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The main photo in the social. network (or ava) is business card everyone modern man. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to the photo that is in this place. Today, how to take a beautiful selfie on avu is a popular question among young people. There are no specific recommendations for this. But there are some tips that you can follow to make you look pretty good.

Selfie features for the main photo

This photo should look the most attractive. You can put your style, character, behavior and hobbies into such an image.

You should not put a selfie on your ava that does not reflect your image. After all, it is by him that others will judge you. But too much attention should not be paid to such an attribute. Otherwise, you will become obsessed and make yourself unreal. And that's not too good.

In addition, you should not put fake selfies on social media. networks. For example, if you take a picture of yourself with a guitar or a microphone, then everyone might think that you are making music. And when the deception is revealed, it will be unpleasant.

How to take a selfie on an ava girl?

Beautiful "avatar" selfie, this is a complex simple tips, which includes:

  • Showing off your beauty. Focus on what makes you more attractive. For example, chest, face, hairstyle;
  • Favorable angle. Don't take photos spontaneously. Find the ideal position at the beginning;
  • Lighting. Bad light can make you a real witch;
  • Background. Make sure there is no clutter in the background;
  • Appearance. Be at the parade. No "natural" photos.

It is not necessary to specifically "make lips duck." It looks stupid and infuriates everyone. It is better to move your head slightly forward and tilt it slightly.

Smile or just put on a nice face. Negative and serious selfies cause rejection. With them, your page will turn into a castle of darkness.

Do not overplay with makeup and clothes. Be beautiful, not pomaded. Look at yourself in the mirror, take some test shots. And only then start creating the main photo.

Selfie on avu at home

Contrary to many opinions, the house can be a great photo platform. You can take an avatar photo of yourself at:

  1. Bedroom;
  2. In the kitchen;
  3. At computer;
  4. In the room;
  5. And even in the bathroom.

You just need to create a certain photo style. If you want to make an image of a cool young man, then you can take a picture of yourself against the background of a computer, a shelf with disks and a poster with a celebrity.

Selfies in the bathroom also look bright and unusual. Just do not put a toilet bowl or sink in the frame. Make the bathroom hard to read at first glance.

If you have a pet, please use it. Today it is fashionable to take pictures with cats. So you can demonstrate love for our smaller brothers, showing yourself on the good side.

You can also create an avatar against the background of a carpet or an old closet. It will be retro style. But you don't need to replay. Otherwise, you will look like a granny who decided to live a social life.

Technical points

For the ava to be truly expressive, keep your phone or camera away from you. So there will be no distortion of the image. Do not wear glasses or reflective jewelry. They may leave glare. Taking a photo with them is quite difficult.

Try moving the lens up and down. Find golden mean which will suit you. Also watch out for the shadow. Bad shading can ruin everything.

If you have a selfie stick, then use it. It allows you to make the highest quality snik. With it, you can adjust the distance and angle. It's a really handy thing.

When you take a beautiful selfie on your ava, you should not rush to publish it. Consider it properly. You can show the "masterpiece" to your friend or girlfriend. And only then it is possible to expose the frame to the public.

Do you have an Instagram account and love taking pictures? Then you need to know a few tricks that will allow you to take beautiful selfies. Having mastered the basic secrets of such photos, you will always look great in the pictures.

Choose a place that is well lit. You can go outside or just go to the window. If the weather is inclement, then use a fluorescent lamp, which should be pointed at yourself while photographing. Tilt your chin a little, so the focus will be on the eyes. The overhead shot is ideal for overweight people as it makes the eyes, nose and chin more visible. The chest area seems to be smaller. If you are not wearing makeup, then you can focus on a deep neckline, it will divert attention from your face. Women with large breasts can make them look smaller by taking a shot from above. If the chest is sagging, it can be slightly lifted with your hand. Lying down shots are ideal, but they are not suitable for people with a double chin. This posture makes this part of the face distinct. If you are not shy about your figure, then photos in underwear are ideal. It is not necessary to be photographed while standing, you can sit on a chair or lie down. When taking a picture lying down, check the hair. They should lie beautifully on the bed. Try to keep your hair from straying into strands and buns. Put on some light makeup before the photo session. If you don’t have time, then just apply foundation and concealer to your skin, and cover your lips with a transparent gloss. As a result, the skin will seem well-groomed, despite the absence of makeup. Take a selfie with your hair down, this will give the picture a spectacular effect. Are you running late and can't get your hair done? Just comb your hair and make a "creative mess" on your head. This hairstyle is suitable for young girls who prefer sportswear and casual style. Never take pictures of yourself from below. If your face is not oval, but round with pronounced cheekbones, try to raise the phone above your head. It is best if it is located at arm's length. Thus, it will be possible to capture not only the face, but also part of the clothing. You don’t need to take pictures in the toilet, usually in public places the mirrors are not the cleanest, so the photo will be blurry. Lack of lighting will make the picture blurry. Flip through the pages of glossy magazines, from which you will learn about fashion trends. Focus on bright shots of models and stars. They are good in the photo, not only because they work with fashion designers and makeup artists. Each star has its own "crown" pose, emphasizing all the advantages of appearance. Find such a position for yourself by experimenting in front of a mirror.

To prevent hand shake, use the self-timer on your camera. Try to turn off the flash as yellow disfigures the face and makes flaws more noticeable. Check if there are other people or large objects in the frame that will distract attention from you. Try to take photos with the main camera, as the front camera is designed for other purposes. Of course, it's easier to take a beautiful selfie when you can see the future shot on the screen, but poor resolution will make the photo blurry. With a little practice, you'll be able to take pictures with the main camera.

Selfie is a kind of self-portrait, main feature which is that the author is holding a mobile phone or a camera. The first information about this word appeared on the Flickr network in 2004 as a hashtag. Today, the craze for photographing oneself has captured the whole world: even the leaders of countries and world stars have posted such photos on their personal pages on the network, or as they are also called selfies.

Selfie Rules

To get beautiful pictures, and, accordingly, likes for her on the network, because for them, in fact, everyone is trying, you need to follow certain rules, here they are:

Today, no one is surprised or touched by the usual and monotonous photos near the mirror, in the elevator (this craze even has a separate name - liftoluk). The coolest photos are obtained when a person is balancing on the edge and is one step away from death. The most dangerous selfies are those taken at a height of several hundred meters, for example, when jumping with a parachute or from a bridge on a fixed rubber cable. No less spectacular are the shots underwater next to predatory fish and other marine life, on the spire of skyscrapers or in close proximity to the crater of a volcano. The safest selfie can be taken at home, in a familiar environment, although here you can find a lot of interesting ideas.

How to take a selfie

How to take a beautiful selfie? Experienced instagrammers claim that the first time is unlikely to get anything worthwhile, but the best
assistant in this matter is only experience. Therefore, it remains only to take the phone or camera in hand and look for it - the most successful angle. As already mentioned, it is better to tilt your head slightly or stand sideways. Shooting from above or below is not worth it: in the first case, you will only add age to yourself, and in the second, give yourself a second chin, and then you will frantically examine yourself in the mirror, wondering where it came from.

Selfie poses for girls are recommended as follows: raise the phone with an outstretched arm and try to capture the bust in the frame: the photo will turn out to be incredibly seductive with an advantageous emphasis on the chest. And it’s not always worth looking directly into the camera: it’s better to look away a little to the side. Try placing a sheet of paper just below your chin. It will reflect the light and the photo will be better. In any case, try to look as natural as possible: bounce, make faces, smile, squeeze, or just put your hand behind your head - such shots always turn out to be more successful than staged ones with forced smiles and fake emotions.

Today, there are so many ideas for selfies on the Internet that it is not possible to bring them all to life. Many have adopted the experience of a famous artist from Norway Helen Meldal. The girl used to leave notes to her friend on the mirror with her own lipstick - she took this method as the basis for her selfies, and only then they were adopted by millions of users around the world. Most popular ideas for a selfie at home - with a pet or a teddy bear on the couch, in a beautiful dress or other outfit with a haircut, with a mug of coffee in an armchair under a cozy blanket, etc.

How to take a cool selfie? Go to a beautiful place. In any area you can find a view against which it will not be a shame to make yourself. Nature in general is just a storehouse of backgrounds for this activity. If you like to travel, then it will not be a problem for you to find a place where you can make a crossbow. Otherwise, always keep your camera handy when you go somewhere: the right moment can come at any moment. For example, when an unusual wedding cortege passes by, airborne troops bathe in a fountain, and an old granny drives a small goat across the field. However, you should not cross the line of what is permitted and all sorts of decency and take pictures of yourself at a funeral and against the backdrop of other events that are no less shocking to the public: the suicide of someone, emergency and dangerous situations that bring disaster and destruction, etc.

Unusual selfies

The most unusual selfies include a photo in which the author is wrapped in tape, or rather, his head and face are wrapped. This madness has received incredible popularity on
Facebook and is designed to cheer up friends and all visitors to the page. Many are still tied to their heads various items and paint the skin with incredible colors. Another Instagram celebrity is photographer Ahmad El Abi. He also emphasizes his head by attaching a wide variety of items to his hair - kitchen utensils, paper clips, matches, cards, spaghetti, a children's designer, etc.

According to statistics, more than a million selfies are taken every day in the world, a huge part of which are on vacation. Sea selfies are incredibly popular. Most vacationers start taking pictures of themselves as soon as they reach the beach. Selfies in the metro often end tragically, especially if the author does not follow safety precautions. The Internet space was shocked by footage of a couple capturing themselves on the subway rails in an unambiguous pose. They claim that they are not the first ones in the subway who captured this moment on a mobile phone camera. Well, what can I say. The law is not written for fools.

Retro-style selfies are gaining more and more attention from users all over the world, and now there are cameras on the market that make this idea a reality. It remains only to find the appropriate entourage, costume, accessories and other accessories of those times and forward, conquer new heights! And if you haven’t made a single self yet, try it, it’s so addictive!

We can take a thousand selfies, but how do you get a really good and attractive shot? The one where your hair, skin, smile, clothes and environment will look perfect.

Of course, people sometimes exaggerate the importance of social networks (remember that Instagram is not the real world), but on the other hand, selfies are a way to feel more confident in yourself, to accept and love your appearance through the photos that we post on in social networks or send to our friends. The main thing to remember is that you should not judge yourself by the number of likes to a photo.

If you want to take a great selfie but don't know how, here are some pro tips. From finding the right angle to choosing the right filter for your shot, we'll look at 8 tricks for creating a great shot.

Make sure you have quality equipment

It would seem that there is no better invention for creating a selfie than a smartphone with a front camera: it takes good pictures and has many filters. But, in addition to ordinary phones, you can use full-fledged cameras to create a self-portrait. You might want to purchase the Olympus PEN E-PL7 designer camera, which is great for this purpose.

Olympus PEN E-PL7 selfie camera with LCD display

Fashion blogger Alex Steadman considers such a camera to be the best solution for capturing eye-catching pictures: the camera allows you to take high-quality, clear pictures and instantly share them on social networks using Wi-Fi. The camera has built-in filters and effects, as well as a flip-out LCD display that helps you "take the shot the way you see it." In addition, with such a display, your hands will not be in the frame when shooting.

Find the perfect shooting angle

Everyone has a "best angle", in which he looks the most advantageous. You just need to find it. Look at designer Tom Ford: he often stands in the same position in the pictures and always turns out well. One photographer told us how to find your own right angle. “The whole secret lies in knowing your strengths and being able to emphasize them by posing for the camera,” he said.

For example, if you have a long nose, you should raise your head a little (but do not lift it too high). You do not need to photograph yourself from below (double chin appears) and strongly from above, in this case the body will look disproportionate. The best angle is a half-turn pose so that one half of the face is visible. Cheeks can be visually reduced by pointing the front camera from above. In this case, the face will appear more slender. In addition, this arrangement of the camera visually enlarges the eyes. Finally, if you have a large forehead, avoid filming yourself from above, holding your smartphone to the side and just above your eye line. In addition to the shooting angle, you should choose which side to turn the face, because the right and left halves have differences: the size of the eyes, the height of the eyebrows, the presence or absence of moles and skin irregularities. Experiment with different provisions to find your best angle.

Remember about lighting

You might have a Lumee Selfie Light Case, but is it the perfect light source? Photographer and fashion blogger Candice Lake suggested that you go outside before shooting, where natural diffused light will come to your aid. The golden hour for good shots is the time of sunrise and sunset. Natural light is the best.

Selfies are best taken in natural light.

“Lamps in the room can add yellow tones to the frame, which I don’t like,” says Alex Stedman. If you still decide to shoot at home, then it’s better to do it during the day, standing in front of the window. If a sunlight too bright, cover the window with a loose curtain to scatter the rays. With such lighting, the lines of the face come out softer and smoother. If natural light is not enough for you, you can supplement it with artificial light to fill in the shadows. Avoid photos with flash: it will distort facial features and endow it with red pupils.

Make a bright make-up

If you've put on makeup and feel like you're looking your best, then it's time to grab the camera. Even skin tone, expressive eyes and lips will make the picture rich and bright.

Bright makeup in the photo will attract more attention

Makeup artists recommend using a highlighter to give the face freshness - a little on the upper part of the cheekbones, in the inner corner of the eye, on the check mark above the upper lip. “Be sure to apply concealer under your eyes (to make it look natural, take one that is a shade lighter than your skin) - it will open up the look,” advises Christine Daniel. Do you want your face to look dull and tired in the photo? Use peach blush and powder bronzer.

Don't be afraid to take foot selfies - it's quite appropriate

Don't want to take a picture of your face? Then take a selfie of your legs - this is the new trend in social networks. Remember that for a memorable selfie, shoes must be unusual in design, fashionable or just plain fun.

Leg selfie is the new trendy feature

Take your shots using a grid overlay so that your feet are exactly in the middle. On an iPhone, you can add this feature in the camera settings; for Android owners, there is an opportunity to take a picture inside the built-in Instagram application. The surface on which you are standing is also important for such a shot: look for beautiful tiles, paving stones or carpet with an intricate pattern.

Choose the current image

You know for sure that Gucci loafers will get a lot of likes, but you are not sure whether to show your legs in fishnet tights? Take pictures in different looks until you understand which photos are the most successful, and in which it is really worth posting selfies to get compliments from your subscribers.

Try to choose a beautiful image to collect more likes

Use a photo editor to take a beautiful selfie

At one time, we take a huge number of selfies in order to choose from all the options one or two really good shots. But even such frames often require processing: contrast, exposure, color correction.

A special photo editor will help improve the image