Adyghe proverbs and their Russian counterparts. Folk sayings and proverbs of the Circassians (Circassians)


Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 11:17:01

* In the unfinished business, the snake sits.

* In its mink and the mouse is brave.

* Stupid motley loves.

* Speak thinking, sit down looking around.

* Even a camel has fun once a year.

* If the heart does not look, then the eyes do not see.

* If you want to lie - fall on the dead.

* And the fool is smart while he is silent.

* What is the use of a cow giving a lot of milk if she spills it?

* major rain doesn't go long.

* He who is not ashamed to say, he will not be afraid to do.

* An affectionate lamb sucks two queens.

* Better to have a smart enemy than a stupid friend.

* The frog says: "Oh, if only the river where I'm sitting was deeper!"

* Look at your mother, marry your daughter.

* In place of thorns, thorns will grow.

* Do not laugh at the one who falls first.

* The unappointed term is far away, the appointed one will come.

* A wound from a saber will heal, from a tongue - no.

* First, learn at home, then go to the hase (meeting).

* A secret known to three is no longer a secret.

* The coward strikes first.

* Who has many shortcomings, he easily finds them in others.

* Know how to deal with the stupid, and the smart one will manage with you

* A good weapon is a good companion.

* What the blind man seizes, he holds fast.

Wiki Quote. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is ADYGE PROVERB in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • PROVERBS in Sayings of famous people:
  • PROVERBS in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
    is a reflection of the mindset of the people. Johann ...
  • PROVERBS in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
    a mirror of the people's way of thinking. Johann ...
  • RUSSIAN PROVERBS in Wiki Quote.
  • ARABIC PROVERBS/TEMP-1 at Wiki Quote.
  • Cowardice at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-09-02 Time: 18:46:30 * It is never cowardice to submit to the power above you. (Alexandre Dumas-father) * ...
  • ERROR in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-06-13 Time: 12:04:53 * If your friend makes important mistakes, do not hesitate to reproach him - this is the first duty of friendship. …
  • GULAG ARCHIPELAGO in the Wiki Quote.
    Krylov Ivan Andreevich - the famous Russian fabulist. Born February 2, 1768, according to legend - in Moscow. His father "sciences ...
  • DAL VLADIMIR IVANOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich - a famous lexicographer. Born on November 10, 1801 in the Yekaterinoslav province, in the Lugansk plant (hence the pseudonym Dalia: ...
    - a genre of oral folk art: a well-aimed figurative expression that has entered into speech, containing an emotional assessment of one or another ...
  • APHORISM in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from Greek, aphorismos - a short saying) - a short saying containing a complete thought, philosophical or worldly wisdom; instructive…
  • PROVERB in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [lat. — proverbium, adagium, French. — proverbe, German. — Sprichworth, eng. — proverb. From the Greek name P. - paroim?a - ...
  • KALMYK LITERATURE. in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Kalmyk literature has only a few years of existence, since it arose after the creation of a new Kalmyk script. Before October revolution Kalmyk literature ...
  • MYSTERY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    can be defined as a convoluted question, usually expressed in the form of a metaphor. According to Aristotle, Z. is “a well-composed metaphor.” Veselovsky considers ...
  • POLYSYNTHETIC LANGUAGES in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    variety of languages ​​in which grammatical meanings are usually transmitted as part of a word by a sequence of morphemes (mainly by stringing affixes). To polysynthetic ...
    Yusuf Ibragimovich (born April 25, 1913, the village of Shahancherikhabl, now the Teuchezhsky district), Adyghe Soviet poet. Member of the CPSU since 1941. Studied at the Moscow Polygraphic ...
  • SANTILLANA INIGO LOPEZ DE MENDOZA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Santillana) Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza (August 19, 1398, Carrión de los Condes - March 25, 1458, Guadalajara), Marquis de, Spanish poet. The author of the first Spanish poetics "Foreword and ...
  • ETHNOSCIENCE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    medicine, the totality of empirical information accumulated by the people about healing agents, medicinal herbs and hygiene skills, as well as their practical use for …
  • KUBAN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    river in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions of the RSFSR. Formed by the confluence of the river. Ullukam and Uchkulan, originating on the slopes of Elbrus, near the edge ...
  • CAUCASIAN (IBERIAN-CAUCASUS) LANGUAGES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Iberian-Caucasian) languages, autochthonous languages ​​of the Caucasus, represented by three groups: Kartvelian, Abkhazian-Adyghe and Nakh-Dagestan. Although the genetic relationship of the Nakh and Dagestan languages ​​is not ...
  • DAL VLADIMIR IVANOVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Vladimir Ivanovich [born 10(22).11.1801, Lugansk, now Voroshilovgrad, - 22.9(4.10.1872, Moscow), Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. Born in the family of a doctor. Graduated from medical...
  • IVORY COAST in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Ivory, Republic of the Ivory Coast (French Republique de Côte d "lvoire), a state in West Africa. It borders on the west with Liberia ...
  • ADYGI in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the general name of a large group in the past of related tribes of the North Caucasus, who called themselves the Adyghes and were known in European and ...
  • Adyghe Autonomous Region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    autonomous region, Adygea. As part of Krasnodar Territory RSFSR. It was formed on July 27, 1922. The area is 7.6 thousand km 2. Population 379 …
    Numerous tribes and peoples now speak Turkish dialects, ranging from the Yakuts to the population of European Turkey, the Ottomans. …
  • SIMONOV MATVEY TERENTIEVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Little Russian ethnographer, better known under the pseudonym Nomis (an anagram of a surname). Genus. in 1823, completed a course in Kievsk. Univer. verbally...
  • RUSSIA. POPULATION: RUSSIA IN ETHNOGRAPHIC RELATIONSHIP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The first any detailed information about the peoples inhabiting R. (except for the most ancient, who belonged to the peoples who previously lived here and came down ...
  • PSALM OR BOOK OF PSALMS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    one of bible books Old Testament, — ????????? in Greek, tehillim in Hebrew. The book consists of 150, and in Greek (and Slavic) ...
  • Psalter in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The Psalter or Book of Psalms is one of the biblical books of the Old. Zveta, -yalthrion in Greek, tehillim in Hebrew. The book consists of 150, and ...

In an unfinished business, a snake sits
Iof weublam bla hes.

Wise - advised
Iushyr meupchIezhy.

For a friendly herd, the wolf is not terrible
Iehogyu zedezyshtemkIe tyguzhyri shynaghop.

If one person deceives you three times - you are stupid, if you fall into the same hole three times - you are blind
And zy nebgyrem sche uigyaptsIeme - udel, and zy mashem sche wifeme - uneshhu.

The Adyghe guest [as if] is sitting in a fortress.
Adyghe hakIe pytapIe is.

He who has a mind has endurance.
Akyl ziIem shcheIagye and I.

Reason is wealth, wealth is dew.
Akylyr bygone, bylymyr oseps.

Reason has no price, knowledge has no boundaries.
Akylyr wase iIep, gesenygyem gune iIep.

Mind is the second soul of man.
Akylyr tsIyfymkIe yationoreps.

The smart one finds the key to the fool.
AkylyshIom delami bze kyfegyoty.

What is not found, is not given.
Amygyotyre atyzhyrep.

To a man who has not been bound himself, do not let yourself be bound.
Amyphyg'e lIy zemyg'eph.

Whoever dies first is buried first.
Ape lIerer ape dahy.

Language for the heart guide.
Bzegur gum itelmash.

The tongue is like a drawn dagger.
Bzegur se ikhyg.

Language rules the world.
Bzem dunair eIety.

Those who do not know the past will not understand the present.
BlackIyger zymyshIerem neperem wase fishIyshtep.

Intelligence over wealth.
Former nahy akyl.

The one who talks a lot eats, the one who does a lot is better.
Be zyIorem nakhi be zyshI.

I eat a long time to live, it is better to see a lot.
Be zyg'eshIag'e nakhi be zyl'egugug.

What is pleasing to the heart is beautiful to the eyes.
Gum ikIaser nem shIodah.

After thinking, speak, after looking around, sit down.
Gupshysi psal'e, zypl'yhy thousand

Heart to heart finds a way.
Gure gure lago zefyrya I.

From a kind word you will take off as if on wings, from an evil word you will fall.
GuschiIe dahem tame kybguegakIe, thickIe Iem uzehgaafe.

He who does not have a firm word does not have the truth.
Thick winters Iem sh'ypkag'e and Iep.

The word begets the word.
Dense Iem thick Ie kelfy.

The traveler does not get stuck on the road.
GogurykI about gogu tenerep.

A bad companion is like a bad weapon.
Guuse deire, shhonch deire.

The owner of an iron fortress needs an iron needle.
GuchI kale ziIeri guchI maste shchekIe.

What you did not collect in the summer, you will not find in the winter.
Gemafam umygyoirer, kIymafem bgotyzhyshtep.

Deal with a fool - a smart one will manage with you.
Delem ebgukIu, Iushyr hedgehog kyobgukIoshcht.

He is a fool, and when he is not asked, he talks about himself.
Delem uemyupchIeu ik'ebar kyueIo.

If you make a fool your friend, you will become like him.
Deler utsogyu pshIeme fede okhu.

The tailor has thread, the cutter has a flap.
Derem - Iudan, bzerem bzykhaf.

There is no bad without good.
E zykhel'ym shIu khel.

Be a man or die.
E ulIen, e ulIyn.

For the illiterate, knowledge is medicine.
Emyjag'em shIenyg'er and Iezeg'u.

He who does not know good does not understand evil.
Yer zymyshIerem sIur yshIerep.

He who hesitates does not avenge his father's blood.
Ehyrekhyshale yate yl yshIezhyrep.

Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.
Zhy degu zydeshchymyIem nybzhykIe degu shyIep.

Where the wind comes from, where the rain comes from
Zhyr kyzdikIyrem oshkhri kyekIy.

The spoken word is like a bullet fired from a gun.
Zhem kydekIyge psal'ere shkhonchym kyikIyg'e shere.

One head it's good, but two better.
Zy akyl nakhi akylitIu.

Don't tell anyone who hasn't had a headache about your headache.
Zyshkhe weuzigem uishkhyeuz femyIuat.

Two neighbors milk their cows [in different ways].
ZeguneghuitIume yachemyshchykIe zetekIy.

Eating together is tastier, working together is a pleasure.
Zedashhe Ieshu, zedelage thagyo.

Woe to the family where there is no consent
Zemyzeg zeryl unaggor tkhamykIagyu.

What is not heard is not recounted.
Zehamyhyre aIotezhyrep.

Where there is a lot of noise, there is little mind.
Kuokhaur zyshchybem akylyr shymak I.

Where there are many relatives, there the grave is more spacious.
Kyoshyr zyschybem benyr shybykhu.

With someone who needs you, don't be arrogant.
Kyipfaem zyfemyg'ein.

During the suffering they say - if only my dog ​​could become a man.
Lezhegum sihe tsIyfy khugaggyot aIo.

Say little, do a lot.
MacIeu Io, beu shIe.

For a bear, a wolf is shaggy.
Mysh'em tyguzhyr shIopyrats.

In the forest and in the dark, do not tell your secret.
Mezre shIunkIyre uish'ef ashymyIuat

Whoever grows a forest does not destroy it.
Mezyr kazygyekIyrem mezyr riupkIyzhyrep.

When there are many shepherds, the sheep die.
Melekhuabe zydeshchyIem melher schelIeh.

During haymaking, do not forget about winter storms.
Mekhuonyg'er kIymafe khotyr zyschymygupshzhezh.

There is nothing hidden that will not come true.
Nafe myhuzhyn sh'ef shyIep.

Those who do not respect their elders do not deserve respect themselves.
Nakhyzhkhem shhyakIafe afezymyshIyrem shhyakIafe teferep.

Before reaching the ford, do not lift the hem.
Dogs ikIyg'om unemyseu pl'ekIape demyshchay.

It is better to have a stupid friend, it is better to have a smart enemy.
Nybdzhegu dele uIen nakhi py Iush uiime nakhyshIu.

A secret known to three is no longer a secret.
Nebgyrishchi ashIerer sh'efep.

Standing on the shore is the most skillful rower.
Nepkym tetyr koshIofykIe Iaz.

The song shortens the road.
Oredym gogur kIekIy eshIy.

What you don't find in good weather, you won't find in bad weather.
OshIum umygyotyrer vay bgyotzhyshtep.

Honor is bought at the cost of life.
Pser ashche, naper ashchefy.

Where there is no child, there is no happiness.
Saby zeremysy mound il'ep.

I do not take out my dagger twice, I do not pronounce my word twice.
Sikame tIo kishyrep, sigushIe tIo sIorep.

Don't talk - my dog ​​doesn't bite, my horse doesn't kick.
Sikhe tsakerep, sish orep umyio.

The book is the key to knowledge.
Tkhyl'yr shIenyg'em iIunkIybz.

Wherever you are, go to knowledge.
Tyde schyIemi shIenyg'em lykIu.

Do not laugh at those who stumbled ahead of you.
Uape dzherdiram udemykhashkh.

Do not stand on a branch that cannot bear you.
UzymyIetyscht kutamem utemyutsu.

Whoever does not like you, for that you are fat.
UzyshIoIem ushIoghum.

If you can’t find anyone to consult with, consult your hat.
UzeupchIyzhyn umygotyme, uipaIo eupchIyzh.

Your friend is your mirror.
Ui nebjagyu ui gunj.

Hoping for a fellow traveler, do not mess with a bear.
Uiguse uschygugeu mysh'em uemyben.

Do not tell the secret of an old friend to a new friend.
Winybdzheguzh ish'ef nybdzhegukIem emyIuat.

If you work, you will eat meat, if you are lazy, you will see grief.
Ulazheme ski pshkhyn, umylazheme lazhe plegun.

Don't doubt your parents.
Uyanere uyatere uyamynegui.

There is a cure for everything except death.
Khadegum nemyk I Iezeggu of winter Ie shchiIep.

When a guest arrives is the business of the guest, when the guest leaves is the business of the host.
KhakIem kaekIonyr - and Iof, kIozhynyr - bysym and Iof.

When asked who is prettier, the tortoise took out its head.
Het anakh dakh aIo zekhum, khadepchemyIum yshkhhe kyrigyeshhyg.

The soul of a people is its language.
TsIyf l'epkyym ypser ybzegyu.

There is always some truth in what people say.
TsIyfme Iorem shypke khel.

A person who does not know but knows how to listen is not stupid.
TsIyfym ymyshIemi, daIome delap.

It's not the clothes that make a person, but the mind.
TsIyfyr zygedaherer shyg'enep, akylyr ary nakh.

From good man guests don't come out.
TsIyfyshIu khakIe shymykI.

He who does not have an ox harnesses a calf.
Tsu winterIem shkIe kIeshIe.

A bull is visible on the calf.
Tsu huschtyr shkIeze keoshIe.

The old tree stands, the young one falls.
Ch'ygyzh'yr shytze ch'ygykIer ebedzhy.

There is no stupid village - and among the fools there is a smart one.
Chyle dele khurep - deleme Iush kehekIy.

Bend the young vine.
Chir tsIyneze kauf.
With a cat, secret speeches are not started.
Chetyu zydeshchysym sh'ef shchaIuaterep.

Where there is no cat, there is a mouse frolicking.
Chetyu zyrymysy tsygyo schedzhegu.

Do good and throw it into the water.
Shiu shIeri psym hadz.

You will go into the burdock - you will pick up the burdock.
Shkhum uhaheme, shkhu kyopkIy.

When there is no mind in the head, the legs do not rest.
Sh'khem akyl imyl'yme, l'er meuleu.

Affectionate lamb sucks two queens.
Shyne Iatsor melitIu yashho.

The one who has fallen from his horse blames the girth.
Shym kefekhirem l'eryg'em tyrel'khe.

Under the rider who loses heart and the horse does not run.
Shyum ygu kiodyme, shyr chyezhyrep.

If you miss the mane (head) of the horse, do not grab the tail.
Shyshkhyer bleptIupshchyme, shykIem ukIel'ymybenezhy.

The one who burns himself with milk blows on yogurt.
Shem ystyger shyum epshche.

Iof weublam bla hes.
In an unfinished business, a snake sits

Iushyr meupchIezhy.
Wise - advised

Zhy degu zydeshchymyIem nybzhykIe degu shyIep.
Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.

Zhyr kyzdikIyrem oshkhri kyekIy.
Where the wind comes from, where the rain comes from

Zhem kydekIyge psal'ere shkhonchym kyikIyg'e shere.
The spoken word is like a bullet fired from a gun.

And zy nebgyrem sche uigyaptsIeme - udel, and zy mashem sche wifeme - uneshhu.
If one person deceives you three times - you are stupid, if you fall into the same hole three times - you are blind

Adyghe hakIe pytapIe is.
The Adyghe guest [as if] is sitting in a fortress.

Akyl ziIem shcheIagye and I.
He who has a mind has endurance.

Akylyr bygone, bylymyr oseps.
Reason is wealth, wealth is dew.

Akylyr wase iIep, gesenygyem gune iIep.
Reason has no price, knowledge has no boundaries.

Akylyr tsIyfymkIe yationoreps.
Mind is the second soul of man.

AkylyshIom delami bze kyfegyoty.
The smart one finds the key to the fool.

Amygyotyre atyzhyrep.
What is not found, is not given.

Amyphyg'e lIy zemyg'eph.
To a man who has not been bound himself, do not let yourself be bound.

Ape lIerer ape dahy.
Whoever dies first is buried first.

Bzegur gum itelmash.
Language for the heart guide.

Bzegur se ikhyg.
The tongue is like a drawn dagger.

Bzem dunair eIety.
Language rules the world.

BlackIyger zymyshIerem neperem wase fishIyshtep.
Those who do not know the past will not understand the present.

Former nahy akyl.
Intelligence over wealth.

Be zyIorem nakhi be zyshI.
The one who talks a lot is better than the one who does a lot.

Be zyg'eshIag'e nakhi be zyl'egugug.
It is better to see a lot than to live long.

Gum ikIaser nem shIodah.
What is pleasing to the heart is beautiful to the eyes.

Gupshysi psal'e, zypl'yhy thousand
After thinking, speak, after looking around, sit down.

Gure gure lago zefyrya I.
Heart to heart finds a way.

GuschiIe dahem tame kybguegakIe, thickIe Iem uzehgaafe.
From a kind word you will take off as if on wings, from an evil word you will fall.

Thick winters Iem sh'ypkag'e and Iep.
He who does not have a firm word does not have the truth.

Dense Iem thick Ie kelfy.
The word begets the word.

GogurykI about gogu tenerep.
The traveler does not get stuck on the road.

Guuse deire, shhonch deire.
A bad companion is like a bad weapon.

GuchI kale ziIeri guchI maste shchekIe.
The owner of an iron fortress needs an iron needle.

Gemafam umygyoirer, kIymafem bgotyzhyshtep.
What you did not collect in the summer, you will not find in the winter.

Delem ebgukIu, Iushyr hedgehog kyobgukIoshcht.
Deal with a fool - a smart one will manage with you.

Delem uemyupchIeu ik'ebar kyueIo.
He is a fool, and when he is not asked, he talks about himself.

Deler utsogyu pshIeme fede okhu.
If you make a fool your friend, you will become like him.

Derem - Iudan, bzerem bzyhyaf.
The tailor has thread, the cutter has a flap.

E zykhel'ym shIu khel.
There is no bad without good.

E ulIen, e ulIyn.
Be a man or die.

Emyjag'em shIenyg'er and Iezeg'u.
For the illiterate, knowledge is medicine.

Yer zymyshIerem sIur yshIerep.
He who does not know good does not understand evil.

Ehyrekhyshale yate yl yshIezhyrep.
He who hesitates does not avenge his father's blood.

Zy akyl nakhi akylitIu.
One head it's good, but two better.

Zyshkhe weuzigem uishkhyeuz femyIuat.
Don't tell anyone who hasn't had a headache about your headache.

ZeguneghuitIume yachemyshchykIe zetekIy.
Two neighbors milk their cows [in different ways].

Zedashhe Ieshu, zedelage thagyo.
Eating together is tastier, working together is a pleasure.

Zemyzeg zeryl unaggor tkhamykIagyu.
Woe to the family where there is no consent

Zehamyhyre aIotezhyrep.
What is not heard is not recounted.

Kuokhaur zyshchybem akylyr shymak I.
Where there is a lot of noise, there is little mind.

Kyoshyr zyschybem benyr shybykhu.
Where there are many relatives, there the grave is more spacious.

Kyipfaem zyfemyg'ein.
With someone who needs you, don't be arrogant.

Lezhegum sihe tsIyfy khugaggyot aIo.
During the suffering they say - if only my dog ​​could become a man.

MacIeu Io, beu shIe.
Say little, do a lot.

Mysh'em tyguzhyr shIopyrats.
For a bear, a wolf is shaggy.

Mezre shIunkIyre uish'ef ashymyIuat
In the forest and in the dark, do not tell your secret.

Mezyr kazygyekIyrem mezyr riupkIyzhyrep.
Whoever grows a forest does not destroy it.

Melekhuabe zydeshchyIem melher schelIeh.
When there are many shepherds, the sheep die.

Mekhuonyg'er kIymafe khotyr zyschymygupshzhezh.
During haymaking, do not forget about winter storms.

Nafe myhuzhyn sh'ef shyIep.
There's nothing hidden that won't come true

Nakhyzhkhem shhyakIafe afezymyshIyrem shhyakIafe teferep.
Those who do not respect their elders do not deserve respect themselves.

Dogs ikIyg'om unemyseu pl'ekIape demyshchay.
Before reaching the ford, do not lift the hem.

Nybdzhegu dele uIen nakhi py Iush uiime nakhyshIu.
It is better to have a smart enemy than to have a stupid friend.

Nebgyrishchi ashIerer sh'efep.
A secret known to three is no longer a secret.

Nepkym tetyr koshIofykIe Iaz.
Standing on the shore is the most skillful rower.

Oredym gogur kIekIy eshIy.
The song shortens the road.

OshIum umygyotyrer vay bgyotzhyshtep.
What you don't find in good weather, you won't find in bad weather.

Pser ashche, naper ashchefy.
Honor is bought at the cost of life.

Saby zeremysy mound il'ep.
Where there is no child, there is no happiness.

Sikame tIo kishyrep, sigushIe tIo sIorep.
I do not take out my dagger twice, I do not pronounce my word twice.

Sikhe tsakerep, sish orep umyio.
Don't talk - my dog ​​doesn't bite, my horse doesn't kick.

Tkhyl'yr shIenyg'em iIunkIybz.
The book is the key to knowledge.

Tyde schyIemi shIenyg'em lykIu.
Wherever you are, go to knowledge.

Uape dzherdiram udemykhashkh.
Do not laugh at those who stumbled ahead of you.

UzymyIetyscht kutamem utemyutsu.
Do not stand on a branch that cannot bear you.

UzyshIoIem ushIoghum.
Whoever does not like you, for that you are fat.

UzeupchIyzhyn umygotyme, uipaIo eupchIyzh.
If you can’t find anyone to consult with, consult your hat.

Ui nebjagyu ui gunj.
Your friend is your mirror.

Uiguse uschygugeu mysh'em uemyben.
Hoping for a fellow traveler, do not mess with a bear.

Iehogyu zedezyshtemkIe tyguzhyri shynaghop.
For a friendly herd, the wolf is not terrible

Winybdzheguzh ish'ef nybdzhegukIem emyIuat.
Do not tell the secret of an old friend to a new friend.

Ulazheme ski pshkhyn, umylazheme lazhe plegun.
If you work, you will eat meat, if you are lazy, you will see grief.

Uyanere uyatere uyamynegui.
Don't doubt your parents.

Khadegum nemyk I Iezeggu of winter Ie shchiIep.
There is a cure for everything except death.

KhakIem kaekIonyr - and Iof, kIozhynyr - bysym and Iof.
When a guest arrives is the business of the guest, when the guest leaves is the business of the host.

Het anakh dakh aIo zekhum, khadepchemyIum yshkhhe kyrigyeshhyg.
When asked who is prettier, the turtle stuck its head out.

TsIyf l'epkyym ypser ybzegyu.
The soul of a people is its language.

TsIyfme Iorem shypke khel.
There is always some truth in what people say.

TsIyfym ymyshIemi, daIome delap.
A person who does not know but knows how to listen is not stupid.

TsIyfyr zygedaherer shyg'enep, akylyr ary nakh.
It's not the clothes that make a person, but the mind.

TsIyfyshIu khakIe shymykI.
A good person does not leave guests.

Tsu winterIem shkIe kIeshIe.
He who does not have an ox harnesses a calf.

Tsu huschtyr shkIeze keoshIe.
A bull is visible on the calf.

Ch'ygyzh'yr shytze ch'ygykIer ebedzhy.
The old tree stands, the young one falls.

Chyle dele khurep - deleme Iush kahekIy.
There is no stupid village - and among the fools there is a smart one.

Chir tsIyneze kauf.
Bend the young vine.

Chetyu zydeshchysym sh'ef shchaIuaterep.
With a cat, secret speeches are not started.

Chetyu zyrymysy tsygyo schedzhegu.
Where there is no cat, there is a mouse frolicking.

Shiu shIeri psym hadz.
Do good and throw it into the water.

Shkhum uhaheme, shkhu kyopkIy.
You will go into the burdock - you will pick up the burdock.

Sh'khem akyl imyl'yme, l'er meuleu.
When there is no mind in the head, the legs do not rest.

Shyne Iatsor melitIu yashho.
Affectionate lamb sucks two queens.

Shym kefekhirem l'eryg'em tyrel'khe.
The one who has fallen from his horse blames the girth.

Shyum ygu kiodyme, shyr chyezhyrep.
Under the rider who loses heart and the horse does not run.

Shyshkhyer bleptIupshchyme, shykIem ukIel'ymybenezhy.
If you miss the mane (head) of the horse - do not grab the tail.

Shem ystyger shyum epshche.
The one who burns himself with milk blows on yogurt.

The word of the old saying is an ornament of the new speech.

Bitter words Sweet words are more useful - bitter grass cures diseases.

And a highly experienced sage will understand little from speech,
When he only heard the end and missed the beginning.

Listen to everything yourself, but be stingy when uttering words. No wonder we have one mouth and two ears.

A stupid husband is a noisy debater: he shouts, but a smart one waits. Smart would say smart, but stupid does not.

From the same lips one day poison will flow, one day honey.

The anger of the silent one is in his hand, the anger of the grumpy one is on the tongue.

Rope is good when long. Speech is good when it is short

Let you be a fool among fools, there is no such fool for whom the wise man would not find a word.

From a saber, the wound is late or the wound will heal.
From the tongue, the resulting wound will not heal.

If you don’t bring good news with you, don’t go to someone else’s aul, sit still.

They say that you can even lure a cobra out with a kind word.

If it falls into the boiler - it’s bad luck for the Rooster that loves to tear his throat.

Having learned, do not spread the bad news, Give such an honor to another.

The tongue of the envious creeps towards the neighbor through the chimney.

We must bow to the joker A joke is a messenger of truth.

Even if you say in jest Before that, think for a minute.

About what the two had in secret, Everyone learned when the third intervened.

The house of the liar burned down, and everyone in the house, he called people - they did not believe him

Especially long is the Rope of a liar.

A word you accidentally said will not be a disaster for anyone else.

We will never return the word that has been launched by either a cry or a lasso

Trouble, brother, if your tongue is great in comparison with your head.

Bad news is different from good news: usually the news is faster than the bad news.

Talkativeness is counted among the shortcomings, Let the thought be long, and the word short.

Who will be the first to ask: "Is there any news?" -He carries the news behind his cheek.

The hero is silent until the enemies are visible,
And the coward screams until the enemies are visible.

As long as there is no dispute, ace wise men.
When the war is not soon, all are brave.

People who have been cut off by anger from the path to negotiations cannot be saved from blood.

It is better to be the widow of an unfortunate hero than the wife of a lucky man.

Caution, even a daredevil can come in handy forever.

And the little mouse is brave when there is a hole nearby.

For a sparrow and a fluff - a catch during the battle of two eagles.

Once a frightened bird is afraid of its own tail.

If the dispute comes to a standstill and the sabers shine, not only the one who is to blame for the strife will shed blood.

Those who strive to fight with us have a stick at hand.

When the seasoned wolf howled near the village, the dogs forgot their strife in an instant.

The lame dog limps for a short time until he notices the wolf.

Be able to find an approach to the stupid, and the smart one will find the path to you.

Even though the old man is weak and gray-haired, he will give you advice.

The one who judges the deed more severely is the one who cannot do the deed himself.

At least exalt the evil one, at least respect him, but you won’t give him your mind.

We are not free to buy the mind, and there is no price for it.

If there is no friend nearby, at least with a hat, take advice.

Even if you hit, even if you count on him, your donkey will not become a horse.

The elder is mistaken - the trouble is: the younger one always takes the rap.

What lies near, the eye will see, and the mind - everything that is near and far.

A husband who is right is stronger than a hundred wrong.
Strength to those who are right, rightness grants.

Who will start flying after a raven, what will he find in the field, except for carrion?

A mare grazed near the donkey in a donkey's voice.

Do not exalt and do not honor either a husband or a horse,
If you were not with them on the road for at least a day.

Silence is a shield for a fool, a fool is smart while he is silent.

Praising yourself is a waste of time if you are good, and so they will understand.

A person is nice or not nice, Do not say a word until you have shared roads or shelter with him.

Whoever does not forgive a friend for a lack, he is lonely and life is not sweet for him.

For a friend, you will regret a ripe fruit -
Your garden will not bear fruit next year

Rather, our sad neighbor, our close one, will come to the rescue at an hour, and not a distant relative.

Two poor people who work together as laborers, two rich people who are at war are richer.

The scoundrel will unite with the scoundrel,
But the day will pass - and their friendship will end

The needle is naked, but not poor: she has a job - she sews.

The stone-cutter is not marked with immortality, but he amuses the stone, and the stone is eternal

One is bored - dancing, the other is bored - plows.

While the noisy one shouts freely, the silent one returns from the field

And the stone, mined by labor, is sometimes dearer to us than the churek that got into our house was carrying all kinds of labor.

The fact that you have your forehead and hands in ink does not mean that you have comprehended science.

The blacksmith died - All that he forged is left.
The wise man died - All that he said - remained.

Everything burned down: porridge, rooster. What's the matter? Lots of cooks.

Hiring laborers, the owner promised a lot, letting go of the laborers, the owner forgot a lot.

Do not entrust the grazing of sheep to the wolf, such a shepherd is of little use.

Sometimes poison is medicine, they say; Sometimes an abundance of medicine is poison.

One lies: no strength - he has not eaten for three days, he is a beggar, the other lies: no strength - he is heavy from food.

The ax that cut down the house is forgotten.
He lies near the house in the rain.

The fact that the catcher attacked the trail of a deer does not mean that he caught the deer.

A loafer always thinks: a greater burden has been placed on him than he can carry.

You just praise the tailor in advance, so he will sew pants for you from a patch

A good one will lose everything - his name will remain.
The bad will lose everything - there will be nothing left.

Fellow travelers usually have one path - fate is different.

Is it good luck to become a man? Being human is the challenge.

It will seem: we will reach the bottom in the river with our hand, where we are destined to drown.

A storm only bends a young oak, an oak with a rotten core The storm breaks.

Everything, brother, except for good deeds, you need to know the measure and the limit.

In a garden where bees get honey and poisonous grass grows.

Go boldly to an evil person when he has conceived a good deed.

Although evil leaves an indelible mark on the world, a person only remembers good for many years.

The well-fed young man forgot what he swore when he was hungry.

The stomach is made of inelastic skin: the more you put into it, the bigger it will become.

The poor will not get rich by counting other people's coppers.

The hungry thinks: “No, I will not be full!”. And the well-fed thinks: “I am not in danger of hunger!”

Both the cost and the taste of halva from sugar are not from rumor.

If you eat only honey for a long time, then it will set you on edge.

If there is a ram's leg on the table, then the mullah is no longer up to the Koran.

Hunger knows how to cook skillfully, only hungry everything is delicious

A piece is the best - a part of a leg of lamb is not given to a shepherd when sharing.

Your kind look and bright face is more necessary for the guest than a barbecue.

When to come to you - depends on the guests; when the guests leave - it's up to you.

The one who asks should not be vilified: it is easier to fulfill a request than to ask!

The hand that takes is always sacred. The hand that gives is Blessed.

When you're not lucky, you'll break your tooth on barley soup.

And a small bird was the cause of a great collapse.

When the fish would feed on water alone,
That would not have caught the fish on the hook.

Who ran fast, he got tired quickly.

And a quiet river, it happens, washes away the banks in the spring.

And the wolf, caught in the bind, will call the lamb uncle.

If your boots are tight, what do you care if the world is wide!

The luminary does not go out because the cloud covered it.

Whoever does things worthily during the day, he can sleep peacefully at night.

The one who does not strive to win games does not sit in the circle of players.

The duck is not worried about fear,
That there might be a flood.

Though the cock does not crow, the dawn will come.
Though the shepherd does not blow, Dawn will come.

Zeiny poison promises trouble for all of us. Only snakes are not harmed by snake venom.

Extinguish the fire that threatens us with trouble, Not necessarily with clear water.

The thieves did not know the vigilance of the owner until they stole his herd.

You stole the bull, You are a thief, you stole a heifer, you are a thief.

You will hit the domestic bull lightly, and the horns of the wild bull will twitch.

A strong thief makes constipation on his gates

The horse is tired of a stranger - sadness is not great, if the horse is not one's own - one does not feel sorry for oneself.

Sometimes the neighbor with whom we live thinks of us that we are of him!

No, not fate, but only the strength of a slave reconciled with bondage.

One bad neighbor will shame everyone - the crooked wheel - the more noticeable trace.

The fact that the fox was hungry, the guilty duck turned out to be.

Both the ax and the ax are to blame for the fact that the bottom of the barrel is broken.

And the snow can't be so white that the dog couldn't dirt it.

Of the fox's enemies, her own fluffy fur is the most dangerous of all.

He hugged a drowning snake - he thought he was saving his life

Wherever the ax prowls, the ax handle follows.

Whatever you do with a black mare, even with three brushes, it will not turn white

Debt takes away our peace for a long time: until we return the debt.

The highlander was flattered by a large allotment and lost what he owned.

Do not be, hunter, in the forest neither compassionate nor simple, mourn the fox, holding her by the tail.

Do not lose your temper, brother, this has been the way of the century: the one who loses his temper does not remain himself.

On the heart, the wound is hidden from people, the sore on the cheek is much more visible.

Never lose hope for the best
Neither the one who pulls the cart, nor the one who drives

"The crooked is unhappy" - that's what we say, but the blind man dreams of being crooked.

When the nettle blooms, then it is beautiful.

Hit yourself first, harder. Endured? Now beat another.

Be too soft? Soft flex! Being too hard? Hard break!

The slave is silent not at all because he is given to know less bey.

The land where you fed is good, but not better than that, where you were born.

It is better to sleep on straw, but in your own home, than on a feather bed, but in a foreign land.

Youth, you do not appreciate your father, wait, you will understand everything when you yourself take a sip of gore from your youngster!

The son of the chest For the mother - a child,
A gray-haired son For a mother is a child.

Why do grandfather's legs hurt? From the fact that the granddaughters are a fidget.

Give honor to your parents - Your son will return it to you.

What the father did not have to know, the son will know. What the mother did not see, the daughter will see.

In that family, where there is harmony and prosperity, and happiness.

Mind to a man, wings to a bird are given to strive upward