Educational project in the Russian language “My language is my friend!” (Current issues of speech culture) (7th grade). Russian language project to develop students’ speech and creative abilities

Pupils of grades 7-8 completed:

"The game is a serious matter"

[The role of games in developing interest in Russian language lessons]

Naumov Taras

Vershinin Nikita

Sevostyanova Ksenia

Fakushina Anastasia

Anisimova Valeria

Project Manager:

Kharenko L.V.

Red Kut

201 4 G.


Problem Definition and

putting forward a project hypothesis

Hand on heart, we admit: yes, Russian language lessons are certainly important, their necessity is not questioned by anyone, but how often do we come to them with joy, enthusiasm, and no fear of getting a bad grade? Is there at least one person who, to put it mildly, is not somewhat embarrassed by the teacher’s phrase: “Today we have a dictation”? And the Unified State Examination tests – who doesn’t get shivers just from this abbreviation? Is it possible to make sure that everyone goes to a Russian language lesson with great desire, and after the lesson they discuss the problems raised during it for a long time, and the dictionary becomes a reference book for every student? If the lesson is turned (as far as possible) into a game - a serious one that makes you think, look for answers, consult reference books, will interest in the lesson increase or will we continue to perceive it as just one of the lessons on the schedule?

Our hypothesis :

“Learning with passion,” which will undoubtedly be facilitated by game moments in Russian language lessons in grades 6 and 7, will increase students’ interest in the Russian language

Project goals: Having analyzed the attitude of students in grades 6-7 to Russian language lessons, develop and conduct a number of linguistic games in the classroom, tracing the dynamics of the development of interest in the lesson and observing the results of test work.

Z Project goals:

1. Determining the range of problems that are most significant for students. 2. Conducting a survey on the problem posed.

3. Development and implementation of linguistic games in Russian language lessons.

4. Development of the ability to work in a group and draw independent conclusions.

5. Conducting a final lesson in the form of a “Tournament of Russian Language Lovers.”

What did the children play? To Chkalov, to Gagarin.

The thirst for achievement was given to them by the Motherland.

They, like Papanin’s men, swam on an ice floe,

Flowers were planted in the sand, as if it were a garden in the desert.

Great changes have taken place in the country.

Our children play at bankers and businessmen.

And a river of foul language flows from the TV screen -

And we are not ashamed of this? And isn't this strange to us?

Come to your senses, Russia, don’t expect a miracle from God:

What children play, this is how they will be -

We came across these verses quite by accident on the Internet. But we liked them - with their thoughts about us, with their care and concern. What are we playing? Of course, like all children, most of them play computer games! Adults constantly make comments to us: it’s clear that they are worried about us, they want us to read more, write correctly, speak beautifully and spend time in the fresh air. But at the same time, they contradict themselves: where can we find time to play if we must study well, know a lot, and behave diligently? It turns out that we simply have no time to play! And then we decided: we will learn BY PLAYING! It was then that we united into a creative group.

And from that moment on, many more proposals arose: we decided that we need to make sure that almost every lesson is like a game. Elements of games have always been present in our Russian language lessons. But the new proposal interested everyone, and it also quickly became clear: to make it not only entertaining, but also educational and useful for business, you need to work hard! This is how the theme of our project was born: “Game is a serious matter!” and the two most problematic paths for us today were identified - orthoepy and vocabulary work.

To test the hypothesis we put forward, we conducted a survey of lyceum students in the sixth, seventh and tenth grades. We asked the guys the following questions:

    What mood do you have when you go to Russian language class?

    What causes your bad mood?

    When is it interesting?

    What, in your opinion, can affect the improvement of academic performance in the Russian language?

    Would you like there to be an element of play in every lesson?

58 students were surveyed. Here's what we found out:

Fear of a bad grade ruins the mood of 26 students. Among the reasons for arousing interest in the lesson, the criteria “Interesting topic” and “Teacher’s personality” received an equal number of votes. In the opinion of the children, all the proposed components influence the improvement of academic performance in the Russian language: a more detailed explanation from the teacher, independent work, paying more attention to homework, and playful moments in the lesson. 14 students expressed their desire to play every day in lessons, 34 people would like to have game elements in every lesson, 4 students expressed complete indifference to linguistic games, and that “a lesson is a serious thing, and there should be no games in it.” ", 6 students think.

This was at the beginning of September. It’s all the more interesting to see the attitude towards the game in a Russian language lesson in the middle of the year!

Despite the fact that we are students in grades 6-8, we know: task 1 of the Unified State Exam tests knowledge of the correct placement of stress in words. Our textbooks haveorthoepic minimum , which we must master by the end of the school year.Incorrect placement of stress in words is a very common mistake.We asked our classmates to learn this “Minimum” and conducted a test. Of course, it would be better to remain silent about the results; the number of errors, as they say, simply went “off scale”: some found it difficult to remember, some didn’t try very hard, and for some it was downright a revelation that the words had to be pronounced exactly one way and not another. And then we decided to start each lesson with spelling lotto. This usually only takes a few minutes: we play in pairs, with each other at the desk. On one side of the card the word without emphasis is written, on the other - the correct answer. Moreover, we tested this lotto on all our friends, parents, and acquaintances. Let’s be honest: now it really hurts our ears when we hear: “it’s ringing”, “catalogue”, etc. From the fifth grade onwards, the teacher repeats the “memory” to us: “He who is literate does not say “it’s ringing”, but only "It's calling." The football boys came up with their own: “Zenith” calls and says that he will defeat everyone in the match.”

On YouTube we found many interesting videos about the correct placement of stress; this not only helps you remember how words are pronounced correctly, but also arouses genuine interest: why is this so? We watch these videos during lessons, during class hours, and we simply exchange them with each other. But most of all we were amazed by the results of the test work: almost everyone coped with the spelling test!

Of course, the results of the workby spelling Ours are not as good, but progress is evident here too! For the vocabulary dictation, we took 30 words from the spelling minimum in grades 6 and 7, and the children learned them on their own. In 360 words, sixth-graders made 76 errors, and seventh-graders made 142 errors in 750 words.

We got diagonal-lined notebooks for vocabulary work (for first grade), at first everyone just laughed at it, then everyone liked to write large, began to try to work on handwriting, and did not forget about literacy. Taking turns at each lesson, we chose several vocabulary words; everyone had to find them in the dictionary and, checking each letter, write them down in a vocabulary notebook. Then someone came up with a task: make up a story using these words. Do you think it's very easy? Well, try to come up with a text with the words “aquarium, slow, postman, residence, shine”! The main thing we achieved was that each word had to be reread and rewritten many times, so that it was remembered! Lera once made a colorful presentation: she had to guess a word from a picture, find it in the dictionary and write it down in a notebook (by looking in the dictionary, i.e. once again “seeing” how it is written!) Taras made the task more difficult: he conducts dictionary dictations in the form of a crossword puzzle, giving an interpretation of the word, and the guys, having again first found the word in the dictionary, write it down! 12

After several weeks of this work, the number of errors decreased by a third!

We really like to compose fairy tales on linguistic topics so that they reflect the rules that we are currently studying. Such work not only increases interest in the subject, allows us to better understand this or that phenomenon of the Russian language, develops our speech, but also teaches us how to work to group A fromcompetitions We still decided not to refuse! Now we conduct test lessons on the topic in the form of linguistic competitions: we are divided into groups in advance, so each of us understands that without learning the material, he will not only receive an unsatisfactory grade, but will also let his comrades in his group down, and no one cares about this I want to. Not only that, but we are worried about the overall result; we try to help the guys who have some knowledge gaps and problems. And this not only helps us in our studies, but also makes the class more united and friendly.

Summarizing our work, we came to the following conclusions:

Playing in Russian language lessons helps develop interest in the subject. Here is how 27 7th grade and 6th grade students rated their mood during the lesson:

To the question “Does playing in class help in mastering the topic?” "Yes!" All students answered!

And most importantly - improving academic performance:

Beginning of the form


1 quarter

(from 02.09.2013
to 01.11.2013)

2nd quarter

(from 11/11/2013
to 12/27/2013)


Abbakumova Natalia Alexandrovna




Aytanov Almas Kayratovich




Gulyaev Maxim




Gumerova Emma Alexandrovna




Zhumagaliev Rasul




Zulkashev Damir Askarovich




Kazakov Dmitry Vladimirovich




Karpova Diana Nikolaevna




Sapisheva Alina Maratovna




Sidorov Dmitry




Filatov Ilya Egorovich




Working on the project was not only educational for us, but, above all, interesting.

During the discussion of the project topic at the initial stage, we (unexpectedly for ourselves) put forward a hypothesis, the confirmation of which we ourselves did not seem entirely justified. The survey led us to the conclusion that our assumption was correct. And the analysis of the test results confirmed us in the correctness of the approach.

The large volume of articles we read allowed us all to become interested in the topic and developed interest in Russian language lessons among both the project participants and our classmates. Increasing the quality of knowledge on the subject convinced us that the more attention we pay to additional sources and various forms of work, the more literate we ourselves become and the more we propagate correct speech to others. Work on this topic needs to be continued, expanding the range of linguistic tasks and games.

We believe that we have fully achieved our goal and implemented the tasks in full. For a more qualitative result, we tried to conduct research in both orthoepic and orthographic directions, therefore we believe that the results are reasonable.

I really liked the tasks of compiling a vocabulary dictation in the form of a crossword puzzle. They help me expand my vocabulary, learn a lot of new and interesting things, and develop my speech.

The difficulties were in the ability to work in a team: I learned to listen more to the opinions of my classmates and be more critical of my knowledge - it turned out to be not as great as I would have liked and thought.

I learned to work not alone, but in a group, and I realized: as part of a team, each student is responsible for the entire team, everyone is interested in the best result of their team, everyone strives to complete the task as quickly and successfully as possible. This helped me take a fresh look at my classmates, see them from an interesting side, and also taught me to be more critical of my actions.

While working on the project, I became very interested in linguistic games. Having realized that the game contributes to the acquisition of knowledge not out of necessity, but at the request of the students themselves and is not formal, but interesting, I also try to turn homework into a game, and this helps me in my studies.

The difficulties for me were primarily in coming up with tasks for seventh and sixth graders on my own: having gotten used to the Internet, it’s hard to resist the temptation not to think, but to download a ready-made product.

I enjoyed creating assignments for my classmates and making interesting presentations that would help them write better.

It was difficult to develop the ability to independently organize your work at intermediate stages, when no one gave you small tasks by a certain deadline, and you had to allocate your time yourself to conduct some kind of research, dictionary dictation, checking it in order to come to the meeting of the working group already with some results. I think I've learned this!

I liked working on the project: I learned a lot of new and interesting things. I was interested in the Russian language before, but now I’m interested in orthoepy: I understand how many mistakes I make when I’m not speaking in class and no one will correct me.

It is very difficult to “relearn” words with accents that you are used to, but they were pronounced incorrectly. But “memos” came to the rescue! Now I try to listen to the speech of those around me and, tactfully correcting them, instill in them a taste for words.

on the topic “Parts of speech gallery”
students of class 7 "A" of GBOU secondary school No. 1908 in Moscow
Rudakov Peter, Klimchuk Vladimir,
Polina Nikiforova, Ruslana Karaketova,
Medvedeva Ekaterina, Kudinova Inessa,
Koneva Daria, Uzlyuk Veronica,
Sharikova Anastasia.
Head: M.A. Tunieva,
teacher of Russian language and literature
highest category,
GBOU Secondary School No. 1908, Moscow

Abstract to the project “Gallery of parts of speech”
students of grade 7 "A"

For the first time, students began project work in the 6th grade. The project is long-term, designed for 2 years (grades 6 and 7), while parts of speech will be studied. A mini-project is not excluded during lessons.
It is expected that the “final product” of students’ project activities will be presented in different ways. This is a series of illustrations, fairy tales, reference material, articles, a collection of essays, tests, etc.
The theme of the project is a fairly serious section of grammar. Children must master the full scope of theoretical information in the “Morphology” section. This will contribute to mastering the various norms of the Russian literary language.
Students must eventually learn to speak and write correctly. Having studied a certain section of educational material, children comprehend it all and creatively present it in their own way in the final product.
Before starting work, the following goals were set:
deepen knowledge of the subject in general and the “Morphology” section in particular;

develop the individual abilities of each student in the class;
learn to solve a problem together, make decisions, prove and defend your opinion.
The children have different tasks: learn to analyze, choose, design, create.
This project activity involves group work of students. While working on the project, the following groups were created:
technical (3-5 people);
informational (5-6 people);
creative (5-8 people).
The technical group is engaged in typing texts on a computer, scanning, and sending materials by e-mail.

Members of the creative group arrange the material in the form of a linguistic fairy tale, prepare illustrations, and compose poetry.
The project presents creative works that were performed by students as they progressed through a particular topic in 6th grade Russian language lessons. The children collect their work into an electronic album, which we use in class.

The theme of the project is “Gallery of parts of speech.”
Project type: creative, long-term.
The content of the work.
1. Goals:
deepen students’ knowledge of the subject in general and the “Morphology” section in particular;
learn to independently search for information on an issue of interest in various sources;
develop individual creative abilities of students;
learn to jointly solve a problem, a given task, make decisions, prove that you are right;
develop a love for words, for the Russian language.

2. Problem.
What will knowledge of the features of parts of speech give us for life?

3. Objectives.
systematize and activate the acquired knowledge in the section “Morphology”, familiarization with the material from additional sources;
develop students’ interest in independently studying various sections of the Russian language;
develop the ability to think, analyze, draw correct conclusions, select material, and use ICT when preparing work;
creation of creative works and their presentation at a school conference, etc.
4. Object of study:
section of the Russian language grammar “Morphology”.
5. Subject of research:
features of parts of speech, difficult spellings.
6. Hypothesis:
The implementation of the project will allow overcoming difficulties in the use of certain spellings and grammatical forms.
7. Methods: children's creativity.
8.Relevance of the problem being solved:
mastering a serious section of the grammar of “Morphology”, which requires good theoretical knowledge, will contribute to the mastery of various norms of the Russian language, which in turn is a sign of a cultured person.

Project work plan.

Organizational and installation – we determine the number of participants, form groups:
A) technical (3-5 people);
B) informational (5-6 people);
C) creative (6-8 people).
The technical group is engaged in typing text on a computer, scanning, and sending material by e-mail.
The information group is engaged in searching and presenting the necessary information.
The creative group designs the material in the form of a linguistic fairy tale, prepares illustrations, and composes poetry.
Selection and discussion of the topic, goals, tasks - why the project is being created, is there a need for it.
Discussion of methodological methods of work; distribution of responsibilities among group members; discussion of ways to solve the problem; objective assessment of the capabilities of each group member.
Selection of necessary material on the topic.
Project work.
Discussion of intermediate results, the process of identifying and eliminating deficiencies (corrections, adjustments of work), presentation in class.
Presentation of results.
Preparing for the presentation.
Speech at a school conference.

The guys started project work for the first time. It covers general questions about learning parts of speech, as well as difficult spellings. Working on the project aroused great interest among the guys; they approached it creatively and worked with passion. Through mini-projects in the lessons, broader topics were addressed. The children were especially interested in creative works. The children present the material they have studied in the form of articles, fairy tales, drawings, tests, books, and essays. Writing fairy tales, illustrating them, using ICT - all this is typical for children of this age. Working in groups allowed the children to communicate more, find a common solution, and enjoy the success of their friends. The comments were treated with understanding and shortcomings were corrected in a timely manner. This project work has its continuation: further study of this section of grammar is taken into account.

(See Appendices)

Rudakov Petr
General concept.

The noun is studied in the section of grammar - morphology, and is a part of speech.

Independent (notional) parts of speech denote phenomena that exist in objective reality.
A noun is an independent (significant) part of speech that designates and names an object and answers the questions who? What? (friend, lesson).
The general grammatical meaning of a noun is the meaning of the subject.
By meaning, nouns are divided into groups:

Nouns are divided into animate and inanimate.
Animate nouns name objects of inanimate nature, they are asked the question who? (child, sister)
Inanimate nouns name objects of inanimate nature; they are asked what? (country, land). In works of fiction, objects of inanimate nature can be endowed with the properties of living beings, inanimate nouns are used as animate. They are asked the question: who? This technique is called personification.
Animate and inanimate nouns differ not only in meaning, but also in the form of the accusative case: for animate nouns, the accusative plural form is the same with the genitive plural form (sisters - R., V., sisters), and for inanimate nouns - with form of the nominative plural (rivers - V., I. rivers).
Nouns are divided into 2 groups: common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are generalized names of homogeneous objects, phenomena, actions, states (tree, earth).
Nouns that name singular (individual) objects are proper. Proper names can consist of one or more words and are written with a capital letter (Moscow, Ivanov Ivan).
In a sentence (syntactic features), nouns act mainly as subjects and objects (Moscow is the capital of Russia).
2. Morphological features of nouns - gender, number, case and declension (change in numbers and cases).
Let's take a closer look at the first two characteristics.
2.1. Number.
Nouns have two numbers - singular and plural (lesson-lessons).
Nouns in the singular form denote one object, in the plural form - many, several objects.
Specific nouns change according to numbers, the change is conveyed using endings.
Real, abstract, collective nouns and some others do not change in number. They have one form: singular or plural (sugar, milk, youth)

For abstract nouns, plural forms can be formed if such nouns are used in a specific meaning, for example: joy (abstract) – the joys of life (in the specific meaning “joyful events”), beauty (abstract) – the beauty of nature (in the specific meaning “beautiful” pictures of nature").
However, the formation of plural forms for abstract nouns is not always possible. For example, it is a stylistic error to use the expression “partisan movements.”
The plural form of this noun is possible in a more specific meaning (“change in the position of an object”; movement of a pendulum).
Plural forms of real nouns are used when talking about varieties or types of substances, which happens mainly in professional speech (lubricating oils, animal fats, high-quality steels, etc.).
The following nouns have only a plural form:

Nouns that have the same number form require dependent words to agree on form. Agreement in meaning is a violation of the literary norm.

2.2. Genus.
Nouns belong to one of three genders - masculine, feminine or neuter, but do not change according to gender. The gender of a noun can be determined by adding to the noun the word mine (m. r.), my (f. r.), my (w. r.). In addition, for some nouns, gender can be determined by the meaning of the word, since some words name male people and animals (father, lion), while others name female ones (mother, lioness).
Among the words starting with -a (-я) there are nouns with the meaning of person, which, depending on gender, can be classified either as masculine or feminine: this master is a talented self-taught person and this weaver is a talented self-taught person. Such words are called words of a general gender (orphan, crybaby, slob, dirty one, rag, sleepyhead, etc.).
For nouns that only have a plural form, gender is not determined (pants, scissors).
Gender of inflected nouns

However, some nouns may have variants (varieties) of generic forms, for example: shutter (m.r.) – shutter (zh.r.).
Many of the variants of generic forms of nouns have stylistic differences: one variant is common literary, the other is characteristic of a certain style of speech or is outdated, for example: film, m.r. (community) - film, film. (obsolete). The use of such limited-use forms must be stylistically justified.
Some of the variants of generic forms are colloquial or dialectal in nature. They should be avoided in your speech. Examples of violations of literary language norms include the use of the words potato, tulle, jelly in the feminine form (fixed in the masculine form) or the use in the masculine form of the words mouse, parcel, corn (fixed in the feminine form).
The use of generic forms in modern literary language

Unchangeable borrowed nouns of the neuter gender, denoting objects of inanimate nature: metro, cafe, etc. The exception is coffee - masculine. Indeclinable animate nouns are masculine if they denote male persons or animals (military attaché, gray kangaroo), and feminine if they denote female persons (old lady). Indeclinable geographical names determine their gender by the gender of the common noun denoting the generic concept (i.e. by the gender of the words city, river, lake, mountain, island, etc.): sunny Batumi, wide Mississippi.

Gender of indeclinable nouns

Word of foreign origin

Gender forms of nouns also do syntactic work: they help connect words to each other by indicating what gender form the adjectives and verbs that depend on them should have.
Sarmanova Alexandra
Immutable nouns

There are nouns in the Russian language that do not change in number and case. They have the same form in all cases and numbers: no metro, to the metro, in the metro.
Indeclinable nouns cannot be inflected! Failure to comply with this rule indicates low speech culture.
The number and case of unchangeable nouns can be determined in phrases and sentences: leave the cinema, meet at the cinema; A new cinema has appeared in our city.
Among the indeclinable nouns there are native Russian surnames: Durnovo, Chernykh, Milykh, Blagovo.
Some proper names are also not declined (Morocco), and abbreviations are also not declined (NFO, Moscow State University, UN, Unified State Examination).

Once upon a time in a magical land of Words, Punctuation Marks, Cases. They were all friends with each other. But there were exceptions - the Unyielding Exists
spruce. Poor fellows: they were not recognized by the Cases, the Endings forgot about them. Their only hope was Adjective Names, which helped Indeclinable Nouns not to forget what gender, number and case they were.
And then one day one of these words, Coat, wanted to go to school. But first it was necessary to pass exams. The word learned all the questions and went to school. However, when it was his turn, it was unable to answer a single question: what gender, number and case is it? The teacher said: “Friend, I’m sorry, but you don’t know anything. You won't be able to study at our school."
Frustrated, Coat wandered home. On the way he came across the Name Adjective New. The adjective said: “Why did you hang your head?”
“I’m sad because I don’t know anything and I wasn’t accepted into school,” the word answered. "Don't be sad! I will help you! Let's go to school together! I will help you, I will stand in the number and case that you want,” the Adjective Name encouraged him. So they were able to go to school.
Koneva Daria

Once upon a time in the great country of the Russian language there lived a small suffix IK. He was very kind and sweet and even in childhood he helped all nouns become kinder.
When I grew up, I opened my own salon, “Kindness.” There IK and his friends helped Nouns become kinder and softer. One day a very sad and rude, as it seemed to him, Noun DONKE came to him. Everyone offended him and that's why he was angry. But, after being in the salon for about an hour, he came out not as a DONKEY, but as a DONKEY!
However, the suffix IKA had envious people and ill-wishers. For example, the Suffix ISCH, which always made the clients of the Dobrota salon harder and angrier.
One day, the salon director found out that the search engine was guarding his clients, and decided to talk to him. After the conversation, IK realized that ISH was incorrigible and decided to reconcile. But ISH promised not to play dirty tricks on Iku anymore, and from then on everyone began to live together.

Medvedeva Ekaterina
The story of suffixes

In the country of Spelling, such a story happened. Newcomers OVA, EVA, YVA, IVA arrived at the suffix camp.
The commander lined them up and said: “Now I will talk with you and sort you out by verbs. We will consider all cases. I’m starting to give orders!”
“You, OVA, become the verb “to write off.” YVA will appear in the verb “to pursue,” IVA will appear in the verb “to command,” and EVA will appear in the verb “to watch.”
Then the commander saw that the newcomers did not obey him and did not take the indicated places. "Why?" - he asked. Then OVA replied: “We have just finished sixth grade and will help you give commands correctly. My brother EVA and I don’t want to be friends with 1st person verbs and always run away from him. If we are not in the 1st person, look for it in the infinitive. If I talk, command, pursue or dance, then I must speak and write: talk, command, pursue, dance.”
And the brothers YVA and IVA say: “And we are always in our place both in the 1st person and in the infinitive. I look and will look, I lay out and will lay out.”

Nikiforova Polina
Verb country

Once upon a time in the Land of Glagolia there lived inhabitants - verbs. Their life was interesting: you could fly into the future or walk through the past.
There were two peoples in this country: the First Conjugates and the Second Conjugates. Only those verbs that knew which letter they had in the infinitive at birth could fall into the past tense. This is how they lived - they didn’t grieve for many centuries
But then one day an army of suffixes wandered into their peaceful country. Then four peoples united: the Ovovtsy, the Evovtsy, the Yvovtsy and the Ivotsy. A brutal war has begun!
Soon after prolonged fighting, both sides began to lose strength. Then they decided to announce a break for exactly one day.
The adults sat down in the evening and began to think about how to defeat the enemy. And at this time a little little verb came out of its hiding place and saw a little sheep. They played and had fun all night for so long that they even became friends. They decided to go home, to the verbs, and propose a brilliant idea - to unite and live in peace and harmony as one kingdom.
And the very next day all the inhabitants of the two states united, but they forgot who had what suffix. Therefore, in order to determine which suffix is ​​which, it was necessary to use the first person, singular. This method was invented by one wise Verb to Draw. First, he determined whether the suffix had really possessed him, and called his second cousin Drawing for help. Realizing that the suffix had indeed entered into him, he checked which one it was. He became first person singular, turning into the form of Drawing.
So, having passed the exams to determine the suffix, the verbs began to live their own independent life.

Karaketov Ruslan
The book “The Tale of the Verb.”

The Russian language is great, rich, immortal. But you must be able to own wealth. Not everyone can remember all the rules of the Russian language in order to speak and write correctly.
Today I want to talk about the rules we are used to in a completely different form. I will present to you a fairy tale about a verb, or rather, about its conjugation.

In one ancient gallery,
Which not everyone can comprehend,
All parts of our speech have gathered
And they turned into one.
This is how our language was born,
And over the years he gradually grew richer
And he grew up, leaving his studies

In a certain kingdom, in a verbal state, in a high castle, in a distant land, there lived a King. His life was not easy. When people came up with a verb, the King had to take the initial form of that verb and create the remaining forms almost instantly.
But what did the verbs themselves look like? In fact, these are little people with special physical abilities.
For example, if it is the Verb Run, then it is a verb that runs very fast and is wearing a T-shirt. And if the verb Run has brothers or sisters, then it turns into the verb Run.
Everything in the kingdom was going well until the palace received a decree from the Russian Emperor. He stated that people misspell verb endings. And this problem is very significant, and it must be solved somehow. It was then that the Verb created the conjugation.
He decided to create a law according to which every Verb must come to the castle and leave information about its ending, after which he will be given new T-shirts with the ending and conjugation written on them. However, no one wanted to go far into the castle just to find out about the “endings.” But the King was the creator and with the help of magic he forced them to obey his will. Unfortunately, there were those who were able to resist him.
They have remained forever exception verbs. You need to know them. Here they are (see picture).

Sarmanova Alexandra

Hello guys! I would really like to figure out how to write reflexive verbs correctly. And you? If you are also interested in this, I bring to your attention my presentation.
Infinitive, what to do? 3rd person singular: what does it do?

Note! In impersonal verbs it is always written -tsya.

Now let's solve the tasks and consolidate this topic.
Exercise. Insert the missing character where necessary.
He's studying, they can pout, he likes to ride, they run away, they need to put on makeup, they make up, it's getting dark, he can't sleep.

Combing – when a person combs someone’s hair.
Combing your hair is when a person combs his own hair.

But! When you say, “I'm sorry,” it means you're excusing yourself.

Nikiforova Polina
Adjective categories

13 EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.12 1415
Qualitative adjectives.
Qualitative adjectives name attributes, that is, they denote various qualities of an object: by size, by age, by color, by weight, by appearance, by internal qualities (beautiful, tall, etc.)
Relative adjectives.
Relative adjectives denote the material from which the object is made, indicate the attribute of the object by place, by the time of its existence, by the purpose of the object (wooden, silver, etc.)
Ambiguous adjectives
When adjectives are used, their meanings may change. Thus, a relative adjective can become qualitative, for example: fox trail, that is, the footprint of a fox (possessive), fox hat, that is, a hat made of fox (relative), but fox cunning is the same as that of a fox (qualitative). Thus, the same adjective can have different meanings and ranks in combination with different nouns.
Examples: stone house, stone heart; iron bridge, iron nerves, etc.
Sharikova Anastasia
Relative adjectives:
denote a feature of an object that cannot be present in the object to a greater or lesser extent.
denote a feature of an object that may be present in this object to a greater or lesser extent.
indicate that something belongs to a person or animal

These adjectives are possessive:
fox trail
Bear Den
bear walk
Golden ring
skillful fingers

Write out only high-quality adjectives from the text and write down their gender.
How beautiful he was, all illuminated by the spring sun, against the white background of the birch forest! And what a unique appearance this flattering giant has! A long hook-nosed muzzle, huge inverted roots - horns. He himself is so heavy, bulky, and his legs are tall and slender, like those of a racehorse. And what a color the coat is - all dark brown, and the legs look like white, tightly pulled stockings.
(About moose)

Write down the phrases using the adjectives suggested by the pictures.

strong house

Beautiful house

Dangerous trail

Mysterious trail

Donated service

Favorite service

I.p. Mom's jacket, Dad's scarf
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p.
Form the short form of the adjectives below.
Smart - Easy -
Valuable - Close -
Pale - Young -
Beautiful - Low -

Mark the rows in which the letter I is written in place of the gaps in all words.
Calico...wonderful, wonderful.
Frog, understanding...
Thing... howl, amazing.
Pleased, deceitful.
Form all degrees of comparison from these adjectives.
Delicious -
Long -
Light -
Small -
Arrange these words in columns.
Falcon...y, among...yy, ducky...yy, y...yy, were...yy, twisted...yy, oat...yy, old...yy.

N -
- NN -

Form adjectives with the suffix -sk- from these nouns.
Miner, city, well done, pirate, parish, fisherman, light, freedom, Tajik, fleet, Swede.

Form adjectives from nouns using the suffix -ov- or -ev-.
Speech, face, watchman, chintz, brocade, cloak, shower, hedgehog, fighter, canvas, pepper.

Mark the line where NOT is written in all words together.
(Not) a careless student, (not) a difficult task (easy).
(Not) a high, but a low fence, (not) a blind chance.
(Not) a well-known decision, (not) a joyful, but a sad event.
From these adjectives, form new words using prefixes.
Polite -
Cute -
Difficult -
Smart -
Mark the row in which all words are written with a hyphen.
(ship) construction plant, (leather) shoe production.
(fruit) berry crops, (two) room apartment.
(sanitary) hygienic requirements, (south) western region.
(scientific) fiction story, new (radio) equipment.

Fill in the blanks.
Red...cheeked, white...winged,, black...reedy,, x...rubbing, light...dark, dog. ..paradise.

Kudinova Inessa
NOT with adjectives

The question immediately arises: when to write together, and when separately? Let's find out!



If the word is not used
without not:
nondescript, careless.
If in a sentence
there is or is implied a contrast:
The path was not easy, but difficult. This is not silver spruce.

If the word c cannot be replaced with a word close in meaning: unhealthy - sick, impolite - rude.
With short adjectives that are used only in the form of a predicate: not happy, shouldn’t, not ready, etc.

If special words are present: not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all.

Exercise. Write it down correctly.
(Not) a joyful incident; (not) a joyful, but a sad event: (not) personal, but professional interests; (not) a cultured person; (not) high fence; (not) high, but low bank; (not) serious attitude; (not) serious, but a cheerful face.

1 3 17 6 ​​9 8Figure 1Figure 2Figure 1Root Entry

Municipal educational institution

Dyakonovskaya Secondary School





6th grade students

Municipal educational institution Dyakonovskaya sosh


teacher of Russian language and literature

Plotnikova Antonina Mikhailovna

h. Dyakonovsky 2nd

Project type : interdisciplinary (Russian language, literature, computer science, fine arts)

Planned result : presentation of children's creative research works (family books printed using a computer)

Objective of the project :

instill a love for the Russian language and interest in studying it;

teach to feel the word, think about it, look for the true meaning in the word.

Tasks :

Inspire students to create their own work through etymological searches and speech observations;

- promote family cohesion and unity;

To develop a reading culture and the ability to independently work with additional literature: reference and fiction;

- develop students’ speech and creative abilities;

- cultivate curiosity, sensitivity to the beauty and expressiveness of Russian speech;

- expand life knowledge, improve research skills;

- teach how to work with a computer at the stage of processing the collected material.


Development of design specifications.

Choosing a theme

Most guys find it difficult to choose a topic to get excited about a project idea. The teacher explains to the children the usefulness and value of this type of scientific activity for the students themselves and their parents at a parent-teacher meeting. Already at the first stage we determine what socially significant product will be the result of the designers’ work. Parents should know that the teacher is a scientific consultant who is called upon to lay down the algorithm for research activities. We immediately determine the deadline for completing the project.

Today, 288 million people speak Russian as their native language. It is the fourth most commonly used language in the world and one of the working languages ​​of the UN.

The native Russian language is the language of words: big and small, simple and complex, funny and sad, good and evil. Leo Tolstoy said: “The word is a great thing.”

Many teenagers are passionate about action films, science fiction, detective stories, which gives rise to aggressiveness, cruelty, rudeness, and the guys often speak slang. How can children protect themselves from cruelty and indifference?

It is very important to learn to enjoy the beauty of the spoken and written word, to feel its true meaning, to learn to listen, speak, compose, and write correctly. The surest way to learn words is to enrich your vocabulary. For this purpose, the “One Word Encyclopedia” project was developed and implemented.

The obvious problems of modern society are a lack of conscience, a lack of live communication, including a lack of communication between parents and children.

Because2008 is the year of the family, then we decided to involve parents in our work.

Project partnersbecame parents, as well as a teacher and librarian.

The children did the work together with adults. After all, Lev Vygodsky said: “In cooperation, under guidance, with someone’s help, a child can always do more and solve more difficult problems than on his own.”

Identification of subtopics in the project topic.

Each sixth grader chose one word to study:

Zemlyanskaya Lyuba - wordJOY;

Alyosha Kostomarov – wordROAD;

Lepilina Olya – wordHUMAN;

Mikheev Ivan – wordHEART;

Samsonov Sergey – wordMOTHER;

Olya Selezneva – wordHOMELAND;

Syomina Lyuba – wordCONSCIENCE.

The teacher gave each student a route sheet (outline diagram), which indicated the steps to achieve the goal, after which the children began to work individually, although each helped his comrades if during his searches he came across material for other proposed words.





At this stage, the teacher advises and coordinates search activities.

Preparation of material

Together with their parents, the children visited rural, city and school libraries and worked with additional literature: reference books, fiction.

We worked with the teacher in the computer science classroom: we printed the collected materials. At first it was difficult, the work was slow, no one knew how to type and format texts. We went online to collect information material on the chosen word.

Children worked with explanatory, phraseological, etymological, word-formation dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms and other types of dictionaries. While researching, we found and recorded the history of the origin of the word, its structure and meaning, relative words, synonymous words, antonym words, phraseological units with them. Young researchers observed how their word lives in Russian folklore (in proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, parables, legends, fairy tales, songs), in the names of works of literature, and paintings by artists.

In addition, the guys had to prove themselves in speech creativity, since the word lives in their speech. Each of them composed their own poem, story or fairy tale.

And another type of activity is the life of words in illustrations, drawings, puzzles.



The children studied the life of their words on the DICTIONARIES website on the Internet and compared them with the results of their findings when working with dictionaries. It was at this stage that the children found completely new information for themselves, they discovered a whole new world in the direction that interested them.

A new desire arose: to create a crossword puzzle with your own word. We corrected our work, ranked it, and highlighted the main thing.

All the information collected was reflected in books, which the children prepared with the help of their parents and teachers. Subject teachers also helped us: a computer science teacher, an art teacher.



The teacher organizes a presentation of the “One Word Encyclopedia” project developed by the students.

Parents, teachers, and school students were invited to the presentation. In the relaxed atmosphere of their own classroom, the designers had the opportunity to gain experience in public speaking and test the depth of their knowledge. The guys talked about their contribution to the work, read out their messages and reports, shared their impressions, and listened to critical comments.

The guys prove the relevance of their own vision of the life of the chosen word, the consistency, completeness and depth of the analysis carried out from the point of view of the stated goals and objectives. At this stage, the skills of a constructive attitude towards criticism, the ability to listen and hear, and lead a discussion are formed.


The project lasted six months. A lot of painstaking work was done. With interest, the children delved into dictionaries, wrote, drew, and got acquainted with reproductions of paintings. This was their first project, which evoked a range of feelings: joy, pride, excitement, a desire to learn new things. Some of the guys completed it with difficulty, but when the result became visible, everyone liked being competent specialists in the field of creating projects.

Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of our native language is given to us from childhood; we master it as naturally as we breathe and grow. On the other hand, it is a complex discipline that requires a lot of work. Studying is serious work. That is why learning should be interesting and entertaining, since interest evokes surprise, awakens thought, and evokes a desire to understand the phenomenon.

The project presents work completed as one or another topic was covered in Russian language lessons in grades 5, 6, 7. We have collected the rules in an electronic album, which we often use ourselves and which we advise students to use for a more in-depth and interesting study of such an important subject as the Russian language.

When working on this project, we divided into the following groups: technical, creative and informational. The guys from the information group were engaged in searching and providing the necessary information, the creative group were preparing illustrations, and the technical group were typing text on a computer.



Regional creative conference for schoolchildren

"New Intelligence"

Municipal educational institution

"Anastasyevskaya secondary school"

Album of fun rules for the Russian language

Municipal educational institution "Anastasyevskaya Secondary School"

7th grade student.

Head: S.A. Kulesh,

teacher of Russian language.

Anastasyevka 2011

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 3

  1. Spelling…………………………………………………………….. 5

1.1. Vowel alternation……………………………………………………………………

1.2. Unstressed vowels in the root……………………………………………

  1. Double consonants………………………………………………………………
  1. Morphemics………………………………………………………………………………...
  2. Morphology………………………………………………………………..
  1. Noun………………………………………………
  2. Adjective………………………………………………...
  3. Verb………………………………………………………………..
  4. Participle…………………………………………………………...
  5. Adverb……………………………………………………………...
  6. Pronoun………………………………………………………..
  7. Numeral…………………………………………………..
  8. Particles……………………………………………………………...
  1. Vocabulary……………………………………………………………………..
  2. Syntax…………………………………………………………………..

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………

Literature………………………………………………………………………………. 21


You have to have fun learning

We'll have fun learning

To study well

Relevance of the topic.Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, knowledge of our native language is given to us from childhood; we master it as naturally as we breathe and grow. On the other hand, it is a complex discipline that requires a lot of work. When learning is interesting, it’s easy to learn, you want to learn, you’re happy to learn. Studying is serious work. That is why learning should be interesting and entertaining, since interest evokes surprise, awakens thought, and evokes a desire to understand the phenomenon.

Object of work is Russian language.

Subject of work - rules of the Russian language.

Hypothesis lies in the fact that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. Play is a way to learn what nothing can teach.

Target: compile a manual for repeating the rules of the Russian language in a playful, poetic form.


  1. Analyze the literature on this topic.
  2. Summarize the received material.

Progress of the project. The project presents work completed as one or another topic was covered in Russian language lessons in grades 5, 6, 7. We have collected the rules in an electronic album, which we often use ourselves and which we advise students to use for a more in-depth and interesting study of such an important subject as the Russian language.

When working on this project, we divided into the following groups: technical, creative and informational. The guys from the information group were engaged in searching and providing the necessary information, the creative group were preparing illustrations, and the technical group were typing text on a computer.


Letters O, E after sibilants

Chocolate, driver, gooseberry,

Seam, highway, glutton, saddler,

Hood, jockey, thicket,

Rustle, prim, slum.

S, I after C

Ts ygan on ts y kidneys

I went up to the film

And ts u ts said: “Ts ts!”


In ZHI-SHI combinations

Just and always write!

In combinations CHA-SHA

We write only the letter A.

In combinations CHU-SCHU

We write only the letter U.

Dividing soft sign

Before E, Yo, I, Yu, I

I stand in the roots, friends.

Sparrows, family, housing -

Before I, Yu, I, E, Yo.

Sparrows, housing, streams,

Leaves, wings, chairs, whose,

Stakes, feathers and family,

Blizzard, autumn, friends.

Soft sign

A soft sign is a tricky sign.

Don't call him anything.

It's not pronounced

But the word is often asked.

Why is the house at a corner

Turned straight into coal

No fire, just like that?

This is a soft letter.

We will always be where we need to be,

A soft sign to insert into words,

So that the ferret does not become a choir,

Stakes - never stakes.

Soft sign, soft sign -

You can't live without it!

You can't write without it

Thirty, ten, nine, ten, five.

Instead of six we get a pole,

Instead of eat, let's write eats,

The hemp will become foam.

Corners of coals,

The bathhouse will turn into a jar

This is what can happen

If we forget

Soft sign in words to write.

1.1. Vowel alternation

A fairy tale about a fifth-grader Petya,

who ended up in the country Spelling

Once upon a time in this world

Once upon a time there lived a fifth-grader boy, Petya,

Although he was talented and smart,

But he was not friendly with the Russians.

And at home, at school, in class

Everyone reproached him:

“He ruled the spellings

He doesn’t know, he’s full of stupid thoughts!”

Petya’s patience has come to an end,

And he decided, you all notice,

Go to the land of Spelling

And examine everything with diligence...

Did you walk for a long time, or did you walk for a short time?

But he still found that country...

There's no way to get in there

If you don't offer labor.

There are roots at the gate,

They closed tightly in a row.

And they all say to Petya:

“Why did you come to the gate with this?”

Petya politely told them,

What you wanted to meet:

Alternating A and O

The roots tortured him.

The root -KAS- came out towards us,

And the suffix -A- follows immediately,

This is because the root is -CAS-

Without -A- not a single step on display.

If the suffix -A- disappeared somewhere,

Then the root will be -KOS-, guys!

LAG- and -LOG- said clearly:

“We agree with this rule,

If the suffix –A- is behind the root,

We write the letter A calmly.”

The roots -GAR- and -GOR- came out,

And behind them -TVAR- and -TVOR-,

And behind them – CLAN- and – CLONE-

They came out to bow.

They came out and said

And they chattered and repeated.

“If we are without emphasis,

ABOUT write without delay!

Roots –GROW- and –ROS-

Stand up to your full height

And they said: “The letter A

We don’t always write, Petya.

If following the root

ST or Ш

Remember to write,

You need the letter A.

But unfortunately,

There are exceptions


name was ROSTISLAV

He bought himself a SPROUT

Somewhere at the station."

Roots –SKAK- and –SKOCH-

Don't mind chatting:

"Before the letter K

We write only A

Before H write

Letter O, hurry up!”

Roots –MOK- and –MAK-

They said this:

"You are in verbs with meaning

“Let the water flow through”

Just write the root –MOK-,

So that no one could find fault.

Well, immerse in “liquid”

You need to write the root -MAK-"

A moment - and the roots blossomed.

Everyone disappeared somewhere at once,

And they left him

There, at the entrance, alone.

(L. Durnitsina.)

If after the root - A,

At the root it will be And always!

Here's an example, remember:

“Did you wipe your feet? Wipe it off!”

Under the accent we write GAR, -

Without emphasis - GOR.

For example: TUNED, TAN.

Vice versa: ZAR - ZOR

1.2. Unstressed vowels in the root

Unstressed cunning vowel:

We hear him perfectly,

What letter is in the letter?

Science can help us here:

Place the vowel under stress

To dispel all doubts!

1.3. Double consonants


Gram, grammar, program,

Communist and telegram.

"Um" the second one somehow

Don't forget to write.

Alley, illustration,

Team, illumination,

Million and metal -

I wrote two “el”.

Class, commission and cash,

Passenger, express and highway,

Cross, profession, progress –

Write two letters "es".

Colossus, highway and mass,

Press, box office, track.

Swimming pool, professor and congress –

Put two letters “es” in the words.

Terrace and terror

Territory, platform,

Correspondent and barricade

You need to write with two “er”.


Friends! My task is this -

Reveal to you how words are constructed,

What morphemes make up them?

What role do they play in words?

(P. Chesnokov.)

Remember, when parsing a word

Ending and foundation

First of all, find it.

After the root there will be a suffix,

And the console is in front


The part of the word that changes

It's called the ending.

The rest of the word

We call it the basis.


There is a prefix before the root,

It is written smoothly.

And with the help of an attachment

Words are formed.

Spelling at-, pre-


I bought it and found it useful

He combed his hair and pretended

Prepare and watch

Write with a prefix at -

Transform and stop

Make your dream come true,

Obstruct and despise

Don't forget to pre-write.

Sisters PRE and PRI

In one of the cities of the country of Morphology there lived sister prefixes PR and PR.

The PRI prefix was very kind and affectionate. She wanted to caress everyone.

Her sister prefix PRE was of a completely different nature. She persecuted everyone, betrayed them, wanted to turn them into her slaves.

And then at the very first Council of Consoles they began to analyze the behavior of the PRE console. The prefix RAZ said: “Your mother PERE was not as evil as you.” All the other consoles unanimously supported her. Prefix PRI, her sister, continued: “Why are you the word hand over remade it and it worked betray ? Aren `t you ashamed? And it’s also called sister.”

PRE thought, lowered her head, became despondent. Some time passed and suddenly - lo and behold! - began to form superlative words: BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY.

The prefix PRE has been re-educated, realized its guilt and now forms many words with different meanings, and fewer and fewer evil words.

PR- or PRE-? or PR-?

It's no secret at all

You will get an answer right away.

You see, it's COMING

The wizard is here for you and me,

TOUCHING something

Shakes his head.

Doesn't do everything completely -

Slightly, barely, slightly:


Doesn't want to go on the road again.

He also likes to find out

What is nearby?

visit the SCHOOL kindergarten,

Inspect him

Take a walk in the PRIMORSKY park,

Nothing else.

The wizard's name is Pri-Pri.

Don't accidentally erase it!

And this is our fairy -

He’s not silent for a second:

Everything makes her very happy

Or very angry.

Just like that: “WONDERFUL!


And now: “WORTHY,


Only one thing does not change -

She always likes it very much

Prefix PERE-. Here she is

Well, just BEAUTIFUL!

And the fairy loves to INTERRUPT,


She has to be forgiven.

Call this fairy

Write down and find out

Be it in the evening, or at dawn.

Under the short name Pre-Pre.

  1. Noun

Russian is a language of six cases

In the Old Russian language there were three more cases, however, in our time we often use them, but we don’t even realize it:

- “Vocative” case is a type of Nominative.

When we turn to Vanya, Anya, Dima, Roma, we tell them“Wan”, “An”, “Dim”, “Rum”, we use the form of the “Vocative” case instead of the Nominative case“Vanya”, “Anya”, “Dima”, “Roma”.

Words also have a vocative case“mom”, “dad”, “uncle”, “aunt” (“mom”, “dad”, “aunt”, “uncle”), and two words in the plural:“guys” and “girls” (“guys”, “girls”).

- “Local” case is a variation of the Prepositional.

We know how to form the prepositional case of a word closet . "About what? – About the closet. On what? - … On the wardrobe !".

Shapes: on the closet, in the forest, in the ranks, on the nose(but not on the closet, in the forest, in formation, on the nose) and express the “Local” case. It is used only with prepositions " guilt ".

- “Disjunctive” case is a variation of the Genitive.

A head of garlic and a head of garlic, a glass of kefir or a glass of kefir, a glass of tea or a glass of tea?

Sometimes it is simply necessary to use the form not of the Genitive case, but of the “Disjunctive”: “ I came out of the forest" (Nekrasov), " There's no light to be found?», « A week without a year."

To make it easier to remember existing six cases Russian language, we offer to learn counting counter.


Nominative, genitive,

Dative, accusative,

Creative, prepositional -

It's easy to remember them.

Six bosom friends -

Six magical cases -

Link word to word,

Understand and listen too

With them we can help each other.

Well, let’s say the words

Can we, like two and two:

(WHO?) Doctor, teacher, writer, student.

(ON WHAT?) On a sheet of paper, on a board, on a table.

(WHAT?) Diagnosis, assignment, book, project.

(WHAT?) Pen and chalk, feather, compass.

(TO WHOM?) The patient, the guys, the master.

(WITHOUT WHAT?) No errors, blots, ink.

Diligently, clearly, carefully, quickly

Compiled, assigned, wrote, drew.

Indeclinable nouns

They are called heterodeclinable because they are inclined either according to the 2nd or 3rd declension. There are only 11 such nouns: 10 – neuter on – my name: burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, seed, stirrup, crownand a masculine noun - path .

There is a story about tribe

Only spring will come time ,

The tribe sows peacefully seed,

Even to plow and sow - burden .

The cow has a full udder.

Papuan needs a name

Compose for my son

And milk the cow.

But the leader is in their step stirrup,

Sticking a feather on crown,

I raised it above myself banner,

Stirs up discord flame:

Summons everyone again

Don't work - fight.

But the tribe doesn’t want to again

Shedding blood in vain

Everyone prefers peaceful path …

Don't forget our fairy tale.

Indeclinable nouns

“We cannot be persuaded by anyone.

It is useless to change us.

Everyone at school knows about this,”

They said radio, highway,

Bureau, and coffee, and cafe,

Cinema, coat, taxi, coupe.

One early morning

My friend and I sat down on the meter

And we went on the meter

Watch a film about a kangaroo.

Here we are sitting in the cinema

Without a coat and without a muffler,

Or rather, me and you

Without a muffler and without a coat.

Kids love movies

If there's a kangaroo in the movies

Walks and wanders along the highway,

He carries a chimpanzee in his bag.

A kangaroo came into a cafe

I took a free table there

And sits behind the domino

With a chimpanzee and a cockatoo.

Suddenly a huge monkey

Started playing the piano

Here is an adult, having taken off his pince-nez,

I laughed my ass off.

Interesting movie

It's a shame it ended.

Time to run to the wardrobe:

They will issue polta.

(A. Hight.)

3.2. Adjective

Declension of full adjectives

When there is an adjective

And it is absolutely necessary

Find out about the ending -

Attention attention!

Run to the noun

And tell him kindly

Simple Spell

From all ignorance:

“Ene-bene, tufi-ros!

We need a question from you!


And “which one?”, and “which one?”,

And “which ones?”, and “which ones?”.

And “which one?”... How many of them are there!

There are no easier rules in the world:

What's in the question is in the answer!

What day? – warm

Green suits your face.

What day? – cheerful

The light is shining in the grove!

What day? – springHis

There is nothing more beautiful in the year!

To be good is to be good! –

And I'll take you

A completely different rule.

I made a point here.

(O. Soboleva.)

About the adjective

Be very careful.

Get to know the adjectives:

kitten - small, fluffy,

stream – cool, silvery,

winter is beautiful and snowy,

and mom is kind and gentle,

words in rhyme are very friendly,

they are pleasant and necessary.

And among them you are sure

you will quickly learn adjectives.

Very entertaining -


It will be difficult without him

If it disappears.

Well, imagine this:

How without signs of an object

We will argue, we will talk,

Have fun and joke?

What will happen then?

Is it worth it to suffer?

We won't say "beautiful"

Let's not say "ugly"

We won’t tell mom “darling,

Beautiful, beloved"

To father and brother and sister

We won't be able to talk anywhere

These are wonderful


So that everything becomes great,

There are many different signs

We'll notice it everywhere

And to the place in speech

Insert them.

Suffixes with N and NN

Although we are smart beyond our years,

Not everything is clear and understandable to us,

How many N to write in –AN-, -YAN-

We are all suffering incredibly.

No matter how you turn it, no matter how wise you are,

But with this suffix when meeting

Look carefully first

What part of speech was found?

For adjectives long ago

Recorded in scholarly books:

When –AN-, -YAN-, then –N- is one,

And no more surplus.

Ruddy Santa Claus will wave

Silver gauntlet.

Here -N- is the only thing that will do,

And two is not suitable here at all.

Where are the two -N-? Simple answer:

In a window with a glass surface,

Where is the tin latch?

And the window sill is wooden.

The fog has one thing –N-,

But if the city became foggy,

Based on –N- and suffix –N-

And it turns out two -N-.

Remember this case is strange.

Spelling N-NN


Sacred and desired,

Unforeseen, unexpected.

Without applying the rules of knowledge,

Write two “en” without hesitation.

But smart, chewed,

Dowry and forged -

You can easily remember

That there is only one “en” in them all the time.

Swine, green, blue, zealous,

Young, spicy and rosy.

Don't look for a suffix here

Write about only one “en”.

Abandoned, given and deprived,

Launched, purchased and decided.

Although without a prefix, it looks perfect.

That's why there are two "en"s.

A fraudster stole from a worker

And a smart mechanic

There is only one “en” in the hotel.

3.3. Verb

Interesting part of speech

Lives in the Russian language.

Who is doing what will tell:

Draws, writes and sings,

Embroidering or plowing,

Or scores a goal

Cooks, fries, washes, cleans -

The verb will tell us everything!

He has a face, time,

Aspect, voice and mood.

And he doesn’t stick out too much -

It agrees with other parts of speech!

Verb conjugations

Verbs of the first conjugation can be easily distinguished from verbs of the second conjugation only ifwhen their personal endings are stressed.

To determine the conjugation,

Look at the ending.

And for emphasis

Pay attention!


Funny rhymes

How will you start me drive,

I'll stop breathing

Ears will stop hearing,

Well, keep holding your hands,

You'll start looking at me

Will you turn me around?

I will still endure

I will depend on you

Since you were able to offend me,

I won't see you

And openly hate!

To the 2nd conjugation

We will take it without a doubt

All the verbs that it,

Excluding shaving, laying

And also look, offend,

Hear, see, hate

Drive, hold, breathe, twirl

And depend and endure.

You will remember, friends,

After all, they are with e cannot be conjugated.

In these verbs we only write And .

This is how we write, look here:

I see

You see

He sees

We see

You see

They see

And this poem with exception verbs–it , which belong to the I conjugation. There are only two such verbs - shave and lay.

To the neighbor's chicken

Shave your head clean.

Should be on a stool

Lay out two napkins.


3.4. Participle

There is no future participle in Russian.

The present and past participles can be replaced with an equivalent verb, respectively, present and past tense:

talking parrot = a parrot that talks;

the parrot who spoke = the parrot who spoke.

The future participle is also equivalent in meaning to the verb in the future tense. The Russian language has such a participle, but only one verb be:

future teacher = one who will be a teacher.

But in fact, in the Russian language there are precise rules for the formation and use of participles, which we want to talk about in poetic form, presenting participle in the form of a funny insect - bug , in which the paws are morphological features, and the antennae are word-forming features.


Participle - familiar to all of us -

Let's imagine it as an insect,

Which signs are legs

They run, but along different paths.

For three, the path to verbs lies:

Time, recurrence, type;

Four have a move to adjectives:

Brevity, number, case, gender.

His mustache is wonderful -

Active and Passive.

From time and from conjugation

There are differences in their structure

Present active participles

The special suffix is ​​inherent in:

For the second conjugation - ash-, -box-,

For the first - - ush-, -yush-.

Passive present participles:

The suffix is ​​completely different:

For the second conjugation - them-,

For the 1st - - ohm-, -em-

Past participles

No need for verb conjugation.

Valid – suffix: - wsh-, -sh-,

Passives: -enn-, -nn-, -t-.

We will present all forms of participles,

(According to the rules, let's make it up):

Running, revealed, checked,

Flying, asleep, confident,

Singing, vulnerable and distributed,

Driven, overgrown and created.

3.5. Adverb

An adverb is an independent part of speech:

Comes from an ancient noble family, as indicated by the majestic root-speech- , which was already known in the Old Russian language; but then it was a verb meaning “to speak”, from which words such assaying, speech, adverb(talk), name, etc.;

If we literally translate the word adverb into modern language, it will turn out “ insolence ", and in Latin - " verb."

Helps the verb, that is, adjoining it, explains and clarifies it;

The main feature is immutability;

In sentences it is most often used as a circumstance.

We tried to imagine:

Morphology (section of the Russian language) - in the form of an island;

Part of speech (section of morphology) - in the form of a country with its cities, among which there is a city in which only adverbs “live”;

What would this city look like, that is, how many districts, squares, streets would it have and with what names;

What actual adverbs could live on which streets;

What would a square in the city center look like, where all the dialects could be found at once?

As a result of our imagination, we came up with a rhyming text, which we accompanied with our illustrations.


What is a "verb"? This is part of speech

In the ancient. Today it is an “adverb”.

Like a noun, like an adjective,

This part of speech is independent.

She doesn't bow or hide,

That is, otherwise, does not change.

The part of speech that is adjacent to

Different signs indicate:

Action - to a verb or gerund,

Feature – to an adjective, adverb, participle,

Subject - to a noun.

The adverb is complex and surprising.

And in a sentence during “proceedings”

Most often it can be a circumstance.


On the island morphology is the country part of speech.

There, among others, there is a city adverb.

There are six streets in the city, each with its own meaning.

All residents, without exception, live and work on them.

On the street mode of action - fast, friendly, easy;

Outdoor places – to the right, to the side, near, far;

On the street of time – in the morning, in the summer, today, now;

On the street goals - as a joke, accidentally and for show;

On the street measures and degrees – very, completely, quite;

And for the reasons on the street - involuntarily, not without reason, casually.

There is an adverb in the city - district - pronominal,

It is inhabited by unknown inhabitants,

Together with interrogatives, next to negative ones.

And, of course, also with the index fingers.

On the square of popular expressions

Adverbs wander here and there.

They live without troubles and regrets,

In short, they live happily ever after.

They won’t cut from the shoulder right away,

Keep your ears to the ground,

Their souls are wide open, like their minds,

They know the whole city inside and out.

They won't beat around the bush,

There are so many of them - there’s no room for an apple to fall,

Even though some people's heads are spinning,

We will study them, there is no loss with them

3.6. Pronoun

In a negative pronoun

Know: the emphasis is NOT,

And NI - without emphasis!

Learn this carefully:

In negative pronouns,

When the preposition is inside,

We write not one word, but three.

Two words - remember - never.

No one - no one.



3.7. Numeral

Ditties about numerals

We learned nouns,

Adjectives are also numerals.

Let us sing ditties for you about numerals:

Compound, simple, ordinal, quantitative.

One, two, three, twenty, thirty-five -

Everyone knows integers; it’s very easy to count them.

Forty point seven, two eighths and three second notes

Fractional numbers are more difficult, be able to decline them.

Both, both, two, three – collective,

Combined with nouns.

First, fifth, one hundred eighth, seventh - ordinal,

We will all construct a whole series of numbers in order.

Phraseologisms we know about numerals

And there are also many instructive proverbs:

One with a bipod, seven at the tablealready sitting

Until the seventhTheysweatthey want to work hard.

One, we knowheadFine, twobetter,

In an instant, the problems will all be resolved right there.

They say,one for all, Butall for one,

If everyone gets down to business, then nothing is scary.

Finallywith one voicewe wish you soon,

Don't have a hundred rublesyou andhave a hundred friends!

3.8. Particles

Something, something.

Don't forget the dash.

But what about particles?

Write them separately!

What about particles?

You can easily remember them, -

Just memorize this phrase:

“Tell me anyway?”



There are words in a language that are similar in meaning, but different in sound. Such words are calledsynonyms.

Words are synonyms

Always close in meaning

The only difference is

Sometimes in shades.

Homeland - Fatherland

- Fatherland.

How much is there in them

Sacred for us!


Words with opposite meanings are calledantonyms.

Minus plus,

Fire water,

Daring - cautious.

All antonyms always



- The theory of phraseological units was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Phraseologisms are used all the time in our everyday speech. Sometimes we don’t even notice that we are uttering these stable, now popular, expressions - they are so familiar and convenient

- Phraseologisms differ in imagery.

“You can’t see a thing” is the same as dark. However, a phraseological unit is more energetic, more emotional, that is, by resorting to it, a person, among other things, also communicates his attitude towards an event, object or interlocutor.

- Phraseologisms are the pearls of the Russian language. Some people take them literally, but this is due to a lack of knowledge of the environment in which they live. For example, an expression that is understandable to a Russian-speaking person is unlikely to be understandable to a foreigner.

- Phraseologisms show the peculiarity of the mentality of the Russian language. That is why their speech is very difficult to translate into another language, sometimes almost impossible, unless by selecting a similar analogue. There cannot be literal translations of phraseological units.

- Phraseologisms are apt expressions. But sometimes they are sharp and rude, sometimes they are too expressive, so they need to be used in colloquial speech, and, for example, in official business speech they should be used with great caution.

- We composed ditties and phrases using phraseological units with the word “EAR”; we illustrated some of them with our own sketches, showing a literal understanding of these phraseological units.


Placeears on top of heads.

Listen carefully.

We are ditties and phrases

Let's sing it diligently.

Buzzing in my earsteacher at a lesson topic,

But he cannot understand the strange problem himself:

In one earthe guys are on the topic,

Not two minutes pass -flies to another.

Careless student– head two ears

I listened to the lesson reluctantlyout of the corner of my ear.

Doesn't leadhe evenearon the advice of your friends,

Not in sighthe's an A,like your own ears.

The bear crushed my earVasya at birth,

And now he hums and growls during singing lessons.

Turns red from ear to earVasya - I can’t sing,

Ears witherfor others - but he tries his best.

We fly into the dining room, we see Petya sitting there,

There is pizza, andbehind the earshimcrackles.

Everyone starts laughingmoutheveryone has alreadyto the ears,

They can't calm downat least sew on the ties.

We sang phrasesbelieveYouto your ears,

Not with your earsnecessaryclapWell, it’s better for us to study.

We hope versesdidn't go unnoticed,

Don’t bother in life, you need to be

more friendly with science.


Main members of the proposal

When your task is to find

The main members of the sentence,

First of all, find the verb

Verb in any mood.

When this verb is revealed

Between other words,

Then highlight it quickly

Two features at once.

Then from him we asked who? What?

We direct to other words

And the subject, as if on a hook,

We'll get to these questions.

Here we are with one line

Let us immediately emphasize without a doubt,

And admire - in front of you

The main members of the proposal.


Questions about oblique cases

You already know for sure.

If you ask them without delay,

Additions will be found here.

(Readingbooks(what? vin.p.)

Writingpencil(what? creative p.)


Sign of an object or phenomenon

Indicates a definition.

Whose and which? - the answers are simple,

The only thing missing is the wavy line.


To the questions: where? When?

How? from where and where?

Circumstances are always

They will give you answers, yes, yes.


To all of us when communicating

Appeal will help.

To people, stars and birds

Feel free to contact us.

When writing, do not forget

Separate with commas.

Introductory words

Me, like everyone else, more than once, not twice

Introductory words saved me.

And more often than others among them

The words “firstly”, “secondly”.

They, starting from afar,

They gave a reason slowly

Gather your thoughts for now...

(A. Kushner)


Attention! Attention!

Here's a phrase.

There are a couple of words in it,

But their rights are not equal,

The word is always important in it

Walks with an addict.

And who is in charge here - without difficulty

The question determines.

The question comes from the main one

By the dependent word,

And never vice versa

Remember it as a basis.


Every person is a creative person who, through words, can express not only himself, but also his attitude to the world around him.

We get acquainted with the beauty of the great and powerful Russian language, learn and strive to try ourselves in creativity, but we want to end our album with a wonderful poem by the master of the Russian word - Russian poet Sergei Ostrovoy:


You get used to the words

day by day,

And they have a primordial meaning


And when I hear:

- I'm sorry! –

This means:

- Exclude me from the blame!

The word has the color of its own fire.

Your birthright. Your boundaries.

And when I hear:

- Protect me! –

This means:

- Surround me with shores!

The word has roots. And there are relatives.

It is not a foundling under an orphan bush.

And when I hear:

- Protect me! –

This means:

- Hide me behind the shield!

Listen. Get into it. Don't forget.

The word has its own temper. Your gut.

And if you get into the essence of this -


will do it to you


Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

“My tongue is my friend!” (Current issues of speech culture) Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood. Quintilian, Roman rhetorician Educational project in the Russian language

2 slide

3 slide

4 slide

Slide description:

1. Create conditions for students to master the norms of the Russian literary language; 2. Increase the level of speech culture; 3. Learn to independently search for information and process it, find the necessary information on the Internet; 4. Develop public speaking skills; 5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the native language; 6. Develop the ability to format received information at a modern level using various electronic programs. : Project goals and objectives.

5 slide

Slide description:

The project took place over 2 weeks as part of the school Literature Week: 4 lessons, 4 consultations, 6 lessons for independent work, a final lesson-presentation. Project type: short-term, teacher-student. Timing and stages of implementation

6 slide

Slide description:

The project consists of 4 stages: Stage 1 – preparation and planning of work Stage 2 – implementation of the project Stage 3 – analysis and preparation of received materials (group summary) Stage 4 – presentation of the project (lesson presentation)

7 slide

Slide description:

Fundamental question Why do people need to speak their language “easily, clearly and beautifully”?

8 slide

Slide 9

Slide description:

Required initial knowledge, skills, and abilities Communication skills: 1. the ability to clearly and interestingly express one’s thoughts in a reasoned manner; 2. ability to listen and argue; 3. ability to debate 4. ability to speak in public User skills on a PC: 1. skills in a text editor; 2. Internet skills; 3. skills in working with a graphic editor; 4. creating and editing presentation slides. 5. ability to use various visual aids when speaking.

10 slide

Slide description:

1. Introducing the goals and objectives of the project with the help of a kickoff presentation. 2. Discussion of research topics. 3. Formation of groups according to desire and interests. 4. Drawing up a group work plan, distributing functional responsibilities between group members. 5. Organization of cooperation between students and the teacher in the VK group. 6. Selection of material. 7. Conducting consultations for working groups, surveying the class. 8. Discussion with students about the criteria for evaluating presentations and publications. 9. Interim assessment of participation in the project. 10. Generalization and presentation of research results in the form of presentations and memos. 11. Project evaluation. 12. Analysis of the work of groups and each group member. 13. Presentation and defense of the project. 14. Final reflection on the project. Learning activities

11 slide

Slide description:

Stage I – Preparation and planning of work In the first lesson, students got acquainted with the starting presentation, then answered questions in a questionnaire to identify the interests of students. In accordance with the children’s answers regarding the choice of direction of activity, 3 groups (based on interests) were formed, necessary for the implementation of the project. The guys got acquainted with a list of recommended books, electronic materials, links to Internet resources, and were also given recommendations for carrying out the project. We discussed with the students the products of the groups’ activities (how the results obtained will be presented: materials for conducting the survey (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards); public presentation in the form of a presentation (prepared by each group); memo “How to maintain purity of speech?”) . Students are familiar with the criteria for assessing the results of project activities. Project implementation

12 slide

Slide description:

Stage II - Carrying out the project We compiled and discussed with students at consultations a work plan in each of the created groups. We identified the main sources and methods of searching for information. A recommendation is made to timely record all used sources of information in order to evaluate them (sheet for recording the resources used). Each group was given a task and the necessary recommendations for preparing the necessary materials for conducting the survey (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards). The guys were given recommendations for working in the VK group. Students participated in discussions with interest and completed creative tasks. We organized a survey and observed the speech of peers as part of independent work. When conducting the survey, students used the materials they had prepared (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards).

Slide 13

Slide description:

Stage III - Analysis and design of the received materials At this stage, the material collected by the children was analyzed and systematized (the results of the survey, a selection of the necessary material on the Internet. The children received recommendations on the design and selection of material for presentations and publications). We compiled the research results and collected materials in accordance with the teacher’s requirements. Prepared a public presentation in the form of a presentation (each group). We reported on the work done at the consultation. Students are given the necessary recommendations for further work in the project.

Slide 14

Slide description:

Stage IV – Presentation of the project We prepared with the students a scenario for the final lesson in the form of a presentation lesson. Conducted a lesson presentation. Reflection of project participants (analysis of results, assessment of the quality of work of project participants). We assessed the work of the students and summed up the results of the work in the project.

15 slide

Slide description:

After completing the project, students can: use spelling, lexical, and spelling norms of the Russian literary language in oral and written speech; increase the level of speech culture; work with information (search, generalization, highlighting the main thing, analysis), learn to independently search for information and process it, will be able to find the necessary information in the media and the Internet; treat your native language with care; conduct a linguistic survey; formalize the received information at a modern level using various electronic programs; interact in a team; present information and express your point of view. Project results

16 slide

Slide 17

Slide description:

Word Its meaning Jargon (French jargon) - sociolect; differs from the general spoken language in specific vocabulary and phraseology, expressiveness of turns and special use of word-formation means, but does not have its own phonetic and grammatical system. Slang words or expressions are called “jargonisms.” Slang (English slang) is a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various groups of people (professional, social, age, etc.). For example, youth slang. Swear words are words and expressions, the use of which is not allowed by public morality, intended primarily to insult the addressee or negative assessments of people and phenomena, the most rude type of profanity.

18 slide

Slide 19

20 slide

21 slides

22 slide

Slide description:

Survey results In class, we conducted an anonymous survey, which helped us find out how much, how often, and of what quality students use slang expressions.

Slide 23

Slide description:

1. Do you know what slang is? (yes - 83%, no - 17%) 2. Do you know about the history of the emergence and existence of slang? (yes – 22%, no – 78%) 3. Do you think slang is relevant in our time? (yes – 71%, no – 29%) 4. Do you often use slang in your speech? (yes - 58%, no - 30%, 12% - occasionally) 5. Is it possible to use slang always and everywhere or only under certain conditions? (always - 0%, under certain conditions - 71%, never - 29%) 6. Write the most commonly used words and their meanings (5-6 words) crazy, cool, sticky, tops, slow, crazy, awesome, show-off, pop , car, glitches. 7. How often do you use obscene language? (often – 0%, rarely – 29%, never – 71%) 8. What is your favorite slang word? (crazy, cool). 9.Do you consider the use of slang uncivilized? (yes – 35%, no – 65%)

24 slide

25 slide

Slide description: