America's Worst Hurricanes. Hurricane Matthew hits Haiti Numerous casualties in Haiti

00:19 — REGNUM

The hurricane, which struck Haiti at 1100 GMT on October 4, hit the country's southwestern regions the hardest. Authorities and eyewitnesses report that many settlements flooded, heavy winds of 230 km / h broke trees and tore off roofs from houses, power lines were damaged in areas of natural disaster, there is no transport connection.

The number of evacuees amounted to 9,000 people, at least 150,000 people remain in the disaster area. The exact number of victims is unknown.

After Haiti, Hurricane Matthew will soon attack the east coast of Cuba, after which it will move northwest towards the US state of Miami, according to the National Hurricane Center.

As reported IA REGNUM, yesterday USAID announced the allocation of $400,000 in assistance to Jamaica and Haiti to combat Hurricane Matthew. A state of emergency in connection with Hurricane Matthew was previously declared in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Haiti. Three people have already become victims of the elements in different parts of the Caribbean.

Hurricane Matthew is the most powerful hurricane in the Atlantic since 2007. Currently, the hurricane is moving across the United States, leaving behind hundreds of lost lives, destroyed homes, entire settlements and cities. The greatest losses are observed on, which "Matthew" hit on October 4th. The wind speed then reached 230 km / h (64 m / s). Apart from strong wind, there were heavy rains and powerful storm surges. Houses were destroyed not only by hurricane winds, but also by falling trees and flooding. Earlier, the country's authorities announced 842 dead, but as of October 8, this figure increased to 877 people. The southwest of the island suffered the most. This is where the hurricane left devastating consequences. More than 3,200 dwellings were damaged or completely destroyed. Currently, about 350 thousand people need help. In Haiti, they continue to calculate the extent of damage and the death toll, which may increase even more in the near future.

The most powerful hurricane in the last decade has already brought a lot of grief. In the city of Jeremy in Haiti, about 80% of the houses were completely destroyed. However, the true scale of the tragedy has not yet been determined, since there are still many hard-to-reach places in Haiti where rescuers have not reached. The rubble is currently being cleared. Many Haitians are homeless, in dire need of food and drinking water. Epidemiologists are concerned that due to destruction, unsanitary conditions and water pollution in the country, an outbreak of cholera and other diseases could occur. In addition to Haiti, Cuba and the Bahamas were hit hard.

In the US, where Matthew is currently raging, a state of emergency has been declared. The states of Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina are under attack.

Haiti Hurricane Matthew video

Hurricane Matthew in Haiti photo

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew in Haiti has risen to 478. This was reported by Reuters, citing local authorities and rescuers.

According to President Jocelerme Priver, the situation can be called catastrophic.

As local authorities previously reported, a hurricane hit Haiti with a wind speed at the epicenter of about 230 km / h, demolishing houses, uprooting trees, flooding roads and villages. The south-west of the country, which was actually cut off from the outside world, suffered the most.

In the department of Grand Anse, which was hardest hit by the disaster, more than 21,000 people have been forced to seek temporary shelter in hostels due to the destruction of their homes.

Civil aviation authorities report 3,214 homes destroyed in the south.

The situation is complicated by the fact that in connection with the disaster, doctors expect an outbreak of cholera. This is reported by experts from the Pan American Health Organization, who also said that the disaster caused by Hurricane Matthew in Haiti is the "worst crisis" since the earthquake in 2010.

According to doctors, when 200,000 people were killed by an earthquake in Haiti six years ago, at least 9,000 more became victims of cholera. This was due to unsanitary conditions, the destruction of water infrastructure, and the lack of qualified medical care. Since 2010, the situation in Haiti has not fundamentally improved, and now, after the invasion of Hurricane Matthew, the situation has again become catastrophic.

Over the past six years, 970,000 cases of cholera have been recorded in Haiti, 27,000 of them this year.

"Canada deeply regrets the loss of life in Haiti due to Hurricane Matthew and is committed to providing the necessary assistance to those affected," the Canadian foreign minister was quoted as saying.

Germany will also allocate €600,000 in aid to Haiti to overcome the consequences of the hurricane. This was announced by the representative of the German Foreign Ministry Martin Schaefer.

“The Haitian government has asked the world community for support,” he said. “Foreign Minister Steinmeier decided yesterday to allocate €600,000 in aid.”

Meanwhile, in Cuba, the American authorities decided to evacuate the staff of the prison in Guantanamo Bay. In total, more than 300 thousand people were placed in temporary homes in Cuba.

For Russians, the Dominican Republic and Cuba are not mass holiday destinations because of their high cost. In these countries, about 3-4% of Russian tourists can afford to rest, said Maria Konabeeva, Marketing Director of the 1001 Tour network. According to her, "the most favorite Russian resorts in the Dominican Republic and Cuba were not affected by the hurricane, our tourists were not affected." “There is a slight drop in demand, but in any case, this is not a mass direction and it did not affect overall sales,” she added.

The hurricane season usually lasts six months in the Atlantic - from June 1 to November 30. The atmospheric phenomenon is classified as a tropical storm and receives given name if the wind speed at its epicenter reaches 63 km/h. With a wind speed of 118 km / h or more, the storm becomes a hurricane.

The last Category 4 hurricane passed through Haiti in 1963 and claimed the lives of about 8,000 people.

In 2010, the island of Haiti experienced one of its most major disasters over the last century. Then, as a result of a powerful earthquake, thousands of residential buildings and almost all hospitals were destroyed. About 3 million people were left homeless. The National Palace, buildings, the ministries of public works, the ministries of communications and culture and the cathedral were also destroyed.

According to official figures, as of March 18, 2010, the death toll was 222,570 people, 311,000 injured, and 869 missing. The material damage is estimated at €5.6 billion.

People are powerless against the elements. You can only warn about its approach (and even then not always), but calculate the damage after it.

Consider the most expensive hurricanes in US history.

Hurricane Camille, 1969

It may not be the most expensive, but it's worth remembering. On August 17, 1969, one of the most powerful hurricanes in history, called Camille, swept through the Mississippi River region in the United States. As a result of rampant elements, 259 people died.

The tropical storm began on August 14, 1969, in the shortest possible time gained power to the level of the third category according to the Saffir-Simpson classification scale, passed along the eastern coast of Cuba and, rapidly continuing to increase in intensity, entered the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, causing tremendous destruction in its coastal territories and destroying nearly all infrastructure at the mouth of the Mississippi River. The wind speed of the hurricane reached 310 km / h, atmospheric pressure in the center dropped to 679 millimeters of mercury, the recorded wave height was 7.3 meters.

Camilla was the cause of the subsequent massive floods, landslides and deaths in the Mississippi and the Appalachian mountain range in Virginia. In total, the hurricane killed 259 people and caused about $1.42 billion in damage in 1969 dollars ($9.14 billion in 2005 terms)

Hurricane Andrew, 1992

The cyclone formed in the east Atlantic Ocean on August 16 and approached US territory eight days later. The wind speed reached 270 km/h. Hurricane Andrew destroyed 63,000 buildings. 230 thousand people were forced to leave their homes.

Damage from the hurricane amounted to $27.3 billion. Prior to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Hurricane Andrew was the most destructive hurricane in the United States on record.

Hurricane Ivan, 2004

Hurricane Ivan On September 2, 2004, a low pressure area began to form near Cape Verde, the next day the hurricane rushed at a speed of 25 km / h. By September 7, the speed of the hurricane had reached 200 km/h. The hurricane approached Jamaica at a speed of 260 km/h. Then "Ivan" turned to the Gulf of Mexico and hit Alabama.

By the end of September, the hurricane reached Virginia and New Jersey. On September 22, the hurricane again swept along the southeast coast, still had time to look into Texas and Louisiana, before disappearing forever. While passing through the United States, the hurricane caused 117 tornadoes. Damage from the hurricane in the US alone reached $18 billion, with total damage over $26 billion.

Hurricane Wilma, 2005

The cyclone formed on October 15 in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Jamaica. Gusts of wind reached speeds of 298 km/h. 62 people died, the damage was estimated at $27.4 billion.

It is the most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in Atlantic Ocean before Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Rita, 2005

It is one of the most intense US hurricanes and the most powerful tropical cyclone ever seen in the Gulf of Mexico. The hurricane formed on September 17, 2005 near the Turks and Caicos. It reached its maximum intensity on September 21, when the wind speed in the hurricane reached 1290 km/h or 80 m/s. At the same time, it was assigned the 5th category of a hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The hurricane made landfall on September 24 near the southern border of the states of Texas and Louisiana, weakening by that time to the third category. On the same day, having finally lost strength, he lost the status of a hurricane and a tropical storm.

The death toll from the hurricane was 120, of which 113 were in Texas. However, only 7 people out of 120 died directly from the hurricane; the rest fell victim to evacuation accidents, disease, and food poisoning. Damage from the hurricane - 18.5 billion dollars.

Hurricane Katrina, 2005

On August 23, 2005, the most destructive hurricane in US history, which formed near the Bahamas, hit Florida, then passed through the Gulf of Mexico and hit Louisiana and Mississippi. The wind speed was about 280 km/h.

It was a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, the sixth strongest Atlantic Basin hurricane on record. As a result of the disaster, 1,836 people died, and the economic damage was estimated at $125 billion. The most severe damage was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was under water. Congress allocated $110 billion to rebuild New Orleans.

"Help us! People, dog, cat.

Hurricane Ike, 2008
Hurricane Ike is the fifth hurricane of the 2008 season to approach the southeast coast of the United States, having previously hit Cuba.

On September 4, the hurricane was rated 4 on the five-point Saffir-Simpson severity scale. The storm's diameter was over 900 km. The epicenter of the storm was located approximately 1150 km southeast of the city of Wilmington (North Carolina), wind speeds reached 135 km/h.

In total (including Cuba), 214 people died, the damage was estimated at $ 38 billion.

Hurricane Sandy, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is a powerful tropical cyclone that formed in late October 2012 and affected Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas, Haiti, the coast of Florida and, subsequently, the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. The most severe damage was caused to the northeastern states of the United States, in particular the states of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.

The storm killed 185 people, and the economic damage was estimated at $68.7 billion.

Hurricane Irma, 2017

It is the longest running Category 5 hurricane on record and the deadliest Atlantic hurricane of the 2017 hurricane season.

Hurricane Irma formed on August 30, 2017 near the islands of Cape Verde when a strong tropical wave emerged from the African mainland. Due to favorable conditions, the hurricane intensified into a Category 2 hurricane just 24 hours after its formation. On September 5, Irma became a Category 5 hurricane. Winds reached 297 km/h (gusts of 360 km/h), making Irma the strongest Atlantic tropical cyclone since Wilma in 2005.

At least 134 people became victims of the hurricane. The material damage is estimated at 64.8 billion US dollars.

Hurricane Harvey, 2017

This is a tropical cyclone that caused catastrophic flooding in southeast Texas in August 2017 as a result of heavy rains. This is the first major hurricane at a US landfall. It is also the strongest hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico since Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Harvey killed at least 83 people. Damage - $ 125 billion. Because of the flooding in Houston, looting became frequent, so a curfew was introduced from 22:00 to 5:00.

Hurricane of destructive force Matthew covered the Bahamas and the capital of the state of Nassau. In the United States, on the eve of the hurricane, a state of emergency was declared in three states, and the governor of Florida called the storm a "real monster." Among the states that have already experienced the power of the elements, largest number victims recorded in Haiti - according to Friday morning, the death toll there has reached 339 people, according to Reuters.

BayNews9 reports that in Nassau, three dozen people have been rescued from blocked buildings due to the effects of the hurricane. According to meteorologists, the height of the waves on the coast can reach five meters. Up to 30 centimeters of precipitation is also expected.

According to the US National Hurricane Center, the wind speed in the center of Matthew is up to 210 kilometers per hour. NBC News meteorologist Bill Karins in his Twitter indicates that for the coast of the US state of Florida, every mile that a hurricane can go east or west of the predicted path is important, since it is still not clear whether the eye of the vortex will be over land.

FloridaToday lists Brevard County as the most likely location for the hurricane to reach the United States. So far, county authorities have opened shelters for residents, thousands of whom have been left without power due to power outages. The Orlando Sentinel is reporting heavy rain in Central Florida and issuing flood warnings for a number of counties.

The first state of emergency was declared in the state of Florida. Later, US President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in neighboring South Carolina, which is also in the path of the vortex, as well as in the state of Georgia. This decision allows local authorities to seek assistance from the Federal Agency for emergencies(FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security. White House press secretary Josh Earnest warned that Matthew was stronger than previously expected, reports TASS. In Florida, 6,000 National Guard reservists have been placed on high alert, with local authorities allowed to temporarily close schools at their discretion in case of worsening weather conditions.

In addition to states where a state of emergency has been declared, the hurricane also threatens the state of North Carolina. The number of residents of four states who have received recommendations from the authorities to evacuate has exceeded two million people.

Due to the hurricane, many US airlines, including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines, have announced the cancellation or rescheduling of their flights from airports located in the southeastern United States.

Numerous casualties in Haiti

The hurricane has already resulted in numerous casualties in Haiti, where 339 people are believed to have died. It is reported by Reuters with reference to local authorities.

RIA Novosti, citing Radio Television Caraibes, reports that the largest number of victims was noted in the commune of Chantal - 90 people, followed by the commune of Les Anglais - 85 dead. Search and rescue work continues, it is possible that the number of victims will increase.

According to rescuers, almost 35 thousand people were left without a roof over their heads.

The element destroyed about 80% of the buildings in the city of Jeremy in the southwest of the country in the department of Grand Anse, local authorities said that the city was completely destroyed.