Wow whip. Detailed history of WarCraft in Russian. Old Enemies - Colonization of Kalimdor

---------(WarCraft 3: Frozen Throne)

An Old Feud: The Colonization of Kalimdor

Rise of the Betrayer

Rise of the Blood Elves

Civil War in the Plaguelands

Victorious Lich King

Scourge of Lordaeron

(Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos)

We never paid attention to the prophecies...
Like fools we clung to old grudges
And fought like we've done for generations
Until the sky was lit up with fiery rain and a new enemy appeared among us...
And now we're on the brink of death...
The realm of Chaos has come... at last.

The actions of Thrall and his orcs greatly disturbed the nobles of Lordaeron. The freed orcs freed other orcs throughout the camps in southern Lordaeron. There was a real threat of a chain reaction of this process. The guards of the camps were constantly in full combat readiness and regularly sent messages to the Capital.

Despite all the difficulties and troubles, the orcs sailed to the shores of Kalimdor. When Thrall landed, he gave the order to gather all the survivors of the storm, as well as food and supplies. While the orcs were doing this, they met with the tauren. As in the case of the trolls, the meeting was peaceful, Thrall and the leader of the tauren (tauren - tauren), Cairn Bloodhoof (Cai rne Bloodhoof - cairn Bloodhoof ), decided that they had a lot in common. The orcs agreed to help the tauren, and the tauren agreed to help the orcs. The tauren were greatly annoyed by the centaurs and their raids on the settlements. Together, an attack on one of the tauren camps was repelled and a caravan of loaded kodos (kodo - kodo) with supplies was delivered to another. Cairn, for his part, told Thrall that an Oracle lived far to the north, who could help the orcs determine their fate. Thrall needed to find the Oracle at all costs and talk to him. Their path lay across the prairies (Barens - Steppes) to the north.

For long days they traveled through the dull hot sun and parched land, until they reached the passes in the Stonetalon mountains (Clawed Mountains), where they met Thunder Hellskim and the orcs of the Warsong clan. They also met humans there... Hellscream told Thrall that the humans had taken control of the nearby mountain pass and that he met them by chance, but when he did, he immediately joined the fight. Thrall ordered not to engage in battle with people anymore, to get to the goblin workshop, who were only interested in money and profit, and buy 2 airships from them, which would freely deliver Thrall to the Oracle. However, Grom violated his order and led his warriors to the people. As a result, Thrall and the entire Horde were forced to fight until all the people were knocked out of there. After that, they had a showdown with Grom. Grom surged with demon blood, which he himself had drunk long ago with other leaders of the old Horde ... and he could not help himself. Thrall did not let him get away with this mistake: he sent Grom and all the Warsong warriors to the Ashenvale forest (Ashenvale forest - Ashenvale forest) to prepare timber and build a camp.

In Ashenvale, the orcs of Thunder felt uncomfortable: they began to believe that the forest was full of spirits ... Yes, and Thunder himself was not pleased. However, the logging began, but after a while, the orcs, of course, clashed with the original inhabitants of Ashenvale, the night elves, who clearly did not like that some outsiders were cutting down their native forest in which they grew up. Despite the fact that both sides suffered losses, all the clashes ended in favor of the Orcs and the required amount of timber was harvested. Then Cenarius, the demigod of the night elves, was forced to intervene...

Shortly before Lordaeron finally fell under the blows of the Scourge and the Burning Legion, a conversation took place between two powerful demons, Tycondrius (Tichondrius - Tichondrius) and Mannoroh (Mannoroth - Mannoroth), in which Tycondrius announced that there were no more orcs in Lordaeron. This news infuriated Mannoroch, because. The blood pact, which he made many years ago with all the leaders of the Horde except Durotan, the leader of the Frostwolfs and Thrall's father, was supposed to serve to enslave the orcs, and then the orcs showed such self-will ... Mannoroch decided to go to Kalimdor personally and rectify the situation. In Kalimdor, there was a very convenient opportunity to apply the plan. Since the orcs angered Cenarius (Cenarius - Cenarius) and he had already openly attacked them, the orcs had practically no chance against him. But if they were given demonic strength and bloodlust again, then it would be possible to accomplish two tasks at once: weaken or kill the Burning Legion's longtime enemy, Cenarius, and again subjugate the orcs, who temporarily escaped under the leadership of Thrall from the demonic dependence of the Burning Legion. All that was needed was to renew the Pact of Blood. All this Mannoroch did at the instigation of Tycondrius, who in Kalimdor also spoke with Mannoroch on the subject of orcs. Mannoroch stained the nearest source of drinking water with his blood. Everything turned out as intended. The battle began in the Ashenvale Forest of the night elves led by Cenarius and the orcs led by Grom Hellscream. The orcs began to suffer one defeat after another and could not resist the power of Cenarius until news of some "unusual" source reached the Grom. Despite all the warnings of his clanmates, Grom decided to drink water from a corrupted source, and he was the first to do so. After drinking the blood of Mannoroth, Grom felt incredible power, the blood "boiled" in his veins, and his eyes were filled with rage and a demonic red glow. He no longer belonged to himself... Following him, all his fighters drank the water from the spoiled source. After that, the orcs gave a fierce battle to Cenarius, in which he died. Mannoroch was pleased.

Meanwhile, Thrall, bypassing human outposts where possible, reached the entrance to the Oracle's cave. To his surprise, Cairn came to help him, who said that the Tauren owed a great debt to the orcs and this debt could only be redeemed with blood. However, even here, at the entrance, there was an outpost of people. The observant Thrall learned that there were wyverns not far from here, which were held captive by the harpies, and if they were helped, they could win over the wyverns to their side. And so it happened: Thrall freed the wyverns, and they, in turn, joined his army and together they knocked out the people and quietly entered the cave. Having dealt with the local inhabitants of the cave, Thrall and Cairn saw something unusual: the people who in every possible way blocked the path of the orcs and their allies were also in this cave and were also looking for the Oracle. Finally they all found it together. It was none other than the Prophet who foretold the doom of Lordaeron to some and advised others to sail to Kalimdor to seek their destiny. The surviving humans were led by Jaina Proudmoore. However, as soon as they all met together at the Prophet, they almost fought, to which the Prophet was forced to intervene and calm everyone down. He made a number of serious statements, the main of which was that the world was in mortal danger in the face of the Scourge and the Burning Legion, who had deployed their power in Azeroth and had already crushed two kingdoms: Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas. what no one expected: in order to achieve survival in the coming massacre, people must unite with the Horde and forget all strife and disagreements. Both Thrall and Jaina were almost shocked by this news, but they did not argue with the Prophet. Thrall was told separately by the Prophet, that the demons had once again enslaved his friend Grom.

Thrall and Cairn traveled to the outskirts of Ashenvale to the place where Grom was supposed to be. Of course, it was guarded by the elite "cloaked" fighters of the Warsong clan, as well as demons. A helping hand to Thrall was extended by the noble Jaina, who, despite the fact that Thrall and his Horde were her former enemies, did not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune. The plan was as follows: Thrall breaks through to Grom and encases his soul in a special artifact (soul gem) prepared by Jaina, and everyone else provides cover and safe passage for Thrall; further, the artifact with the soul is brought into a special circle and a rite of purification is performed over the soul, thus clarifying the mind of the Thunder, his thoughts and actions. Jaina's troops covered one of the directions of attacks from the fallen horde (fel horde) and the Burning Legion that helped her and assisted in the advance of Thrall's troops. As a result of heavy fighting, as well as the help of all allies, Thrall broke through to Grom and heard from him that their new master was Lord Mannoroch. Also enlightening Thrall about how long ago in their homeland, in Draenor, the leaders of the clans themselves voluntarily drank the blood of Mannoroth and brought this curse upon themselves. These words about the voluntary bringing of the orc people to death only angered Thrall - he, without hesitation, imprisoned Thunder in an Artifact and carried him to the Magic Circle. Despite the fact that the Burning Legion sent reinforcements and the skies lit up with fire as a result of the flight of fire golems, Thrall's fighters, Cairn and Jaina's troops repulsed the onslaught and dragged Grom to the right place. In the Circle, orc shamans and elf priests jointly performed a rite of purification. Grom's mind cleared up... he was deeply remorseful for what he had done. However, Thrall hurriedly said that time was short and that Grom must help save their people. Grom suggested that they go to the nearest canyon to meet with Mannoroth - Thrall supported this decision, and they went there together. There they met Mannoroch, who only mocked them. Whether or not the demon assumed they had come to fight him, he had come there alone, unaccompanied, as had Thrall and Grom. After listening to the teasing of himself, Thrall absorbed the energies into his hammer and launched it at Mannoroth... The demon deftly dodged and covered himself with a wing... the wing blew a hole. In response, he made several swings with his "axe" and almost cut Thrall in half ... however, the demon missed and the ax hit the ground, but the shock wave threw Thrall right onto the stones, after hitting which he injured his arm and barely breathed. .. Finally, Thunder rushed at Mannoroch and, in a split second, dodging Mannoroth's ax, in a dashing jump, he thrust his ax right into the belly of the impudent demon! With that, the demon's taunts ended... as did his strength... as did the demonic energy that flowed in the veins of Grom and all the warriors who drank the blood of Mannoroth. From now on, the Treaty of Blood has been destroyed. But this victory was not without its price: having lost the energy that was so firmly rooted in the body of a mighty warrior, along with Mannoroh, Thunder also lost his life. Thrall took the loss of his friend very hard. A monument was later erected to Thunder Hellscream by Thrall's orders.

Battle of Mount Hyjal

The Burning Legion and the Scourge have invaded Kalimdor. Encountering little resistance, Archimonde and his assistants headed into the Ashenval forest to get to the top of Mount Hyjal (Hyjal - Hyjal). Meanwhile in Ashenvale, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind - High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind) watched over those who killed Cenarius. After the union of orcs with people under the pressure of the Prophet and the fall in battle of the pit lord (pit lord - lord of the underworld) Mannoroh, their combined army moved from the prairies (the barrens - steppes) to the north, to the southern outskirts of the Ashenval forest, to build a camp there and gain a foothold. The force was commanded by Duke Lionheart. To Tyrande, all mortal races were the same: she underestimated and dismissed those who were not immortal Night Elves. Since the orcs had killed Cenarius, she didn't like them much. Her first order is to drive the orcs and humans from the southern outskirts of Ashenvale. Together with her sentries (sentinels - sentries), she did this. However, she didn’t even think that while she was wasting time and energy on destroying small detachments of mortal races, thereby weakening them, the main enemy, the Burning Legion under the command of Archimonde himself and the Scourge under the command of Tycondrius, were already striding through Ashenval directly to the mountain Hyjal and the World Tree Nordrassil (World Tree Nordrassil - World Tree Nordrassil).

While Tyrande was aware of this, she nearly fell into the clutches of the enemy. But she managed to get out. From that moment on, the Priestess forgot to think about mortals: it was necessary to immediately mobilize all available forces against the real enemy. Having made her way from the enemy rear to her own, Tyrande first decided to wake Furion (Furion Stormrage - Furion Stormrage), the most powerful druid, under whose leadership a victory was won over the queen of the night elves, Azshara (Azshara - Azshara), who betrayed her people. Furion had been sleeping for several thousand years in a small abode in the middle of a dense forest. Only the horn of Cenarius could awaken him, but Cenarius was killed, so Tyrande had to do the work. This horn was in Moonglade (Moonglade - Moonglade), and it was guarded by 3 guards. Moreover, as soon as Tyrande arrived at the scene, she learned that the path to the horn was blocked not only by the guards of Cenarius, who, of course, did not allow anyone but the owner to the horn, but also by the orcs who entrenched themselves in that area and built a camp . However, that was not all: the undead appeared in the conflict area, which rapidly made their way to the monastery, but a densely growing forest prevented it, so there was still time and hope to have time to fulfill their plans. Tyrande with her elf archers crossed all obstacles, made her way through the orc camp, defeated three guards and got to the horn before the undead reached the monastery. A long rumble was heard over the entire district ... and Furion woke up from centuries of sleep. Everything he saw and felt he did not like. He himself made his way through the thick of trees towards the undead and killed everyone in the area who cut down the forest and spoiled nature. His meeting with Tyrande was a joy to him.

Having received such a powerful and wise ally as Furion, the elves cheered up. The next task was to awaken the Raven Druids from their sleep. Also in the monastery and also in the dense forest thicket, which was full of enemies. As Tyrande and Furion made their way through the forest, destroying everyone who interfered, they noticed that humans and orcs were fighting the undead and demons. Furion wisely remarked that these mortals could become allies in the fight against the undead, but Tyrande haughtily declared that she would be damned if the night elves were to join with them. One way or another, they got to the monastery, killed the local satyrs (satyr - satyr) and awakened the raven druids. After that, it was necessary to awaken the bear druids. They slept in a cave near Mount Hyjal. Moving through the cave, everything was fine until the squad came across an ancient gate. Furion immediately remembered that this gate closed the entrance to the dungeon, where Illidan had been imprisoned for 10 thousand years. Tyrande noticed that he could become an ally in the fight against enemies. Furion categorically rejected the offer and said that this evil must be caged, even though Illidan Stormrage (Illidan Stormrage - Illidan Stormrage) - his brother. Tyrande, however, persisted in her insistence, and finally decided to go there on her own with a small force. Furion said that he forbade her to do this, but the elf sharply replied that only the goddess Elluna could forbid her to do something. With these words, they parted ways. Furion continued on through the cave. When he reached the resting place of the bear druids, he saw that not everyone was sleeping and that the bears were unnaturally aggressive and even attacked the night elves. Then Furion decided to make his way to the center of the "lair" and blow the horn of Cenarius throughout the cave, so that everyone could hear. And so it was done: the night elves made their way to the right place without killing any of the bears, and a long rumble was heard throughout the cave. Immediately the mind of all the druids cleared up, and they all came to the call of the horn. In a small conversation, it turned out that the bear druids themselves did not know what had come over them, but also said that they felt corruption and decay from an external source, even through a dream. Meanwhile, Tyrande met with the dungeon guards. They told her that they would not even let her through. Then she did not hesitate to arrange a bloody massacre even with her brothers, the night elves guarding Illidan, and killed them all with her detachment. Finally, she reached the cage, and Illidan himself heard her voice... he himself broke the bars of the cage, and together they headed for the exit. At the exit they were met by Furion with his druids. After a short conversation, they all left the cave.

Illidan, after 10,000 years in captivity, found it difficult to adapt to everyday life, but he was determined to help his people and prove that he was a worthy demon hunter (demon hunter - demon hunter). Illidan went to Felwood Forest (Felwood - Felwood). When he got there, Arthas unexpectedly met on his way... Illidan was not happy to meet him, they even met with him in hand-to-hand combat, but after a combat "warm-up", which ended in nothing, he nevertheless listened to what Arthas wanted. Arthas said that in this forest there is a magical artifact, the skull of Gul "Dan, which poisoned the local lands. To the question "why do you need this?" Arthas answered that his current master would benefit from the defeat of the Burning Legion. And to the question: "Why should I believe you?" - the answer was given: "my master sees everything, incl. and the fact that you have always sought power, now it is coming into your hands." Illidan was eventually tempted by power and took the very artifact, instead of destroying it. As soon as he took the cursed artifact and absorbed it into himself strength, the demon hunter himself turned into a powerful demon, he had horns, hooves and wings behind his back.However, he did not forget about Tycondrius, who commanded the local enemy forces, gave him a strong fight with a small army of night elves and killed him.Thus fell one of the powerful demons of the Burning Legion ... after Mannoroh, by the way. When the battle ended, Furion and Tyrande arrived at the scene, they were saddened that their mutual friend had turned into a demon himself. Furion banished Illidan from his native lands forever.

The army of Archimonde almost reached Hyjal. Time was running out. However, the night elves were not completely confident in their abilities, but they were sure of one thing: if necessary, they would give their lives not only for their land, but for the whole world in general, which was in great danger. On the eve of likely events, Furion had a dream in which he had a Prophet and indicated the place and time where Furion was supposed to come. Furion and Tyrande arrived at the appointed time and place ... after a while Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore joined them - it turned out that they were also invited - Tyrande was not happy with them, and a little later, he came to the meeting himself A prophet who told Tyrande that humans and orcs had come to help her people fight the Legion. Furion asked the Prophet who he was to make such claims of unification? The prophet replied that he was the one whose mistake cost the world too much, he was the one who opened the Portal of Darkness and let the orcs, and with them the demons, into Azeroth, he was the one who was killed for his sins by those he loved most - people, and now he has come to correct what he has done and unite all reasonable and civilized races in the fight against the Burning Legion, which threatens all living things, he is the last of the Guardians (Last Guardian), he is Medivh (Medivh)! After such a speech, even Tyrande did not dare to comment on anything. All ambitions were put aside, and everyone had only one task - to win this decisive battle.

The next day, representatives of almost all races: humans, orcs, dwarves, trolls, tauren, dwarves, elves of Quel'Thalas, and finally night elves - came together to give last Stand killers of all living things. Their leaders also gathered: Thrall, Furion, Tyrande. After some time, Jaina arrived with the news, who reported that, according to intelligence, the army of the Burning Legion and the Scourge, led by Archimonde, was moving towards the mountain directly towards them, and any minute the enemy would be here - you need to prepare for battle! The defense plan was built as follows: the first, at the very foot of the mountain, the surviving warriors of the Alliance of Lordaeron (note: humans, dwarves, dwarves, high elves) enter the battle with the enemy, on the plateau a little higher, the fighters of Thrall's Horde (orcs, trolls and tauren), and at the very top, not far from the World Tree (the World Tree), the night elves are located. The purpose of the defense was not to lay down their heads to every single one in this final battle, but to delay the progress of Archimonde while Furion on the top of the mountain prepares a "surprise" for him, accumulating the necessary energy in the World Tree. After discussing the last details, everyone went to their places.

Arkimond arrived with his army - the massacre began. Jaina's troops were the first to meet the enemy. As long as possible, they held back the advance. But in the end they were forced to retreat and surrender their positions. Jaina herself teleported to safety. Further, the fighters of the Horde took the blow. Having more time to properly prepare for the defense, the orcs, trolls and tauren gave a fierce battle and withstood several onslaughts, however, they, as intended, left their positions at the right time. Thrall retreated safely, but before that he managed to strike Archimonde himself with lightning. There was little time left. Finally, when the time came, the night elves also retreated and allowed Archimonde to break through to the World Tree. Intoxicated with "victory", he went to him alone, not even sending anyone ahead of him, as Furion had counted on. Out of breath, Tyrande ran up to him and asked if he had time to prepare everything. Furion calmly replied that he had.

Believing that victory was in his pocket and that the mortal races, like the night elves, were broken, the self-confident Archimonde climbed to destroy the World Tree. After waiting for him to climb higher, Furion blew the horn of Cenarius, calling on all the spirits of the forest to attack the enemy at once. Hundreds of small fireflies enveloped the entire Archimonde, began to torment him and hamper his movements - he was no longer able to climb anywhere further. Finally, at the climax, the energy of the World Tree, which Furion so diligently accumulated shortly before with the help of special rites, was released at once and with a crushing force swept away everything around him, turning the area around him into ashes, and the demon Archimonde into dust! Thus was killed one of the "highest officers" of the Burning Legion. After that, the combined forces of the Alliance, Horde and night elves regrouped and delivered a crushing counterattack on the undead and demons - the enemies were driven back, scattered and eventually defeated. Medivh was also watching all this, who came to the conclusion that his mission in this world was over, the earth would heal its wounds, and this world no longer needed Guardians.

11-01-2020Shaman Ner'zhul, Lich King
Orc clans have lived on Draenor for millennia, revering their ancient gods and heeding the teachings of shamans. Neither meanness nor dishonor was known to them. However, the Burning Legion has long been eyeing these ferocious warriors, seeing them as potential bloodthirsty assassins - and their future indestructible army. The insidious demon Kil-jaeden, assistant commander of the Legion, decided to undermine orc society from the inside.

Kil-jaeden appeared before the most respected of the Orc chieftains, the elder shaman Ner-Zul, and announced that he could give the orcs great power and dominion over the whole world. He even offered to transfer some secret knowledge to the shaman. The price was to be Ner'zhul's agreement to join his people under the banner of the Burning Legion. A prudent shaman, consumed by a thirst for power, accepted the demon's offer and concluded a Blood Pact with him - thereby dooming his unsuspecting people to slavery.

Over time, Kil-jaeden found that Ner'zhul lacked either the will or the nerve to carry out his plans to turn the orcs into a bloodthirsty horde. The shaman, realizing at last that the deal he had made would lead to the death of the orcs, refused to further assist the demon. Enraged by his open defiance, Kil-jaeden vowed to punish Ner-zhul and get his way anyway. He found himself a new follower who would lead the orcs away from the old customs - he became Gul-dan, the old shaman's apprentice.

With the help of Kil-jaeden, Gul-dan succeeded where his master had failed. Filled with malice and a lust for power, he not only abolished the ancient shamanic cults, replacing them with the study of the dark magic of demons, but also united the orc clans into an eternally restless Horde, which Kil-jaeden wanted. Ner'zhul, powerless to stop his former apprentice, could only watch as he skillfully turned the orcs into mindless instruments of death.

Years passed; Ner'zhul continued to ponder grimly the fate of the crimson world of Draenor and its people. He saw the beginning of the first Orc invasion of Azeroth, heard of the Second War between the Horde and the Lordaeron Alliance. He witnessed the betrayals and meanness that corroded his people from the inside. Although Gul'dan was the leader of the Horde on their journey into the dark future, Ner'zhul knew that he was the one who had actually started what was happening, and the terrible fate of the orcs was on his conscience.

Shortly after the end of the Second War, word reached Draenor of the orcs' defeat. Ner'zhul knew that the Horde's failure to conquer Azeroth had fallen short of the demons' expectations. Fearing that Kil-jaeden, along with the Legion, would go to avenge this on those orcs who remained on Draenor, Ner-zhul decided to flee from their wrath and opened several magical portals to new worlds not defiled by demons. The old shaman gathered all the orc clans that remained on Draenor, and set out to lead them through one of the portals - towards a new destiny.

But before he could carry out his plan, an Alliance expeditionary force appeared on Draenor, sent to destroy the orcs once and for all. Clans loyal to Ner-Zul held back the onslaught of the human army, giving the shaman the opportunity to open portals. But when he had finished, Ner'zhul realized to his horror that the violent power contained in the portals was about to tear to shreds the fabric of the very world of Draenor.

Meanwhile, the Alliance forces have driven the orcs deep into their doomed homeland. Seeing that the combatants would never make it to the portals in time, the terrified shaman abandoned them to their fate and fled with his minions. They stepped into the portal, and the Draenor exploded and shattered into pieces. The old shaman rejoiced that he had successfully escaped death... Ironically, he lived to see the hour when he bitterly regretted that he had not shared the fate of his unfortunate compatriots.

New Kil Jaeden Deal
As soon as Ner-Zul and his followers found themselves in the Underworld - the space that connects all the worlds scattered in Eternal Darkness, - they were immediately seized by demons. Kil-jaeden, sworn to punish Ner-zhul for his defiance, began torturing him relentlessly, slowly tearing his body apart. But the demon kept the spirit of the shaman alive and unharmed, so that he could more sharply feel the nightmarish torments of the dismembered body. As much as Ner-zhul pleaded with the demon to release his spirit and grant him death, Kil-Jaeden only replied that the Blood Pact between them still stood - and that he intended to finally use his defiant pawn.

Due to the defeat of the orcs on Azeroth, Kil-jaeden had to collect new army, designed to sow chaos and destruction in the lands of the Alliance. But it should not have arisen internal quarrels and strife that destroyed the Horde. This time, Kil-jaeden had no room for error.

Continuing to torment the shaman's helpless spirit, Kil-jaeden offered him the choice of either eternal torture or a last chance to serve the Legion. And he recklessly agreed to a deal with the demon again. The spirit of Ner'zhul was placed in a block special ice, hard as a diamond, collected in the far reaches of the Underworld. Imprisoned in magical ice, the shaman felt his consciousness expanded many thousands of times. Under the influence of the demonic forces of chaos, he turned into a ghost - but immensely powerful. At that moment, the orc named Ner'zhul ceased to exist and the Lich King appeared.

Death knights and sorcerers loyal to Ner-Zul have also been transformed. The forces of chaos tore the evil magicians apart and recreated them in the form of skeletons. According to the demons, even in death, the followers of Ner'zhul will blindly obey him.

When everything was ready, Kil-Jaeden calmly explained why he, in fact, created the Lich King. Ner'zhul's mission was to spread death and terror across Azeroth, a magical plague that would destroy humanity for all eternity. All who die from this plague will rise as undead, and their souls will forever be subject to the will of Ner'zhul. Kil-Jaeden even promised to provide the ill-fated Lich King with a new, healthy body if he succeeded in his macabre mission.

Although Ner'zhul was willing to do anything and even seemed happy to play his part, Kil-jaeden still doubted his pawn's loyalty. An ice prison and the absence of a body guaranteed his obedience for some time, but the demon perfectly understood that an eye and an eye was needed for a former shaman. Therefore, he assigned to the King of the Dead guards from the elite guard of vampire demons - the Lords of Horror, obliging them to vigilantly and vigilantly monitor Ner-Zul and the fulfillment of his terrible mission. Tikondrus, the most powerful and treacherous of them, was delighted with all this - and especially with how deadly the plague is: its victims will be countless.

Icecrown and the Frozen Throne

So, Kil-jaeden threw Ner-zhul - already in a block of ice - back to the world of Azeroth. Meteor slicing through the night sky, this ice crystal fell on the barren arctic continent of Northrend, buried deep in the dark labyrinths of the glacier called Icecrown. The block itself, scratched and beaten during the fall, looked like a throne - and inside this "throne" the spirit of Ner-Zul, thirsting for revenge, toiled.

Sitting in the Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul began to gradually expand the limits of his grandiose consciousness and touch the consciousnesses of the native inhabitants of Northrend. He enslaved many local creatures with amazing ease - for example, ice trolls and ferocious yetis. He discovered that his supernatural abilities were almost limitless - and created a small army, sheltering him in the intricate labyrinths of Icecrown. While amassing an army under the watchful eye of the Dreadlords, he stumbled upon a secluded human settlement on the edge of the vast Dragonlands. The Lich King decided to test his strength and send a plague on unsuspecting people.

Thus, the undead plague emanating from the depths of the Frozen Throne crept across the icy desert. Channeling the plague with sheer thought, Ner'zhul drove it straight into the human village, and in three days there was not a single living person left there. But very little time passed, and the dead villagers began to rise - already in the form of zombies. Ner'zhul felt their souls and thoughts as if they were his own, and this eerie cacophony in his mind seemed to give him even more strength, as if the souls provided him with much-needed food. Managing all the actions of the zombies proved to be a breeze for the Lich King; it was in his power to lead them to any goal.

Over the following months, Ner'zhul continued to experiment with the witch's plague, infecting all the people of Northrend with it. His army of undead grew every day, and he felt that the time of real testing was approaching.

spider war
Ten years have passed. All this time, Ner'zhul was gathering an army and rebuilding in Northrend. military base, and a huge citadel now towered over Icecrown. The growing legions of the undead became its garrison. But although the Lich King's power spread further and further across the earth, underground he was opposed by an ancient recalcitrant empire. Azzol-Nerub, a realm founded by a terrifying race of spider-humans, has sent its elite guard to attack Icecrown in order to put an end to the Lich King and his insane lust for power. Much to Ner'zhul's displeasure, it turned out that the vile warriors of Nerub were not only immune to the plague, but also to its telepathic effects. The spiders had a large army and a vast network of underground tunnels that covered nearly half of Northrend. Their pinprick tactics time and time again thwarted all of Ner'zhul's efforts to exterminate them.

In the end, Ner-zhul won this war by overwhelming the enemy with numbers: the rampaging Dreadlords and countless legions of undead soldiers broke into Azzol-Nerub and brought down the underground temples on the heads of their inhabitants, the spider lords. Although the Nerubian warriors could not contract the plague, Ner'zhul had already become such a powerful necromancer that he was able to raise the corpses of the spider warriors and bend them to his will. In memory of the resilience and fearlessness of the spiderfolk, Ner'zhul adopted their architectural style. From now on, the fortresses and buildings in his lands began to resemble the buildings of spiders. Remaining the sole ruler in his kingdom, Ner'zhul came to grips with the task for which
was sent into this world. Stretching his consciousness towards the human lands, the Lich King began to call - any dark soul that would hear him...

Kel-Thuzad and the Cult of the Damned
Several powerful mages from this world have heard the call of Ner'zhul. Among them, Archmage Kel-Thuzad of Dalaran was the most prominent. Kel-Thuzad, one of the senior members of the Kirin Tor, the ruling council of Dalaran, was regarded by his peers as a "black sheep", having devoted many years to the stubborn study of the forbidden magic, necromancy. He craved comprehensive knowledge of the magic of the ghost world and its marvels, and was irritated by the outdated dogma of his unimaginative brethren.

Hearing a powerful magical call from Northrend, the Archmage made every effort to establish communication with the mysterious voice. Firmly convinced that the Kirin Tor were too sensitive to want to wield the power of black magic, he decided to accept knowledge from the hands of the immensely powerful Lich King. Relinquishing wealth, social status, and the moral principles of the Kirin Tor, Kel-Thuzad left Dalaran forever.

Obeying the haunting call that sounded in his head, he sold his vast lands, and then went alone to the land of eternal ice. After long weeks of wandering by land and sea, the Archmage finally reached the rugged shores of Northrend. He wanted to get to Icecrown in order to enter the service of the Lich King, and his path lay through the ruins of a former war - those that remained from Azzol-Nerub. For the first time, he was able to appreciate the extent of Ner'zhul's power. And he began to understand that an alliance with the mysterious King of the Dead is not only a wise act, but, perhaps, a useful one. After long months of travel through the harsh icy desert, Kel-Thuzad finally reached his goal - a gloomy glacier.

Bravely approaching the gates of the dark citadel of Ner'zhul, he was shocked: the skeleton guard silently let him through, as if he had been a long-awaited guest. Kel-Thuzad went down to the deepest layers of the glacier. There, among the endless heaps of ice and shadows, he prostrated himself before the Frozen Throne and offered his own soul to the Lich King.

Ner'zhul was pleased with his new recruit. He promised Kel-Thuzad immortality and great power in exchange for his loyalty and obedience. The archmage, thirsting for dark knowledge and power, joyfully accepted Ner-Zul's first task - to return to the world of people and establish a new religion there, according to which the King of the Dead would be worshiped as a god.

So that the Archmage could better handle this task, Ner'zhul left him human for the time being. The charming elderly magician had to use his gift of persuasion and skill in creating illusions to win the trust of the poor and the desperate, then instill in their minds the idea of ​​​​the possibility of creating a new society ... and at the head of it there would be a new king.

Kel-Thuzad returned unrecognized to Lordaeron and over the next three years, thanks to his wits and money, he founded a secret brotherhood of like-minded people and called it the Cult of the Damned. It promised its acolytes social equality and eternal life on the expanse of Azeroth if they became faithful servants of Ner'zhul.

Over time, the followers of the Cult became more and more - the destitute, the poor, exhausted by overwork, went to them. Oddly enough, converting faith in the Good Light into faith in the dark forces of Ner-Zul turned out to be very easy. The influence of the Cult of the Damned grew, its ranks expanded - and Kel-Thuzad made every effort to ensure that the activities of the Cult did not become known to the Lordaeron authorities.

Scourge Plexus
Since Kel-Thuzad had done his job admirably, the Lich King began making final preparations for the destruction of mankind. Encapsulating the plague magic in a number of small items called plague cauldrons, Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to transport them to Lordaeron and hide them in various villages under the protection of the Cult's most trusted followers. The cauldrons were supposed to send a plague on the unsuspecting villages and cities of northern Lordaeron.

→ WoW WotLK – Scourge and Arthas

The story in the wow scourge is quite interesting and touches on events that happened quite recently in Azeroth. The destruction that the Scourge brought to these lands was simply enormous. human state Lordaeron fell completely due to the betrayal of its prince Arthas Menethil, who became the new Lich King after Ner'zhul himself. But where did this wow whip come from? After all, it was not Arthas who created it, and, oddly enough, not even Ner'zhul was the original creator of the Death Knights. Let's look into this issue.

History of appearance

In wow wotlk, we already see the Scourge in its final and mature form. Army, supplies, generals, buildings, etc. In general - a full-fledged nation of the dead under the control of the Lich King. But where did she come from then?

The master of the Burning Legion, Sargeras, had a hand in the creation of the Scourge through the creation of the Death Knights. Yes, yes, and there is the interest of the Burning Legion. Since neither Sargeras himself nor most of his troops could fully enter the world of Azeroth, the Fallen Titan decided to act cunningly. He infected the orcs of Draenor with the idea of ​​malice. Thus, turning the usual and good race of shamans into evil creatures who only needed to kill. After Draenor broke into several parts, Sargeras began to influence the leader of the most powerful tribe of orcs - Gul'Dan. It was this Orc who led the first Horde through the Dark Portal to Azeroth. And there Gul'dan learned to summon the dead, creating Death Knights from them.

After Gul'dan's defeat, Ner'zhul took over the horde, and Sargeras gave him full command of the Death Knights. Here already at the wow whip some kind of appearance began to appear. For after another defeat of the Horde, Ner'zhul wanted to independently control the Scourge and moved to the mainland of Northrend, where he gradually began to create his own army. Sargeras found him there and completely destroyed his body, enclosing the spirit in a sword and helmet. Thus, Ner'zhul began to lead the Scourge with the power of his mind exactly until the moment when a rare thing - the sword Frostmourne - did not fall into the hands of Arthas.

New Lich King

The events that affect the world of warcraft wotlk are already the final point of Arthas' reign. And after the young prince returned victorious from Northrend, he followed his father's throne room. The people of Lordaeron greeted their prince with joy. They did not yet know that he had changed once and for all. In the throne room, Arthas killed his father and became the new ruler of Lordaeron. He ordered his top Death Knights to kill anyone they see. It was a terrible day for people, but in wow the lash began to dominate these lands. If you downloaded the warcraft client in the pre-release week, you could watch how the whip attacked everything big cities Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

To save the human and other races from total enslavement by the Scourge, the Alliance and Horde joined forces and traveled to Northrend. Step by step, they approached Icecrown Citadel, where the Lich King was. By the way, on the entrance screen of the Wrath of the Lich King warcraft client, this Citadel is in the background. The entire gaming community really liked the idea of ​​​​such a strong “common enemy”, for the sake of which the Horde and the Alliance united their forces in wow wotlk.

Naturally, the forces of good won, the Lich King was completely defeated. More precisely, Arthas was defeated, and Bolvar became the new Lich King. For someone needs to control the Scourge. Perhaps in future addons we will see a new Lich King on the splash screen of the warcraft client.

This is how the story ended in the wow wotlk add-on. According to many players, from a technical and "epic" point of view, this addon was the best. Since even according to the Warcraft strategy, many players fell in love with the history of this character.

Now, if you get to Northrend, the warcraft game client will show you a splash screen, which shows Bolvar in the new guise of the Lich King.


Scourge(eng. Scourge) - one of the three main undead factions on Azeroth (along with the Forsaken and the Knights of the Ebon Blade) and the main player seeking to take over this world. The Scourge was originally created as a weapon in the hands of demons, however, after the unsuccessful invasion of the Burning Legion, the Scourge gained independence, and under the leadership of the Lich King was founded mighty empire in Northrend. The influence of this organization spread throughout the continent and beyond, to the north of Lordaeron and the south of Quel'Thalas. Even Kalimdor has been slightly affected. An enemy as terrible and cunning as the Scourge remains perhaps the most dangerous threat to Azeroth.


The Scourge was, and still is, a vast army of the undead created by the Lich King, also known as the orc shaman Ner'zhul. Under the control of the Burning Legion, the Scourge's mission was to spread terror and destruction throughout the world, heralding the Legion's imminent invasion. The Lich King, created a terrible Plague, which he sent to the south. When the plague invaded the southern lands, countless people fell victim to the disease. The disease sapped the life out of them, and eventually they swelled the ranks of the Scourge's army.

Although Ner'zhul and his Immortal Scourge were bound by the will of the Burning Legion, the Lich King constantly sought to free himself and exact revenge on the demons for cursing and dismembering him. Shortly before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Ner'zhul prepared a plan to bring down the Legion, with the help of Arthas and the demon hunter Illidan. Illidan's attacks resulted in the death of Tichondrius, and subsequently the destruction of the great artifact - the Skull of Gul'dan, which greatly weakened the Legion and made it possible for the forces of the Alliance, Horde and Night Elves, in the end, to stop Archimonde. Ner'zhul was finally free. This act of the Lich King threw Kil'jaeden into an indescribable rage, now it is the turn of the demons to seek revenge. But, due to the defeat of the Legion, Kil'jaeden is deprived of the opportunity to quickly destroy his recalcitrant creation, and is forced to resort to more subtle methods.

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Kil'jaden contacted Illidan with a very tempting offer: "If you kill the Lich King, I will grant you the incredible power of a Demon Lord." Gathering together an army of Naga, Illidan traveled to the Tomb of Sargeras and began to cast a spell of terrifying power, the purpose of which was the Frozen Throne. However, the spell was broken at the eleventh hour by Illidan's brother. Because of this spell, Ner'zhul was weakened, and for a time he practically lost the power to control the undead. At this point, a sizable group of undead, led by Sylvanas, regained their freedom and left the Scourge, forming a faction known as the Forsaken. Desperate, Ner'zhul contacted one of his most powerful Death Knights, Arthas, and ordered him to return to Icecrown Citadel. However, Kil'jaeden once again failed to kill the Lich King. With growing anger at Illidan's mistakes, the Demon Lord ordered him to travel to Northrend with the Naga and finish off the Lich King personally. Arthas' army defeated Illidan's army, where Illidan himself was wounded. Arthas marched victoriously to the throne of the Lich King, where he used the great blade Frostmourne to shatter the Frozen Throne and release the orc shaman's spirit. They merged and Arthas/Ner'zhul became one of the most powerful beings to ever exist on earth.

Four years after his transformation into the Lich King, Arthas is still in Northrend, presumably rebuilding Icecrown Citadel. Since the Scourge's position in the north is unknown, the undead in Lordaeron - under the command of Arthas' top lieutenant, Kel'Thuzad - continue to defend the Plaguelands from their Overlord's enemies. Most likely, Arthas' plans are to re-take over all of Lordaeron along with the Forsaken, and in the future to take over the whole world.


There is no doubt that the head of the faction is the Lich King, who issues orders from his Frozen Fortress in Northrend. His direct subordinates are liches, undead mages and necromancers with incredible power, capable of spreading the Plague and controlling armies of the undead. It is not known how many liches there are, however right hand Arthas is the lich Kel'Thuzad who rules Lordaeron, fighting the Scarlet Crusaders and the Forsaken, undead that have broken free from the Lich King's control. Banshees under his command often lead scouting parties, while others, including necromancers, are responsible for raising and controlling the undead. Cult of the Damned, a group of mortals who so admire the undead that they follow them, revere them, sometimes even imitate them, hoping to someday become like them. They do not notice immorality and evil, but they admire power and eternal life.

Most undead first inform their leaders, necromancers or liches, who in turn relay all messages to Kel'Thuzad. He reports to Arthas, but he does not feed the Lord with all sorts of little things that happen on other continents. If they capture a city such as Stratholme, or re-enslave the Forsaken, then that would be worth reporting to the Scourgelord. Forsaken is an unforeseen circumstance. Arthas lost a small amount of power before becoming the Lich King, allowing one of the most powerful banshees, Sylvanas, to escape the will of the Overlord. She freed many other undead and now leads the Forsaken from her compound beneath the ruins of Lordaeron. While the Forsaken are not part of the Scourge, they still do what they did before they became free - kill the living and spread their influence across Azeroth. Arthas considers the Forsaken to be a lost sheep, so he is more likely to re-enslave them than destroy them. The Scourgelord has big plans for all of Azeroth and can't just focus on Sylvanas, so it's unknown when he will take her and her followers seriously. The trick is that the farther the undead are from the necromancer or lich, the more disoriented they are. These undead have lost the control of the Lich King, but they have not really become free. When the power of a necromancer leaves the living dead, the undead have no memory of them. past life and they, devoid of reason, roam this world, in search of a creature that can lead them. Only necromancers can control the undead.

There are several bases from where the Lich King controls his troops. The most important base is the Ice Citadel in Northrend, then the city of Stratholme. Once it was a large and noisy city with a population of 25 thousand people, but now it is one of the main bases of the undead. The Lord of the Scourge always keeps his finger on the pulse, and his gaze has penetrated the farthest corners of Azeroth and Kalimdor. He has the power to take over this world and perhaps he will accomplish his plan.


Members of the Scourge are easy to identify or feel. And it doesn't take much to join them. All it takes is to love the Scourge, or be undead in obedience to Arthas. Some of the original members of this faction were mortals who fell to the Plague. People suffered and died from this disease, only to rise up as zombies. Obviously, this tactic was not as effective as the Lich King wished, so he ordered the necromancers to raise the undead directly from the cemeteries, thereby replenishing the army of the living dead. Most of the King's servants are undead, however, there are also living beings worshiping Arthas - this is the Cult of the Damned. Nobody knows why they do it and whether they do evil at all? Maybe good? Regardless of the reason, they are loyal to the Scourge, dressing in dark robes and helping to spread the Plague.

Scourge on Azeroth

The Scourge is concentrated mostly in the Plaguelands. Their headquarters is in the ruined city of Stratholme, currently divided between the forces of Baron Rivendar and the Scarlet Crusaders. The Scourge has also been seen in Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest, as well as on the route to Quel'Thalas, which runs from the Ghostlands through Silvermoon to the Plateau Sunshine. There have also been reports that the "ambassadors" of the Scourge, as well as other powerful beings, have established a foothold in Kalimdor.

The lich Kel'Thuzad, commander of the Lich King's forces, formerly controlled the Scourge in Lordaeron before returning to Northrend to fight the forces of Dalaran.

Ner'zul, sent a plague to Lordaeron with the help of a converted Alliance mage, Kel'Thuzad. This plunged the kingdom into chaos: those directly exposed to the plague died and rose up as mindless zombies, or worse; the survivors were forced to watch the cemeteries decompose, and their loved ones turned into monsters.

History of Arthas

The Lich King soon enlisted the Prince of Lordaeron, Arthas, to his side. Masterfully playing, with the help of Kel "Thuzad, he convinced Arthas that he must save his people by destroying those infected with the plague. His soul was lost when he felt a powerful cursed blade in his hand. He became a death knight, killed his father in cold blood and gave the lands of Lordaeron to be torn apart by the Scourge.When the power of the Lich King began to fade, Arthas sought out and destroyed where the spirit of Ner'zhul was imprisoned.

Arthas felt the power of the King in himself, his and Ner'zul's personalities merged, and Arthas took the Frozen Throne as the new Lich King. Now he is in Northrend, the place of his curse. He is not imprisoned in the glacier, like his predecessor, but he is he commands the thousands of dead that flood the former pearl of the Alliance, Lordaeron.

Features of the fight against the undead

No one knows the global plans of the Scourge, but everyone fears a sudden increase in the armies of the undead, the strength of the powerful and liches, and attacks on their own lands. Fighting and dying a warrior's death is one thing. To continue to fight, knowing that by killing the enemy, you do not defeat him, knowing that he will return is quite another. The Scourge is at war with everyone - the Alliance, the Horde, the Burning Legion - they are all her enemies. But even with so many opponents, she is not defeated, because every warrior killed rises under the banner of the Scourge.

This does not mean that the Scourge is invulnerable. Fighting her is something that somehow unites Azeroth. The dead can be destroyed, and any dwarf, gnome, or tauren would do so without a second thought. However, they loathe the need to dishonor their Kindred's bodies, making them unsuitable for becoming undead. Some can't bring themselves to do it, either for religious reasons, or they just don't have the guts to do it - and they act stupid. It's easier to cut off a friend's head when he's dead than when he rises from the dead and looks into your eyes again.

The usual "kill" of the risen dead is pointless, since the necromancer can again revive the corpse, while chopping is much more effective. A few blows with an ax - and the job is done. Fire is also effective, since charred remains do not make soldiers. People do not want to return to burned fields and houses, but such a house is better than none.

Paladins and Scourge

The Alliance has only a few knights Silver Hand , but these fighters have survived the darkest times and are veterans of the war. As symbols of mutual aid, kindness, purity and light, they have been forever defiled by the fact that the mighty Lich King who occupies the Frozen Throne was once one of them. They tried to figure out where they had made a mistake, why they hadn't seen the evil strike Arthas and lure him away. If he was a true paladin like them, then he couldn't be cursed. Perhaps they thought too highly of the paladins.

Even though paladins with their holy power still remain powerful weapon against the undead, they are no longer what they used to be. Some of them, in a furious oblivion that clouded their minds, founded the Scarlet Crusade and kill the living and the dead in an effort to destroy the Scourge. Others sailed across the sea with Jaina Proudmoore to help defeat the Burning Legion and are now in Theramore. They do everything in their power to destroy the undead that have been found in Kalimdor, but these are only crumbs compared to the Scourge's armies in Lordaeron and Northrend.

Paladins are needed to defeat the Scourge, but they are not ready for this, and it is not known how long the Alliance can wait. Reports from Lordaeron say that the Scourge's goal there is to crush remaining pockets of resistance, destroy villages, and revive the dead in all Alliance graveyards. In essence, she wants to turn the once most populous kingdom of Lordaeron into a realm of the dead.

The Scourge was created by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, under the supervision of the Burning Legion. Its main task was to sow horror and destruction in preparation for the Legion's invasion. The Lich King reigning in the country eternal ice, created the terrifying Plague of the Dead, which he sent south into the lands of men. When the plague spread, people began to feel the voice of Ner'zhul and weakness draining vitality.

Although Ner'zhul and his Scourge served the Burning Legion, the Lich King sought to free himself and exact revenge on the demons for destroying his body and cursing his soul. Battle of Mount Hyjal Ner'zhul lost his opportunity to take revenge when Archimonde was killed and the Legion defeated ... but at that moment he finally freed himself and cut off communication with all the demons of the Legion, as well as with their remaining master, Kil'jaeden. This step brought Kil'jaeden into an indescribable rage, and it was the turn of the demon to take revenge. But, due to the defeat of the Legion, Kil'jaeden was deprived of his former power and was forced to use other ways to punish his recalcitrant creation.

Shortly after the Battle of Mount Hyjal Kil, the jaeden met with Illidan Stormrage and made him an offer that would have been equal to death: "destroy the Lich King and you will have a portion of my power." as allies, Illidan went to and began to weave a powerful spell aimed at the Frozen Throne with the help of the Eye of Sargeras... However, this spell was interrupted at the eleventh hour by Illidan's brother Malfurion, Maiev Shadowsong and Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider.

Despite the fact that the spell was not completed, the demonic energy was enough to break through Ner'zhul's ice prison. This weakened him, and, as a result, his ability to control the undead. At this time, a large group of undead, led by Sylvanas Windrunner, felt freedom and left the Scourge, forming the Forsaken faction. In desperation, Ner'zhul contacted Arthas, the greatest of his death knights, and ordered him to immediately return to Icecrown Citadel.

However, the situation worsened again. Irritated by Illidan's failures, Kil'jaeden ordered him, his nagas and new allies, the blood elves, to finish off the Lich King himself. The armies of Arthas and Illidan clashed at the base of the glacier, but Illidan lost. He himself was wounded, and his troops were defeated. Arthas ascended to the throne of the Lich King, where he used the runeblade Frostmourne to release Ner'zhul's essence. The spirit of the orc shaman merged with Arthas, and Arthas / Ner'zhul became one of the most powerful beings the world has ever known.

Four years after joining the Lich King, Arthas is still in Northrend, apparently rebuilding Icecrown Citadel. While the state of the Scourge on the northern continent is unknown, the undead in Lordaeron at this time are under the command of Arthas' henchman, Kel'Thuzad, and continue to hold the Plaguelands from their enemies. It is likely that Arthas plans to retake all of the remaining Lordaeron from the Forsaken and the Alliance, and from there, perhaps to conquer the rest of the world.


Of course, the leader of the Scourge is Arthas, who sends his orders from the ice fortress in Northrend. His direct assistants are liches, undead mages and necromancers with incredible power, sowing plague and commanding the armies of the dead. unknown total liches, but Arthas' "right hand" is the lich Kel "Thuzad, who temporarily rules Lordaeron, busy at war with the Scarlet Crusade and the Forsaken. Scourge banshees are engaged in reconnaissance, looking for new areas to conquer, while other important members of the Scourge, necromancers, engaged in the creation and management of the armies of the dead.

The Cult of the Damned are an insane group of mortals so enamored with the undead that they follow them, worship them, even imitate them, hoping to one day become damned like them. Cultists do not see corruption and evil, but only power and eternal life.

Most of the dead are associated with "regional" necromancers or liches, which, in turn, are associated with Kel "Thuzad. He tells Arthas important information, but does not tire of listing all the affairs that are happening on the continents. Only the news that the Scourge will conquer a city the size with Stratholme or enslave the Forsaken, worthy of a message to the Lich King Arthas sees the Forsaken as a "lost sheep" and wants to bring them back to the Scourge He has a lot to do on Azeroth so he can't focus on Sylvanas alone and it's unknown when he will seriously deal with her and her associates.

An interesting feature of the undead is that the farther it is from a necromancer or lich, the more passive it becomes. The dead cease to obey the Lich King, but do not become free. Once the will of a necromancer or other commander leaves them, they turn into mindless bodies, looking for someone who can control them. Only necromancers and liches can control the undead.

Arthas leads the Scourge in Northrend from the Frozen Throne, these creatures filled the entire Icecrown. The second stronghold of the Scourge is in Lordaeron, in the city of Stratholme, Arthas' first conquest. It was a thriving city of 25,000 people, but now it is in ruins. There are almost no survivors left here, only fanatics of the Cult of the Damned and necromancers, as well as a small group of Scarlet Crusade. The northern and eastern lands of Lordaeron are overrun by the Scourge. Even the air is permeated with their stench. The Scourge is also present in other parts of the world, having seeped through Khaz Modan and even as far west as Kalimdor. Arthas wants to keep abreast of all events, and he has the means to do so.