Order of the Silver Hand - Darkmoon. Knights of the Silver Hand Silver Hand

Silver Hand(eng. Silver Hand) - the legendary hammer that belonged to the keeper Tyr. The weapon was tempered in many battles against the enemies of the titans before Tyr died in battle with the generals of the faceless. The Keeper's companions built a tomb in Tirisfal Glades, where they buried his body and hammer. Several of the vrykul who accompanied Tyr were so inspired by his bravery that they decided to remain in the tomb to guard the Silver Hand. These vrykul founded the Order of the Guardians of Tyr, and thousands of years later, humans took their place.

The Guardians of Tyr kept their cause secret until an invasion by the Twilight's Hammer cultists forced them to turn to other paladins for help. The hero, who is destined to become the new head of the Knights of the Silver Hand, helped the Guardians of Tyr get the legendary hammer and became its new owner.

The hammer existed even before Tyr lost his arm in the battle with Galakrond. Jotun, who helped replace the lost hand with a silver one, placed on the hammer new character Tyra, and the artifact became known as the Silver Hand.


The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

The famous hero heard from Lord Maxwell Tyross that a small band of paladins had arrived in Dalaran, claiming to know the location of Tyr's tomb. They had guarded his warhammer for many years, they said, but now the ancient weapon was in danger. Tyrosus asked the hero to talk to their leader, Travar, and learn as much as possible about the artifact. Travar said that he belonged to the Order of the Guardians of Tyr, which consisted of the guardians of Tyr's final resting place. Recently, the order was attacked, which meant that the location of the tomb is no longer a secret. It was necessary to protect the sacred relic stored there - the Silver Hand.

Twarar warned that the artifact was protected in a special way. To remove the protection, relics were required, which were called Sparks of Tyr. One of them was kept by Travar himself, and the second by his brother Galford, who went to Northrend to ask for help in the homeland of Tyr, and did not return. Travar asked the hero to find his brother on the northern mainland and get his spark. Before the paladin left to search, Travar mentioned that Galford had spoken of a dragon named Lanigosa from Wyrmrest Temple. The search should have started from there.

Looking for Galford

The hero used the Dalaran portal to get to Wyrmrest Temple, where he quickly found the right dragon, who was currently in the form of a high elf. After talking with Lanigosa, the hero learned that she told Galford a story about an ancient battle between Galakrond and Tyr, and that Kalecgos saw Tyr's bitten off hand in Galakrond's Rest. Galford, learning about this, was very happy and immediately left. The Hero followed him, and Lanigosa warned that Galakrond's Rest was very dangerous. The dragon placed a special tracking spell on the hero and wished him good luck.

Having reached the indicated place, the hero found an old bonfire on the hill, which may have belonged to the missing person. While the hero was exploring the fire, he was attacked by the ghost of the Abyss. A friendly taunka spirit also appeared nearby, revealing that Galford had been there looking for answers. His mind was clouded by the memories stored in the Spark. Galford learned about the battle between Tyr and Galakrond, in which the dragon bit off the keeper's hand.

When the hero descended into the canyon, he noticed a mountain of undead corpses, in the center of which lay a broken blade. Approaching him caused the appearance of a new ghost of the Abyss. The spirit of the taunka was again nearby and told that Jotun, an old friend of Tyr, forged a silver hand for him. When Loken's treachery was revealed, it was he who tried to hold back the pursuit of the Guardian.

Continuing the search, the hero found another place where Galford fought the undead. There was a broken statue here, and a note was lying on the ground. As before, the ghost of the Abyss attacked the hero. The spirit of the taunka revealed that Galford was looking for Jotun, but was unaware of Loken's curse that had poisoned his mind. Galford went to the rift to the south of here, and the spirit believed that he was doomed. In the note that Galford inadvertently dropped, the hero read that the Spark of Tyr had indeed uncovered many memories of ancient times. Galford, judging by the note, was convinced that the stone giant was still alive, and went to him for help.

The hero, wasting no time, hurried after him and soon saw the trampled corpse of Galford in front of the giant Jotun. Lanigosa just flew in here and said that she felt sorry for the dead paladin. The hero explained to her what was going on. It seems Jotun has the Spark of Tyr, and it should have been taken away. Lanigosa agreed to help and placed a spell on the hero that enlarged and strengthened him. She also took part in the battle with Jotun, who was eventually forced to come to his senses by pain. Jotun gave the Spark of Tyr and asked him not to forget about his dead friend. The giant warned that Loken's spell would keep him from dying and would soon plunge him back into madness. When the hero took possession of the Spark of Tyr, Lanigosa transported him to Dalaran, after which she returned for the remains of Galford.

Tomb of Tyr

The death of his brother was a terrible loss for Travar and the Guardians of Tyr, but at least the Spark was saved. Travar said it was not the time to grieve. It was time to continue what we started. Too many now knew where Tyr's tomb was, and it needed to be locked up forever. But first, the Silver Hand had to be returned. Tyrosus assigned several Argent paladins to aid the Tyrguard, but Travar feared that this would not be enough. He asked the hero to come to the tomb located in Tirisfal Glades and take part in the return of the artifact.

When the hero reached the indicated place, Travar, together with a detachment of paladins, had already cleared the camp of the Twilight's Hammer cultists. Travar was about to complete the ritual to free the hammer and then bring down the tomb. The hero joined a small detachment, which, in addition to Travar, included Efira and Duval. They dived into the lake and swam to the entrance to the tomb, where it was discovered that servants of the Old Gods had infiltrated it. The path of the paladins was blocked by the faceless and creatures of the flesh. Enraged, Travar led an attack on the monsters who dared to desecrate Tyr's tomb with their presence. The party was followed by other paladins sent by Tyrosus.

After clearing the main chamber of the tomb, Travar tried to begin the ritual, but it turned out that another Spark of Tyr was missing. Without her, the ritual was impossible, and the paladins had to go into the depths of the tomb, where the remains of the faceless general who killed Tyr were kept. Although there was only a pool of Void energy at the site of the remains, there was a monster that possessed the Spark here. In the battle with him, Efrina and Duval were killed. Travar was the last paladin in the Order of the Guardians of Tyr and, having received the Spark, returned back with the hero. They were pursued by the mysterious hunter Mordot, who prophesies about the coming of the Abyss. The rest of the paladins tried to keep the monsters at bay while Travar performed the ritual. When the Silver Hand was finally freed from its protection, the hero grabbed it, and the tomb immediately began to crumble. The paladins hurried to leave it, and the monsters of the abyss were buried under the stones. At the Twilight's Hammer camp, Travar confirmed that the hero was rightfully in possession of the Silver Hand and sent him back to Maxwell Tyrosus.

Knights of the Silver Hand Knights of the Silver Hand was an order of paladins created by Uther the Lightbringer and Archbishop Alonsus Faol after the end of the First War. Years after the destruction of the Knights by Arthas Menethil, the order was reformed under the leadership of Tirion Fordring, who later merged it with the Argent Dawn to form the Argent Crusade. When the new invasion of the Burning Legion began, many of the paladins of Azeroth united as part of the revived order of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The symbol and name of the order came from the legend of Tyre, a great hero who was a model of order and justice. He donated his right hand in the fight against unfathomable evil. Although he was able to restore his hand after the end of the battle, he decided to replace it with a clenched fist made of the purest silver. In this way he showed his followers that true law and order could only be achieved through self-sacrifice.

Paladins were instrumental in the Alliance's victory in the Second War. Their warhammers and spells of Light inspired other soldiers on the battlefield and in times of lull. Uther and his paladins were truly impressive. Even the most experienced knights and warriors of the Alliance were in awe when they saw how the paladins crushed the orcs and healed the fallen allies at the same time. Uther became the first Knight of the Silver Hand to show his abilities on the battlefield, and Turalyon named him Lightbringer. Turalyon himself could not use spells for a long time, until the death of Anduin Lothar at Blackrock Mountain caused him to blaze with a blinding light that instilled fear in the troops of the orcs.

After the end of the war, the Order of the Silver Hand began training new paladins in the reclaimed Stormwind and Ironforge. Arthas Menethil, Prince of Lordaeron, swore allegiance to the order in a ceremony held at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.

A few years later, the orc Eitrigg saved the life of Tirion Fordring. When Eitrigg was later captured by the Alliance, Tyrion felt indebted to him and fought the soldiers to free the orc. For attacking the Alliance warriors, Tyrion was excommunicated from the Knights of the Silver Hand and banished from his lands. In the future, his son Telan joined the order.

With the advent of the plague, the end of the order began to approach. It was a difficult time for the paladins when Arthas, one of the knights of the order, turned his back on his brethren. Arthas and his troops reached Stratholme, whose inhabitants were already infected with the plague. To prevent them from resurrecting as undead, the Prince of Lordaeron decided to destroy them all. Uther the Lightbringer refused to follow Arthas, and he expelled all the paladins from his army. Arthas later lost his soul when he touched the runesword Frostmourne and became a death knight in the service of the Lich King. Returning to Lordaeron to complete the destruction of his own kingdom, the death knight slew many famous paladins, including Gavinrad the Grim and Uther the Lightbringer.

The remaining paladins in Lordaeron continued to fight against the Scourge. Under the command of Saidan Dathrohan and Alexandros Mograine, who wielded the Ashbringer, they slaughtered the undead in the Plaguelands. Dolny Ochag remained their main base. Although they were able to win several major victories, the paladins were unable to achieve their goal. main goal- the complete defeat of the Scourge.

When the Forsaken took over the ruins of Lordaeron's capital, the paladins became concerned and founded a site in Tirisfal Glades that would become known as Scarlet Monastery in the future. They made a pact of mutual aid with Lord Valdelmar of Tyr's Hand. But during the attack on Stratholme, Lord Saidan Datrakhan was killed, and the Nathreseem Balnazzar moved into his body. He began to slowly destroy the order from within. Fearing that the Ashbringer could destroy the Forsaken before his plans could be accomplished, Varimathras forced Balnazzar to get rid of Alexandros, who did so by manipulating his son Reno.

The fake Saidan Dathrokhan turned what was left of the Knights of the Silver Hand into the Scarlet Crusade. These fanatics sought to get rid of evil by any means and despised all peoples that are different from people. The rest of the paladins, dissatisfied with the zeal and fanaticism of the Scarlet Crusade, founded the Argent Dawn, which took a less extreme approach to destroying the Scourge and allowed representatives of other nations to join their ranks.

Although the paladins of Stormwind and Ironforge still called themselves the Knights of the Silver Hand, the order did not show any activity in Lordaeron until Tirion Fordring returned from exile. When his son Taelan was killed for wanting to leave the Scarlet Crusade, Tyrion promised to convene a new order of Knights of the Silver Hand that would rid the world of evil. The new order was already in existence by the start of the first invasion of Naxxramas, located in the Plaguelands.

Shortly before the new opening of the Dark Portal in Quel'Thalas, the order of the Knights of the Blood was founded, which was joined by wandering elven paladins who decided to return to their native lands. Some of these paladins belonged to the Knights of the Silver Hand in the past before the Third War, for example, Melar Dawnblade , who was a student of Uther. Melar believed that his master was partly to blame for the fall of the elven state. To prove their dominance over the Light, the Knights of the Blood decided to desecrate the chapel of Alonsus in Stratholme, where the first order of paladins was founded. Ghosts appeared to protect the chapel long ago slain paladins, but the Knights of the Blood were able to defeat them.

After the end of the battle for Light's Hope Chapel, which was attacked by the death knights of Acherus, Tirion Fordring, who became the new owner of the Ashbringer, decided to unite the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn. Thus was founded the Argent Crusade, which went to the northern mainland to forever get rid of the threat of the Lich King.

After returning to Lordaeron, the new organization still remained the Argent Crusade and took up the final cleansing of the territory from the undead. Now only the paladins of Stormwind and Ironforge call themselves Knights of the Silver Hand.

The Argent Crusade took part in the massive Battle of the Broken Shore as the new Burning Legion invasion began. The demons were victorious, killing or capturing many members of the Vanguard. Tirion Fordring was also captured, and Gul "dan personally tortured him, waiting for the arrival of the Alliance and the Horde. When the leaders of these factions approached Gul" dan, wanting to save the high lord, the warlock forced them to watch Tirion die in the flames of Fel. After these events, it was believed that Tyrion had died, and Maxwell Tyrosus, who was the leader of the Argent Dawn and assistant to Fordring, announced that all paladins should unite to decide the future fate of their orders.

Knights of the Silver Hand - The backbone of the order and its main members. Paladins across Azeroth have banded together in the face of a real threat from the Burning Legion. In the ranks of the knights you can see dwarves, draenei, high elves, and of course representatives of the human kingdoms of Azeroth.

Priests - Any soul needs harmony and guidance in life path. This is the task that the priests do every day. They lead sermons, confession of knights and squires, as well as those who come to them for advice or help in a difficult situation.

Squires- Everyone who decides to choose the path of a paladin for himself begins with the path of obedience and humility. It is for this purpose that the Knights of the Silver Hand select as their disciples those who are ready to endure hardships and hardships in order to comprehend the truth and subsequently become brothers and sisters in faith.

  • fighting against minions of evil and protecting the innocent;
  • protecting faith in the Holy Light and helping believers;
  • protection of the ideals of goodness and justice.

Who later merged him with the Argent Dawn to form the Argent Crusade. When the new invasion of the Burning Legion began, many of the paladins of Azeroth united as part of the revived order of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The symbol and name of the order came from the legend of Tyre, a great hero who was a model of order and justice. He sacrificed his right arm in the fight against an unfathomable evil. Although he was able to restore his hand after the end of the battle, he decided to replace it with a clenched fist made of the purest silver. In this way he showed his followers that true law and order could only be achieved through self-sacrifice.


The Order of Northshire Clerics, led by Alonsus Faol, was all but destroyed in the First War. Faol realized that the warriors of the Light needed to be better equipped to fight, and began to gather knights and priests. He taught the former how to call upon the powers of the Light of Heaven, and the latter in weapon skills and hand-to-hand combat. In the chapel of Alonsus built in Stratholme, Uther the Lightbringer became the first paladin. He was followed by Saidan Dathrohan, Tirion Fordring, and Turalyon, who were personally recommended by Faol. Gavinrad the Grim was adopted on the recommendation of Anduin Lothar. Thus was formed the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Paladins played a critical role in the Alliance's victory in the Second War. Their warhammers and spells of Light inspired other soldiers on the battlefield and in times of lull. Uther and his paladins were truly impressive. Even the most experienced knights and warriors of the Alliance were in awe when they saw how the paladins crushed the orcs and healed the fallen allies at the same time. Uther became the first Knight of the Silver Hand to show his abilities on the battlefield, and Turalyon named him Lightbringer. Turalyon himself could not use spells for a long time, until the death of Anduin Lothar at Blackrock Mountain caused him to blaze with a blinding light that instilled fear in the troops of the orcs.

After the end of the war, the Order of the Silver Hand began training new paladins in the reclaimed Stormwind and Ironforge. Arthas Menethil, Prince of Lordaeron, swore allegiance to the order in a ceremony held at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.

The fake Saidan Dathrokhan turned what was left of the Knights of the Silver Hand into the Scarlet Crusade. These fanatics sought to get rid of evil by any means and despised all peoples that are different from people. Other paladins, dissatisfied with the zeal and fanaticism of the Scarlet Crusade, founded the Argent Dawn, which took a less extreme approach to destroying the Scourge and allowed representatives of other nations to join their ranks.


Although the paladins of Stormwind and Ironforge still called themselves the Knights of the Silver Hand, the order did not show any activity in Lordaeron until Tirion Fordring returned from exile. When his son Taelan was killed for wanting to leave the Scarlet Crusade, Tyrion promised to convene a new order of Knights of the Silver Hand that would rid the world of evil. The new order was already in existence by the start of the first invasion of Naxxramas, located in the Plaguelands.

Shortly before the new opening of the Dark Portal in Quel'Talas, the order of the Knights of the Blood was founded, which was joined by wandering elven paladins who decided to return to their native lands. Some of these paladins belonged to the Knights of the Silver Hand in the past before the Third War, for example, Melar Dawnblade , who was a student of Uther. Melar believed that his master was partly to blame for the fall of the elven state. To prove their dominance over the Light, the Knights of the Blood decided to desecrate the chapel of Alonsus in Stratholme, where the first order of paladins was founded. Ghosts appeared to protect the chapel long ago slain paladins, but the Knights of the Blood were able to defeat them.

Silver Vanguard

The source of information in this section is an addendum Wrath of the Lich King to World of Warcraft.

"Paladins of Azeroth! We are gathered here to pay our last respects to Highlord Tirion Fordring, the embodiment of all our ideals. let's honor the memory of the great warrior, leader and friend with a moment of silence. We are one in the Light, brother. Forever.

You all have heard of the deeds of the hero who will take Tyrion's place in the order. This paladin is standing next to me now. With a new leader, we will give the Legion a fitting rebuff. We must all, as one, stand in the way of the impending darkness. We must forget past feuds. We must unite! Today, the Order of the Silver Hand has been reborn! Together we will crush even Sargeras himself!"

Lord Maxwell Tyrosse's speech on the rebirth of the order

Order of the Silver Hand (Knights of the Silver Hand or simply Silver hand) - The paladin union founded by the paladin Uther the Lightbringer and his teacher Archbishop Alonsius Faol after the First World War to fight the orcs. All the paladins in this order were apprentices of Uther. The Order fought against the orcs in the territory of Andorhal, as well as in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands. Earned gratitude during the Second World War. A few years later, during the fight against the scourge in Andorhal, Uther was killed by his student Arthas Menethil, after which the order disintegrated, and most of the members of the order became death knights. During the battle at Light's Hope Chapel between the remnants of the Order of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn against the Death Knights, some of the Death Knights were freed from the "hook" of the Lich King and became known as the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and the rest of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn, led by Tirion Fordring, united to the Argent Vanguard to fight the Lich King.


Creation and Second War

Chapel of Alonsus in Stratholme before the start of the Third War.

Fortress of the Silver Hand in Stratholme.

Defeat of the Order

Chapel of Alonsus in Stratholme.

After the end of the battle for Light's Hope Chapel, which was attacked by the death knights of Acherus, Tirion Fordring, who became the new owner of the Ashbringer, decided to unite the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn. Thus was founded the Argent Crusade, which went to the northern mainland to forever get rid of the threat of the Lich King.

After returning to Lordaeron, the new organization still remained the Argent Crusade and took up the final cleansing of the territory from the undead. Now only the paladins of Stormwind and Ironforge call themselves Knights of the Silver Hand.


The Order of the Silver Hand takes its name and symbol from the legend of Tyre. As a model of order and justice, Tyr sacrificed his right hand in the fight against incomprehensible evil. He had enough strength to regain his hand after the battle, but the hero chose to replace it with a fist made of the purest silver. Thus, he convinced his followers that true justice can only be done through self-sacrifice.


Tabard of the Lightbringer

Miscellaneous information regarding the order in the present times (post Third War).

  • The paladin order, also called the Knights of the Silver Hand, grew out of humanity’s culture, and its greatest heroes and fiercest proponents are humans. Ironforge dwarves possess the toughness needed to withstand the onslaught of the paladins" many enemies.
  • Paladin warriors universally belong to the Knights of the Silver Hand.
  • Some of the surviving paladins formed the Scarlet Crusade in an attempt to reclaim their homeland. This zealous order hunts Arthas's servants, the undead.
  • Others joined the Argent Dawn (some were both members of the Silver Hand and of the Argent Dawn, others were former members of the Silver Hand).
  • In addition to the night elves, many guests and diplomats from reside elsewhere in Darnassus , groups such as the Knights of the Silver Hand.
  • Templars see corruption in their homes and many other organizations, including the Knights of the Silver Hand. While the templars see paladins as allies and vice versa, templars feel that the Silver Hand overemphasizes tradition and order over general goodness and the other values ​​of the Light.
  • Verius attempted to infiltrate the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand after the Third War.
  • Brann believes that blue dragons may be found in the ranks of many mortal orders: Including the Knights of the Silver Hand.
  • Forthisal D"Neve is studying with the Knights of the Silver Hand to become a paladin.
  • The Phylactery of Faithfulness is a small box containing religious scripture affixed to a leather cord and tied around the forehead. Commonly used by night elves and members of the Silver Hand, use of this item has started to spread through the Horde faithful.
  • Once indoctrinated, a lightslayer receives missions to combat the Holy Light, particularly the Scarlet Crusade (though Knights of the Silver Hand and ordinary priests and parishioners are also fair game).
  • Many paladins remained loyal to the Alliance. They may have fought under different flags but still pledged themselves to the Alliance's cause forever.
  • The Argent Crusade was created from the union of the Argent Dawn and the Knights of the Silver Hand.
  • The Badge of the Silver Hand , which is to be given to Uther's spirit, is a medal given upon acceptance to the Knights of the Silver Hand.
  • The Tabard of the Lightbringer , which can be received from Uther's spirit, bears the presumed symbol of the Silver Hand.

Statuses in the Order

The well-known logo of the Order of the Silver Hand.

We have the Knights of the Silver Hand on our side, but this is a group that has experienced more hardships than most during these dark days. Once the pinnacle of enlightenment, goodness, purity and light, they are forever shamed that the powerful Lich King who sits upon the frozen throne was one of theirs. They wrack their brains on where they went wrong, why they couldn't see the streak of evil that obviously lurked inside Arthas. If he were truly a paladin, as they are, then there is no way he would have been corrupted. I think they have rather a too high opinion of the paladins, but I'm not the one to tell them. Even though paladins are some of our most powerful weapons against the Scourge, with their holy power over undead, the paladins are not what they once were. Some have been driven into obsessive madness, forming the Scarlet Crusade and killing living and undead alike in their eagerness to eradicate the Scourge. Others traveled across the sea with Jaina Proudmoore to help defeat the Burning Legion and now reside on Theramore. They certainly do what they can to destroy undead they discover on Kalimdor , but the Scourge's numbers there are like a thimble of beer compared to the great kegs that are Lordaeron and Northrend. We'll need the paladins to defeat the Scourge, but they are not up to the task right now, and I don't know how much longer we can wait.

According to the Tirion Fordring questline, from his perspective and opinion, the order no longer exists, having been destroyed by Arthas . After losing their leadership and being driven from their headquarters, the paladins scattered all over the continent, with some even following Jaina Proudmoore across the ocean to stay in Theramore . Tirion Fordring believes that no other paladin had the right to take up Uther's mantle as the leader of the Silver Hand. However, spurred by his son Taelan's death, Tirion vows to reform the Order, and to take his place as Highlord to combat the

The Order of Northshire Clerics, led by Alonsus Faol, was all but destroyed in the First War. Faol realized that the warriors of the Light needed to be better equipped to fight, and began to gather knights and priests. He taught the former how to call upon the powers of the Light of Heaven, and the latter in weapon skills and hand-to-hand combat. In the chapel of Alonsus, built in Stratholme, Uther the Lightbringer became the first paladin. He was followed by Saidan Dathrokhan, Tirion Fordring, and Turalyon, who were personally recommended by Faol. Gavinrad the Grim was adopted on the recommendation of Anduin Lothar. Thus was formed the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Paladins were instrumental in the Alliance's victory in the Second War. Their warhammers and spells of Light inspired other soldiers on the battlefield and in times of lull. Uther and his paladins were truly impressive. Even the most experienced knights and warriors of the Alliance were in awe when they saw how the paladins crushed the orcs and healed the fallen allies at the same time. Uther became the first Knight of the Silver Hand to show his abilities on the battlefield, and Turalyon named him Lightbringer. Turalyon himself could not use spells for a long time, until the death of Anduin Lothar at Blackrock Mountain caused him to blaze with a blinding light that instilled fear in the troops of the orcs.

The symbol and name of the order came from the legend of Tyre, a great hero who was a model of order and justice. He sacrificed his right arm in the fight against an unfathomable evil. Although he was able to restore his hand after the end of the battle, he decided to replace it with a clenched fist made of the purest silver. In this way he showed his followers that true law and order could only be achieved through self-sacrifice.

After the end of the war, the Order of the Silver Hand began training new paladins in the reclaimed Stormwind and Ironforge. Arthas Menethil, Prince of Lordaeron, swore allegiance to the order in a ceremony held at the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.

The Order was expanding, because many were looking for salvation, consolation and even strength, choosing for themselves the righteous path of serving the Light. Over time, "troops" began to form, consisting of a small group of paladins, squires and squires. They are sent to different parts of the lands of the Alliance with different goals. Most often it is the expansion of spheres of influence.

This very Detachment of the Guardians of the Three Truths also gained such consideration. Sent directly from Lordaeron, the Triguards arrived in Serebryany Bor to cooperate with the lands of Ambermill, establish contacts, collect recruits, expand the spheres of influence of the Order and bring in the Holy Light.

The activities of the Detachment in Serebryany Bor were completed. Failed in some sense (the Amber Mill was subject to severe destruction, many casualties), but in some sense it was successful (the sphere of influence was expanded in the form of a residence inside the city, recruitment, a large estate fluttering into the Fortress format). Upon completion of activities in these lands, the Superior of the Order, along with his student, went to the Mountain Kingdom of Alterac, with the same purpose as in Serebryany Bor once.
The Alterac Crisis had a detrimental effect on Aladorn, who at that time was the Prior. As a result of his rash decisions, he was demoted to Knight Paladin, but his knowledge and the knowledge of his associates were needed by the Order in Alterac.
A cold winter is approaching, and Alterac is mired in darkness. Guardians of the Three Truth is ready to carry the Holy Light and to the last drop of blood they will fight the Darkness even in icy wastelands and rocks, knee-deep in mud and snowdrifts, because nothing will break their faith.

-- Master Paladin