The year of creation when the yellowing field is agitated. A complete analysis of the poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...". (Lermontov M. Yu.). Paths and images

The poet wrote the verse “When the yellowing field is agitated” in 1837. For several weeks he was in the prison of the St. A trial was scheduled in connection with the harsh tone in relation to secular society, which showed through the entire poem. This tone was not liked by some influential nobles. Before determining how revolutionary his work is, the author was taken into custody. After that he had to go into exile in the Caucasus.

Here, without ink and paper, one of the last lyrical works of the poet was created. Matches, furnace soot and wine became feathers. The paper was the wrapper in which his valet wrapped the food.

The main theme of the poem

How did the poet address this particular topic? According to the memoirs of his contemporaries, Lermontov was a skeptic and looked at many things quite soberly and realistically. He perfectly understood the old basics social order are becoming a thing of the past, but society is not ready for cardinal changes. A living example is the uprising on Senate Square. The people, whose liberation the Decembrists advocated, did not support them.

The poet knew that he himself would not see changes in his lifetime, and the situation, meanwhile, only worsened. Realizing his powerlessness, he increasingly fell into a depressive state. He understood that there would no longer be such heroes as the Decembrists, he would not be able to raise someone to fight against the autocracy with poetry, but he did not want to put up with the current situation.

Structural analysis of the poem

At first, "... a yellowing field" looks like landscape lyrics. The first lines describe nature. But the final is about something else. A person can be truly happy only by being in communion with nature. Here is the main idea of ​​the work, nature is only the first step towards thinking about life. Based on this, this work refers rather to philosophical lyrics. There is a sense of loneliness in this poem lyrical hero. However, starting communication with nature, he finds himself and God.

Most of the work is a sketch of the landscape and creates a feeling of peace, tranquility and well-being. Nature is an occasion to think about yourself, about God. As a rule, the main idea is given in the conclusion. And its meaning is that the contemplation of nature makes a person happy and brings him closer to God. The verse is written in quatrains, that is, multi-footed, but, to a greater extent, six-foot iambic. Long words are used that break the rhythm of the iambic. The whole work is filled with movement. Only the final, short line of the iambic tetrameter stops the movement, since the thought is logically complete. The beauty and harmony of nature soothe the mental confusion of the hero, remove anxiety in the soul. It brings all thoughts and feelings into order. And his soul aspires to God.

(11 )


Genre: elegy.


Most of the poem is a landscape sketch. The harmony of nature emphasizes the discord in the soul of the lyrical hero. The beauty of nature gives hope for reunion with nature and people:

And I can comprehend happiness on earth,
And in the sky I see God...

In the first three stanzas, the concept of "world" is revealed, in the last, the concepts of "I" and "God" appear.

The first three stanzas begin with the word "when", and the last stanza repeats the word "then".


⦁ Theme: the unity of man with nature.
⦁ Idea: the path from the soul to the universe, to the feeling of God, which is present in the beauty of the world and in the human soul, is described.


⦁ Epithets: vague dream, golden hour, ruddy evening, silver lily of the valley, etc.

⦁ Personifications: the lily of the valley nods its head, the raspberry plum is hiding in the garden, the yellowing field is agitated.

⦁ Metaphors: anxiety subsides, wrinkles on the forehead diverge.

The poem was written by Lermontov in February 1837, when the poet was under arrest in the building of the General Staff in St. Petersburg for the poem "Death of the Poet". Only a valet was allowed to see him, who brought dinner. Bread was wrapped in gray paper for him. On this paper, with the help of matches and oven soot, this work was written.

The poem has no title, but already its first line interests the reader: what happens when “the yellowing field is agitated”? The entire poem consists of one sentence.

The first, second and third stanzas are all subordinate clauses of time, cause and condition (when) that reveal the meaning of one main clause. Compositionally, the poem is divided into two parts. The first part depicts pictures of nature - each stanza begins with the word when.

The second part describes the feelings of the lyrical hero - they arise then. Depicting nature, the poet draws not one, but several poetic interconnected pictures.

He tells how “the yellowing field is agitated” at the slight sound of the breeze, how the fresh forest rustles thoughtfully, how “the raspberry plum is hiding in the garden”, how “the icy spring plays along the ravine”.

In these landscape sketches, Lermontov personifies nature: the lily-of-the-valley “nods its head amiably”, the key babbles “a mysterious saga”.

Depicting his favorite landscapes, the poet talks about the endlessly renewing nature - about different times of the year. This is autumn (yellowing field), and spring (fresh forest; silver lily of the valley), and summer (raspberry plum). The poem is rich in artistic and expressive means.

Poetic epithets create an atmosphere of lyrical mystery (sweet shadow; ruddy evening; vague dream; mysterious saga). Lermontov uses the color epithets characteristic of his work (yellowing cornfield; raspberry plum; green leaf).

From artistic means the poet also uses an anaphora (And I can comprehend happiness on earth, / and in heaven I see God ...). In the first stanza, a wide landscape panorama is given: a field, a forest, a garden.

Then the poet narrows the artistic space, leaving only a plum, a bush, a lily of the valley. But then the space expands again - it, together with the running icy spring, breaks beyond the horizons:

When the cold key plays in the ravine
And, plunging the thought into some kind of vague dream,
Babbling me a mysterious saga
About the peaceful land from which he rushes ...

Artistic space becomes endless. This picture is the culmination of the poem. In the final quatrain, the poet speaks about the feelings of his lyrical hero.

Four verses and four important transformations in a person: “Then the anxiety of my soul humbles itself” - the transformation of the inner world; “Then the wrinkles on the forehead diverge” - a change in appearance; “I can comprehend happiness on earth” - the possibility of perceiving the near world; “And in the heavens I see God…” - the possibility of perceiving the distant world, the universe.

The feeling of peace, serene happiness, harmony of the world is given to the lyrical hero by nature. And this association with natural world allows the poet to say:
And I can comprehend happiness on earth,
And in the sky I see God...

The landscapes of M. Yu. Lermontov are mostly filled with a bitter feeling of loneliness. He grew up near Penza, and the modest Russian landscape always evoked in his heart, wherever he was, a aching feeling of love and abandonment. Only one piece falls out of this series. We will analyze Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...", we will tell you how it was created and what methods the author used.

Time and place of its creation

After a tragic duel and the death of the “sun of our poetry”, the 23-year-old poet began to stifle hatred for the killers of a genius, for everything high society. Twelve days later, the poem “To Kill the Poet” was already circulating in the capital. A criminal case was opened, and six days later the troublemaker was put in a prison cell.

During the investigation, the poet was comforted by the memories of small homeland. M. Yu. Lermontov gave himself to them with all his heart. “When the yellowing field is agitated ...”, which appeared as a result, brought consolation to the restless heart of the poet and left an indelible mark on Russian landscape and philosophical lyrics.

The poet did not have paper, pens and ink - he wrote with coals on food wrappers. After prison, house arrest awaited him, and then - the first exile to the Caucasus.

Genre of the poem

The first three stanzas can clearly be attributed to the lyrical landscape. A complete analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ..." allows the reader to understand that it is also of a philosophical nature.

So, the last stanza shows where peace flows into the soul of the lyrical hero and why sorrowful wrinkles diverge: only God in heaven grants happiness on earth. The hero, observing the perfect creation of the Creator - nature, involuntarily subdues his anxiety and finds peace and tranquility, otherwise - happiness.

Composition and disclosure of the main idea

Let's continue the analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...". The first stanza shows how the poet carefully peers into the cornfield, the fresh forest and the garden. It's the end of summer. The second stanza, spring, is dedicated to the silver lily of the valley sprinkled with fragrant dew.

He comes into contact with the lyrical hero when he nods his small white head in a friendly way. The third stanza shows an icy spring that gives rise to a stream and sings a mysterious tale. Water enters into a dialogue with a person. The key babbles about the peaceful land where he was born. Here you can already see the dynamics and movement.

The lyrical hero is watching the flow cold water which leads him to further reflections. That is, three stanzas do not create a real corner of nature, but its image in full.

And in the last stanza he concludes his main idea Lermontov ("When the yellowing field is agitated..."). The theme of the poem takes on a general meaning. Only in confinement and prison does a person learn how beautiful freedom and the whole world of God, created without chaos, but according to uniform laws and design.

Rhyme and meter used by the author

In his work, the poet used iambic. Mostly six-footed. Words are used long. All this creates, together with the pyrrhic, an uneven rhythm. The first three stanzas have a cross rhyme. This is how the verse “When the yellowing field is agitated ...” is built in the first three parts.

First, the lyrical hero passes through places familiar from childhood, then bends down to examine the lily of the valley under a bush, then stops at the key. His gaze suddenly changes direction and rushes up, to heaven, to God.

And it is here, in the fourth stanza, that the verse “When the yellowing field is agitated…” changes its size to an iambic, consisting of four feet, and the rhyme, unlike the previous ones, becomes circular.

Artistic means of expression: images and paths

One can only be amazed at what a colorful picture of nature is revealed to a person sitting in four walls, in confinement. We continue the analysis of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...".

The poet uses bright epithets in the first stanza: his cornfield is turning yellow, the forest is fresh, the plum is raspberry, the leaf is green, the shadow is sweet. Everything is filled with the sounds of the rustling of the fields, the noise of the forest and the silence of the midday garden.

The second stanza is no less picturesque. Evening - ruddy, morning - golden, lily of the valley - friendly and silvery. We smell its aroma, as well as the smell of fragrant dew, with which it is sprinkled.

The third stanza touches inner life lyrical hero, his feelings, not associated with a specific time. His thought plunges into a vague dream, he hears the story of the key about his peaceful native land.

This is how the transition to the fourth stanza is made: the humility of anxiety in the soul is revealed through metaphors. This ends the lyrical miniature of the poet.

Each stanza uses personifications that animate the world: a plum is hiding in the garden, a lily of the valley nods its head, playing, a key babbles in a ravine.

The lyrical hero did not place himself in this world. He admires them a little aloof and is looking for his place, which will be in harmony with him. He finds happiness only when he sees God in heaven - the Creator of the world of existence and all others that one can only guess about. This is the infinity and greatness of the aspirations of his soul.

The poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ...", which we will analyze, is separated from Lermontov's youthful work by only a few years, but during this time important changes have taken place in the life of the poet. It was written by a "prisoner", created by a prisoner in the General Staff, awaiting a court decision on his future fate. Autobiographical moments reinforce the meaning of the conclusion contained in the work, which affirms the possibility of harmony, "happiness ... on earth", comprehension of the divine meaning of being.

As in Zhukovsky's elegy "Evening", contemplation of nature leads to such thoughts, although Lermontov reproduced the landscape in memory. The impressions of the lyrical hero are like flashes of a flame illuminating a field turning yellow in August, fruits in a garden, June flowering of lilies of the valley, spring freshness of a forest, a cold spring in a ravine. What is important in them is not the sequence associated with the change of seasons, but subjective significance. All the details appear within the framework of one complex sentence (“When ... then ...”), as in the early poem “Spring”, but the pessimism prevailing there disappears. Nature appears "in some kind of vague dream", through which the specificity of colors, sounds and smells, with which the low-key Central Russian landscape is depicted, seems to be the embodiment of earthly beauty.

In the first quatrain, bright strokes appear in the picture:

When the yellowing field worries,

And the fresh forest rustles with the sound of the breeze,

And the crimson plum hides in the garden

Under the shade of a sweet green leaf...

In the second, the silver color of lily of the valley is added to them. Everything is illuminated by the sun, pouring out golden light on a “ruddy evening or in the morning”. If nature “hides” in the first stanza, then further “nods friendly” (second stanza), “babbles ... a mysterious saga” (third stanza; saga is a legend, from the Old Norse word denoting the genre of narrative epic), revealing the mystery of life. As with Zhukovsky in the elegy "Evening", all sensory impressions merge (in the first quatrain yellow, combined with crimson and green, echoes the sound of the breeze, the plum hides, the cornfield shimmers in the sun; niva - crops on the field). In the second stanza of the poem “When the yellowing field is agitated ...” Lermontov’s lily of the valley is sprinkled with dew, the visual accent is combined with smell and emotional notes: dew quenches spiritual thirst, for the lyrical hero there is a “friendly” companion:

When, sprinkled with fragrant dew,

Ruddy evening or golden hour in the morning,

From under the bush I silver lily of the valley

He nods his head...

In the third stanza, the motive of movement hidden in the first two is revealed: the stream plays, rushes from the “peaceful land”. In the first and second quatrains, it was only outlined (the ears were agitated, moving from the wind; the plum was not visible behind the leaf, as if hiding from the sun, the plum; the lily of the valley grew under the bush, looking out from under it). "Cold key" does not cool the imagination of the lyrical hero, on the contrary, it is included in his game, babbling is heard in the murmur, mysterious words about an ideal world:

When the cold key plays in the ravine

And, plunging the thought into some wonderful dream,

Babbling me a mysterious saga

About the peaceful land from which he rushes ...

These words are understandable and close to the lyrical hero, his thought, renouncing everyday life, from fruitless lamentations, turns to the comprehension of new truths. Following three subordinate clauses, describing the conditions under which the romantic is ready to accept earthly imperfection, in the last quatrain the main thing is reproduced, perceived due to the fact that the poem ends with it, as a result, conclusion:

Then the anxiety of my soul humbles itself,

Then the wrinkles on the forehead diverge, -

And I can comprehend happiness on earth,

And in the sky I see God...

In the image of the lyrical hero of the poem “When the yellowing field is agitated ...”, the analysis of which interests us, the ability to carefully peer into the features of reality, finding beauty and harmony in it, reflecting the heavenly ideal, comes to the fore. Nature provides a person with the opportunity to “comprehend on earth” the highest happiness, to see the harmony of the ideal and reality.

They sound in a life-affirming chord, causing the triumphant pathos of the poem. The subjectivity of impressions (“nods to me”, “babbles to me”) and conclusions (“I can comprehend”, “I see”) puts the lyrical hero in the center of the universe, elevating his personality. There is something in it that is different from the feeling and mind of a person (the lyrical hero comprehends what is unknown in the earthly world, sees God). Like Zhukovsky, music participates in the transfer of supersensible and extra-rational experience. Colors, smells, sounds merge, creating a unique melody. Phonic originality complements semantic musicality. The text is permeated with assonances, internal rhymes, sound repetitions.

Zhukovsky’s elegy “Evening” is reminded (in addition to the iambic six-meter iamb used to write the first three lines in Zhukovsky’s multi-footed stanza) by the repetitions of vowels with a semi-vowel heard by the senior poet in the very first lines (“Ruch her, in july sch uy sya ... "), and Lermontov penetrating the entire text (waves ye tsya yellow her sch and I”, “grew oh oh spatter th fragrant oh", "how oh something vaguely th dream", "peace th kr ah"," And happiness e I I can") and combined with repetitions of vowels with sonorants:

And hides in the garden ma whether new with whether wa

under the shade with la worthy ze le foot whether stack;

When, ro soy about ry fragrant,

RUminted veche ro m il per ut ra golden hour...

Sounds in rhyming words echo (male rhymes of the first quatrain - with the female of the third, male of the second - with the female of the fourth). The repetition of the union "and" gives the statement an ascending intonation, which is resolved in the conclusion, which ends with an ellipsis, indicating understatement, the possibility of continuation. It is combined with another impression - compositional completeness, due to the construction of the poem-sentence.

The inner world of the lyrical hero Lermontov, described in the poem, complements his characterization. Without departing from romantic ideas, striving for absolute harmony, he is ready to accept the earthly world, longs to experience happiness and peace. The impracticability of his dream is connected in the context of the work not with the maximalism of the requirements for life, but with the inevitability of the blows of fate, thoughts about which instill anxiety in his soul, do not allow him to indulge in illusions about a peaceful, sweet, happy being. A tragic reflection falls on the prisoner of fate, prompting you to listen more carefully and more carefully to his "mysterious saga". It may contain the only revelations in its subjectivity, "vague" guesses about the meaning of earthly existence and about God's intervention in it.

The nature of central Russia has been exciting poets and writers for many centuries. Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "When the yellowing field is agitated ..." refers to original poetic works dedicated to the natural beauties of the native land.

The first three quatrains of the poem describe the moment at which the soul of the lyrical hero is cleansed. Anxiety, excitement go away, “when the yellowing field is agitated and the fresh forest rustles at the sound of the breeze”, “when ... the silver lily of the valley shakes its head affably”, “when the icy spring plays along the ravine”.

The lyrical hero is internally calm when he is in the bosom of nature, enjoys its beauty and feels like a part of the universe. Only such involvement with the natural world allows "happiness ... to comprehend on earth", and in heaven to see God.

The lyrical poem is rich in artistic and expressive means depicting the essence of true beauty. Poetic epithets create an atmosphere of quiet mystery: “under the sweet shadow”, “ruddy evening”, “in some kind of vague dream”, “mysterious saga”. Artistic personifications make it possible to make the described picture alive: “the yellowing field is agitated”, “the fresh forest rustles at the sound of the breeze”, “the raspberry plum is hiding in the garden”, “the silver lily of the valley shakes its head affably”, “the cold key ... babbles to me a mysterious saga about a peaceful land from where he fled. Nature, as it were, plays with the lyrical hero, revealing her unknown facets to him. Lermontov's poem is filled with a sense of peace, serene happiness, which is poured into nature. And only, realizing this, the lyrical hero says:

And in the sky I see God...

This poem is the inner monologue of the lyrical hero. It is optimistic in its mood and allows us to see the highest truth.

(Option 2)

It is believed that this poem was written in February 1837, when M.Yu. Lermontov was under arrest in the building of the General Staff. The poem does not have a title, but the first line makes us wonder what "then" happens. The poem consists of one sentence. The first, second and third stanzas are clauses of time, causes and conditions (“when”), revealing the meaning of the main sentence, the last stanza (“then”).

Then the anxiety of my soul humbles itself,

Then the wrinkles on the forehead diverge, -

And I can comprehend happiness on earth,

And in the sky I see God...

The poet calms down, gets younger, forgets about his troubles, rejoices, finds happiness on earth and believes in the existence of God, that is, finds inner harmony, only under certain conditions. What can help a person find harmony? M.Yu. Lermontov believes that nature has such power over the consciousness and soul of a person.

Only nature is able to give the poet a sense of the harmony of the world, to reconcile him with it.