Come up with a credible random impossible probability 6 11. Event: credible, impossible, random. The classical definition of probability

Probability theory, like any branch of mathematics, operates with a certain range of concepts. Most of the concepts of probability theory are defined, but some are taken as primary, not defined, as in geometry a point, a line, a plane. Primary concept probability theory is an event. An event is something about which, after a certain point in time, one and only one of the two can be said:

  • · Yes, it happened.
  • · No, it didn't happen.

For example I have lottery ticket. After the publication of the results of the lottery draw, the event that interests me - winning a thousand rubles either occurs or does not occur. Any event occurs as a result of a test (or experience). Under the test (or experience) understand those conditions as a result of which an event occurs. For example, tossing a coin is a test, and the appearance of a “coat of arms” on it is an event. The event is usually denoted by capital Latin letters: A, B, C, .... Events in the material world can be divided into three categories - certain, impossible and random.

A certain event is one that is known in advance to occur. It is denoted by the letter W. Thus, no more than six points are reliable when throwing an ordinary dice, the appearance of a white ball when drawn from an urn containing only white balls, etc.

An impossible event is an event that is known in advance that it will not happen. It is denoted by the letter E. Examples of impossible events are drawing more than four aces from an ordinary deck of cards, the appearance of a red ball from an urn containing only white and black balls, etc.

A random event is an event that may or may not occur as a result of a test. Events A and B are called incompatible if the occurrence of one of them excludes the possibility of the occurrence of the other. So the appearance of any possible number points when throwing a die (event A) is inconsistent with the appearance of another number (event B). Rolling an even number of points is incompatible with rolling an odd number. Conversely, an even number of points (event A) and a number of points divisible by three (event B) will not be incompatible, because the loss of six points means the occurrence of both events A and event B, so the occurrence of one of them does not exclude the occurrence of the other. Operations can be performed on events. The union of two events C=AUB is an event C that occurs if and only if at least one of these events A and B occurs. The intersection of two events D=A?? B is an event that occurs if and only if both events A and B occur.

Grade 5 Introduction to Probability (4 hours)

(development of 4 lessons on this topic)

learning goals : - introduce the definition of a random, reliable and impossible event;

Lead the first ideas about solving combinatorial problems: using a tree of options and using the multiplication rule.

educational goal: development of students' mindset.

Development goal : development of spatial imagination, improvement of the skill of working with a ruler.

    Reliable, Impossible and Random Events (2 hours)

    Combinatorial tasks (2 hours)

Reliable, impossible and random events.

First lesson

Lesson equipment: dice, coin, backgammon.

Our life is largely made up of accidents. There is such a science "Probability Theory". Using its language, it is possible to describe many phenomena and situations.

Even the primitive leader understood that a dozen hunters had a greater “probability” of hitting a bison with a spear than one. Therefore, they hunted collectively then.

Such ancient commanders as Alexander the Great or Dmitry Donskoy, preparing for battle, relied not only on the valor and skill of warriors, but also on chance.

Many people love mathematics for the eternal truths twice two is always four, the sum of even numbers is even, the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its adjacent sides, etc. In any problem that you solve, everyone gets the same answer - you just need to make no mistakes in the decision.

Real life is not so simple and unambiguous. The outcomes of many events cannot be predicted in advance. It is impossible, for example, to say for sure which side a coin tossed will fall, when the first snow will fall next year, or how many people in the city will want to make a phone call within the next hour. Such unpredictable events are called random .

However, the case also has its own laws, which begin to manifest themselves with repeated repetition of random phenomena. If you toss a coin 1000 times, then the "eagle" will fall out about half the time, which cannot be said about two or even ten tosses. "Approximately" does not mean half. This, as a rule, may or may not be the case. The law generally does not state anything for sure, but gives a certain degree of certainty that some random event will occur. Such regularities are studied by a special branch of mathematics - Probability theory . With its help, you can predict with a greater degree of confidence (but still not sure) both the date of the first snowfall and the number of phone calls.

Probability theory is inextricably linked with our daily life. This gives us a wonderful opportunity to establish many probabilistic laws empirically, repeatedly repeating random experiments. The materials for these experiments will most often be an ordinary coin, a dice, a set of dominoes, backgammon, roulette, or even a deck of cards. Each of these items is related to games in one way or another. The fact is that the case here appears in the most frequent form. And the first probabilistic tasks were associated with assessing the chances of players to win.

Modern probability theory has moved away from gambling, but their props are still the simplest and most reliable source of chance. By practicing with a roulette wheel and a die, you will learn how to calculate the probability of random events in real life situations, which will allow you to assess your chances of success, test hypotheses, and make optimal decisions not only in games and lotteries.

When solving probabilistic problems, be very careful, try to justify each step, because no other area of ​​mathematics contains such a number of paradoxes. Like probability theory. And perhaps the main explanation for this is its connection with the real world in which we live.

In many games, a die is used, which has a different number of points from 1 to 6 on each side. The player rolls the die, looks at how many points have fallen (on the side that is located on top), and makes the appropriate number of moves: 1,2,3 ,4,5, or 6. Throwing a die can be considered an experience, an experiment, a test, and the result obtained can be considered an event. People are usually very interested in guessing the onset of an event, predicting its outcome. What predictions can they make when a dice is rolled? First prediction: one of the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 will fall out. Do you think the predicted event will come or not? Of course it will definitely come. An event that is sure to occur in a given experience is called reliable event.

Second prediction : the number 7 will fall out. Do you think the predicted event will come or not? Of course it won't, it's just impossible. An event that cannot occur in a given experiment is called impossible event.

Third Prediction : the number 1 will fall out. Do you think the predicted event will come or not? We are not able to answer this question with complete certainty, since the predicted event may or may not occur. An event that may or may not occur in a given experience is called random event.

Exercise : describe the events that are discussed in the tasks below. As certain, impossible or random.

    We toss a coin. The coat of arms appeared. (random)

    The hunter shot at the wolf and hit. (random)

    The student goes for a walk every evening. During a walk, on Monday, he met three acquaintances. (random)

    Let's mentally carry out the following experiment: turn a glass of water upside down. If this experiment is carried out not in space, but at home or in a classroom, then water will pour out. (authentic)

    Three shots fired at the target. There were five hits" (impossible)

    We throw the stone up. The stone remains suspended in the air. (impossible)

    The letters of the word "antagonism" are rearranged at random. Get the word "anachroism". (impossible)

959. Petya conceived natural number. The event is as follows:

a) an even number is conceived; (random) b) an odd number is conceived; (random)

c) a number is conceived that is neither even nor odd; (impossible)

d) a number that is even or odd is conceived. (authentic)

961. Petya and Tolya compare their birthdays. The event is as follows:

a) their birthdays do not match; (random) b) their birthdays are the same; (random)

d) both birthdays fall on holidays - New Year (January 1) and Independence Day of Russia (June 12). (random)

962. When playing backgammon, two dice are used. The number of moves that a player makes is determined by adding the numbers on the two faces of the die that have fallen out, and if a “double” falls out (1 + 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + 4.5 + 5.6 + 6), then the number of moves is doubled. You roll the dice and calculate how many moves you have to make. The event is as follows:

a) you must make one move; b) you must make 7 moves;

c) you must make 24 moves; d) you must make 13 moves.

a) - impossible (1 move can be made if the combination 1 + 0 falls out, but there is no number 0 on the dice).

b) - random (if 1 + 6 or 2 + 5 falls out).

c) - random (if the combination 6 +6 falls out).

d) - impossible (there are no combinations of numbers from 1 to 6, the sum of which is 13; this number cannot be obtained even when a “double” is rolled, because it is odd).

Check yourself. (math dictation)

1) Indicate which of the following events are impossible, which are certain, which are random:

    Football match "Spartak" - "Dynamo" will end in a draw. (random)

    You will win by participating in the win-win lottery (authentic)

    Snow will fall at midnight, and the sun will shine 24 hours later. (impossible)

    There will be a math test tomorrow. (random)

    You will be elected President of the United States. (impossible)

    You will be elected president of Russia. (random)

2) You bought a TV in a store, for which the manufacturer gives a two-year warranty. Which of the following events are impossible, which are random, which are certain:

    The TV will not break within a year. (random)

    The TV won't break for two years. (random)

    Within two years, you won't have to pay for TV repairs. (authentic)

    The TV will break in the third year. (random)

3) A bus carrying 15 passengers has 10 stops to make. Which of the following events are impossible, which are random, which are certain:

    All passengers will get off the bus at different stops. (impossible)

    All passengers will get off at the same stop. (random)

    At every stop, someone will get off. (random)

    There will be a stop at which no one will get off. (random)

    At all stops, an even number of passengers will get off. (impossible)

    At all stops, an odd number of passengers will get off. (impossible)

Homework : 53 No. 960, 963, 965 (come up with two reliable, random and impossible events yourself).

Second lesson.

    Examination homework. (orally)

a) Explain what certain, random and impossible events are.

b) Indicate which of the following events is certain, which is impossible, which is random:

    There will be no summer holidays. (impossible)

    The sandwich will fall butter side down. (random)

    The school year will eventually end. (authentic)

    I will be asked in class tomorrow. (random)

    I'm meeting a black cat today. (random)

960. You opened this textbook to any page and chose the first noun that came across. The event is as follows:

a) there is a vowel in the spelling of the chosen word. ((authentic)

b) in the spelling of the chosen word there is a letter "o". (random)

c) there are no vowels in the spelling of the chosen word. (impossible)

d) there is a soft sign in the spelling of the selected word. (random)

963. You are playing backgammon again. Describe the following event:

a) the player must make no more than two moves. (impossible - with the combination of the smallest numbers 1 + 1, the player makes 4 moves; the combination 1 + 2 gives 3 moves; all other combinations give more than 3 moves)

b) the player must make more than two moves. (reliable - any combination gives 3 or more moves)

c) the player must make no more than 24 moves. (reliable - the combination of the largest numbers 6 + 6 gives 24 moves, and all the rest - less than 24 moves)

d) the player must make a two-digit number of moves. (random - for example, a combination of 2 + 3 gives a one-digit number of moves: 5, and the fall of two fours gives a two-digit number of moves)

2. Problem solving.

964. There are 10 balls in a bag: 3 blue, 3 white and 4 red. Describe the following event:

a) 4 balls are taken out of the bag, and all of them are blue; (impossible)

b) 4 balls are taken out of the bag, and they are all red; (random)

c) 4 balls were taken out of the bag, and they all turned out to be of different colors; (impossible)

d) 4 balls are taken out of the bag, and there is no black ball among them. (authentic)

Task 1 . The box contains 10 red, 1 green and 2 blue pens. Two items are taken at random from the box. Which of the following events are impossible, which are random, which are certain:

a) two red handles are taken out (random)

b) two green handles are taken out; (impossible)

c) two blue handles are taken out; (random)

d) handles of two different colors are taken out; (random)

e) two handles are taken out; (authentic)

e) Two pencils are taken out. (impossible)

Task 2. Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and everyone - everyone - everyone sits down at a round table to celebrate a birthday. With what number of all - all - all the event "Winnie the Pooh and Piglet will sit side by side" is reliable, and with what - random?

(if there are only 1 of all - all - all, then the event is reliable, if more than 1, then it is random).

Task 3. Out of 100 charity lottery tickets, 20 winning ones How many tickets do you need to buy to make the "you win nothing" event impossible?

Task 4. There are 10 boys and 20 girls in the class. Which of the following events are impossible for such a class, which are random, which are certain

    There are two people in the class who were born in different months. (random)

    There are two people in the class who were born in the same month. (authentic)

    There are two boys in the class who were born in the same month. (random)

    There are two girls in the class who were born in the same month. (authentic)

    All boys were born in different months. (authentic)

    All girls were born in different months. (random)

    There is a boy and a girl born in the same month. (random)

    There is a boy and a girl born in different months. (random)

Task 5. There are 3 red, 3 yellow, 3 green balls in a box. Draw 4 balls at random. Consider the event "Among the drawn balls there will be balls of exactly M colors". For each M from 1 to 4, determine which event it is - impossible, certain or random, and fill in the table:

Independent work.


a) your friend's birthday is less than 32;

c) there will be a math test tomorrow;

d) Next year, the first snow in Moscow will fall on Sunday.

    Throw a dice. Describe the event:

a) the cube, having fallen, will stand on its edge;

b) one of the numbers will fall out: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

c) the number 6 will fall out;

d) a number that is a multiple of 7 will come up.

    A box contains 3 red, 3 yellow and 3 green balls. Describe the event:

a) all drawn balls are of the same color;

b) all drawn balls of different colors;

c) among the drawn balls there are balls of different colors;

c) among the drawn balls there is a red, yellow and green ball.


    Describe the event in question as certain, impossible, or random:

a) a sandwich that has fallen off the table will fall on the floor, butter-side down;

b) snow will fall in Moscow at midnight, and in 24 hours the sun will shine;

c) you win by participating in a win-win lottery;

d) next year in May, the first spring thunder will be heard.

    All two-digit numbers are written on the cards. One card is chosen at random. Describe the event:

a) the card turned out to be zero;

b) there is a number on the card that is a multiple of 5;

c) there is a number on the card that is a multiple of 100;

d) the card contains a number greater than 9 and less than 100.

    The box contains 10 red, 1 green and 2 blue pens. Two items are taken at random from the box. Describe the event:

a) two blue handles are taken out;

b) two red handles are taken out;

c) two green handles are taken out;

d) green and black handles are taken out.

Homework: 1). Come up with two reliable, random and impossible events.

2). A task . There are 3 red, 3 yellow, 3 green balls in a box. We draw N balls at random. Consider the event "among the drawn balls there will be balls of exactly three colors." For each N from 1 to 9, determine which event it is - impossible, certain or random, and fill in the table:

combinatorial tasks.

First lesson

    Checking homework. (orally)

a) We check the problems that the students came up with.

b) additional task.

    I am reading an excerpt from V. Levshin's book "Three Days in Karlikanii".

“First, to the sounds of a smooth waltz, the numbers formed a group: 1+ 3 + 4 + 2 = 10. Then the young skaters began to change places, forming more and more new groups: 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 10

3 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 10

4 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 10

1 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 10 etc.

This continued until the skaters returned to their original position.

How many times have they changed places?

Today in the lesson we will learn how to solve such problems. They're called combinatorial.

3. Learning new material.

Task 1. How many two-digit numbers can be formed from the numbers 1, 2, 3?

Solution: 11, 12, 13

31, 32, 33. Only 9 numbers.

When solving this problem, we enumerated all possible options, or, as they usually say in these cases. All possible combinations. Therefore, such tasks are called combinatorial. It is quite common to calculate possible (or impossible) options in life, so it is useful to get acquainted with combinatorial problems.

967. Several countries have decided to use for their national flag symbols in the form of three horizontal stripes of the same width in different colors - white, blue, red. How many countries can use such symbols, provided that each country has its own flag?

Solution. Let's assume that the first stripe is white. Then the second stripe can be blue or red, and the third stripe, respectively, red or blue. It turned out two options: white, blue, red or white, red, blue.

Let now the front page of blue color, then again we get two options: white, red, blue or blue, red, white.

Let the first stripe be red, then two more options: red, white, blue or red, blue, white.

There are 6 possible options in total. This flag can be used by 6 countries.

So, when solving this problem, we were looking for a way to enumerate possible options. In many cases, it turns out to be useful to construct a picture - a scheme for enumerating options. This is, first of all, illustrative Secondly, allows us to take into account everything, not to miss anything.

This scheme is also called a tree of possible options.

Front page

Second lane

third lane

Received combination

968. How many two-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 8?

Solution. For two-digit numbers of interest to us, any of the given digits can be in the first place, except for 0. If we put the number 2 in the first place, then any of the given digits can be in the second place. There will be five two-digit numbers: 2.,22, 24, 26, 28. Similarly, there will be five two-digit numbers with the first digit 4, five two-digit numbers with the first digit 6 and five two-digit numbers with the first digit 8.

Answer: There are 20 numbers in total.

Let's build a tree of possible options for solving this problem.

Double figures

First digit

Second digit

Received numbers

20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68,

40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88.

Solve the following problems by constructing a tree of possible options.

971. The leadership of some country decided to make its national flag like this: on a one-color rectangular background, a circle of a different color is placed in one of the corners. It was decided to choose colors from three possible ones: red, yellow, green. How many variants of this flag

exists? The figure shows some of the possible options.

Answer: 24 options.

973. a) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1,3, 5,? (27 numbers)

b) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1,3, 5, provided that the numbers should not be repeated? (6 numbers)

979. Modern pentathletes compete for two days in five sports: show jumping, fencing, swimming, shooting, and running.

a) How many options are there for the order of passing the types of competition? (120 options)

b) How many options are there for the order of passing the events of the competition, if it is known that the last event should be a run? (24 options)

c) How many options are there for the order of passing the types of competition, if it is known that the last type should be running, and the first - show jumping? (6 options)

981. Two urns contain five balls in each five different colors: white, blue, red, yellow, green. One ball is drawn from each urn at a time.

a) how many different combinations of drawn balls are there (combinations like "white - red" and "red - white" are considered the same)?

(15 combinations)

b) How many combinations are there in which the drawn balls are of the same color?

(5 combinations)

c) how many combinations are there in which the drawn balls are of different colors?

(15 - 5 = 10 combinations)

Homework: 54, No. 969, 972, come up with a combinatorial problem ourselves.

969. Several countries have decided to use symbols in the form of three vertical stripes of the same width in different colors for their national flag: green, black, yellow. How many countries can use such symbols, provided that each country has its own flag?

972. a) How many two-digit numbers can be formed from the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9?

b) How many two-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, provided that the numbers should not be repeated?

Second lesson

    Checking homework. a) No. 969 and No. 972a) and No. 972b) - build a tree of possible options on the board.

b) verbally check the compiled tasks.

    Problem solving.

So, before that, we have learned how to solve combinatorial problems using a tree of options. Is this a good way? Probably yes, but very cumbersome. Let's try to solve home problem No. 972 in a different way. Who can guess how this can be done?

Answer: For each of the five colors of T-shirts, there are 4 colors of shorts. Total: 4 * 5 = 20 options.

980. The urns contain five balls each in five different colors: white, blue, red, yellow, green. One ball is drawn from each urn at a time. Describe the following event as certain, random, or impossible:

a) drawn balls of different colors; (random)

b) drawn balls of the same color; (random)

c) black and white balls are drawn; (impossible)

d) two balls are taken out, and both are colored in one of the following colors: white, blue, red, yellow, green. (authentic)

982. A group of tourists plans to make a trip along the route Antonovo - Borisovo - Vlasovo - Gribovo. From Antonovo to Borisovo you can raft down the river or walk. From Borisovo to Vlasovo you can walk or ride bicycles. From Vlasovo to Gribovo you can swim along the river, ride bicycles or walk. How many hiking options can tourists choose? How many hiking options can tourists choose, provided that at least one of the sections of the route they must use bicycles?

(12 route options, 8 of them using bicycles)

Independent work.

1 option

    a) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers: 0, 1, 3, 5, 7?

b) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers: 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, provided that the numbers should not be repeated?

    Athos, Porthos and Aramis have only a sword, a dagger and a pistol.

a) In how many ways can the musketeers be armed?

b) How many weapon options are there if Aramis must wield a sword?

c) How many weapon options are there if Aramis should have a sword and Porthos should have a pistol?

    Somewhere, God sent a piece of cheese to a crow, as well as cheese, sausages, white and black bread. Perched on a fir tree, a crow was about to have breakfast, but she thought about it: in how many ways can sandwiches be made from these products?

Option 2

    a) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8?

b) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, provided that the numbers should not be repeated?

    Count Monte Cristo decided to give Princess Hyde earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. Each piece of jewelry must contain one of the following types of gems: diamonds, rubies or garnets.

a) How many combinations of gemstone jewelry are there?

b) How many jewelry options are there if the earrings must be diamond?

c) How many jewelry options are there if the earrings should be diamond and the bracelet garnet?

    For breakfast, you can choose a bun, sandwich or gingerbread with coffee or kefir. How many breakfast options can you make?

Homework : No. 974, 975. (by compiling a tree of options and using the multiplication rule)

974 . a) How many three-digit numbers can be formed from the numbers 0, 2, 4?

b) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 0, 2, 4, provided that the numbers should not be repeated?

975 . a) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1.3, 5.7?

b) How many three-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1.3, 5.7, provided. What numbers should not be repeated?

Problem numbers are taken from the textbook

"Mathematics-5", I.I. Zubareva, A.G. Mordkovich, 2004.

1.1. Some information from combinatorics

1.1.1. Accommodations

Consider the simplest concepts related to the selection and location of a certain set of objects.
Counting the number of ways in which these actions can be performed is often done when solving probabilistic problems.
Definition. Accommodation from n elements by k (kn) is any ordered subset of k elements of a set consisting of n various elements.
Example. The following sequences of numbers are arrangements of 2 elements from 3 elements of the set (1;2;3): 12, 13, 23, 21, 31, 32.
Note that placements differ in the order of their constituent elements and their composition. Placements 12 and 21 contain the same numbers, but their order is different. Therefore, these placements are considered different.
Number of different placements from n elements by k denoted and calculated by the formula:
where n! = 1∙2∙...∙(n - 1)∙n(read " n factorial).
The number of two-digit numbers that can be made up of the digits 1, 2, 3, provided that no digit is repeated is: .

1.1.2. Permutations

Definition. Permutations from n elements are called such placements from n elements that differ only in the arrangement of the elements.
Number of permutations from n elements P n calculated by the formula: P n=n!
Example. In how many ways can 5 people line up? The number of ways is equal to the number of permutations of 5 elements, i.e.
P 5 =5!=1∙2∙3∙4∙5=120.
Definition. If among n elements k identical, then the permutation of these n elements is called a permutation with repetitions.
Example. Suppose that among 6 books 2 are the same. Any arrangement of all the books on the shelf is a permutation with repetitions.
The number of different permutations with repetitions (out of n elements, among which k identical) is calculated by the formula: .
In our example, the number of ways in which books can be arranged on a shelf is: .

1.1.3. Combinations

Definition. Combinations from n elements by k such placements are called n elements by k, which differ from each other by at least one element.
Number of different combinations of n elements by k denoted and calculated by the formula: .
By definition, 0!=1.
Combinations have the following properties:
Example. There are 5 flowers of different colors. For a bouquet, 3 flowers are selected. The number of different bouquets of 3 flowers out of 5 is: .

1.2. random events

1.2.1. Developments

Cognition of reality in the natural sciences occurs as a result of tests (experiment, observation, experience).
test or experience is the implementation of some specific set of conditions that can be reproduced arbitrarily big number once.
Random called an event that may or may not occur as a result of some test (experience).
Thus, the event is considered as the result of a test.
Example. Tossing a coin is a test. The appearance of an eagle when thrown is an event.
The events we observe differ in the degree of possibility of their occurrence and in the nature of their relationship.
The event is called reliable if it is sure to occur as a result of the test.
Example. A student receiving a positive or negative mark in an exam is a certain event if the exam proceeds according to the usual rules.
The event is called impossible if it cannot occur as a result of this test.
Example. Extracting a white ball from an urn containing only colored (non-white) balls is an impossible event. Note that under other conditions of the experiment, the appearance of a white ball is not excluded; thus, this event is impossible only in the conditions of our experience.
Further, random events will be denoted by large Latin letters A,B,C... A sure event will be denoted by the letter Ω, an impossible event by Ø.
Two or more events are called equally possible in a given test, if there is reason to believe that none of these events is more likely or less likely than others.
Example. With one throw of a dice, the appearance of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 points are all equally possible events. It is assumed, of course, that the die is made of a homogeneous material and has a regular shape.
The two events are called incompatible in a given trial, if the occurrence of one of them excludes the occurrence of the other, and joint otherwise.
Example. The box contains standard and non-standard parts. Let's take one detail. The appearance of a standard part excludes the appearance of a non-standard part. These events are incompatible.
Several events form full group of events in this test, if as a result of this test at least one of them necessarily occurs.
Example. The events from the example form a complete group of equally possible and pairwise incompatible events.
Two disjoint events that form a complete group of events in a given trial are called opposite events.
If one of them is denoted by A, then the other is usually denoted through (it reads “not A»).
Example. Hitting and missing with one shot at a target are opposite events.

1.2.2. The classical definition of probability

Event Probability is a numerical measure of the possibility of its occurrence.
Event BUT called favorable event AT if whenever an event occurs BUT, the event occurs AT.
Developments BUT 1 , BUT 2 , ..., BUTn form case chart , if they:
1) are equally possible;
2) are pairwise incompatible;
3) form a complete group.
In the scheme of cases (and only in this scheme) the classical definition of probability takes place P(A) developments BUT. Here, each of the events belonging to the selected complete group of equally possible and pairwise incompatible events is called a case.
If a n is the number of all cases in the scheme, and m- the number of cases favorable to the event BUT, then event probability BUT is defined by the equality:

The following properties follow from the definition of probability:
1. Probability sure event is equal to one.
Indeed, if an event is certain, then every occurrence in the scheme of occurrences favors the event. In this case m = n and hence

2. The probability of an impossible event is zero.
Indeed, if the event is impossible, then none of the cases from the scheme of cases favors the event. That's why m=0 and, therefore,

The probability of a random event is a positive number between zero and one.
Indeed, a random event is favored by only a part of total number cases in the case diagram. Therefore 0<m<n, which means 0<m/n<1 и, следовательно, 0 < P(A) < 1.
So, the probability of any event satisfies the inequalities
0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1.
At present, the properties of probability are defined in the form of axioms formulated by A.N. Kolmogorov.
One of the main advantages of the classical definition of probability is the ability to calculate the probability of an event directly, i.e. without resorting to experiments, which are replaced by logical reasoning.

Problems of direct calculation of probabilities

Task 1.1. What is the probability of getting an even number of points (event A) in one roll of a die?
Solution. Consider events BUTi- dropped out i points, i= 1, 2, …, 6. Obviously, these events form a pattern of cases. Then the number of all cases n= 6. An even number of points is favored by the cases BUT 2 , BUT 4 , BUT 6 , i.e. m= 3. Then .
Task 1.2. An urn contains 5 white and 10 black balls. The balls are thoroughly mixed and then 1 ball is taken out at random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is white?
Solution. There are 15 cases in total, which form the pattern of cases. And the expected event BUT- the appearance of a white ball is favored by 5 of them, therefore .
Task 1.3. The child plays with six letters of the alphabet: A, A, E, K, P, T. Find the probability that he can randomly add the word CARRIAGE (event A).
Solution. The decision is complicated by the fact that among the letters there are the same - two letters "A". Therefore, the number of all possible cases in this trial is equal to the number of permutations with repetitions of 6 letters:
These cases are equally possible, pairwise incompatible, and form a complete group of events, i.e. form a case diagram. Only one chance favors the event BUT. That's why
Task 1.4. Tanya and Vanya agreed to celebrate the New Year in a company of 10 people. They both really wanted to sit next to each other. What is the probability that their wish will come true if it is customary to distribute places among their friends by lot?
Solution. Denote by BUT event "fulfillment of the desire of Tanya and Vanya." 10 people can sit at a table of 10! different ways. How many of these n= 10! are equally possible ways favorable for Tanya and Vanya? Tanya and Vanya, sitting side by side, can take 20 different positions. At the same time, eight of their friends can sit at table 8! different ways, so m= 20∙8!. Consequently,
Task 1.5. A group of 5 women and 20 men selects three delegates. Assuming that each of those present is equally likely to be chosen, find the probability that two women and one man will be chosen.
Solution. The total number of equally likely outcomes of the test is equal to the number of ways in which three delegates can be chosen from 25 people, i.e. . Let us now calculate the number of favorable cases, i.e. the number of times the event of interest occurs. The male delegate can be chosen in twenty ways. At the same time, the remaining two delegates must be women, and you can choose two women out of five. Consequently, . That's why
Problem 1.6. Four balls are randomly scattered over four holes, each ball falls into one or another hole with the same probability and independently of the others (there are no obstacles to getting several balls into the same hole). Find the probability that there will be three balls in one of the holes, one - in the other, and no balls in the other two holes.
Solution. Total number of cases n=4 4 . The number of ways in which one hole can be chosen, where there will be three balls, . The number of ways in which you can choose the hole where there will be one ball, . The number of ways in which you can choose three balls from four balls to put them in the first hole, . The total number of favorable cases . Event Probability:
Problem 1.7. There are 10 identical balls in the box, marked with numbers 1, 2, ..., 10. Six balls are drawn for luck. Find the probability that among the extracted balls there will be: a) ball No. 1; b) balls #1 and #2.
Solution. a) The total number of possible elementary outcomes of the test is equal to the number of ways in which six balls can be drawn out of ten, i.e.
Let's find the number of outcomes favoring the event we are interested in: among the selected six balls there is ball No. 1 and, consequently, the remaining five balls have different numbers. The number of such outcomes is obviously equal to the number of ways in which five balls can be selected from the remaining nine, i.e.
The desired probability is equal to the ratio of the number of outcomes that favor the event under consideration to the total number of possible elementary outcomes:
b) The number of outcomes favoring the event of interest to us (among the selected balls there are balls No. 1 and No. 2, therefore, four balls have different numbers) is equal to the number of ways in which four balls can be extracted from the remaining eight, i.e. Desired probability

1.2.3. Statistical Probability

The statistical definition of probability is used when the outcomes of an experiment are not equally likely.
Relative event frequency BUT is defined by the equality:
where m is the number of trials in which the event BUT it has come n is the total number of tests performed.
J. Bernoulli proved that with an unlimited increase in the number of experiments, the relative frequency of the occurrence of an event will practically arbitrarily differ from some constant number. It turned out that this constant number is the probability of the occurrence of an event. Therefore, naturally, the relative frequency of the occurrence of an event with a sufficiently large number of trials is called the statistical probability, in contrast to the previously introduced probability.
Example 1.8. How can you approximate the number of fish in a lake?
Let in the lake X fish. We throw the network and, let's say, we find in it n fish. We mark each of them and release it back. A few days later, in the same weather and in the same place, we cast the same net. Suppose we find m fish in it, among which k labeled. Let the event BUT- "Caught fish is labeled." Then by definition of relative frequency .
But if in the lake X fish and we released it n labeled, then .
Because R * (BUT) » R(BUT), then .

1.2.4. Operations on events. Addition theorem

sum, or a union, of several events is an event consisting in the occurrence of at least one of these events (in the same test).
Sum BUT 1 + BUT 2 + … + BUTn denoted like this:
or .
Example. Two dice are thrown. Let the event BUT consists of rolling 4 points on 1 die, and the event AT- in a roll of 5 points on another die. Developments BUT and AT joint. Therefore the event BUT +AT consists of rolling 4 points on the first die, or 5 points on the second die, or 4 points on the first die and 5 points on the second die at the same time.
Example. Event BUT– win on 1 loan, event AT- win on 2 loans. Then the event A+B- winning at least one loan (possibly two at once).
work or the intersection of several events is an event consisting in the joint occurrence of all these events (in the same test).
Work AT events BUT 1 , BUT 2 , …, BUTn denoted like this:
Example. Developments BUT and AT consist in the successful passage of I and II rounds, respectively, upon admission to the institute. Then the event BUT×B consists in the successful completion of both rounds.
The concepts of sum and product of events have a clear geometric interpretation. Let the event BUT there is a hit of a point in the area BUT, and the event AT- hitting a point in the area AT. Then the event A+B there is a hit of a point in the union of these areas (Fig. 2.1), and the event BUTAT there is a hit of a point in the intersection of these areas (Fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2.1 Fig. 2.2
Theorem. If events Ai(i = 1, 2, …, n) are pairwise incompatible, then the probability of the sum of events is equal to the sum of the probabilities of these events:
Let BUT and Ā – opposite events, i.e. A + a= Ω, where Ω is a certain event. From the addition theorem it follows that
P(Ω) = R(BUT) + R(Ā ) = 1, therefore
R(Ā ) = 1 – R(BUT).
If events BUT 1 and BUT 2 are joint, then the probability of the sum of two joint events is equal to:
R(BUT 1 + BUT 2) = R(BUT 1) + R(BUT 2) – P( BUTBUT 2).
Probability addition theorems make it possible to move from a direct calculation of probabilities to determining the probabilities of the occurrence of complex events.
Task 1.8. The shooter fires one shot at the target. Probability of knocking out 10 points (event BUT), 9 points (event AT) and 8 points (event FROM) are equal to 0.11, respectively; 0.23; 0.17. Find the probability that with one shot the shooter scores less than 8 points (event D).
Solution. Let's move on to the opposite event - with one shot, the shooter will knock out at least 8 points. The event occurs if BUT or AT, or FROM, i.e. . Since the events A, B, FROM are pairwise inconsistent, then, by the addition theorem,
, where .
Task 1.9. From the team of the brigade, which consists of 6 men and 4 women, two people are selected for the trade union conference. What is the probability that at least one woman among the chosen ones (the event BUT).
Solution. If an event occurs BUT, then one of the following incompatible events will necessarily occur: AT- "a man and a woman are chosen"; FROM“Two women have been chosen.” Therefore, we can write: A=B+C. Find the probability of events AT and FROM. Two people out of 10 can be chosen in ways. Two women out of 4 can be chosen in ways. Male and female can be chosen in 6×4 ways. Then . Since the events AT and FROM are inconsistent, then, by the addition theorem,
P(A) = P(B + C) = P(B) + P(C) = 8/15 + 2/15 = 2/3.
Problem 1.10. There are 15 textbooks randomly arranged on a shelf in the library, five of which are bound. The librarian takes three textbooks at random. Find the probability that at least one of the taken textbooks will be bound (event BUT).
Solution. First way. The requirement - at least one of the three bound textbooks taken - will be fulfilled if any of the following three incompatible events occur: AT- 1 bound textbook FROM- two bound textbooks D- Three bound textbooks.
Event we are interested in BUT can be represented as a sum of events: A=B+C+D. By the addition theorem,
P(A) = P(B) + P(C) + P(D). (2.1)
Find the probability of events B, C and D(see combinatorial schemes):

Representing these probabilities in equality (2.1), we finally obtain
P(A)= 45/91 + 20/91 + 2/91 = 67/91.
The second way. Event BUT(at least one of the three textbooks taken has a binding) and Ā (none of the textbooks taken has a binding) are opposite, therefore P(A) + P(Ā) = 1 (the sum of the probabilities of two opposite events is equal to 1). From here P(A) = 1 – P(a). Probability of an event occurring Ā (none of the textbooks taken is bound)
Desired probability
P(A) = 1 – P(Ā) = 1 – 24/91 = 67/91.

1.2.5. Conditional Probability. Probability multiplication theorem

Conditional Probability P(B/BUT) is the probability of event B, calculated on the assumption that event A has already occurred.
Theorem. The probability of the joint occurrence of two events is equal to the product of the probabilities of one of them by the conditional probability of the other, calculated on the assumption that the first event has already occurred:
P(AB) = P(A)∙P( AT/BUT). (2.2)
Two events are called independent if the occurrence of either of them does not change the probability of the occurrence of the other, i.e.
P(A) = P(A/B) or P(B) = P(B/BUT). (2.3)
If events BUT and AT are independent, then formulas (2.2) and (2.3) imply
P(AB) = P(A)∙P(B). (2.4)
The converse statement is also true, i.e. if equality (2.4) holds for two events, then these events are independent. Indeed, formulas (2.4) and (2.2) imply
P(AB) = P(A)∙P(B) = P(A) × P(B/BUT), where P(A) = P(B/BUT).
Formula (2.2) can be generalized to the case of a finite number of events BUT 1 , BUT 2 ,…,A n:
P(A 1 ∙BUT 2 ∙…∙A n)=P(A 1)∙P(A 2 /BUT 1)∙P(A 3 /BUT 1 BUT 2)∙…∙P(A n/BUT 1 BUT 2 …A n -1).
Task 1.11. From an urn containing 5 white and 10 black balls, two balls are drawn in a row. Find the probability that both balls are white (event BUT).
Solution. Consider the events: AT- the first ball drawn is white; FROM– the second drawn ball is white. Then A = BC.
Experience can be done in two ways:
1) with return: after fixing the color, the drawn ball is returned to the urn. In this case, the events AT and FROM independent:
P(A) = P(B)∙P(C) = 5/15 × 5/15 = 1/9;
2) without replacement: the drawn ball is put aside. In this case, the events AT and FROM dependent:
P(A) = P(B)∙P(C/AT).
For an event AT conditions are the same, and for FROM the situation has changed. Happened AT, so there are 14 balls left in the urn, 4 of which are white.
So, .
Task 1.12. Among the 50 light bulbs, 3 are non-standard. Find the probability that two bulbs taken at the same time are non-standard.
Solution. Consider the events: BUT- the first bulb is non-standard, AT- the second bulb is non-standard, FROM- both bulbs are non-standard. It's clear that C = AAT. event BUT favor 3 cases out of 50 possible, i.e. P(A) = 3/50. If the event BUT has already happened, the event AT favor two cases out of 49 possible, i.e. P(B/BUT) = 2/49. Consequently,
Task 1.13. Two athletes independently shoot at the same target. The probability of hitting the target of the first athlete is 0.7, and the second is 0.8. What is the probability that the target will be hit?
Solution. The target will be hit if either the first shooter, or the second, or both hit it, i.e. an event will happen A+B, where the event BUT consists in hitting the target by the first athlete, and the event AT- second. Then
P(A+AT)=P(A)+P(B)–P(AAT)=0, 7+0, 8–0, 7∙0,8=0,94.
Problem 1.14. There are six textbooks on the theory of probability in the reading room, three of which are bound. The librarian took two textbooks at random. Find the probability that two textbooks will be bound.
Solution. Let us introduce the notation of events :A– the first textbook taken has a binding, AT- The second textbook is bound. The probability that the first textbook has a binding,
P(A) = 3/6 = 1/2.
The probability that the second textbook is bound, given that the first book taken was bound, i.e. conditional probability of an event AT, is this: P(B/BUT) = 2/5.
The desired probability that both textbooks have a binding, according to the multiplication theorem for the probabilities of events, is equal to
P(AB) = P(A) ∙ P(B/BUT)= 1/2 ∙ 2/5 = 0.2.
Problem 1.15. The shop employs 7 men and 3 women. Three people were randomly selected according to personnel numbers. Find the probability that all selected persons are men.
Solution. Let's introduce the notation of events: A- male selected first AT- the second selected man, FROM - the third selected man. The probability that a male is selected first P(A) = 7/10.
The probability that a man is selected second, provided that a man has already been selected first, i.e. conditional probability of an event AT next : P(B/A) = 6/9 = 2/3.
The probability that a man will be selected third, provided that two men have already been selected, i.e. conditional probability of an event FROM is: P(C/AB) = 5/8.
The desired probability that all three selected persons are men, P(ABC) = P(A) P(B/BUT) P(C/AB) = 7/10 2/3 5/8 = 7/24.

1.2.6. Total probability formula and Bayes formula

Let B 1 , B 2 ,…, B n are pairwise incompatible events (hypotheses) and BUT- an event that can only occur in conjunction with one of them.
Let us also know Р(B i) and P(A/B i) (i = 1, 2, …, n).
Under these conditions, the formulas are valid:
Formula (2.5) is called total probability formula . It calculates the probability of an event BUT(full probability).
Formula (2.6) is called Bayes formula . It allows you to recalculate the probabilities of hypotheses if the event BUT happened.
When compiling examples, it is convenient to consider that the hypotheses form a complete group.
Task 1.16. The basket contains apples from four trees of the same variety. From the first - 15% of all apples, from the second - 35%, from the third - 20%, from the fourth - 30%. Ripe apples are respectively 99%, 97%, 98%, 95%.
a) What is the probability that an apple chosen at random is ripe? BUT).
b) Provided that an apple taken at random turned out to be ripe, calculate the probability that it is from the first tree.
Solution. a) We have 4 hypotheses:
B 1 - an apple taken at random is taken from the 1st tree;
B 2 - an apple taken at random is taken from the 2nd tree;
B 3 - an apple taken at random is taken from the 3rd tree;
B 4 - an apple taken at random is taken from the 4th tree.
Their probabilities according to the condition: P(B 1) = 0,15; P(B 2) = 0,35; P(B 3) = 0,2; P(B 4) = 0,3.
Conditional event probabilities BUT:
P(A/B 1) = 0,99; P(A/B 2) = 0,97; P(A/B 3) = 0,98; P(A/B 4) = 0,95.
The probability that an apple chosen at random will be ripe is found by the total probability formula:
P(A)=P(B 1)∙P(A/B 1)+P(B 2)∙P(A/B 2)+P(B 3)∙P(A/B 3)+P(B 4)∙P(A/B 4)=0,969.
b) The Bayes formula for our case has the form:
Problem 1.17. A white ball is dropped into an urn containing two balls, after which one ball is drawn at random. Find the probability that the drawn ball will be white if all possible assumptions about the initial composition of the balls (by color) are equally possible.
Solution. Denote by BUT event - a white ball is drawn. The following assumptions (hypotheses) about the initial composition of the balls are possible: B1 no white balls IN 2- one white ball AT 3- two white balls.
Since there are three hypotheses in total, and the sum of the probabilities of the hypotheses is equal to 1 (since they form a complete group of events), then the probability of each of the hypotheses is equal to 1/3, i.e.
P(B 1) = P(B 2)= P(B 3) = 1/3.
The conditional probability that a white ball will be drawn, given that there were no white balls in the urn initially, P(A/B 1)=1/3. The conditional probability that a white ball will be drawn, given that the urn originally contained one white ball, P(A/B 2)=2/3. The conditional probability that a white ball will be drawn, given that the urn originally contained two white balls. P(A/B 3)=3/ 3=1.
The desired probability that a white ball will be drawn is found by the total probability formula:
R(BUT)=P(B 1)∙P(A/B 1)+P(B 2)∙P(A/B 2)+P(B 3)∙P(A/B 3)=1/3 1/3+1/3 2/3+1/3 1=2/3 .
Task 1.18. Two machines produce the same parts that are fed to a common conveyor. The performance of the first machine is twice that of the second. The first machine produces an average of 60% of parts of excellent quality, and the second - 84%. The part taken at random from the assembly line turned out to be of excellent quality. Find the probability that this item was produced by the first machine.
Solution. Denote by BUT the event is an excellent quality item. Two assumptions can be made: B1- the part is produced by the first machine, and (since the first machine produces twice as many parts as the second) P(A/B 1) = 2/3; B 2 - the part was produced by the second machine, and P(B 2) = 1/3.
The conditional probability that the part will be of excellent quality if it is produced by the first machine, P(A/B 1)=0,6.
The conditional probability that the part will be of excellent quality if it is produced by the second machine, P(A/B 1)=0,84.
The probability that a randomly selected part will be of excellent quality, according to the total probability formula, is equal to
P(A)=P(B 1) ∙P(A/B 1)+P(B 2) ∙P(A/B 2)=2/3 0.6+1/3 0.84 = 0.68.
The desired probability that the excellent part taken is produced by the first automaton, according to the Bayes formula, is equal to

Task 1.19. There are three batches of parts with 20 parts each. The number of standard parts in the first, second and third batches is 20, 15, 10, respectively. A part that turned out to be standard was randomly extracted from the selected batch. The parts are returned to the batch and a part is randomly removed from the same batch for the second time, which also turns out to be standard. Find the probability that the parts were taken from the third batch.
Solution. Denote by BUT event - in each of the two tests (with return), a standard part was retrieved. Three hypotheses can be made: B 1 - parts are removed from the first batch, AT 2 – parts are taken from the second batch, AT 3 - parts are removed from the third batch.
The details were taken at random from the batch taken, so the probabilities of the hypotheses are the same: P(B 1) = P(B 2) = P(B 3) = 1/3.
Find the conditional probability P(A/B 1), i.e. the probability that two standard parts will be drawn consecutively from the first batch. This event is reliable, because. in the first batch, all parts are standard, so P(A/B 1) = 1.
Find the conditional probability P(A/B 2), i.e. the probability that two standard parts will be sequentially extracted (with return) from the second batch: P(A/B 2)= 15/20 ∙ 15/20 = 9/16.
Find the conditional probability P(A/B 3), i.e. the probability that two standard parts will be successively removed (with return) from the third batch: P(A/B 3) = 10/20 10/20 = 1/4.
The desired probability that both extracted standard parts are taken from the third batch, according to the Bayes formula, is equal to

1.2.7. Retests

If several tests are performed, and the probability of an event BUT in each trial does not depend on the outcomes of other trials, then such trials are called independent with respect to event A. In different independent trials, the event BUT may have either different probabilities or the same probability. We will further consider only such independent trials in which the event BUT has the same probability.
Let it be produced P independent trials, in each of which an event BUT may or may not appear. Let us assume that the probability of an event BUT in each test is the same, namely equal to R. Therefore, the probability of non-occurrence of the event BUT in each test is also constant and equal to 1– R. Such a probabilistic scheme is called Bernoulli scheme. Let us set ourselves the task of calculating the probability that P Bernoulli event trials BUT will come true exactly k once ( k- the number of successes) and, therefore, will not be realized P- once. It is important to emphasize that it is not required that the event BUT repeated exactly k times in a certain sequence. Denote the desired probability R p (k). For example, the symbol R 5 (3) means the probability that in five trials the event will appear exactly 3 times and, therefore, will not occur 2 times.
The problem can be solved using the so-called Bernoulli formulas, which looks like:
Problem 1.20. The probability that the consumption of electricity in the course of one day will not exceed the established norm is equal to R=0.75. Find the probability that in the next 6 days the electricity consumption for 4 days will not exceed the norm.
Solution. The probability of normal consumption of electricity during each of the 6 days is constant and equal to R=0.75. Therefore, the probability of overexpenditure of electricity every day is also constant and equal to q= 1–R=1–0,75=0,25.
The desired probability according to the Bernoulli formula is equal to
Task 1.21. Two equal chess players play chess. Which is more likely: to win two games out of four or three games out of six (draws are not taken into account)?
Solution. Equal chess players are playing, so the probability of winning R= 1/2, hence the probability of losing q is also equal to 1/2. Because in all games the probability of winning is constant and it does not matter in what sequence the games are won, then the Bernoulli formula is applicable.
Find the probability that two games out of four will be won:

Find the probability that three out of six games will be won:

Because P 4 (2) > P 6 (3), it is more likely to win two games out of four than three out of six.
However, one can see that using the Bernoulli formula for large values n it is rather difficult, since the formula requires the performance of operations on huge numbers and therefore errors accumulate in the process of calculations; as a result, the final result may differ significantly from the true one.
To solve this problem, there are several limit theorems that are used for the case of a large number of trials.
1. Poisson's theorem
When conducting a large number of tests according to the Bernoulli scheme (with n=> ∞) and with a small number of favorable outcomes k(assuming that the probability of success p small), the Bernoulli formula approaches the Poisson formula
Example 1.22. The probability of marriage in the production of a unit of production by the enterprise is equal to p=0.001. What is the probability that in the production of 5000 units of products there will be less than 4 defective ones (event BUT Solution. Because n is large, we use the local Laplace theorem:

Compute x:
Function is even, therefore φ(–1.67) = φ(1.67).
According to the table of Appendix A.1, we find φ(1.67) = 0.0989.
Desired probability P 2400 (1400) = 0,0989.
3. Laplace integral theorem
If the probability R occurrence of an event A in each trial according to the Bernoulli scheme is constant and different from zero and one, then with a large number of trials n, probability R p (k 1 , k 2) event occurrence A in these trials k 1 to k 2 times approximately equal
R p(k 1 , k 2) = Φ ( x"") – Φ ( x"), where
is the Laplace function,

The definite integral in the Laplace function is not calculated on the class of analytic functions, so Table 1 is used to calculate it. Clause 2, given in the appendix.
Example 1.24. The probability of an event occurring in each of one hundred independent trials is constant and equal to p= 0.8. Find the probability that the event will occur: a) at least 75 times and at most 90 times; b) at least 75 times; c) no more than 74 times.
Solution. Let's use Laplace's integral theorem:
R p(k 1 , k 2) = Φ ( x"") – Φ( x"), where Ф( x) is the Laplace function,

a) By condition n = 100, p = 0,8, q = 0,2, k 1 = 75, k 2 = 90. Calculate x"" and x" :

Considering that the Laplace function is odd, i.e. F(- x) = – F( x), we get
P 100 (75; 90) \u003d F (2.5) - F (-1.25) \u003d F (2.5) + F (1.25).
According to the table P.2. find applications:
F(2.5) = 0.4938; Ф(1.25) = 0.3944.
Desired probability
P 100 (75; 90) = 0,4938 + 0,3944 = 0,8882.
b) The requirement that the event occur at least 75 times means that the number of occurrences of the event can be equal to 75, or 76, ..., or 100. Thus, in the case under consideration, one should take k 1 = 75, k 2 = 100. Then

According to the table P.2. applications, we find Ф (1.25) = 0.3944; Ф(5) = 0.5.
Desired probability
P 100 (75;100) = (5) – (–1,25) = (5) + (1,25) = 0,5 + 0,3944 = 0,8944.
c) Event - " BUT appeared at least 75 times" and " BUT appeared no more than 74 times” are opposite, so the sum of the probabilities of these events is 1. Therefore, the desired probability
P 100 (0;74) = 1 – P 100 (75; 100) = 1 – 0,8944 = 0,1056.

Translate the text into German please.

Just not in the online translator.

The Golden Gate is a symbol of Kyiv, one of the oldest examples of architecture that has survived to our time. The golden gates of Kyiv were built under the famous Kiev prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1164. Initially, they were called Southern and were part of the system of defensive fortifications of the city, practically no different from other guard gates of the city. It was the Southern Gates that the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion called "Great" in his "Sermon on Law and Grace". After the majestic Hagia Sophia was built, the “Great” gates became the main land entrance to Kyiv from the southwestern side. Realizing their significance, Yaroslav the Wise ordered to build a small Church of the Annunciation over the gates in order to pay tribute to the Christian religion that dominated the city and Russia. From that time on, all Russian chronicle sources began to call the South Gates of Kyiv the Golden Gates. The width of the gate was 7.5 m, the passage height was 12 m, and the length was about 25 m.

Help translate tex!

le sport ce n "est pas seulement des cours de gym. C" est aussi sauter toujours plus haut nager jouer au ballon danser. le sport développé ton corps et aussi ton cerveau. Quand tu prends l "escalier et non pas l" ascenseur tu fais du sport. Quand tu fais une cabane dans un arbre tu fais du sport. Quand tu te bats avec ton frere tu fais du sport. Quand tu cours, parce que tu es en retard a l "ecole, tu fais du sport.

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Introduce the concept of certain, impossible and random events.
  2. To form knowledge and skills to determine the type of events.
  3. Develop: computational skill; Attention; the ability to analyze, reason, draw conclusions; group work skills.

During the classes

1) Organizational moment.

Interactive exercise: children must solve examples and decipher words, according to the results they are divided into groups (reliable, impossible and random) and determine the topic of the lesson.

1 card.

0,5 1,6 12,6 5,2 7,5 8 5,2 2,08 0,5 9,54 1,6

2 card

0,5 2,1 14,5 1,9 2,1 20,4 14 1,6 5,08 8,94 14

3 card

5 2,4 6,7 4,7 8,1 18 40 9,54 0,78

2) Actualization of the studied knowledge.

The game "Clap": an even number - clap, an odd number - stand up.

Task: from a given series of numbers 42, 35, 8, 9, 7, 10, 543, 88, 56, 13, 31, 77, ... determine even and odd.

3) Learning a new topic.

You have cubes on the tables. Let's take a closer look at them. What do you see?

Where are dice used? How?

Group work.

Conducting an experiment.

What predictions can you make when rolling a dice?

First prediction: one of the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 will fall out.

An event that is sure to occur in a given experience is called reliable.

Second prediction: the number 7 will come up.

Do you think the predicted event will happen or not?

It's impossible!

An event that cannot occur in a given experiment is called impossible.

Third prediction: the number 1 will come up.

Will this event happen?

An event that may or may not occur in a given experience is called random.

4) Consolidation of the studied material.

I. Determine the type of event

-Tomorrow it will snow red.

It will snow heavily tomorrow.

Tomorrow, although it is July, it will snow.

Tomorrow, although it is July, there will be no snow.

Tomorrow it will snow and there will be a blizzard.

II. Add a word to this sentence in such a way that the event becomes impossible.

Kolya received an A in history.

Sasha did not complete a single task on the test.

Oksana Mikhailovna (history teacher) will explain the new topic.

III. Give examples of impossible, random and certain events.

IV. Work according to the textbook (in groups).

Describe the events discussed in the tasks below as certain, impossible or random.

No. 959. Petya conceived a natural number. The event is as follows:

a) an even number is conceived;

b) an odd number is conceived;

c) a number is conceived that is neither even nor odd;

d) a number that is even or odd is conceived.

No. 960. You opened this textbook to any page and chose the first noun that came across. The event is as follows:

a) there is a vowel in the spelling of the chosen word;

b) in the spelling of the chosen word there is a letter “o”;

c) there are no vowels in the spelling of the chosen word;

d) there is a soft sign in the spelling of the selected word.

Solve #961, #964.

Discussion of solved tasks.

5) Reflection.

1. What events did you meet in the lesson?

2. Indicate which of the following events is certain, which is impossible, and which is random:

a) there will be no summer holidays;

b) the sandwich will fall butter side down;

c) the school year will end someday.

6) Homework:

Come up with two reliable, random and impossible events.

Draw one of them.