21st century elementary school technology program. School guide. Monitoring and evaluation of planned results

Explanatory note

The technology work program was developed for 1st grade students and compiled in accordance with the requirements:

    Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, paragraph 3.6, article 28;

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009. No. 373;

    Author's program for 1st grade E.A. Luttseva (concept “Primary school of the XXI century”, project manager N.F. Vinogradova) - Collection of programs for the set of textbooks “Primary school of the XXI century” -M. : Ventana – Graf, 2015.

    Charter of the municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 3 in Krasny Kut, Saratov region.

In the 21st century, technology education is becoming a technical necessity. The present stage of development of society is characterized by the intensive introduction into all spheres of human activity of new, knowledge-intensive and high technologies, ensuring a more complete realization of the potential abilities of the individual. This trend in our reality urgently requires the preparation of younger generations who are proficient in technological culture, ready for transformative activities and have the necessary universal educational activities for this. Technological education includes information-cognitive and activity components. The information component reflects the main aspects of the technical and technological picture of the world. The activity component is the practical mastery by students of algorithms of constructive, transformative, creative activity. At the same time, the main criteria for the success of children’s education, as well as the action of discovering new things, using various sources of information to solve pressing problems.

The Technology course isintegrated character. Integration consists of getting to know various aspects of the material world, united by common patterns that are found in the ways of implementing human activity, in technologies for converting raw materials, energy, and information. However, these general patterns, which are the essence of the concepts of “manufacturability” and “technology,” are reflected in individual types of activities with their inherent specificity, features that make them unique.

Due to thistasks courses are:

    development of personal qualities, intelligence, creative abilities;

    development of sign-symbolic and spatial thinking, creative and reproductive imagination (based on solving problems of modeling and displaying an object and the process of its transformation in the form of models: drawings, diagrams, drawings), creative thinking;

    development of a regulatory structure of activities, including goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction and evaluation;

    development of communicative competence of junior schoolchildren based on the organization of joint productive activities;

    the formation of general ideas about the world created by the mind and hands of man, about the history of the active development of the world, about the relationship between man and nature - a source of not only raw materials and energy, but also inspiration, ideas for the implementation of technological plans and projects;

    fostering an environmentally sound attitude towards natural resources, seeing the positive and negative sides of technological progress, respect for working people and cultural heritage - the results of the labor activities of previous generations;

    children's mastery of elementary generalized technical, technological, organizational and economic UUD;

    expansion and enrichment of students’ personal life and practical experience, familiarization with the world of professions and their social significance;

This course lays the foundations for the humanization and humanization of technological education, which should provide students with a broad cultural outlook, creative thinking, maximum development of abilities, individuality of children, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual in the process of becoming familiar with the laws of transformative, project-based human activity and mastering elementary technical and technological skills. UUD.

The content of the course is considered not as an end in itself, but, first of all, as a means of developing socially significant personal qualities of each child, the formation of basic technical and technological skills, and the foundations of project activity.

The content of the course is selected and purposefully structured in two main sections: “Fundamentals of technical and technological UUD, technological culture” and “From the history of technology.” The first section includes informational, educational and practical parts and is built mainly on a concentric principle. The second section reflects the cognitive part of the course and has a cultural orientation. It is built on a linear principle and reveals general patterns and individual stages of a person’s practical (activity) mastery of the surrounding world and the creation of a cultural environment.

Children's productive activities during technology lessons create a unique basis for personal self-realization. They correspond to the age-related characteristics of the mental development of children of primary school age.

The ability to create and implement models of social behavior when working in small groups provides favorable conditions for students’ communicative practice and for social adaptation in general.

The methodological basis of the course is the organization of the most productive creative activity of children starting from the first grade. The main methods that implement the developing ideas of the course are productive (include observations, reflections, discussions, etc.)

The course implements the followingtypes of lessons and their combinations:information-theoretical, lesson-excursion, lesson-workshop, lesson-research . Students' activities initially are mainly individual in nature, with a gradual increase in the share of collective work, especially creative, generalizing ones - creative projects.

Place of the subject in the curriculum.

1st grade is allocated 33 hours per year to study technology (33 school weeks, 1 hour per week.

Value guidelines for the content of the academic subject

Mathematics - modeling (transforming objects from a sensory form into models, recreating objects from a model in material form, mental transformation of objects, etc.), performing calculations, calculations, constructing forms taking into account the basics of geometry, working with geometric figures, bodies, named numbers.

art - use of means of artistic expression in order to harmonize forms and designs, manufacture of products based on the laws and rules of decorative and applied arts and design.

The world - consideration and analysis of natural forms and structures as a universal source of engineering and artistic ideas for the master, nature as a source of raw materials, taking into account environmental problems, human activity as the creator of the material and cultural environment; study of ethnocultural traditions.

Native language - development of oral speech based on the use of the most important types of speech activity and the main types of educational texts in the process of analyzing tasks and discussing the results of practical activities, describing the design of the product, materials and methods of their processing; communication about the progress of actions and the construction of an activity plan; construction of logically related statements in reasoning, justification, formulation of conclusions).

Literary reading - working with texts to create an image implemented in a product.

This course is a reference course for the formation of a systemuniversal learning activities at the initial level. In this course, all elements of educational activity (planning, transformation, product evaluation, the ability to recognize and pose problems arising in the context of a practical situation, propose practical solutions, achieve results) are presented in a visual way and become more understandable for children.

Personal results

Creating conditions for the formation of the following skills:

    have a positive attitude towards learning;

    show interest in the content of the technology subject;

    accept help from classmates, respond to the help of adults and children;

    feel self-confident, believe in your capabilities;

    independently determine and explain your feelings and sensations arising as a result of observation, reasoning, discussion, the simplest and most common rules of behavior for all people (the foundations of universal moral values);

    feel satisfaction from what has been done or created for family, friends, for yourself;

    treat with care the results of your work and the work of your classmates;

    be aware of the vulnerability and fragility of nature, understand the positive and negative consequences of human activity;

  • with the help of the teacherplan upcoming practical activities;

    under teacher supervisioncarry out the proposed products based on the plan and sample.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory universal actions

    With the help of a teacherlearn to define and formulate the purpose of an activity;

    learn to pronounce the sequence of actions in class;

    learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations;

    with the help of the teacher

    with the help of the teacher

    give an emotional assessment

Cognitive UUD

    Observe the connections of a person with nature and the objective world: the objective world of the immediate environment, designs and images of objects of nature and the surrounding world, design-technological and decorative-artistic features of the products offered; compare them;

    compare the materials being studied according to their properties, analyze the designs of the proposed products, and make simple generalizations; group objects and their images according to common characteristics (design, technological, decorative and artistic);

    with the help of the teacheranalyze the proposed task, distinguish the new from the already known;

    navigate the material on the pages of the textbook;

    find answers to the proposed questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson; use reminders (given at the end of the textbook);

    draw conclusions about the result of joint work of the whole class;

    transform information from one form to another - into products, artistic images.

Communicative UUD

    Learn to listen and hear the teacher and classmates, jointly discuss the proposed or identified problem;

    learn to pronounce the sequence of actions in class; learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations;

    with the help of the teacherexplain the choice of materials and tools most suitable for completing the task;

    learn to prepare a workplace,with the help of the teacherselect the materials and tools most suitable for completing the task and carry out practical work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, based on samples and drawings in the textbook;

    control the accuracy of marking parts using a template;

    learn together with the teacher and other students give an emotional assessment class activities in the lesson.

Requirements for the level of training of students

Students will learn:

    observe, compare, make simple generalizations:

    distinguishtypes of materials (natural, paper, thin cardboard,fabric, paste, glue), their properties;

    • know the namestools;

    distinguish between single-piece and multi-piece conesstructures of simple products;

    perform the studied operations efficiently and withtechniques for the manufacture of simple products: economical marking by bending, using a template, cutting with scissors, assemblyproducts using glue; aesthetically and neatly finishedproducts with drawings, appliqués, straight stitching and itsoptions;

    use a press to dry flat products;

    Safely use and store cutting and piercing instruments (scissors, needles);

    comply with the rules of cultural behavior in the areapublic placesat the levelgeneral presentation.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

    analyze a sample (task), planthe sequence of completing the practical task;

    conmonitor and evaluate quality (accuracy, accuracy)completed work in stages and in general, based on the templatewomb, sample, drawing and comparing the finished product with them.

Performance evaluation students is carried out at the end of each lesson. Works are assessed according to the following criteria:

    the quality of implementation of the techniques, operations and work studied in the lesson in general;

    degree of independence;

    level of creative activity

Preference should be given to a qualitative assessment of the activities of each child in the lesson, his creative findings in the process of observation, reflection and self-realization.Grade 1 is not graded. Current control is carried out on knowledge and skills that are an integral part of complex knowledge and skills, for example, in the processing of materials, the production of mock-up designs and models. Particular attention is paid to works for the production of which drawing tools were used, since the ability to use them in a technology course in primary school is basic and basic for most types of artistic and creative activities. The teacher can additionally observe and record the dynamics of personal changes in each child (academic and social motivation, self-esteem, value and moral and ethical orientations).

For the final certification, each student, during the four years of study, creates his own “Portfolio of Achievements”, where he collects the accepted results of current control, presented in the form of products or their photographs, brief descriptions or reports on completed projects and (or) test tasks, certificates, gratitude and etc.

List of educational and methodological support

    Technology workbook 1"Ventana-Count"2013

    Textbook "Technology"1 class, author Lutseva E.A., . -Moscow,"Ventana-Count"2012

Bibliography. List of ICT.

    "Technology.Steps to mastery." 1class, author Lutseva E.A., undered. Simonenko V.D. Moscow "Ventana-Graf"2012 Teacher's Manual

    Internet site resources

    Technology. 1st grade./Technological maps of lessons according to the textbook by E.A. Lutsevoy/automatic comp. I.I. Golovchak. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 – 135 p.

    Archive of training programs and presentations

Educational thematic plan and content of training course topics

Section topic

Educational material

Number - in hours

General cultural and general labor competencies. Fundamentals of work culture, self-service

Classification of objects according to characteristics. The ability to classify objects according to characteristics - natural and man-made.

Nature suggests. The concept of "material". Classification of materials. Properties of various materials. Game “Which item is extra?” Working with plasticine. Modeling fairy-tale characters from the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”. Acting out the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

What is the man-made world made of? What is made by human hands. How different products work

8 hours

Generalized technical and technological knowledge and skills

Concepts: “machines” and “tools.” Concepts: “single-piece products” and “multi-piece products”.

Methods for connecting parts. The concept of "construction". Assembly and disassembly of structures. Methods for unscrewing and screwing together parts

Whole and parts. The product and its parts.

4 hours

Paper processing technology

What can be made from paper and what from fabric? We work with paper and cardboard.

What can be made from paper. Paper properties. Methods of gluing. Performing fragmentary appliqué

Fantasy made of paper. Cutting out parts of various configurations. A lot and evenly. We mark circles, rectangles, triangles. Folding paper. Making a flower using the origami technique.


Fabric processing technology

What are the lines? Drawing lines of various configurations. We work with fabric. From threads and ropes. Weaving threads. Thread applique. Properties of fabric. Connecting fabric templates using pins and stitching. Straight line and her daughter. Performing a straight stitch. Let's learn to embroider beautifully. Performing a straight stitch, embroidering along the intended contour. Repetition: properties of paper. Properties of fabric. "Knizhkina Hospital" Minor repairs to books from the classroom library. A conversation about caring for books. Familiarization with the structure of the book.


Calendar-thematic plan



Name of sections and topics.

Forms and types of control

Student activities

Universal learning activities



General cultural and general labor competencies. Fundamentals of work culture, self-service (8 hours)

An idea of ​​the natural world and the world created by human hands.


What do you see around? Natural world

Conversation on issues

“Who can name more objects of the surrounding world” (classification of objects according to characteristics - natural and man-made)

Personal UUD

Formation of educational and cognitive interest in the subject.

Formation of a motive that fulfills the need for activity.

Be aware of the vulnerability and fragility of nature, understand the positive and negative consequences of human activity.

Regulatory UUD

Learn to determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson.

Learn to program a sequence of actions.

Learn to prepare your workplace.

Cognitive UUD

Observe human connections with nature and the objective world.

Find answers to the proposed questions using the textbook, your life experience, information received in class

Communicative UUD

Learn to listen and hear teachers and classmates. Understand the possibility of different points of view.

Discuss a proposed or identified problem.


The world is man-made


How to dry leaves. Excursion “How people of our city relate to nature”


The environment must be protected

Conversation on issues

Favorite activity, work


Who built what house to live in?

Conversation on issues

Excursion to the school local history museum


If you want, you can do it

Teacher observation

Solve riddles, make up a story, work in a group


We are preparing a holiday Give the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Conversation on issues

We are waiting for guests. Making invitations for parents


Give the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Conversation on issues

Modeling fairy tale heroes

Generalized technical and technological knowledge and skills (4 hours)


What are the properties of different materials?

Practical work

Collection of natural material

Personal UUD

Development of educational and cognitive interest in new material and ways to solve a new problem.

Forming a caring attitude towards the work of other people.

Regulatory UUD

Explain the selection of the most suitable materials and tools for completing the task.

Learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the class’s activities in the lesson

Cognitive UUD

Compare the materials being studied according to their properties, analyze the designs of the proposed products

Analyze the proposed task, distinguish the new from the already known.

Communicative UUD

Ability to enter into dialogue with the teacher.

Developing the ability to negotiate and find a common solution


How do different products work? The product and its parts.

Conversation on issues

Game “Whose part?” (definition of the whole by its part). Creative work “Draw your own object - a riddle.”


How are the parts connected?

Practical work

Listen to the story, evaluate their activities, answer questions
observe objects of different designs,


Is the procedure for making products from different materials the same?

Practical work

Evaluate their activities, highlight common features,


One-piece design of the product with a fixed connection

Conversation on issues

They discuss the procedure for making the product and talk about their work.

Paper processing technology (15 h)


What can be made from paper and what from cardboard?

Conversation on issues

Game “Find paper and fabric products among the objects around you” (classification of materials by type)

Personal UUD

The ability to independently determine and explain one’s feelings and sensations arising as a result of observation, reasoning, and discussion.

Developing readiness for cooperation and friendship.

Formation of a respectful and friendly attitude towards the work of peers.

Feel satisfaction from what you have done or created for your parents, friends, and yourself.

Regulatory UUD

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations.

Carry out practical work according to the plan proposed by the teacher, based on samples and drawings in the textbook.

Cognitive UUD

Make simple generalizations. Group objects and their

images based on a common characteristic.

Navigate the material on the pages of the textbook

Communicative UUD

The ability to argue your proposal, persuade and yield.

The ability to ask questions necessary to organize one’s own activities and collaborate with a partner.

Formation of the ability to formulate one’s own opinion and position.

Developing the ability to take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation.


How to connect the parts?

Practical work

Paper stand for brushes.


Technology of making panels using flat applique technique

Practical work


New Year's surprises made of paper

Crafts exhibition

We teach the brush to work carefully. Safety rules when working with scissors


Why does a person need helpers?

Crafts exhibition

Making paper appliques


Let's get acquainted with scissors. Why are they so different?

Practical work

Let's tame scissors. Making an applique from cut colored pieces of paper


Paper fantasies

Practical work

Perform torn applique, order in the workplace


Who are the lines friends with? What are the lines?

Conversation on issues

Making patterns from multi-colored lines


From threads and ropes


Making napkins with a rope pattern


Cutting paper with scissors along marked lines



Marking round parts

Exhibition of works

Marking and cutting out circles. Making an applique from round parts


Marking rectangles and triangles

Marking and cutting out rectangles. Making domino cards (group work)


No tools: marking parts by bending

Practical work, exhibition

Marking and cutting out triangles. From one square. Mosaic. Application "Circus"



Conversion of blanks. How to get new shapes from squares and circles?

Practical work

Train your wits. Making toys without scissors and glue. Origami

Fabric processing technology (6 h)



Properties of paper and fabric. Needles and pins

Conversation on issues

Study the saints of paper and fabric

Personal UUD

Under the supervision of the teacher, perform the proposed products based on the plan and sample.

Feel confident in yourself, believe in your capabilities.

Regulatory UUD

Learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment of the class’s activities in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD

Draw conclusions about the results of joint work of the whole class.

Convert information from one form to another - into products, artistic images.

Communicative UUD

The ability to adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks.



Needles and pins. Houses for needles and pins

Practical work

Planning the upcoming activity



Straight line and its daughters

Practical work

Discuss and evaluate the work



Learn to embroider beautifully

Practical work

Act in accordance with the instructions in the textbook



Bow hairpin

Practical work

They learn how to tie a knot and explain the procedure



Book repair

Practical work

Help each other, evaluate the quality of work



Diagnostics of the quality of educational and cognitive activity

Practical work


Work independently with tests

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school in the village of Krasny Boets

Ershovsky district, Saratov region"


“Technology of the system-activity method of teaching according to the educational complex “Elementary school” XXI century."

Speech at the pedagogical council by N.I. Romazanova,

primary school teachers, first qualification category

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school p. Krasny Boets"

Ershovsky district, Saratov region.

December 2014

“If a student at school did not learn to create anything himself, then in life he will always only imitate, copy, since there are few who, having learned to copy, would be able to independently apply this information.”

L.N. Tolstoy

The concept of a system-activity approach was introduced in 1985 as a special kind of concept. Even then, scientists tried to remove the contradictions within Russian psychological science between the systemic approach, which was developed in the studies of the classics of our national science (such as B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov and a number of researchers), and the activity approach, which has always been systemic (it was developed by L.S. Vygotsky, L.V. Zankov, A.R. Luria, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov and many other researchers). The system-activity approach is an attempt to combine these approaches.

What does "activity" mean? To say "activity" is to indicate the following points. Activity is always a purposeful system aimed at results.

The second generation federal state educational standards have come into force.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 9"

Working programm

By (subject) technology

Class 1 "A"

Total hours per academic year 33

Number of hours per week 1

Compiled compliance with_program Educational system of educational complex “Primary school 21st century” 2009

Textbook. Technology. Lutseva E.A.


Last name: Ippolitova

Name: Tatyana

Middle name: Borisovna

Work experience: 27 years

2017-2018 academic year

Work program on technology 1st grade.

Educational complex "Primary school of the 21st century"

Explanatory note

Working programmacademic subject « Technology" for 1st grade is compiled according to the Federal State Educational Standardprimary general education of the second generation and the educational educational program "Elementary school XXI century" edited by N.F. Vinogradova.

The Technology course is integrated. Integration consists of getting to know various aspects of the material world, united by common patterns that are found in the ways of implementing human activity, in technologies for converting raw materials, energy, and information. These general concepts are reflected in individual types of activities with their inherent specifics and features.

Course objectives:

    Development of personal qualities (activity, initiative, will, curiosity, etc.), intelligence (attention, memory, perception, imaginative and figurative-logical thinking, speech) and creative abilities (the foundations of creative activity in general and elements of technological and design thinking in particular).

    Formation of general ideas about the world created by the mind and hands of man, about the history of the active development of the world (from the discovery of ways to satisfy basic life needs to the beginning of technical progress and modern technologies), about the relationship between man and nature - a source of not only raw materials, energy, inspiration, ideas for the implementation of technological ideas and projects.

    Fostering an environmentally sound attitude towards natural resources, the ability to see the positive and negative sides of technological progress, respect for working people and cultural heritage - the results of the labor activities of previous generations.

    Children's mastery of elementary generalized technical, technological, organizational and economic knowledge.

    Expanding and enriching students’ personal life and practical experience, their ideas about the professional activities of people in various fields of culture, and the role of technology in human life.

Fundamentals of technical and technological knowledge and skills, technological culture

The section includes informational, educational and practical parts and is built mainly on a concentric principle. Its content basis is generalized initial technical and technological knowledge and skills characteristic of any practical human activity. Concentricity in the study of this section is achieved by the fact that elements of technological knowledge and skills are studied according to the principle of enlarging content units. From class to class, schoolchildren expand the range of previously studied general technological knowledge, mastering new techniques, tools, materials, and types of work.

From the history of technology

The section reflects the cognitive part of the course and has a cultural orientation. It is built on a linear principle and reveals general patterns and individual stages of a person’s practical (activity) mastery of the surrounding world and the creation of a cultural environment. The historical approach is purposefully implemented from the 2nd grade. In the first grade, propaedeutic knowledge.

Both sections are interconnected, which makes it possible to significantly expand the educational capabilities of the subject, bring it closer to the child’s surrounding world in that part of it where a person interacts with technology, household items, material products of spiritual culture, and present the development of this world as a continuous process in its historical development.

Regional component in the course is implemented through filling the cognitive part of the course and practical work with content that reflects the local history focus. These are real historical objects (structures) and products related to the crafts and trades of the peoples inhabiting the region.

The course is implemented primarily within the framework of the subject “Technology”, but is also combined with the course “The World around us” as its activity component (see the concept of the educational model “Primary school of the 21st century”, scientific supervisor - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Prof. N F. Vinogradova).

Methodological basis of the course– organizing the most productive creative activity for children starting from the first grade. The success of children's movement from ignorance to knowledge includes three interrelated criteria for their self-assessment of educational work: I know, I understand, I can.

The main methods that implement the developing ideas of the course are productive (include observations, reflections, discussions, “discovery” of new knowledge, experimental research of the subject environment, etc.).

The course contains two levels (as results, stages of training) of the development of students’ design and technological skills and creative, inventive abilities in general - the level of craft and the level of mastery.

The course implements the following types of lessons and their combinations: information-theoretical, revealing the fundamentals of technical and technological knowledge and a broad technical and technological picture of the world; lesson-excursion; workshop lesson; lesson-research. Students' activities are initially individual in nature, with a gradual increase in the share of collective work, especially creative, generalizing ones - creative projects. Project activities are aimed at developing creative personality traits, communication skills, and a sense of responsibility.

Student performance is assessed at the end of each lesson. Works are assessed according to the following criteria:

    The quality of implementation of the techniques, operations and work studied in the lesson in general.

    Degree of independence.

    Level of creative activity (reproductive, partially productive, productive), productive technical and technological solutions found.

Preference should be given to a qualitative assessment of the activities of each child in the lesson, his creative findings in the process of observation, reflection and self-realization.

Scope of the program:

1 hour per week or 33 hours per year is allocated for studying technology in 1st grade. Of which ____ hours for the 1st half of the year,

Collection of programs for the set of textbooks “Primary school of the XXI century”

Presented in the following tutorials:


E. A. Lutseva Technology, 1st grade, textbook for students of general education institutions

Moscow Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf", 2011


E. A. Lutseva “Steps to mastery”, 1st grade, textbook for students of general education institutions

Moscow Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf", 2011

Basic requirements for the level of preparation of 1st grade students

By the end of 1st grade, students should:

Have an idea:

    About the role and place of a person in the world around the child;

    About the creative, creative activity of man and nature as a source of his inspiration;

    About human activities of a utilitarian and aesthetic nature;

    About some professions; about the forces of nature, their benefits and dangers for humans;

    About when human activity saves nature and when it harms it;


    What is a part (component of a product);

    What is a design and that product designs can be single-part or multi-part;

    What kind of connection of parts is called fixed;

    Types of materials (natural, paper, thin cardboard, fabric, paste, glue), their properties and names - at the level of general presentation;

    The sequence of manufacturing simple products: marking, cutting, assembly, finishing;

    Marking methods: by bending, according to a template;

    Methods of joining using paste, PVA glue;

    Types of finishing: coloring, appliqués, straight stitching and its variants;

    Names and purposes of hand tools (scissors, needle) and devices (template, pins), rules for working with them;

Be able to:

    Observe, compare, make simple generalizations;

    Distinguish between materials and tools according to their purpose;

    Distinguish between single-piece and multi-piece designs of simple products;

    Perform well-studied operations and techniques for the manufacture of simple products: economical marking by bending, using a template, cutting with scissors, assembling products using glue; aesthetically and accurately decorate products with drawings, appliqués, straight stitching and its variants;

    Use a press to dry flat products;

    It is safe to use and store cutting and piercing instruments (scissors, needles);

    Follow the rules of cultural behavior in public places;

    Analyze the design-technological and decorative-artistic features of the proposed tasks;

    Predict practical results;

Under teacher supervision:

    Organize the workplace rationally in accordance with the material used;

    Cooperate, perform different social roles;

With the help of the teacher:

    Analyze a sample (task), plan the sequence of completing a practical task, monitor and evaluate the quality (accuracy, neatness) of the work performed in stages and as a whole, relying on a template, sample, drawing and comparing the finished product with it.

With the support of the teacher and classmates, independently cope with available practical tasks.

Approximate planning for mastering basic technological knowledge and skills by grade level

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade


By eye (free drawing);

By bending

According to the template,



Using drawing tools (flat shapes),


(via carbon paper, using tracing paper).


Using drawing tools (volume developments),

On a scale grid.

Mastering new technologies and artistic techniques based on those learned. Working with different available materials.

Using what you have mastered to complete creative projects.

tearing off;

Cutting with scissors

Selecting a part from the workpiece:

Selecting a part from the workpiece:

Cutting with a breadboard knife






Product assembly:


Product assembly:

stitching (straight stitch and its variants)

Product assembly:

Using wire;

Slot locks;

Stitching (bias, its variants and loop stitches)

Product assembly:

Stitching (loop and cross stitches and their variants).




Drawing, etc.




Beads, etc.



Buttons, etc.


Thematic planning

Name of the program section

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Lesson type

Requirements for the level of student preparedness

Type of control




What surrounds us?

What do you see around


Classification of objects by characteristics

Be able to classify objects according to characteristics - natural and man-made


Natural world


Nature in human life

Know the importance of nature in human life

The world is man-made


What is made by human hands. Features of different professions

Be able to distinguish between what is made by human hands and what is created by nature


The environment must be protected


Protection of Nature. Dependence of the natural world on humans

Know the rules of behavior in nature. Be able to follow the rules of behavior in nature.


Who lives where?

Who built the house to live in?


Excursion to the local history museum. Why do animals and humans need housing?

Know which animal builds which dwelling, why people and animals need homes


If you want, you can do it


Excursion to the school site

Be able to carry out important public tasks for the improvement of the city


Give the fairy tale “Kolobok”


Modeling of fairy-tale characters from the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.

Acting out the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Be able to work with plasticine, compare, organize a workplace

Preparing a holiday

lesson - holiday

Cool holiday

"Birthday Day"

Know how to please the birthday boy.

Be able to work in a team


What is the man-made world made of?


What is made by human hands

Know what is made by human hands, why, from what material


ABC of Mastery

Nature prompts


The concept of "material".

Classification of materials. Properties of various materials. Game “Which item is extra?”

Be able to classify and explore the properties of various materials

research, current

How do different products work?


The concept of "construction". Assembly and disassembly of structures. Methods for unscrewing and screwing together parts

Know the term "construction".

Be able to disassemble parts by unscrewing and screwing

Whole and parts. Product and its parts


Concepts: “single-piece products” and “multi-piece products”

Be able to classify objects into constructive objects

How to connect parts


Methods for connecting parts

Know what you can use to connect parts

Step by step “Plasticine the magician”


Planning your work

Know how to select tools and materials. Know the stages of work

What can be made from paper and what from fabric?


Classification of materials

Be able to classify materials by type

We work with paper and cardboard

What can be made from paper


Paper properties

Know the properties of paper.

Be able to work with scissors, act based on the memo

research, workshop

Learning to glue parts


Methods of gluing. Performing fragmentary appliqué

Know the gluing methods.

Be able to do scrap appliqué.


Master's assistants

Why does a person need helpers? Your main assistant


Concepts: “machines” and “tools”

Know the names of tools, components of scissors, safety precautions when working with cutting tools.


Paper fantasy


Cutting parts of various configurations

Know safety precautions when working with scissors.

Be able to cut out details from paper according to your own imagination, based on fantasy in modeling


First we draw

What are the lines?


Drawing lines of various configurations

Be able to distinguish and draw lines of various configurations


From threads and ropes


Weaving threads. Thread applique

Know the techniques of weaving threads on paper.

Know how to applique with threads

research, workshop

Much and exactly

Marking the circles


Discussion. Marking circles for subsequent gluing.

Know the term “template”; gluing techniques.

Be able to mark up using a template.


Marking rectangles


Discussion. Marking rectangles for subsequent gluing.

Be able to mark rectangles and stick them on.

research, workshop

Marking triangles


Discussion. Marking triangles for subsequent gluing.

Be able to mark and stick triangles.

independent work

No tools


Folding paper. Making a flower using the origami technique.

Know the bending technique as a marking method.

Be able to work with the origami technique.


Learn simple bending techniques


Working with fabric

Fabric properties


Repetition: properties of paper. Properties of fabric.

Know the similarities between the properties of paper and fabric and the differences between these materials.

Research, current

Needles and pins


Connecting fabric templates using pins and stitching.

Know the different types of needles and their structure.

Be able to connect parts using different techniques, work according to a template.

Research, workshop

Straight line and her daughter


Sewing a straight stitch

Be able to thread a needle and perform a straight stitch.


Learn to embroider beautifully


Performing a straight stitch, embroidering along the intended contour.

Be able to perform a straight stitch and embroider along a contour.


"Knizhkina Hospital"


Minor repairs to books from the classroom library. A conversation about caring for books. Familiarization with the structure of the book.

Know how to repair a book.

Be able to eliminate page breaks, paste fallen sheets, correct damage to the cover.


The development presents basic psychological and pedagogical technologies. The same technology can be implemented by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. How the use of modern educational technologies ensures the personal development of the child.

educational technologies.doc


“The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the learning process. Basic educational technologies in the educational complex “Primary school of the 21st century”. 1

Currently, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. What is the difference between technology and methodology? V.I. Zagvyazinsky defines methodology and technology as follows: Methodology is a set of methods and techniques used to achieve certain goals. It can be variable and dynamic. Technology is a fairly strictly fixed sequence of actions and operations that characterize the achievement of a given result. There are many definitions of the concept of “educational technology”. We will choose the following: this is a structure of a teacher’s activity in which all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and integrity, and implementation involves achieving the required result and is predictable. Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. Manufacturability criteria: Conceptuality (reliance on a scientific concept) Systematicity (logic, interconnection, integrity) Controllability (diagnostic goal setting, design, diagnostics) Efficiency (guarantee achievement) Reproducibility (repetition, reproduction by other subjects) Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies, the following can be identified :    the need for deeper consideration and use of the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of students; awareness of the urgent need to replace the ineffective verbal (verbal) method of knowledge transfer with a systematic activity approach; the ability to design the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between teacher and student, ensuring guaranteed learning results. Why have none of the innovations in recent years produced the expected effect? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is purely pedagogical - low innovative qualifications of the teacher, namely the inability to choose the right book and technology, conduct an implementation experiment, and diagnose changes. Some teachers are not ready for innovation methodologically, others – psychologically, and still others – technologically. The school was and remains focused on mastering scientific truths contained in programs, textbooks and teaching aids. Everything is reinforced by the dominance of the teacher's power. The student remained a captive subject of the learning process. In recent years, teachers have been trying to turn their face to the student, introducing personality-oriented, humane-personal and other teaching. But the main problem is that the process of cognition itself is losing its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to 2 is increasing

school. Positive motivation for learning has decreased, children no longer show signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they don’t ask questions at all. The same technology can be implemented by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology. Sometimes a teacher uses elements of several technologies in his work and uses original methodological techniques, in this case we should talk about the “author’s” technology of this teacher. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Traditional technology. Positive aspects Systematic nature of training. Orderly, logically correct presentation of educational material. Organizational clarity. Constant emotional impact of the teacher's personality. Optimal expenditure of resources during mass training. Negative sides. Template construction. Irrational distribution of time in class. The lesson provides only an initial orientation to the material, and achievement of high levels is transferred to homework. Students are isolated from communication with each other. Lack of independence. Passivity or appearance of activity of students. Weak speech activity (average speaking time for a student is 2 minutes per day). Weak feedback. Lack of individual training. Even placing students in a classroom at desks in a traditional school does not contribute to the learning process - children are forced to see only the back of each other's heads all day long. But always see the teacher. Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing student workload, and more efficient use of educational time. Modern educational technologies include: developmental education; problem-based learning; multi-level training; collective education system; technology for studying inventive problems (TRIZ); research methods in teaching; project-based teaching methods; technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; cooperative learning (team, group work); information and communication technologies; health-saving technologies, etc. PERSONALLY-ORIENTED TRAINING 3

Personality-oriented technologies place the student’s personality at the center of the entire educational system. Providing comfortable, conflict-free conditions for its development, realizing its natural potential. In this technology, the student is not just a subject, but a priority subject; he is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving something abstract. Features of a personally-oriented lesson 1. Construction of didactic material of various types, types and forms, determining the purpose, place and time of its use in the lesson. 2. The teacher thinks through opportunities for students to express themselves independently. Giving them the opportunity to ask questions, express original ideas and hypotheses. 3. Organization of exchange of thoughts, opinions, assessments. Encouraging students to supplement and analyze their peers’ answers. 4. Using subjective experience and relying on the intuition of each student. Application of difficult situations that arise during the lesson as an area of ​​application of knowledge. 5. The desire to create a situation of success for each student. TECHNOLOGIES OF PERSONALITY-ORIENTED TRAINING 1. Technology of differentiated (multi-level) training (T.I. Shamova, G.K. Selevko, V.V. Guzeev, etc.) UD involves multi-level planning of results. “3” reproductive type of educational activity (learned, remembered, reproduced): solving template problems. “4” reconstructive type of educational activity (partial search, analytical activity): solving similar, variable problems. “5” creative type of educational activity: solving non-standard problems. Designing leveled learning in the lesson 1. Three-level lesson goal (educational only): a) repeat the teacher’s drawing (reproductive level); b) convey the type of wood (maple, spruce, pine, birch) (reconstructive level); c) create a tree image (evil) based on two other levels (creative level). 2. Survey at different levels (d/z). 3. Explanation of new material at a high level (from simple to complex). 4. Control section (first at the basic level, multi-level section after the general lesson). 5. D/z at different levels. 6. Reflection (understanding one’s activities): * knows, * understands, * can. 4

2. Technology of collective mutual learning, CSR (collective methods of learning according to River) Mastering educational material: lecture - 10%, audio-video materials - 30%, training + practice - 40%, work in groups - 50%, teaching others - 70%. It has several names: “organized dialogue”, “work in shift pairs”. When working with this technology, three types of pairs are used: static, dynamic and variational. Let's look at them. Static pair. In it, two students are united at will, changing the roles of “teacher” and “student”; Two weak students, two strong ones, a strong one and a weak one, can do this, provided they are mutually psychologically compatible. Dynamic couple. Four students are selected and given a task that has four parts; After preparing his part of the task and self-control, the student discusses the task three times, i.e. with each partner, and each time he needs to change the logic of presentation, emphasis, tempo, etc., which means turning on the mechanism of adaptation to the individual characteristics of his comrades. Variation pair. In it, each of the four group members receives their own task, completes it, analyzes it together with the teacher, conducts mutual training according to the scheme with the other three comrades, as a result, each learns four portions of educational content.      Advantages of collective mutual learning technology: as a result of regularly repeated exercises, logical thinking and understanding skills are improved; in the process of mutual communication, memory is activated, mobilization and updating of previous experience and knowledge takes place; each student feels relaxed and works at an individual pace; responsibility increases not only for one’s own successes, but also for the results of collective work; there is no need to slow down the pace of classes, which has a positive effect on the microclimate in the team;  adequate self-esteem of the individual, one’s capabilities and abilities,  advantages and limitations is formed; discussing the same information with several interchangeable partners increases the number of associative connections, and, consequently, ensures more durable assimilation. 3. Collaboration technology Involves training in small groups. The main idea of ​​learning in cooperation is to learn together, and not just help each other, to be aware of your own successes and the successes of your comrades. There are several options for organizing collaborative learning. The main ideas and options for organizing the work of small groups are common goals and objectives, individual responsibility inherent in everyone and equal opportunities for success. 4. Modular learning technology Its essence is that the student completely independently (or with a certain amount of assistance) achieves specific learning goals in the process of working with the module. A module is a target functional unit that combines educational content and technology for mastering it. The content of training is “canned” in completed independent information blocks. The didactic goal contains not only indications of the amount of knowledge, 5

but also on the level of its assimilation. Modules allow you to individualize work with individual students, dose assistance to each of them, and change the forms of communication between teacher and student. The teacher develops a program that consists of a set of modules and progressively more complex didactic tasks, providing for input and intermediate control that allows the student, together with the teacher, to manage learning. The module consists of cycles of lessons (two and four lessons). The location and number of cycles in a block can be any. Each cycle in this technology is a kind of miniblock and has a strictly defined structure. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Any pedagogical technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of students, but in some technologies these means constitute the main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. These include the technology of promising advanced learning (S.N. problem-based, programmed, individual, early intensive training and improvement of general educational skills (A.A. Zaitsev). Lysenkova), gaming, 1. Technology of promising advanced learning (S.N. Lysenkova) Its main conceptual provisions can be called a personal approach (interpersonal cooperation); focus on success as the main condition for children's development in education; preventing mistakes rather than working on mistakes that have already been made; differentiation, i.e. accessibility of tasks for everyone; indirect learning (through a knowledgeable person to teach an ignorant person). S.N. Lysenkova discovered a remarkable phenomenon: in order to reduce the objective difficulty of some questions in the program, it is necessary to anticipate their introduction into the educational process. Thus, a difficult topic can be addressed in advance in some connection with the material currently being studied. A promising topic (following the one being studied) is given at each lesson in small doses (5-7 minutes). The topic is revealed slowly, sequentially, with all the necessary logical transitions. First, strong, then average, and only then weak students are involved in the discussion of new material (a promising topic). It turns out that all the children teach each other a little. Another feature of this technology is commented control. It combines three student actions: thinking, speaking, writing. The third “whale” of S.N.’s system Lysenkova - supporting diagrams, or simply supports - conclusions that are born before the eyes of students in the process of explanation and presentation in the form of tables, cards, drawings, drawings. When a student answers a teacher’s question using support (reads the answer), constraint and fear of mistakes are removed. The scheme becomes an algorithm for reasoning and proof, and all attention is directed not to memorizing or reproducing the given thing, but to the essence, reflection, awareness of cause-and-effect dependencies. 3. Problem-based learning technologies Such learning is based on students acquiring new knowledge when solving theoretical and practical problems in problem situations created for this purpose. In each of them, students are forced to look for a solution on their own, and the teacher only helps the student, explains the problem, formulates it and solves it. Such problems include, for example, independent derivation of a law of physics, a spelling rule, a mathematical formula, a method for proving a geometric theorem, etc. Problem-based learning includes the following stages:   awareness of the general problem situation; its analysis, formulation of a specific problem; 6

  checking them); checking the correctness of the solution. solution (putting forward, substantiating hypotheses, a consistent “Unit” of the educational process is a problem - a hidden or obvious contradiction inherent in things, phenomena of the material and ideal world. Of course, not every question to which the student does not know the answer creates a genuine problem situation. Questions like : “What is the number of inhabitants in Moscow?” or “When was the Battle of Poltava?” are not considered problems from a psychological and didactic point of view, since the answer can be obtained from a reference book, an encyclopedia without any thought process. A task that is not difficult for the student is not a problem ( for example, calculate the area of ​​a triangle if he knows how to do this). The following rules for creating problem situations are identified: 1. Students are given a practical or theoretical task, the completion of which will require the discovery of knowledge and mastery of new skills. 2. The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student 3. The problem task is given before the new material is explained. 4. Such tasks can be: assimilation, formulation of a question, practical actions. The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks. There are four levels of learning problems. 1. The teacher himself poses a problem (task) and solves it himself with active attention and discussion by students (traditional system). 2. The teacher poses a problem, the students independently or under his guidance find a solution; he also directs an independent search for solutions (partial search method). 3. The student poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The student develops the ability to independently formulate a problem (research method). 4. The student poses the problem himself and solves it himself (research method). In problem-based learning, the main thing is the research method - such an organization of educational work in which students get acquainted with scientific methods of obtaining knowledge, master the elements of scientific methods, master the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, plan a search and discover a new dependence or pattern. In the process of such training, schoolchildren learn to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively; the knowledge they acquire turns into beliefs; they experience a feeling of deep satisfaction, confidence in their capabilities and strengths; Self-acquired knowledge is more durable. However, problem-based learning is always associated with difficulties for the student; it takes much more time to comprehend and find solutions than with traditional learning. High pedagogical skills are required from the teacher. Apparently, it is precisely these circumstances that do not allow such training to be widely used. DEVELOPMENTAL TRAINING The methodology of developmental training is a fundamentally different structure of educational activity, which has nothing in common with reproductive training based on drilling and rote learning. The essence of its concepts is to create conditions when the development of a child becomes the main task for both the teacher and the student himself. The method of organization, content, methods and forms of developmental education are focused on the comprehensive development of the child. 7

With such training, children not only master knowledge, skills and abilities, but learn, first of all, how to independently comprehend them, they develop a creative attitude to activity, and develop thinking, imagination, attention, memory, and will. The core idea of ​​developmental education is the rapid development of thinking, which ensures the child’s readiness to independently use his creative potential. that Thinking can be productive and reproductive, creative and primitive. A characteristic feature of productive thinking in comparison with reproductive thinking is the ability to independently discover knowledge. Creative thinking characterizes the highest level of human development. It aims to achieve a result that has never been achieved before; the ability to act in different ways in a situation where it is unknown which of them can lead to the desired outcome; allows you to solve problems in the absence of sufficient experience. Mastery of knowledge acquisition techniques lays the foundation for a person’s activity and awareness of himself as a cognizing subject. The emphasis should be on ensuring the transition from unconscious to conscious activity. The teacher constantly encourages the student to analyze his own mental actions, to remember how he achieved the educational result, what mental operations he performed and in what sequence to achieve this. At first, the student only talks, verbally reproduces his actions, their sequence, and gradually develops in himself a kind of reflection on the process of learning activity. A distinctive feature of developmental education is the absence of traditional school grades. The teacher evaluates the work of schoolchildren according to individual standards, which creates situations of success for each of them. A meaningful self-assessment of the achieved result is introduced, carried out using clear criteria received from the teacher. The student’s self-esteem precedes the teacher’s assessment; if there is a large discrepancy, it agrees with him. Having mastered the self-assessment method, the student himself determines whether the result of his educational actions corresponds to the ultimate goal. Sometimes test work specifically includes material that has not yet been studied in class, or tasks that are solved in a way unknown to the child. This makes it possible to assess the developed learning skills, determine the ability of children to evaluate what they know and what they do not know, and monitor the development of their intellectual abilities. Educational activities are initially organized in an atmosphere of collective reflection, discussion and joint search for solutions to the problem. The basis of teaching is actually dialogue communication both between the teacher and students, and between them. Interaction of parties to the educational process The following recommendations can be given regarding the methods of interaction between participants in the educational process in the mode of developmental education. 1. The traditional version of didactic communication “teacher-student” for modern schools is used only to pose a problem. Work in pairs “student-student”. It is especially important in the area of ​​self-control and self-esteem. 2. 3. 5. 6. Group work in which the teacher acts as a consultant. Gradually, collective actions contribute to individual solution of educational problems. 4. Intergroup interaction, organized by generalization, derivation of the general principles necessary for the formulation of fundamental provisions, patterns, and the subsequent stage of work. Discussion of a particular problem by the student at home with his parents, and in the next lesson a story in class about this, the students’ points of view on the problem. Individual work of the student, including mastering the techniques of independent search for knowledge, solving problematic creative problems. 8

The actions of a teacher in the educational process of a traditional school resemble a guide through unfamiliar terrain. In a developmental school, the emphasis shifts to the actual educational activities of students, and the main task of the teacher becomes a kind of “service” for the students’ learning. Functions of a teacher in developmental education 1. The function of ensuring individual goal setting, i.e. ensuring the student understands why they need to do this and what expected result they should focus on. The purpose of the teacher’s activities must be consistent with the purpose of the students’ activities. Support function. In order to direct the teaching of schoolchildren from the inside, 2. 3. the teacher must become a direct participant in the general educational search action. The function of ensuring reflective actions of students. reflection - Goals to understand the main components of the activity, its meaning, methods, problems, ways of solving them, to anticipate the results obtained, etc. to recall, identify and As we see, the focus of the teacher’s attention is not the explanation of new material, but the search for methods for effectively organizing the educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren on its extraction. For a teacher, what is of great value is not the result itself (does the student know or not?), but the student’s attitude to the material, the desire not only to study it, to learn new things, but to realize oneself in cognitive activity, to achieve what he wants. The basis of the structure of the educational process in the developmental education system is the educational cycle, i.e. block of lessons. The educational cycle is a system of tasks that guide the activities of students, starting from goal setting to modeling theoretical generalizations and their application in solving specific practical issues. A typical scheme of the educational cycle consists of indicative-motivational, search-research, practical (application of activity results at previous stages) and reflexive-evaluative acts. Indicatively, the motivational act includes setting a learning task together with children and motivating students for the upcoming activity. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve in children a feeling of conflict between knowledge and ignorance. This conflict is understood as another educational task or problem. In the act of searching and research, the teacher leads students to independently comprehend new material (missing knowledge), formulate the necessary conclusions, and record them in a model form that is convenient for memorization. The reflexive-evaluative act involves creating conditions when the student makes demands on himself. The result of reflection is the student’s awareness of the insufficiency of the available methods of mental action or knowledge. 9

The programs are developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a citizen of Russia, the planned results of primary general education, the author's program: Technology: program: grades 1-4 / Lutseva E.A. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014. (Primary school of the XXI century).


  • Lutseva E.A. Technology. 1 class. M.: Publishing center VENTANA-GRAF
  • Lutseva E.A. Technology. 2nd grade. M.: Publishing center VENTANA-GRAF
  • Lutseva E.A. Technology. 3rd grade. M.: Publishing center VENTANA-GRAF
  • Lutseva E.A. Technology. 4th grade. M.: Publishing center VENTANA-GRAF

CURRICULUM (number of hours):

  • 1st grade - 1 hour per week, 33 hours per year
  • 2nd grade - 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year
  • 3rd grade - 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year
  • 4th grade - 1 hour per week, 34 hours per year


  • practical activities should be considered as a means of the child’s overall development;
    the formation of socially significant personal qualities of a schoolchild;
  • formation of a system of special technological and universal educational activities.


  • development of personal qualities (activity, initiative, will, curiosity), intelligence (attention, memory, perception, imaginative and figurative-logical thinking, speech) and creative abilities (the foundations of creative activity in general and elements of technological and constructive thinking in particular);
  • the formation of general ideas about the world created by the mind and hands of man, about the history of the active development of the world (from the discovery of ways to satisfy basic life needs to the beginning of technical progress and modern technologies), about the relationship between man and nature as a source of not only raw materials, but also inspiration, ideas for implementing technological ideas and projects;
  • formation of initial design-technological and organizational-economic knowledge, mastery of technological techniques for manual processing of materials;
  • mastering safe work practices; acquisition of self-care skills;
    mastering the initial skills of transferring, searching, converting, storing information, and using a computer; searching (checking) the necessary information in dictionaries and library catalogues;
  • use of acquired knowledge about the rules for creating a subject and information environment for the creative solution of simple design, artistic and design (design), technological and organizational problems;
  • development of communicative competence of junior schoolchildren based on the organization of joint productive activities; acquisition of initial skills in joint productive activities, cooperation, mutual assistance, planning and organization.

The programs ensure that primary school graduates achieve certain personal, meta-subject and subject results.


  • Be responsive and willing to provide all possible assistance to classmates.
  • Show interest in the historical traditions of your region and Russia.
  • Feel the need for self-realization in accessible arts and crafts activities, simple technical modeling.
  • Accept the opinions and statements of other people and treat them with respect.
  • Based on the mastered visual and design-technological knowledge and skills, make a choice of ways to implement the proposed or your own plan.


  • Together with the teacher, formulate the purpose of the lesson after preliminary discussion.
    Independently perform trial search actions (exercises) to identify the optimal solution to a problem (task).
  • Collectively develop simple thematic projects and independently implement them, making adjustments to the results obtained.
  • Carry out ongoing monitoring (accuracy of parts manufacturing and accuracy of all work) and evaluation of completed work according to the criteria proposed by the teacher.
  • With the help of the teacher, search and select the information necessary to solve the educational problem in the textbook (text, illustration, diagram, drawing, instruction card), encyclopedias, reference books, and the Internet.
  • Discover new knowledge, master new skills in the process of observation, reasoning and discussion of textbook materials, and performing trial search exercises.
  • Transform information: present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams (in information projects).
  • Learn to express your point of view and try to justify it.
  • Listen to others, try to accept a different point of view.
  • Be able to collaborate, performing various roles in a group, in jointly solving a problem (task).
  • Respect the position of others and try to negotiate.


  • Know the characteristic features of the studied types of decorative and applied art, about the professions of masters of applied art (within the framework of what has been studied).
  • Recognize and name crafts studied and widespread in the region by the characteristic features of samples or by description.
  • Follow the rules for the safe use of household electrical appliances (lamps, bells, television and radio equipment).
  • Know the names and properties of the most common artificial and synthetic materials (paper, metals, fabrics).
  • Read the simplest drawing (sketch) of developments.
  • Know the simplest ways to achieve structural strength.
  • Be able to design and model products from different materials according to given technical, technological, decorative and artistic conditions.
  • Change the design of the product according to specified conditions.

1 class

  • General cultural and general labor competencies. Fundamentals of work culture, self-service – 5 hours.
  • The world of human relations – 3 hours
  • Generalized technical and technological knowledge and skills (practical knowledge experience) – 4 hours
  • Paper processing technology - 1 hour
  • Properties of paper, connection methods – 2 hours
  • Tools, mechanisms, devices – 1 hour
  • Basics of graphic literacy – 3 hours
  • Marking parts (using a template, bending) – 7 hours
  • Fabric processing technology – 7 hours.

2nd grade

  • General cultural and general labor competencies
    Fundamentals of work culture, self-service - 8 hours.
  • Technology of manual processing of materials.
    Elements of graphic literacy - 15 hours.
  • Design and modeling - 9 hours.
  • Use of information
    technologies (practice of working on a computer) - 2 hours.

3rd grade

  • Information and its transformation – 8 hours
  • Man is a builder, creator, creator – 8 hours
  • Design and modeling – 10 hours
  • Transformation of the energy of the forces of nature – 8 hours

4th grade

  • General cultural and general labor competencies. Fundamentals of work culture, self-service - 14 h
  • Technology of manual processing of materials. Elements of graphic literacy - 8 hours
  • Design and modeling - 5 hours
  • Use of information technology – 7 hours


  • The main goal of the current survey is to check how the process of forming knowledge, skills related to the study of nature, social phenomena (observe, compare, classify, establish the cause, determine properties), analyze the teacher’s activities and correct them if necessary .
  • Current control is carried out during the period of development of the student’s knowledge and skills, and this happens at different times. During this period, the student must have the right to make mistakes, to have a detailed analysis of their successes, mistakes and failures together with the teacher and other students. Therefore, haste and abuse of digital negative assessment are inappropriate if the skill has not yet been established and the knowledge has not been formed. It is necessary to carefully consider collective work on mistakes. Current monitoring can be carried out at each lesson in the form of an individual survey, completing tasks on cards, test exercises, etc. For ongoing monitoring, you can use exercises given in workbooks.
  • Thematic control is especially advisable to carry out in technology lessons. This is due to the peculiarities of this type of monitoring activity: the student is given the opportunity to redo, supplement the work, correct the mark, having prepared more thoroughly. That is, with thematic control, the student gets the opportunity to “close” the previous mark and improve the final mark in the quarter.
  • The final control is carried out as an assessment of learning results over a fairly large period of time - a quarter, half a year, a year. Final tests are conducted in this way 4 times a year: at the end of the first, second, third and fourth quarters of the academic year.
  • The teacher systematically uses various methods and forms of organizing surveys: oral, written (independent and test work), as well as test surveys.
    An oral survey is a dialogue between a teacher and one student (individual survey) or with the whole class (frontal survey). It is very important to think through questions for the conversation that will test not so much the students’ ability to memorize and reproduce the text (usually, sample), but rather the level of awareness of the knowledge gained , the ability to apply them in a non-standard situation.
  • The written survey consists of independent and control work. It will take 10–15 minutes to carry out independent work. Its purpose: to check how the formation of knowledge and skills is progressing on the topic of the course, the study of which has not yet been completed. The main significance of these works is that the teacher can correct the learning process in time and help students eliminate the difficulties that have arisen.