Sayings of thinkers of the past about teaching education to school. Quotes about studying. Quotes About Learning

Education is impractical, the main thing is talent. "At the bottom" Maxim Gorky

Education - faded, but remaining through the times, bits of knowledge and pieces of skill that could not be drunk away and skipped. D. Savile Halifax

Even an educated person, elite spiritual education will improve. V. V. Belinsky

Education is the correct, practiced actions under any circumstances, especially at home, at work, in government and in household chores.

You can forget about education without knowledge, not everyone can educate themselves. The two parts of the whole are upbringing and education. L. N. Tolstoy

To achieve the goal in education means to instill in him the skills for self-realization, self-education, self-training, to which the graduate knows, is able and wants to apply strength and will, using a palette of ways, methods, means to reconstruct the outer shell of being on his own. A. Disterverg

When an individual absorbs moral norms, the process of education takes place. L. N. Tolstoy

My personal obstacle on the path to knowledge is education. Albert Einstein

Teachers who teach you, mentors of the highest qualification and a brilliant education are different things and opposite approaches. Anatoly Ras

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A day in which you did not learn anything new for yourself was wasted. N. S. Stanislavsky.

Education is disastrous for anyone who has the makings of an artist. Education should be left to officials, and even they are tempted to drink. George Moore

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even an easy thing to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that education requires patience ... but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also needed, although our numerous pedagogical wanderings could convince everyone of this. K.D. Ushinsky

Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, there are no boundaries or limits to knowledge and education. - ON THE. Rubakin

Everything must be reached by the most difficult experience. – A.N. Serov

If you were given a good education, it does not mean that you received it. – A.S. Ras

Education develops abilities, but does not create them. – Voltaire

Many comprehend elementary truths after school. – Tamara Kleiman

Education is the wings that allow a person to rise to a high intellectual orbit. - N.I. Myron

Nature and upbringing are similar... upbringing rebuilds a person and, transforming, creates a second nature for him. Democritus

Skill must necessarily be associated with knowledge ... It is a sad phenomenon when a student’s head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned how to apply it, so we have to say about him that although he knows something, he can’t do anything. A. Disterverg

Pedagogy wants to raise a comprehensively developed person. So first let him study all his sides. K. D. Ushinsky.

Is it because people torture children, and sometimes even big ones, because it is so difficult to educate them, and it is so easy to whip them? Are we not punishing our inability? A.I. Herzen

A child who received education only in an educational institution, ? uneducated child. George Santayana

It is more useful to look at the same subject from ten different angles than to teach ten different subjects from one angle. Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of all that one knows. A. Disterverg

English education is good because it is like a trace on the water - imperceptibly. Oscar Wilde.

There is no talent or genius without a clearly enhanced industriousness. – D.I. Mendeleev

Education is not only a matter of school. The school gives only the keys to this education. Out-of-school education is the whole life! A person must educate himself throughout his life. – A.V. Lunacharsky

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. – Simonov

Education is what remains when all that has been memorized is forgotten. Daniil Alexandrovich Granin

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. Konstantin Simonov

Education today makes no distinction between those who strive upward and those who walk the earth. It gives everyone stilts and says: walk.

If children are allowed to do whatever they please, and more than that, to be foolish enough to give them reasons for their whims, then we will have to deal with the worst way of education, and children then develop a regrettable habit of special unrestraint, to a kind of philosophizing, to selfish interest - the root of all evil. Hegel

I never let school interfere with my education. Mark Twain

Education helps to do without abilities at all. Max Fry "Shadow of the Hugimagon"

The greatest, most important, and most useful rule in all education? You don't need to win time, you need to waste it. J.J. Rousseau

Studying in schools and universities is not education, but only a way to get an education. — Ralph Emerson

Thanks to science, one person is superior to another in the same way that a person is superior to animals. — Francis Bacon

There is no one who would be gifted with everything by the gods. – Homer

Education in itself does not give talents, it only develops them; and as talents vary, it would be wise that education should also be as diverse as possible. - Unknown author

Education is a gift that the present generation must pay to the future. — George Peabody

Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who wishes to partake of them must achieve this by his own activity, his own strength, his own exertion. From the outside, he can only receive excitement ... Therefore, amateur activity is a means and at the same time the result of education ... A. Disterverg

It's hard to educate. You think that you are already at the end of the road, but it turns out that you are only at the beginning. M. Yu. Lermontov.

In order for education to be able to create a second nature for a person, it is necessary that the ideas of this education pass into the convictions of the pupils, beliefs into habits ... When a conviction is so rooted in a person that he obeys it before he thinks that he should obey, then only it becomes an element of his nature. K.D. Ushinsky

As long as a person is alive, even if gray hairs cover his head, he can and should receive an education, and thus any education that is obtained outside of school, since all life does not fit within the framework of school, is a process of out-of-school education. – A.V. Lunacharsky

The true cure for all suffering from all suffering is an increase in the activity of the mind, the soul, which is achieved by increasing education. — Jean Guyot

Whoever is fond of much, gains much. — Paul Claudel

Education without a comprehensive enrichment of one's own life experience is not education. – Ernst Thalmann

Homo doctus in se semper divitias alphabet. A learned man contains wealth in himself. – Latin saying

A person who wants education should get it. – Patriarch Alexy II

Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself. — John Dewey

Education brings two great benefits: think faster and decide better. — Francois Moncrief

The average person is capable of higher education. – David Samoilov

An educated person is not satisfied with the vague and indefinite, but grasps objects in their clear definiteness; the uneducated, on the contrary, staggers back and forth uncertainly, and often it takes a lot of effort to agree with such a person what is at stake, and to force him to invariably adhere to this particular point. Hegel

Education is the ability to listen to anything without losing self-control and self-respect. Robert Frost

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all, and for the longest time - people. Of these, parents and teachers are in the first place. With all the most complex world of the surrounding reality, the child enters into an infinite number of relationships, each of which invariably develops, intertwines with other relationships, is complicated by the physical and moral growth of the child himself. All this xaoc does not seem to lend itself to any account, nevertheless, it creates at every moment certain changes in the personality of the child. It is the task of the educator to direct this development and guide it. A.S. Makarenko

It is not enough that enlightenment brings prosperity and power to the people: it gives a person such spiritual pleasure that nothing can compare with. Every educated person feels this and will always say that without education his life would be very boring and miserable. N.G. Chernyshevsky

If the prejudices and delusions of the old generation are forcibly, from an early age, rooted in the impressionable soul of a child, then the enlightenment and improvement of an entire people will be slowed down for a long time by this unfortunate circumstance. ON THE. Dobrolyubov

By teaching others, you also learn. N.V. Gogol

Education does not sprout in the soul if it does not penetrate to a considerable depth. Pythagoras

The need for education is as natural to the people as the need to breathe. L. N. Tolstoy.

You will never know enough unless you know more than enough. — William Blake

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge acts educationally. – L.N. Tolstoy

Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, already in the developed man, both these types of knowledge complement each other. - Victor Hugo

An educated and intelligent person can only be called one who is like that through and through and shows his education and intelligence both in large and in small things, in everyday life and throughout his entire life. - ON THE. Rubakin

Any real education is obtained only through self-education. - ON THE. Rubakin

Education consists of two branches - real and formative. Real is a professional education, during which the student is offered knowledge that forms the basis of the discipline being studied. The purpose of real education is the training of high-class specialists. The second branch of education provides knowledge that forms the personality of a cultured person. – V.V. Yaglov

It is not enough that enlightenment brings prosperity and power to the people: it gives a person such spiritual pleasure that nothing can compare with. Every educated person feels this and will always say that without education his life would be very boring and miserable. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Education is not only a matter of school. The school gives only the keys to this education. Out-of-school education is the whole life! A person must educate himself throughout his life. – A.V. Lunacharsky

Lunacharsky was asked how many universities one had to graduate from to be an intellectual. He said three. One must be completed by the great-grandfather, the second by the grandfather and the third by the father. – Andrey Konchalovsky

You have to learn a lot to know even a little. – Charles Montesquieu

Studendum vero semper et ubigue. Learning is always and everywhere.

Education is the ability to act correctly in any everyday conditions. — John Hibben

In the matter of education, the process of self-development should be given the widest place. Humanity most successfully developed only through self-education. — Herbert Spencer

Education only develops the moral forces of man, but nature does not give them to man. – V.G. Belinsky

If our children are to be truly educated people, they must acquire an education by self-study. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

In the center of education is He - the Teacher, the Educator, the Educator. - N.I. Myron

Science and education serve as chastity for young men, consolation for old men, wealth for the poor, and adornment for the rich. – Diogenes

All people are equally entitled to education and should enjoy the fruits of science. — Friedrich Engels

In the sciences, the most reliable help is one's own head, reflection. — Jean Fabre

Education is a treasure, labor is the key to it. — Pierre Buast

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his fatherland. – A.S. Griboyedov

General education is the consolidation and understanding of the natural connection that exists between the individual and humanity. — Ernest Renan

The culture, professional ethics and etiquette (!) of the future specialist must be formed at each department during the lecture course, practical, laboratory and seminar classes. – V.V. Yaglov

No person in the world is born ready, that is, fully formed, but all life is nothing but a constantly moving development, an unceasing formation. – V.G. Belinsky

There are many kinds of education and development, and each of them is important in itself, but moral education should stand above all of them. – V.G. Belinsky

Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who does join them must achieve this by his own activity, his own strength, his own effort. — Adolf Diesterweg

The best education in the world is obtained in the struggle for a piece of bread. — Wendell Phillips

Education does not lie in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of all that one knows. — Adolf Diesterweg

You can expand your knowledge only when you look your ignorance straight in the eye. – K.D. Ushinsky

Education gives a person dignity and self-confidence. - N.I. Myron

Education is wealth, and its application is perfection. – Arabic saying

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless they are learned. – Democritus

The main task of education is to make your mind an interlocutor with whom it would be pleasant to carry on a conversation. — Sidney Harris

Education is not only knowledge and skills, but, most importantly, the formation of a person as a Personality. - N.I. Myron

Education is based on self-education: the first without the second is unrealistic. - N.I. Myron

Education is the face of the mind. — Kay Kavus

Education should instill in every person a sense of freedom and dignity. – Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

The great goal of education is not only knowledge, but above all action. - N.I. Myron

A diploma of an educational institution is a document certifying that you had a chance to learn something. – Yanina Ipohorskaya

Education must be true, complete, clear and lasting. - Ya.A. Comenius

No one ever achieves their goal without their own efforts. No outside help can replace your own efforts. - ON THE. Rubakin

As long as a person is alive, even if gray hairs cover his head, he can, wants and must receive education, and thus any education that is obtained outside of school, since all life does not fit within the framework of school, is a process of out-of-school education. – A.V. Lunacharsky

The most educated person is the one who most understands life and the circumstances in which he lives. — Helen Keller

The need for education lies in every person; the people love and seek education, just as they love and seek air to breathe. – L.N. Tolstoy

A person is educated only by his own inner work, in other words, by his own, independent thinking, experiencing, re-feeling what he learns from other people or from books. - ON THE. Rubakin

There is no need to prove that education is the greatest blessing for a person. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Each person receives two upbringings: one is given to him by his parents, passing on his life experience, the other, more important, he receives himself. – Ernst Thalmann

Education is just the key that unlocks the doors of libraries. — André Maurois

In the educational process, first of all, such scientific knowledge, teaching aids, educational technologies and methods, disciplines and courses that are able to see and use the mechanisms of self-organization and self-development of phenomena and processes should function. – Yu.L. Ershov

The problem of education at all times, in all civilizations has been, is and will remain relevant. Education, especially higher education, is the dominant factor in the social and economic development of society and the country. Therefore, education is a vital necessity for every person. It is necessary to study always, everywhere and in everything - and only the good, only the necessary. I want to know, I need to know, I will know.

A person is educated only by his own inner work, in other words, what he learns from other people or from books. - ON THE. Rubakin

Education creates a difference between people. — John Locke

One must learn at school, but one must learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching is immeasurably more important than the first in its consequences, in its influence on the individual and on society. – D.I. Pisarev

Three qualities - extensive knowledge, the habit of thinking and the nobility of feelings - are necessary for a person to be educated in the full sense of the word. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Education does not sprout in the soul if it does not penetrate to a sufficient depth. – Progtagor

“Stay hungry. Stay reckless." And I have always wished that for myself. And now that you are graduating from college and starting over, I wish you the same.

"Steve Jobs"

He who advances in the sciences, but lags behind in morality, goes more backward than forward.


If you stock up on patience and show diligence, then the seeds of knowledge sown will certainly give good shoots. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

"Leonardo da Vinci"

Learning to lie should be like everything else, from the smallest.

"Samuel Butler"

Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the angelic rank. We ourselves can crawl into any hole we like, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere worthy of their rank. You can't be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can't make them the plaything of your mood: either gently kiss them or stomp your feet furiously at them.

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once.

"John Locke"

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

"Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky"

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his fatherland.

"Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov"

Just as Christianity did not overcome science in its field, but in this struggle determined its essence more deeply, so science in a field alien to it will not be able to break the Christian or any other religion, but will more clearly define and understand the forms of its conduct.

"Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky"

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it.

"T. Fuller"

Orally stated is more successfully acquired than written.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Now they study in order to surprise others.


The roots of science are bitter, the fruits are sweet.

Education is primarily to seed our hearts with habits beneficial to the individual and society.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Nature begins, art guides, practice completes.

Raising your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity.

"Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky"

The more things I have to do, the more I learn.

Do not be surprised, do not be indignant, but understand!

Teaching is only light, according to a popular proverb - it is also freedom. Nothing frees a person like knowledge.

"AND. Turgenev"

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.


Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.


After bread, the most important thing for the people is school.

"AND. Danton"

You can't stop learning.


You have to learn a lot to know even a little.

"Charles Louis Montesquieu"

Learning is the sweet fruit of a bitter root.


Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

"Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"


Quotes about studying

Not all ages are suitable for school.

"Plavt Titus Maccius"

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge.

"AND. Krasnovsky"

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself.

Worst of all, those who are poorly trained from a young age do not admit this until old age.

Study as if you are constantly feeling the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.


Able to think and think only a well-read person

He who examines his soul deeply catches himself so often in error that he willy-nilly becomes modest. He is no longer proud of his enlightenment, he does not consider himself superior to others.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Not the teacher to the student, but the student must go to the teacher.

Learn from those who know, and teach those who do not know.

Writing exercises polish speech, and speech exercises enliven writing style.


The whole meaning of life lies in the endless conquest of the unknown, in the eternal effort to know more.

"Emile Zola"

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.


The letter teaches, the letter also corrupts.

We study, alas, for school, not for life.


Study everything not out of vanity, but for the sake of practical benefit.

"Georg Christoph Lichtenberg"

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.

You need to know a little about everything, but everything about a little.

"Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev"

Do not be ashamed to learn in adulthood: it is better to learn late than never.

Violent training may not be hard, but something with joy and fun.

We give birth to children so easily and carelessly, but we care so little about the creation of man! We all yearn for some wonderful person. It is in our will to help him appear on earth! So let us use up our will so that he appears sooner, and perhaps we will be rewarded for this happiness to see among us the young forerunners of the one for whom our soul has been yearning for so long.

"Maksim Gorky"

We all learned a little something and somehow.

"Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin"

I would gladly listen to your theory if I were not smarter than you.

The study of wisdom uplifts and makes us strong and generous.

The goal of learning is to achieve the greatest satisfaction in obtaining knowledge.

The educator himself must be educated.

"Karl Marx"

Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike.

"Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov"

If you want to express serious thoughts, first stop talking nonsense.

"Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues"

It is necessary to study until old age and death, when the teaching ceases by itself.

Whoever asks nothing will learn nothing.

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone.

"M. Bitter"

All education comes down to living well yourself, educating yourself: this is the only way people influence others, educate them.

"Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy"

Every nation can and should learn from others.

"Karl Marx"

It is much more useful to study not books, but people.

The living word teaches.

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students.


Education aims to make a person an independent being, that is, a being with free will.


One young artist, using the unprofitable methods of his teacher, painted a picture and showed it to Raphael. "What do you think of this picture?" he asked him. “That you would soon learn something,” Rafael replied, “if you didn’t know anything.”

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us.

"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin"

Only for creation you must learn!

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

Only when the heart is cleansed of filth can one begin to read books and study antiquity. Otherwise, having learned about one good deed, you will want to benefit from it for yourself, and having heard one smart word, you will want to justify your vices with it. Studying with such thoughts in your head is like "giving weapons to the enemy and sending provisions to robbers."

  1. The illiterate people of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn and relearn. Alvin Toffler
  2. You can't learn from someone who always agrees with you. Dudley Field Malone
  3. Go through life as if there is always something to learn ahead and you can definitely do it. Vernon Howard
  4. Education consists mainly of what we have forgotten. Mark Twain
  5. I am always learning. The tombstone will be my diploma. Eartha Kitt
  6. Thinking you know everything stops you from learning new things. Claude Bernard
  7. In the end, only what you have learned and what you have truly learned matters. Harry S. Truman
  8. You can teach a student a lesson in one day, but if you cultivate inquisitiveness and curiosity in him, he will continue to learn all his life. Clay P. Bedford
  9. Life is like playing the violin in public, learning while playing. Samuel Butler
  10. Now we can say that learning is an ongoing process when you stay close to change. And the most difficult task is to teach people how to learn. Peter Drucker
  1. The main goal of education is to teach to think, and not to teach to think in some special way. It is better to develop your own mind and learn to think for yourself than to download many other people's thoughts into your memory. John Deway
  2. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others, while stupid people learn from their own. author unknown
  3. There are three methods of teaching wisdom. The first is through imitation, and it is the noblest. The second is through repetition and is the easiest. The third is through experience, and it is the most bitter. Confucius
  4. Life is a learning experience only if you learn. Yogi Berra
  5. Wisdom - in the ability to learn to skip the insignificant. William James
  6. Learning is, in fact, when you suddenly understand something that you have understood all your life, but in a different way. Doris Lessing
  7. Teaching is not a spectator sport. D. Blocher
  8. Anyone who stops learning gets old, no matter how old they are: twenty or eighty. Anyone who continues to learn remains young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford
  9. We get real knowledge when we look for the answer to the question, and not when we find out the answer itself. Lloyd Alexander
  10. Smart people stop learning...because they've put in too much effort to make sure everyone knows everything, and now they can't afford to look like they don't know. Chris Ajiris

  1. I never teach my students. I only give them the conditions under which they can learn for themselves. Albert Einstein
  2. For our developing mind, the whole world is a laboratory. Martin Fisher
  3. Nothing that is really worth knowing can be taught. Oscar Wilde
  4. If you hold a cat by the tail, you can learn a lot of new things that you would not be able to learn under other conditions. Mark Twain
  5. I hear - I forget. I see - I remember. I do - I understand. Confucius
  6. I always do the things I can't do in the order that helps me learn to do them. Pablo Picasso
  7. We understand the geology the morning after an earthquake. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  8. The human mind that has learned a new idea will never return to its old state. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
  9. Learning is not something you get by accident. And what you strive for with passion and do with diligence. Abigail Adams
  10. Nobody really ever stops learning. Johann Goethe

  1. A person who reads too much and uses his brain too little ends up with a lazy habit of thinking too much. Albert Einstein
  2. Any learning is connected with emotions. Plato
  3. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. William A. Ward
  4. I know a large number of people who are filled with knowledge, but do not have a single thought of their own. Wilson Mizner
  5. Learning is not a means to an end, it is the end itself. Robert Heinlein
  6. Training is optional and not necessary for survival. W. Edwards Deming
  7. Our knowledge stops us from continuing our studies. Claude Bernard
  8. All the people around and everything that surrounds you are your teachers. Ken Case
  9. You live and learn. Anyway, you live. Douglas Adams
  10. Live like you're going to die tomorrow. Learn like you're going to live forever. Gandhi

  1. Reading in itself only provides material for knowledge, but it is the process of thinking that gives us the opportunity to assimilate this knowledge. John Lock
  2. One of the reasons people stop learning is the fear of making mistakes. John Gardner
  3. You don't learn anything while you're talking. Lyndon B. Johnson
  4. Anything can be an important learning experience if you treat it with interest. Mary McCracken
  5. Never stop others. The speed of movement is unimportant, the main thing is the movement itself forward. Plato
  6. Ignorance is not a shame, it is a shame not to strive for knowledge. Benjamin Franklin
  7. Assuming is good, getting to the truth is better. Mark Twain
  8. Develop a passion for learning. If you succeed, you will always grow. Anthony Zhd. DiAngelo
  9. We learn when we do something. George Herbert
  10. It is quite possible to fill your mind with millions of different facts, but at the same time learn nothing. Alec Born.
The collection includes quotes about studying:
  • I want to live to learn, not learn to live. Francis Bacon
  • Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
  • To digest knowledge, one must absorb it with gusto. Anatole France
  • Be yourself both human and baby, in order to teach the child. Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky
  • Reading is the best learning.
  • In reading, as in everything, we suffer from excess; and we study for school, not for life. Seneca
  • The more things I have to do, the more I learn. Michael Faraday
  • Live and learn.
  • The goal of learning is to learn to do without a teacher. Elbert Hubbard
  • We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Anyone who does not want to do this is behind his time. Jan Rainis
  • Learn to walk by walking.
  • Everything is learned, but not contrived.
  • You have to study all your life, until the last breath! Xun Tzu
  • Literacy is not a disease, it does not take away years.
  • Learning is always helpful.
  • The work of the master is afraid. Alexander Suvorov
  • Learn, but from scientists (knowing).
  • Good to teach who listens.
  • Learning is time, play is an hour.
  • The soul placed in the body is like a diamond in the rough and must be polished or it can never shine; and it is obvious that if reason distinguishes us from animals, then education makes this difference even greater and helps us to go further from animals than others. Daniel Defoe
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Alexander Suvorov
  • There are people so well educated that they can make you bored on any topic.
  • Learning, as such, is in itself something impersonal. For a noble soul, it can be a very useful addition, for some other - harmful and pernicious. It would be more correct to say that it is a precious thing for someone who knows how to use it. Michel de Montaigne
  • We read hard, but we think dilapidated.
  • To succeed, students need to catch up with those ahead and not wait for those behind. Aristotle
  • You know the score, so you will count.
  • The doctrine has only one purpose - the search for the lost nature of man. mencius
  • Knowledge is better than wealth.

  • Teaching, learning. Seneca
  • And the bear is taught to dance.
  • There are no difficult subjects, but there is an abyss of things that we simply do not know, and even more of those that we know badly, incoherently, fragmentarily, even falsely. And these false information stop us and bring us down even more than those that we do not know at all. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen
  • From the lessons of some educators, we derive only the ability to sit upright. Władysław Katarzyński
  • Only the educated want to learn; the ignoramus prefers to teach. Edouard Le Berquier
  • From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
  • Those who want to learn are often harmed by the authority of those who teach. Cicero Mark Tullius
  • Read books, but don't forget things.
  • A full belly is deaf to learning.
  • The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
  • Boring lessons are good only for instilling hatred for those who teach them and for everything taught. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Whoever has reached the heights of education must assume in advance that the majority will be against him. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • The independence of the student's head is the only solid foundation for any fruitful teaching. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky
  • Whoever asks nothing will learn nothing. Thomas Fuller
  • Unlearning is harder than learning. English saying
  • He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • It is better not to give examples.
  • Easy to learn - hard to hike, hard to learn - easy to hike. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov
  • Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice. Quintilian
  • The best education in the world is obtained in the struggle for a piece of bread. Wendell Phillips
  • It is more useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • Much learning will require work.
  • Genuine intelligent learning changes both our minds and our mores. Michel de Montaigne
  • The world is illuminated by the sun, and man by knowledge.
  • Order is most helpful for clear understanding. Cicero Mark Tullius
  • Better to learn late than never.
  • In the study of science, examples are more useful than rules. Isaac Newton
  • Someone led to Aristippus in teaching his son; Aristippus asked for five hundred drachmas. The father said: "With this money I can buy a slave!" - "Buy," said Aristippus, "and you will have two whole slaves." According to Diogenes Laertes
  • Nature begins, art guides, practice completes.
  • Who knows how, does; who does not know how, teaches others; and whoever does not know how to do this, teaches teachers. Lawrence Peter
  • You will lead with the book, you will gain your mind.
  • Whoever has not learned in his youth, old age is boring. Ekaterina II Alekseevna
  • A sieve draws water who wants to study without a book.
  • Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
  • To strive to know more than is required is also a kind of intemperance. Having memorized the superfluous, because of this, they are unable to learn the necessary. Seneca
  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • Those who teach us intelligence usually do not appeal to our intellect. Leszek Kumor
  • A book is a book, but move your mind.
  • Only for creation you must learn! Friedrich Nietzsche
  • The study of wisdom uplifts and makes us strong and generous. Jan Amos Comenius
  • Anyone who does not want to learn will never become a real person. Jose Julian Marty
  • And you can learn from the enemy. Ovid
  • Exercise is the mother of learning.
  • And so Ilya Petrovich, without saying anything to anyone, not even to his brother, who went “like a Frenchman”, with whom it is customary to consult in all matters, goes to Kündiger, that same Petrushka teacher who had to be refused once and about whom everyone talks like about a person who understands. He decided to ask him: does his son have talent?
  • Teaching is only light, according to a popular proverb - it is also freedom. Nothing frees a person like knowledge.” Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Znaika runs along the path, and Dunno lies on the stove.
  • The student will never surpass the teacher if he sees in him a model, and not a rival. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • For a scientist, three non-scientists are given.

The history of civilization can be expressed in six words: the more you know, the more you can. E. Abu

A very bad person who does not know anything, and does not try to find out anything. After all, it combined two vices. Abu'l-Faraj

The soul that lacks wisdom is dead. But if you enrich it with teaching, it will come to life, like an abandoned land on which rain has fallen. Abu'l-Faraj

It is not surprising that a large amount of knowledge, not being able to make a person smart, often makes him vain and arrogant. D. Addison

The school is a workshop where the thought of the younger generation is formed, you must hold it firmly in your hands if you do not want to let go of the future. A. Barbus

There are many kinds of education and development, and each of them is important in itself, but moral education should stand above all of them. V. G. Belinsky

You will never know enough unless you know more than enough. W. Blake

True knowledge does not consist in knowing the facts that make a man a mere pedant, but in using the facts that make him a philosopher. G. Buckle

We often meet people whose learning serves as a tool for their ignorance - people who the more they read, the less they know. G. Buckle

Education may turn a fool into a scientist, but it will never erase the original imprint. P. Boschen

The source of true knowledge is in the facts! P. Buast

Education is a treasure, work is the key to it. P. Buast

One should strive for knowledge not for the sake of disputes, not for the contempt of others, not for the sake of profit, fame, power or other goals, but in order to be useful in life. F. Bacon

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge. F. Bacon

Knowledge and power are one and the same. F. Bacon

We are most willing to talk about what we do not know. Because that's what we're thinking about. This is where the work of thought is directed, and it can only be directed here. P. Valerie

No one can be either omniscient or omnipotent. Virgil

Ignorance is not a lack of intelligence, and knowledge is not a sign of genius. L. Vauvenargues

The spirit is subject to the same law as the body - the impossibility of existence without constant nutrition. L. Vauvenargues

It is easier for us to acquire the gloss of omniscience than to thoroughly master a small amount of knowledge. L. Vauvenargues

It is no small merit to recognize as ignorance what others consider to be knowledge, and openly admit that you do not know what you really do not know. P. Gassendi

Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning. K. Goebbel

Whoever wants to achieve great things must be able to limit himself. Whoever, on the other hand, wants everything, really wants nothing and will achieve nothing. G. Hegel

Knowledge of certain principles easily compensates for ignorance of certain facts. K. Helvetius

Omniscience does not teach the mind. Heraclitus

There are no difficult subjects, but there is an abyss of things that we simply do not know, and even more of those that we know badly, incoherently, fragmentarily, even falsely. And this false information stops us and knocks us down even more than those that we do not know at all. A. I. Herzen

Knowledge is power, and the most petrified errors will not stand against this power, just as the inertia of the nature surrounding us did not stand against it. A. I. Herzen

If you lose interest in everything, you lose your memory. I. Goethe

You can only learn what you love. I. Goethe

Experience is the teacher of eternal life. I. Goethe

Acquiring knowledge is not enough for a person; one must be able to give it to growth. I. Goethe

Theory, my friend, is gray, but the eternal tree of life is green. I. Goethe

What they do not understand, they do not own. I. Goethe

A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood; otherwise, he would not think about it. I. Goethe

Man knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world. I. Goethe

The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what success humanity acquires along this path, all people will have to seek, discover and learn. I. A. Goncharov

To prove to a person the need for knowledge is the same as convincing him of the usefulness of sight. M. Gorky

Knowledge is the absolute value of our world. It is necessary to learn, it is necessary to know. The unknowable does not exist, we can only say that the unknown exists. M. Gorky

It is necessary to know not only in order to know, but in order to learn how to do. M. Gorky

Going to take the place of fathers and mothers, to help older brothers and sisters in their great work, the youth must tirelessly arm themselves with knowledge. M. Gorky

There is no sharper weapon than work-based knowledge. M. Gorky

There is no force more powerful than knowledge: a man armed with knowledge is invincible. M. Gorky

The more a person knows, the stronger he is. M. Gorky

In order to live well, one must work well; in order to stand firmly on one's feet, one must know a lot. M. Gorky

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his society. A. S. Griboyedov

Mental occupations have such a beneficial effect on a person as the sun has on nature; they dispel a gloomier mood, gradually lighten, warm, uplift the spirit. W. Humboldt

Knowledge is a companion to a person on any path. D. Guramishvili

Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, in the already formed man, both types of knowledge complement each other. V. Hugo

To educate the people means to make them better; to educate the people means to raise their morality; to make it literate is to civilize it. V. Hugo

The true cure for all suffering is an increase in the activity of the mind, the soul, which is achieved by an increase in education. J. Guyot

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The inquisitive seeks out rarities only to wonder at them; the inquisitive is then to get to know them and stop being surprised. R. Descartes

Many know-it-alls are not smart. Democritus

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless they are learned. Democritus

The essence of the matter is not in the fullness of knowledge, but in the fullness of understanding. Democritus

In the spiritual life, as in the practical life, he who keeps knowledge always progresses and succeeds. W. James

Education gives dignity to a person, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery. D. Diderot

Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of all that one knows. A. Diesterweg

Wrong knowledge is worse than ignorance. A. Diesterweg

The weakness of the mind and (note) the character of many students and adults is due to their knowing everything somehow and nothing properly. A. Diesterweg

Skill must necessarily be associated with knowledge. It is a sad phenomenon when the student's head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned how to apply it, so that one has to say about him that although he knows something, he knows nothing. A. Diesterweg

With true knowledge, you will be much bolder and more perfect in every work than without it. A. Durer

Education is the face of the mind. Qaboos

Socialism is a society of science and culture. And to be a worthy member of socialist society, one must study hard and well, one must know a lot. M. I. Kalinin

False learning is worse than ignorance. Ignorance is a bare field that can be cultivated and sown; false learning is a field overgrown with couch grass, which is almost impossible to weed out. C. Cantu

Experience takes a large price for teaching, but it also teaches better than all teachers. T. Carlyle

Learning is the sweet fruit of bitter wine. Cato the Elder

What could be more honest and noble than to teach others what you know best yourself? Quintilian

Knowledge is needed in life, like a rifle in battle. N. K. Krupskaya

What we know is limited, and what we do not know is infinite. P. Laplace

Without knowledge the workers are defenseless, with knowledge they are strength! V. I. Lenin

If I know that I know little, I will succeed in knowing more. V. I. Lenin

You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed. V. I. Lenin

Our school must give the youth the foundations of knowledge, the ability to work out communist views themselves, must make them educated people. V. I. Lenin

It is impossible to imagine the ideal of the future society without combining education with the productive labor of the younger generation. V. I. Lenin

Workers are drawn to knowledge because they need it to win. V. I. Lenin

In order to truly know an object, one must embrace, study all its aspects, all connections and “mediations”. We will never achieve this completely, but the requirement of comprehensiveness will warn us against mistakes. V. I. Lenin

Knowledge that is not born of experience, the mother of all certainty, is fruitless and full of errors. Leonardo da Vinci

There are no tortuous highways to knowledge: here everyone has to work and climb up, no matter how good the guide is. W. Liebknecht

A more even distribution of enlightenment is a requirement of culture. Only when the people have won political power will the gates of knowledge open before them. Without power there is no knowledge for the people! Knowledge is power! Power is knowledge! W. Liebknecht

The rapid accumulation of knowledge acquired with too little independent participation is not very fruitful. Scholarship can also give birth only to leaves without fruit. G. Lichtenberg

To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what the previous ones did for us. G. Lichtenberg

Man was born to be the master, ruler, king of nature! But the wisdom with which he must rule is not given to him from birth: it is acquired by learning. N. I. Lobachevsky

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once. D. Locke

Nothing teaches a person like experience. A. S. Makarenko

The real end of education comes only from life itself and the conscious self-activity of everyone. D. I. Mendeleev

The school is a huge force that determines the life and fate of the peoples and the state, depending on the main subjects and the principles embedded in the school education system. D. I. Mendeleev

And if it is true, as it is often asserted, that one cannot live without faith, then the latter cannot be other than faith in the omnipotence of knowledge. I. I. Mechnikov

I have known many people who possessed great knowledge and did not have a single thought of their own. W. Mizner

I can't imagine how one can be content with second-hand knowledge; although the knowledge of others may teach us something, one is wise only by one's own wisdom. M. Montaigne

There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge. M. Montaigne

You have to learn a lot to know even a little. C. Montesquieu

Those who love to learn are never idle. C. Montesquieu

Man strives for knowledge, and as soon as the thirst for knowledge dies away in him, he ceases to be a man. F. Nansen

Observation collects what nature offers it, while experience takes from nature what it wants. I. P. Pavlov

In every field of human knowledge there is an abyss of poetry. K. G. Paustovsky

Happiness is given only to those who know. The more a person knows, the sharper, the stronger he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it. K. G. Paustovsky

What good is it that you knew a lot, since you did not know how to apply your knowledge to your needs. F. Petrarch

Knowledge is made up of small grains of daily experience. D. I. Pisarev

Knowledge, and only knowledge, makes a person free and great. D. I. Pisarev

One must learn at school, but one must learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching is immeasurably more important than the first in its consequences, in its influence on man and society. D. I. Pisarev

General education is the consolidation and understanding of the natural connection that exists between the individual and humanity. D. I. Pisarev

Very few people, and only the most remarkable ones, are able to simply and frankly say: “I don’t know.” D. I. Pisarev

Round ignorance is not the greatest evil; the accumulation of poorly acquired knowledge is even worse. Plato

Since the human mind can triumph over blind necessity only by knowing its own internal laws, only by beating it with its own strength, the development of knowledge, the development of human consciousness is the greatest, noblest task of a thinking person. G. V. Plekhanov

Education does not sprout in the soul if it does not penetrate to a considerable depth. Protagoras

Exercise, friends, is more than a good natural gift. Protagoras

Knowledge is not something finished, crystallized, dead, it is eternally created, eternally moving. D. N. Pryanishnikov

It is better not to know something at all than to know badly. Publilius Sir

The higher a person ascends in knowledge, the more extensive views are revealed to him. A. N. Radishchev

We should treat knowledge the same way we treat food. We don't live to know, just as we don't live to eat. D. Reskin

The main thing is not to accumulate as much knowledge as possible - the main thing is that this knowledge, great or small, belongs to you alone, to be infused with your blood, to be the brainchild of your own free efforts. R. Rolland

It is better to know the truth halfway, but on your own, than to know it entirely, but learn from other people's words and learn like a parrot. R. Rolland

A person is educated only by his own inner work, in other words, by his own, independent thinking, experiencing, re-feeling what he learns from other people or from books. N. A. Rubakin

Any real education is obtained only through self-education. N. A. Rubakin

Knowledge should serve the creative ends of man. It is not enough to accumulate knowledge; they should be disseminated as widely as possible and applied in life. N. A. Rubakin

An educated person is a person who has his own worldview, his own opinions about all aspects and areas of life around him. N. A. Rubakin

An educated person sees different sides where a dark person does not see them, but sees only one of them and judges all the others by it. N. A. Rubakin

An educated and intelligent person can only be called one who is like that through and through and shows his education and intelligence both in large and in small things, in everyday life, and throughout his life. N. A. Rubakin

Knowledge is armor against all troubles. A. Rudaki

Talent and knowledge are a bright light, without them there is no way out of the darkness. A. Rudaki

Knowing good is more important than knowing much. J.-J. Rousseau

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

It is more useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you. Seneca the Younger

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. K. Simonov

What could be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex sciences, but does not have a good heart? He uses all his knowledge for evil.