Physics essay topics. Topics for research papers in physics Topics for papers in physics

An essay on physics is not the most popular task in this discipline. Most often, students have to solve tests with practical problems. However, if you have been assigned an essay on physics, remember: choosing the right topic will help you make the work very, very interesting. After all, physics is a fundamental science about the world around us.

How to write an essay on physics?

Essay- This is a brief summary of material on a specific topic. Typically, information for a report is taken from one or more sources.

How to write an essay on physics? The same as for any other subject. Many people think that physics is all about formulas, and writing an interesting essay on this discipline is a fantasy task. We hasten to convince you. Solid formulas are more like mathematics.

Physics- the science of the laws of nature, matter, its properties and its movement.

Man has always sought to understand nature, explaining what is happening around him to the best of his ability. It is known that a prototype of a modern battery was found in Ancient Egypt. If we talk about the sources that have reached us, physics as a science began to develop in the era of antiquity, when the first attempts were made to provide a scientific explanation of the picture of the world. The scientific picture of the world that Aristotle proposed was accepted for a long time as the main hypothesis.

An abstract on physics must be formatted according to GOST and contain introduction, the main part, conclusion, bibliography. Read more about this in a separate article.

Physics essay topics

So, topics for essays on physics for students and schoolchildren can be divided into several groups:

  • Historical;
  • Theoretical;
  • Practical;
  • Popular science.

Historical Topics are the development and evolution of physics. Here you can write about the history of discoveries and the course of landmark experiments that scientists performed. If you want to make your physics essay interesting, add human stories to it. How exactly did Rutherford notice the strong deflection of alpha particles? How was Archimedes' law discovered? An abstract is not the most in-depth scientific research, so you don’t have to go into the deepest theory.

Examples of historical topics in physics essays: "Discovery of X-rays", "Newton's discoveries in physics", "Planetary model of the atom and Rutherford's experiment".

Theoretical. Here you can consider some natural phenomenon and its physical nature, without emphasis on the history of discovery, but with more emphasis on theory.

An example of such essay topics in physics: « » , "Work and Energy" or « ».

Practical Topics. You can write an essay on what applications physics finds in human activities.

For example: “Methods of nuclear magnetic resonance in the development of mineral deposits”, “The principle of action of lasers and their application in medicine.”

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Popular science. This is the most interesting thing. Almost everyone is interested in watching science programs about space, supernovae, space-time and black holes. Why not improve your knowledge in this area and write an essay on the relevant topic?

Here is a list of physics essay topics for students that may interest you:

  • “The nature of black holes in the Universe”;
  • “Cosmic rays and methods of their registration”;
  • "Detectors of the Large Hadron Collider";
  • “Theories of the origin and evolution of the Universe”;
  • “Optical phenomena: dispersion, diffraction and interference”;
  • “Wave-particle duality”;
  • “Alternating and direct current”;
  • “Thermal death of the Universe. What is it and is it possible?

Of course, writing an essay is not only about choosing a topic. It is necessary to collect material, draw up a plan, and formalize the work indicating sources. At the same time, it is important to maintain the level of uniqueness of the text, because if you submit an essay downloaded from the Internet to a teacher for review, you cannot expect anything other than an unsatisfactory grade.

If you have any questions regarding the preparation of an essay, report, presentation, coursework or any other work, you can contact us for effective help. We will help you decide on a topic, prepare, format and check your abstract. Applications are accepted around the clock, if you need help, don’t waste time!

This page of the Tutorial contains the most interesting topics for physics projects in all sections and areas of this subject of the school curriculum. The work on the project implies the participation of a physics teacher as a leader and consultant.

Current and interesting topics of research papers in physics can be taken for research by students of both primary and secondary schools, as well as high school students. Such a study is suitable for students of different levels of knowledge and will allow them to study such a complex subject with pleasure.

Let's consider the interesting topics of physics projects presented below for students in any grade of a secondary school, gymnasium or lyceum. The topic can be taken in full or changed at your discretion, depending on the amount of planned work, the interests and hobbies of the student, as well as the level of his knowledge and skills.

After choosing an interesting topic for research work in physics, it is possible for children to complete a project with the participation of parents, with their support and interest. Together with their child, parents will be able to discover something new, refresh their memory of the school curriculum and improve mutual understanding with their child.

Interesting Physics Project Topics for All Grades

Interesting research project topics in physics:

But still she spins
Is a chicken egg strong?
What is sound?
The car of the future: what is it like?
Physical state of jelly
Archimedes' power and man on the water
Escape from surprise, or Search for living and dead water
Large Hadron Collider - the path to apocalypse or progress?
Perpetual motion machine
DIY home video surveillance
Types of watches
Identification of the dependence of the body weight of class students on their birth weight
Hologram and its application
Gravity. Universal gravity
Is the snow warm?
Is the fur coat warm?
Thunder and lightning
Deep sea pressure.
Stove pressure on the floor
Action of buoyant force.
Tree of knowledge
Deformations of a solid body.
Home laboratory work in physics.
Breathing from the point of view of the laws of physics.
Microwave food: good or bad?
Yo-mobile: myth or reality?
The dependence of melting and solidification of chocolate on its composition.
Balloon Mystery
Laws of physics in dance movements.
Entertaining physics
Entertaining models from Lego.
Entertaining experiments for a lesson about the world around us.
Entertaining experiments in physics
Entertaining experiments in physics for primary schoolchildren.
Winter, physics and folk signs
Toys based on the gyroscopic effect (using the example of “Yo-Yo”).
Measuring reaction times in adolescents and adults.
Measuring the height of a building in different ways.
Measuring excess air pressure inside a rubber ball.
Measuring the density of solids in different ways.
Measuring human body density
Measuring instruments are our assistants.
Frost is an amazing natural phenomenon.
Study of the sound-absorbing properties of various tree species.
Study and explanation of the color of the sky.
Study of aircraft using the example of a kite.
Study of the mechanical properties of spider silk.
Study of some properties of a chicken egg.
Learning the basics of bridge construction.

Interesting Research Paper Topics in Physics

Examples of interesting research topics in physics:

Studying the operation of refrigerators and determining their characteristics.
Study of the growth of crystals of metal salts in sodium silicate solution.
Studying the properties of paper as an element of laboratory work.
Study of the properties of copper sulfate crystals.
Study of the properties of materials used in local construction.
Studying the properties of polyethylene films (cellophane, file, cover).
Study of thermal conductivity of various types of fabrics.
Study of the physical properties of dishwashing detergents.
Study of the electrical supply of the apartment.
Illusions and paradoxes of vision
Illusion, mirage or paradoxes of vision.
Illustrated Dictionary of Physics
Innovative technologies in fire extinguishing.
Interesting mechanisms
Information content of water.
Information and illustrated problem book.
Air ionization is the path to longevity.
Evaporation from plants
Using the model to study the greenhouse effect.
Using plastic bottles in simple physics experiments.
The use of jet propulsion in nature.
Using installations powered by solar energy at home.
Using electrical appliances in everyday life and calculating the cost of electricity consumption.
A study of the influence of the shape, size and color of the kettle on the cooling rate of the water in it.
A study of the cooling time of a cup of hot drinks.
Research and identification of an unknown substance.
Study of capillary properties of table napkins
Study of the coefficient of friction of shoes on various surfaces.
Study of the mechanical properties of plastic bags.
Study of the model properties of various paper airplane models.
Study of the density of a walrus tooth (tusk).
Study of the process of boiling a chicken egg.
Study of thermal radiation from an iron.
Study of thermal conductivity of various building materials.
Study of elastic properties of rubber
Study of noise background near the railway.
History of the compass
History of light bulbs
How to "tame" a rainbow.
How living organisms protect themselves from cold.
How to make a paper airplane.
How visual illusions help “correct” figure flaws.
How dew, frost, rain and snow are formed.
How snowflakes are formed
How to determine the height of a tree using available tools.
How submarines dive and rise to the surface of the water.
How do you get a rainbow?
How does a rainbow appear? Making a rainbow at home.
How to tame the wind?
How to make a kaleidoscope?
How the pyramids were built

How to insulate your home.
What a blue sky! Why is it like this?
Drop on a hot surface
Potatoes as a source of electrical energy.
Design of radio-controlled cars.
Mow, scythe, while the dew...
Crystals and methods of growing them.
Salt crystals and conditions for their growth.
Physics crosswords
Water cycle in nature
Where do puddles disappear after rain?
Avalanches. These are not plains for you...
Legend or reality "The Rays of Archimedes"?
The legend of the discovery of Archimedes' law.
Ice and its properties
Metals on the human body.
Myths and legends of physics
Model of a wind power plant.
Can robots be trusted?
My first experiments in physics
Soap bubbles are a sea of ​​positivity.
Balls. Interaction. Energy
The extraordinary life of an ordinary drop.
Unusual in the ordinary
The unusual is nearby. Physics in photographs
Unusual energy sources - “delicious” batteries.
Metal processing. Making a badge by casting.
Determination of the density of notebook paper and its compliance with GOST.
Determination of specific effective activity of cement.
Optical art (op art) as a synthesis of science and art.
Reflection of light through the eyes of a cat
Heater efficiency assessment
Sailboats: history, principle of movement
Invisibility cloak - myth or reality?
Understanding the laws of physics using objects at our fingertips
Useful energy-saving habits
The benefits and harms of a personal computer.
Why do plastic windows “cry”?
Why is water pouring out of the bucket?
Why does a water strider walk on water?
Why do instruments sound?
Why do skates slip?
Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth?
Why doesn't oil sink in water?
Why does sunlight darken skin?
Why is the foam white?
Why does the record sing?
Why do holiday balloons tend to fly into the sky?
Why do objects fall down at different speeds?
Why do rivers and lakes begin to freeze from their banks?
Why do shells make noise?
Singing glasses
Simple mechanisms are all around us.
Chip formation process.
The strength of paper rope.
Journey along the temperature scale.
School radio installation
Rainbow at home: amazing things are nearby.

Jet motion in wildlife.
Drawings on wheat fields
Robots (androids). Newest technologies.
Homemade laser show
Homemade devices
Homemade weather forecasting instruments.
Homemade thermos
Light music. Make your own light music.
Properties of amber
The secret of the effect in 3D films
Silicate garden
Modern monitors. Advantages and disadvantages.
Modern thermometers.
Creation of a harmonograph.
Creating a movable magnifying device at home.
solar water heater
Comparative characteristics of meteorological observations for 2012 – 2015.
Glass of tea and physics
The spherical shape of the teapot - a tribute to fashion or an informed choice?
The mysterious energy of the pyramids
The heat of one match
Magnetic levitation transport
Amazing experiments with soap bubbles.
Smart lamp
Installation of a fountain in the garden
Physics in the bath
Physics in the profession of a cook.
Physics in puzzles
Physics in drawings.
Physics in fairy tales.
Physics in sports
Physics in the circus
Physics inside the samovar.
The physics of coffee making.
Physics of dance
Physical tricks
Physical characteristics and properties of snow.
Physical phenomena and processes in A. Volkov’s fairy tales.
What forms inside the clouds?!
Miracle of nature - rainbow
Saving energy when cooking.
Electricity on combs.
Star energy
Energy saving school.

Physics is one of the basic sciences of natural science. The study of physics at school begins in the 7th grade and continues until the end of school. By this time, schoolchildren should already have developed the proper mathematical apparatus necessary for studying a physics course.

  • The school curriculum in physics consists of several large sections: mechanics, electrodynamics, vibrations and waves, optics, quantum physics, molecular physics and thermal phenomena.

School physics topics

In the 7th grade There is a superficial familiarization and introduction to the physics course. Basic physical concepts are examined, the structure of substances is studied, as well as the pressure force with which various substances act on others. In addition, the laws of Pascal and Archimedes are studied.

In 8th grade various physical phenomena are studied. Initial information is given about the magnetic field and the phenomena in which it occurs. Direct electric current and the basic laws of optics are studied. The various aggregate states of matter and the processes that occur during the transition of a substance from one state to another are analyzed separately.

9th grade is devoted to the basic laws of motion of bodies and their interaction with each other. The basic concepts of mechanical vibrations and waves are considered. The topic of sound and sound waves is discussed separately. The basics of the theory of the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves are studied. In addition, one gets acquainted with the elements of nuclear physics and studies the structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus.

In 10th grade An in-depth study of mechanics (kinematics and dynamics) and conservation laws begins. The main types of mechanical forces are considered. There is an in-depth study of thermal phenomena, molecular kinetic theory and the basic laws of thermodynamics are studied. The basics of electrodynamics are repeated and systematized: electrostatics, the laws of constant electric current and electric current in various media.

Grade 11 devoted to the study of the magnetic field and the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Various types of oscillations and waves are studied in detail: mechanical and electromagnetic. There is a deepening of knowledge from the optics section. Elements of the theory of relativity and quantum physics are considered.

  • Below is a list of classes from 7 to 11. Each class contains physics topics that are written by our tutors. These materials can be used by students and their parents, as well as school teachers and tutors.

Physics essay topics.

    Temperature and temperature scales.

    Galileo's thermometer. Principle of operation.

    Temperature. Methods for determining temperature.

    Mpemba's paradox.

    Capillary phenomena.

  1. Diffusion.

    Surface tension.

    Brownian motion.

    Warmth and temperature.

    Plasma as a special state of aggregation of matter.

    Perpetual motion machine.

    Thermocouples and thermal resistances.

    The simplest mechanisms (wedge, gate, inclined plane, block, gate, lever, screw).

    Spatial scales of the observable Universe.

    Applicability of the laws of physics to explain the nature of space objects.

    How are spectra examined?

How the discovery of the photoelectric effect led to a modification of the corpuscular theory

    Radio communication. How radio waves are excited, transmitted and received.

    How do electrons provide us with entertainment and protection?

    Conquest of atomic energy. How was the equivalence of matter and energy proven?

    The atom has been conquered, but civilization is under threat. How does the energy produced by splitting and fusion of atoms pose new challenges for all of humanity?

    The mystery of light What is light? How did the two theories of light develop and how do each explain the reflection and refraction of light?

    Interference, polarization and speed of light.

    As the wave theory gains further support, measuring the speed of light poses new problems.

    Mirrors and images. How do the laws of reflection apply to the study of images obtained in various mirrors?

    Lenses and images. How do the laws of refraction explain the production of images using lenses?

    Optical instruments. How the laws of obtaining images in lenses are applied in some optical instruments.

    Optical phenomena. Their explanation from the point of view of geometric and wave optics.

    Lighting and improving vision.

    How light is measured and how vision can be preserved.

    The mystery of color. How are the colors of objects determined and how can colors be used?

    Spectra, emission and absorption of light.

    Modern ideas about the origin and evolution of the Sun and stars.

    The structure of the solar system.

    Earth-Moon system.

    General information about the Sun.

    Sources of energy and internal structure of the Sun.

    Physical nature of stars.

    Our Galaxy.

    The role of experiment and theory in the process of cognition of nature.

    Scientific hypotheses. Physical laws. Physical theories.

    Cosmic speeds.

    Jet propulsion.

    Laws of thermodynamics. Heat engines and environmental protection.

    Dispersion of light.

    Optical phenomena in the atmosphere (rainbow, halo, mirage, circle around the Moon, crown around the Sun, crown around the Moon, solar pillar, dawn, gloria). Select one or more optical phenomena.

    Interference of light.

    Polarization of light.

    Diffraction of light waves. Diffraction grating.

    Moire - benefit or harm? Moire pattern. Physical basis of the occurrence of moire.

    Types of radiation. Sources of light. Electromagnetic wave scale.

    Infrared and ultraviolet radiation.


    Planck's hypothesis about quanta.

    Photo effect. Photon.

    De Broglie's hypothesis about the wave properties of particles. Wave-particle duality.

    Heisenberg uncertainty relation.

    Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's quantum postulates.

  1. Nuclear energy.

    The influence of ionizing radiation on living organisms. Radiation dose.

    Electrical conductivity of various substances. Dependence of conductor resistance on temperature. Superconductivity.

    Electric current in semiconductors. Application of semiconductor devices.

    Electric current in a vacuum. Cathode-ray tube.

    Electric current in liquids.

    Electric current in gases. Independent and non-independent discharge.

    Electric current in various environments.