Hellinger arrangements results. How do system alignments happen? Is it true that Hellinger is banned in Germany

Salt is the element of the Earth. Earth is one of the four elements - Fire, Water, Air. Only a powerful element can cope with the amount of negativity that is now in our world. All of us, living in society, boil in this negativity, like in soup. Someone is firmly bogged down in the very thick, someone is “floating” in the liquid. But, without a doubt, each person needs to pay attention to this article and choose one of the two - to do the procedures I have proposed or not. They are simple but extremely effective. These are salt baths for the feet.

It is impossible to overestimate the power of the influence of salt on the states of the entire multidimensional object - the human body. In fact, we can correct any process of the body with the help of salt.

It is better to take salt that has undergone the weakest processing in production. I recommend coarse salt. "Extra" or other crushed salt has a weaker charge, i.e. the duration of the procedures and their number will have to be increased. Sea salt can be used, but, in my opinion, it is simply unprofitable.

Once a man came to me, the trunk of his car was full of natural salt. He asked to charge it the right information for the recovery of his wife.
Looking at this amount of salt, I thought: “How a man loves his wife, he went, dug up in the mines.”

Who does not know, but it is very difficult! I will say right away that natural salt is very effective, and it was during its use for cosmetic purposes that I noticed a significant rejuvenating effect.

Weekly salt baths for the whole body can relieve a person of toxins, slagging of the body, dermatological problems (consultation), cellulite (complex procedures), body odors, skin laxity.

Salt baths for nails are also useful. You can use just salt, but you can also add a couple of drops of iodine. 15-20 minutes daily and ten days later you have strong nails. Just keep in mind that the old nail plate should come off naturally. Therefore, I recommend just once a week to do a salt bath for the whole body, and for nails - two more times a week. Then throughout life there will be no problems with nails and fungal diseases will not be terrible. But, let me remind you that every disease, like a fungal one, has mental reason- clogging of the subtle plane.

Therefore, we make baths and clean our energy.

by the most effective method the use of salt in the correction of energy processes is a foot bath.
A basin or a special bath is filled with water so that it covers the ankles. salt is needed quite a bit - one tablespoon. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes or more.
During the procedure, you need to try to realize what happened during the day. Forgive people who could hurt or bring negativity, forgive yourself for the wrong words and deeds and, looking into the past, close the necessary moments there with your forgiveness.
It changes a lot in life.

Then we pour the water into the toilet or take it to the far corner of your site, where no one walks and no tree grows. We pour and say:

“Forgive me, Mother Earth, for not knowing and understanding a lot. Help me annihilate (destroy) all the negative programs that prevent me from reaching happiness and joyfully giving love to the world. Thank you!"

After the spent solution has been poured out, it is necessary to rinse the feet, hands and wash. You can do the procedure before the shower.

When I have little time, but I need to remove something in my mood or fatigue, I pour a handful of salt on the floor in the shower and stand on it. I mentally ask Mother Earth to remove what I don’t need, ask for help in destroying my negativity and take a shower.
I appeal to the water, whose name is Auritas, with a request to give me wisdom and understanding of the world. I apologize to her for the fact that people messed up, I give her my love.

Salt pleasantly “scrubs” the soles of the feet. If you remember what your mood was like after walking barefoot on the grass, and even better, on the dewy one, remember? This is an extraordinary lightness, inspiration, a desire to embrace the whole world - I wanted to fly. So, after such a shower, similar sensations. But they will be such if the energy is in perfect order.
For a person who is starting to clean his energy, a shower is ineffective. You need to start with foot baths.

The simplest, everyday procedure is to put your feet in a basin of saline while watching television programs. I do not at all recommend television as a pastime, but if you find it difficult to find time for the procedure, then at first it is possible.
Let me remind you that if you do not have time for what you need, it means that you have not yet fully realized the need for such a procedure, that is, you simply do not want to do it yet.

Although, it is much more preferable to use this procedure for mental immersion in the cleansing process, writing affirmations, thinking about what is necessary for you - you never know what is needed to feel comfortable.

It happens that a person is very strongly captured by dark forces - irritable, harsh, quick-tempered. Tell such a person about the necessary procedure and he will flare up like a new burner. But, the wife gently, with love (if she hasn’t already “shouted” her love completely and there is no one to offer a basin) offers him a pleasant procedure with warm water, and then pours herself out and says the right words for him.
I assure you that after several such procedures, the person will soften and you can try to work with him further.

But, I know from experience that women who come to be treated and adjust their energy very often leave such abnormal, family relationships, they barely feel the strength in themselves. Then, already consciously, we form together new image human and are working to ensure that he appeared. Of course, in this book you will not find recipes for a love potion and other black nonsense.

We are talking about the fact that marriages are created on a certain personal cycle. And if we correct the process of personality development, increase self-esteem, etc., then no one forbids the husband to keep pace with his wife. But, a woman is unlikely to allow herself to interfere with walking, rather, she will change her husband - a weight for a husband who holds his hand.
So, back to the methods of using salt.

For example, you have diarrhea. For a long time, pharmacies have sold a special salt complex for use during diarrhea. But, you can not go to the pharmacy if you have salt at home.
Make a bowl, sit in a bowl and drink salted water. Pour out the spent solution with the right words.

But, not every indigestion needs to be removed. I know that every organism has its periods of purification. If you are attentive to yourself, then you probably know about it. Therefore, do not rush to drink medicines and fixing herbs. Listen to yourself - if there is no pain in the abdomen, there is no fermentation, then take a day off and let the body cleanse itself. Lightly salted water will not hurt, but I would recommend as much pure water as possible. Help the body to get rid of the unnecessary and do not forget to read what is not yet hanging in front of your eyes in your toilet. (See below)

When I used to cleanse a patient energetically, correcting his information fields, I always prescribed some drug from the group of prokinetics in order to cleanse the intestines. It is necessary to remove in time what the body gives, and during cleansing, it must actively give. These are natural processes and should be treated with positive and joy.

Today I recommend that the patient write the necessary affirmation for the purpose of active cleansing and force him to increase the regime of drinking water, which contains information about cleansing the body.
It turns out better than with the drug, because this is the most natural process - to do without medicines.

I had several patients who, precisely by their negative attitude towards their intestines and the process of cleansing them, formed serious diseases for themselves, such as atony (sluggish intestines), polyps in the intestines, fissures and hemorrhoids. I'm not talking about banal constipation.
Unwillingness to “give away” one’s grievances and negativity, a state of unforgiveness and hatred for another person and the world. their old, stagnant thinking - this is what provokes the intestinal troubles indicated above.

Pay attention to how children treat their feces. They are proud of them! Therefore, young children rarely have constipation for medical reasons.

I recommend another of the simple methods of cleaning the mental plane.
Type on the computer in large, bold type and print out the following inscription:
“With pleasure and joy, easily and naturally, I get rid of old, negative programs, let go of the burden of past years, free up space for new, positive changes in my life.”

This should be written in such a way as to make a beautiful sign, because I recommend hanging it in the toilet, right in front of your eyes. Moreover, for men, you will have to hang in duplicate. The more often you repeat this during natural, physiological acts, the faster the cleaning process will go.
This is the first part of the reprogramming of consciousness according to the method of V. Sinelnikov. I will say right away that I use only the first part for recommendation. She is very efficient.

Also, for people who love and believe in prayers and mantras, I offer salt for cooking procedures - reciting prayers and mantras.
For Christians, I recommend: Our Father, Psalm 90, 67, prayers to the Archangels Michael the Archangel, George the Victorious, Gabriel.
Mantras that destroy negativity - Kartikkeya.

Although today I clearly know that there is nothing stronger than a thought form, but you need to come to this state of thinking consciously. The brain of the average citizen is far from being able to concentrate on the right thought. Imagine the right thing and let it go, forgetting. to go into materialization… It is possible, but with a fuzzy state of the brain, nothing comes out…

Therefore, as a transitional stage to the correction of the thought process, I highly recommend affirmations for health.
You can take any, I started with Louise Lee Hay, then there were Sytin's slander, then I invented it myself ... I experimented.
Now there are already in the work those that definitely work positively for many people. I offer them to those who need them.

I will not publish, it is strictly individual. Get in touch if needed.

It is probably necessary to warn against prayers.
Think about it, because Christ (Radomir) gave us one prayer Father Ours.
As a "fire incident" of appeal to the higher.
No need to read it several times, beat bows. Nobody needs it.
turn in your own words to your mental world, which is God-power, which is capable of creating.

Here's how to understand?
The prayer of Christ "Our Father" tells about this:
From - ZhivotStroy,
Tse - This
Ours - and it is not necessary to decipher.
Our Father is Ancestral Memory, and that's what people turn to.

And Pray literally means the same thing:
Rumor - Speech, Word,
Iti - I - union, T - firmly,
SYA - My Self, that is, my Spirit.
Pray means to have a firm union with your Self.
I am the World Foundation, the Word, the very one that "was in the beginning."

For your confidence, at first - read over the salt for baths and other uses of salt the prayer "Our Father", just do not say "amen" at the end. There is such a concept - “to aminate”, that is, to reduce to dying ...

Initially, it was Om Yen ... This is how it should be pronounced.

Then, over time, with regular foot baths and other procedures that stimulate the flow of energy, your thinking will become more subservient to you.

Prayed salt relieves not only of negativity, but also of unwanted contacts, gossip, squabbles, unpleasant surprises, normalizes relationships in the team. It even removes odors if you mentally ask her.

Using it in food gently cleanses the internal organs and stimulates the correct flow of energies.

Rubbing such salt into a bruise removes it. There is a process of resorption of the hematoma and a trace remains as after the use of an ozonizing apparatus, which disappears after a couple of hours.
Salt for this can be mixed with vegetable oil, so as not to grate much. And then rinse with water. saying thank you to Mother Earth.

Do not skimp on gratitude - the return will not keep you waiting.

Douching with a weak saline solution removes thrush and the causes of its occurrence. True, here, for complete deliverance, it is necessary to undergo a cleansing of the Source - the lower chakra.

With this diagnosis, women cannot part for years. The yeast fungus is not amenable to drug treatment, the problem is only driven inside. Often, the fungus occurs against the background of torch - infection, then the treatment is more difficult and longer.

But, from experience I know that if for fifteen years a woman could not get rid of thrush, and after applying energy cleansing for three months - nine sessions and regular salt baths, it turned out to part with a "secret friend", that is, it makes sense to talk about such way.

I also know from experience that there is a clear dependence of a person's spiritual growth on his diagnoses.

So, at the average level of spiritual development, thrush is still there ... A heart attack can no longer be there, like hypertension, like a stroke, and a yeast fungus can still manifest itself. Therefore, you need to go further, the required level of awareness will come and the thrush will “blow away” like the last leaf from a tree in winter.

This is not an isolated case, there are many examples. Now I can say with complete confidence that only the repeated correction of the information fields of a person as a multidimensional organism. cleansing of all energy centers from alien programs and correction of thought forms leads to ideal female health.
Like any health, it needs to be maintained regularly.

If your child is bullied at school, or you just want him to avoid danger, put a couple of grains of salt in his backpack, in his pocket, in his shoes. It doesn't matter how much. Grain. What is important is your maternal intention and thought form - to keep the life and health and mind of the child safe.

And the mother's mind will not allow the child to be vaccinated.

Salt is an excellent bactericidal agent. Many people suffering from fungal diseases of the extremities experience incredible communication difficulties and become overgrown with complexes about this. Today you are lucky! Salt baths will gradually relieve you of any fungal cause.
But you need to understand. Where did this fungus come from? The fungus occurs when other people's thoughts filled the mind. (TV) You're not going your own way. Time to stop and think.

What is the matter here and how to understand it?

Fungal diseases are characteristic of the subtle plan of a person who is at risk (See the article "Stages of Personality Development"). It is worth leaving this “Zone”, as the disease can no longer catch up with you. It is these simple procedures that purify the subtle plane and allow you to move forward to a higher level of development in the spiritual sense.

Needless to say, it is also necessary to work with your thoughts. I remind you that in any phenomenon there are nine aspects. Therefore, it is precisely nine reasons that must be considered and cleaned out in order to get rid of such an unpleasant disease.

Another invaluable use of salt in its simplicity and effectiveness.
Having a salt bag in your closet will prevent moths and the musty smell of your belongings. Salt neutralizes all odors.
Change often, put in the intention of cleansing and give to destruction as in handling when pouring water from a basin.

Also, place these bags in kitchen cupboards where you store towels, cereals, and other dry foods. Also, you can put salt in a bag in all forms for storing cereals, flour, sugar. This will prevent the appearance of moths and remove excess moisture.

Practical advice. The bag can be just a piece of bandage (folded in half), or you can use a matchbox in which to make holes, or a Kinder surprise box. You just need to make holes in the box and in the box with a gypsy needle from the inside.

It is convenient to store flour in a linen bag, which is pre-soaked in saline solution - a tablespoon of salt per glass of water. She will never get damp and will retain all her qualities for a very long time.

I wish you the mind and awareness that will invariably lead to a meaningful, healthy and comfortable life.

Energy cleansing is a session aimed at restoring your energy, eliminating breakdowns and field deformations,

Arising as a result of stressful situations, after surgery, as a result of strong negative emotions (such as resentment, fear, hatred), as well as alien influences (which are popularly called damage, evil eye, curse, etc.)

Here is the technique of Alena Brandis with my comments.

Energy cleansing Women from Alena Brandis

Once a month... it is desirable for a woman to purify herself with the help of Earth, Air (Wind), Fire, Water... and Love.

Intuitively select a day.
I usually pick a number that has 8….8th, 18th or 28th . You can choose any number you like...
In nature… first I stand barefoot on the Earth, imagining how the Earth takes everything superfluous, and then fills me with the power of the Planet.

Then I go to the Lake or the Sea and ask him to take away all the ailments in the body .... and fill it with beauty, feminine strength and health. Naturally, not everyone has a pond nearby: o). You can simply fill the tub or stand under the shower...

And then I surrender to the Sun, imagining how it burns fears and resentments in me, and then fills me with light and joy. If there is no Sun on this day, then .... you can sit by the fire or by the candle. In extreme cases, under the light of a chandelier or table lamp ...

And the final step. I put my right hand on my heart….and mentally unite all 5 elements in my heart, imagining it as a luminous Sphere. Then I expand it to the size of the Universe, at the same time I fill and fill with the energy of Love.. And I smile inside myself.

See how to smile

Feelings are amazing!

Here's another materialchik found and decided to supplement the post: o)

Energetic cleansing yourself at home

This simple and at the same time very effective procedure is available at home. It can be applied as needed. Let's say you came home from work, where your nerves were completely frayed or the old and global conflict with colleagues. You are shaking and pounding from the negativity and the resulting stress.
And so that “bad” wishes do not stick to your energy and begin their destructive action, we turn to a simple table salt. Buy on the way from work a pack of salt and in the shower.
Salt is a very strong conductor of energy. Its crystals will absorb all the negative information you have received and perfectly cleanse your energy. And also free, and effective peeling for the body and the need to visit an expensive salon will disappear by itself))) Well, water, it’s not worth talking about here ... elements ...

So, first we rub the body with ordinary salt. It is better to use rock salt, it is more natural and its crystals are larger. We try to cover all surfaces of the body, whoever wants can rub the scalp and even the face.
Do not rub the salt very hard, you should enjoy the procedure and try not to scratch yourself.

As you rub, you can add your thought forms, this will enhance the cleaning effect. Scroll in your thoughts, and you can even hear it, if no one hears you, and clearly imagine that all the energy dirt is absorbed into salt crystals, that salt draws out of your energy, and from your skin too, all the negativity accumulated and received by you.

After that, get under the shower and rinse off the salt with water. Of course it's better to use cold water, but who does not walrus))), use a cool one. It will give strength and have a beneficial effect on skin tone and, again, enhance energy cleansing.
When you stand in the shower, mentally turn to the water with a request to wash away all the bad things from you. All the negativity that has accumulated on you.
Talk to water like a living being. And most importantly, these words should come from the soul, from the inside, from the heart.
Imagine that salt and water remove all insults, suspicions, anger, envy of ill-wishers from you, wash away illnesses, etc., and all this “darkness” is washed off you with clean and crystal-clear water.

Such your internal connection to cleansing will enhance the already powerful cleansing with salt. Do not doubt that water and salt will take away all the bad things from you, and that you will come out of the shower refreshed and rejuvenated, and most importantly, that you will get rid of the negative.
It (negative) will flow along with running water deep into the earth and leave you forever. After a shower, mentally thank the water and salt for helping you (the elements must be thanked).

It will not be superfluous immediately after the procedure, standing in front of a mirror, to praise yourself, to say what a beautiful, renewed, young and flourishing woman you are and that you love and respect yourself very much ... well, here everyone knows their own merits more))) do not hesitate to compliment your beloved, Praise yourself often, especially in front of a mirror.

In general, make it a rule to praise yourself more often and see mirror reflection its beauty. Believe me, there are no beautiful people! And even more so for women.

And advice for the future - never cry or scold yourself in front of a mirror. This is a direct path to problems not only in relationships, but also to problems in appearance.
What you send to the mirror country is what you will receive. Only the energies of love and beauty should be sent to the mirror world.

Make it a rule, every morning while washing, look in the mirror and give yourself a few compliments, even if you don’t look very good when you wake up)))

Well, salt can also be used, and it is very useful when you just take a bath. Dissolve rock salt in water and enjoy. Not only will it draw on all the negativity accumulated during the day (per week), it will also remove excess water from the body, which contributes to weight loss and has a beneficial effect on the whole body.
After all, with the help salt solutions you can get rid of fungal skin diseases, acne and blackheads (salt in the form of a scrub), wrinkles (daily clap your face with a hand dipped in saline), dandruff, reduce pressure (salt baths) and much more.

Be beautiful and happy, energetically clean and healthy!

Purification and restoration of human energy is a very laborious process, which must be approached with all seriousness. There are several effective ways to help improve a person's energy. We will talk about them in this article.

In the article:

Restoration of human energy

Each person uses two types of energy: vital (physical) and free (creative). There are various ways to increase energy. For example, if your level of physical energy has dropped, then all you need to improve your situation is good rest (healthy sleep) and good nutrition.

If we're talking about free energy, then its increase is a longer and painstaking process. However, there are some tips that can improve the situation.

Firstly give up bad habits. Do you notice that people who drink alcohol frequently, smoke, take narcotic substances live much less? This is not surprising. After all, bad habits not only adversely affect health, but also reduce the amount of vital energy of the individual. People fade away, burn through their supply of their energy in a very short time.

Secondly, get rid of. Do you know that there are people who will gladly feast on someone else's power? After passing, you will find out if you are an energy vampire or a donor and determine who from your environment fits which description.

When you find out that there are such vampires in your society, try to limit your contact with them, and you will see how life will change for the better. Get rid of the negativity.

An essential way to restore and improve human energy - is to get rid of envy, anger, irritability, jealousy, regret and fear. All these emotions bring the individual out of balance, making the person weaker and taking away his energy.

Do breathing practice. If you believe the reviews, then such practices not only increase the flow of oxygen to the brain (which has a beneficial effect on health), but also have a positive effect on the energy balance.

Get energetic. There are special exercises that will help you connect to the energy of the cosmos. For example, such an exercise can be carried out on a sunny day. Settle down where no one will disturb you. Stand up straight, facing the sun, stretch your arms forward.

Close your eyes and imagine that through your hands the energy of the sun flows into your body, fills you, charges you with strength. Feel how you renew, saturate with new energy. Just a few minutes of such relaxation a day is enough. After completing the manipulations, be sure to thank the source of life.

How to cleanse the energy of a person?

Energy cleansing is a very important manipulation that will help restore your energy and remove breakdowns, deformations in the energy field.

This exercise suitable for those who is just learning to feel his body, his energy. Each individual has two main energy streams running along the back. Get into a comfortable position, sit on the floor, straighten up and relax.

Feel the first flow through the top of your head and out through your legs. After that, feel the second current that is sent from the ground through the legs to the coccyx and rises to the top of the head. At the first stages, you will learn to feel these flows only in principle. With regular training, you can even learn how to manage them, speed them up or slow them down.

When you feel that the power of these flows is increasing, this will indicate that your energy field is clearing, various blocks are leaving. Subsequently, you will realize that your well-being improves, and strength begins to flow.

The second most popular and very systematic way of cleaning human energy is communication with nature. As you know, there are a lot of vampire trees. These are aspen, poplar, linden. Their peculiarity is that they are able to pump out negative energy from a person.

Nature will help cleanse the energy, you just have to try

Go to such a tree, hug it, stand with it for a few minutes. When you are completely cleansed of negative energy, you can go to the maple, birch or oak. Such trees are donors, they are able to charge with positive, creative energy.

It is worth noting that for those who are no longer a beginner and have a good connection with their subconscious, a very popular and common method of purification is suitable - .

Using this practice (especially if it is combined with), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is for him to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. In most cases, it is recommended to imagine that black spots of negativity are washed off with clean water and go into the ground.

Purification of human energy with salt

Salt is a very important attribute, which is often used in various rituals. This is the only natural substance that is used in its original form and which concentrates the energy of the earth. Its amazing properties have been known since ancient times.

People revered this product and valued it just like gold. For example, in ancient times, 1 ounce of salt was equated to 1 ounce of precious metal. In Russia, guests were not welcomed without salt and bread; in ancient times, this product was considered a symbol of well-being. In ancient China, coins baked from salt dough were even used as money for some time.

To date, it is known that salt is able to capture, store and transmit energy, information. This product has a very strong energy that can absorb negativity. The product has strong cleansing properties and is therefore used to eliminate negative energy. There are three techniques that will help you clear the energy of a person.

In the first case should be armed with a large container of rock salt for 21 days in the morning or in the evening. It is necessary to stand in it with bare feet and trample on the product.

During such actions, imagine that all the negativity that you have goes into this salt. Such manipulations last no more than 15 minutes. At the end of the ceremony, the used product must either be washed off with water or buried.

Everyone knows the power of salt.

Next method suitable for those who are constantly forced to communicate with a large number of people, experiencing information overload. Also suitable for those who suffer from insomnia.

Near your bed, you need to put a small container (preferably made of clay) and pour salt into it. The container should stand near the bed until the product begins to darken. This is a sign that you need to replace the salt with a new one.

As you know, a lot of jewelry that we wear has the ability to absorb the energy of its owner, to take all the negativity. This is especially true of various amulets, jewelry with magical gems.

In everyday fuss and daily affairs, we often do not notice how we lose energy strength. We become less active, cheerful, suffer from frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases, new ailments arise.

Thoughts and actions are pessimistic and hopeless. In this case, energy cleansing is simply necessary. So ? Let's figure it out.

What is an energy cleansing of the body?

Energy cleansing is a session that is aimed at the complete restoration of energy and that arose in connection with stressful situations(loss of job, divorce, etc.), due to strong negative emotions (death loved one) or the so-called “alien influence” (spoilage, etc.).

In other words, this is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life - internal clamps, blocks that interfere.

Experts say that in a frantic rhythm modern world such procedures are necessary for almost all people. Even if a person’s well-being is satisfactory, it still costs periodically, for prevention, to pass.

Techniques and methods of energy cleansing

Today, you can easily find hundreds of ads and offers to improve your state of mind. But it is worth taking seriously the choice of a magician, psychic or healer who will be engaged, because this person must know all the subtleties and nuances of the energy charge of the human body.

He must also unmistakably determine the causes of the occurrence of clamps and internal blocks, identify all centers of negative bioenergy and charge them with positive.

Now many specialists work not only with personal contact, but also remotely, in absentia. This allows you to help open the soul and cleanse the chakras, even those in need in the most remote corners of the world.

To conduct a remote session, you often need a “fresh” photo or a visit to at least one full-time cleaning.

The effectiveness of remote reception is no different from the effectiveness of face-to-face procedures, since healers work with a person's energy phantom, and he is always alone, no matter where the patient is geographically. In terms of energy, there is no concept of distance at all, so there is no doubt about the effectiveness of such a procedure.

For remote cleaning, many modern magicians use Skype.. In this case, it becomes possible to make eye contact and provide certain recommendations at the end of cleaning.

On average, 2-4 energy cleansing sessions are required. However, it is worth remembering that these are conditional figures, everything is individual and depends on the severity of the case.

Healers work with energy flows that work through layer after layer, so the first cleansing is superficial and ineffective.

And the next ones penetrate into deeper energy layers, cleansing every cell. At the last session, a protection is put in place, which continues to work with the field for several more months, clearing the structure of the energy field and protecting it from any kind of negative impact.

The time for the procedure varies from half an hour to an hour. The course should be carried out daily, without interruption. In extreme cases, a rest day is allowed, but only in the middle of the course.

Various magical attributes can be used during the process:

  • crystal ball;
  • ritual bowl;
  • eggs;
  • salt.

These items have a strong positive charge and therefore they are able to absorb the negative, like a sponge.

These manipulations are paid, and the healer himself sets the price of the course. In this regard, many are thinking about how to clean themselves on their own.

How to clean the energy channels yourself?

There are simple cleaning techniques that you can use for yourself in everyday life. You can even find sessions to restore a person’s energy in 5 minutes, for example, learn a simple Christian one (“Our Father”, “Hail Virgin Mary”, “Life-Giving Christ”).

Read this prayer at the moment of indisposition, you can silently, and it is desirable to be baptized at least mentally. The prayer should be repeated three times. In this case, breathing should be even and calm.

Another option to clean your own is the “candle” scheme, it is also called the “spiral”. For the ritual, you will need a church candle (if there is no church candle, you can take another small candle). This attribute symbolizes fire, and fire, as you know, is an excellent tool for transforming energy.

It is no coincidence that this thing is used in rituals of liberation from the past, healing, religious rites, etc. With this procedure, it is necessary to draw a candle in a spiral first over the body, from head to toe, then rise vertically, and then go down and again rise up in a spiral .

Carrying out these manipulations, you need to read a prayer. At the end of the procedure, the candle should be left near the window and let it burn out. The above methods of self-purification of the aura remove only weak evil eyes and some consequences. negative emotions.

More effective method purification of consciousness and human biofield - these are the rules for maintaining the purity of one's energy. In this case, it means keeping yourself and your home clean.

After visiting public places, meeting an unpleasant person or a long journey, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and face, because it is the exposed parts of the body that absorb negativity.

Even in Russia, there was a custom: when, after a trip, a merchant, boyar or messenger returned home, the first thing they did was go to the bathhouse, wash off the path, and only then go about their business.

If an evil, envious person came to the house, then after his visit it is worth thoroughly washing the floor and shaking out the doormat over the threshold, saying: “take yours, leave mine.” Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

Another inexpensive and effective way is to cleanse the human energy with salt. It has long been known that sea salt is charged with two elements - and water.

Sea salt

In addition, it carries two opposite charges, symbolizing both life and death. In this regard, salt is used as a powerful remedy for negative energy.

For your own protection, you can regularly take salt baths or carry a small bag of salt with you. This tool can also clean the house by placing small plates of salt in the corners of the room - the one where the family gathers and where you sleep.

Salt should be in open space. Don't put it in a closet or chest of drawers. Also remember to change the salt, about every two months.

What do you need to be prepared for after cleaning?

After a bioenergy specialist has worked or you have removed negative energy from yourself, certain symptoms may appear.

Symptoms are different, it depends on several factors:

  • individual tolerance;
  • severity;
  • your mental state.

However, there are a number of main symptoms that most people who have undergone aura cleansing sessions note.

So, a person can feel:

  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • mild dizziness;
  • in some cases desire to cry.

It is worth clarifying that these manifestations do not pose any danger to health, so you do not need to fight them, but, on the contrary, you should listen to your body. If you want to sleep, then you should allow yourself to take a nap for a few hours.

This time will be enough to restore strength. If tearfulness appears - allow yourself to cry, do not hold back your emotions, because this is how your chakras throw out the accumulated negativity.

When large holes, breakdowns and clamps have formed in a person’s aura, more serious symptoms may be observed after the session:

  • nausea;
  • pressure surges;
  • temperature rise;
  • internal desolation;
  • disturbing dream.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, then do not panic and resort to medication. Let your body deal with the effects of energy recovery. Experts recommend brewing chamomile tea, turning on soothing music, and spending a couple of hours in bed.

After completing the full course, the state of health will begin to improve, the unpleasant sensations will be replaced by a feeling of lightness, pleasant relaxation and warmth throughout the body.

This is due to the fact that stagnation is gone and energy begins to circulate evenly through all channels. At this time, not only the state of mind improves, but even the complexion of the skin, the look becomes brighter, and thinking becomes more positive. The person feels confident and inspired.

Worth worrying about if emotional condition is not improving. Normally, the feeling of discomfort should decrease every day and gradually disappear.

If the state of health does not return to normal within a few weeks, this is a reason to contact the specialist who cleaned the biofield for a second consultation. It is possible that you will need to repeat the magical ritual.

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Energy Channel Cleansing Meditation:

In conclusion, we note that you should not forget about your own. If a person is kind, non-envious and sympathetic, then the Universe will send him the same amount of positive energy and positive in response.

And if a person is prone to envy and self-destruction, then he himself will create black holes in his soul, not a single energy session will save him from this. Take care of the Human!

Purification and restoration of human energy is a very laborious process, which must be approached with all seriousness. There are several effective ways to help improve a person's energy. We will talk about them in this article.

In the article:

Restoration of human energy

Each person uses two types of energy: vital (physical) and free (creative). There are various ways to increase energy. For example, if your level of physical energy has dropped, then all you need to improve your situation is good rest (healthy sleep) and good nutrition.

If we are talking about free energy, then its increase is a longer and painstaking process. However, there are some tips that can improve the situation.

Firstly give up bad habits. Do you notice that people who often drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs, live much less? This is not surprising. After all, bad habits not only adversely affect health, but also reduce the amount of vital energy of the individual. People fade away, burn through their supply of their energy in a very short time.

Secondly, get rid of energy vampires. Do you know that there are people who will gladly feast on someone else's power? After passing a simple test, you will find out if you are an energy vampire or a donor and determine who from your environment fits which description.

When you find out that there are such vampires in your society, try to limit your contact with them, and you will see how life will change in better side. Get rid of the negativity.

An essential way to restore and improve human energy - is to get rid of envy, anger, irritability, jealousy, regret and fear. All these emotions bring the individual out of balance, making the person weaker and taking away his energy.

Do breathing practice. If you believe the reviews, then such practices not only increase the flow of oxygen to the brain (which has a beneficial effect on health), but also have a positive effect on the energy balance.

Get energetic. There are special exercises that will help you connect to the energy of the cosmos. For example, such an exercise can be carried out on a sunny day. Settle down where no one will disturb you. Stand up straight, facing the sun, stretch your arms forward.

Close your eyes and imagine that through your hands the energy of the sun flows into your body, fills you, charges you with strength. Feel how you renew, saturate with new energy. Just a few minutes of such relaxation a day is enough. After completing the manipulations, be sure to thank the source of life.

How to cleanse the energy of a person?

Energy cleansing is a very important manipulation that will help restore your energy and remove breakdowns, deformations in the energy field.

This exercise is suitable for those who are just learning to feel their body, their energy. Each individual has two main energy streams running along the back. Get into a comfortable position, sit on the floor, straighten up and relax.

Feel the first flow through the top of your head and out through your legs. After that, feel the second current that is sent from the ground through the legs to the coccyx and rises to the top of the head. At the first stages, you will learn to feel these flows only in principle. With regular training, you can even learn how to manage them, speed them up or slow them down.

When you feel that the power of these flows is increasing, this will indicate that your energy field is clearing, various blocks are leaving. Subsequently, you will realize that your well-being improves, and strength begins to flow.

The second most popular and very systematic way of cleaning human energy is communication with nature. As you know, there are a lot of vampire trees. These are aspen, poplar, linden. Their peculiarity is that they are able to pump out negative energy from a person.

Nature will help cleanse the energy, you just have to try

Go to such a tree, hug it, stand with it for a few minutes. When you are completely cleansed of negative energy, you can go to the maple, birch or oak. Such trees are donors, they are able to charge with positive, creative energy.

It is worth noting that for those who are no longer a beginner and have a good connection with their subconscious, a very popular and common method of purification is suitable - it is meditation.

Using this practice (especially if it is combined with the recitation of certain mantras), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is for him to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. In most cases, it is recommended to imagine that the black spots of the negative are washed away clean water and go to the ground.

Purification of human energy with salt

Salt is a very important attribute, which is often used in various rituals. This is the only natural substance that is used in its original form and which concentrates the energy of the earth. Its amazing properties have been known since ancient times.

People revered this product and valued it just like gold. For example, in ancient times, 1 ounce of salt was equated to 1 ounce of the precious metal. In Russia, guests were not welcomed without salt and bread; in ancient times, this product was considered a symbol of well-being. AT Ancient China coins-cakes baked from salt dough were even used as money for some time.

To date, it is known that salt is able to capture, store and transmit energy, information. This product has a very strong energy that can absorb negativity. The product has strong cleansing properties and is therefore used to eliminate negative energy. There are three techniques that will help you clear the energy of a person.

In the first case should be armed with a large container of rock salt for 21 days in the morning or in the evening. It is necessary to stand in it with bare feet and trample on the product.

During such actions, imagine that all the negativity that you have goes into this salt. Such manipulations last no more than 15 minutes. At the end of the ceremony, the used product must either be washed off with water or buried.

Everyone knows the power of salt.

Next method suitable for those who are constantly forced to communicate with a large number of people, experiencing information overload. Also suitable for those who suffer from insomnia.

Near your bed, you need to put a small container (preferably made of clay) and pour salt into it. The container should stand near the bed until the product begins to darken. This is a sign that you need to replace the salt with a new one.

As you know, a lot of jewelry that we wear has the ability to absorb the energy of its owner, to take all the negativity. This is especially true of various amulets, jewelry with magical gems.