Phrases of Isaac Newton. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Sir Isaac Newton Newton quotes

Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in the village of Woolsthorpe (Lincolnshire), England. Great English physicist, mathematician and astronomer. The author of the fundamental work "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", in which he described the law of universal gravitation and the so-called Newton's Laws, which laid the foundations of classical mechanics. He developed differential and integral calculus, color theory and many other mathematical and physical theories. He died on March 31, 1727 at Kensington near London.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Sir Isaac Newton

  • I don't make hypotheses.
  • In the study of science, examples are more useful than rules.
  • Nature is simple and does not luxuriate in unnecessary causes.
  • Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction.
  • If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
  • Prophecy as a foreshadowing of things to come refers to the state of the Church in all ages.
  • We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, and therefore we can see more and farther than they.
  • Experience is not something that happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.
  • In the language of the Prophets, all creation, heaven and earth signify the whole world of powers, consisting of thrones and peoples, and all things in that world signify corresponding things in this one.
  • I look upon myself as a child who, playing on the seashore, found some smoother stones and more colorful shells than others could manage, while an immeasurable ocean of truth spread before my eyes unexplored.
  • The idea that one body could act on another through a void at a distance, without the participation of something that would transfer action and force from one body to another, seems to me so absurd that I don’t think there is a person capable of thinking philosophically who would come up with it.
  • The establishment of the power of emperors, kings and princes is a human establishment. The power of councils, synods, bishops and presbyters is a human institution. The teaching of the Prophets, including among them Moses and the apostles, is a divine institution and is rooted in the deepest essence of religion; if an angel from heaven preaches a different gospel than these messengers of God revealed, “then let there be anathema.”
  • Since the exact time of the birth and suffering of Christ is not essential for religion, little attention was paid to determining it in the first centuries of Christianity. Those who first began to celebrate these events dated them to the turning points of the year; so the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary was timed to coincide with the day of the vernal equinox; the day of John the Baptist began to be celebrated on the day of the summer solstice; St. Michael's day - on the autumn equinox and the birth of Christ - on the winter solstice.
  • The main mistake of the interpreters of the Apocalypse was that they tried to predict times and events on the basis of Revelation, as if God had made them Prophets. As a result, these interpreters were condemned themselves and at the same time aroused distrust in prophecy in general. But God's plan was quite different. God gave this Revelation, as well as the Prophecy of the Old Testament, not in order to satisfy the curiosity of people, making them able to foresee the future, but in order that His holy Providence, and not the insight of interpreters, would be revealed in practice to the world. For the occurrence of events predicted for several centuries is a convincing proof that the universe is governed by Providence. In the last times, however, the great upheaval predicted in the Holy Scriptures will immediately turn the eyes of people both to the Prophecy and to their detailed interpretation.
Sayings, quotes and phrases of Isaac Newton: I find it ridiculous the idea that one body can act on another through a distance, and there will be no force that would be able to transmit the action of one body in relation to another. The person to whom such a thing comes to mind is simply not able to think philosophically.
  • Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction.
  • I look at myself and see a child playing on the beach. He was lucky to find more beautiful shells and smoother stones than others. Meanwhile, in front of him is a huge ocean full of mysteries, unexplored mysteries.
  • The main mistake of the interpreters of the Apocalypse was that they tried to predict times and events on the basis of Revelation, as if God had made them Prophets. As a result, these interpreters were condemned themselves and at the same time aroused distrust in prophecy in general. But God's plan was quite different. God gave this Revelation, as well as the Prophecy of the Old Testament, not in order to satisfy the curiosity of people, making them able to foresee the future, but in order that His holy Providence, and not the insight of interpreters, would be revealed in practice to the world. For the occurrence of events predicted for several centuries is a convincing proof that the universe is governed by Providence. In the last times, however, the great upheaval predicted in the Holy Scriptures will immediately turn the eyes of people both to the Prophecy and to their detailed interpretation.
  • I do not invent hypotheses.
  • The exact date of the birth and suffering of Jesus Christ are not of great importance, so no one was engaged in their determination. And in the first centuries of the existence of Christianity, no one paid attention to these dates. But only when they were revered as great holidays, these dates were timed to coincide with the most important events in nature. So, the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, the day of John the Baptist is celebrated on the day of the summer solstice, the day of St. Michael is celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox, the birthday of Jesus Christ is celebrated on the day of the winter solstice.
  • We are but dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants. And that is why we can look much further and wider than they do.
  • Prophecy as a foreshadowing of things to come refers to the state of the Church in all ages.
  • The idea that one body could act on another through a void at a distance, without the participation of something that would transfer action and force from one body to another, seems to me so absurd that I don’t think there is a person capable of thinking philosophically who would come up with it.
  • Nature is simple and does not luxuriate in unnecessary causes.
  • In the language of the Prophets, all creation, heaven and earth signify the whole world of powers, consisting of thrones and peoples, and all things in that world signify corresponding things in this one.
  • In philosophy there can be no sovereign other than truth. And a person should put up amazingly beautiful monuments to Plato, Kepler, Descartes, Galileo ... And each should have the inscription "Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my dearest friend is the truth."
  • Gaining experience is not something that happens to a person. This is what a person does when something happens to him.
  • No science has as many arguments as the teaching of the Bible.
  • In the study of any science, examples are needed - they are much more useful than rules.
  • Experience is not something that happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.
  • The main mistake of all interpreters of the Apocalypse is that, having taken Revelation as a basis, they tried to predict certain events, imagining themselves to be prophets. That is why all interpreters, as well as prophets, are subjected to such strong condemnation. After all, the Divine predestination is different - God gave mankind the Revelations and the Old Testament not so that people would satisfy empty curiosity, or become prophets. This was done in order to reveal to the world the essence and causes of his holy Providence, and not just to see the insight of the interpreters. For the manifestation of events predicted many centuries ago is proof that the Universe is controlled by Providence. And the revolution that was predicted in Scripture is able to turn the eyes of people to Prophecy and to the correct interpretation of its content.
  • After many years of futile struggle with the disease, plant foods gave me the relief I was looking for by taking all kinds of medicines. And I am ready to share with many sick people my thoughts about its benefits. On the other hand, I am steadily striving to combat the numerical prejudices that people rely on when thinking about the essence of happiness and health.
  • And finally, perhaps the longest quote from Isaac Newton:
  • In the study of science, examples are more useful than rules.
  • The Heavenly Sovereign is able to govern the whole world as a single Sovereign of the Universe. From physical necessity alone, which is equal in any situation, that variety of objects corresponding to their place and time could not come about. I believe that everything that is part of the structure and existence of the universe could only appear at the will of the Original Being, whom everyone calls the Lord God.
  • Nature is as simple as possible - it does not luxuriate in excesses.
  • In the language of the Prophets, the whole world, both heaven and earth, is the world of authorities, which consists of peoples, rulers. And everything that is in that world means the corresponding things of this world.
  • Prophecy is a foreshadowing of all the future that pertains to the Church.
  • We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, and therefore we can see more and farther than they.
  • Since the exact time of the birth and suffering of Christ is not essential for religion, little attention was paid to determining it in the first centuries of Christianity. Those who first began to celebrate these events dated them to the turning points of the year; so the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary was timed to coincide with the day of the vernal equinox; the day of John the Baptist began to be celebrated on the day of the summer solstice; St. Michael's day - on the autumn equinox and the birth of Christ - on the winter solstice.
  • If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
  • The establishment of the power of emperors, kings and princes is a human establishment. The power of councils, synods, bishops and presbyters is a human institution. The teaching of the Prophets, including among them Moses and the apostles, is a divine institution and is rooted in the deepest essence of religion; if an angel from heaven preaches a different gospel than these messengers of God revealed, “then let there be anathema.”
  • I don't make hypotheses.
  • I could only see further than others because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
  • Genius is the patience of thought, which is directed in a certain direction.
  • I look upon myself as a child who, playing on the seashore, found some smoother stones and more colorful shells than others could manage, while an immeasurable ocean of truth spread before my eyes unexplored.
  • There is an opinion that a person's propensity to eat meat, and the gastronomic pleasure that is experienced at the same time, is the highest recognition of its quality. However, at the same time, many savage peoples with great pleasure eat food that is disgusting in appearance and taste. Therefore, we can say that in itself a pleasant taste does not prove anything, and at the same time - proves too much.

Sir Isaac Newton is an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer and mechanic, one of the founders of classical physics. The collection contains phrases and quotes by Isaac Newton.


Experience is not something that happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.


Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction.


The idea that one body could act on another through the void at a distance, without the participation of something that would transfer the action and force from one body to another, seems to me so absurd that I don’t think there is a person capable of thinking philosophically who would come up with it.

Nature is simple and does not luxuriate in unnecessary causes.


Prophecy as a foreshadowing of things to come refers to the state of the Church in all ages.


In the language of the Prophets, all creation, heaven and earth signify the whole world of powers, consisting of thrones and peoples, and all things in that world signify corresponding things in this one.


In the study of science, examples are more useful than rules.

(the science)

We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, and therefore we can see more and farther than they.

The main mistake of the interpreters of the Apocalypse was that they tried to predict times and events on the basis of Revelation, as if God had made them Prophets. As a result, these interpreters were condemned themselves and at the same time aroused distrust in prophecy in general. But God's plan was quite different. God gave this Revelation, as well as the Prophecy of the Old Testament, not in order to satisfy the curiosity of people, making them able to foresee the future, but in order that His holy Providence, and not the insight of interpreters, would be revealed in practice to the world. For the occurrence of events predicted for several centuries is a convincing proof that the universe is governed by Providence. In the last times, however, the great upheaval predicted in the Holy Scriptures will immediately turn the eyes of people both to the Prophecy and to their detailed interpretation.

(Prophet , providence)

I look upon myself as a child who, playing on the seashore, found some smoother stones and more colorful shells than others could manage, while an immeasurable ocean of truth spread before my eyes unexplored.

The establishment of the power of emperors, kings and princes is a human establishment. The power of councils, synods, bishops and presbyters is a human institution. The teaching of the Prophets, including among them Moses and the apostles, is a divine institution and is rooted in the deepest essence of religion; if an angel from heaven preaches a different gospel than these messengers of God revealed, “then let there be anathema.”