Literacy lesson for children of the preparatory group with OHP on the topic "Sound and the letter "p". Learning the sound and the letter n Sentences with the sound n


Topic number 13. Sounds [P], [P "]; [P] - [P"]. Letter P

1. Teach your child to recognize loved ones by voice.

2. Learn to perform graphic exercises.

3. Learn to clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P "], differentiate both by ear and in pronunciation.

4. To teach a child to pronounce a series of syllables with a confluence of agreeing sounds.

5. Develop phonemic representations in a child.

6. Learn to analyze the word on your own dad, make sentences based on key words.

Task 1. Didactic exercise "Recognize by voice" (developed auditory attention).

An adult offers a child with eyes closed recognize by the voices of your family and friends.

Task 2. Didactic exercise "Continue the line." The adult invites the child to continue the line:

Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [P].

An adult invites the child to consider a series of pictures with images of the following objects: a cup, a plate, a saucepan, a kettle, a frying pan, and answer the question: what word can all these objects be called? (Dishes.) What is the first sound heard in the word tableware?

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [П]:

At first, the lips are closed, then they open with an instantaneous release of air;

The neck is "silent".

Sound symbol: The samovar is boiling: PPPPP...(see color insert). Characteristics of sound: consonant sound (sponges create a barrier to air), solid, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise. Porridge on the stove puffs: puff! puff! puff!

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]":

P, m, t, m, p ...; pa, ma, we...; ap, op, um...; Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Fields, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokopushka, Vanya...

Name full and diminutive names starting with the sound [P].

Task 6. An adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a confluence of consonants:

Pta-pto-ptu-pty; pty-pta-pto-ptu...

Task 7.

Pa-ap; on-...; ...ap-pa; op-...

Task 8. Working with pictures:

Clearly name all the pictures in a row, the games “What has changed?”, “What is missing?”;

From a number of drawn objects, select only those in the name of which there is no sound [P];

List the remaining items that have the sound [П] in their names, determine the place of the sound in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (in case of difficulty, use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures proposed for consideration.

Task 9. An adult asks the child to add the first sound [P] to the word. What is the new word?

Ears - guns, Ulya - ..., Olya - ...

Task 10. Paste pictures with images of objects in the name of which there is a sound [P] into a notebook.

Task 11. An adult invites the child to pick up words according to the task: the sound [P] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word:

Shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn tongue twisters:

Pa-pa-pa - cereal on the table.

Py-py-py - no cereal.

Op-op-op - all hands clap.

Whoop-oop-oop - we ate soup.

Task 13. Acquaintance with the sound [P "].

Didactic exercise "Tell me a word."

Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

Scallop on the head.

Who is it?... ( Cockerel)

An adult asks a child a question: “What is the first sound in the guess word?”

Sound symbol: a small kettle is boiling: sip sip...(see color insert). Characteristics of sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise.

The chicks squeak: wee-wee-wee!

Task 15. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P "]":

Drink, t, m, drink ...; ya, me, pi, ti...; pen, saw, milk, cow pies...

Task 16. An adult invites the child to listen to the words, remember them, name the same first sound:

Petya, cockerel, pie, saw, pencil case, song.

Task 17. Choose words according to the first syllable:

PI: -la, -horn...; PE: -retz, -chen, -kar...

Task 18. Learn a tongue twister:

Pee-pee-pee - buy a pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P "]. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]":

P, p, p, p...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

Pa-pya, po-...; pi-pa, pi-...

Guess riddles, name the first sound in riddles:

toothy animal

Gnawing with a whistle oak. ( ^ Saw)

Natket, weave,

Sit down and wait for prey. ( Spider)

I wake everyone up on time

I don't wind up the clock though. ( Rooster)

Filled with fluff

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Pick up words with sounds [P] and [P"].

Learn tongue twisters:

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five mushrooms near the stump.

Quail quail and quail in the woods hid from the guys.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered - and fluttered out.

Task 20. Acquaintance with the letter P.

On the path from the gate

Kindergarten went on a hike.

^ O. Hoffman

What does the letter P look like?

The letter P from the fingers: the index fingers are lowered down, the tips of the thumbs are connected, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis the words dad(drawing up a diagram from circles, finding repeated sounds), drawing up a word from the letters of the split alphabet, finding the same letters. Reading, writing block letters under dictation.

Making sentences based on key words. The adult calls the words in order and asks the child to make a sentence out of these words. In this case, the child's attention should be drawn to the correct word order in the sentence.

Dad, newspaper, reads; dad, nail, hammer, clogs; dad, peeling potatoes.

Topic number 14. Sounds [B] - [P]; [B "] - [P"]

Correction-developing tasks.

1. In the game, teach the child to recognize animals and birds by voice.

3. To teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds: [B] - [P], [B "] - [P"] (differentiation of voiced and deaf, hard and soft consonants).

4. Continue to teach syllabic analysis and synthesis of words without a confluence of consonants.

5. Learn to make sentences on key words.

6. Learn to analyze and compare words.

7. To consolidate the child's knowledge of elementary spelling rules (work with a sentence).

Task 1. Didactic exercises "Collective farm yard", "In the forest" (development of auditory attention).

Task 2. Didactic exercises "Collective farm yard", "In the forest".

Similar to task 1, but the child himself imitates the voices of animals and birds, and the adult guesses whose voice it is.

Task 3. Differentiation of sounds [B] - [P].

Name the first identical sound in words:

Baton, bun, bagel ...

Name the same last sound in words:

Soup, sheepskin...

Compare the articulation of the sounds [P] and [B] (find the common and the difference, paying attention to the "work of the neck"); recall the characteristics of the sounds [P] and [B], designation.

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]":

P, b, b, p ...; ba, pa, po, boo...; Borya, bots, folder, grandma, dad, woman...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

Pa-ba, ba-...; boo-poo..., poo-...

Repeat after an adult a series of syllables:

Pa-ba-ba, ba-pa-pa, pa-ba-pa, ba-pa-ba, ba-ba-pa, pa-pa-ba...

Didactic exercise "Make a word from syllables":

Pa-ro-move, ba-ra-ban, pa-ra-chute, boo-zi-na.

Didactic exercise "Divide the word into syllables" (an adult invites the child to pronounce the word by syllables, clapping his hands for each syllable pronounced). What is the longest word?

Tomatoes, dad, granny, gift, beads, paper.

Name an extra word in a row (according to the presence of sounds [P] and [B]):

Jar, Panama, sandwich, bottle; peacock, button, stick, ram.

From a number of drawn objects, choose with the sound [B] ([P]) in the names.

Pick up words with sounds [P] and [B].

Recall riddles for the sounds [P] and [B] (see topics No. 12, 13).

An adult offers the child to replace the sound [P] with the sound [B] in words. What words did you get?

Kidney - barrel, steam - ..., sweat - ..., sing - ..., dad - ..., arable land - ..., pass - ..., right - ..., stick - .. .

Task 4. Differentiation of sounds [B "] - [P"].

Name the first sound in the words:

Hippo, squirrel, bison ([B"]).

Name the first sound in the words:

Petya, the first, saw ([P"]).

Compare the articulation of sounds [P "] and [B"], paying attention to the "work of the neck", recall the characteristics and designation of sounds.

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [B"]":

Be, drink, drink, be...; pya, bya, bi, pi ...; birch, squirrel, writing...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

Pya-bya, pi-...; beep, beep...

Repeat for an adult a series of syllables:

Weep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, beep-beep.

Remove the superfluous from a number of pictures (according to the presence of sounds [P "] and [B"] in the words), while the adult does not name the pictures:

Squirrel, birch, rooster, hippo...

Recall riddles for the sounds [P "] and [B"] (see topics No. 12, 13).

Remember words with sounds [B "] and [P"], determine the place of sounds in these words (in case of difficulty, use a card and green circles with and without a bell).

An adult offers the child to replace the sound [P "] with the sound [B"] in the word. What is the new word? Make sentences with these words.

Task 5. Differentiation of sounds [B] - [P], [B "] - [P"].

Name voiced and voiceless consonants; name hard and soft consonants.

The adult calls the word, and the child raises the corresponding letter from this word (B - P).

Learn tongue twisters.

The bull is stupid, stupid bull.

The bull's lip was blunt.

Task 6. Sound-syllabic analysis of words grandmother, dad(laying out schemes of words from circles, comparing the sound composition of words, finding common and differences in schemes).

Laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet. An adult asks a child a question: “What letters should be replaced in the word dad, to turn the word dad in a word woman?»

Reading, writing off words, sentences:

Here is dad. Here is a grandmother.

Drawing up sentences on key words (draw the child's attention to the word order in the sentence and the agreement of the members of the sentence):

Baba, knit, socks; wood, dad, chop.


  • The development of auditory perception.
  • Introduce the concepts of soft, hard.
  • Formation of phonemic hearing.
  • Development of phonemic analysis.
  • Memory development.


  • Pictures for a given sound
  • Mugs of red, green and of blue color, counting sticks.


1. Organizational moment.

The one whom I will affectionately name will sit down.

2. We repeat vowel sounds (AU, AUI, UOE).

What sounds are these? (vowels)

Why? (because they can be sung)

What color do we represent them? (in red)

3. Acquaintance with a new sound.

Showing pictures (dad, piglet, toadstool, package, tomato, penguin, pie, gun)

What sound do all these pictures start with? (to sound P)

The sound P is consonant (you can’t sing it), P is solid (we pronounce menacingly), is friends with the blue boy.

Pb soft (we pronounce affectionately) is friends with a green boy.

4. Didactic game"Attentive Ears"

I'll call different sounds, and you clap your hands when you hear the sound P.


Clap your hands when you hear a syllable with a P sound.


5. Repeat after me, make no mistake:


5. Sound analysis of syllables.

I will name the syllable, and you on the desk lay out the circles corresponding to the sounds.

PA (blue and red)
PI (green and red)
EP (red and blue)

6. Differentiation P-P.

Each boy has his own pictures. The blue boy has pictures that start with the sound P, and the green boy has pictures that start with the sound Pi.

To whom shall we give the father? (to blue), and the pie? (green).

7. Get acquainted with the letter P.

Look what I wrote on the board (this is the LETTER P), this is how it is written, we hear the sounds, and we write the letters.

Let's each collect the letter P from counting sticks. And we will all read it together.

8. Didactic game "Call it affectionately."

I show the picture to the sound P, Pb, and you call it affectionately.

9. Didactic game "Count to 5".

I will distribute pictures to you, and you will consider what is shown.

1 tomato, 2 tomatoes, 3 tomatoes, etc.

Summary of the lesson:

What sounds are we talking about today? (with p-p), remember what pictures I had for the sound p-p?

Yushina Svetlana Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
GBOU Gymnasium 1519

Correction-developing tasks.

1. Teach your child to recognize loved ones by voice.

2. Learn to perform graphic exercises.

3. Learn to clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P "], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. To teach a child to pronounce a series of syllables with a confluence of consonants.

5. Develop phonemic representations in a child.

6. Learn to analyze the word dad on your own, make sentences using key words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Recognize by voice" (development of auditory attention).

The adult invites the child with his eyes closed to recognize the voices of his family members and friends.

Task 2. Didactic exercise "Continue the line." The adult invites the child to continue the line:




Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [P].

An adult invites the child to consider a series of pictures with images of the following objects: a cup, a plate, a saucepan, a kettle, a frying pan, and answer the question: what word can all these objects be called in one word? (Dishes.) What is the first sound heard in the word dishes?

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [П]:

At first, the lips are closed, then they open with an instantaneous release of air;

The neck is "silent".

Sound symbol: the samovar is boiling: PPPPP...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges create a barrier to air), solid, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. phonetic exercise. Porridge on the stove puffs: puff! puff! puff!

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]":

p, m, t, m, p ...; pa, ma, we...; an, op, mind ...;

Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Fields, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokopushka, ..

Name full and diminutive names starting with the sound [P].

Task 6. An adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a confluence of consonants: pta-pto-ptu-pty; pty-pta-pto-ptu...

Task 7. Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

pa-ap; on-...; ...ap-pa; op...

Task 8. Working with pictures: - clearly name all the pictures in a row

Games " What has changed?”, “What is missing?»;

For a number of drawn objects, select only those in the name of which No sound [P];

List the remaining items that have the sound [П] in their names, determine the place of the sound in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (in case of difficulty, use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures proposed for consideration.

Task 9. The adult asks the child to add the first sound [P] to the word. What is the new word?

Ears - guns, Yulia - ..., Olya - ...

Task 10. Paste in a notebook pictures with images of objects in the name of which there is a sound [P]

Task 11. An adult offers the child to pick up words according to the task: the sound [P] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word. shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn vocabulary:

Pa-pa-pa - cereal on the table.

Py-py-py - no cereal.

Op-op-op - all hands clap.

Whoop-oop-oop - we ate the soup.

Task 13. Acquaintance with the sound [P "].

Didactic exercise "Tell me a word."

Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

Scallop on the head.

Who is it?... ( Cockerel)

An adult asks a child a question: “What is the first sound in the guess word?” Sound symbol: small kettle boils: beep...

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 14. phonetic exercise. The chicks squeak: wee-wee-wee!

Task 15. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P "]"

drink, t, m, drink ...; ya, me, pi, ti...; pen, saw, milk, cow pies...

Task 16. An adult invites the child to listen to the words, remember them, name the same first sound:

Petya, cockerel, pie, saw, pencil case, song.

Task 17. Match the words with the first syllable:

PI: -la, -horn...;

PE: -retz, -chen, -kar...

Task 18. Learn the vocabulary:

Pee-pee-pee - buy a pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P "].

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]": p, p, p, p ...

Didactic exercise "Say the opposite": pa-pya, po-...; uh-uh, uh...

Guess riddles, name the first sound in riddles:

toothy animal

Gnawing with a whistle oak. ( Saw)

Natket, weave,

Sit down and wait for prey. ( Spider)

I wake everyone up on time

I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster)

Filled with fluff

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Pick up words with sounds [P] and [P"].

Learn tongue twisters:

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five mushrooms near the stump.

Quail quail and quail in the woods hid from the guys.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered - and fluttered out.

Task 20. Introduction to the letter P.

On the path from the gate

Kindergarten went on a hike.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter P look like?

The letter P from the fingers: the index fingers are lowered down, the tips of the thumbs are connected, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis of the word dad (drawing up a diagram from circles, finding repeated sounds),

Composing a word from the letters of the split alphabet, finding the same letters.

Reading, writing in block letters from dictation.

Making sentences based on key words. The adult calls the words in order and asks the child to make a sentence out of these words. In this case, the child's attention should be drawn to the correct word order in the sentence.

dad, newspaper, reads; dad, nail, hammer, clogs; dad, peeling potatoes.

Sounds [П], [Пь], letter P

Target: introduce children toletter P and sounds [p] and [p '].

Tasks :


    clarify the articulation of sounds [P], [Пь];

    improve the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

    learn to determine the position of sound in words;

    introduce children to the graphic image of the letter P;

    to teach the analysis and synthesis of syllables AP, OP, UP.


    develop auditory memory, attention and perception;

    develop the ability to concentrate;

    develop the ability to control impulsive actions;

    to teach children to throw out the accumulated tension (anger) in an acceptable form.


    to cultivate the skill of a clear pronunciation of sounds [ P ], | Pi|;

    educate the ability to work throughout the lesson.

Equipment: subject pictures (postman, pig, rooster); pictures for making words from the first sounds (listed during the lesson); envelopes with tasks; letters; sound houses; blue and green chips.

move lessons:

1. Organizational moment.

Psycho-gymnastics (allows children to relieve emotional stress, corrects the emotional-volitional sphere).

Depict quarreling roosters.

Depict the pigs who were afraid of the wolf.

Now look at each other, smile, call each other affectionately (After that, the children sit down).

    Lesson topic message .

(A picture of a postman is exhibited, envelopes are shown.)

    Look who is it? (It's the postman)

    What did he bring us? (Letters)

    What is the first sound in the word "postman"? (Sound P)

- What was the first sound you heard in the word letters? (Sound [Pi])

    Guess what sounds we're talking about today? (About the sounds [P], [ pi])

    Characteristics of sounds [ P |. [Pi|.

    Say the sound [P].Whatyou see? (lips tighten and open)

    Try to read the sound [P].

    It turns out? (Not)

    So the sound [P| vowel or consonant? (Consonant).

    What house are we going to put him in? (To blue) (The blue house is on display)

    Put your hand on your throat, make a sound. Is the voice sleeping or ringing? (asleep)

    So, is the sound [P] deaf or voiced? (Deaf)

    What sound do we pronounce firmly [П] or [Пь]? (Sound [P|)

    How do we pronounce the sound [p]? (Soft)

    What word did I call you, starting with [Пь]? (Letter)

    The sound [Пь] is the brother of the sound [P], we will designate it with a green circle and put it in a green house.

    Now tell me, what is the sound [P]? (Consonant, hard, deaf)

    Now let's play (Development of auditory perception). I will call the sounds [P] [Ph], and you will raise the blue circle ifwill heara hard sound, or green if you hear a soft sound.

Pencil case, rooster, desk, vacuum cleaner, glove, saw, song, dog, bee, park, field, gift, tomato, Friday, stove, Petya, peacock.

    Training exercises, aimed at the formation of a clear phonetic-phonemic image of sounds.

    Do you want to know who sent us letters?(want)Then guess the riddle. A patch in front, a hook in the back, a back in the middle, and a bristle in the back (Piglet). What is the first sound in this word? ([P])

I sat on the fence, I sang and shouted, but when everyone gathered, I took it and fell silent (Rooster) - [Pi].

    So who are the letters from? (From a pig and a rooster) These are not simple letters, but assignment letters. But we can open them only after you repeat the syllables after me: PA-PO-PU AP-OP-UP PA - PA - PO

Now tell me which syllable is extra? PA-PU-PY-KA (KA)

    Look what the piglet sent us (Development of auditory memory, attention and perception).

First letter.

    Development of phonemic synthesis.

    Piglet asks you to guess what words will come out of the sounds that I will pronounce at his request:P... o... l P... i... l... a P... a... u... k P... a... r

    What sound do words begin with? ([P], [Pi])

    What word starts with [pi]? (Saw)

    Development phonemic analysis and synthesis.

    Piglet invites you to make words from the first sounds of the names of the pictures (Pictures are presented).

Owl, mustache, cannon (the word "soup").

Stove, snail, bread (the word "fluff");

Moon, orange, scarf, watermelon (the word "paw");

Panama, antenna, rose (the word "steam").

    Which overall sound in all words? ([P]).

    What are the words that begin with the sound [P] (Pooh, par.)

    What is the word where the sound [P| at the end (soup)

    Where is the sound [P| In the middle? (Paw)

(This task is aimed at determining the position of the sound [P] in words)

    Game: Speak. Development of the ability to control impulsive actions.

    Piglet wants to play with you. I will ask you simple questions, but you can only answer them when I say: “Speak!”.

What day of the week is tomorrow?Pause. Speak! (Friday)

    What is the name of a cup, plate, pan in one word?Pause. Speak! (Tableware)

    Which hand do you hold the spoon with when you eat?Pause. Speak! (Right)

4. Fizkultminutka.

- And now let's rest. If this word is “on the floor”, then we squat, if “on the ceiling”, then we raise our hands up: plinth, lamp, parquet, whitewash, carpet, spider.

Clap your hands if you hear the sound P

The spider came to the market.

The fly-spider brought the goods.

He hung it on an aspen:

"Which of you wants cobwebs?"

Clap your hands when you hear the sound [Ph]

B, T, P, T, F, P, K, P, M, P. Bya, pya, si, pi, those, ne, vu. Lump, aspen, fir, tower, mountain ash, foam, back, penny, piggy bank. And now back to work.

    Acquaintance with the graphic image of the letter P.

    Now let's see what he sent uscockerel.But in order to complete his task, you need to learn how the letter P is spelled. Look, here is the letter P. What does it look like? (On the crossbar, on the gate)

    Listen, I will tell you a poem about the letter P.

The letter P looks like a bridge, A passer-by is walking along the bridge.

And below through the passage A steamer floats.

So, what tasks did the cockerel prepare for you?

Second letter.

1. Restoration of the graphic image of the letter P.

    The cockerel asked me to give you these leaves. You see, the letter P is broken here. Fix it, please (Children are given pieces of paper with the letters P, which are missing some elements).

    Fixing the visual image of the letter P and development concentration of attention.

    The cockerel asks you to find and underline all the lettersP(letters known to them are written on the sheets lying in front of the children).


    The game "Little Ghosts". Spilling out the accumulated tension (anger).

    The cockerel also wants to play with yousmallgood ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other. According to my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: arms bent at the elbows are raised, fingers spread out and we sayterriblevoice sound [U]. If I clap softly, you will speak softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are good ghosts and only want to misbehave a little.

Well done! They messed around and that's enough. Let's be kids again.

    The development of auditory perception.

Practicing the pronunciation of sounds [П], [Пь] in sentences.

    The cockerel wants you to say tongue twisters, and I checked who would say them faster and more correctly.

Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

    Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of children's work. Well done! We did an excellent job with the task, what sounds did we study today? ([П], [Пь]) Name one word each with the sound [П].

Theme: Sound P (P, Letter P)

1.Org. moment

Guys, remind me what sound a steam locomotive makes?(P-p-p.)

And what sound can a small engine make?(PB-PB-PB.)

You probably guessed what sound will be discussed in our lesson today ???( P sound.

Let's characterize this sound.

Do you think this sound is a vowel or a consonant?? (consonants are sounds that are pronounced with the help of teeth, lips, tongue)

Why did you classify it as a consonant?? (during pronunciation, air meets an obstacle, and lips are involved in the formation of sound)

When we pronounce these sounds, does our voice sleep or ring?

Let's check!!! and determine if we have a voiced sound or a deaf one!

Correctly ! THIS sound is DEAF - it is pronounced dull and we cannot pronounce it loudly!



Someone will tie, who will sew,
The one that lives on the head
And in the cold is not replaceable,
Your ears will be warm in winter.


Lives in a dark corner
Weaving silk thread.
He sneaked in here
He was about to build a new house.

Flew over the lawn
pat over a flower,
He will share the honey.

Who screams in the yard
Wakes us up at dawn?
He has feathers - fluff!
And his name is...!(Rooster)

Filled with fluff
Lies under the ear.
(Pillow) "SAY THE WORDS"
Now guys name the words with sound
P in any position.

For example: dill, soup, steamer, ferry, shelf, stick, poodle, pasha, turtle, etc
Words with P sound

For example: drop, saw, peony, singing, song, etc.

4. Reading the syllabary











5. Sound and syllable analysis of the word

Guys look at the blackboard do you see the word SAIL

How many sounds are in a word?

How many vowels?

What are consonant sounds?

How many letters are in a word?

How is a sound different from a letter?

Let's determine how many syllables are in the word? (2

Name the first syllable, the second.

What syllable is stressed?