The meaning of the felitsa ode. Literary analysis of the ode "Felitsa". Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, ode to Felitsa. Analysis of the ode "Felitsa" according to plan

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is one of the main ones. This historical story by A. S. Pushkin has long entered the circle children's reading and school programs. It is studied and analyzed, in particular, the main and secondary characters are considered in detail. In this article we will talk about one of the key characters of the work.

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter"

Savelich is a minor character in the story. Even though he is not the main actor, his image is very important for understanding the work.

Our hero is a courtyard man, a serf. The nobles had a tradition to assign a servant to their children. And when Petrushka Grinev reached the age of five, Savelich was assigned to him, who had previously served as a stirrup. The servant became very attached to the little barich, who literally grew up before his eyes.

Savelich understands that he is responsible for fate young man. But not only the debt to Grinev's parents is the reason. The servant sincerely loves Petrushka, takes care of him like a father and worries about his future. Savelich's life is devoted to serving the master, he knows no other way.

Appearance description

Let's start with the characterization of appearance to analyze the image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter". Here is how Petrushka says about him: "to a stirrup ... for sober behavior granted me as an uncle." Little is known about Savelich's appearance, he is no longer a young man - an "old man" with a "gray head". He is dressed, like all serfs, his clothes are simple and worn.

speech characteristic

Savelich's speech in the story "The Captain's Daughter" makes it possible to partially understand the character of this hero. This is how he speaks of his master: "the child is combed, washed, fed." That is, he perceives Petrushka as a child and treats him accordingly. This is how he addresses him: “you are my light”, “I ran to shield you from the sword with my chest”.

On the other hand, Savelich considers himself a slave, a faithful servant: “I am your slave”, “I am a faithful servant, not an old dog”, “I have always served you diligently”, “I bow slavishly”, “your faithful serf”.

The speech of the hero is replete with vernacular and is not always correct from the point of view of the laws of the Russian language. This is not surprising, since he is from the serfs, so Pushkin brings him as close as possible to the people. After all, Savelich is just collectively Russian person.

Savelich's character

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is very multifaceted. This is not a template character, but full-blooded personality with their ideas of honor, order and law.

We list the main features that characterize this character:

  • A devoted, faithful, responsible and caring servant.
  • Kind - this characteristic gives him himself
  • He does not drink, which was a rarity for the peasants.
  • Household - he buys everything necessary for his master, looks after his clothes and keeps the room clean.
  • He likes to teach the young master - he could not be appeased if he "set to preaching."
  • Very stubborn - "do not argue with the stubborn old man", "knowing the stubbornness of the uncle ...".
  • Grumpy - "grumbled again."
  • Distrustful - "looked suspiciously."
  • Big fan of arguing and bargaining.

Savelich has his own ideas about duty and honor. When his young master gets drunk and plays hard, he says that Petrushka should not pay money. On the one hand, this is a violation of noble honor, and on the other, justice. After all, those with whom Grinev played took advantage of his youth and intoxication. Therefore, Savelich wants to do as worldly wisdom tells him.

Despite all his care, the servant does not even hear a word of gratitude from his young master. And what is most surprising, does not wait for this. Savelich does not even consider that he needs some kind of encouragement. So do all the other serfs.

life saving

A complete characterization of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is impossible without an analysis of the episode of the battle between Grinev and Shvabrin. The servant is ready to overshadow his master and die himself at the hands of a scoundrel. He interferes in the duel of young gentlemen, and then tells Grinev's parents about everything. He doesn't do it out of malice, but because he thinks it's the right thing to do.

And what reward does he get for it? Petrushka reprimands Savelich for telling his parents everything. And then the elder Grinev accuses the servant of not informing him earlier, before the duel took place. At the same time, the young master himself was also present, but did not even think about standing up for the devoted old man.

Another bright moment is Pugachev's order to hang Grinev. Hearing about this decision, Savelich falls at the feet of the tyrant, begging to spare the "child". In return, he is ready to give his life. At the same time, he appeals to logic, saying that Pugachev will not be of any use in the death of Grinev, and you can ask for a ransom for the living. This indicates that the servant is not stupid at all.

Thanks to this intercession, Grinev remains alive. But Savelich does not even hear a word of gratitude from him.

The meaning of the image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter"

Savelich is primarily a reflection of positive folk qualities. In this respect, the significance of the character for the story is quite definite. Through him, Pushkin characterizes all the serfs. In addition, through this image, the writer tries to reveal the unfair attitude towards these bonded people and their slavish obedience to such injustice.

Savelich is opposed to a completely different part of the people - those who joined Pugachev. These people are only capable of robbery and cruelty, they betray their leader in the event of the first danger. They are opposed to Savelich in everything.

The hero embodies everything positive traits with which the Russian people are endowed. He is faithful, ready to sacrifice himself, disinterested, honest. On the other hand, the image of Savelich is very tragic. The drama of the character lies in the fact that all his efforts and good deeds go unnoticed and unappreciated.

The description of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is a kind of appeal to the nobles, who got used to the slavish obedience of their servants and began to take it for granted. Pushkin urges them to remember that serfs are people too and deserve at least a little respect.

Savelich - a servant and teacher of Peter Grinev, was assigned to the boy as soon as he was 5 years old.

Savelich was an ordinary serf, looked after the horse of Grinev Sr., helped him hunt with dogs, but his main quality turned out to be that he leads a sober lifestyle, which is why he was transferred to Peter as a teacher. He taught Pyotr to read and write and looked after him like a son, so he really didn’t like it when another teacher appeared - the Frenchman Beaupre, besides, Savelyich, as a true Russian person, did not like everything foreign.

Savelich was very diligent and honest, he believed that all the orders of the owners must be clearly followed, but this did not apply to Peter, he could argue with him and give advice. Grinev, the elder, ordered him to take care of Peter and his property, and Savelich strictly followed everything. When Pyotr lost 100 rubles to Zurin, Savelich did not want to repay the debt, and when the bandits plundered their belongings in the Belogorsk fortress, he made a list of the lost, and asked Pugachev to compensate for everything with money, without thinking that they had just been pardoned and might change their mind, seeing such audacity.

Savelich was very attached to his pupil, he was ready to die for him, if only not a single hair fell from Peter's head. Such self-sacrifice can only be in a person who loves his child very much.

In the story, Savelich is often offended, but it turns out that it is not deserved: Peter puts him in his place, reminding him that he is a servant, and his father scolds Savelich that he does not look after Peter well. Savelich just takes care of Peter and wants to do everything the best way.

Savelich was not lucky that he was born during the time of serfdom, otherwise his life would have been much happier.

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" was created by A.S. It is no coincidence that Pushkin embodies the national Russian character along with Captain Mironov, Pugachev's entourage. Let's try to remember what this faithful and devoted servant of the Grinev family was like.

Savelich's portrait

As you probably remember, Savelich is a servant of Petrusha Grinev, whom his father assigned to him. It should be noted that he is at least not stupid, while being infinitely devoted to his master. Savelich was brought up to serve the master, he does not know how to live differently.

This middle-aged man has a serious responsibility, because he, as a faithful and devoted servant, is responsible for Pyotr Grinev to his parents. Savelich has almost paternal feelings for his pupil. He endlessly cares about him, worries about the young master.

Let us consider in more detail the image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter". An essay on this topic cannot do without words about the devotion and loyalty of the old servant to the masters.

Detailed acquaintance

A more detailed story about Savelich begins from the moment Petrusha Grinev leaves his father's house.

Much about the character of this man tells the case when Grinev gets drunk and loses money. Savelich does not consider it necessary to pay the debt, but the young master forces him to do this and, without hesitation, reprimands the devoted elderly servant that his duty is to obey and fulfill the master's will.

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" according to the plan and plan of Pushkin is a portrait of a serf, devoted to the masters, typical of that time. Surprisingly, for the whole story, this faithful servant does not hear a word of gratitude from the young master, and, characteristically, he does not have the slightest resentment. Savelich cannot even imagine that any other attitude is possible towards a person of his origin.

Willingness to sacrifice life for the sake of the pupil

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is revealed even more fully when the life of Pyotr Grinev is in danger. The old servant was ready to die himself at the hands of Shvabrin, shielding the young master with his chest. In gratitude, he receives only accusations of denunciation to his parents. Petrusha's father, for his part, blames the old man for not reporting the duel. Young Grinev in such a situation does not consider it necessary to intercede for this person devoted to him.

Savelich and Pugachev

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter", an essay about this character cannot ignore such a vivid episode, is revealed in its entirety when the old servant throws himself at the feet of Emelyan Pugachev. He begs the impostor to save his young master from the gallows and is ready to take his place himself. His own life, it seems, is not at all dear to him. Alas, Petrusha Grinev takes for granted even such an act by Savelich. The servant, in turn, is also not surprised at such coldness and indifference on the part of the master.

The image of the people in "The Captain's Daughter"

The image of the people is presented in the novel and with negative side. Companions, for example, are able to steal, are cruel to the nobility, are ready to betray their leader, which he does not doubt.

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is the personification of the most attractive features of the Russian character, which is distinguished by directness, loyalty, readiness for self-sacrifice.

Three more characters personifying the people are Captain Mironov, his wife and daughter. They are simple-hearted, kind, cordial, hospitable. The behavior of the head of the family, Ivan Kuzmich, is dictated by a sense of duty to the Fatherland.

The image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" embodies those positive folk traits that are inherent in the best representatives of the peasant class. He resignedly serves, his devotion to the Grinev family knows no bounds, but he never hears a word of gratitude, as a rule, he gets insults and abuse.

Savelich, as well as used to unquestioningly follow orders. For an elderly servant, the orders of the master come first, for Mironov - the orders of the government. Such people will never resist the authorities, this is how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, only this way of life seems to them the only possible one.

So, the image of Savelich in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is surprisingly vividly presented. Summary the works will hardly help us to form a complete impression of this devoted servant, and we will surely be able to read only a few lengthy phrases about him.

The image of Savelich, despite his secondary character, is remembered surprisingly well. He is smart and savvy, loyal and honest. This is a courtyard who has truly paternal feelings for the young master and will readily give his own life for him. Thanks to this character, A.S. Pushkin reveals the dramatic fate of a simple Russian peasant in autocratic Russia, who is ready for anything for the sake of the masters and does not expect gratitude. Kindness, intelligence, humility, selflessness of Savelich make this hero beloved by many readers.

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V. F. Odoevsky after reading " captain's daughter"Wrote:" Savelyich is a miracle! This face is the most tragic...” Why, in fact, when you read kiiga, Savelich becomes so sorry, because he went through all the trials and misfortunes that befell him and Grinev? There is only one answer: Savelyich is a serf, he has the consciousness of a slave, he cannot lead a full life, because he lives the life of his master.

Savelich is a forced man, humble and devoted to his master. He is intelligent, full of self-respect and a sense of duty. He has a huge responsibility - he is raising the boy, while experiencing truly paternal feelings for him. Such is the portrait of Savelich, if we consider this image superficially.

A detailed acquaintance with Savelich begins after the departure of Pyotr Grinev from home. The author constantly creates situations in which main character commits misdeeds, missteps. And only the faithful Savelyich always helps, saves, smoothes the situation. At least the case with Zurin is indicative, when Grinev gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles. Savelich, who put the master to sleep, took care of him, does not want to give the money, because he is responsible for the master's son. But Grinev makes him pay the debt, arguing that the owner is free to do what he wants, and the servant is obliged to follow his orders. Such is the morality instilled by education, both the master and the servant. Savelich more than once rescues his master, but at the same time he never hears words of gratitude. He is not surprised by this, because this has been the custom from time immemorial. It doesn't occur to him that it could be otherwise.

In some cases, Savelich is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of the master without any hesitation. Let us recall that episode when he ran to the place of the duel with Shvabrin in order to shield his pupil with his chest. What does he get in return? Only undeserved accusations that I reported the fight to my parents! Moreover, on the other hand, on the part of Grinev Sr., the servant is accused, but only of the opposite - that he did not inform about the duel!

In this situation, Pyotr Grinev did not even think about writing to his father and protecting the devoted Savelich. The old servant himself writes a letter in which he shows humility and obedience to the will of the master. But for this he had to suppress his human dignity, pride, drown out the insult in himself, forget the insults inflicted. This causes both admiration and sharp pity for a worthy person crushed by serfdom.

Finally, Savelich literally accomplishes a feat when he throws himself at the feet of I Pugachev with a request to spare the master. He is ready to take Grinev's place on the gallows. At this moment, he thinks least of all about his life, he is only concerned about the fate of the master. The worst thing is that Grinev remains absolutely indifferent to the selfless act of his servant, and Savelich takes this indifference for granted.

When the popular uprising began, Savelich remained devoted to his masters, considering Pugachev a "villain" and a "robber". Although, it would seem, Pugachev defended the rights of Savelich, was his intercessor. But devotion to the masters had already ingrained into the soul of the old serf and suppressed the natural human desire for freedom. Pugachev and Savelyich - both come from the people. But how different are their personalities! This was especially evident in the scene when Savelich gives the leader of the rebels a "registry of the lord's goods."

The scene makes a strong impression. Pugachev towers over the crowd, playing the emperor. At this time, Savelich comes out and gives him a list. One detail is very interesting here: the feudal lord Savelich can write, but Pugachev cannot read the paper, he has to resort to the help of those close to him. This episode, oddly enough, does not at all humiliate Pugachev in the eyes of the reader and does not make him funny, but kindly reveals his spiritual world. Savelich is not humiliated either. On the contrary, in this episode, once again, both his devotion to the owners and high personal virtues, including courage, are revealed. He is ready to put himself in danger again in order to protect what he considers himself obliged to protect. AT this case this is the property of the lord, but with exactly the same selflessness Savelich sacrificed himself for the life of the owner. The scene ends with Pugachev leaving, the whole people following him. Savelich is left alone with the register in his hands. And he just did it again. Again, no one noticed. Apparently, this is the fate of the servant - his high impulses are taken for granted. Sometimes these impulses are ridiculous, sometimes annoying for the master, but never, in a single case, have they been appreciated.

The writer sympathizes with Savelich. Revealing his drama, talking about his countless unnoticed victims, he makes us readers fall in love with the old man.

In his story, Pushkin showed not only the freedom-loving and rebelliousness of the people, but also the other side of the coin - the humility and obedience of some of its representatives, including Savelich. The old man has no self-awareness because he is dominated by tradition. Savelich lives in the interests of his master, regardless of his own, and he has no interests of his own. The way of life that has developed in the Grinevs' house seems to him the only possible one. His position is determined from the outset, so he cannot respond to an insult. This is the tragedy of the image of Savelich, and if you look more broadly, the tragedy of the entire Russian people, who for centuries have been pulling the strap of the fortress, is honest.