There are no irreplaceable ones, but there are unforgettable ones. We don't have any essentials. "We have no irreplaceable people" - Joseph Stalin

We don't have indispensable

We don't have indispensable
A phrase known in socio-political vocabulary since the beginning of the 20th century. It first gained fame as a slogan (" Irreplaceable people No”), under which the future campaign (1912) was conducted. American President Woodrow Wilson, who borrowed this expression from the French language. Later (1932) this slogan was used by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, fighting Howard Hoover for the presidency.
In Russia, this expression is known as the phrase of I.V. Stalin, although it is not found in this form anywhere in his speeches or writings. Apparently, party propagandists and journalists simply “creatively developed” (using a ready-made slogan) the following passage from the Report (section III, part 2), which Stalin spoke at the 17th Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1934. some top party and Soviet officials, he said: “These arrogant nobles think that they are irreplaceable and that they can violate the decisions of the governing bodies with impunity. They should not hesitate to be removed from leadership positions, regardless of their merits in the past.
Quoted: playfully-ironically.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "We don't have indispensable" in other dictionaries:

    See We don't have irreplaceable ones. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

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Once someone dropped a similar phrase, and everyone picked it up. They believed that people can be shuffled like cards, and nothing will change.

The sun will still blush, and the matter will be argued. The sun will definitely roll out and stick to the sky, but questions will definitely arise with the energy of a particular person. After all, no one and no one is able to repeat. There is a bakery at the back of my house. Tiny, with rustic violets on the windowsills and stacks of old magazines. It bakes croissants with whole apricots and pours cocoa into Czech porcelain. Returning from training, every time I run for a buckwheat baguette and talk with the saleswoman. She stands behind the counter in a white starched apron and resembles the "gray-haired old woman" from the fairy tale "The House That Jack Built". Always sterile, friendly with powdered hair at the roots.

Are there no irreplaceable people? Are you sure?

We bow to each other old-fashionedly and chat about this and that. I share that the husband taught the child to growl, and now she imagines herself to be either a lion cub or a puppy. She talks about her old dog Lola, who sings along with Leps.

A month ago, the woman quit her job and left for her son. Her place was taken by a sullen aunt with no hair and "the house that Jack built." Without a smile, soft energy, laid-back hospitality.

I still buy bread, but my life has lost the usual morning conversation.

In our student years, we chose a tiny restaurant located in the cellar. They roasted cordon bleu, made dumplings, poured draft beer and served the cheapest coffee in the city. They played "Hands up" and "tramp boy".

Things were sluggish, monotonous, until a new administrator appeared: a skinny choleric girl. She started hosting cocktail parties, changed the menu, arranged candles and invited musicians.

Two guitarists theatrically hung frock coats on the backs of high chairs and sang "Sunday" and "The Secret". On Fridays, the barista played pranks. On Mondays - tasting of new dishes.

Things went up sharply, and people began to book tables in advance, until the “administrator” got married and went on maternity leave.

The restaurant immediately deflated, returned to its former sluggish life, and then completely closed.

“There are no irreplaceable people,” said someone in France. This was repeated by Woodrow Wilson, followed by Stalin, and many of us continue to say so.

Similarly, Pliny the Elder, without checking, wrote that ostriches bury their heads in the sand, while they simply lay their necks on the ground to rest.

Similarly, we say that soup must be eaten every day, cactus saves from harmful radiation, and if a person grinds his teeth, then he has worms.

In fact, there is nothing useful in boiled vegetables, invisible radiation cannot be absorbed, and you can only replace the battery in the watch, and it’s not a fact that they will go on as before.

News and Society

"There are no irreplaceable people" - which means this aphorism?

November 29, 2016

Probably, each of us has heard the phrase: "There are no irreplaceable people." The aphorism is quite common. Someone agrees with him, and someone can argue about this. Not everyone knows where this expression came from. Who first said it and why did it become so popular? We will try to deal with these and other questions in this article.

Who is the author of the phrase "There are no irreplaceable people"?

In Russia, the authorship of this expression is often attributed to I. V. Stalin. However, in fact, there are no sources that would confirm given fact. The only place where a phrase similar in meaning was heard was his report at the Congress of the CPSU. In it, he mentions "arrogant nobles" who consider themselves irreplaceable, and therefore feel their impunity. Stalin called for the deprivation of such people of their positions, despite all their past merits.

In fact, this expression became so widespread after the election campaign of Wilson, who ran for President of the United States in 1912. However, he was not its author. Wilson borrowed this aphorism from French.

There are no irreplaceable people, but ...

In the middle of the last century, the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso uttered a phrase that echoes somewhere in meaning with ours. In his performance, it sounded like this: "There are no irreplaceable, but there are unique."

This expression is more to the liking of those who do not quite agree with the statement that there are no irreplaceable people. In the statement of the great artist, there is agreement that people are replaceable, but there are also such personalities who leave a trace forever and cannot be forgotten. Of course, the planet will not stop spinning with the departure of even the greatest of men. Life will go on, moreover, it will develop, new discoveries will be made. However, the achievements and labors of such people will never be forgotten, and the memory of them will be passed down through the centuries.

Who likes to use the phrase "Irreplaceable people do not exist"

This phrase is very fond of the authorities. If something does not suit an employee, with this phrase the boss can hint that there will be a replacement for the place of any employee. However, in our time, valuable personnel are worth their weight in gold, so specialists are very much appreciated. There are true professionals in their field, with vast experience, knowledge and skills. They are really hard to replace. Especially in such important areas as medicine, science, politics and so on. It happens that more than a dozen years will pass before a worthy replacement comes to the place of a gifted doctor, a great scientist or a talented leader.


There are no irreplaceable people. This is true, and not really. This is both good and bad at the same time. The truth is that, no matter how gifted, talented and great a person is, with his departure, life on the planet will not stop. Someone will still pick up the baton and carry it on. And this is good, otherwise the development of mankind would have stopped at some point. And the other side of the coin is that there are people who are still indispensable specifically for someone. With their departure, life loses its meaning, and in this case the phrase “there are no irreplaceable people” causes only bitterness and protest. People may appear in life who will fill in some gaps, but they will still take their place, but not the place of the departed.

Thus, this aphorism in the global sense probably makes sense. However, there are different situations in life, and, perhaps, not in all cases, this phrase will be appropriate. Although it also depends on the person. There are people who do not have special attachments, and in their case the aphorism is an indisputable truth, whatever the circumstances in their lives.




“There are no irreplaceable, but there are unique…” So the great Pablo Picasso said in the middle of the last century… Our whole life is carried by with the speed of an express train. And we do not have time to think about those who are nearby. There are no irreplaceable ones! But sometimes, very rarely, it's true, but sometimes, Personalities happen next to each other. Not! They are not irreplaceable! With their departure, the work continues. The gears are spinning. Life is moving forward. But that special light that they gave to those around them, that warmth that they warmed, that joy that followed them on their trail, irretrievably disappears ... These are, in my opinion, they say: “Yes, there are no irreplaceable ones, but there are unique ones. You can replace everything, you can’t repeat it! ” I think all those present will agree with me that Sergei Vasilyevich Bogachev was unique.

Sergei Vasilievich Bogachev was born on September 27, 1963 in the village of Dobroye, Shebekinsky District, Belgorod Region. So I planned to start my essay in its very first draft version. And then I thought that with dry biographical facts you can talk about anyone, but not about Sergei Vasilyevich. His portrait should be special. After all, Bogachev himself was special.

And then the idea of ​​creating a collective portrait came to mind. As a mosaic, a mosaic portrait is made from multi-colored pieces of glass, marble, enamel, colored stones, so I decided to create an image of this unique person from the diverse memories of the people who surrounded Sergei Vasilyevich.

And I would like to start this portrait with the memoirs of Fyodor Vasilyevich Tarasov, a reliable comrade and devoted friend: “... We were friends with Sergei from youth. He came to us in the 9th grade. Moved from Yablochkovo. There the school was far away, and it was necessary to get a secondary education. We studied at the Koshlakov school in parallel classes. I - in "A", there were all Koshlakovsky, he - in "B", there were all visitors.

In 1981, they entered the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification together. Agriculture. They wanted to get into one group, but they got into only one faculty. We lived in the same hostel, passed the session together. I remember how in the first year they decided to earn extra money. We went to unload the car with motorcycles. Unloaded 54 motorcycles fully packed in plywood shields. Received for it. How much would you think?! 2 rubles 80 kopecks for two.

After graduation, Seryoga returned to Kupino. It was there, on the collective farm "Russia", in the direction of which Sergei studied, that he became the secretary of the Komsomol organization. Then the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol.

I don't think it was accidental. Young, energetic, creative, he knew how to rally the youth around him, to ignite a common cause. The talent of the young organizer did not go unnoticed, and in 1987 Sergei Vasilievich went to work in the city committee of the Komsomol. Here he learned to work with people, to take responsibility for the task assigned, to successfully overcome difficulties.

Sergei Nikolayevich Karacharov recalls the work of Sergei Vasilievich in the Komsomol: “Together we raised quite complex, as they would say now, projects. We took on events of a very serious regional level.”

Let us return to the lines of the official biography of Sergei Vasilyevich: “From April 1992 to May 2005 S.V. Bogachev continued his career as head of the youth department, then deputy head and head of the department of culture, sports and youth affairs of the administration of the Shebekinsky district and the city of Shebekino. Under his leadership, the industry has overcome the most difficult times in the history of modern Russia.”

And here is how Sergey Nikolaevich Karacharov recalls this: “Sergey Vasilyevich took up this work and created the department practically from scratch. As a priority, he chose for himself work with children and adolescents registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. As a result, people from the region came to learn from the experience of the Shebekinites. Sergei Vasilievich, together with other members of the commission, thoroughly studied the documents for each child, traveled around the area, filmed stories. They tried to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. Calling for a meeting of the commission was a last resort. But if they called a child, they didn’t just scold and frighten them, but they talked seriously, found an approach to everyone.

In his work he always had a huge number of assistants. They believed him. They knew that if Bogachev gave his word, he would definitely keep it. At that time, the time of perestroika, people did not receive a salary for two or three months, to say nothing of money for events. And he was given wonderful prizes in the hope that someday they would be paid. He always knew how to find sponsors. With their help, we embodied the most unthinkable ideas. KVN is one of them.

Here we turn to the memories of the KVNshchikov themselves. Dmitry Viktorovich Gruzdev: “It was Sergei Vasilyevich who proposed the creation of the KVN League in Shebekino. We have organized a team of teachers. I became a captain. But gradually some teams were eliminated, someone simply did not reach the level. The team broke up."

Yuri Alekseevich Unkovsky: “Dmitry Gruzdev called out to convene the second KVN team. They called it "Shebekinskie holidaymakers". This team has achieved very high results. We became regional champions. But it happened, rather, not because of, but in spite of. Despite all the difficulties and problems that had to be solved, but thanks to the help of Sergei Vasilyevich. Without him, the second attempt would have failed.”

And again, Dmitry Viktorovich: “The national team was formed from the most faithful. I was the captain in it, Sergey Vasilievich - the director. The first game was with Korotaya. And the first victory! And then off we go: Sochi, Donetsk, Voronezh, Moscow. Sergei Vasilyevich dealt with all organizational issues: buy tickets, organize accommodation, get money, find sponsors. He somehow made it all easy. We called him Batyanya. At the KVN festival in Sochi, they called him Kirov for his favorite cap. He had an incredible sense of humor. They were friends with him, they believed him, they trusted him infinitely.

Once in Sochi, Sergei Vasilyevich mixed up the halls. And instead of the Sochi KVN festival, I got to the performance of the German musician Louis Bög (Mambo No. 5). Passed face control, several security cordons. He was seated in the most honorable places ... "

As it turned out, KVN workers are very modest guys. Already by my own efforts, I found out that the Shebekinskiye Resorts achieved very good results. They became the finalists of the Interregional Interleague of KVN of the 1998 season.

KVN in Shebekino lives today. How does another undertaking of Sergei Vasilyevich continue:

S. N. Karacharov recalls that time: “Bogachev and his comrades visited the first Oskol Lira festival. I was on it only hitting. We arrived overwhelmed with emotions, there were even more questions.

The second festival raised even more doubts. We thought for a long time and came to this conclusion: “We will make our own festival!” We will select participants for the “Oskolskaya Lyra” on it, and if it still doesn’t go, then it will be no worse for us, and maybe even better! That's what they decided on.

Alexander Tarasov came up with the name. The first festival turned out to be regional. There were 19 guys from the district and two Muscovites who at that time ended up in Shebekino. Further - more ... Kharkov, Kursk ... "

Dmitry Viktorovich Gruzdev also speaks about that time: “Sergei Vasilievich always strived for change. His catchphrase is: "Let's come up with something new." So it was with the International Festival of Student Author's Song and Poetry "Nezhegolskaya Path".

We felt that the soul was asking for something new. We decided to arrange a festival that would be strikingly different from the then popular Oskol Lyra. It was prepared by a large friendly team: Sergey Vasilyevich, Sergey Anokhin, Alexander Tarasov ...

Largely thanks to the ideas of Sergei Vasilievich, each festival turned out to be unforgettable: a balloon will come up with, a volleyball tournament between authors and performers.

Everyone with whom I spoke noted that S. V. Bogachev was always exactly where he was needed. He always came to the rescue just when this help was most needed. As an example, the story of Alexander Grigoryevich Prokopchuk: “2003. The first labor group. I work with guys. We are repairing the site along Lomonosov Lane, 2. Sergei Vasilyevich is walking past. I saw a carousel supposedly repaired by us. “Guys, who will fix the floor?” - asks. “So, there are no boards,” we answer. Immediately, it rings somewhere, as if by magic, boards and a saw appear. The boys are assigned some simple work. Those around Sergei Vasilievich are circling on one leg. It seemed that with us he forgot about all his urgent matters and worries. This went on until the mobile phone rang and Bogachev had to leave us with regret. The guys ask: “Who was that?” Imagine their surprise when they heard that the head of the department was working with them.

"Lucky! He succeeded! - says Dmitry Viktorovich Gruzdev about his senior comrade. “The bus, which still serves faithfully in the department of culture, he knocked out from the governor.”

More about the story with the bus from the story of the wife of Sergei Vasilyevich Tatyana Viktorovna: “Sergey had to prepare a speech for the arrival of Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko. At the same time, Smyk gave a clear instruction: “Bogachev, look! Don't ask for anything!" Sergei was exhausted: “Tan, how not to ask, we need a bus!” Wrote the speech in one breath. At three o'clock in the morning the light came on in the bedroom: "Tan, now, listen! .." He still asked for the bus. The governor remembered this, and at the end of his trip he turned to Sergei Vasilyevich: “So what did you say about the bus”?

This is how the bus came about. And Tatyana Viktorovna was a constant assistant in all matters. As Sergey Nikolaevich Karacharov says about her: “His wife, Tatyana Viktorovna, is an amazing, wise person. Thanks to her, he could work for days.” Sergei Vladimirovich Krivov echoed him: “What did you love in life? Job! Whom? - Tatyana! His wife understood. And Victoria Denisovna Konovalova: “Tatyana Viktorovna never took offense, because she understood him, she was not just a beloved woman, but, so to speak, was his like-minded person, comrade-in-arms, support and reliable rear.”

In general, a portrait of a person will never be complete if you do not tell how he was in ordinary life. So Sergei Vasilyevich was unique here too. In this sense, the story of the acquisition of an apartment is noteworthy.

At that time, a house for state employees was rented out. Apartments in it cost 50% of their market value. Only the needy got the opportunity to purchase them. As Tatyana Viktorovna Bogacheva recalls, to force her husband to go to an appointment with A. V. Smyk, the then head local government district, it was simply unrealistic: “How, for yourself ?! Ask?! Will not go! We are not in need!” And this despite the fact that I had to huddle in a small one-room apartment.

Victoria Denisovna Konovalova told this story in more detail: “He never asked for anything for himself. I remember only once. With joint efforts they pushed out, sent to Smyk for a signature. So he couldn't get the words out. He stood in front of the head all in a cold sweat and stuttered. Anatoly Viktorovich at first was afraid that his interlocutor was ill. But, when, finally, I understood what the essence of the matter was, he laughed and said: “Sergey Viktorovich, I will sign it with pleasure!”

The same story repeated itself with the dacha. The wife found a wonderful plot on the river bank. Sergei Vasilyevich resisted for a long time: “What a dacha ?! Why do you have a cottage?!” Tatyana Viktorovna says that even the driver was sent to see what kind of place. And then I saw a tumbledown house and decided: we take it. Later I just fell in love with these places. I did not want to change to any resorts.

According to Victoria Denisovna Konovalova, he himself carried the earth, made paths, repaired the house, attached rooms to it. Planted flowers, planted grass, bought a lawn mower. Then he made a real tyn, a fence. He himself went to the forest for rods, he wove himself, he himself procured pots somewhere, fastened them. He handled everything himself. What he did not know, he learned.

In general, such instant decisions have always been in the spirit of Sergei Vasilyevich. He made decisions instantly. And then he didn't back down from them. So in an instant he went to work for Yuri Alekseevich Unkovsky at the Shebekinsky dumpling.

I thought for a long time what made successful person to leave management work in administration and turn to entrepreneurial activity. After all, the desire for money work is not about S. V. Bogachev. A conversation with Sergey Nikolaevich Karacharov helped me figure it out:

“Working with him was both very easy and very difficult. Easy, because he always worked not according to papers, but according to his conscience. Didn't ask, didn't find out, but did. It is difficult, because he did everything from and to according to the letter of the law. He didn't retreat one iota. He was a barometer for me, a moral barometer. If Bogachev agreed to take part in a particular case, from the point of view of morality and law, everything is in order. If Bogachev said no, I should have thought about whether I was getting down to business.

I think it was this inner moral barometer that made me change my life dramatically.

As Yuri Alekseevich Unkovsky says, “directorship at Shebekinsky Pelmen LLC was probably not the limit of his dreams. It was not at all the scale of Bogachev's personality. But even here his help was indispensable.”

Sergei Vladimirovich Krivov recalls the same period in the life of S. V. Bogachev: “Sergei Vasilyevich Bogachev was a creative person who was always looking for something new, and always in everything. It would seem that work in a commercial enterprise was a transit point for him. But, even while working at the Shebekinsky dumpling enterprise, he came up with new products. Called: “Come. We have a tasting. We are launching something new." Looking for new approaches. He even brought his creativity into production. Yuri Alekseevich was sure of him. I knew that Bogachev would do everything at the highest level.”

During the period of election campaigns, S. V. Bogachev was always invited to work in the election headquarters. He took vacations and immersed himself in electoral affairs. This was interesting to him. And he always returned with a sense of accomplishment, charged with the energy of an important matter.

Therefore, when Fedor Vasilyevich Tarasov called and said that he had offered the position of his deputy, despite his unwillingness to lose a reliable partner, Yuri Alekseevich did not hold back his friend.

And since 2011, Sergey Vasilyevich Bogachev went to work in the administration of the city of Shebekino as a deputy head.

It was his. His calling. After all, he loved Shebekino and the Shebekinites. I was sick with my soul for making the city more comfortable for living. All my interlocutors spoke about it.

Alexander Grigoryevich Prokopchuk: “He took everything to heart. Every trouble was his trouble. He listened to everyone's opinion. You could come to him with any, even the most crazy idea. He never said no right away."

Sergey Vladimirovich Krivov: “He was a man-fire. He lit with his warmth, the energy of those around him. If he got down to business, then the people who surrounded him could not stand aside. So it was with the cooperative parking lot.”

Tatyana Viktorovna Bogacheva: “At first, the bulk of the residents of the house were against this parking lot. But gradually more and more people began to be imbued with the idea of ​​​​Sergey Vasilyevich, and there, you see, they are already coming out to help him.

Sergei Nikolaevich Karacharov: “Sergei approached the work with his characteristic scrupulousness. I found assistants, like-minded people, united tenants around me, and quite different people. Organized Saturdays. We did many things with our own hands.

The same story with the skating rink. He didn't look back at the others. He did it himself, others followed him. At 9, 10 pm I could go out to pour. After all, it is necessary."

Thanks to S. V. Bogachev, rhythmic gymnastics was revived in our city after a long break, the championship of the Belgorod region among judo masters was held, the reconstruction of the city park began ...

You can talk for a very long time. Each of my interlocutors spoke about his personal attitude towards Sergei Vasilyevich, but, you know, in every memory there was one thought common to all. “We were lucky in life, because such people are not given to everyone as friends!”

But today I cannot but cite the recollections of Sergei Vasilyevich of a man who was not his friend at all. Just lines from the internet. It was just by chance that fate brought it together. Bogachev just happened to be nearby. I just couldn't help it.

“In a large and friendly company, we went to rest. To Yalta. 10 people. I remember a strong blow, and the ceiling, the window, my knees flashed before my eyes in seconds ... The bus fell. It was easier for me to get out through the back door. The driver and his family climbed out through the front ... But someone was thrown out the window! Those who had been riding with us in neighboring chairs minutes ago were scattered in different directions. It was like in a movie...

A man was in charge at the scene of the accident. Only later did I find out (and was very surprised) that this was the deputy head of the city of Shebekino Sergey Vasilievich Bogachev (it all happened next to Shebekino). We, those who suffered slightly, were sent to a sanatorium nearby. It was late in the evening, but we were very warmly welcomed, placed. In general, the people around were very kind and sympathetic ...

Sergey Vasilievich, I know, was not just interested, but literally inspected whether we had everything, whether we had proper care, whether the necessary treatment was being carried out ... He left his mobile phone: “Call at any time!” And these are completely strangers to him.”

I presented you fragmentary memories of Sergei Vasilyevich Bogachev. But it seems to me that they all united into one "work", the name of which is life.

Sergei Vasilyevich died tragically on April 29, 2012. On September 27, 2013, on the day when S. V. Bogachev would have turned 50, a small park in his memory was opened in Ustinka. I think he would have reacted to this with the modesty characteristic of the mind in the only way: “What are you ?! Why?!"

As Yuri Alekseevich Unkovsky said: "Serega Bogachev - and that says it all."

There are no irreplaceable ones, but there are those who have left us.
We can't forget their faces, voices...
Once brought love into our lives,
For them, we also pray to heaven.


Her parents, sisters, relatives called her - Lucy ..))

For many years this and my good friends too ..

I didn’t even know that I could cry and grieve so much for a person whom I knew only through letters.

It's been 10 years since that terrible day.

Her daughter Sasha has become an adult, independent.

Maya, sister, also writes, we are in touch ..

Polya is a niece, sometimes she consults on various matters ..

I always see Mila on a red sofa (why red?) in the corner, she holds a sofa cushion in her hands, and her legs are curled up ..

So cozy.. :)

Much, much has come true for me, my dear virtual friend.

I went to many specialists, but not often I was given such an accurate forecast that I received from you.

Thank you my dear..

You have contributed to my new vision of the World, for which I bow low to you...

Rest in peace.. Light to your soul..

Your luminous soul

With a light and invisible touch, she touched me, leaving a surprisingly warm, almost tender correspondence...

Virtual communication with this lovely woman gave me some kind of inner core, filled my life with new colors and content....

I will not hide, I was really looking forward to her letters ..

I feel like I'm still waiting for them....

Still: they supported me very much, reading them, I hear her voice, filling the printed lines with spiritual warmth ..

I combined the letters addressed to me, as it were, into one...

And that's what happened...

"! Hello, Mouse...


I’m lying in the beauty of “flowers”, my husband tries to please ... he brings everything on a tray, and I’m being capricious ...

I do not write - because there are many things to do, and very little free time.

Moreover, in the evening on the Oculus, the "social load" took over - JOURNEY.

I remember you, don't be offended. come to me in the topic - that will be the meeting.

Do you remember how I looked at your Friendship - I found a minute after all.

Myshul, I want to learn Hebrew.

If you want to please me, pick up literature or reprints for this.

Hebrew is slowly advancing.

I will pull up from June..

I gave your opener to my husband, but then - ... in the kitchen I hung it in a conspicuous place ... - Memory of you !!!

Myshul! What are you saying: I do not hope for good!?

The GOOD thing is that YOU will soon be a GRANDMA!!


I really rarely show up.

I’ve even put aside my topic Journey now ... I don’t want to write in “raids”, because the philosophical question is now there. ...

But it should be freed from overload in a week.

I now have a master's degree in psychology.

This is the THIRD supreme image.

I defended my Specialist Diploma in Medical Psychology last year.

Now a master's degree.

I want to go to graduate school in the fall.!!!

Your romances should definitely come in popularity!

"Shawl" is absolutely extraordinary!!

ITS would be a popular singer to sing.

You certainly do a wonderful job of it.

But the Big Stage is divided in Showbiz.

And only a hyped Star can truly star her....

thanks for writing about yourself.

Natul, you are a good man. I love your kind heart.

I watched asteroids about you.

And of course WOW! I am completely delighted with what I saw on the horoscope - my own associations were confirmed!

Your energy is just given from the HEAVEN!

you can work with the "channel" directly.

You have the potential of clairvoyance and the ability to gain knowledge without teachers!

Your Energy is Healing, but the truth is, without control, it can be destructive (both for you and for others).

If you do not use your GIFT and do not reveal it further, you will get sick and may have not only physiological ailments, but also psychological and even mental ailments (but I think God will not allow this!).

You have good aptitude for astrology.

But the main thing is that you CAN read the information.

And slender schemes of astrology can beat off intuitive perception if you STRAIN yourself with dry astrological formulas of events!

Tomorrow I'm going to my mother - we will gather with her sisters and their families in order to congratulate our children once again on their birth in a family atmosphere.

My mother has cancer, but she refused the operation.

We accepted her choice - even though it was not easy for all of us.

But now we try to support her as much as we can - morally and spiritually.

All autumn (every weekend) I took her to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and to the "holy" source.

I think this is very encouraging for her.

Because the doctors gave - a few months, but she still does not feel the way she could with these medical forecasts.

I pray for her. And I suffer a lot from the impossibility of saving her.

I have read your post several times...

I so want to talk to you about this topic... but I'm afraid that this will be more than one letter... and if I start this conversation with you, it will be not so ASTROLOGICAL as psychological.

Mouse, I'll think first. how to talk to you, and then I'll write.

To be honest, I have a feeling that if I touch this topic, something VERY SERIOUS will begin!!!

Mouse, I hug you! I think of you...

I poked, I poked, according to postcards, decorated as best I could ... they don’t go to you !!! Writes "stupid site" that I'm doing something incorrectly !! or not the site is "stupid, but I)))

I decided that I would write a letter, and if possible, I would also send a postcard!

Attached gifts to the letter !!!

I wish you happiness and success!!

Creative flight and warmth!

May your life be as SWEET as a FAIRY TALE!!!