Ready-made project on physical education. Topics of projects in physical culture. II.4 Laws and rules of healthy eating

MBOU Mikhailovskaya Secondary School Uryupinsky district Volgograd region

Physical education project


Head: physical education teacher

Introduction of the project……………………………………………………………3

Chapter 1. Stages of project implementation …………………………. 6

Chapter 2. Research methods and organization………………7

Chapter 3. Project research results………..………...10


Appendix No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6………………….………..16



Every year, students at our school undergo a medical examination. It turned out that students in grades 1-4 have problems with poor posture and flat feet. This is shown in table No. 1.


academic year

Number of students

Poor posture

(number of people)


(number of people)

Flat feet (number of people)

1-4 grade


1-4 grade


1-4 grade


Not only future beauty, but also human health depends on how correct the position of the spine remains. How to survive eleven school years and maintain correct posture? In connection with this problem, we chose the topic: “Correct posture is the key to health.”

In my opinion, we schoolchildren should show interest in this problem, since it is our health. Let's try to analyze the results of a medical examination over 3 academic years and a 4th grade survey. But, unfortunately, there are many opportunities to develop incorrect posture, which is what we decided to find out:

Starting with a heavy backpack and systematically incorrectly carrying a school bag (for example, on one strap instead of two);

Incorrect lighting;

They spend a lot of time at their desks, in front of the TV, in a half-bent position;

Insufficient physical activity;

Subsequently, if you do not pay attention to posture, this will lead to diseases of the spine (scoliosis), joints, feet and internal organs.

Up to 10% of children in our school enter middle school with poor posture (see table No. 1). But despite all this, poor posture can be corrected. This requires constant monitoring by parents and teachers.

Object of study: correct posture of 4th grade students.

Item: correct posture and factors influencing it.

Hypothesis: We assume that physical exercise is necessary to develop correct posture because it is our health.

Target: identify factors influencing correct posture and health status of schoolchildren, develop a set of exercises for the formation of correct posture.


1. Get acquainted with the concept of “correct posture”, the results of a 4th grade medical examination;

2. Conduct testing, questioning and identify factors influencing the correct posture and health status of schoolchildren;

3. Develop exercises to develop correct posture at school and at home, recommendations for students and their parents;

4. Compose booklets for students in grades 1-4

Chapter 1. Stages of project implementation 2009-2011. The project “Correct posture is the key to health” took place in 4 stages.

Organizational stage 2009:

Creation of an active group of 4 people and distribution of responsibilities in the group (sequence of work on the project); - identifying children’s interests through questionnaires; - formulation of the problem.

Preparatory stage 2009-2010:

Writing a group work plan ( see Appendix No. 1);

Analysis of reference literature on this issue;

Establishing project deadlines; - selection of information resources. Project implementation stage 2010:- independent work in groups to collect information on the topic to solve assigned problems; - systematization of the collected material; - analysis of the results of the medical examination; - test for correct posture; - conduct a survey “Correct posture is the key to health” and compare it with SanPiN standards dated December 29, 2010 N 189, assessed their school; - drawing up tables, graphs, diagrams; - preparation and presentation of results in the form of booklets and presentations; - processing and description of the results obtained and registration. Final stage 2011:- preparation of a project portfolio (recording all project documents on an electronic medium); -reflection of all participants (written reflections of project participants according to a predetermined plan); - identifying new problems and determining directions for further development of the project (continue work further in grades 5-8, grades 10-11); - project implementation; - familiarization of students, parents, teachers with the results of the project.

Planned result:

Develop exercises to develop correct posture, compose booklets for students in grades 1-4;

Gain practical skills to control your posture.

Project risk: factors that can hinder the implementation of the project are not accurate medical examination data.

Chapter 2. Research methods and organization.

2.1. Research methods.

To solve the problems we used the following methods:

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

Collection of statistical data from medical examinations;

Testing (determining the brachial index (PI)); - survey “Correct posture is the key to health”;

Methods of mathematical statistics (weight of backpacks and briefcases, compared with SanPiN standards dated December 29, 2010 N 189).

2.2 Organization of the study. The process of posture formation begins from the age of 6 to 8 years, so the object of the study was the correct posture of 4th grade students at the Mikhailovsk Secondary School.

For the study, we created an active group of 4 people (students of grades 3, 4, 7): Katya Bezborodova, Yana Eremeeva, Dima Mitin, Elena Vetrova. We planned the group’s work for 3 years 2009-2011( see Appendix No. 1). The research was carried out in 4 stages at the Mikhailovskaya Secondary School.

At the first stage:

Conducted an analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under study;

We got acquainted with the concept of “posture”, “correct posture”.

Posture- this is a habitual posture (vertical posture, vertical position of the human body) at rest and during movement. Correct posture- a simple but very important way to maintain a healthy spine (Popov S.P. Therapeutic physical culture - M.: “Physical Culture and Sports”, 1990). Children should strive to develop correct posture. You need to take care of yourself: how you sit, how you stand, how you walk.

Posture is an important indicator characterizing a person’s physical development, which is considered as a direct reflection of health.

Then we studiedfactorsthat affect correct posture and decided to explore some of them at our school(Konovalova N.G., Burchik L.K. Examination and correction of posture in children. Collection. Physical education of school-age children. - Novokuznetsk, 1998) :

Negative environmental influences;

Balanced diet;

Prolonged stay of the child in an incorrect body position (at a desk, in front of the TV, computer);

Inconsistency of furniture with the height of the child;

- excess portfolio weight;

Systematic incorrect carrying of a school bag;

- improper lighting;

Flat feet;

Failure to maintain a healthy daily routine (alternate study, outdoor recreation, relaxation at home);

- muscle weakness, insufficient motor activity of children (hypodynamia).

At the second stage:

We analyzed the results of a 4th grade medical examination for the period from 2009-2012;

A total of 18 people were studied; - Using testing, we found out who has the correct posture.

Test for correct posture.

Determination of the brachial index (PI).

We measured the width of the shoulders from the chest side with a measuring tape, then from the back - the shoulder arch. When measured from the front, the measuring tape passes at the level of the collarbones, and when measured from the back, along the suprascapular spines.

Shoulder index = shoulder width: shoulder arc x100%. If PI is equal 90-100% correct posture; If the PI value less than 90%- there are signs of poor posture; If the PI index is very low, 60-70%, these are significant signs of poor posture, for which consultation with an orthopedist is necessary.

At the third stage:- conducted a survey “Correct posture is the key to health”; - students from grades 1 to 4 took part in the questionnaire and responded in writing to pre-prepared questions ( see Appendix No. 2); - identified the main factors that can affect correct posture; -weighed backpacks and briefcases of classes 1-4 and compared them with SanPiN standards dated December 29, 2010 N 189 and drew conclusions ( see Appendix No. 3); - the results were compared with grades 1, 2, 3, 4.

At the fourth stage of the study:

Processed and described the results obtained and completed the work;

We have developed exercises to develop correct posture;

We compiled booklets for students in grades 1-4.

Chapter 3. Research results. During the research, the following results were obtained: 1) Compiled a table and diagram of the 4th grade medical examination(for 3 years) 2009 - 2012 academic years. Table No. 2

Diagram 1

2) Analyzed the survey“Correct posture is the key to health” identified factors influencing posture and displayed them in the table and

in diagram 2.

Table No. 3


Number of students who took part in the survey

The desk is illuminated


The weight of the backpack exceeds the norm by more than 2 kg

They don’t have a sports corner at home

1 class

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Diagram 2

Conclusion: This diagram 2 shows that more than half of the students have deviations from the norm in three main factors:

Improperly lit desk.

Excess portfolio weight.

Lack of sports corner.

3) Conducted testing in 4th grade.

Shoulder index (PI) = shoulder width: shoulder arc x100%. If PI is 90-100% correct posture; If the PI value is less than 90%, there are signs of poor posture. And they made a diagnosis of correct posture in the 4th grade.

Conclusion:Diagnostics showed that 8 people in 4th grade had correct posture, and 10 had poor posture.

4) The results of mathematical statistics are displayed in the table - weight of backpacks and portfolios and compared with standards SanPiN dated December 29, 2010 N 189

Table No. 4.


Total people surveyed

The weight of the backpack is from 1.5 to 2.0 kg.

Backpack weight



(more than 2 kg)

SanPiN standards

12 (normal)

no more

1.5 kg

3 (normal)

no more

1.5 kg

3 (normal)

no more

5 (normal)

no more


23 (normal)

(above normal)

According to SanPiN, the weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials should not exceed: for students of 1st - 2nd grades - more than 1.5 kg, 3rd - 4th grades - more than 2 kg.

In fact, of the 62 backpacks weighed in our school's study, only 36% weighed under 2 kg. Almost 64% of students in grades 1-4 carry bags weighing more than 2 kg. Only less than 20% of parents said that they monitor what their child takes to school every day. When weighed, it turned out that the weight of school bags was most influenced by the toys, books and water bottles hidden in them. The total weight of unnecessary items in some children's backpacks reaches 2 kilograms.

Conclusion: It is necessary to control the weight of a school backpack and briefcase.

5) We have developed a set of exercises (see Appendix No. 4, No. 5).

6) Compiled booklets for 4th grade students onformation of correct posture (see Appendix No. 6).

Perform physical exercises to strengthen the torso;

The study corner should be located near the window;

Furniture must be appropriate for height;

The light should fall from the left (for a left-handed person - from the right);

You need to sit at your desk correctly: tilt your head slightly forward, keep your back straight;

Every 20 minutes of working at the table you need to take a break;

Some oral homework can be done while lying on the floor, on your stomach, with support under your elbows;

The children's bed should be hard and 20-25 cm larger than the child's height.

It is necessary to control the weight of the school bag. It should weigh no more than 3 kg, and it should be worn behind your back in the form of a backpack (with two straps);

It is important to maintain a healthy daily routine (alternating between studying, outdoor recreation, and work at home).


Our project showed that the correct posture and health of schoolchildren is influenced by not one, but several factors.

Children should strive to develop correct posture. You need to take care of yourself: how you sit, how you stand, how you walk. It is especially important to engage in physical exercise, strengthen muscles, maintain a daily routine and diet, engage in physical education and sports, select educational furniture and equipment according to height, and eliminate habits from life that contribute to poor posture.

If a person casually, freely holds his head and body straight, his shoulders are slightly lowered, laid back at the same level, his stomach is tucked, his knees are straight, his chest protrudes slightly forward, then we can say that he has correct, good posture. It also reflects the internal state of a person - his mood and well-being. It is known that when we are healthy and in a cheerful mood, we pull ourselves up externally - we straighten our shoulders, stand more straight, and feel confident. We believe that we will solve the problem of poor posture in our school together: teachers, parents, students.

Correcting posture requires persistent, systematic, painstaking work on the part of the teacher, and above all, on the part of the student himself and his parents, who are obliged to strictly control the child’s posture at home.

The project can be used in physical education lessons, homeroom hours and parent-teacher meetings. Continuing the topic with a focus on middle management, conducting a more in-depth study, deserves a positive assessment.

Be healthy!

Appendix No. 1

Approximate plan of the group’s activities for the implementation of the project (2009-2011) “Correct posture is the key to health.”



Creation of an active group and distribution of responsibilities in the group. Planning.

September 2009

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D. Bezborodova E. Ivonin P.A.

Division of the group according to issues of interest.

October 2009

Ivonin P.A. Mitin D.

Working with additional literature. Collecting information on issues of interest (Internet, literature)

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D.

Collection of medical examination information, school student questionnaires

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D.

Working with data, questionnaires, weighing backpacks, school bags (keep a folder for information).

Mitin D. Bezborodova E. Ivonina G.F.

Writing an introduction. Typing material on a computer.

December 2010 throughout the year

Ivonin P.A. Ivonina G.F.

Processing of conducted research, compiling tables, graphs, diagrams.

Ivonina G.F.

Vetrova E.

Writing the main part and conclusion.

January 2011

Ivonina G.F. Eremeeva Ya.

Preparation of results in the form of booklets and presentations.

November 2010

Ivonina G.F.

Ivonina G.F.

Creating a research paper folder. Design of a project portfolio.

during 2010-2011

Ivonina G.F.

Creating a presentation.


December 2011

Ivonina G.F. Ivonin P.A. Mitin D.

Appendix No. 2

Questionnaire. “Correct posture is the key to health.”

1.Do you have your own study corner at home?

a) Yes b) No

2.Where is it located?

a) Near the window

b) In another place

3. From which direction does the light from the window fall on your desk?

b) Right

d) Front

4. From which side does the light from the light bulb fall in the evening?

b) Right

d) Front

5.Is your furniture suitable for your size?

a) Yes b) No

6. Do you have a sports corner at home?

a) Yes b) No

7.Where is the computer located (if any)?

a) On my desk

b) Elsewhere

8.The bed you sleep on...

a) Soft

b) Hard

9.Weight of the briefcase packed for school...

a) Up to 3 kg b) More than 3 kg

10. Do you like physical education lessons? a) yes b) no

11. What sports section do you attend?

12. What qualities does physical culture develop (list):

13. Do you do gymnastics (exercises) in the morning?

a) yes b) no

Appendix No. 3


Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


Hygienic requirements for the educational process

10.32. The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials should not exceed:

For students in grades 1 - 2 - more than 1.5 kg;

3 - 4 classes - more than 2 kg,

5 - 6 - more than 2.5 kg;

7 - 8 - more than 3.5 kg;

9 - 11th - more than 4.0 kg.

10.33. In order to prevent poor posture in students, it is recommended that primary school students have two sets of textbooks: one for use in lessons in a general education institution, the second for preparing homework.

Appendix No. 4

Set of exercises for students in grades 1-4formation of correct posture.

1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hand on waist, tilt 1-2 in one direction, 3-4 in the other (6-8 times);

2. IP - gymnastic stick in hands, 1-2 hands up, right leg back, 3-4 IP. Watch your posture (6-8 times);

3. IP - sit on the floor, gymnastic stick in your hands, slightly lean back (hold for 5-6 seconds). Repeat 4-6 times;

4. I.p. - lying on your stomach, stick in front, bend at the waist 1-2 times with your hands without touching the floor (hold for 5-6 seconds). Repeat 4-6 times;

5. IP - lying on your stomach, stick behind your back, bend at the waist 1-2 times and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds, 3-4 IP. Repeat (3-4 times);

Appendix No. 5

6. I.p. - lying on your stomach, stick behind your back, 1-2 sticks up, bend over (hold for 5-6 seconds), 3-4 reps. Repeat 4-6 times;

7. I.p. - lying on your back, touch the stick with 1-2 legs behind your head (hold for 5-6 seconds), 3-4 reps. Repeat 4-6 times;

8. “Candle” Standing on your shoulder blades (hold for 5-6 seconds);

9. "Ring".

10. “Bridge” - arched support on both arms, bending the lower back as much as possible. Hold for 3-4 seconds;

11. "Boat".

12. Lotus Pose

Booklets for students Appendix No. 6


1. Popov S.P. Healing Fitness. - M.: “Physical Education and Sports”, 1990.

2. Shiyana. B.M. Theory and methods of physical education. - M.: "Enlightenment" 2000.

3. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, training and health lessons. -M.: “Vako”, 2004.

4. Konovalova N.G., Burchik L.K. Examination and correction of posture in children. Sat. Physical education of school-age children. - Novokuznetsk, 1998

5. Levit K., Zahse J., Yanda V. Manual medicine. -M.: Medicine, 1993.

Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school of the village of Ispravnaya"

Creative project

in physical education

"Football is a game at all times"

Completed by 9th grade student: Konstantin Korablev

2016 Contents:

1.Why did I choose this topic? 2. Relevance of the topic

3. The history of the appearance of my favorite game “Football”

4. Varieties of football

5. Famous Russian Football Players

6. Our successes

8. Literature used

Learn the history of football, meet famous football players.

Prove the possibility of maintaining and strengthening health by playing football.


Conduct an observation on the topic: “Why are students at our school interested in football”

1.Why did I choose this topic?

Me and football are great friends. From early childhood I liked to play with a ball. I have been involved in the sports football section for a long time, but I still don’t know everything about its origins and famous football players. I'm not leaving football. I decided to learn as much as possible about football.

2. Relevance of the topic

Football is the most popular sports game in the world. Of course, football requires a lot of effort, strong-willed and moral qualities of a person, but what boy (or man) would not want to test himself. Today football has become a truly mass sport. There are millions of football players in the world, thousands of teams, ranging from major league clubs to children's backyard teams, which regularly hold competitions for the Leather Ball prize. I, too, am a passionate player and fan of this wonderful game, and, of course, a fan of our and foreign clubs. The relevance of my topic is to find interesting and exciting things nearby, in accessible stadiums and sports grounds.

3. The history of the appearance of my favorite game “Football”

The history of football goes back centuries. Games with round objects were especially popular in China, Japan, Greece, and Rome. But they bore little resemblance to modern rules; they could rather be called a “rugby” game.

The most popular game of our time - football - was born in England. The Englishman was the first to kick the ball. However, the priority of the British is challenged by a number of countries, primarily Italy, France, China, Japan, and Mexico. This "intercontinental" dispute has a long history. The parties support their claims with references to historical documents, archaeological finds, and statements of famous people of the past.

To establish who hit the ball first, you first need to know when and where it appeared. Archaeologists say that the human leather companion is very old. His oldest image, dating back to 2500 BC, was discovered on the island of Samothrace. e. One of the earliest images of the ball, various moments of the game, was found on the walls of the tombs of Benny Hassan in Egypt.

Descriptions of the games of the ancient Egyptians have not been preserved. But much more is known about the predecessors of football on the Asian continent. Ancient Chinese sources dating back to 2697 BC talk about a game similar to football. They called it "zu-nu" ("zu" - push with the foot, "nu" - ball). The holidays are described, during which two selected teams delighted the eyes of the Chinese emperor and his entourage. Later, in 2674 BC, "zu-nu" became part of military training. Matches were played in limited areas, with bamboo goals without a top crossbar, and leather balls stuffed with hair or feathers. Each team had six gates and the same number of goalkeepers. Over time, the number of gates decreased. Since the game set a goal to cultivate the will and determination of warriors. Losers were still severely punished.

Later, during the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD), there was a football game in China, the rules of which were peculiar. Walls were installed on the front sides of the playing field; six holes were cut into them on each side. The team's task was to score the ball into any of the holes in the opposing team's wall. Each team had six goalkeepers defending these “gates”.

To this day, in England there is a legend about the defeat of the Roman legionnaires in a game of foot ball, which was inflicted on them in 217 near the city of Derby by the indigenous inhabitants of the islands, the Britons and Celts. 800 years later, Albion was enslaved by the Danes. Cnut I the Great defeated England on the battlefield, but his warriors often left the football fields defeated.

The word “football” appears for the first time in an English military chronicle, the author of which compares the passion for this game with an epidemic. In addition to "football", kicking ball games were called "la sul" and "chul" depending on the region in which they were practiced.

English medieval football was very primitive. It was necessary to attack the enemy, take possession of the leather ball and break through with it towards the opponent’s “gate”. The gates served as the border of the village, and in cities most often the gates of large buildings.

Football matches were usually timed to coincide with religious holidays. Interestingly, women took part in them. Games were also held during holidays dedicated to the god of fertility. A round ball made of leather, which was later filled with feathers, was a symbol of the sun. Being an object of cult, it was kept in a place of honor in the house and was supposed to guarantee success in all everyday affairs.

Since football was common among the poor, the privileged class treated it with disdain. This, of course, explains why we know so little about the rules of the game and the number of matches of that time.

As already mentioned, the word “football” was first found in written sources dating back to the reign of the English king Henry II (1154 - 1189). A detailed description of medieval football comes down briefly to the following: on Maslenitsa, boys went out of town to play ball. The game was played without any rules. The ball was thrown upward in the center of the field. Both teams rushed towards him and tried to score into the goal. Sometimes the goal of the game was to put the ball into the goal... of one's own team. Adults also liked the game. They gathered in the market square. The mayor of the city tossed the ball, and the fight began. Not only men, but also women competed for the ball. After honoring the player who managed to score the year, the game resumed with even greater excitement. Tripping an opponent and giving him a blow was not considered reprehensible. On the contrary, this was seen as a manifestation of dexterity and skill. In the heat of battle, players often knocked down passers-by. Every now and then the sound of breaking glass was heard. Prudent residents covered their windows with shutters and bolted their doors. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 14th century the game was repeatedly banned by city authorities, was anathematized by the church, and brought the disfavor of many rulers of England upon itself. Feudal lords, churchmen, and merchants vied with each other to demand that the English king stop “demonic zeal,” “an invention of the devil,” as they called football. On April 13, 1314, King Edward II prohibited "madness with a large ball" on the streets of London, as "dangerous to passers-by and buildings."

Football was brought to Russia by the British at the end of the 19th century. This is how the book describes playing with a ball in the air: “Two parties met wall to wall: one of the students led the pick, slowly moving it with his feet, which was the height of art in the game, because from a strong blow the ball could go in the opposite direction, to the enemy's camp, where they would take possession of it. It was forbidden to hit from the toe, but it was possible to strike the enemy’s leg. It was forbidden to hit from the back, that is, by running into the enemy’s camp and waiting for the ball to pass to his side, drive it to the city of the designated line. Those who violated the rules of the game had their necks washed.” The first Russian team was formed in 1897. On March 12, 1897, the first football match took place in Russia. In 1901, an official league was created to hold national championships. Today, the President of Russia has singled out football as the most popular sport, as more than 2.5 million people play it. Currently, preparations are underway for the international FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018. We expect great success from our athletes!

4. Varieties of football

There are many types of football, here are some of them:

Swamp football

This is a form of football popular in Scandinavia. The rules are similar to those of traditional football except: the game is played on a swamp; It is prohibited to change boots during the game; field size 60 x 35 meters; team: 5 players + goalkeeper; match: 2 halves of 13 minutes; Players are replaced without stopping the game. World Championships have been held since 1998.

Football freestyle

In the Republic of Myanmar, there is an ancient type of football that most closely resembles freestyle - “Chinlon”. This game is over 1500 years old. The ball used is a reed ball that is hollow inside. The rules of the game are to perform various tricks (feints) with a soccer ball in the air using various parts of the body.

Mini-football (futsal)

A team sport, which is played on a court 25 m wide and 42 m long. Duration - 2 halves of 20 minutes, 2 teams of 4 players and a goalkeeper. A smaller ball is used and it is allowed to play with any part of the body except the hands. Substitutions are made during the match, unlimited.

Beach Soccer

A sport based on the rules of traditional football, played on sandy beaches barefoot. Teams of 5 people play 3 halves of 12 minutes each. The compact dimensions of the playing field (28 m by 37 m) allow players to score from almost any position, even with a direct kick from their own goal. Accordingly, during a game you can see about 60 shots on the opponent’s goal.

5. Famous Russian Football Players

The most important decoration of football itself is, of course, bright, unique players, outstanding personalities on the green field. Many of them were destined to become as famous as movie stars, true legends of the green football fields.

Igor Akinfiev became the country's main goalkeeper so long ago that it is now difficult to believe that he is not even thirty. The first time he jumped onto the field as a sixteen-year-old schoolboy, it happened in St. Petersburg in a match of the unique 2003 Premier League Cup (CSKA lost 0:2, but Igor came on as a substitute and did not concede). A couple of months later, he made a spectacular debut in the championship, taking a penalty from Andrei Karyaka, who was then one of the most bloodthirsty scorers in Russia. Since then, the status of CSKA's number one has not even been discussed.

Yuri Zhirkov. Zhirkov is distinguished from many players of his generation by stability and determination - almost no one dribbled so often and successfully. Anyone who watched football in 2006 will remember the great goal against Hamburg even without video footage. These are purely visual effects, but Zhirkov constantly gave results. He scored the winning goal in the UEFA Cup final and was one of the main creators of CSKA's championships in 2005 and 2006.

Victor Onopko. Onopko was a leader and captain throughout his career - both at the youth level, at Spartak, and at Oviedo, where before him, foreigners were not trusted with the armband at all. In the national team, he was always considered a rock and the most authoritative player - a record 86 matches as captain speak of this better than any nostalgic odes. Until the fall of 2015, Onopko generally remained the record holder of the Russian national team for the number of games (109).

Sergey Ignashevich. Ignashevich first joined the national team back in 2002, under Oleg Romantsev. Surprisingly, it was not possible to meet: the coach was silent, and the modest 23-year-old guy did not know what to talk about with such a legend, even when he found himself in the same elevator with him. Soon Romantsev left the team, and Ignashevich almost immediately seized the status of the country's main defender.

Alexander Anyukov. Anyukov grew up in the factory district of Samara and knows well what brutal street-to-street fights are. The character, forged in childhood and teenage hacks, made Alexander the most biting and tenacious full-back of the 2000s - he will definitely bite into his opponent until he collapses on the lawn, and will leave the field only if he is completely unable to walk. At Zenit, he played out matches many times with injuries, and then came out in pain in the next round. “If someone tells me that I’m skimping somewhere, that I’m not doing enough, I’ll have a different conversation with this person,” Alexander noted in 2011, and it’s unlikely that anyone will dare to argue.

Alexey Smertin. Probably the most versatile and unselfish midfielder in Russian history. Smertin was equally disciplined in picking up balls and constructing attacks when required - he played both as a full-back and as a center. But most of all he loved the support zone, where he reigned in the late nineties and early 2000s (in 1999 he became the best player in the country).

Dmitry Alenichev. The only Russian football player to win the UEFA Cup and Champions League. One of four players in the world who scored in two European Cup finals in a row (along with Koeman, Ronaldo and Gerrard). And the only one - whom Jose Mourinho kissed before coming on as a substitute (this happened in the 2003/04 Champions League final).

Andrey Arshavin. “Your expectations are your problems,” late-career lethargy, Kazakhstan—all this evaporates when you remember the main thing. Arshavin was the best player of the national team, which in the summer of 2008 intoxicated even the police who allowed their cars to be poured with champagne. We have not had more beautiful and happy moments than Arshavin's goal against van der Sar.

Alexander Mostovoy.“Sasha is a real master. Of the generation of the 1980s, he is perhaps the most talented, along with Fyodor Cherenkov,” Romantsev said for Mostovoy’s book. – Sasha was not healthy enough to fully realize himself abroad. He had no problems with technology and tactics. He would have added more. But it turned out that he had to skip some training sessions, and did some individually. If Mostovoy worked like ordinary football players, he would be the greatest player. I am sure that Mostovoy could play in both Real and Barcelona. And it’s easy and relaxed. We are used to praising Real and Barça. And Sashka went against them and put on a show on the field - sometimes there were no equals among the opponents.”

Valery Kaprin. Karpin played most brightly for the national team in the heartbreaking Euro 2000. He carried the team in a hopeless situation after three defeats at the start: he scored the decisive goal against France (3:2), beat sticky Iceland (1:0) and even opened the scoring in a terrible match with Ukraine (1:1) - in general, he did everything so that that team is remembered with aspiration.

Alexander Kerzhakov. Kerzhakov was always and everywhere an excellent scorer. At Zenit he instantly made the whole of St. Petersburg fall in love with him, in Moscow he helped Dynamo win their first medals in 11 years. And even in Spain everything was quite decent: for Sevilla he scored 11 goals in the 2006/07 season (including against Barca, Atletico and Tottenham in the quarter finals of the UEFA Cup). It’s just that after Juande Ramos left, Alexander became a reserve, became sad and eventually returned to Russia.

Coach Oleg Romantsev. The creator of the main Russian dynasty team, which took gold 9 times. The national team did not have such greatness, but his team played more interesting and dramatic than under other local coaches - they fought with great anguish against France and Ukraine, and clung to the World Cup playoffs to the last

6. Our successes

While playing football, our team took part in many competitions. Our school team are multiple winners and prize-winners of various football tournaments.

7. Conclusion:

I was very interested in working on this topic. While working on the project, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about my favorite sport. He found out the history of the development of football and talked about his favorite famous football players.

This sport fosters courage, courage, collectivism, and mutual assistance. When you watch your team play, you want to be like these eleven guys playing on a green rectangular field. I don’t know whether I will become noticeable, but I will keep sincere love and loyalty to the soccer ball in my heart - that’s for sure!

8.Literature used

Shvykov I. A. [Text] Sports at school - football. - M., 2002,

Akimov N. G. Football. Football. Football!!! – M.: MIR, 2001.

Internet resources.

Brief summary of the project

Project “Fizkult-Hurray!” is an educational project based on sports and health technologies aimed at creating a culture of health among school students. This project is intended for children of primary school age, their parents, gifted children in the field of sports. The main idea of ​​the project is to create a stimulating, competitive environment through the involvement of primary school children in the process of self-organization of the sports life of the class, to develop a sustainable interest in sports and healthy active leisure. The implementation of the project is based on the principles of cooperation between the class activists, high school students with sporting achievements, parents and sports organizations of the city.

The substantive component of the project is the lesson topic, based on the state standard, which, like a core, will string on itself the accompanying extracurricular activities. The project is comprehensive in nature, as it involves not only the development of sports standards by children, but also the implementation of individual research projects in various areas of sports, the organization of such extracurricular activities as morning jogging and gymnastics, game breaks, school-wide sports competitions, sports competitions, general-class sports traditions together with parents (visiting the pool, weekend trips, etc.), excursions to sports organizations, meetings with outstanding people of the city who brought sports victories to the city, the Republic, supervision by high school students-athletes of their junior charges, and most importantly, maintaining a screen of sports achievements with summarizing results and awarding of the winners. The project implementation period is unlimited. This algorithm in the implementation of the project is universal and can be launched every academic year.

I assume that during the implementation of the project it is possible to involve not only children, but also their parents in physical education and sports, so that this becomes a family tradition and the need of every child.

The target audience: primary school students and their parents, high school students with certain achievements in the field of sports.

Project Description

Relevance of the project

Today, no one doubts that the success of schooling is determined by the level of health with which the student entered first grade.

A sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours in front of the TV and computer, educational overload, lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families, unhealthy diet, unfavorable environmental situation and a number of other factors are the main reasons for the sharp deterioration in children's health.

In this regard, the main priorities of a modern school include optimizing the educational process in order to preserve the physical, mental, spiritual and moral health of students.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to operate with effective, easy-to-use techniques and methods that ensure the most complete coverage of students and at the same time do not disrupt the educational process at school. It is also necessary to carry out activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children.

It should be noted that only systematic implementation of health-improving work with a child at school and at home will give the desired result, will help to acquire not only solid knowledge, but also conscious skills, and will ensure the formation of positive attitudes towards protecting one’s health. The main means of studying physical culture is the child’s mastery of its basic principles, that is, the objectively necessary and obligatory level of physical culture for every person, without which it is impossible to effectively carry out life activities, regardless of what the child wants to do in the future.

Project goals: Formation of a culture of health for children of primary school age and their parents, as well as a conscious attitude towards their health as the most important spiritual and moral value.

Project objectives:

  • create an educational environment that promotes positive motivation of teachers, parents and children for a healthy lifestyle;
  • promote the education of a culture of health among the younger generation;
  • draw up a thematic diagram in the direction of “physical education” to systematize all educational activities in primary school;
  • organize sports and recreational activities in the classroom on the basis of student self-government;
  • organize the patronage of high school student-athletes as curators over junior ones;
  • involve the city's sports institutions and prominent people in the field of sports in the project;
  • organize research activities of students on sports and health-preserving topics with the creative participation of parents;
  • With the help of class activists, organize morning jogging, morning exercises, play breaks, gaming and sports entertainment during the “extended period” during the school day;
  • involve parents in creating class traditions for joint organization of leisure activities (visiting the swimming pool, Ice Palace, gym) of the choice of children and parents;
  • regularly hold school-wide Health Days, sports competitions, and folk festivals with elements of folk games;
  • develop and implement a system of intra-class monitoring of students’ sports achievements by maintaining the “Screen of Sports Achievements”;
  • help stimulate student activity using a variety of incentive methods;
  • monitor the implementation of standards by schoolchildren throughout the school year.

Project implementation stages:

The project implementation consists of 3 stages.

Stage I – organizational- includes the creation of creative groups of class activists among elementary school students, the creation of patronage groups based on high schools, holding parent meetings and the creation of parent activist groups.

Stage II is the main one.

- "Athletics"

– “Pioneerball, football”

– “Basketball”

- “Gymnastics”

- "Skis"

- "Sport games"

- "Outdoor games"

Stage III – analytical(monitoring, summarizing project implementation)

Project implementation schedule:

No. Name of events Implementation period responsible
I organizational stage
1 Conducting classes at the choice of school activists September Class teachers
2 Organizational meeting of the volunteer group September Physical education teacher
3 Conducting school parent meetings September Head teacher of educational work
4 Meeting of the organizational council to coordinate project activities September Project Manager
II main stage. Athletics
5 Thematic lessons September Physical education teacher
6 Meeting with the Youth and Youth Athletics Coach September Physical education teacher
7 Sports lecture hall (defense of individual projects on the topic “Athletics Olympic Movement”) September Teacher-organizer
8 Autumn cross September Class teachers
9 Competition between classes in athletics September Physical education teacher
Pioneerball, football
10 Thematic lessons October Physical education teacher
11 Excursion to the stadium. Master class with a professional October Physical education teacher
12 Sports lecture hall (defense of individual projects on the topic “The Legendary History of Football”) October Teacher-organizer
13 Pioneerball competition between classes October Class teachers
14 Football competition between classes October Physical education teacher
15 Thematic lessons november Physical education teacher
16 Creative meeting with a children's basketball team, basketball master class november Physical education teacher
17 Sports lecture hall (defense of individual projects on the topic “Pages of Basketball History”) november Teacher-organizer
18 Sports starts with basketball elements november Class teachers
19 Basketball competition between classes november Physical education teacher
20 november Class teachers
Ski training
21 Thematic lessons December-February Physical education teacher
22 Master class on sliding techniques December-February Physical education teacher
23 Sports lecture hall (defense of individual projects on the topic “Winter racing”) January Teacher-organizer
24 Winter fun January Class teachers
25 Skiing in the forest with parents February Class teachers
26 Competition between cross-country skiing classes February Physical education teacher
27 Awarding the quarter winners January Class teachers
Sport games
28 Thematic lessons March Physical education teacher
29 Quiz “Sports ideas” March Teacher-organizer
30 “Sports Lecture” (defense of individual projects on the topic “Sports – jokingly and seriously”) March Teacher-organizer
31 Holiday “Broad Maslenitsa” (with elements of folk games) March Class teachers
32 Awarding the quarter winners March Class teachers
Outdoor games, athletics
33 Thematic lessons April May Physical education teacher
34 Swimming lessons in the pool April Physical education teacher
35 Folk Games Festival April Teacher-organizer
36 Spring Spartakiad May Class teachers
37 Competition between classes in athletics cross-country May Physical education teacher
38 Awarding the quarter winners May Class teachers
III stage of project implementation
39 Monitoring compliance with standards and health indicators of students, surveying children and parents June Physical education teacher, class teachers
40 June School administration
41 Summing up the project implementation June School administration

Expected results of the project:

  • there will be changes in students’ attitudes towards their health;
  • motivation will be formed that will promote the conscious choice of children and parents in favor of a healthy lifestyle;
  • meaning-forming attitudes and value guidelines for healthy and active leisure will be actively used in life practice;
  • children’s horizons about various sports and the history of their development in Russia and Tatarstan will expand;
  • the level of awareness of participants in the educational process about disease prevention will increase;
  • Family and class traditions will be laid for healthy and active joint leisure;
  • The social activity of students will also increase;
  • the foundations of a successfully socialized personality will be laid, able to intelligently organize their leisure and life activities, striving for physical and psychological health and perfection.


Expenditure Amount (rubles) Source of financing
1 Paper 200x3 = 600 Own funds
2 Chancellor goods (pens, pencils, markers, Whatman paper) 1000 Own funds
3 Diplomas for awarding 20x200 = 4000 Own funds
4 Prizes, souvenirs, badges 10000 Attracting sponsors
5 Making a stand for sports achievements 25000 Attracting sponsors
6 Auxiliary equipment for competitions (skittles, flags, batting cages, landmarks) 5000 Own funds
7 Release of a collection of sports and folk games 15000 Involved funds
Total 60600 rub.
Available funds 10600 rub.
Involved funds 50,000 rub.

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Every child wants to act.
Every child wants to be in a relationship.
There is an exciting world to explore around.


The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercise, I improve the functioning of internal organs, comprehensively develop physical qualities, and children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, I cultivate the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a sense of friendship and camaraderie. In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with a proper regime of study and recreation and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, cultivate civic responsibility and work to prevent antisocial manifestations. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports, so I, as a physical education teacher, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children’s interest in physical education and sports. I achieve this using the following methods: sporting events, quizzes, conversations about sporting events, a stand about Russian athletes and Paralympians, introducing children to the health-improving effects of physical education, explaining the effect systematic physical exercise has on the formation of vital skills and abilities.

PROJECT PROBLEM: Recently, there has been a decline in students’ interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical education and sports activities, which does not allow creating the prerequisites for continuous physical improvement and mastering ways to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in their lives. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating.

MAIN IDEA OF THE PROJECT: maintaining health through active creativity and movement.
Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of schoolchildren.
1. Strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and developing motor experience, fostering activity and independence in motor activity;
2.Development of motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility;
3. Fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, gaming and competitive activities;
4. Prevention of antisocial manifestations;

Form of organization of children: group

Class or age of children: school students from 1st to 4th grade.

Number of participants: 185 people.

Subject area:
main - Physical Culture,
additional – basics of life safety, the environment.

Leading activities: search, creative.

Project implementation timeline: 3 months.

Expected Result:
- increasing motivation for the subject;
- an increase in people willing and willing to learn ways to maintain their health;
- improving the psychological climate in the team;
- rational use of free time.

Composition of the project team:
1. Petrova Anna – 4a grade;
2. Alexandra Kislitsina – 4a grade;
3. Valeria Frolova – 4a grade;
4. Ksenia Neverovskaya – 4a grade;
5. Nikolaeva Olesya – 4a grade;
6. Class teachers;
7. Teachers – subject specialists;
8. Initiative group of parents;
9. School paramedic.

Materials and technical means:

  • camera;
  • computer;
  • video projector;
  • Printer;
  • paper for printer;
  • diplomas;
  • prizes.


Project stages

Kind of activity

Who performed


Activities carried out and results of stages




I. Create student groups.

1) oral survey;

project organizer

invite 4th grade students to participate in the project

2)forming groups to work on the project;

project organizer

select more active 4th grade students, create groups, distribute tasks

II. Work planning.

1) identify sources of information;

project organizer

selection of materials from books,
periodicals, internet, event development

2) conduct a survey of students,

student project group

distribute questionnaires, answer questionnaire questions

parents and teachers;

project organizer

3) process questionnaires;

project organizer

identify the most interesting events

4) choose a topic, determine the goal and objectives;

project group

carefully develop the structure of the sports day

5) draw up a plan and order of activities, determine the timing of work in stages;

project group

drawing up a plan, determining work deadlines step by step

6) prepare a script;

event organizer

develop a script

7) develop regulations;

event organizer

develop and approve regulations

8)inform teachers,

event organizer

conduct educational training for primary school teachers


class teachers

spend cool hours


class teachers

hold parent meetings, write in diaries


I. For students, parents.

1) publish newspapers on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle”;

class teachers, students

pick up the material and draw a newspaper

2) publish folding books on the topic: “Physical education and sports in my family”;

parents, students

select materials and design folding books together with parents

3) draw up a student’s sports portfolio

Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports, so I, as a physical education teacher, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children’s interest in physical education and sports. I achieve this using the following methods: answering questions, conversations about sporting events, outstanding performances of Russian athletes, introducing children to the health-improving effects of physical education, explaining what effect systematic physical exercise has in the formation of vital skills and abilities.



Project work in physical culture

Every child wants to act.

Every child wants to be in a relationship.

There is an exciting world to explore around.

These three ideas are basic for working with children.

M. and R. Snyder

The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercise, I improve the functioning of internal organs, comprehensively develop physical qualities, and children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, I cultivate the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a feeling of friendship, camaraderie. In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with a proper regime of study and rest and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, cultivate civic responsibility and work to prevent antisocial manifestations. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports, so I, as a physical education teacher, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children’s interest in physical education and sports. I achieve this using the following methods: answering questions, conversations about sporting events, outstanding performances of Russian athletes, introducing children to the health-improving effects of physical education, explaining what effect systematic physical exercise has in the formation of vital skills and abilities.

Methodological passport of the educational project.

The name of the project is “Physical education – healthy children.”

Full name – Bykov Sergey Nikolaevich, physical education teacher

Year of development of the educational project - 2013.

Experience of use (Extent of distribution)

All grades of the school.

The problem of the project: in recent years there has been a decline in students’ interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical education and sports activities, which does not allow creating the prerequisites for continuous physical improvement and mastering ways to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in their lives. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating.

Goal: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of schoolchildren.

Objectives: strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and developing motor experience, fostering activity and independence in motor activity;

Development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility;

Formation of skills in conducting physical education and health activities during the school day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games during school breaks):

Fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, gaming and competitive activities;

Prevention of antisocial manifestations.

Form of organization of children: group work.

Leading activities: search, creative.

Scope of application of the results: sociological, cultural, sports, health.

Technologies used: artistic, sports.

Form of project activity products: analysis of sociological survey data, newspapers, poster presentation, group or personal report of designers.

Method of combining results at a presentation: event, competition.

Types of presentation: defense of reports, abstracts, competition of drawings, posters, design of stands “Sports life at school”, “Russian sport”, “Bad habits”, “Healthy lifestyle”.

Class or age of children: all grades of the school.

Number of participants: 136 people

Subject area: Main subject area (physical education) and additional subject areas (basics of life safety and the environment).

Participants: school wide

The nature of coordination is explicit

Topics of the curriculum of the subject.

Physical education lessons are distinguished by a wide variety of games and exercises, and relay races. Students in the lesson should receive some theoretical information about physical education, a healthy lifestyle, understand the importance of physical exercise, know the basic rules of hygiene and behavior, and be able to apply these skills in practice in everyday life.

Approximate topics for the “Theoretical Information” section in physical education lessons.

Rules for safe behavior in places of physical education classes (in the gym, on the sports ground).

Rules of conduct in courtyards, playgrounds, and school sports fields during after-hours hours.

Our class rules for physical education lessons.

On the importance of physical education for a healthy lifestyle.

Motor mode of a schoolchild.

Measures to prevent danger on the water, in parks, in the yard, at home.

Requirements for clothing during classes in various conditions.

Correct posture and its importance for health and good study.

The importance of physical exercise in your daily routine for health.

The importance of physical exercise in the daily routine for study and relaxation.

Features of a physical education lesson in primary school

Rules for performing a set of hygienic gymnastics exercises.

Rules for performing a set of exercises to form correct posture.

The importance of proper breathing for health. Breathing rules when running.

Prevention of fatigue associated with educational activities.

Rules for performing tests to assess physical fitness.

A healthy lifestyle, its importance for a person and its advantages over an unhealthy lifestyle.

Hardening and its effect on the body.

Hypothermia and its prevention during independent walks in winter.

Prevention of childhood injuries.

Providing first aid for minor injuries (bruises, abrasions, abrasions, etc.).

Providing first aid for injuries.

First aid for bruises.

First aid for dislocations, sprains, fractures.

First aid for open wounds.

First aid for insect bites.

First aid for poisoning.

First aid for burns.

First aid for sunstroke and heatstroke.

First aid for frostbite.

First aid if various objects get into the respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, ear, nose.

Artificial respiration when various objects get into the respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, ear, nose.

The importance of physical culture in the life of a modern person.

Maintaining a daily routine.

Morning hygienic exercises.

Physical education minutes and physical education breaks in the classroom.

Hygienic rules for physical exercise.

Personal hygiene of junior schoolchildren.

Physical exercises and games to develop correct posture.

Breathing rules.

Working hours

Duration type – short-term

Terms – 1 month

Goals of training, development, education

To achieve the goal of physical education for secondary school students, I formulated basic tasks, which include:

Formation of motivation among schoolchildren to engage in physical education;

Teaching them the skills and abilities to use personal physical education means in everyday activities and in physical education lessons;

Forming an understanding of the meaning of personal physical education.

The formation of motivation is based on the following needs:

Physiological (active motor actions);

Safe (from pain, discomfort, suffering, anger, unsettledness);

In social connections (identification in a team, social involvement in a certain group, friendship, affection, etc.);

Self-esteem (achieving success, recognition from others, approval of elders, including teachers);

In self-actualization (realization of individual capabilities, abilities, understanding and comprehension of the surrounding world).

Teaching knowledge, skills and abilities to use personal physical education means in everyday activities and in physical education lessons implies mastery of the following skills:

Independently set a goal for personal physical education;

Choose adequate means and methods to achieve the goal;

Organize personal physical education classes independently;

Perform physical exercises technically correctly;

Monitor and evaluate your body’s response to the training load.

Increment in ZUN and specific skills

Forming in schoolchildren an understanding of the meaning of personal physical education classes implies:

Comprehension of the essence of the phenomena underlying the performed motor action or exercise;

Knowledge of the patterns of occurrence and development of these phenomena;

Establishing stable connections between individual phenomena that arise in the process of personal physical education.

Operating mode

Lesson and extracurricular

Technical equipment - Internet, village and school libraries, museums, videos about sports, about the prevention of bad habits, about promoting a healthy lifestyle, a gym.

Educational and methodological equipment - textbooks and teaching aids, all kinds of manuals and manuals for teachers. Videos “White Death”, “Road Rules”, “Prevention of Bad Habits”, “We are Sports and Physical Education”.

Information equipment - printed and electronic articles, books, audio and video about sports, bad habits, conversations with teachers, parents, specialists in this field.

Personnel: class teachers, physical education teacher, municipal employees, section coach, librarians, parents.

Stages of work on the project.

1. Preparatory stage

In a physical education lesson, students, in conversation with me, identify the reasons for children’s reluctance to engage in sports and physical exercise, and consider the situations to which this can lead. I propose to take part in the project “Physical Education – Healthy Children”, after which I form several groups to participate in the project within the class. We outline a plan and schedule of activities, distribute the load between students. The result of activities within the project are: theoretical knowledge gained; competition “Health Day!”

2. Work planning.


Identify sources of information (reference books, excursion activities, the Internet, conversations with teachers, parents.

Searching for information on a healthy lifestyle, the need for sports, prevention of bad habits on the Internet and literary sources;

Determining the scope of work of each project participant;

Analytical synthesis of the results obtained;

Determining the composition of group participants, depending on the thematic work within it:

Creation of team symbols and motto;

Protecting the project during search operations.

At this stage, I develop an action plan, distribute responsibilities and determine the deadlines for work in stages, plan a method for collecting and analyzing information, and plan the form of the final presentation of the result.

Each group receives a task:

Reports on a healthy lifestyle.

Reports on bad habits and their prevention.

Newspapers "Healthy Lifestyle".

Essays “Physical education and sports in my family.”

3. Collection of information.

Visiting libraries, studying literature on this issue, watching videos, conversations with adults, the Internet, excursion activities.

4. Information analysis.

During extracurricular hours, students share with me the results of their search activities, I correct, clarify statements, help highlight the main thing, and lead children to determine the conclusion.

5. Presentation of the results of project activities.

The result of this project activity is the “Health Day!” competition.