Gdz in geography 8th grade notebook. Lesson thematic planning

Gdz in geography Grade 8 SPHERES


contour maps


Training apparatus


Gdz in geography Grade 8 SPHERES
UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade"

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Textbook This textbook continues the line of educational and methodological complexes" Spheres "in geography. The publication was prepared in accordance with the Federal ... More

Electronic supplement to the textbook

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Electronic supplement to the textbook The electronic supplement to the textbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex "Spheres" in geography for grade 8 and significantly expands… More

Notebook simulator

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8” Exercise book The exercise book is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy ”for the 8th grade of the UMK line ... More

Practicum notebook

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8” Workshop notebook The workshop notebook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy” for the 8th grade of the line… More


UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8” Examiner's notebook The examiner's notebook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy” for the 8th grade of the line… More

Electronic cartographic manual “Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy»

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy” Electronic cartographic manual “Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy” is an auxiliary resource of the information and educational environment… More

contour maps

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Contour maps Colored contour maps printed on offset paper, which allows you to draw on them with pencils, and made in the technique of three-dimensional image… More

Illustrated atlas. 8-9 grade

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8" Illustrated atlas. 8-9 grade Integral part UMK "Spheres" for grades 8-9 is an illustrated educational atlas in geography, developed on the basis of new approaches to ... More details

lesson thematic planning

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8" Lesson thematic planning Lesson thematic planning is intended for a geography teacher working with the educational and methodological complex "Geography. Russia: nature,… Read More

Electronic cartographic manual “Geography. World"

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. World” Electronic cartographic manual “Geography. World” is an auxiliary resource of the information and educational environment “Spheres. Geography” for the main and… Read More

Working programm. 5-9 grades

UMK “Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 "Working program. Grades 5-9 The work program in geography for grades 5-9 was developed for educational and methodological complexes of the Spheres line of the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The program… More

In the eighth grade, students have a lot to learn about their country. On the one hand, this knowledge will help to present all the diversity of those forms of life and nature that are enclosed within its boundaries. On the other hand, many schoolchildren begin to feel a sense of patriotism and pride in the place in which they live.

The whole program of this year is divided into four major parts. The first begins with what place Russia occupies on the world map, how its borders differ. The physical, economic and transport features, as well as the geopolitical position are considered.

Teenagers will learn what a federation and subjects of the federation are, as well as what federal districts are for. A very big topic is the nature of the state, which is famous for its beauty and originality. The children will learn how the relief was formed and what natural resources are found, what types of climate can be found on the territory of Russia, what inland waters and water resources contained on the mainland, as well as the diversity of biological resources. Also, teenagers will learn about what peoples and nationalities are found in Russia. The course ends with a section on the economy, what industries it occupies, how it develops and what contribution it makes to the development of the region.

Will there be difficulties this year?

Since the theme of this year is quite extensive, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without difficulties. It is difficult to predict in advance what kind of problems the guys will face, since the program has many ramifications. Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to any information.

Is it possible to avoid mistakes.

First of all, everything will depend on the desire of the eighth-graders themselves to study and receive relevant information. But if there is a desire, then in difficult moments it can always come to the rescue "GDZ in geography Grade 8".

Images of textbook covers are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code Russian Federation)

  • Rakovskaya AST-PRESS
  • Contour maps in geography Grade 8 Novototskikh DiK
  • Privalovsky Bustard
  • Contour maps in geography Grade 8. GEF Kotlyar Enlightenment
  • Control and measuring materials (KIM) in geography Grade 8. GEF Zizina Wako


  • Pyatunin, Customs Ventana-Count
  • Barinova, Dronov Bustard
  • Barinova Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 8. GEF Kim, Marchenko, Nizovtsev Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 8. GEF Sirotin Bustard
  • Geography workbook Grade 8 Nikolina Enlightenment
  • Notebook-workshop on geography Grade 8. GEF Khodova Enlightenment
  • Notebook-simulator in geography Grade 8. GEF Alder, Bannikov Education
  • Notebook-examiner in geography Grade 8. GEF Drums Enlightenment
  • Geography workbook Grade 8. Part 1, 2. GEF Domogatskikh Russian Word
  • Geography workbook Grade 8. GEF Barinova, Suslov Exam


Geography Resource Books Grade 8

  • One of the disciplines high school, which many students show interest in and which is subsequently chosen for the GIA, is geography. Given the interesting, visual presentation of the material in the textbook, the abundance of cartographic information and not the most difficult tasks, this choice is understandable. In addition, geography is necessary for admission to geological, pedagogical, some economic universities and colleges. The optimal time for the start of serious, deep training is the 8th grade of the school. For eighth graders, it is important that a competent, effective set of literature is selected. Teachers can help with this, and you can prepare yourself, using the solution books for these manuals. Regularly comparing the responses received with GDZ, eighth graders learn to work on their own, analyze and use useful information. And - automatically remember the order of the correct entry of the answer.
  • As a rule, 8th grade chooses sets of literature on geography school teacher. But the complex can be diversified by including manuals from other teaching materials. Most topics are similarly covered in tutorials, but some tasks and facts will be different. Such a versatile approach will allow not to miss the important, to prepare well and successfully pass the GIA in the final grades, as well as to gain a deeper knowledge of geography.
  • Self-study in the subject

  • In the course of geography, eighth-graders study in detail and fully geographical position and characteristics of their country. Main subsections teaching materials will become:
    - general and detailed information about the territory of the Russian Federation;
    - nature and natural complexes Russia;
    - its population and its movement;
    - facts and information that allow you to find out everything you need about your country from the point of view of the science of geography.
  • In order for the material to be assimilated as best as possible (generally, geography is the most popular elective subject in the final tests in the final grades), high-quality study guides and guides to them. But some books and detailed answers to tasks with recommendations for their implementation will not be enough. To work with GDZ led to the expected and natural result, eighth graders are required to:
    - a responsibility;
    - scrupulousness in the study of each individual topic, when working with each paragraph, information;
    - usage various techniques and formats of control of acquired knowledge;
    - correction of the results in the event that gaps in the study of the material are identified.
  • Students of the 8th grade can draw up a plan, a scheme of work on their own or by seeking professional help. For example, to their teachers, tutors, leaders of geographical, local history circles, courses. They can also help to choose the optimal set of literature necessary for a deep, high-quality study of geography.
  • As a rule, the "required minimum" for work in geography in the 8th grade includes the following list of benefits:
    - a textbook on theory, it is best to use the one that eighth graders study at school. If you plan to participate in subject Olympiads in geography, it is advisable to add an additional theoretical collection from another program;
    - atlas and contour maps for the development of cartographic material. This is an important part of the work, since it is the tasks proposed in these manuals that allow you to systematize and memorize geographic information well;
    - workbooks that offer difficult but interesting questions that allow you to look at science and its findings from a different angle;
    - collections of control and practical work to check the results for yourself.