The meeting of the twin flames of vibration in the body. Twin Flame Love: The Path of Two Souls. The choice that changed my life for the better

If a meeting with a soul mate can happen calmly enough, then a meeting with a twin flame is always like a flash. Such a meeting indicates that you have advanced far enough along the spiritual path - the path of Divine unity, and that both you and your twin flame are ready for a sharp increase in their vibrations by connecting your energies.

When you meet a twin flame, you meet not just a similar - but exactly the same (!) energy vibration. As a result, you fall into unison with each other. What happens when two identical energies are in unison? Arises powerful resonance. If the energy of each of you is presented in the form of a tongue of flame, then two tongues, connecting together, form a column of flame not twice as high as each tongue separately, but three, five, or even ten times higher!

What happens to each of you? It is not just the quantitative level of your energy that increases - you are abruptly thrown to another qualitative level, to a more high level vibrations. As a result, there is a powerful spontaneous manifestation of previously hidden abilities and talents. There is a disclosure of everything that was previously only in potential. There is a powerful process of rapid self-realization of all spiritual qualities and capabilities.

All this happens regardless of whether your meeting was fleeting and single or developed into a long relationship.

Subjectively, when meeting a twin flame, you may feel as if you were thrown into outer space. You can very clearly feel that you and this person are one. There may be a feeling of merging and dissolving into each other, which may even be accompanied by fear, but even if there is fear, it is overshadowed by a feeling of indescribable delight from gaining integrity and fullness of being.

You may notice some similarities and coincidences in your biographies that you may consider mystical. You will have the feeling that you were brought to each other by unknown, independent forces - as if someone was leading you by the hand in order to bring you to each other. You may come up with the same thoughts and ideas at the same time. You may notice that often for no apparent reason you are in the same mood, even being at a great distance from each other. You will realize that you like the same activities, you have similar views and interests. Perhaps you work in related fields or even have the same profession. If you are far apart, telepathic communication is possible between you.

Between a man and a woman - twin flames - passion often flares up. The intimacy between them is not like intimacy with other people - their connection is unusually deep and very passionate. If you have a similar connection with a twin flame, it may very well be that after that you will no longer want to enter into relationships with partners of a different level.

But if you met when each of you already has partners and your life with them is established and settled, your relationship with the twin flame does not have to grow into passionate love. It may be that such a passionate relationship between you was in past incarnations, and now you have other tasks and other lessons. Treat this with understanding. Consider each other's free will.

If even at the first meeting you experienced something very similar to love at first sight (this is how people often perceive what happens when twin flames meet), but for some reason the relationship does not add up or is impossible - do not insist on it and release each other if necessary. The main thing is that the meeting took place and your energies connected. From the point of view of your Divine essence, it is no longer so important what happens (and whether it happens) between you as people.

Try to treat the meeting with the twin flame first of all as an amazing Divine act of restoring the lost integrity, harmony, completeness and unity of the whole that was previously fragmented, as an opportunity to realize the hidden spiritual potential. This meeting will affect you personally - but still do not put the personal aspect in the first place. Accept with gratitude everything that happens between you, and do not consider that you, as people, owe something to each other in connection with your meeting. It is better not to expect anything from each other - then there will be no disappointments from unfulfilled expectations.

Exercise 2: Invocation of the Twin Flame 1. Find an opportunity to retire, take a comfortable relaxed posture, breathe deeply and freely to calm down and drive away extraneous thoughts. Close your eyes. Focus on the area of ​​the heart, connect with your Divine center. Take a few deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are breathing through the center of your chest.

2. Imagine that you are in the center of a luminous sphere. Say mentally or aloud: "I call on my twin flame to manifest in the space of my life."

3. Imagine how a human figure appears right in front of you, as if slowly emerging from a luminous haze. You see a striking resemblance to you - as if you are looking in a mirror and see your reflection. You see your own face, your eyes that look at you warmly and kindly. You feel like you're looking the same way - also being a kind of mirror image who you see in front of you. Noting the similarity, at the same time you understand that this is not exactly you, but rather another part of you, not yet manifested, unknown to you, not met by you.

4. Say out loud or to yourself: “I ask the Divine Light to dissolve the barriers between us, remove all the negative that has come between us in past incarnations, eliminate everything that prevents our meeting in this incarnation.”

5. Imagine how a bright flash appears before your eyes and, like an explosion of flame, brightly illuminates the entire sphere within which you are located. The previous illumination is restored - and you see that your reflection has become clearer, brighter and looks at you with a smile. You smile back too.

6. Say aloud or to yourself: “My twin flame, I ask you to manifest in the form that you have in this incarnation, in the same space-time with me.” After that, calmly, without tension, look at the figure in front of you, and you may notice changes: now this image is no longer so similar to you, you can see whether it is a man or a woman, what is its age, appearance, and other distinguishing features.

Maybe you will recognize someone you know in this guise and realize that your meeting has already taken place. Maybe it will be perfect stranger, which means that a meeting with him should be expected in the near future. If a clear image does not arise, remember the sensations that you had during this imaginary meeting - they will not deceive you, and by these sensations you will immediately recognize your twin flame when the meeting takes place in reality.

7. Then say aloud or to yourself: “My twin flame, I call you to manifest in my earthly life on the material plane. May it be so".

8. Focus on the heart area, again imagine a bright flash in front of your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out, feel your body and open your eyes.

You can repeat this visualization as often as you like, and soon your twin flame will manifest in your real life.

Answers to the most common questions

Is it true that there can be many soul mates, but only one twin flame?

No. Each person really has more soul mates than twin flames, but you can also meet a twin flame in your life not once, but several times, in guises different people. If you have already had a meeting with a twin flame in the past and for some reason cannot be repeated (for example, this person has already passed away) - many of you yearn, thinking that this was the only chance. This is not true. In the future, another person with the energy of your twin flame may appear - provided that both you and he are ready for this meeting.

Could it be that a person in this incarnation does not have any kindred spirits or twin flames at all?

No. Souls do not incarnate alone. Each soul goes to incarnation in a group of closely related souls. Indeed, not all of your soulmates and twin flames can be incarnated next to you at this particular time and place. Some are now out of embodiment. Some are embodied in the distant past relative to you (there is no time for the Spirit, therefore, from the point of view of the Spirit, you are embodied at the same time - but in earthly reality there is a time barrier between you). Some are embodied in other realities and other worlds. But there is always a group of kindred spirits that is embodied next to you. Therefore, your meeting can be called predetermined, because you, against your will, are attracted to each other. But how significant these meetings will be for you and what role they will play in your life depends on your free will.

What to do, if kindred spirits do not appear, but there are only strangers around , people who don't understand?

Accept and understand yourself. Learn to treat yourself unconditional love. Stop being a stranger to yourself. If you don't like yourself, if you condemn yourself, if you don't accept yourself the way you are, if you want to be someone else and not yourself, you are alienated from yourself. You seem to be pushing yourself away - and at the same time pushing away those who are similar to you, who can be really close to you. If you look at yourself as a stranger in this world, you attract the eyes of those who also look at you as a stranger. From this there is a feeling of complete loneliness among strangers.

There are your own, close, kindred souls next to you - but they may simply not see you while you are hiding behind the mask of "alien". Open up to yourself. Start treating yourself with acceptance and approval. So you will remove the mask of loneliness and alienation and open yourself to those who will see, understand you and become truly close to you.

Dear ones, you are worthy of love! You deserve to live in harmony with yourself and with the world. Walk towards Divine unity and you will connect with those who are close, dear and loved by you.

And remember that we are always there for you along the way!

What happens when you meet a twin flame

If a meeting with a soul mate can happen calmly enough, then a meeting with a twin flame is always like a flash. Such a meeting indicates that you have advanced far enough along the spiritual path - the path of Divine unity, and that both you and your twin flame are ready for a sharp increase in their vibrations by connecting your energies.

When you meet a twin flame, you meet not just a similar - but exactly the same (!) energy vibration. As a result, you fall into unison with each other. What happens when two identical energies are in unison? Arises powerful resonance. If the energy of each of you is presented in the form of a tongue of flame, then two tongues, connecting together, form a column of flame not twice as high as each tongue separately, but three, five, or even ten times higher!

What happens to each of you? It is not just the quantitative level of your energy that increases - you are abruptly thrown to another qualitative level, to a higher level of vibrations. As a result, there is a powerful spontaneous manifestation of previously hidden abilities and talents. There is a disclosure of everything that was previously only in potential. There is a powerful process of rapid self-realization of all spiritual qualities and capabilities.

All this happens regardless of whether your meeting was fleeting and single or developed into a long relationship.

Subjectively, when meeting with a twin flame, you may feel as if you were thrown into outer space. You can very clearly feel that you and this person are one. There may be a feeling of merging and dissolving into each other, which may even be accompanied by fear, but even if there is fear, it is overshadowed by a feeling of indescribable delight from gaining integrity and fullness of being.

You may notice some similarities and coincidences in your biographies that you may consider mystical. You will have the feeling that you were brought to each other by unknown, independent forces - as if someone was leading you by the hand in order to bring you to each other. You may come up with the same thoughts and ideas at the same time. You may notice that often for no apparent reason you are in the same mood, even being at a great distance from each other. You will realize that you like the same activities, you have similar views and interests. Perhaps you work in related fields or even have the same profession. If you are far apart, telepathic communication is possible between you.

Between a man and a woman - twin flames - passion often flares up. The intimacy between them is not like intimacy with other people - their connection is unusually deep and very passionate. If you have a similar connection with a twin flame, it may very well be that after that you will no longer want to enter into relationships with partners of a different level.

But if you met when each of you already has partners and your life with them is established and settled, your relationship with the twin flame does not have to grow into passionate love. It may be that such a passionate relationship between you was in past incarnations, and now you have other tasks and other lessons. Treat this with understanding. Consider each other's free will.

If even at the first meeting you experienced something very similar to love at first sight (this is how people often perceive what happens when twin flames meet), but for some reason the relationship does not add up or is impossible - do not insist on it and release each other if necessary. The main thing is that the meeting took place and your energies connected. From the point of view of your Divine essence, it is no longer so important what happens (and whether it happens) between you as people.

Try to treat the meeting with the twin flame first of all as an amazing Divine act of restoring the lost integrity, harmony, completeness and unity of the whole that was previously fragmented, as an opportunity to realize the hidden spiritual potential. This meeting will affect you personally - but still do not put the personal aspect in the first place. Accept with gratitude everything that happens between you, and do not consider that you, as people, owe something to each other in connection with your meeting. It is better not to expect anything from each other - then there will be no disappointments from unfulfilled expectations.

Exercise 2

1. Find an opportunity to retire, take a comfortable relaxed posture, breathe deeply and freely to calm down and drive away extraneous thoughts. Close your eyes. Focus on the area of ​​the heart, connect with your Divine center. Take a few deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are breathing through the center of your chest.

2. Imagine that you are in the center of a luminous sphere. Say mentally or aloud: "I call on my twin flame to manifest in the space of my life."

3. Imagine how a human figure appears right in front of you, as if slowly emerging from a luminous haze. You see a striking resemblance to you - as if you are looking in a mirror and see your reflection. You see your own face, your eyes that look at you warmly and kindly. You feel like you're looking the same way - also being a kind of mirror image of who you see in front of you. Noting the similarity, at the same time you understand that this is not exactly you, but rather another part of you, not yet manifested, unknown to you, not met by you.

4. Say out loud or to yourself: “I ask the Divine Light to dissolve the barriers between us, remove all the negative that has come between us in past incarnations, eliminate everything that prevents our meeting in this incarnation.”

5. Imagine how a bright flash appears before your eyes and, like an explosion of flame, brightly illuminates the entire sphere within which you are located. The previous illumination is restored - and you see that your reflection has become clearer, brighter and looks at you with a smile. You smile back too.

6. Say out loud or to yourself: “My twin flame, I ask you to manifest in the form that you have in this incarnation, in the same space-time with me.” After that, calmly, without tension, look at the figure in front of you, and you may notice changes: now this image is no longer so similar to you, you can see whether it is a man or a woman, what is its age, appearance, and other distinguishing features.

Maybe you will recognize someone you know in this guise and realize that your meeting has already taken place. Maybe it will be a complete stranger, which means that a meeting with him should be expected in the near future. If a clear image does not arise, remember the sensations that you had during this imaginary meeting - they will not deceive you, and by these sensations you will immediately recognize your twin flame when the meeting takes place in reality.

7. Then say aloud or to yourself: “My twin flame, I call you to manifest in my earthly life on the material plane. May it be so".

8. Focus on the heart area, again imagine a bright flash in front of your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out, feel your body and open your eyes.

You can repeat this visualization as often as you like, and soon your twin flame will manifest in your real life. This text is an introductory piece. From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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"Fiery twins. What is this theory and view?

This theory is esoteric. You can read more about this on esoteric sites. And I don't know what else to add to that. I can draw some parallels between traditions and theories, . And I can give a completely different perspective on this issue, for example, remove the charm of this theory.

The esoteric direction speaks of fiery twins as one soul that split and incarnated in two different bodies, male and female. But since it is one soul, these two are perfect for each other. They are indeed very similar, but not externally, but internally. A strong attraction flares up between them, they can become a couple. But they may not be together. It all depends on their tasks that they implement.

Very romantic and beautiful concept. Two, find and stay together forever. A lot of different beautiful stories about this were invented and films were shot. All lovers and romantics love her very much, everyone who suffers from unrequited love and those who dream of strong love forever. And it's really beautiful! - That's very beautiful! And when you are in love and this love is mutual, then the two of you experience very subtle and beautiful states together. This is a very subtle and sublime pleasure from each other, from a sense of unity. It is no coincidence that many seek it.

In the Vedic scriptures, there are many descriptions of the various worlds in the universe. These worlds are different types or levels of consciousness. And so, there are the worlds of hells, pretas, the world of ancestors, the world of nagas, people, asuras, danavas, samsaric gods, demigods, apsaras, sages, gods, etc. there is a world which (I don't remember its original name, unfortunately) represents the world of lovers. In this world, there are consciousnesses that are very attached to each other and to the pleasure of Love for each other. They have a subtle form (the body is not physical) and enjoy spiritual communion with each other.

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Today, many are wondering how it is possible? It's actually easier than it looks.

Surely you have ever met someone with whom you immediately felt an amazing connection? The one with whom you are in full mutual understanding and agreement, with whom you enjoy every second spent together? As a rule, these are relationships and feelings that not everyone is able to experience.

This union of two is called a twin flame. First of all, it is an alliance in which relationships are based not on similarities between people, but on the exchange of energies. Definitely, everyone in this pair takes as much as they can give to a partner.

How to understand that you are in such a union?

You will probably ask, but how to understand that we are in just such an alliance? Most amazingly, meeting your twin flame evokes an instant, visceral sense of kinship and "coming home." Also, there is an undeniable, overwhelming feeling within you that you have been united for a High Calling.

It is known that the early stages of twin flame unions can be filled with turmoil, problems and pain. And it is certain that these two much work will need to be done to unify and balance each other's energies. And, as a rule, at this time it is quite difficult to recognize the twin flame.

It is possible that this powerful magnetic connection can cause the partners to separate for a short time. As a rule, the purpose of such separation is to heal and eliminate old wounds. Undoubtedly at this time they will maintain a soul connection regardless of the physical space. And of course, once both have balanced their inner state, they can create a relationship with a deep emotional, intellectual, and physical connection.

The 4 Most Important Elements of a Twin Flame Relationship

It is worth noting that the twin flame is based on four elements. Undoubtedly, if the partners will organically balance all of them, they will be able to fulfill their Highest Calling.

1. Deep emotional connection

As a rule, twin souls experience a special type of energy exchange, although in some cases they are mirror opposites of each other. Usually, manifestation of their shortcomings or mistakes at first may

It seems that it is impossible to recognize a twin flame in this person. However, it can actually lead to important changes between the two.

Furthermore, they may turn out to be more than previously thought. Undoubtedly, the vulnerability required for such a connection requires courage, as the hidden emotions or unhealed wounds of one may come out before the real healing can begin.

Nonetheless, once the deep emotional connection is strengthened, twin flames will begin to experience.

2. Mental connection

To the union of twin souls, it can sometimes feel like they are the only two people in the universe. In other words, their connection is so deep, their conversations are so frank, so energetically charged, that everything else can fade into the background.

Certainly, their genuine interest in each other and shared passion will contribute to a deeply mentally stimulating relationship. And of course, later this will lead them to peace of mind and development.

In the case when partners have opposite characters, hobbies, they will be able to learn something new for themselves from each other's inner world. There is no doubt that each of the couple will be able to learn previously unknown skills, abilities, and discover their talents from a different angle. This will certainly have a positive effect on

3. Physical Connection

Already at the first meeting, twin flames may notice that they radiate. Definitely, it promotes not only a strong physical attraction, but also helps to find a sense of unity.

Naturally, when souls connect, the Kundalini energy at the base of the spine begins to be released. She usually helps.

Often, this deep awareness can lead to a couple breaking up as they both need to work through blocks and heal their souls. Certainly, once they have resolved their issues, they will be able to reunite and forge their sacred union.

The physical aspect of the twin flame connection is not primarily about sexual attraction, but about the exchange of energies. However, if sexual contact does occur, the primary nature of the relationship will be instinctive, two souls communicating with their bodies.

4. Spiritual Connection

Undoubtedly, the innate ability to feel other people's emotions or moods even at a distance of several miles is a sign that a connection of the hearts of twin souls has occurred. This sacred event often results in unconditional love.

A rare emotional, mental, physical and spiritual connection can only occur after each partner has cast out and healed their personal demons. Moreover, having done this with tenderness and compassion, and then completely surrendered to his union.

Often, this process can be extremely painful. And in order to, you need to go through the experience of torment and disappointment. But this is very important on the way to the couple's Higher Calling.

Signs of a twin flame

How to know your twin flame? If you want to determine if you have entered into a relationship with your twin soul, then you can use the signs below.

force of gravity

  • You feel an incredible attraction to each other. In whatever corner of the world you are, you will be drawn to this person, you will constantly meet in unexpected situations. The Universe itself will point to a twin soul.
  • No matter how angry you are with each other, no matter how difficult moments you experience, you always end up getting closer.
  • Do you often unexpected encounters. Whether it's a cafe, a party with friends, a twin soul is there, even when you don't know it. Perhaps it is in the company of old friends that you can recognize the twin flame. Fate is always on your side.
  • You can cuddle and bask in bed all day. Body contact is also very important for twin flames. When partners are in each other's arms, they feel incredible warmth and satisfaction.

growth and development

  • You can recognize the twin flame in a partner with whom your thinking is globally changing. You think in completely different planes than before, look at the world differently. Even your approach to work may change, perhaps you will find new solutions.
  • Regardless of the events in the world, you feel that it is the way it should be. You accept the fact that relationships are worth the investment of effort and energy, that you need to develop yourself. Together twin souls become better than individually.
  • You are changing yourself and your life for this person.. Without realizing it, your personality changes, becomes better. The energy created by your interaction makes both partners better.
  • Relationships are growing fast. You feel like you've known each other for years, that you used to be together, but you don't remember it.

From bliss to confusion: karmic wounds, someone else's "garbage", subtle sabotage and other reasons for the breakup of a Twin Flame relationship. Possible Solutions, plus 3 light protective gear.

This is another question I get weekly from Geminis all over the planet:

Everything seemed to be going so well (again) and then all of a sudden everything fell apart and my Twin Flame and I broke up… What went wrong? Why did it happen?

I have enlisted the insight of the Spirit to help us with this answer, in addition to my personal experience working with Gemini who are experiencing a breakup.

The insight of the Spirit is this: when the situation changes - whether for good or bad - it is always associated with a shift in energy. In a way, you are attuned to what is happening.

We are always sending energy signals and aligning with certain events. Think of each person as cars moving along the freeway system of life. Every minute you make a choice - where to turn, which way to follow.

Energetically, you do this by focusing on certain thoughts and being in certain emotions.

In other words: if someone is with their Twin, but at the same time worries that this cannot continue for long, and ponders when this bliss will end - they align (align themselves) with a negative outcome and their happiness comes to an end.

It's not even your "miss"

Often it's not even your "fault," as Spirit recently showed me.

Many Twin Flames are empaths—highly sensitive to energy—and unwittingly absorb other people's energy throughout their lives.

Parents, colleagues, friends, new contacts on the Internet, various personalities that you read about or learn about on TV ...

And it's not something we do consciously - we don't even realize it's happening at all.

Likewise, I used to have health problems as I was growing up, and no doctor could figure out why. They said: “Maybe this is such a feature of the body.”

It was completely depressing, as you can imagine. It wasn't until I encountered the world of healing and learned to clear my energy that these symptoms began to go away.

Whose material guides your path?

As I was going through all these cleanings, trying to figure out how I could automatically create such problems for myself, Spirit warned me that many of these things were not even my "creation".

They showed me that the physical symptoms are caused by overloaded negative energy in my system from other people. It affected my system, my manifestations, my experiences, everything.

Anger, frustration, jealousy, repressed hatred, resentment... everything possible options negativity that I only met around and involuntarily absorbed, many of them as a child.

The reason was that I never knew how to protect myself, and, in fact, I didn’t even know anything about energies at all ... It was an incredible insight for me!

The art of not owning other people's luggage

Please keep this in mind on your journey. I am not saying that you should blame other people for all the problems that may arise, but please know that if you experience negativity, it is not necessarily your negativity. It could just be overloaded junk you picked up randomly from others.

What creates a Twin Flame separation may not be the Twin Pair's own "stuff"!

This is a very important part of our journey because the process of merging the Twins is about clearing and raising our vibrations, and for this, all the old baggage is pushed to the surface, including the one that you never owned.

Therefore, keep in mind not to “attribute” to yourself everything that rises in you.

Sometimes it is good for you to keep a distance from some things, because when you stop "owning" the "ownership" of negativity, it can no longer cling to you. On the energetic plane, you then form a boundary that says to the negative, "you can't be here."

3 Easy Steps to Eliminate Other People's Subtle Sabotage That Caused Many Twin Flames to Break Up:

1) Protect every day

Shield yourself. It doesn't matter what works for you - imagine a soap bubble around you or rainbow knight armor - whatever, as long as you feel it and believe in it.

Energy is all the intentions you send out. To believe is everything. Know that you have the power.

You can also ask your Twin's Soul for permission to do this for them as well, or strengthen your Twin's Pair's protection from the influence of extraneous external energies.

2) Do not pick up someone else's

Don't take the negative material of those around you into your own hands - keep an emotional distance if you feel uncomfortable.

Ask yourself: How do certain words, dialogues, and information resonate in your body?

If it turns out to be bad sensations, this is how your body and Soul tell you: “Stay away!”.

Clearing the energy in your home is a huge help with this, it actually gets rid of everything that might already be entrenched there.

3) Clear Your Energy Daily

There are many ways in which you can do this: I suggest you take a closer look at the ones that you personally find the most effective.

When you are cleansed and your house is clean, it will become easier and easier for you to stay in a positive mood, to manifest what you really want (that is, not what you worry about, but what makes your heart sing), stay stable and connect with your Twin through the ups and downs of this crazy roller coaster.

And if anything ever becomes a challenge, you will feel infinitely more capable of managing yourself and fixing whatever needs to change for the better.

Now, as to the question itself.

There are several main reasons why things can start to shift in a negative direction for you, and we advise you to always do your best to view any problems as a gift of learning - a mirror that shows you what you can fix to get happier results. in future:

Reasons Twin Flames Break Up – Why “Things Went Wrong”

Potential Reason #1

Your and your Twin's energies are cleared and renewed as part of collective process Twin Flame Ascensions run by your Higher Selves and Guides (this is what we deal with in the weekly energy forecasts). As a result of this, a wound was exposed - a trigger that causes negativity to "erupt" so strongly that it affects your experience of reality in the form of conflict, flight, separation ...

Solutions: do your best on a regular basis to stay as high as possible in the higher vibrations - this will allow you to reduce the impact of any collective energy "lessons" that the Twins are facing. You will still receive your energetic gain, but you will be "above" the painful consequences of this experience.

See it as an opportunity to watch a movie rather than being inside a story. Spirit describes it as staying on a bridge over a raging river rather than jumping into the water.

How will you achieve it? Self-cleansing your energy while being in high spirits through play, joyful activities and meditation or other attention management techniques.

Highly effective tool what I have been warned about is to connect to the flow of Light, like most good free general energy clearing tools - connect and stretch your energy field wider than the galaxy. This changes your energetic presence so that you are less susceptible to negative influences that are concentrated in the field of the Earth.

Potential Reason #2

You may have created this by inadvertently absorbing other people's energy. As an example, if you watch a TV show about unhappy divorces, you match your energy with it despite physical distance and absorb negative beliefs whenever you become emotionally involved in the participants' stories.

Another example: if you have colleagues or friends who have recent times there was a terrible love experience and they radiated their displeasure and more and more tormented with the opposite sex - you could be very affected by their energy. Although human bodies appear to be separate, interactions on energy planes are much less fragmented—when we interact with others, we interact with their energy. This can be very damaging, especially on the Twin Flame journey.

Solutions: same as mentioned above. Plus, are you protecting yourself from other energies?

A tip for accelerating the clearing of negativity during the Ascension process by avoiding consuming additional negativity is to screen yourself and clear your energy daily. Energy cleansing can include many forms: meditation, salt baths, and others. traditional methods or new, effective metaphysical tools.

Potential Reason #3

You and your Soul Twin warn you of karmic wounds or other energetic influences that stand in your way. As Ascension continues and any energetic baggage is cleared, this energy is found and brought to the surface, layer by layer, connection by connection. When one layer is cleared, the following things are revealed.

When you get to the point of karmic trauma between you and your Twin (this could be a previous interaction between you in past lives - a bad breakup, a painful breakup, a betrayal, a rejection, or anything else that caused one or both of you to connect with impending pain), this can cause a negative reaction.

We don’t always understand this consciously, but it manifests itself in a strong need to get rid of our Twin – to somehow protect ourselves by moving away from them. The reason is the subconscious memory we stumble upon where we associate ourselves with the pain. These wounds affect the most primitive parts of our being () and the survival instinct breaks in, where we have learned to automatically associate survival with leaving our Twin.

Solutions: First of all, I suggest to you. After that, you will become more clear in which direction to move. There are several simple and quick tools for general cleaning of Karma, and there are tools that allow you to more accurately find and act on those karmic wounds that exist between you and your Twin, so that you can then clear the Records of the Chronicles between you and you can freely get out of these patterns. The fact that they go up is good, because it allows you to solve the problem, heal the wound and move on.

Potential Reason #4

You have somehow created, aligned and manifested this situation with your negative beliefs and fears. This also applies to the aforementioned karmic wounds.

We know it can be hard to hear, but the most fast way to deal with it and move on to happier times is to look deep inside and figure out some of the underlying factors that underlie your current situation. Find out why it happened so you don't have to relive it.

What do you really believe, deep down, about the nature of your Twin Flame connection? Do you find it easy to have a permanent happy relationship? Do you believe that you are worthy of Love? Do you believe that miracles can happen? Do you believe that life is simple and pleasant, or have you been taught that it is an eternal struggle? you were taught that true love can not be?

Solutions: in these situations, it is important to do self-examination so that you can let go of subconscious beliefs and patterns that may be blocking you. Nothing happens without your active participation.

Identify what you were taught about love and relationships during your upbringing, what you observed around you, what your parents believed. And explore what beliefs and patterns about the nature of the Twin Flame connection you may have quietly accumulated from websites, psychological counseling, from friends, and among other information about the Twin Flames as an adult. Clear out all negativity so that it can no longer shape your path.

You may want to write them down so that you can clear them with energy tools. For me and my Twin, this has become one of the basic inner working methods that has become a step-by-step roadmap to Twin Flame Union. Another great tool for this kind of work is the Healing of the Inner Child course with your Twin Flame.

In any difficult situation, ask your Soul to show you what caused it - if necessary, in the easiest way, such as through a dream or an article - so that you can deal with it, without strife and ups and downs, and move on to situations that you serve better.

Then focus on what makes you feel better - raising your vibration and focusing on your ideal situation so you can create it.

And finally, remember that things can change for the better again and very quickly - don't lose faith. Most of us are taught that improvement takes time and that life is an uphill struggle. Know that this is just a "story". Know that things can change for the better faster than you might think when you use the right energy clearing tools.

Remain open to it, in spite of learned "real experience".

Until next time, I send you Love and Light for your further journey!