The most unusual roads. The most unusual railways

Railways were built and are being built everywhere, regardless of the terrain. We know about the highest and most dangerous highway, about the longest and shortest road.

The most dangerous railway

Many railway lines can be called dangerous, but the road located in Argentina is recognized as the most dangerous. Its name is Tren a las Nubes, which translates as "Train to the clouds." During the journey, the road passes through tunnels, bridges, zigzags, descents and ascents. Tourists on the 15-hour route experience fear as the carriages literally make their way through the clouds. The train often slows down and slips, which is an additional reason for passengers to worry.

Moving along the banks of the canyons, the train crosses them on steel, seemingly weightless bridges. He ends his journey at an altitude of four thousand meters. The most famous place of the route is the old viaduct, built in 1930. During the trip, the train passes two zigzag rises, overcomes twenty-nine bridges, twenty-one tunnels and twelve viaducts, several times it makes a three hundred and sixty-degree turn.

On the verge of hysteria are the train passengers during a trip over one of the deepest canyons in Argentina, the depth of which is seventy meters. The train moves over the rickety bridge for five minutes without end.

The shortest railway

This year, the Pope allowed everyone to use their own railway. We are talking about the road connecting the station in Rome with the station in the Vatican. This railway was built back in 1934 in order to deliver the pontiff from the Vatican to Rome. All these years it has been available for use only to the current pope. Now everyone can use it for forty euros.

The length of the railway track between the stations is only one kilometer two hundred and seventy meters. It originates behind St. Peter's Basilica and passes by several sights of the city-state - this is the Second Vatican Cathedral, the Vatican Gardens, the Sextine Chapel, and numerous museums.

The highest mountain railway

Railroad tracks do not always pass through the plains. Often their construction is carried out in mountainous areas, over canyons or over the expanses of water of the seas. The highest mountain railway is considered to be the one that runs from the Chinese province of Qinghai to the autonomous region of Tibet. Its length is almost two kilometers.

The highest point of this road is at an altitude of five thousand seventy-two meters. Since at this altitude the atmospheric pressure is up to forty percent of normal, trains on this route are equipped with oxygen masks.

Construction was carried out for several decades due to many obstacles - high mountain ranges, rarefied air, permafrost. Thanks to the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet road, the outlying provinces received a powerful impetus for economic development.

The longest railway in the world

The title of the longest railway in the world was given to the Trans-Siberian Railway or the Trans-Siberian. For many years, this road has remained in first place in terms of length. Its length is nine thousand two hundred and eighty eight kilometers.

The giant highway, passing through the territory of Russia, connects European part continent from Far East, Ural, Siberia, connects ports in the south and west. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was due to the need for a uniform socio-economic development of a huge country.

Construction began in 1891, when the first stone was laid. The end of construction can be considered the year 1904, when the railway communication between Vladivostok and St. Petersburg appeared. Despite the opening of the Trans-Siberian Railway, construction work continued for many more years, until 1938, when a second track was laid. Amazing are not only railways, but also the trains that run on them. There is a site on the site that mentions underwater, the oldest, longest and other interesting trains.
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Each of us at least once in his life had to go on a long journey - someone for work, someone went on vacation, and for some the trip itself was an exciting journey and an exciting vacation. Roads have always been very important in the life of mankind, connecting cities and countries. Of course, first of all, roads have a functional role, but when building some of them, architects and builders paid attention not only to functions, but also to their appearance, and some of them are unique in their surrounding landscapes. Let's take a closer look at the 10 most unusual roads in the world.

Road in a snow tunnel (Japan)

The 90 km Tateyama Kurobe Road is a unique and mesmerizing alpine route in the North of the Japanese Alps that gets busiest in the spring due to the influx of tourists. Many people annually in April, when the snowfalls end, head to the Japanese Alps in order to look at the 20-meter-high snow walls that rise on both sides of the highway. It takes more than one week for snowplows to clear the corridor for the passage of vehicles after the winter.

Interstate Highway #10

The Katy Highway was laid out in the 60s in Texas and is considered the widest freeway in the world. The length of the highway is 37 kilometers. During this distance, the road consists mainly of 10 lanes, but there are sections where 26 lanes can be counted. Some of which are paid. And yet, despite its width, car owners still sometimes encounter traffic jams here. This is not surprising, because more than two hundred thousand cars pass the road every day!

Viaduct Millau, France

The Millau Viaduct is a bridge structure more than two kilometers long, passing through the valley of the Tarn River at an altitude of 343 meters. The bridge was opened in 2004 and has become one of the main attractions of France. He is the owner of three world records at once. Traffic is carried out in two lanes in each direction. Initially, the bridge was created to unload the national route number 9, which often formed traffic jams. Many are wondering about the advisability of building such an expensive and technically complex bridge, because it connects Paris with its neighboring small town of Beziers. In fact, this is a very important city for France despite its small size - it houses a huge number of elite educational institutions, as well as a center for advanced training. In these educational establishments seek to get not only the inhabitants of Paris, but also other cities. In addition, the bridge is one of the ways to attract tourists. The bridge takes on a particularly breathtaking view in cloudy or foggy weather, when it seems as if it is floating in the air.

Lombard Street, San Francisco

This street has become famous all over the world for its curvature. In fact, this is not a joke of architects, but a necessary measure. It used to be an ordinary straight road, but its big drawback was the high angle of inclination, due to which it was almost impossible to drive on it. All this significantly reduced the attractiveness of the area for residents who were in no hurry to rent housing here. In order to smooth the angle of the road and make it suitable for driving, it was decided to give it a zigzag shape. This street is not only very winding, but also incredibly picturesque. Along the edges of the road are lawns densely planted with all kinds of flowers. Traffic on the road is one-way, and the speed limit is 8 km/h. In general, you can’t drive at a higher speed here, because the turns are very sharp, and the segments between them are short.

Pan American Highway

The largest road network in the Americas is considered the longest. Its length is more than 40 thousand km. The name "Pan American Highway" is its unofficial name. Excluding the 87-kilometer Darien Gap, which runs through the jungle on the border of Panama and Colombia, the highway connects the national roads of the continental states of America into a single whole.

The most famous sections of the Pan-American Highway of North America are the Alaska Highway, which passes through Canada and, and the Inter-American Highway, the main highway connecting the Panama Canal and the United States. Construction took place during World War II by the US Army.

Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to drive along the largest road in the world. This is a very difficult task due to the presence of an insurmountable Darien Gap. Because of the nearby Panamanian reserves, environmentalists are protesting against the construction of a road here. Local representatives of indigenous peoples support this protest, as they do not want to disturb their usual way of life in the jungle.

The longest tunnel in the world

The Laerdal Tunnel connects the cities of Laerdal and Aurland and is a section of the E16 motorway. Its opening took place on November 27, 2000. The length of the tunnel is almost 25 kilometers, which makes it the longest in the world. Due to the presence on the roads of Norway of such difficulties as the risks of rockfalls, difficult mountainous areas, the northern climate, much attention is paid to tunneling. Such roads are the safest and can provide transport links. all year round. The duration of the trip through the 25-kilometer tunnel is approximately 20 minutes. So that motorists do not have time to get bored or fall asleep at the wheel, the designers carefully thought about the lighting. Great attention was also paid to security measures. A ventilation and air purification system passes through the tunnel, fire extinguishers and emergency telephones are installed.

Baldwin Street, New Zealand

This is an unusual street in Dunedin. The road was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the steepest city street on the planet. The slope of the road is 38 degrees. Its rise is relatively gentle, which allows you to accelerate before the steepest climb. The peculiarity of the road is that it is not paved, but covered with concrete. This is due to the climate of New Zealand - in hot sunny days the asphalt would simply stack down.

The street has become very popular with runners. The Baldwin Street Gutbuster Festival has become a tradition since 1988. According to the rules of the event, participants in the race must run up the road and then come back.

This is not the only event held in the city and not the most interesting. A charity festival Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Carnival is held on the street. The main entertainment of the festival is the rolling of small chocolates from above the street. The main task is to get candy into a special hole at the bottom of the street.

The narrowest road in the world Fairy Meadow in Pakistan

The road in Pakistan is perhaps the narrowest. Due to the fact that the path runs through the mountainous terrain, and the road goes along the cliffs, this narrow road is also considered very dangerous. The road is the starting point for climbers climbing the Himalayas and is called by them a very attractive name. Translated into Russian, "Fairy Meadow" is "Fairy Meadows". The locals do not share the enthusiasm of visiting climbers and call the road "Jute". In the late 90s, the track and its surrounding beauty were recognized by the Government of Pakistan as a National Park.

Storsesandet Bridge

The bridge runs along the "Atlantic Road", in addition to it, there are 8 more bridges, but Storsesandetsky is not only the longest of them, but also the most unusual. It was originally planned to build a horizontal bridge across the water, but for reasons unknown to anyone, the project changed and a bridge was erected with a slope into the sea, frightening those who are going to drive over the bridge for the first time. The peculiarity of the bridge is not only in the slope, but also in the fact that when the viewing angle changes, the shape of the bridge changes. The locals gave the bridge the name "Drunken Bridge". Indeed, it seems as if something happened and the bridge collapsed on its side. The road was opened in the late 80s and was tolled for 10 years.

Golian Tunnel

High in the mountains of the Chinese province of Henan, one of the most unusual and unique roads in the world, the Guolian Tunnel, is laid. Despite its relatively young age (the tunnel is only a few decades old), it is already widely known throughout the world. This tunnel serves as the only road to the village of the same name, which for a long time was cut off from the outside world by high impassable mountains. A 1.2 km long road was cut through rock on your own stubborn and hardworking villagers for 5 years. The titanic work was not in vain - the uniqueness of the road and the extraordinary beauty of the surroundings have become a bait for tourists, who pass here several thousand a year. All this was the reason for the prosperity of the village.

There are many roads in the world different types complexity, different layout and importance. Some of them pass between cities, others lead through mountains and valleys. In this collection, I will tell you about the most beautiful and famous roads in the world. They are very popular with hikers and hikers because of the picturesque landscapes and many twists and turns. Driving along such a road, you will not leave a feeling of delight, and sometimes even fear.

1. These roads are not only the most beautiful, but also the most winding. We have already written about the most dangerous roads in the world, this topic will be a continuation of the selection. We start at the Stelvio Pass in the eastern Italian Alps, this zigzag road extends up to 2.7 kilometers above sea level with around 60 hairpin bends. Looking at it from the side is very beautiful, but driving on it is very dangerous.

5. Trollstigen in Norway

This is one of the most unusual roads on our list, passing along the bed of a frozen river. It connects the remote corners of Canada with civilization, but only during the cold season, when the river is in a frozen state.

14. Atlantic Road in Norway

This is one of the most popular tourist routes in Norway, and its real decoration is Storsesandet bridge, which is often called the bridge to nowhere

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For the sake of such views, they go on a trip by car.

How great it would be to drop everything and go on a real road trip, when the wind plays in your hair, and only the horizon and kilometers of new roads lie ahead. But why delay? Right here and right now website offers you to see the most beautiful tracks in the world.

Running through dangerous serpentines and sand dunes, they become part of a beautiful landscape that opens up to everyone who dares to drive there.

Road along Tianmen, China

This highway is called the Big Gate Road, but the people simply call it the Road to Heaven. And the point is not even in the height to which the roadbed rises, but in the complexity and number of curled turns. Speaking of altitude, the road starts at 200 meters above sea level and rises to 1300 meters. It is also called the 99-turn road, as nine is a lucky number in China, symbolizing heaven and 9 palaces.

Los Corales, Chile

This road connects 2 countries of South America - Chile and Argentina. It runs along an extremely steep slope and has many very sharp turns, which makes it one of the most difficult in the world.

Florida Keys, USA

The Seven Mile Bridge is one of the most popular places on the islands of Florida. This is a unique masterpiece of engineering.

Dadès Gorges, Morocco

The "Dades Gorges" road in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco is famous for its sharp turns and deadly danger.

Transfagaras Highway, Romania

The Transfagaras highway is a mountain highway in the Carpathians, connecting the Romanian regions of Wallachia and Transylvania and passing through the Fagaras mountain range. According to the rating of the popular British TV show about cars Top Gear, this highway is the most interesting road in Europe.

Sani Pass, South Africa

Sani Pass is the highest mountain pass in South Africa, located in the Dragon Mountains at an altitude of 2880 m above sea level. Bypassing the Sani Pass, you find yourself in another state - Lesotho. The path here lies through one of the most high points mountains Drakensberg - "The Roof of Africa".

Stelvio Pass, Italy

This is the most winding road in Europe - it has 48 "hairpins", in some places the road becomes extremely narrow. It zigzags for almost 1.5 km, and then follows 275 meters of a gentler descent with many bends that still keep drivers on their toes.

Atlantic road, Norway

The 8 km long Atlantic Road was built in Norway specifically for tourists. The 12 bridges that connect the islets along the North Atlantic coast are a route to enjoy the beauty of nature, fresh breeze and a sense of freedom.

Some roads in the world are driven much less frequently than others! What is the reason? Perhaps they are too steep, too narrow, too winding. According to others - on the contrary, more often - because there are beautiful views, because it is convenient and fast. For the curious reader, a list of the "most-most" roads in the world.

The steepest road in the world

Baldwin Street, it would seem, is an ordinary suburban street in a town called Dunedin, on the South Island in New Zealand. But it is, in fact, very steep: the level difference between the beginning and end of the road is as much as 70 meters - and this is in a relatively short distance of 350 meters! That is, the road literally rises vertically before the eyes of a frightened driver - and, on the contrary, looks like a children's slide for the driver at the top point. The main thing on such a steep path is not to stall!

The iciest road in the world

The McMurdo Highway is a mile and a half section of dirt road on South Pole, connecting the American Antarctic stations called McMurdo and Amundsen - Scott. This track is literally a series of flags that are vital in such visibility conditions. The road is extremely dangerous, tiring and, of course, very isolated and monotonous.

The most dangerous road in the world

North Yungas Road in Bolivia is considered by many to be the most dangerous road on the planet. This section of the path, about 65 kilometers long, stretches from the Bolivian capital of La Paz through the mountains to the small town of Coroico. It's scary to think, but up to 200-300 travelers die on this route every year! Therefore, the locals called this serpentine "road of death." Most of the single-lane road, just over 3 meters wide, has no guardrails and runs at an altitude of up to 600 meters. During the rainy season, from November to March, rain and fog can seriously obstruct visibility, and runoff from the mountains sometimes turns the road into a muddy mess. In summer, dust clouds are not uncommon here.

The most winding road in the world

The Grimsel mountain pass in the Swiss Alps doesn't compete with the above "death road" in terms of danger, but try not to stare at the wonderful scenery along the way, because this is the most winding road in the world - and it won't take long to fall off! The road starts at Meiringen, at an altitude of 600 meters, and winds through the picturesque slopes to the Grimsel mountain shelter located on the shore of a small lake (at an altitude of 1,874 m).

The most unusual bridge in the world

And what, after all, the bridge is also a road! But is it a bridge? Judge for yourself: the Tokyo Bay Trans highway disappears halfway through the giant Tokyo Bay. How so? And here's how: this almost 10-kilometer highway is part bridge - part tunnel, and even with a giant floating parking lot right in the middle; yes, yes, let's talk about convenient parking!

The longest tunnel in the world

The journey from the picturesque village of Laerdal to Aurland in Norway is via a 25 km tunnel through a mountain range nearly 1,900 meters high. The construction of the tunnel cost a whopping $125 million, but the construction was vital - in heavy winter snowfalls, it became absolutely impossible to get to the neighboring point in any other way.

The longest road in the world

The Pan American Highway is recognized as the longest road in the world: it stretches as much as 47,958 kilometers from Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska through Canada, the USA, Central and South America to the town of Ushuaia, on the southern edge of Argentina. Traveling all this way means experiencing the features of almost all the climatic zones of the planet, and at the same time seeing some of the most beautiful places on Earth.

The highest bridge in the world

The Millau Viaduct is a 2460-meter bridge structure that passes through the Tarn River Valley in southern France at an altitude of 343 meters. The bridge is higher than main character France, Eiffel Tower. Can you imagine? The viaduct has acquired as many as three world records and has become one of the main attractions of the country.

The narrowest road in the world

The Fairy Meadow Road in Pakistan is probably the narrowest and most dangerous road in the world. Such a sweet name, which means "fabulous meadows", was awarded to the road by German climbers. Among local residents this track is known as "Jute". The road runs through pastures near one of the base camps of Mount Nanga Parbat, in the northwest of the Himalayas. The road passes at an altitude of about 3300 meters above sea level and serves as a starting point for travelers climbing to the harsh peak. In 1995, the Pakistani government declared the track and its surroundings a National Park.

The widest road in the world

With 26 lanes, the Katy Highway, or Interstate 10, is the widest road in the world. About 219,000 cars pass through it every day! Established in the 1960s, the freeway stretches 37 kilometers from its intersection with Highway 610 to Katy, Texas.

The highest paved road in the world

Running at an altitude of almost 5,000 meters across the Himalayas, the Karakorum and the Pamirs, the 1,300-kilometer Karakoram Highway is the highest paved highway in the world. In 1963, Pakistan and China signed an agreement to build a road that would bring mutual benefits to both countries. The road was opened in 1986.