Review of the book "I'll lose weight for you" by Lena Miro. Lena Miro's book "I'll lose weight for you I'll lose weight for you" read online full version

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Now I will tell you in detail what is in the book and how.

Who is the book for?

For the fat ones. Who are the fat ones? All those who do not play sports. Even if your weight and volumes are within the norm of a glossy magazine, but you are not engaged, then you are fat. Flabby ass with orange peel.

You need to understand that not only excess weight, but also the lack of muscles is a reason to take care of yourself. If everything is clear with fat women, then flabby butts seem to not see the problem. They are able to groan “well, where does my cellulite come from”, torture themselves with diets so as not to get out of size 42, but they won’t guess to reach the gym. And one day they wake up and - fucked up! - already "thirty", and cellulite crawls over the bones, on which the poor things smear anti-cellulite cream, not feeling the former elasticity under the fingers. And ponelaaaas: cream, massage, wraps, LPG, dietary supplements, gasoline baths, and to understand that they are fat and the only thing that can help them is the gym, the mind is not enough. And if there is enough, then neither the flabby-ass skinny nor the obvious fat women know what to do there, except to pedal the bicycle.

Perhaps these ladies feel differently: someone is fat, someone is “normal, average”, someone is thin.

And you may see them differently, but for me they are all but "one ass", that is, fat, with disgusting figures. You can admire their happy smiles, good natural proportions, yell that "they are mothers!" and, in general, women who are satisfied with their lives, but objectively they are fat. In more or less degree.

Target Audience: Beginners or Advanced?

I will answer this way: all those who trust me.

If you have never been to the gym, you can safely take this book there: everything is not just told there, but chewed so that when reading questions do not arise even for those who cannot distinguish biceps from triceps and believe that tilts with dumbbells to the sides - an excellent exercise in order to make the waist thin. Kristinochka read each paragraph with a microscope and yelled: “Who are you writing a book for?!” I answered: "For pigs." Baskerville filled her eyes with blood and yelled: “Here, write for pigs! To be clear! Not for three and a half fitness freaks like yourself!”

If you are already in the subject and have been practicing for more than the first or second day, but you have questions about the technique of performing certain exercises, you are interested in my nutrition principles, you like the way I look, but you yourself, training a lot and hard, cannot build a chiseled body, the book is shown to you. Often ladies make mistakes both in training and in nutrition, getting a result that is incommensurable with the efforts made. Remember: driving seven sweats off yourself in the gym and not eating after 6 does not guarantee a dream body at the exit.

If you are a man who is not averse to throwing off those extra pounds, “I will lose weight on you” is right for you. Yes, the book is for women. Yes, in it you will have to deal with the treatment of the “lady” every now and then, but if you can get over it, take it: there are many practical recommendations on both nutrition and training for those who need to reduce the percentage of body fat.

Who shouldn't buy this book?

Men who are always “on the mass” and do not bother with drying, as well as guys who are not prone to fullness, who know how to train in the gym. Once again: there are no women who are not inclined to be overweight. The female body is programmed for childbearing, and, therefore, for saving in reserve. If you are over 20 and you are far from sports, then it will be postponed somewhere. At least in the “rollers” above the knees, at least with jellied meat at the place where the buttocks go to the biceps of the thighs. And believe me: this is not only obvious to me. This is obvious to everyone, but pigs, by an unspoken agreement among themselves, do not poke each other with nickels in cellulite. But I am not a pig and did not sign the contract. I am telling the truth.

What's in the book?

The book is divided into cycles, each of which, in turn, consists of three blocks: nutrition, "physical", "psycho". You will find a table of non-recommended foods with an indication of what to replace, and the calorie counting formula and the diet that I use (not “replicated”, non-primitive, but taking into account the activity coefficient and other individual factors), and a stretching complex, and a joint warm-up , and three full strength workouts, and asanas that Kristinochka forced me to cram into the book. I didn’t want to, I despised yoga, but now I got involved myself, and I’m happy with the result.

What is "psycho" and why is it needed?

Often fitness neophytes remain neophytes, go the distance. The “psycho” sections contain warnings about the dangers that lie in wait for you on the way to the dream body. I know where, when and why people leave the right way of life and return to the old pig way, and I give advice on how best to get around sharp corners.

What is not in the book?

Chatter. “Come on, do it, you can” mixed with “Ah, look how cool I am.” To be honest: the book was written quickly, I had little time for it, and I value my reputation, so there are 152 pages of dry facts.

(ratings: 1 , average: 4,00 out of 5)

Title: I'll Lose You

About the book "I'll lose weight" Lena Miro

Being overweight is a problem modern humanity. Food leaves much to be desired, and the frantic pace of life does not allow you to eat normally. All this leads to excess weight. And if you add stress, excitement, unhappy love here, then excess weight is simply guaranteed.

There are a huge number of books on weight loss. Many authors offer their unique techniques, recipes for dietary dishes, exercises. Lena Miro's book "I'll Lose Weight for You" is not like the others in that the author knows how to give a person the motivation he needs, how to make him lose weight by force, and where to put pressure on him with a good joke.

Reading Lena Miro is a pleasure. Her book will be useful even not only to those who want to get rid of excess weight, but also for everyone who just wants to take care of their health, get rid of bad habits, direct positive thoughts in the right direction. The author knows what levers to pull so that a person begins to change immediately.

The book "I'll Lose Weight for You" is divided into six parts, designed for six months. Each stage is clearly described from start to finish. You will know exactly where to start, how to maintain and when to stop.

It is known that during weight loss, many are faced with psychological problems, as uncertainty as a result, self-loathing, the desire to seize one's grief. Lena Miro helps to cope with this too, describing what is happening to you, explaining each case and helping you cope with these temporary difficulties.

Lena Miro herself maintains her own blog, sharing her own experience and her advice. Her book "I'll Lose Weight for You" is written in a lighter form than all of her posts, but at the same time here you will find the word "pig" written many times and images of cute pigs. Perhaps this would be superfluous, but still it acts as a negative motivation, pushing you to become better and start changing.

Lena Miro's book "I'll Lose Weight for You" has a clear structure, detailed tips that really work. This edition is still easy to read due to the fact that it contains many jokes and humor that give a good mood.

A lot of people will love this book. If you want to change something in your life, to make your body slim and fit, but at the same time you cannot start working on yourself, you can read the book "I'll lose weight for you." Of course, there are other works, but there is one more feature here. You will feel that the author, like a good friend, is sitting next to you and sharing his advice. The book is very cozy and homely, and the author writes simply and accessible, without pathos and pomposity. This is exactly what you need on the way to a perfect body and a happy soul.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book"I'll lose weight" by Lena Miro in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

"I'll lose weight" - instruction book.

To be honest, I didn't expect much when I started reading this book. I am a little familiar with Lena's style - you are either her friend, or you are an ungrateful fat pig who does not heed the rays of light and wisdom from a slender guru.

Since it was constantly in the mind, the appeal “pig” no longer hurt the eyes. And, oddly enough, the book is more good than bad. More precisely, there is both.

Let's keep in mind that there are no perfect books, and let's try to make an impartial review.

The main question is: is it worth buying a book?

If you are a beginner who doesn’t know anything from the word “well, at all” about training or nutrition, then “I’ll lose weight for you” will give you information to start. Especially since the book is cheap. I personally took on Litres. But if you understand at least something about this, then you can safely not buy the book.

The target audience is absolute beginners.

What is particularly striking to the eye?

Lena is Hitler in a skirt. Or leggings. Those who are familiar with history know that Adolf was a first-class orator. One of the best in the history of mankind. And among other things, he pleased us with a new rhetorical device, which is called “Hitler's sandwich”.

Its essence is as follows.

  • First you need to say something honest and truthful. Give a fact. Something that does not raise questions and complaints, something that can be easily checked and confirmed. For example - "To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit."
  • Then we say something crazy and not necessarily logical, but definitely something that is VERY difficult to verify. For example, "Most people who abuse sweets are overweight." Basically, just my own thoughts.
  • After that, we proceed to the last part - another portion of the truth. "Many people start to lose weight as soon as they give up cakes."

Lena does the same. Fact - nonsense - fact - nonsense and so on.

But let's start with the good. Because there are good things in the book too!

What is good in the book.

  1. Lena teaches to count calories. This is very correct. I am a strict follower of calorie counting and I personally believe that there is no more effective system. Of course, I go further and recognize the correctness of IIFYM, while Lena rejects this principle and is a strict "Zogist". But it's better to just learn how to count calories first and then think about what's best for you than not counting calories at all.
  2. Lena gives a good formula for counting calories. Really good, no nonsense. I got about 2900 Kk per day for support on it - well, this is true, if I am now steadily losing weight at 2650.
  3. Lena writes that aunts are not destined to pump up, so you shouldn’t be a coward. And it's great! And then everyone is afraid to get Arnold's muscles in a couple of workouts. It is necessary to introduce the right thoughts to the masses, this is very necessary and correct.
  4. Lena gives a normal training program for the first time. Keywordnormal. I would give another, but if someone trains for the first 2-3 months on this program, then he will not get injured. And that's good!

This is where the good, unfortunately, ends - and we must move on to the bad.

What is wrong with the book.

  1. The right approach to counting calories comes with new restrictions Sweets are not allowed, fats are not allowed, and so on. Typical zojist. For me, zojist is a bad term.
  2. A very strange approach to counting macronutrients - as a percentage. Isn't it easier to give numbers right away? There are a lot of studies, everything is in the public domain, no, you need to give interest. Pretty weird, actually. "Proteins should make up 30-35 percent of your daily calorie intake." Well, let's count. According to her formula, I get 2,900 Kk per day. The total is 257 grams of protein, or, in my case, 2.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. There will be too much. Here I have a lot of research that 1.5 - 1.8 is usually enough. But proteins are nothing - according to the same formula, 15-20% of fats are recommended to us. That is, for me, this is only 48 grams of fat per day. What for? A bunch of studies that show that diets with normal and high content fats work perfectly (eg one, two, three).
  3. You can't eat sweets after 12 am. And what, after 12 carbohydrates are somehow absorbed differently? Immediately deposited on the stomach? No, I understand that this can be used as one of the methods of restriction. But if "no eating after 6" can still somehow work, then "do not eat sweets after 12" does not work at all. Can't I eat all my daily calories before 12? Easily.
  4. Avoid potatoes. I won't even comment. Why are some carbs okay to eat and others not? I'd rather ban bananas then. There are many such contrived restrictions. Well, oily fish - about "semushka", as it is called in the book, as much as a whole passage is highlighted. With a special picture. So you kind of teach people how to count calories? Or are you luring the Zozhists into the sect?
  5. When squatting, the knees should not go beyond the line of socks.. And the fact that there are people who physically won’t succeed in another way, Lena, apparently, did not hear.
  6. Recommendations to “burn through” the muscles and do 20 repetitions on squats. The funny thing is that in the first chapter, Lena writes that the ladies still won’t be able to pump up, but in the second chapter everything changes dramatically - in order not to get the legs of a football player, the quadras need to be burned out. Apparently it is implied that all ladies are initially equipped with the legs of a professional weightlifter. I beg of you. Look at the cross section of women's legs () and you will see that there is twice as much fat as muscle. Why then burn something? Isn't it easier to start with adipose tissue? My big article about the legs of a football player.
  7. And one more thing - to maintain exactly 60 seconds on the timer between sets. And if I do 65 the whole process will break? Where does this obsession come from to withstand XX seconds between sets? Honestly, Lena, you would better explain how to fit fast food into the diet, it would be more sense. Or she told a couple of words about linear periodization, otherwise they will do 20 repetitions in squats.

In general, with multi-repetition, this is a funny thing. People are advised to do multi-repetition so as not to “pump up”. As a result, after 3-5 sets of 20 repetitions, a very sickly pump is formed in the legs, the lady leaves the gym and says that her legs have swollen for 3 days of training.

We wanted the best, it turned out as always.

Well, about the worst.

The book has no system. This is a motivational book. "Pull yourself together, you fat pig, pull yourself together, stop eating, gather your ass into a fist." Yes, it works. A person can collect himself for a couple of months.

But motivation doesn't work like a long lever. You can not motivate yourself for 1-2 years of work on yourself. Long-term work requires a plan divided into small, manageable tasks. On naked motivation you will not leave.

But, unfortunately, there is nothing about this. And (IMHO) it will not be possible to build a plan on this book, despite some of the correct thoughts that are there. Because I don't know people who can give up all delicious food in favor of boiled broccoli and chicken breast for a few years.

For a couple of months, yes, but no longer.


Should I buy a book for beginners? Yes, you can buy. It is not expensive, especially the electronic version. If you don't know anything at all, you can learn a few useful points. On the other hand, it will be necessary to read with the included delusional filter.

But if you think about it - are there any books in which there is no pronounced author's point of view? Except for textbooks.

Have you read a book? Write your impressions in the comments!

Lena Miro is a young Moscow-based writer who maintains a popular blog at, and in every post she encourages readers to work on their bodies. And everyone who, in her opinion, does not want to work and does not meet the standards of an ideal figure, is simply called “fat pigs”.

Now the fitness blogger has released new book. And while Lena Miro’s “I’ll Lose Weight for You” causes a storm of emotions and discussions, it’s time to figure out if the book really will give the reader something more than a photo of the author in short shorts and advice in the spirit of “eat buckwheat with and sign up for a gym” which many have already seen on her livejournal blog.

How to lose weight with Lena Miro: the program "I'll lose weight for you"

The first weight loss advice that Lena Miro gives in the book “I'll Lose Weight for You” is to start a notebook, write down in it everything that you eat during the day, and all exercises, approaches to simulators and repetitions, as well as working weights used in training .

Lena believes that anyone can lose weight and turn “from a pig,” as she calls overweight people, “into a deer,” as she calls herself. And it will take him only six months to complete this transformation.

Let's face it, during this period it is really possible to reduce weight by 10-20 kg, depending on the initial indicators and the state of health. But here you will most likely have to “sculpt a deer” in another six months. Few people, after serious weight loss, find themselves with the figure of their dreams, even if they diligently follow all the recommendations.

Nutrition for weight loss from Lena Miro

Miro's blog leaves a strong impression that the author eats only buckwheat and chicken breast. In the book, no innovative approaches to nutrition are also visible. Lena Miro suggests and consume 15-20% of daily calories from fat, 30-35% from proteins, and 45-50% from carbohydrates. Which is pretty typical of the old-fashioned diets of the 80s.

Nutrition recommendations are accompanied by a typical set of prohibitions - do not eat sweet, fatty, fried foods. However, a piece of chocolate or one marshmallow, a square of chocolate or 1 marshmallow is an acceptable minimum. But eating them is strictly until 12 noon, just like in.

Other sources of fats and carbohydrates are allowed only up to 16 hours. You can have dinner 3 hours before bedtime with a dish rich in fiber and protein.

Lena's exercises

Lena suggests that you first master home gymnastics, any exercises “on the press, hips, buttocks, arms and back” performed every other day, plus light walks - this is enough for the first month of “transformation”.

From the second month, Miro suggests starting going to the gym. There you need to do strength training 3 times a week, do exercises on any cardio machine for 20 minutes after training, and dedicate 10 minutes to stretching.

There is 1 exercise for one muscle group, 15 repetitions per approach for the “upper body” and back, 20-30 for legs and buttocks. As an explanation, the chic author's wording "legs must be burned out" follows.

However, if you have read Lena Miro's blog, you probably know that the author does not accept muscular female legs, and dreams that everyone should have Victoria Beckham legs.

From the third month, you will add 1 hour of cardio between strength training sessions. For some reason, no recommendations on heart rate zones and dosing of training effort are given in the book.

In the fourth month, you will add a 20-minute yoga complex to your classes.


Is it possible to lose weight with these recommendations? Yes, definitely. The book will be of interest to fitness beginners and fans of Lena's blog. And, by the way, in the glossy edition there is Lena Miro's signature vocabulary - "pigs", "seals" and "hippos". You'll like it.

Lena Miro is a well-known blogger and author of the book “I will lose weight for you”. Her book is intended for all those who have long wanted to take care of themselves, get rid of excess weight, give beautiful outlines to their figure. Lena's manner of communication with the reader is not entirely familiar, someone considers her overly familiar. However, sometimes only with such communication, as if you have known each other for 100 years, you can calmly tell the truth in your face, which is what the author of this book does. And you need to be ready for this truth.

Many people, not only women, are upset because of their extra pounds, but at the same time they cannot find the strength in themselves to change something. They eat a cake or a hamburger every night, they blame themselves for it, they say that this was the last time. And tomorrow everything repeats itself. Often these people stop loving themselves and become disgusted when they look at themselves in the mirror. Lena Miro will give the same impetus that will help people with overweight realize that it's time to start fighting the hated kilos.

The book describes the main points regarding proper nutrition, it plays a big role in weight loss. The author brings to attention the technique calculated for 6 months. In the book you can see examples of exercises. The advantage of the book is that Lena Miro describes those exercises that can be done at home, and those that are performed in the gym. This will be very necessary information if you are engaged without a coach. And of course, the author of the book knows when to give a push and be tougher with the reader to encourage him to action, and when to just joke and support. The book is easy to read, but this does not mean that work on yourself will be easy.

On our website you can download the book "I'll Lose Weight" by Lena Miro for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book in an online store.