Quotes about how. Aphorisms and phrases about quotes. A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people

After shoveling over a dozen online resources dedicated to quotations, we tried to determine the most popular topics for quoting, and for each of the topics - the best and brightest quotes . Thus, we got such a rating - the 10 most popular topics for quoting with the 10 best quotes on these topics. The most useful quotes for all occasions from the most prominent people ...

1 place: The best quotes about love.

Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world.

(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

We always have to choose who to let into our little world. You are also imperfect. This girl you met is also imperfect. The main thing is whether you are perfect for each other.

("Good Will Hunting")

Here's a simple test for falling in love: if, after spending four or five hours without your mistress, you start to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable.

Love is a priceless gift. It's the only thing we can give and yet you keep it.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

To love is to see a person as God intended him to be.

(F.M. Dostoevsky)

Perhaps God wants us to meet the wrong people before we meet that one person. So that when it happens, we'll be grateful.

(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

You can bloom with it and wither,
She will devour you like an aphid flower
But it's still better to die like that,
Than never loving anyone ...

(Dolphin, "Love")

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent.

(Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray)

Love flees from those who chase after it, and those who run away, throw themselves on the neck.

(William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor)

In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved person, even virtues annoy.

(Omar Khayyam)

2nd place: The best quotes about life.

From the point of view of youth, life is an endless future; from the point of view of old age, it is a very short past.

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, stumble and fall, often the greatest reward comes from what scares us the most. Maybe you will achieve everything you want, or maybe even more than you imagined. Who knows where life will take you, the journey is long and in the end the journey itself is the goal.

("One tree's hill")

Nobody dies a virgin. Life will take everyone.

(Kurt Cobain)

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

(George Bernard Shaw)

Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.

(John Lennon)

Do what you really want to do. Don't play their games. When they want you to race to the right, blow at top speed to the left! Don't do what others want. Look for your own path.

(Johnny Depp)

Open your eyes wider, live as greedily as if you were going to die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in a factory and paid for with money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not seek peace - there is no such beast in the world.

(Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451)

You can't learn to skate if you're afraid to be funny. The ice of life is slippery.

(George Bernard Shaw)

Better to burn than to fade away.

(Kurt Cobain)

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what stuffing you'll get.

("Forrest Gump")

3rd place: The best quotes about people.

Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim underwater like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn how to live on earth like people.

(George Bernard Shaw)

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Generation after generation, people work in jobs they hate just to be able to buy what they don't need.

(Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club)

Fate is not a fool, in vain will not reduce people ...

(Max Frei, “Labyrinths of Echo”)

Nothing betrays a person more than what he laughs at.

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people.


We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.

(Sigmund Freud)

Those who think you can't handle it are not the people you need in life.

("One tree's hill")

People who don't drink, don't smoke, never swear or talk about sex make me suspicious. I'm sure they cut up the corpses of small children at night or something like that.

(Chuck Palahniuk)

If a person is satisfied with everything, then he is a complete idiot. A healthy person in a normal memory cannot always arrange everything.

(Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)

4th place: The best quotes about wisdom.

If the gods want to punish a person, they fulfill his desires.

(Oscar Wilde, "An Ideal Husband")

Be attentive to your thoughts, they are the beginning of actions.

There are only two infinite things: the universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the universe.

(Albert Einstein)

If they spit in your back, then you are ahead.


Eagles fly alone, sheep graze in herds.

(Philip Sidney)

If you were born without wings, don't let them grow.

(Coco Chanel)

Only by losing everything to the end, we gain freedom.

("Fight club")

The only person standing in your way is yourself.

("Black Swan")

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray,
but with their tacit consent, treachery and lies exist on earth.

(Bruno Jasensky, “Conspiracy of the Indifferent”)

People make their own problems - no one forces them to choose boring professions, marry the wrong people or buy uncomfortable shoes.

(Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya)

5th place: The best quotes about the relationship of men and women.

A beautiful woman is pleasing to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other a treasure.

(Napoleon I Bonaparte)

It is not enough to be husband and wife, one must also become friends and lovers, so that later one does not look for them on the side.

(Japanese proverb)

Never, never and never again will you be ridiculous in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her. Let it even be the most stupid farce. Do whatever you want - stand on your head, talk nonsense, brag like a peacock, sing under her window. Do not do only one thing - do not be businesslike, reasonable with her.

(Erich Maria Remarque, “Three Comrades”)

There can be no greater torment for a woman than a man who is so kind, so faithful, so loving, so unique and who does not expect any oaths.

(Janusz Leon Wisniewski, Loneliness on the Web)

If a woman wants to refuse, she says no. If a woman indulges in explanations, she wants to be convinced.

(Alfred de Musset)

A man, even if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe.

(Dorothy Parker)

A man in love is one who loves to look at a sleeping woman and enjoy her from time to time.

(Frederic Begbeder, “99 francs”)

We need beauty to be loved by men; and stupidity - so that we love men.

(Coco Chanel)

If a woman tells a man that he is the smartest, then she understands that she will not find another such fool.

(Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya)

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not to the development of intelligence?
- Because there are far fewer blind men than smart ones.

(Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya)

6th place: The best quotes about motivation.

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

(Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist")

Do not look back and do not grieve for the past, because it is already gone. Don't worry about the future, because it hasn't arrived yet. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that you will remember it forever.

("One tree's hill")

Find a job you fall in love with and you'll never have to work another day in your life again.


If we listened to our reason, we would never have a love relationship. We would never be friends. We would never go for it, because we would be cynical: “Something is wrong” or: “She will leave me” or: “I already burned myself once, and therefore ...” This is nonsense. So you can miss your whole life. Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down.

(Ray Bradbury)

Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

(Winston Churchill)

When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind!

(Henry Ford)

You are what you do. You are your choice. The one you turn yourself into.

(Johnny Depp)

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.

(Jared Leto)

Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

(Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living)

When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.

(Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist")

7th place: The best quotes about happiness.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths taken, but by the number of those moments when happiness takes your breath away.

(“Shooting Rules: The Hitch Method”)

Remember, Maria, what our world is like - and you will understand: one happy day is almost a miracle.

(Paulo Coelho, "Eleven Minutes")

The secret of our unhappiness is that we have time to reflect on whether we are happy or not.

(George Bernard Shaw)

Sometimes you have to fight for happiness even with yourself.

("Pride and Prejudice")

The main thing - do not be afraid to say goodbye to what does not make you happy.


Happiness can only be achieved through sacrifice.

("Butterfly Effect")

There is happiness, it is simpler than simple: it is someone's face.

(Frederic Begbeder, “Love Lives for Three Years”)

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others continuously look for it, and others find it everywhere.

(Elchin Safarli, “They promised me you”)

Disregarding common sense is a sure way to happiness.

("Pride and Prejudice")

- Believe me, Carlson, happiness is not in pies ...
- Are you crazy? And what else?

(“Baby and Carlson”)

8th place: The best quotes about women.

In order to be beautiful, it is enough for a woman to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.

(Coco Chanel)

We women only have two weapons... Mascara and tears, but we can't use both at the same time.

(Marilyn Monroe)

Women is a crossword where nothing intersects.

(Gennady Malkin)

A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.

(Coco Chanel)

Women! women! who will understand them? Their smiles contradict their gazes, their words promise and beckon, and the sound of their voice repels... Either they comprehend and guess our most secret thought in a minute, or they do not understand the clearest hints...

Many great people have left statements about personality. You can find out who a real person is by reading quotes about a person as an expression of something more than just a person with a set of habits, instincts.

To exist as a person, one must be able to draw boundaries and say “no” to something.
Iris Murdoch

The whole history of science at every turn shows that individuals were more right in their statements than entire corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers who adhered to dominant views.
Vladimir Vernadsky

Individuals are not born, individuals are made.
Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev

I keep my old faces in me, like a tree - annual rings. This is the sum of what constitutes my "I". Only my last face is reflected in the mirror, but I know all my former ones.
Tumas Transtremer

Reading about the personality, related quotes can be liked no less!

To live humanly is to live among individuals.
Raymond Aron

Only a person who has overcome the slave in himself knows freedom.
Henry Miller

The process of becoming a person goes through the realization of how little we know and can do.
Mortimer Adler

A person asserts himself in his own madness in two ways: through money and through love.
David Herbert Lawrence

Each of us is obliged to work on ourselves, on the improvement of our personality, assuming a certain part of the responsibility for the life of mankind.
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

For a developed personality, aphorisms about personality are undoubtedly interesting.

If you are deliberately going to become a less significant person than your abilities allow, I warn you that you will be a deeply unhappy person.
Abraham Maslow

Any extraordinary person who sees his goal in something other than theft is traditionally perceived by our government as a source of danger. And the more extraordinary such a person is, the more the authorities are afraid of her.
Victor Pelevin

A person is born in order to develop as a person, and they begin to educate him in order to make a person out of him. The mind is not able to understand that by educating a person, we destroy a person in him, and by educating a personality, we destroy this personality.
Luule Viilma

Our personality is the garden, and our will is its gardener.
William Shakespeare

Be careful not to disappear into the other person's personality.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.
Erich Fromm

To have faith in another person means to be confident in the reliability and immutability of his fundamental attitudes, the very essence of his personality, his love.
Erich Fromm

For some, the process of self-discovery is absolutely natural, while others live in the moment and do not seriously think about exploring their inner self until something changes their idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

In general, self-knowledge is, most often, the path of loneliness - even if you are surrounded by family and friends, you will have to go this way yourself. And yet, the process of finding oneself cannot be completed only from the inside - it requires interaction with the outside world.

And what is the search for yourself, in principle? Maybe it's a year of travel after graduation and before going to university? Or is it those strange years at the university between adolescence and the search for their place in society? Or maybe it’s more of an internal struggle with oneself, the purpose of which is to feel comfortable with one’s own self? ..

Perhaps this is a search for a job that will bring both joy and money? Or is the term “self-discovery” a banal way to evade your obligations and responsibilities? And this search process - can it ever be completely completed?

Can a person really “find himself” and experience absolute happiness and satisfaction, being “in his place” in this world?

Is there a single correct answer to all these questions? If it exists, none of us knows it. But we can all find our own answer to these and other questions; Below we publish quotes we have selected about finding yourself, which will definitely help you in this:

“Most often, a person meets his fate on the path in which he tried to escape from it.” — Jean de La Fontaine

“It is at the moment when I think I have learned how to live right that life changes.” — Hugh Prather

“A man never knows what he wants; he seeks to know the secrets, and as soon as he succeeds, he wants to create them anew. Ignorance irritates him, and knowledge satiates him.” - Henri Frederic Amiel

“A man who looks at life the same way at 50 as he did at 30 has wasted 20 years of his life.” — Muhammad Ali

“What you discover for yourself is always more exciting than what anyone else discovers for you. It’s about the same if we compare marriage for love and for convenience.” — Terrence Rafferty

“People often say that one or the other has found himself. But we do not find ourselves, we create ourselves.” — Thomas Sas

“If you don’t get lost, there is a chance you will never be found.” - author unknown

“You will understand that this is your path when you find yourself on it, because you will immediately feel the fullness of the energy and imagination that you need.” — Jerry Gillis

— Aldous Huxley

“Know thyself. Don’t take your dog’s admiration for you as proof that you are wonderful and perfect.” — Ann Landers

“I can teach anyone how to get what they want in life. The problem is, I can't find anyone who knows what he wants.” - Mark Twain

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly do not notice beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.” — Frank Lloyd Wright

— James Thurber

“Man travels the world in search of what he needs and finds it at home when he returns.” — George Moore

There is an aphorism according to which a man who has a great mind cannot be considered ugly. We do not undertake to judge the physical attractiveness of the representatives of the stronger sex, whose quotes are presented below, however, the fact that they largely influenced the further development of mankind is not in doubt. All of them have earned the right to enter the category of great men, and their wise quotes have undoubtedly enriched philosophical ideas about life. Our selection of quotes from great men includes phrases from Bruce Lee and Charlie Chaplin, Andrei Sakharov and Sergei Korolev, Albert Einstein and Henry Ford, John Lennon and Ernest Hemingway, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Each of them has made a significant contribution to the development of their industry. And their actions and thoughts significantly influenced the formation of public opinion and the development of mankind as a whole. In varying degrees and areas, of course. Therefore, selected quotes from great men who have transformed this world can also transform your attitude.

Henry Ford

Quality is doing something right, even when no one is watching.

Ideas are valuable in themselves, but every idea is, after all, just an idea. The challenge is to put it into practice.

If you have enthusiasm, you can do anything. Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress.

Defeat is just an opportunity to start over, and this time more intelligently.

It seems that everyone was looking for the shortest road to money and at the same time bypassed the most direct one - the one that leads through work.

It is impossible to create a reputation for yourself only with intentions.

If there is any secret to success, it lies in the ability to take another person's point of view and see things from their point of view as well as from your own.

A charitable organization that does not set itself the goal of becoming redundant in the future does not fulfill its true purpose. She's just getting content for herself.

Each one should be placed in such a way that the scale of his life is in due proportion to the services he renders to society.

Put work for the common good above profit.

Albert Einstein

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there were only miracles around.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.

It is impossible to solve the problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.

The world cannot be held by force. It can only be reached by understanding.

Each person is obliged, at least, to return to the world as much as he took from it.

You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it.

Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this, and he makes a discovery.

Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

I don't know what weapons will be used in World War 3, but in World War 4 they will be fought with sticks and stones.

Charlie Chaplin

Comedy is a serious subject, although it shouldn't be taken seriously. This sounds like a paradox, but it is not. Understanding your characters, preparing for filming is serious, hard work. But for a comedy to be truly successful, every actor needs lightness, spontaneity.

I don't think I deserved dinner if I didn't dedicate the day to work.

Thanks to humor, we see the irrational in the rational, the irrelevant in the important, humor helps us survive and maintain our sanity.

The secret is to believe in yourself.

Imagination means nothing if the one who is endowed with it is inactive.

We laugh, feeling helpless before the forces of nature, because otherwise we would go crazy.

Life will seem like a tragedy if you shoot it close-up, but from the general plan it is, of course, a comedy.

It doesn't matter where you live, it matters who you live with. Your naked body should belong to someone who loves your naked soul.

The ability to think, like playing the violin or the piano, requires daily practice.

For the sake of art, you can appear on the stage and naked, but you need to return from there not only dressed, but also cleaner.

Bill Gates

Don't compare yourself to anyone. This is offensive to you in the first place.

Money quickly reveals its impotence as soon as a person's desires touch the field of feelings.

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into believing they can never lose.

Luck tends to favor those who start out small and then grow with experience.

When one smart person joins the company, another soon appears - talented people like to work in a circle of equals.

I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it.

Enjoy what you do and you will never work in your life.

Life is unfair - get used to this fact.

Stop acting like you have 500 years left to live.

Not all dreams come true. For example, in my childhood I dreamed of becoming a cook, but it did not work out.

John Lennon

God is the measure by which we measure our pain.

Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.

The more I see, the less I know.

We live in a world where we have to hide to make love while violence is practiced in broad daylight.

Our society is a pursuit of insane people for insane goals.

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.

If anyone thinks that love and peace are clichés that should have been left behind in the sixties, then that's their problem. Love and peace are eternal.

All you need is Love.

When you have six feet of ground above you, everyone loves you.

Talent is the ability to believe in success. Complete nonsense when they say that I suddenly discovered a talent in myself. I just worked.

Sergei Korolev

There are no barriers to human thought.

If you did it quickly and badly, everyone will forget what was fast, but for a long time they will remember what is bad. And vice versa, they will soon forget what they did for a long time, and they will never forget what they did well.

Criticize someone else's, offer your own. Suggesting - do it.

Who wants to work - looking for funds, who does not want - reasons.

Order frees thought.

A person who believes in a fairy tale falls into it one day because he has a heart...

A rocket under water is absurd. But that's why I'm going to do it.

Astronautics has a limitless future, and its prospects are as endless as the Universe itself.

The whole meaning of my life was one thing - to break through to the stars.

The road to the stars is open.

Bruce Lee

Be gentle, but not submissive. Be firm, but not cruel.

Only those who do will learn something!

The teacher does not reveal the truth, he is the conductor of the truth, which each student must discover for himself. A good teacher is just a catalyst.

Defeat is not defeat unless you recognize it as such in your mind.

Mistakes are always forgiven if one has the courage to admit them.

To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.

Truth has no way. The truth is alive, therefore, changeable.

Simplicity is the highest level of art.

Don't ask for an easy life. Ask for strength to deal with the difficult.

It doesn't matter how slowly you progress, the main thing is that you don't stop.

Ernest Hemingway

If you can render even a small service in life, do not shy away from it.

When something ends in life, be it good or bad, there is a void left. But the void left after the bad is filled by itself. The void after the good can only be filled by finding something better...

War, however necessary and just, is always a crime.

All people in the world are divided into two categories. With the first it is easy, as it is easy without them. With the latter it is very difficult, but it is impossible to live without them at all.

A man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated...

Every person is born for some work.

Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness.

Life is generally a tragedy, the outcome of which is a foregone conclusion.

We get stronger where we break.

Not only answers become obsolete, but also questions.

Steve Jobs

Most often, people do not understand what they really need until you show it to them yourself.

We are here to contribute to this world. Why else are we here?

We do not have a chance to do many things, each of which can be called great. Because this is our life. Life is short and you are dying. Do you know it?

It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.

The only way to do great things is to love what you do.

There is only one way to do great work - to love her. If you don't get there, wait. Don't get down to business. As with everything else, your own heart will help you to suggest an interesting business.

When you're young and you watch TV, you think the TV companies conspired to make people dumb. But then you grow up and understanding comes: people themselves want this. And that's a much more frightening thought. Conspiracy is not scary. You can shoot the bastards, start a revolution! But there is no conspiracy, TV companies are just satisfying the demand. Unfortunately it's true.

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die.

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today is the last day of my life, will I do what I have planned for today?

I don't want to be the richest man in the graveyard.

Andrey Sakharov

A nuclear war cannot be won.

Progress is inevitable, its cessation would mean the death of civilization.

The disunity of humanity threatens it with death.

Human society needs intellectual freedom - freedom to receive and disseminate information, freedom of impartial and fearless discussion, freedom from the pressure of authority and prejudices.

I deny any significant deterrent effect of the death penalty on would-be criminals. I am sure of the opposite - cruelty breeds cruelty.

Progress is possible and safe only under the control of the mind.

Every rational being, finding itself on the edge of the abyss, first tries to move away from this edge, and only then thinks about satisfying all other needs. For humanity to move away from the edge of the abyss means to overcome disunity.

It is better to release a certain number of people who are guilty of something than to keep thousands of innocent people imprisoned and tortured.


How to format quotes?

    The most common way is to use quotation marks.

    Highlighting using italics or using a font 1-2 steps smaller than the font of the main text:

  1. Selection by means of a set of the quote with retraction. In this case, it is possible to use a strike-out ruler in the indent:

How are highlights within a quotation arranged?

Emphasis within a quotation may belong to the citing or the author of the cited text. This determines how the selected text fragments are formatted.

Emphasis belonging to the cited author, it is recommended to save in the form in which they are printed in the source, and if this is not possible or contradicts the style of the publication, then the author's emphasis should be replaced with a selection of another type. The ownership of author's selections is usually not specified. The exception is those cases when there are few author's selections, and, on the contrary, there are a lot of selections belonging to the quoting person; in such cases, it is stipulated that some selections belong to the cited author (these selections are marked), and the rest - to the citing one. In addition, in such cases, the ownership of selections is specially marked in the preface. Selection example:

Emphasis belonging to the citing person is subject to reservation. The comment is given in brackets, the comment is followed by a dot, a dash and the commenter's initials, for example:

What punctuation marks are used when quoting?

Between the quoter's words and the following quote:

a) put a colon if the words preceding the quotation warn that the quotation follows:

Pasternak wrote: “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is precisely its origin that is most directly experienced, and one does not have to speculate about it.

b) put a full stop if inside the quote or behind it are the words of the quoting person, introducing the quote into the text of the phrase:

Pasternak said it well. “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is precisely its origin that is experienced most directly, and one does not have to speculate about it, ”he wrote in the Safe Conduct.

c) do not put any signs if the quote acts as an addition or as part of a subordinate clause:

Pasternak wrote that "of all art, it is its origin that is most directly experienced."

At the end of a sentence, after closing quotes:

a) put a period if there are no signs before the closing quotes. If the quote is immediately followed by a reference to the source, then the dot is moved beyond the reference:

B. L. Pasternak emphasized: “The most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence, and the best works of the world, telling about the most diverse, actually tell about their birth” (Pasternak 2000, 207).

Attention! The dot is always placed after closing quotes, not before them. An ellipsis, question mark, and exclamation mark are placed before closing quotes.

b) put a full stop if the quote is not an independent sentence, but acts as part of a subordinate clause (even if there is an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark before the closing quotes):

B. L. Pasternak emphasized that "the most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence ...".

c) do not put any signs if there is an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark before the closing quotes, and the quote enclosed in quotes is an independent sentence (as a rule, all quotes after the colon separating them from the words of the quoter preceding them are like this):

The chapter ends with the words: "Farewell philosophy, farewell youth, farewell Germany!"

If the phrase does not end with a quotation, then a comma is placed after the quotation (if the quotation is part of a participial phrase or completes the first part of a complex sentence) or a dash (if the quotation ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point or question mark, and also if, according to the conditions of the context, it is not necessary to separate the subsequent text with a comma).

After a poetic quotation, a punctuation mark is placed at the end of a poetic line, which refers to the entire text with a quotation.

Does a quote always start with a capital letter?

A quotation begins with a capital (capital) letter in the following cases:

  • When the quoting person begins a sentence with a quotation, even if the initial words are omitted in the quotation and it opens with an ellipsis:

    “... Of all art, it is precisely its origin that is experienced most directly, and one does not have to speculate about it,” Pasternak wrote.
  • When a quote comes after the quoter's words (after a colon) and begins a sentence in the source:

    Pasternak wrote: “Meanwhile, of all art, it is precisely its origin that is experienced most directly, and one does not have to speculate about it.”
    Pasternak wrote: "... of all art, it is its origin that is most directly experienced, and one does not have to speculate about it." Pasternak wrote that "... one does not have to speculate about him."

How can I arrange an in-text bibliographic reference when citing?

If the cited source is indicated in the bibliography or in the list of references, only the author's surname and the year of publication of the book are indicated at the end of the citation. This design method saves space. For example:

in the text:

“The dictionary of the revolutionary era (historical and cultural guide) includes words that arose or are characteristic of the era of war and revolution” [Ozhegov 2001, 411].

in the bibliography:

Ozhegov 2001- S. I. Ozhegov. Revolutionary Dictionary. Historical and Cultural Handbook (Preliminary Sketches). - 1920s // Dictionary and culture of Russian speech: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Ozhegov. M.: Indrik, 2001. - 560 p. pp. 410-412.

(According to the book:
A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova. Publisher's and Author's Handbook. M., 2003.)