Presentation on the topic my best friend

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My Best Friend Abigail's teacher has asked the class to write about their best friend. Abigail wants to write about her sister, Emily. She made these notes. Use them to answer questions 1 and 2. 1. Emily and I are fraternal twin sisters. 2. We both love to dance and do gymnastics.

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My Best Friend
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    Abigail's teacher has asked the class to write about their best friend. Abigail wants to write about her sister, Emily. She made these notes. Use them to answer questions 1 and 2. 1. Emily and I are fraternal twin sisters. 2. We both love to dance and do gymnastics. 3. We never fight and love to laugh and to make jokes together. 4. Our cat always fights with our dog. 1 Which item does not belong in Abigail's essay? A item 1 B item 2 C item 3 D item 4 This list will help Abigail to – F write her essay without any mistakes G organize her essay H teach friends about gymnastics J find big words to use in her essay provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Notes to Teacher: The writing subtest of the Grade 5 English test will have a series of brief scenarios, each of which defines a writing task for a specified audience. Items following the statement of the writing task will address planning or prewriting activities relevant to the specified task and will be coded to the Planning, Composing, and Revising reporting category. A rough draft of a response to the specified writing task will follow the planning/prewriting test items. The rough draft will be divided into sections. One section will have errors which require revision such as the inclusion of a sentence that does not belong or two sentences that need to be combined. Questions with this part of the rough draft will require the student to correct these errors by choosing the correct revision from the answer choices provided. These items will also be coded to the Planning, Composing, and Revising reporting category. Another section of the rough draft will contain embedded errors in usage or mechanics. Items following this section will require students to choose the answer which represents correct usage or mechanics. These items will be coded to the Editing reporting category. In some cases there will be no error and the correct answer will be "as it is." provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Answer the questions below. (1) We were born three minutes apart in Lee Memorial Hospital. (2) I'm the oldest. (3) We've always been inseparable. (4) My mom wasn't born at the same hospital as us. (5)We both love taking dance lessons and gymnastics lessons together. (6)Last year, we were able to dance in a duet together at the recital. Which of these sentences does not belong in Abigail's draft? A Sentence 1 B Sentence 2 C Sentence 3 D Sentence 4 4 ​​Which of these best could be added after sentence 5? F We performed a ballet to a song from The Lion King. G We also take tap dance on a different day. H Our gymnastics coach is a great person. J We were born on March 5, 1993. provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Notes to Teacher: During the revising stage of the writing process students will revise for focus, organization, and elaboration. To assist students in developing these skills direct instruction must take place on including important details, deleting unnecessary information and varying sentences. Vocabulary words that illustrate tone will assist students in understanding the proper tone of a piece of writing. The Standards of Learning writing assessment will ask students to use their revising skills to identify ways to improve a passage that is provided. To be successful on this section of the test students must be able to suggest the best way to combine provided sentences, choose a more descriptive way to write provided sentences and locate unneeded information. provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Answer the questions below. (7)We have been in the same room for a long time. (8)We have twin beds and two desks. (9) We have one stereo. (10)We do struggle to decide what music we will listen to. (11)Emily likes Hip-Hop music. (12) I like country music. How can sentences 9 and 10 best be combined? F We have one stereo and struggle to decide what music we will listen to. G We have to struggle about music since we have one stereo to listen to it. H Struggling to decide music happens when we have one stereo. J Music is a struggle because we have on stereo to listen to it on. 5 In sentence 7, how can for a long time be written more specifically? A My sister and I have been in the same room for a lot of years. B We have shared a room for a long time. C We have been in the same room for a lot of years. D My sister and I have shared the same room since we were born. provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Notes to Teacher: During the revising stage of the writing process students will revise for focus, organization, and elaboration. To assist students in developing these skills direct instruction must take place on including important details, deleting unnecessary information and varying sentences. The Standards of Learning writing assessment will ask students to use their revising skills to identify ways to improve a passage that is provided. To be successful on this section of the test students must be able to suggest the best way to combine provided sentences, choose a more descriptive way to write provided sentences and locate unneeded information. provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Answer the questions below. (13) Emily and I truly enjoy gymnastics. (14) We've been taking gymnastics lessons since we were both three years old. (15)Our coach, Mr. Sims, is so nice and very fair. (16) Last fall, we were having a gymnastics meet. (17) We had to total all of the points that we accrued over the summ- er to qualify for this meet. (18) Emily and I had the same number of points. (19) Only one of us could compete at the meet. (20)Coach Sims selected Emily to compete because she had been at all of the practices, and I had missed several. (21) Emily was so worried that I would be angry with her. 7 In sentence 14, how is We've best written? A we’d B weave C we’have D as it is 8 In sentence 17, how is summer correctly divided at the end of the line? F su-mmer G sum-mer H summe-r J as it is provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Notes to Teacher: During the editing stage of the writing process students will edit for correct grammar, punctuation and sentence construction. To assist students in developing these skills direct instruction must take place on including prepositions, correct case and number, and comparative and superlative degrees in adverbs and adjectives. The Standards of Learning writing assessment will ask students to edit a given passage for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing. provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Answer the questions below. (22) Emily hardly spoke to me for three days. (23) Finally I asked Emily what was wrong. (24) She told me how sad she was that I would not compete in the meet with her. (25) I told her that it was fine and that I was proud of her. (26)Then I asked her to show me her balance beam routine, and I gave her some advice. (27) Nothing will ever come between my best friend who happens to be my sister and me. 9 How is sentence 23 correctly written? A Finally I asked, Emily what was wrong. B Finally, I asked Emily what was wrong. C Finally I asked Emily what, was wrong. D as it is Sentence 27 should be written – F Nothing will ever come between my best friend, who happens to be my sister and me. G Nothing, will ever come between my best friend, who happens to be my sister and me. H Nothing will ever come between my best friend, who happens to be my sister, and me. J as it is provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

    Notes to Teacher: During the editing stage of the writing process students will edit for use of language, capitalization, punctuation and spelling. Students can earn 14 multiple choice points and 8 possible score from the direct-writing component by accurately editing. On Standards of Learning Assessments writing assessments students will edit for the use of: provided bySimply Achieve, Inc.

Friendship is one of the best things in
life. Everybody needs a good friend's
shoulder to cry on, or simply someone to
share the joys and sorrows with. It isn't
easy to find faithful and caring friends
But I was lucky, I found a friend, her name
is Lena.

She has brown shoulder length
hair,almond-shaped gray eyes and pretty
She has a very good character, she is
funny and easy to communicate.
She loves to read manga and listen to
She dances well, so it is flexible.

Lena and me friends with first class and
since stick together.

Her quality of each friend:
-The ability to listen.
I can discus everything with my best friend.
When I walk into a room, she knows exactly
what mood I'm in, what i need. If I ask for help or
advice, she will give me help hand immediately
and never leave me at loss.

I hope that we will stay true friends for a
lifetime or at least for a very long time. My
mum often tells me that friendship is like a
tree. It means that under good conditions it
will grow and become rather strong. As the
years pass, the tree can stand firmer and
firmer on the ground. The same happens
with a long-term friendship. To form a
strong union of friends one should give
lots of love, patience, understanding and
care. This way, true friendship can survive
any difficulties.

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