prostrate. Razhdennova reva dtsebe tsshaim, - Bodzyavu, we Yaiyo zzhivao. Don’t be a fool, muzainivaya.” And ye Dtsyya Ruts Samm...
Line 11: “...I am Niva.” Wuzzhe bayim inoim bodzyim. Tsetsraim, tstyvoi bo batie-dzhimy tsuzzhatsi, - no sari e va Dtsyne, in Attse. No tsvusamaeamma wutsty tsey. Ino Nitsrayim, you are the best! And na neeeim vu Raimvo(ve)…
Line 12: ... Narcius E Dztsanatsey) badem ni tsatshani. Vostshiyim, adtsbayim dza sha, we appreciate these zhivimmie tshi dtsynets. Neither tsamma is alive. Myva vi yaiy botsdtsy. Bogmi the new face of muzhaimys. Badcem. Tsbadzizzh we are. Both we and the military...
Line 13: ... We're bad at sazzo. We give it to you. Tsitsy stench, live tsymmy. Iymu mawim dati, wife. Va ata both badcem dtsanitsy we Tsibe. Imy tsuzzhim vumen, for Nitsrayim nitsa dsani muzzhi muzzha tsymmyya. Tse zhi nyo buggy...
Line 14: ...Live, Burnt, nniy... Mavisa is the king: the king is without him. Ttsebe, Revive, tsanyinni ejavoy. Bo tsedtsi bagmi new - tsadzi dtseyoa! Tabe, the King (Narciy E Dztsanatsey), badem.


We honor and appreciate the wounded shooters, they need to get back on their feet...

2. The very veneration of the Father and the Son has passed. There is no praise for You. We honor the sun with the gods. We bow to the wounded early, and in the afternoon...
3. And the Sun of God lives me with His rays. With His grace He satisfies the hungry. We ourselves are imbued with these praises, saving our souls. If our warriors...
4. 3000 honors these, and we will pierce in order to wash away, drive away. We pierce, not aiming at You: we pierce for the sake of particles. Her Son lives! His Name will drive away the offspring of Satan, so that with Him...
5. We will preserve Her veneration, we will preserve Her sayings in the scriptures. The Antichrist lies himself. This creature considers it alien. Destroy her! He gives this poison to those who are not his own to drink, and so we drink it!
6. They are not the snakes that were spoken of. After all, they don't belong to her. Yours, King, Who called Her the Sun, we see living faces! Yours, Who called Her Lamb.
7. There are three hundred new gods. Ours is Two. We honor the Two, we honor, we value, we reverence, we exalt, being God’s fishers. Tell everyone, tell everyone. Get people interested, talk about yours to others: “We are the sons of the King, Who Called Her the Sun”...
8. This brainchild is alien to us. Do not honor the new gods, because they are vile. Remember the covenants. Can we really be afraid of this, since we honor our own? “They are strangers to you. We see that we honor and venerate,” they will tell you...
9. Thinks: “Love me, rutens.” But I see: neither one’s own speech flows - another revered one... And we honor that one, and with this we show devotion. So that this family of hers would be tormented by spirits of evil - both. Night darkness...
10. “She doesn’t moan, she breathes. Our ruler is running behind. “So we are the sheep behind him,” we say. - And they themselves, jokingly, prostrate themselves. We are trying to stop the baby from crying. A baby who escaped torture and death itself.” It was Rus...
11. ...Her Niva. We already speak to other gods. Upper Rome, your gods are alien spirits, not kings in the Father and the Son. No one hears the words of their lips. O Lower Rome, you are the horror itself! And in it, in Rome...
12. ...Having called Her the Sun, we see countless. Let us honor, thank, and appreciate the resurrected thousands of sons for this. They did not resurrect themselves. We are only gods in it. Other faces strengthen our faith. We see it and we will see it again. Both we and the warriors...
13. “...We look at the sun. Let's give it to them. They are revered as saints during their lifetime. I will tell him to give it to his wife too. We see the veneration of these two. But they have acquired someone else’s mind, and the men of Lower Rome worship only a revered husband. After all, they are not gods”...
14. Alive, Zheno... The kings have already said: this king is outside her. She glorifies You, the Risen One. After all, these new gods are alien to her. We see You, the King, Who called Her the Sun.

In Fig. 6 we read the inscription: “Tsen, tsiliva bolivaim. (New column) Tstse nami vani. Litsa im vytsetshi abedtsili.” Translation: “Son who heals the sick. They are with us. They promised to carve their images.”

So, everything suggests that the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt is a Slavic syllabary writing.
A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky several years ago formulated a hypothesis according to which the archaeological and written history of “Ancient” Egypt represents only the medieval history of the African inheritance of the Great Horde Empire, which arose as a result of the colonization of the territories of Eurasia and Africa by the Slavs and Turks .
In parallel with colonization, the mission of the Church was carried out, because “Ancient” Egypt was a Christian country. In Fig. 7 you see a linen shirt with a Christian cross embroidered on it, in which one of the pharaohs was buried. The pharaoh also wore gloves. Gloves, as we know, are a piece of clothing that was worn only in the Middle Ages.

Rice. 7. The shirt in which one of the “Egyptians” was buried, along with a glove.

T-shaped Christian crosses were often depicted on the bas-reliefs of Egyptian temples (see Fig. 8). A T-shaped cross is also depicted on the shroud of Queen Elena Voloshanka.

Thus, we can conclude that A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky were right.
It is still believed that most of the hieroglyphs are ideograms, i.e. most researchers of the culture of “Ancient” Egypt are of the opinion that a significant part of the hieroglyphs are not phonetic, however, the results of decoding the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt indicate that hieroglyphic writing is Slavic syllabic writing. It is impossible to see ideograms in hieroglyphs, since in each ideogram, if desired, one can see many semantic meanings. For example, the distinguished Egyptologist Shabas translates one of the hieroglyphs as “hyena.” And the no less honored researcher of Egypt, Brugsch, believes that this hieroglyph has the semantic meaning of “lion.”
Similar scientific research has been going on for two centuries...

See: Quirke S. and Andrews C. Rosetta Stone: Facsimile Drawing with an Introduction and Translations. - New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1989.
Desroches-Noblecourt Christiane. Life and Death of a Pharaoh Tutankhamen. - London, Penguin Books, 1963. - P. 270.
Medieval face stitching. Byzantium, Balkans, Rus'. Exhibition catalogue. XVIII International Congress of Byzantinists. Moscow, August 8-15, 1991 - Moscow. Ministry of Culture of the USSR. State museums of the Moscow Kremlin. 1991. - P. 60.
See: Nosovsky G.V. Rus' and Rome. Slavic-Turkic conquest of the world. Egypt / G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko. 3rd ed., rev. And additional - M.: Astrel, AST; Polygraphizdat, 2010. - P. 317.

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The writing system of Ancient Egypt is the most famous hieroglyphic writing system.

The deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, carried out in the 19th century by Jean-François Champollion, made it possible to lift the veil of secrets over the history of ancient Egyptian society.

From pictography to consonantism

The ancient Egyptian writing system appeared at the end of the 4th millennium BC. In a tomb dating back to the 33rd century BC, scientists in 1998 discovered as many as three hundred tablets covered with primitive hieroglyphs. This find is currently considered the oldest example of Egyptian writing.

The very first hieroglyphs were just visual images of simple objects and concepts: the sun, bull, mountains, etc. Later, these same drawings began to depict abstract concepts, the spectrum of which was very wide.

hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt photo

Thus, the sun sign could mean “day”, since the sun shines only during the day; the sign of the mountains denoted a foreign state, because it was located behind the mountains. This system is called ideography and is a step forward compared to simple drawings.

Even later, the hieroglyphs underwent another semantic transformation. This time they began to denote not ideas associated with the image, but consonants included in the name of the object. Some hieroglyphs denoted the first consonant in a word, others - two or three consonants.

It is curious that the development of ancient Egyptian writing follows the same logic as the writing of languages ​​related to Egyptian - Semitic: only consonants were subject to designation, the main ones between them were not transmitted in any way. The Arabic, Hebrew, Ethiopian and Phoenician alphabets are built on the same principle.

Rules for writing hieroglyphs

As in other areas of art and culture, the Egyptians developed a system of strict canons in writing.

  • When writing hieroglyphs linearly, the line most often went from left to right (for comparison, in other Semitic languages, words and sentences are written from right to left);
  • Images of people and animals are always facing the beginning of the line;
  • They tried to fit a group of hieroglyphs into a square, with the upper characters to be read first, and then the lower ones;
  • Determinatives (signs denoting grammatical categories) were placed after the main hieroglyph or before it, depending on this, the meaning of what was written changed.

Hieratic and demotic writing

Classical hieroglyphs largely played a decorative role. They covered the walls of buildings, sculptures and columns. Classical hieroglyphs were also used to write sacred texts on papyrus. For everyday needs, a different writing system was required, a simpler one, and the Egyptians subsequently developed one. This is hieratic writing.

hieratic letter photo

Initially, it was a form of cursive writing, but then peculiarities in the use of signs appeared: some were combined into ligatures, others were omitted for simplicity. From this system later grew demotic - an even more simplified and convenient writing system.

Decoding Egyptian hieroglyphs

As already mentioned, the honor of solving the mystery of the hieroglyphs belongs to Jean-François Champollion, a French researcher. This was not an easy job. We can say that Champollion was lucky: he came across the Rosetta Stone, containing the same text in Egyptian and Greek; The names of Ptolemy and Cleopatra were, according to tradition, circled in a cartouche.

Reading Greek and Egyptian words in cartouches laid the foundation for the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Egyptian signs in this case denoted consonant sounds (phonetic notation). The Rosetta Stone contained a late Hellenistic era text.

Rosetta Stone photo

Later, Champollion discovered the names of the pharaohs Ramses and Thutmose, written according to the same phonetic principle. Thanks to this, it became clear that the phonetic principle was used by the Egyptians long before the conquest of Egypt by the Greeks.

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When deciphering the writings of Ancient Egypt, an important role was given to the inscriptions carved on the Rosetta Stone. This stone was found on June 15, 1799 by an officer of the French troops P. Bouchard during the construction of a fort near the Arab town of Rosetta, located in the western part of the Nile Delta. The stone was sent to the Egyptian Institute in Cairo. Since the French fleet was completely destroyed by the English fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson, as a result of which the connection between Napoleon’s troops and France was interrupted, the French command decided to leave Egypt, handing over the discovered ancient Egyptian monuments, including the Rosetta Stone, to the British. The Rosetta Stone is 114.4 cm high and 72.3 cm wide. It is a fragment of a high stele. Three inscriptions are engraved on the front surface of the stone: in the upper part there is a hieroglyphic text, in the middle there is a demotic text, and at the bottom there is a text in ancient Greek. Basically, 32 lines of demotic text have been preserved. Only the last fourteen lines of the hieroglyphic text have been preserved, but they have also been broken off, all fourteen on the right side, twelve on the left. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the stone go from right to left, as the heads of people and animals face to the right. Thus, the endings of two lines (thirteenth and fourteenth) have remained unchanged to this day, which made it possible to decipher the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt. It can be assumed that the hieroglyphic and demotic texts are written in the same language. It is also assumed that the hieroglyphic text also had 32 lines, like the demotic one, which gives researchers the opportunity to find in the hieroglyphic text groups of graphemes located in the lines of text at almost the same distances as there are between groups of syllabic graphemes in the lines of the demotic text. A comparison of these groups of hieroglyphs with lexemes of the demotic text would make it possible to determine the phonetic meanings of the hieroglyphs, as well as to clarify the phonetic meanings of the graphemes of demotic writing. It is still believed that most of the hieroglyphs are ideograms, that is, most researchers of the culture of Ancient Egypt are of the opinion that a significant part of the hieroglyphs are not phonetic.

Decipherment of demotic writing by T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov

In 2005, Macedonian scientists T. Boshevski and A. Tentov presented to the international scientific community a work that was the result of research carried out as part of the project “Deciphering the Middle Text of the Rosetta Stone,” which was carried out with the support of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2003, when starting their research, Macedonian scientists were confident that the language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, which they were going to study, must definitely have the characteristics of a Slavic language. Macedonian scientists decided that since Ancient Egypt was ruled for a long time by the ancient Slavic dynasty of the Ptolemies, whose homeland was ancient Macedonia, then the decipherment of demotic writing must be carried out on the basis of Slavic languages ​​(http://rosetta-stone.etf.ukim.edu.mk). Their hypothesis was confirmed by the research results arrived at by Macedonian scientists. The results of their research were the identification and sound identification of syllabic graphemes in the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, representing 27 consonants and 5 vowels (see Fig. 1). The language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone is Slavic.

Rice. 1. Table of syllabic graphemes identified by Boshevsky and Tentov

Syllabic signs were also written one above the other. When reading the middle text, you must first read the upper grapheme, and then the lower one. However, Macedonian scholars did the opposite, which led to a misunderstanding of the meaning of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone. In one of the lines of the demotic text one can read: “And what is my God like? - Come to life! Reveal What He Is.” The Macedonian researchers themselves identified the language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone as a Proto-Slavic language. They also came to the conclusion that there is no need to look for the complete identity of the three texts, since it is impossible to find it.

Deciphering the hieroglyphic writing of Ancient Egypt

Modern science supports the theory that two scripts - hieroglyphic and demotic - were used to write the act of state on the Rosetta Stone in one language - ancient Egyptian. Thus, the same language was used to write the middle text and the text at the top of the Rosetta Stone. Macedonian scientists T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov proved that when writing the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, one of the ancient Slavic languages ​​was used. Consequently, when deciphering hieroglyphic text, one of the Slavic languages ​​should also be used.

Apparently, the hieroglyphic text of the Rosetta Stone also had 32 lines, like the demotic one, which makes it possible to find in the hieroglyphic text groups of hieroglyphs located in the lines of the hieroglyphic text at the same distances from one group to another as the distances between groups of graphemes whose phonetic values are beyond doubt in a demotic text. A comparison of these groups of hieroglyphs with the lexemes of the demotic inscription would make it possible to determine the phonetic meanings of the hieroglyphs. The decipherment began by comparing the end of line 32 of the middle text (see Fig. 2) with the end of line 14 of the hieroglyphic text (see Fig. 3). The result of the transliteration of the end of line 32 of the middle text, carried out by T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov, is presented in Fig. 4. The phonetic meanings of many graphemes are not determined entirely accurately. The syllable “NA” was used completely inappropriately.

After comparing these two sections of inscriptions, it became possible to establish the phonetic meanings of several hieroglyphs. It has been established that the lexeme “NATSZHOY” in a segment of text on a demotic (see Fig. 5) cannot be found in correspondence in a segment of hieroglyphic text. Continuing to compare sections of the two texts, I determined the phonetic meanings of several dozen hieroglyphs. Subsequently, a syllabary of ancient Egyptian writing was created:

Syllabary of Ancient Egyptian Writing

Rice. 2. Drawing the end of line 32 of the middle text

Rice. 3. Drawing the end of the 14th line of hieroglyphic text

Rice. 4. Transliteration of the end of 32 lines of demotic text.

Rice. 5. Lexeme NATZHOY. Translated into Russian: OUR.

It has also been established that if there is a sign next to the hieroglyph | , then the vowel sound of the hieroglyph is unstressed. Sign | next to a hieroglyph denoting only one vowel sound, indicates stress on this vowel. If after a hieroglyph denoting a consonant with a vowel sound there is a hieroglyph denoting a vowel sound, then the vowel sound of the first hieroglyph is not pronounced. The hieroglyphic inscription of the Rosetta Stone is read from right to left.

1st line: ...ate tsvoru nan e wash. Ttsei tseny veravoyoeyvone...

Line 2: ... the name tsayo in atse ratsne piled up. Not (t) tsanyatstsa battsesa, tsevo baha... Nyatsayae runa and th runne...

Line 3: Lives mi Sanatse Batzzhe ts vyaivi Nnyavo. Singing, sweaty niyiv. Tsammi ts A nyasami tsnyatseivo tspots A Ivo! Ejizhea nazzhaya c in O Ivo...

Line 4: ...Tschi tsai sche cystotsich, and we stink And in and , in order to save the Ghanaians... Nya tselisime, tstsameya: feces s Myvo Zzhewiec neje. Shanya Tsganadtse ts s nyatshi dzyadne. Abovsatsemu, abovievi...

Line 5: ...(Save) mye velytse tsanyane, r e tshi Yo - rune. Zsarun e ts is false, one hundred tssamyvo tszhivitsya may tsya zzhavatsia. Let's jump to the warrior's temple! Nyatsvoy sweat and tse petsma beer...

Line 6: “Don’t be tsaynets in reality, - b A eavvo. “Tse zhiavvynya e Yoa.” Tabe of the King (Nadrtsiy E Dts A natsaei), ne batsemivo lik A I'm glad! (Nadrtsiy E) Yyo Yaghnya Nazzha (Nadrtsiy E)…

Line 7: God is new - tsreyo tsatin. Otsei nasavo – Tseva. Ts yimi (not dual, but plural) botsvyatsanya. And tsenyuy vyaviv, nidemyaeav betsa zh myvo, voi vyabevne (voi seduction). Netsimivotsa (meaningless) bai im. Shanya tsakav, bai im tsevya tsezzha e: “We are the ranks of the Tsar (Nadrtsy E)…”

Line 8: Dsetsa dsetsa - us tsetsva. God new not tsti, because not tsativo oyui, tsitsya sab O Tyva. Etsya tsesua boyadets? – Bo n A saya vanity! “Tsezzhai shané dsebe... Ne batsemyvo, hundred tsivtsanyanna, kamu zhatvu...

Line 9: Mnit. “Vutselyubetsya,” Retz e.– Noni tvye boceno – peztsavni radesy, voyascheya tsdna tsceztsa. And tim tetsem tsdne, abo sayaa, schya tsmeaets tsezzhatsa nyatsnomi nagavi in O bbawi nocenyavyu..."

Line 10: “Moan inside, don’t breathe. Nazj kirey (from here – CAIRO – Author) ttsde b e X. Ts avtse tsetzhdzeyimi bayaiimieney. Vodtsetsyasstse tshanyatse. Razhdennova reva dtsebe tsshaim. Bodzyavya Yaiyo is alive. Tse shnyatseshchena ne beme, mutsainyavoaya.” And ye tsartsesa...

Line 11: “...Yaie Nyavoy.” Vyazzhbayimivi inaoyim bodzeim. Tsetsraim, tse thy bovahie-zhivotsezzhatsa (bull-animals) – nya sary vatsni. Vatsevo nya tsvyatssa myaeav vyatstyva tseya? Ino Nitsrayim sa Imm knitting. Tse tyvai nyonyu ie imomi vya raivvo...

Line 12: Narcius E Dztsanatsey) ne batsemivo ni tsatshanya. Vovatshiimivo, atsbaimvya dza scha tsiniv. This will revive the lives of the cynics. Nya tssaima is alive A. In yavtsme yi b O tsetswa, bang A we are new. Lika mozzhaivasyne badtsemivo. Tse “baji” – her tsvitsmeve...

Line 13: “Be. Ne batsemi vono tsatsetsem. Yes and vei tsvya. It stinks, it stinks. Iimova vivideti muevnyavo, and tyayobe ne batsemivo.” Tsanyatse tse, Iboyvatse live. Vyamva, shanyava, for yoni ts raiminitsa tsanyami. Zzhmozzhatse yyo – nn s jiwa - Bach nat...

Line 14: “I’ll survive on yonononyay... Appear or Dtsetsar bezhnyaydzey, dze bev. Zhivimmovatsa nyavonyaevo, for tsetsva bokhmnova m Yu tse, dzyv s wa Tseyoa.” Tabe, the King (Narceii E Dtts A Natsai), ne badtsemivo. Translation

  1. We're packing now. Sons of believers...

2. My eyes fell asleep. There is no worship of deities. We honor in runes and in runes.

3. And the Sun of God lives me with His rays. With His grace He satisfies the hungry. We ourselves are imbued with these praises, saving our souls. If our warriors...

4. 3000 honors these, and we will pierce in order to wash away, drive away. We pierce, not aiming at You: we pierce for the sake of particles. Her Son lives! His Name will drive away the spawn of Satan, the insatiable offspring! Both...

5. We will preserve Her veneration, we will preserve Her sayings in the scriptures. The Antichrist lies that he has a wonderful reviving elixir. He was defeated. Makes you drink your glorified beer.

6. “And there was no one,” they tell you. – This is only Her healing remedy. Yours, King, Who called Her the Sun, we cannot see your living face! Yours, Who called Her Lamb.

7. There are three hundred new gods. Ours is Two. With three hundred gods there are also godchildren. People worship demons, the army of deception. Tell everyone, tell everyone. Get people interested, talk about yours to others: “We are the sons of the King, Who called Her the Sun...”

8. This reverence, this faith is an honor to us. Do not honor the new gods, because they are vile. Remember the covenants. Can we really be afraid of this, since we honor our own? “They are strangers to you. We see that we honor and honor,” they will tell you...

9. He thinks: “Love him,” he says. “Your deity is only a nuisance for the warriors.” And we honor ours, and thus we show devotion. No one dares to shun our alluring, enticing gods...”

10. “She doesn’t moan, she breathes. Our ruler is running behind. “So we are the sheep behind him,” we say. – We are trying to stop the baby from crying. A baby who escaped torture and death itself.”

11. ...Her Niva. We already speak to other gods. Upper Rome, your gods are bulls and rams, not eternal Kings, not Kings. Why didn’t you bow to the Holy One? And Lower Rome is already with Him.

12. ...Having called Her the Sun, we see countless. Let us honor, thank, and appreciate the resurrected thousands of sons for this. They did not resurrect themselves. We are only gods in it. Other faces strengthen our faith. We see it and we will see it again. Both we and the warriors... And alien deities are idols.

13. “We do not see the sun and His rays in Him. They are revered as saints. We see their image, but we do not see God.” The illustrious saints in heaven still help us. Our God can even kill those killed...

14. “The Exiled Tsar appeared, remember. Stayed here for a long time. The wife, who had a gift from above, revived the King.” We do not see You, the King, Who called Her the Sun.

In Fig. 6 we read the inscription: “Itzey tseliv A we are in pain. (Left column) Itse nami vani. Litsa neim vytsetshi abetsli.” Translation: “These are medicines that heal the sick. They are with us. They promised to carve their images.”

Rice. 6. The inscription “Itzey tseliv” A we are in pain. (New column) Itse nami vani. Litsa neim vytsetshi abetsli.”

So, everything suggests that the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt is Slavic syllabic writing. A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky several years ago formulated a hypothesis according to which the archaeological and written history of “Ancient” Egypt represents only the medieval history of the African inheritance of the Great Horde Empire, which arose as a result of the colonization of the territories of Eurasia and Africa by the Slavs and Turks . In parallel with colonization, the mission of the Church was carried out, because “Ancient” Egypt was a Christian country. In Fig. 7 you see a linen shirt with a Christian cross embroidered on it, in which one of the pharaohs was buried. The pharaoh also wore gloves. Gloves, as we know, are a piece of clothing that was worn only in the Middle Ages.

Rice. 7. The shirt in which one of the “Egyptians” was buried, along with a glove.

T-shaped Christian crosses were often depicted on the bas-reliefs of Egyptian temples (see Fig. 8). A T-shaped cross is also depicted on the shroud of Queen Elena Voloshanka.

Rice. 8. T-shaped cross on a bas-relief in Luxor.

Thus, we can conclude that A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky were right. It is still believed that most of the hieroglyphs are ideograms, i.e. most researchers of the culture of “Ancient” Egypt are of the opinion that a significant part of the hieroglyphs are not phonetic, however, the results of decoding the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt indicate that hieroglyphic writing is Slavic syllabic writing. It is impossible to see ideograms in hieroglyphs, since in each ideogram, if desired, one can see many semantic meanings. For example, the distinguished Egyptologist Shabas translates one of the hieroglyphs as “hyena.” And the no less honored researcher of Egypt, Brugsch, believes that this hieroglyph has the semantic meaning of “lion.” Similar scientific research has been going on for two centuries...

See: Quirke S. and Andrews C. Rosetta Stone: Facsimile Drawing with an Introduction and Translations. – New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1989.

Desroches-Noblecourt Christiane. Life and Death of a Pharaoh Tutankhamen. – London, Penguin Books, 1963. – P. 270.

Medieval face stitching. Byzantium, Balkans, Rus'. Exhibition catalogue. XVIII International Congress of Byzantinists. Moscow, August 8-15, 1991 - Moscow. Ministry of Culture of the USSR. State museums of the Moscow Kremlin. 1991. – P. 60.

See: Nosovsky G.V. Rus' and Rome. Slavic-Turkic conquest of the world. Egypt / G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko. 3rd ed., rev. And additional – M.: Astrel, AST; Polygraphizdat, 2010. – P. 317.

This textbook is designed for quickly learning the basics of Egyptian grammar, hieroglyphic vocabulary without a deep study of the principles of constructing complex grammatical structures, the material itself is designed for beginners and inexperienced users, lovers of ancient culture, writing, Egyptian written monuments, spiritual works of ancient masters, which are world heritage, for children's additional education. To make the educational material compact and simple, everything complex and cumbersome diagrams are not discussed in this educational material. The purpose of this textbook is to help beginners and inexperienced lovers of Egyptian history learn to make simple translations of simple texts themselves, to roughly imagine what the ancient Egyptians wrote on papyri on the walls of temples, on obelisks and other historical objects. Theoretically, the hieroglyphic language is simple, since ancient scientists developed this language for a specific purpose, so that it could be used by as many people as possible speaking different languages ​​and dialects. The peculiarity of this language is that it can be used without phonetic perception, that is, without sound accompaniment. The text written in this way can be immediately translated into any other language.

To seriously study the Egyptian language, you will need more complex educational material; if we talk about textbooks in Russian, then you will need several textbooks, in fact there are not many of them. The first to write a textbook on the study of the Egyptian language was N. S. Petrovsky, Egyptian Language, 1958.

This is how academician V. Struve speaks about this textbook: Thus, N. S. Petrovsky’s book is not just a textbook in an independent scientific presentation of the material (and, due to its systematicity and completeness, has a reference character, which should satisfy both practical and scientific aspirations of those wishing to study the Egyptian language), but also a very interesting, thought-provoking scientific work.

The editor would like to warn the reader that some insufficiency of the illustrative and reference apparatus, expressed in the absence of an index, a limited number of examples, lack of indications of the source of the latter, etc., is caused only by the requirement to publish a condensed, short course of the Egyptian language as a first attempt. The author and editor are aware of the debatability of a number of problems and the incompleteness of some provisions, but they hope that this will be an incentive for further research, which, in fact, is the meaning of any beginning.

Academician V. Struve.

November 1957

The author himself writes about his textbook: Despite all the imperfections of this book, the author would like to think that it will to some extent contribute to the interest that our people have had for a long time in the great achievements of the ancient Egyptian people.

This book is very common and it is not difficult to find it; you can download it on the Internet.

A very interesting textbook was compiled by M. A. Korostovtsev Egyptian language 1961.

Unfortunately, the circulation of this book is very small, only 1400 copies. Therefore, the book is considered rare and can only be found in a scientific library.

If you decide to study the Egyptian language on your own, then the book by the author Ronald Bonewitz, Hieroglyphs for Beginners, 2003, circulation 10,000 copies, will be very useful to you. The book is very widespread; the author very simply and clearly explains the difficult points in learning the Egyptian language.

The author’s textbook also deserves special attention: Alan Gardiner “Egyptian Grammar”

This educational work can be downloaded on the Internet.

Methodological guide to quickly learning the Egyptian language

Your mask, your beautiful face will illuminate,

invisible Sokara, faithful Anubis closes him,

He preserves the beautiful face of the righteous,

Your right eye is a reflection of your left eye,

Waves are now coming from your eyebrows,

The immortals are now on your forehead,

You will be chosen by Anubis for your youth,

Horus will be behind you,

From the invisible, Sokara first Osiris,

You see him there

With you he moves along beautiful roads,

The part you drowned as a hero deserves immortality,

The lord of the princes, Osiris, the king of Nebkheperur (Tutankhamun), the honest living sun, will rise as a great angel in the middle of Heliopolis, his greatest Horus there.

Education in ancient Egypt had a huge role, without education it is impossible to build monumental structures, temples, pyramids, platinums, canals and other grandiose structures were built thanks to the sciences that were passed on from generation to generation, with the help of writing (Hieroglyphs), hieroglyphic writing itself was not when was not secret knowledge; on the contrary, hieroglyphs were written everywhere. Literate people were exempted from various taxes and encouraged in every possible way to engage in education. In connection with this, the question arises, how did self-education take place, and what methods were invented by the ancient Egyptians for studying the hieroglyphic language? There is an assumption that the ancient Egyptians created various textbooks for studying the hieroglyphic language, one of these textbooks is depicted in the tomb of Queen Nefertari, if this version turns out to be correct, then the frescoes in the tomb of Queen Nefertari are one of the most ancient textbooks on learning the language, that is, the alphabet of the Egyptian language three thousand years old.

The word of Isis, queen, great mistress of the earthly country

Here (this) to you, your great queen Nefertari, I give what you deserve (Isis)

the beautiful from the earthly kingdom has been reborn!

By the word light is given (which is) like the sun
With the word given shines (god) RA from the sky

With a word is given from the kingdom is reborn, Dawn in it the floating god rises With a word is given the flight of the red sun

The word gives eternity, constant life, well-being
Zenith which is houses above
Hathor over the head of the possession of Thebes, the mistress of the divine lords

Thoth and Queen Nefertari

Thoth and Queen Nefertari

Quote: asking for a vessel with water, a palette from TOTA from the necropolis of Osiris

The queen of the great mistress of the earthly country Nefertari is a truthful voice!

ABOUT! visionary creator, teacher! I see your ABC,

I am your walker, with your wisdom, with your spirituality.

I have your freshness, your aroma.

My books have THE thoughts of the MOUNTAIN of yours.

In the middle, the FROG carries my vessel with water, carries my palette.

TOTA writing instruments, secret in the middle, these are our gods, give me.

I, my around, twisting my, carry my bundle.

The mummies of OSIRIS "books" will become talking!

God rises, beautiful sun,

Lord, your craft is most beautiful of all.

My zenith is made by me! MAAT your fair one will return!


DESCRIPTION OF THE PHENOMENON: An inscription made in Egyptian hieroglyphs. The same text can be read from left to right and from right to left, and the spelling will not be violated, and the text will retain its general meaning, although in fact it will be two different texts. Previously, this option for reading ancient inscriptions has not been found anywhere in more than one textbook of the Egyptian language.

The tomb of Ramesses 1 is considered a unique, difficult-to-manufacture structure; a large number of workers and engineers, specialists in various fields, were involved in the construction of this object, who performed very complex, hard work. The calculations for the design of the tunnel and underground structures were carried out by highly qualified engineers who carried out very complex scientific research even for our time; the result of their work evokes delight and respect even among modern scientists and builders. The result of their work, which was organized by Ramesses 1, is a unique underground structure that has stood for more than three thousand years, the plaster is in good condition, the inscriptions left by the priests of that time deserve special attention and comprehensive study.

In 2019, I translated the text from the tomb of Ramesses 1 KV 16. The text being studied is a well-preserved fresco depicting the constellation DRAGON in a circle of 12 daughters. The 12 daughters symbolize the 12 o'clock hours, which actually contains the constellation DRAGON. The inscriptions near the DRAGON explain that the sidereal clock is conventionally depicted here. The inscription CLOCK has an erroneous spelling; the inscription is written backwards. The inscription itself is located separately and it is impossible to make such an inscription by mistake. Such an error immediately catches the eye; I made the assumption that the text somehow turned out to be mirrored, perhaps an inexperienced artist applied the image backwards to front, or some other absurdity happened when applying the image to the walls. Therefore, I translated this text in two ways from left to right and right to left. As a result, the result should have been one text connected with each other, correct, with meaning, and the second text should have been with spelling errors and devoid of any meaning, like just a bunch of words. Thus, it was possible to determine in which direction the given text was read. All textbooks clearly state that all texts are read from the side from which the symbolic signs are viewed, but this rule can only apply to inscriptions that are free of errors. After translating this one text in different ways, two adequate texts appeared without spelling errors and with approximately the same semantic plot, which of course puzzled me. Since such an effect cannot happen by chance. It can be assumed that the priests made such a recording specifically to demonstrate certain skills that they could use when writing various inscriptions. Not a single textbook has previously described such an effect. It can be assumed that this is not a single inscription with a similar property and perhaps this effect occurs often?!

We read the text from left to right from columns 1 to 12.

Our constellations are observable, ours, created everything.
DRAGON is our oldest, at home there she is, spinning yours, mine!
To me, mine, created by us, made by me, our joy protecting me,
our star tunnels.
Your hearts will have your support,
the heart-strengthening drink is your water, given to you by the tunnels.
My wise seeds will sprout from you!

We read the same text, from right to left from 12 to 1 column.

You will have a wise seed, with my water,
given to you by the tunnels,
This heart-strengthening drink is your support.
uniting your astronomical hearts
my tunnels are our joy,
Created by us, made by me, it protects me.
Me, my, our home, there she spins the DRAGON
this is our most ancient creation, our constellation, visible.

I will post the continuation on this topic (lessons, rules, tables) here.