Bomber aviation. Bomber aviation Battle formations of bomber aviation units and subunits

Airplanes introduced “bomber” requirements for combat aircraft projects. In particular, at the 1912 competition in the Russian Empire, it was regulated that the airplane should provide “the greatest convenience for handling firearms and throwing bombs.”

World War I[ | ]

At the beginning of the war, bombing from airplanes was more of a deterrent measure. The role of bombers was performed by light reconnaissance aircraft, the pilots of which carried several small bombs with them. They dropped them manually, aiming through the eye. Such raids were random and did not coordinate with the actions of ground troops. The first bombing of Paris was carried out on August 30, 1914 by Lieutenant Ferdinand von Hiddesen from a Rumpler 3C aircraft, dropping 4 hand grenades. One woman died as a result of the attack. On 4 November 1914, the crew of the Gotha LE2, piloted by Lieutenant Kaspar and Oberleutnant Roos, made the first raid on English soil, dropping two bombs on Dover.

Interwar period[ | ]

After the war, the development of bombers as a class of military aircraft and bomber aircraft slowed down: a revolution took place in Russia and the Civil War began, defeated Germany and Austria were prohibited from developing military aviation, and leading Western countries focused on building a system for limiting the arms race and overcoming the economic crisis. Nevertheless, aviation continued to develop. The main qualities of bombers were considered to be payload and flight range. Speed ​​was not given any importance: multi-engine aircraft had to be protected by numerous machine-gun installations from fighters. Strict requirements were put forward for takeoff and landing at poorly equipped airfields.

"Hainaidi" - a representative of the first post-war generation of bombers (1923)

Until the end of the 20s, the biplane design dominated in bomber aviation: a biplane box made of wooden wings, a fixed landing gear, and open machine-gun installations. These were: the French LeO-20, the English Virginia and Heyford and many other aircraft. Already in 1925, the TB-1 (ANT-4) made its first flight in the USSR - the first multi-engine serial all-metal monoplane bomber with a cantilever wing. These solutions in the design of bombers have become classic. Many interesting experiments are associated with the TB-1: in 1933, experimental launches with powder accelerators took place, in -1935, experiments were carried out on in-flight refueling, and the TB-1 was also used in a composite link: two I-16 fighters were suspended from the bomber.

B-17 bomber prototype

Progress in aircraft construction also made it possible to build heavy four-engine aircraft, not inferior in speed to “high-speed” twin-engine bombers. This was achieved through the installation of powerful and lightweight supercharged engines, the introduction of variable pitch propellers, increasing the load on the wing through the use of landing mechanization of the wing, reducing the drag coefficient and improving the aerodynamic quality of the aircraft through the use of smooth skin, smooth fuselage contours and a “thin” wing. The first heavy bomber of the new generation was the four-engine Boeing B-17. The prototype aircraft took off on July 28, 1935.

Simultaneously with the improvement of the “classic” bomber, a new type of aircraft appeared in the 1930s - the “dive bomber”. The most famous dive bombers are Junkers Ju 87 and Pe-2.

The Second World War[ | ]

In total, about 100 different models of bombers took part in the battles. The greatest variety of models was in the class of twin-engine bombers. They were conventionally divided into “front” and “distant”. The former launched strikes to a depth of 300-400 km from the front line and along the front edge of the enemy’s defenses, the latter carried out raids behind enemy lines. Among frontline Bombers include the Soviet Pe-2, the English De Havilland Mosquito, the American Douglas A-20 Havoc, Martin B-26 Marauder, and Douglas A-26 Invader. TO distant include the Soviet Il-4, English Vickers Wellington, American North American B-25 Mitchell, German Heinkel He 111 and Junkers Yu 88.

In combat operations, single-engine bombers were also used to support ground forces: Fairey Battle, Su-2, Junkers Ju 87, etc. As practice has shown, they operated effectively only in conditions of air supremacy of their aircraft, as well as when striking weakly protected anti-aircraft artillery objects. As a result, by the end of the war, the production of light single-engine bombers was generally curtailed.

Unlike Germany and the USSR, where front-line aviation was primarily developed, in the USA and Great Britain much attention was paid to the development of heavy four-engine bombers capable of destroying the enemy’s economic centers and disorganizing their industry with massive strikes. With the outbreak of war in Great Britain, the Avro Lancaster was adopted, which became the main heavy aircraft of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command (RAF).

The basis of American long-range heavy bomber aircraft was the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, the fastest and highest altitude bomber in the world at the beginning of the war, and the Consolidated B-24 Liberator. Despite the fact that it was inferior to the B-17 in speed and ceiling, the manufacturability of its design made it possible to organize the production of individual aircraft components at non-aviation factories. Thus, the Ford Motor Company automobile factories produced fuselages for these bombers.

The pinnacle in the development of heavy piston bombers was the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, created in 1942 under the leadership of designer A. Jordanov. Powerful engines and perfect aerodynamics provided the aircraft with a speed of up to 575 km/h, a ceiling of 9,700 m and a range of 5,000 km with 4,000 kg of bombs. It became the first carrier of nuclear weapons: on August 6, 1945, a bomber with its own name “Enola Gay” dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and on August 9, the city of Nagasaki was subjected to nuclear bombing.

Since 1944, jet bomber aircraft have taken part in hostilities. The first jet fighter-bomber was the Me-262A2, a bomber modification of the first jet fighter created in 1942 in Germany. Me-262A2 carried two 500 kg bombs on an external sling. The first Ar-234 jet bomber was also built in Germany. Its speed was 742 km/h, combat radius 800 km, ceiling 10,000 m. The Ar-234 could use bombs weighing up to 1,400 kg.

The first carriers of guided weapons were German Do-217 K bombers, which destroyed the Italian battleship Roma in 1943 with guided gliding bombs. The He-111 bomber, obsolete by the end of the war, became the first strategic missile carrier: it launched V-1 cruise missiles at targets in the British Isles.

Cold War [ | ]

At the end of World War II, the flight characteristics of bombers increased so much that the destruction of anti-aircraft guns by their shells became a real problem - the consumption of ammunition to defeat one high-flying high-speed bomber was almost equal to its cost. The appearance of nuclear weapons in 1945 and the prospect of the rapid adoption of jet bombers with even higher characteristics required an increase in the effectiveness of air defense to a level inaccessible to cannon artillery; anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) became a way out of the situation.

The first jet and turboprop, intercontinental and supersonic bombers[ | ]

Due to the increase in flight range, the classification of bombers has changed slightly: strategic machines with an intercontinental range of about 10-15 thousand km began to be called, bombers with a range of up to 10,000 km became “long-range”, sometimes they are called average(or medium range), and vehicles that operate in the tactical rear of the enemy and in the front line began to be called tactical. However, countries that never became the owners of bombers with an intercontinental range continued to call their long-range bombers strategic (example: the Chinese H-6 bomber, a copy of the Tu-16). Also, the classification of bombers was seriously influenced by the management's views on their use and construction. For example, the F-111 front-line bomber received the “fighter” name.

The first bomber with an intercontinental range was the Convair B-36, built in 1946 in the United States, which at the same time became the last strategic bomber with piston engines. It had an unusual appearance due to its combined power plant: 6 piston engines with pusher propellers and 4 jet engines mounted in pairs under the wing. But even with jet engines, the piston machine could not reach a speed of more than 680 km/h, which made it very vulnerable against the high-speed jet fighters adopted for service. Despite the fact that by the standards of modern aviation, the B-36 did not serve long (the last bomber was withdrawn from service in 1959), machines of this type were widely used as flying laboratories.

B-58: the first supersonic bomber.

It was to completely replace the subsonic B-52 bombers at the Strategic Air Command. However, a spectacular demonstration in May 1960 of the capabilities of Soviet air defense systems to combat high-altitude high-speed targets confirmed the fears of the US leadership about the vulnerability of both subsonic and promising supersonic bombers. As a result, the B-70 bomber program was abandoned as a weapon system. In the early 60s, they tried to resume development, but successful tests of US intercontinental ballistic missiles and the high cost of the aircraft finally buried the project.

In the Soviet Union, after N. Khrushchev, who believed in the omnipotence of missile weapons, came to power, work on intercontinental bombers was stopped.

Unlike the United States, the Soviet leadership did not lower the altitude of the bombers in service and focused efforts on developing new multi-mode aircraft. On August 30, 1969, the Soviet multi-mode long-range bomber with a variable-sweep wing Tu-22M made its first flight. Initially, this aircraft was developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau on its own initiative as a deep modernization of the generally unsuccessful Tu-22 aircraft, but as a result, the new aircraft had practically nothing in common with it. The Tu-22M has a large bomb load of 24,000 kg, comparable only to the bomb load of the B-52.

American leadership initiated the development of a new multi-mode bomber to replace the B-52 only in 1969. The B-1A bomber made its first flight on December 23, 1974 in Palmdale (USA). The aircraft was a low-wing aircraft with a variable geometry wing and smooth articulation of the wing and fuselage. But in 1977, after a series of flight tests, the program was stopped: successes in the creation of cruise missiles, as well as successful research in the field of stealth technology (Stealth technology), once again called into question the need for low-altitude air defense breakthrough aircraft. The development of a multi-mode bomber was resumed only in 1981, but already as an intermediate aircraft, before the stealth strategic bomber entered service. The updated B-1B Lancer made its first flight on October 18, 1984, and production vehicles entered service only in 1986. Thus, the B-1 became the most “researched” aircraft, setting a kind of record: from the start of design in 1970 until entering service 16 years have passed.

At the end of 2007, the Russian Air Force formulated requirements for a new long-range aviation bomber (PAK DA project). The aircraft will be created by the Tupolev Design Bureau using stealth technology. The first flight of the new aircraft is scheduled for 2015.

In 1990, the US Department of Defense developed a new program for creating the latest models of military equipment, which provided for the construction of a limited number of equipment (for example, to form one squadron). As a result, production of the B-2 was discontinued after 21 aircraft were built. As of December 2008, the US Air Force operated: 20 B-2A stealth bombers, 66 B-1B supersonic bombers, and 76 subsonic B-52Hs.

China, which is armed with 120 long-range H-6 (Tu-16) bombers, and France, which carries out strategic missions with 64 Mirage 2000N fighter-bombers, also have strategic aviation.

Tactical aviation[ | ]

In modern tactical aviation, the difference between a tactical (front-line) bomber, a fighter-bomber and an attack aircraft is sometimes very blurred. Many combat aircraft designed for air strikes, although they look like fighters, have limited capabilities for air combat. It is obvious that the characteristics that allow an aircraft to effectively strike from low altitudes are not very suitable for a fighter to achieve air superiority. At the same time, many fighters, despite the fact that they were created for air combat, are also used as bombers. The main differences of the bomber still remain its long range and limited air combat capabilities. Modern low-altitude tactical bombers (for example, Su-34) are also significantly superior to fighters in terms of armor protection.

In the air forces of technologically advanced countries, tactical bomber missions are typically performed by multi-role fighters (fighter-bombers). Thus, in the United States, the last specialized tactical bomber, the F-117, was withdrawn from service on April 22, 2008. Bombing missions in the US Air Force are carried out by F-15E and F-16 fighter-bombers, and in the Navy - by F/A-18 carrier-based fighter-bombers.

Russia stands apart in this series, in which the Su-24 tactical bombers and now the Su-34, which are now replacing them, are in service.

Strategic aviation of the theater of operations[ | ]

The so-called Tu-22M long-range bombers, designed mainly for the destruction of aircraft carrier squadrons and strategic targets in the continental and oceanic zones, i.e., in the theater of military operations. The Tu-22M occupies an intermediate tactical-strategic niche between intercontinental strategic and tactical bombers. For this reason, the class of combat aircraft formed by the Tu-22M is also often called intermediate. Like any strategic bomber, the Tu-22M is capable of carrying a fairly heavy bomb load, although less than that of an intercontinental bomber, and can carry the same long-range cruise missiles as the Tu-160 or Tu-95, albeit in smaller numbers.

"Bomber Aviation" (translated from German) is a section of the official Air Force Tactics Course at the Halle Air Communications School, ed. 1939

Despite the fact that the course was published back in 1939, most of the issues raised in the section have remained relevant and are of interest to the commanding staff of the Red Army Air Force, especially bomber aviation.

As is known, in the German Air Force bomber aviation is given the main place among other types of aviation. The Germans have always strived to have this type of aviation in predominant numbers. Currently, the share of their bomber aviation, despite the year of war against the Soviet Union, remains at the same level (54-57%), which indicates a certain stability of views on the role and place of bomber aviation in modern warfare.

The Germans believe that the struggle for air supremacy is not an end in itself and is carried out only in the interests of ensuring broad offensive actions. The fight against enemy air forces is defined as the most advantageous form of defense of one's aviation, ground troops and one's own territory against air attacks. It is not capable of having a decisive influence on the outcome of the war. The possibility of involving aviation in defense should be determined taking into account the need to concentrate all air forces primarily for offensive operations.

Concentrating aviation efforts on the most important areas and on solving the most important tasks is the basis for the operational-tactical use of the German Air Force.

When distributing forces among facilities, the principle of concentrating aviation efforts must also be preserved. Each object to be destroyed must be attacked with such forces as will achieve decisive results, and actions must continue until the object is erased from the surface of the earth.

Saving their own forces, according to the Germans, is achieved not by the passivity of aviation, but by the correct use of weather conditions and the skillful organization of an attack carried out on the principle of surprise.

The Germans pay great attention to aerial reconnaissance. As can be seen from the organization of the bomber formation, it has up to 15% reconnaissance personnel, which can fully meet the needs of bombers, and, if necessary, ground troops.

The given method of combined attack, although it has a number of advantages, is used very rarely in practice, since it requires high organization and appropriate training of flight personnel.



“From the very beginning of the war, the Air Force has been transferring military operations to enemy territory. Air Force actions undermine enemy combat power and resistance. The main factor in the offensive air strategy is bomber aviation" (Aviation Instruction No. 16, §2)

“Bomber aviation accomplishes its missions by bombing. The successes of bomber aviation are not assessed by the number of bombs dropped or enemy aircraft shot down. The fulfillment of military duty by bombers is also not characterized by the number of their own aircraft lost. Only the military significance of the attacked objects is taken into account, along with the volume and degree of destruction actually caused" (Aviation Instruction No. 10, §1)

“In order to carry out their responsible tasks, the bomber crew must have determination, courage, unyielding perseverance in completing tasks, iron discipline, self-control and the ability to calmly assess the situation.” (Aviation instr. No. 10, § 2.)


The bomber pilot's weapon is a multi-seat bomber aircraft. This is a high-speed aircraft with a large payload, flight range and significant ceiling. It is desirable that the shelling from this aircraft be in all directions, without dead sectors. A bomber aircraft is required to have good flight qualities, which primarily ensure the ability to fly blind. This makes it possible to carry out bombing operations in any weather, day or night.

Crew A bomber aircraft usually consists of a pilot, an observer and two gunners, one of whom is also a radio operator and the other a flight mechanic.

Armament A multi-seat bomber aircraft usually has three machine guns. One of them is served by an observer in the front cockpit, the second by a gunner located in the upper part of the fuselage, and the third by a gunner providing fire under the fuselage. With continuously increasing aircraft speeds, firing from the rear machine guns at large angles to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is not very effective.

The aircraft is equipped with a bomb sight and an electric bomb release. The sight automatically eliminates the influence of external factors (aircraft speed, altitude, air resistance, wind direction) after the appropriate values ​​are determined and set. Sights are optical - for daytime bombing and mechanical - for night bombing. The bomb releaser allows you to drop bombs one at a time. This is called single bombing. With the appropriate installation of the bomb releaser, you can drop any number of bombs with the necessary intervals between them. This type of bombing is called serial bombing. The electric bomb releaser allows the fuze to be set to the desired position (with or without delay) just before dropping the bombs.

The plane can take:

a) 10 kg fragmentation bombs for action against living targets;

b) a 50-kg bomb for use primarily against aircraft on the ground (the diameter of the affected area is 40-60 m), as well as against railway tracks (the bomb destroys up to 6 m of rail track); these bombs are also used for attacks on civilian structures made of concrete or brick (diameter of the affected area is 25 m); the bomb penetrates several floors, causes a fire, and the collapse of ceilings and walls;

c) 250 kg bomb for operations on bridge abutments (damage zone 10 m), steel bridges, railway tracks (the bomb destroys 12 m of rail track); when hit directly, they destroy modern buildings made of steel, reinforced concrete and stone, as well as subway tunnels;

d) 500 kg bomb for operations on bridge abutments (damage zone 10 m); they destroy modern buildings made of steel, reinforced concrete and stone even when a bomb falls at a distance of up to 6 m from the main wall; the bomb destroys the dam even when falling at a distance of up to 10 m from it; the affected area of ​​this bomb when bombing sea vessels (cruisers and battleships) is 25 m; ships sink from a direct hit or from a hydraulic shock;

e) incendiary bombs weighing approximately 1 kg; their penetrating power is small

Means of communication. The multi-seat bomber aircraft is equipped with a radiotelegraph, a direction-finding unit and an intercom for communication within the aircraft and with other aircraft (radiotelephone).

The aircraft is also equipped with equipment that allows for blind and night flights.

The destructive capacity of a 500 kg bomb is much lower than the figures given. (Ed.)

When calculating the commercial load of an aircraft, “Mass - t” and “Mass characteristics” are used as the main quantity.

Mass characteristics are concepts, designations and definitions of the mass of the aircraft as a whole and its individual components used in calculating the commercial load.

The numerical value of body mass in kilograms is equal to the numerical value of its weight in kilograms and is determined by weighing on a lever scale.

In addition to mass, this Manual also uses quantities such as density, force and pressure.

Density (p) is a value determined by the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. For example, the standard densities of baggage, mail and cargo are: rdg = 120 kg/m^3, rpch = 270 kg/m^3, Рgr = 300 kg/m^3.

Force (f) is a vector quantity that serves as a measure of the mechanical interaction of bodies. F = ma,

where m is the mass of the body, a is the acceleration imparted to this body by the force f.

On earth, each body is acted upon by a force of gravity equal to the product of mass and the acceleration of gravity (g): f = mg.

This force is determined on a spring scale.

The unit of force is newton (N). Newton is equal to the force imparting an acceleration of 1 to a body of mass 1 kg in the direction of the force.

Pressure (p) - force f acting on an element of area:

The unit of pressure is pascal (Pa). Pascal is equal to the pressure caused by a force of 1 N over an area of ​​1

For example, the permissible pressure on the floor of the cargo compartment (trunk) is 3,922 or Pa, which corresponds to 400 kgf/m3 since 1 equals 9.81

The empty mass of the aircraft is the mass of the aircraft after it has been

manufacturing at the factory. determined by weighing and entered into the aircraft logbook.

The mass of an empty aircraft consists of the mass of the airframe, the mass of the power plant, the mass of the cockpit equipment of the passenger compartments, household and luggage-cargo spaces, flight and navigation equipment, the mass of the remaining fuel and liquid in the systems that cannot be drained:

The empty mass of the aircraft is the initial parameter when calculating the alignment and loading of the aircraft.

Empty equipped weight of the aircraft - the weight of the empty aircraft with the main and additional equipment (removable equipment of the aircraft).

Basic equipment: oxygen, liquids in household systems, service equipment (ladders, stepladders...), fixed pantry and kitchen equipment, power plant oil.

Basic equipment is usually common to a given type of aircraft and is permanently carried on board.

Additional equipment: film equipment, tape recorders and radio installations, rescue equipment (inflatable chutes, rafts, vests...), removable pantry and kitchen equipment, refrigerators, liquid "I"..., luggage and cargo pallets and containers, fastening equipment cargo

Additional aircraft equipment may vary depending on the purpose and flight conditions, and passenger service class.

For example:

1. Passenger aircraft are provided with first class cabins with increased comfort provided by additional equipment and services.

2. If the route passes over the water surface at a distance from the shore of more than 30 minutes of flight, then the aircraft is equipped with individual inflatable life jackets weighing 1.15 kg and group rafts weighing 554-65 kg.

3. Luggage, mail and cargo are transported in bulk, on pallets or in containers. For piece and packaged cargo, pallets PAV-2.5, PAV-3 and PAV-5.6 are used, with a lifting capacity of 2.5, 3.62 and 5.6 tons. The cargo is placed on the pallet so that the center of gravity (CG ) of the cargo coincides with the geometric center of the pallet (±5% along the length and ±10% along the width of the pallet). The cargo is moored to the Pallet using nets. Loading of pallets into the aircraft is carried out using on-board mechanization along roller tracks or ball panels. Pallets are secured in the aircraft using standard rail locks using the side pallet fittings.

In civil aviation, universal aviation containers UAK-5 and UAK-10 are also used, with a carrying capacity of 5.67 and 11.34 tons (taking into account the weight of the container). Loading, rigging and securing containers is done in the same way as pallets.

Cargo in containers is secured with top straps (if the gap between the cargo and the ceiling is more than 200 mm). Containers are closed, sealed and numbered.

Containers and pallets are placed on the aircraft in accordance with the alignment schedule and loading pattern. The permissible error in alignment should not exceed ±0.5% of MAR.

Large cargo is secured on the aircraft with special cables, chains or belts using mooring points.

The main and additional equipment is taken into account in the operating weight of the aircraft.

Crew mass - the mass of the flight crew. Its value in kg is determined by the formula:


80 - standard weight of one flight crew member in kg;

n" - number of crew members.

The mass of flight attendants is the mass of crew service personnel.

Its value in kg is determined by the formula:

where 75 is the standard weight of one flight attendant (flight operator) with hand luggage in kg; - the number of flight attendants (flight operators) on the aircraft. The value is determined by the passenger capacity of the aircraft (one flight attendant for every 50 passengers), the carrying capacity and the complexity of on-board mechanization for loading and unloading operations.

For example, on Il-86 aircraft, 350 passengers are served by 8-12 flight attendants. The large payload capacity (40 tons) and complex mechanization of the Il-76T aircraft determines the presence of two operators on board.

The weight of flight attendants (operators) is taken into account in the operating weight of the aircraft.

Weight of food products - total standardized weight

food products with packaging, dishes and containers, souvenirs for sale, soft equipment and literature.

The total standard weight of food products consists of products rationed for a given flight for the crew and passengers and products in excess of the norm for sale.

The amount of food, souvenirs and light equipment increases significantly with the introduction of first class passenger service.

The weight of food products is taken into account in the operational weight of the aircraft.

Commercial load weight - total weight of passengers,

luggage, mail, cargo, winter coats. The value is determined by the formula:

Maximum payload weight - the largest payload, limited by the number of passenger seats, the capacity of luggage and cargo spaces and the strength of the airframe structural elements. This ensures high efficiency and safety of air transportation throughout the entire service life of the aircraft.

Limit weight of commercial load - largest

The smallest of the two is taken as:

Calculation of the second value of the maximum payload comes down to determining the difference between the maximum permissible and operational weight of the aircraft at takeoff.

This difference is calculated taking into account fuel:

Two values ​​of the maximum commercial load must be compared with each other and the smallest of them taken as the desired value

The safety requirements for takeoff, flight and landing in the expected conditions of the upcoming flight are ensured by limiting the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft and the maximum payload.

Ballast mass is a balancing mass that ensures flight alignment of the aircraft in the absence of sufficient payload.

For example, refueling an aircraft with a swept wing shifts the CG back so much that a small load placed in the forward part of the fuselage may not ensure flight alignment of the aircraft - the overall gravity force of the aircraft mg will be in the CG behind the flight alignment range (Fig. 1). In such cases, ballast is additionally loaded into the forward part of the fuselage, the gravity of which shifts the aircraft's CG forward from CG 4 to CG 2.

The displacement value (in) is determined from the moment equation

In Fig. 1, the resulting force of gravity is depicted conventionally with a dotted line, since either the components and or their resultant act on the plane. In practice, the value is determined by the DC using the CG in the process of calculating the commercial load and is included in the actual commercial load.

Airplanes use sandbags weighing 80-100 kg, cast iron bars, antifreeze liquid, and fuel as ballast. Sandbags and cast iron bars are usually placed in the front of the No. 1 cargo compartment (trunk). On an Il-62 aircraft, antifreeze or fuel is poured into the ballast tank into tank No. 6.

On the Tu-154 aircraft - fuel in tank No. 4.

Aircraft loading - placement (availability) of passengers in the cabins; luggage, mail, cargo, ballast in luggage and cargo areas; ballast liquid or fuel in the aircraft tanks in accordance with the CG, loading scheme, consolidated loading list (CLV).

The mass of the aircraft without fuel is the total mass of the aircraft

summer, prepared for the flight, but not refueled. The value is determined by the formula

The weight of the aircraft without fuel is used to simplify the calculation of commercial load placement on long-haul aircraft using the CG.

Long-haul aircraft include 1st and 2nd class aircraft with a large amount of fuel (Il-62, Il-76T, Il-86, Tu-154).

Fuel is taken into account when determining the dependence of aircraft alignment on fuel consumption using special graphs

Aircraft refueling - filling aircraft tanks with fuel, oil, special liquids, gas and water, or the presence of the listed components on the aircraft in accordance with the flight assignment. The bulk of refueling is fuel.

When calculating the payload, a relatively small mass of oil, special liquids, gases and water are taken into account in the mass of the empty equipped aircraft.

The fuel mass (filling) is pre-calculated by the navigator on duty at the departure airport and specified by the crew.

Fuel mass is the sum of: flight fuel mass /t.pol and aeronautical fuel reserve (ANF)

The mass of fuel is taken into account in the operating weight of the aircraft. Aircraft operating weight - take-off weight

aircraft, but without commercial load.

The value is determined by the formula:

The operating weight of an aircraft is the sum of the masses of the empty loaded aircraft, crew, flight attendants (operators), food and fuel.

The operating weight of the aircraft is used in calculating the maximum payload, takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft.

Maximum permissible take-off weight of the aircraft -

the largest weight of the aircraft at launch, determined by safety requirements under the conditions of the upcoming takeoff, flight and landing.

The value is determined by engineering and navigational calculations.

The maximum permissible landing weight of the aircraft is determined, taking into account the characteristics of the main and alternate airfields and expected weather conditions. The maximum permissible flight weight of the aircraft is calculated taking into account the flight level and the fuel required for the flight. Determined taking into account the results obtained, characteristics and weather conditions of the departure aerodrome.

Practically it is calculated in advance and later clarified by the navigator on duty. The calculated value ensures safety in all flight modes.

Using it, the DC makes a preliminary calculation of the value

And preliminary calculation

During the pre-flight preparation process, the crew specifies the fuel supply, the permissible landing, flight and take-off weight of the aircraft. The DC makes the final calculation of the maximum payload, and if the take-off weight is exceeded, the takeoff length increases and the aircraft's rate of climb decreases. The runway may not be long enough for takeoff.

The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft is the largest

the mass of the aircraft at launch, limited by the strength of the airframe structure.

The aircraft structure is affected by external forces - lift, drag force, landing gear reaction force and mass forces as a result of the acceleration of the aircraft and gravity.

Flight safety based on the strength of the aircraft structure is ensured during the service life of the aircraft only if the above loads, mainly mass forces for which the structural strength is calculated, do not exceed

The flight weight of an aircraft is the mass of the aircraft at a given moment in flight.

The flight of the aircraft is carried out due to the thrust of the engines, which overcomes the aerodynamic resistance and ensures the creation, with the help of the wing, of the lifting force of the aircraft. At the same time, fuel is produced and the flight weight of the aircraft continuously decreases from On aircraft with gas turbine engines, the largest difference reaches 50% of

Maximum permissible flight weight of the aircraft -

the largest weight of the aircraft, determined by safety requirements under the conditions of the upcoming flight.

The value of the maximum permissible flight weight of the aircraft is determined in the engineering and navigational calculation, based on weather conditions, the planned flight level, as well as fuel consumption and is taken into account in

Exceeding the aircraft's flight weight is accompanied by an increase in the angle of attack of the wing to increase lift, which can lead to supercritical angles of attack and stalling of the aircraft.

Maximum permissible landing weight of the aircraft -

the largest weight of the aircraft, determined by safety requirements under the conditions of the upcoming landing.

The maximum permissible landing weight is determined at the beginning of the engineering and navigational calculation, taking into account the characteristics of the main and alternate airfields and expected weather conditions. Excess is determined on the basis

The aircraft's landing weight is accompanied by an increase in the aircraft's descent rate during landing and the length of the run, which can lead to a rough landing with destruction of the aircraft's structure, as well as to runaway from the runway.

Maximum landing weight of an aircraft is the largest weight of an aircraft upon landing, limited by the strength of the airframe structure.

Flight safety, based on the strength of the aircraft structure, is ensured throughout the entire service life of the aircraft only if the landing weight does not exceed the maximum landing weight of the aircraft;

Colonel V. Shilov

In order to optimize the processes of managing the components of the strategic offensive forces (SNA), it was decided to create a global strike command (GSU*) within the US Air Force, the main tasks of which (headquarters AFB Barksdale, Louisiana) were the administrative management of subordinate units, planning the combat use of the air component of the SNA, organizing combat training of units and their comprehensive support. To date, the transfer to the administrative subordination of KGU 8 VA (AvB Barksdale, Louisiana) of the US Air Force has been largely completed. At the same time, it was planned to withdraw a number of supporting air wings from the 8th VA, which should be reassigned to the 12th and 9th VA (Davis-Monthan Air Force, Arizona, and Shaw Air Force, South Carolina, respectively).

Carrying out reorganization measures will allow the command of the 8th Air Force to concentrate efforts on increasing the operational and combat readiness of subordinate units of the strategic bomber aviation (SBA), primarily in the nuclear version of combat use.

In recent years, the views of the American leadership on the role and significance of the SBA in modern warfare and the methods of its application have changed significantly. In accordance with these views, strategic bombers, while remaining one of the elements of ensuring nuclear deterrence, are an important means of solving problems when conducting combat operations using conventional weapons.

Air Force Global Strike Command
Eighth Air Force
Twentieth Air Force
Organization of a heavy bomber wing

The main tasks for strategic bomber aviation are defined as: delivering strikes in a short time against targets anywhere in the world, including time-critical and mobile enemy targets, preventing the enemy from capturing (in the event of aggression against another state) key infrastructure facilities ( airfields, ports, etc.) and thereby creating favorable conditions for the transfer and deployment of general-purpose force contingents in the region, providing them with air support and conducting systematic combat operations as part of expeditionary formations.

Organizationally, strategic bombers, which are a component of the regular air force, are consolidated into five air wings within the 8th (2, 5 and 509 tbakr) and 12th (7 and 28 tbakr) air armies. The Air Force reserve components have one strategic bomber (SB) squadron. During a period of threat or in crisis situations, the security forces are transferred to the operational subordination of the commander of the joint strategic command of the US Armed Forces or the commander of the US Air Force in forward zones. The combat strength of air wings includes one to three squadrons of eight B-2A, eight or 12 B-1B, eight or 11 B-52N.

To support the operations of strategic bomber aviation, up to 300 transport and refueling aircraft can be recruited from the US Air Force Airlift Command and Air National Guard units.

The US Air Force's strategic bomber fleet consists of 160 aircraft (76 B-52N, 64 B-1B and 20 B-2A) in service and in reserve. An additional six bombers are involved in testing and R&D (four B-52N and two B-1B). There are also about 80 SBA aircraft in storage at Davis-Monthan Air Base (AVB), of which only 17 aircraft (13 B-52N and four B-1B) can be brought into combat readiness.

Organization of a heavy bomber aviation wing. The heavy bomber wing is the main organizational unit of the US Air Force SBA. It consists of a headquarters, administrative and financial squadrons, an operations group, a maintenance and repair group, an airfield support group and a medical group (see diagram).

Wing Headquarters is responsible for all activities of the wing, maintaining the established level of its combat readiness and preparing for combat missions.

Administration Squadron is responsible for resolving legal and personnel issues, monitoring the level of professional training of personnel, compliance with equipment operating rules and safety precautions, as well as for conducting various protocol events (ceremonies, receptions, etc.).

Finance Squadron designed to resolve issues of budget planning and distribution of financial resources, control and analysis of cash expenses, and preparation of financial reports.

Task Force includes bomber aviation squadrons (from one to three), an air training squadron and a flight support squadron. It is entrusted with the following main tasks: planning the combat use of aviation squadrons, preparing personnel for combat operations in any region of the globe, educating and training crews in the use of weapons, and working out issues of tactical and mobilization training. In addition, the group’s personnel are responsible for weather support, organizing air traffic control, receiving and transmitting intelligence data to combat units about targets and the situation in the combat mission area, operating simulators, computer systems and other ground equipment used to train personnel.

The maintenance and repair group is designed to plan and organize the provision of the wing with the necessary facilities and equipment, maintaining the aircraft fleet at the required level of technical readiness, preparing and training wing technical specialists, staffing and training maintenance teams and equipping aircraft with ammunition. The main issues resolved by its personnel are: maintenance of aircraft, their on-board equipment, weapons and ammunition systems, accounting for the service life of equipment, and determining the needs for logistics equipment.

Aerodrome technical support group designed to maintain reliable and uninterrupted functioning of communication systems, distribution and display of information, maintenance and repair of air base and military camp equipment, ensuring the safety and security of aircraft and personnel, carrying out fire-fighting and anti-terrorism measures, accounting and distribution of logistics funds, developing procurement programs for the required materials and inclusion of contracts for their supply. monitoring the efficiency of material distribution, creating reserve stocks of materials and property, and transport support for the air wing. In addition, the group’s responsibilities include resolving issues related to compliance with environmental requirements during the operation of the air wing.

Medical group is responsible for all types of medical and preventive services for military personnel and civilian specialists of the wing and members of their families. This group is responsible for solving the following main tasks: planning of medical support, medical insurance, inpatient and outpatient treatment of military personnel and members of their families, disease prevention, medical propaganda, analysis of the impact of weapons of mass destruction on the human body, laboratory research, epidemiology of military service, prevention occupational diseases.

Combat composition of strategic bomber aviation.

Strategic bomber B-52N "Stratofortress", developed by Boeing, put into service in 1961, deliveries to the troops were completed at the end of 1962. A total of 102 aircraft were produced. Currently, 76 aircraft are in service, four are involved in testing and R&D, and 13 are in storage at the Davis-Monthan Air Base.

The average service life is more than 45 years, the assigned resource is 34,800 hours, the average flight time per aircraft is 18,000-19,000 hours. The estimated service life of the aircraft is up to 2030-2044. The bomber has dual-mission status and is capable of operating with both nuclear and conventional weapons. Transfer to nuclear or non-nuclear status is conditional and does not require any modifications or changes in the design of ammunition suspension units. B-52N aircraft are carriers of long-range air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs) (both nuclear and non-nuclear) and, at maximum load, can carry 20 missiles (eight on a universal rotary launcher in the bomb bay and 12 on an external sling) .

B-52N bombers are currently the most suitable for conducting combat operations using conventional weapons in the interests of general forces. To expand the capabilities of these aircraft to use conventional weapons, it is planned to equip them with promising high-precision weapon systems.

Despite the long service life, the aircraft retains high flight performance, has a significant flight range, and is capable of carrying a large bomb load and a variety of weapons. Its main disadvantage remains its relatively low capabilities to overcome the air defense of a potential enemy. The bomber requires a significant number of tactical aviation forces to suppress ground-based air defense systems, clear airspace and escort. In this regard, the US Air Force command assigns it the priority role of an ALCM carrier operating outside the zone of active air defense systems. In addition, the B-52N is planned to be used to conduct massive bombings in areas with weak countermeasures from air defense systems.

Strategic bomber B-1B "Lancer", developed by Rockwell, put into service in July 1985, deliveries to the troops completed in August 1988. A total of 100 aircraft were produced. There are 82 vehicles in service (52 in combat, 12 in active reserve, two are used for testing and R&D, four B-1Bs are stored at the Davis-Monthan AB, which can be brought into combat-ready condition).

The average service life of this bomber is about 20 years, the average flight time is about 6,000 hours, the service life is 15,000 hours. The estimated service life is until the 2030s. The B-1B is designed to destroy enemy strategic targets using both nuclear and conventional weapons. It has high flight characteristics (supersonic flight speed, high maneuverability, large payload mass, the ability to fly at low altitude in automatic terrain following mode) and powerful weapons, which will allow it to operate independently or as part of a group on the most important and protected by strong air defenses directions.

The B-1B is designed to carry various types of aviation ammunition (mainly nuclear). This is ensured by the presence of three bomb bays on it and the possibility of suspending ventral pylons (six twin for the AGM-129A ALCM, six twin and two single for the AGM-86B ALCM and aircraft bombs). With the maximum configuration, the aircraft can be equipped with: in the nuclear version - up to 24 aerial bombs, in the conventional version - up to 84 aerial bombs of 500 lb caliber.

B-1B aircraft are considered by the US Air Force command as the main bombers for operations with conventional weapons, and therefore measures are being taken to transfer them to non-nuclear status. However, the procedures for converting these aircraft into a non-nuclear version do not meet the requirements for bringing the pylon suspension units and weapon bays into a state unsuitable for carrying nuclear weapons (NW), which does not make it possible to verify that the aircraft cannot use nuclear weapons.

To increase the effectiveness of the combat use of the B-1B, a program is being implemented to further modernize the aircraft in order to expand the set of guided aircraft weapons used, as well as improve the on-board systems (computers, electronic warfare stations, sighting and navigation equipment and retrofitting for a promising optoelectronic sighting system). After modernization, the B-1B bombers are planned to be used independently or as part of mixed aviation formations to launch strikes both from long ranges and in areas of operation of the enemy’s air defense system.

Strategic bomber B-2A "Spirit", developed by Northrop-Grumman, entered service in December 1993. The aircraft, made using stealth technology, is designed to covertly overcome modern air defense systems and subsequently destroy strategic targets deep in enemy territory, primarily mobile ICBM systems, with both nuclear and conventional weapons. Currently, the SBA has 20 such vehicles in service, of which 16 are in combat service and four are in active reserve. Given the current intensity of operation, as well as taking into account the design service life of the aircraft (about 40,000 hours), the B-2A strategic bombers can be in service with the US Air Force until 2030-2040.

In the version of using the B-2A bomber with conventional weapons, up to 80 guided bombs of 500 lb caliber, up to 16-2,000 lb, or eight - 5,000 lb, can be suspended on the aircraft. Plans of the US Department of Defense do not yet provide for equipping B-2A bombers with nuclear-armed ALCMs, however, the design of the aircraft includes the technical capabilities of mounting 16 missile launchers on two rotor launchers in the bomb bays.

During the modernization of B-2A vehicles, it is planned to replace the standard phased array antenna (PAR) with aperture synthesis and electronic scanning in azimuth and mechanical in elevation, located along the leading edges of the wing consoles, with a new active phased array antenna (AFAR) of 2-cm length range waves with electronic beam scanning developed by Raytheon.

The installation of such an antenna array with the adjustment of the operating frequency range to higher ones is primarily due to the requirements to increase the station’s noise immunity from signals from commercial satellite communication systems operating in a similar frequency range. In addition, it is believed that the use of AFAR will allow for simultaneous search and tracking of ground targets, scanning of airspace and electronic jamming, as well as increasing the detection range of ground targets and increasing the resolution of the station. The conversion of the entire bomber fleet is scheduled to take place between 2010 and 2013.

Increasing the effectiveness of the combat use of SBA aircraft is regarded by the American command as one of the priority tasks. Taking into account future requirements and in order to eliminate deficiencies identified during combat operations in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, the US Air Force is implementing a number of relevant programs to modernize strategic bombers of all types in service. After their completion, the composition of the weapons used should be significantly expanded in range and quantity.

As part of the implementation of the concept of “Conducting combat operations in a single information space,” it is planned to significantly increase the speed of receiving, processing and transmitting target designation data arrays by increasing the throughput of on-board communications. Activities in this area include, in particular, equipping all SBA aircraft by 2010 with new high-speed data transmission equipment "Link-16", which will allow processing data with a delay of no more than 3 minutes.

Along with the active modernization of bombers in service, which are planned to remain in service until 2030-2040, new generation aircraft are being developed. Thus, the US Air Force is conducting conceptual studies to determine the appearance of a transitional strike aircraft. This machine is supposed to replenish the fleet of existing bombers before the deployment of promising strike systems to the troops. This will make it possible to maintain the combat capabilities of strategic bomber aviation at the required level as the B-52N and B-1B aircraft are scheduled to be decommissioned.

A promising strategic bomber must have: a combat radius that allows air strikes from the continental United States and forward air bases in areas of the most likely military conflicts; the purchase price is not more than $300 million; weight and size indicators reduced by 2-3 times compared to B-2A; the ability to use, along with nuclear weapons, the most modern models of high-precision air-to-ground weapons in non-nuclear equipment, including a wide range of small-sized ammunition, as well as air-to-air guided missiles.

In addition, in order to make the most effective use of SBA aircraft, increased attention is paid to the organization of combat training, the main content of which is to ensure the constant readiness of strategic bombers for immediate use and increase the efficiency of their use with conventional weapons, including from forward-based airfields. The training of flight crews is carried out comprehensively and is characterized by a great deal of operational activities of different nature, scale and tasks. The average crew workload is about 210 hours per year. Flight manning levels are up to 1.5 crew for each combat-ready B-1B and B-52N. and for B-2A bombers, in order to ensure the ability to conduct long-duration flights with high intensity, it is planned to have up to two crews per aircraft.

Deployment of strategic bomber aircraft. Under normal peacetime conditions, the SBA is stationed at five main air bases in the continental United States: Minot (North Dakota) - 22 B-52H, Ellsworth (South Dakota) - 24 B-1B, Whiteman (Missouri) - 16 B-2A Dyess (Texas) ) - 12 B-1B and Barksdale (Louisiana) - 41 B-52N.

During testing of tasks in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the European zone, up to 16 airfields can be used for temporary basing.

The dispersal of duty forces during their build-up in the context of an aggravation of the international situation can be carried out at 35 airfields. If necessary, it is planned to additionally use up to 50 such facilities in the continental United States and Canada as spare ones. After strategic bombers complete a combat mission, the possibility of them landing at airfields located in Asia and Africa cannot be ruled out.

Combat readiness, combat duty of the SBA. In accordance with current standards in the US Air Force, about 75% of the combat strength of bombers is maintained in combat readiness. This is ensured by their relatively high technical reliability, developed repair and restoration base, high staffing of aviation wings and the presence of active reserve aircraft in air units (according to standards, about 20% of the combat personnel). The latter are maintained in good condition and are intended to replace regular aircraft in the event of their loss (crash, accident, loss of the initial period of hostilities) or during long-term repair or maintenance work. It takes 14-16 hours to prepare one active reserve aircraft for a combat mission.

Round-the-clock combat duty of strategic bombers at airfields under normal peacetime conditions has been canceled since October 1991, but during a threatened period it can be resumed within 24 hours. The composition of the SNA duty forces is determined by the military-political leadership of the country and with the introduction of increased levels of readiness in the US Armed Forces it can be increased to 100%.

Combat duty can be carried out along six to seven routes. In this case, bombers in pairs travel to patrol areas, where they disperse and fly for 2-5 hours along individual routes. They then return in pairs to the departure air base. The flight duration is 12-24 hours with one to three in-flight refuelings, which are provided by transport and refueling aircraft operating from air bases in Canada, Alaska, Iceland and Greenland.

In 2009, a decision was made to allocate one B-52H squadron on a rotational basis to perform exclusively nuclear missions. In accordance with the plans, during one year nuclear tasks are performed by 23 and 69 tbae 5 tbaqr (each alternately for six months), during the next year - 20 and 96 tbae 2 tbaqr (also within six months each).

Organization of in-flight refueling. The successful completion of combat missions by SBA aircraft largely depends on the organization of refueling bombers along their flight routes. In peacetime conditions, over 40% of the total flight time of refueling aircraft is allocated to support the activities of strategic bomber aviation. To support the operations of SBA aircraft, over 300 refueling aircraft can be brought in from the US Air Force Airlift Command and Air National Guard units.

The organization of refueling of strategic bombers during a massive sortie is carried out by the USC headquarters together with the headquarters of the BAC. STOC and Reserve Component Commands. In other cases, the procedure for refueling is determined by the air wing headquarters based on the nature of the mission being performed, safety requirements and instructions from higher headquarters.

The first refueling of bombers in the air is carried out, as a rule, 3 hours after takeoff, the second - 4-6 hours after the first. During long flights, bombers can refuel 5-6 times along the route. Depending on the amount of fuel transferred, the order of transport and refueling aircraft per bomber is determined (one or two KS-135 per one SB or one KS-10 per one to four SB).

Refueling in the air is carried out, as a rule, at altitudes of 7,000 m and above at flight speeds of 600-700 km/h. The average duration of refueling a B-52N is 25-30 minutes, the length of the route is 300-400 km. Responsibility for refueling rests with the TZS commander. Transport and refueling aircraft can follow in the combat formations of bombers (refueling by escort method) or wait for them in specially designated areas (refueling by meeting along the route).

Combat control of strategic aviation organized using satellite and shortwave communication systems. The basis of the strategic aviation combat control system is the US Air Force Afsatcom satellite communications system (SCC), the US Air Force global shortwave communications system (GSCS), and the USC communications system.

SSS "Afsatcom" is designed to support the activities of the highest command bodies of the US Armed Forces, strategic offensive forces, primarily strategic aviation, command posts of aviation and missile units. It ensures the collection of data on the state of strategic forces in the interests of the USC headquarters, as well as the automatic transmission of combat orders and instructions . The Afsatcom system does not have its own communications satellites. It uses UHF repeaters installed on board the SDS-type data transmission satellites, as well as communication satellites with different orbital characteristics, which increases the survivability of the system and ensures global coverage, including when using USC forces and assets in polar regions. Ground stationary complexes of the Afsatcom SSS are deployed at command posts of all headquarters of USC units and at the Air Force control bodies.

Strategic aviation aircraft (bombers, TZS and RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft) are equipped with on-board satellite communication transceiver stations. air command posts, repeater aircraft of the Takamo system, as well as AWACS and control aircraft of the AWACS system.

Along with stationary and aircraft, mobile stations and communication centers can be deployed to support operational activities and exercises of the US Armed Forces (Air Force) and USC.

On the basis of the Afsatcom SSS, the direct-printing radio network USC of the US Armed Forces has been created and is being used. The radio network includes several subnets, for the formation of which various satellite channels are used. Messages in subnetworks of aviation wings are transmitted, as a rule, in a formalized form. During daily combat training activities, the radio network channels broadcast orders from the General Staff and the main center of global operations of the USC, reports from bomber and refueling aircraft crews, formalized coded control signals, various communication checks, as well as other official information. When conducting private exercises and special operations, the forces and assets involved in them are allocated separate (reserve) Afsatcom channels. For some combat training activities, special report forms have been developed that are used by strategic aviation with special target groups.

The US Air Force GKSS, modernized under the program, entered full-scale operational use in 2003. During the modernization, the following was carried out: consolidation of ground nodes of HF communication systems into a single network, replacement of outdated equipment with unified Rockwell transceiver kits, ensuring automation of the processes of establishing and maintaining communication channels, as well as installation of additional kits. The basis of the new system is 12 ground communication nodes (CS) of the US Air Force GCSS, as well as one node each from the Mystic Star system and HF communications of the Navy. Five of these USAs are located in the continental United States and nine are outside the US.

The operation of the system is based on the principle of organizing communication and control from a single main control center (AvB Andrews, Maryland) using other ground stations as remotely or locally controlled repeaters. At the same time, the connection of all CSs to each other by lines of various types of communication and the use of uniform software and hardware provide sufficient flexibility for decentralized network management, while any CS can perform the functions of the main station of the network. GCSS is interfaced with short-wave switching nodes of the unified communications system of the US Department of Defense.

Terminals of this system are installed on all US Air Force strategic aircraft. The Air Force Global HF Communications System is used to communicate emergency response messages to U.S. military units globally.

In general, the procedure and content of transmitted information are similar to those adopted in the Afsatcom SSS. During inter-base flights to forward zones, as well as during strategic aviation flights beyond the North American continent, flight mission data (air base, departure and landing times, mission progress, weather conditions along the route) are transmitted through the system. In addition, telephone channels of the DSN communication system are used to communicate between crews and control points.

Thus, the American military leadership continues to view strategic bomber aviation as one of the most important instruments of strategic deterrence, as well as an effective means of solving problems during armed conflicts. This is evidenced by the active involvement of a number of large advanced air bases in the territories of other countries for basing strategic bombers, as well as the ongoing program to equip strategic bombers with advanced weapons, communications and avionics systems.

Bomber aviation is one of the branches of Frontline Aviation of the air force of the armed forces of the state, designed to destroy ground (surface), including small and mobile, objects in the tactical and immediate operational depths of enemy defenses using nuclear and conventional weapons

The purpose of bomber aviation and its tasks

The purpose of bomber aviation is to act in the interests of earthly troops in close cooperation with them and to carry out independent combat missions.

Light bomber aviation is normally included in the army, front-line and main command aviation. It is assigned tasks of both operational and tactical significance.

Light bomber aircraft are used in cooperation with other types of aircraft, independently and in cooperation with ground forces over the battlefield.

It is used for actions for the following purposes:

  • a) concentrations of troops;
  • b) enemy defensive structures;
  • c) troop command and control bodies - headquarters and communications centers;
  • d) supply bases;
  • e) trains and railway and dirt tracks;
  • f) enemy aircraft located at airfields.

In addition, light bomber aircraft may be tasked with countering an enemy air invasion.

Medium bomber aircraft are closer in use to heavy aircraft, but can sometimes be used over the battlefield.

Heavy bomber aircraft are the means of the main command and front command. It is mainly intended to carry out strategic and operational tasks on a front-line scale and only in some cases can it be temporarily involved in performing army tasks.

Heavy bomber aircraft, according to the views of bourgeois military experts, can be used especially fully in the initial period of the war. Its main tasks will be the destruction of the enemy's means, which give him the opportunity to wage war, and the disorganization of the entire political and economic life of the enemy country. From these main tasks follows the need to use heavy bomber aircraft over the entire possible radius of its operations, trying to cover the entire deep rear of the enemy, while simultaneously influencing the sea and land routes of communication connecting it with other states.

Hence, the likely targets of heavy bomber aircraft will be:

  • a) large military, administrative and political centers;
  • b) economic centers and facilities in the main areas of the mining and manufacturing industries;
  • c) railway, sea and air transport;
  • d) warehouses of various kinds of supplies, mainly located in the deep rear and which are the main sources of food for the troops and population of the country;
  • e) fortified areas, fortresses, naval bases and aviation centers;
  • f) manpower representing strategic reserves.

The use of bomber aircraft in various environmental conditions

Strategic use of bomber aviation in the interests of the front and the main command. With the strategic use of bomber aviation, its tasks will be:

  • a) prohibition of the transfer of large strategic reserves of the enemy from the depths of the enemy country to the front and from one front to another, with the destruction of railway junctions and sections of both direct and bypass, and sometimes sea ports;
  • b) gaining operational dominance in the air by striking at aviation centers, factories, bases and airfields located both directly in the front line and at great depths in the enemy’s location;
  • c) disorganization of its rear and destruction of combat supplies and other sources of power for troops to weaken the enemy’s resistance, with an attack on its front-line communications and supply warehouses concentrated on them, as well as communication and control centers;
  • d) destruction of the naval fleet at its bases and in areas of operation, both independently and in cooperation with naval forces. "

Operational use of bomber aircraft in the interests of the army. Bomber aviation, used in the interests of the army or subordinate to it, performs the following tasks:

  • a) to ensure superiority (dominance) in the air in the interests of the operation;
  • b) to isolate for a certain period of time the enemy troops operating at the front of the army from their rear so that they cannot be reinforced with reserves, reinforcements and use combat supplies advanced to them;
  • c) on the impact on operational reserves advancing to the front of the army along unpaved roads or located in areas of concentration;
  • d) to secure the flank of the army, to which the enemy’s motorized mechanized units or cavalry are advancing;
  • e) to disorganize the command and control apparatus;
  • f) to counteract amphibious landings.

In the first case, the targets of bomber aviation will be: aircraft factories, aircraft warehouses, aviation training centers, airfield hubs and individual airfields, permanent and field, and at the latter, equipment, personnel are destroyed, and in exceptional cases, airfields will become unusable. In the second case - railway junctions, stations and warehouses for supplies located on them, and in the deep rear and railway tracks, and the volume of destruction will vary depending on the goals (complete or partial destruction, determined by the time at which the object is destroyed).

When bombing railway junctions and stations, the objects of destruction will be: switch streets on the tracks, locomotive depots, reservoirs and water-lifting buildings; arrow control; rolling stock on the tracks. When bombing stages, destruction is caused over several stages and in as many places as possible on each stage.

In the third and fourth cases, the targets of bomber aviation will be infantry with reinforcements, motorized mechanized units and cavalry, both stationary and on the move; in the fifth case - radio stations, railway and administrative communication centers and individual lines, large military headquarters, etc.; in the sixth case - the sea transport and combat fleet both at the time of approaching the landing area and during landing.

The use of bomber aircraft in cooperation with ground forces.

As the experience of modern wars has shown, the use of bomber aircraft on the battlefield in cooperation with ground forces gives the most positive results. Therefore, it should be assumed that both light and medium bomber aircraft will be used directly above the battlefield and in the tactical rear of enemy troops. The possibility of sometimes using heavy bomber aircraft in the areas of the decisive strike cannot be ruled out.

When attacking a defending enemy, bomber aircraft should be responsible for:

  • a) impact on the entire enemy defense system before ground troops enter battle in order to interfere with the execution of engineering work and (to cause partial destruction of already completed work;
  • b) strengthening artillery preparation for the offensive by bombing both the front line of defense and individual enemy resistance centers;
  • c) bombardment of detected enemy reserves and his artillery and tanks;
  • d) disruption of logistics and management;
  • e) impact on the enemy’s rear defense line for the same purposes as in the first case;
  • f) prohibiting the approach of enemy reserves.

In an oncoming battle, the use of bomber aircraft will be expressed:

  • a) in attacks on columns of enemy troops, both those in oncoming movement and those advancing on the flanks of their troops;
  • b) in attacks on enemy troops located in concentrated formations (on vacation, at crossings, etc.);
  • c) in attacks on enemy artillery in its firing positions and tanks in waiting positions;
  • d) in disrupting the work of the enemy’s rear.

In a defensive battle, bomber aircraft are used to increase the power of artillery counter-preparation and to attack enemy troops as they approach the defensive zone. In the event of a breakthrough by enemy infantry and mechanized units, bomber aircraft assist in counterattacks, eliminating the units that have broken through. It can also be used to cut off enemy echelons heading into the resulting breakthrough, as well as to influence enemy artillery and airborne troops landing in the rear.

During pursuit and during disengagement from combat, bomber aircraft are used against the same targets as attack aircraft.