Poetic lyric. Lyrics and its genres. There are no unloved women

Throughout the ages, people have sought to express their feelings and emotions through various forms of art. Majestic statues, luxurious buildings, bewitching paintings... The list of masterpieces created by man is endless. Unfortunately, not every creation of art has survived to our times. But poems created even several centuries ago have been preserved. Rhyming lines, created by the talents of their time, were passed from mouth to mouth. Over time, any poem combined with music could become a romance or a song that we still know.

In this section you can read a wide variety of lyrical poems collected in the largest collection. Here are presented both, and works not yet famous authors. Regardless of the author, they are all beautiful and deserve your attention. Poetry can inspire amazing things, and let these poems be your personal inspiration!

The basis of a lyric poem

Origin story

The very name "lyric" originates in Ancient Greece. It was there, to the accompaniment of the lyre, that ancient poets recited poetry. These verses were a reflection of their inner state. They wrote about their experiences in poetry. And so far these verses are able to tell us about all the variety of feelings experienced by the author. These poems can make you cry or rejoice, be sad or even angry - all emotions are subject to them.

Poems to match the mood

Often we want to read something that touches the very soul. This mood can happen at any time. You can look out the window at big drops of rain or hear the May thunder. When you miss your loved one or just feel spiritual sadness. It is at such moments that lyric poetry becomes the best companion.

Often in these moments there may be a desire to write a poem on your own. In our collection you will also find such poems - created in moments of spiritual experiences by poets who do not devote their entire lives to poetry. Not only recognized poets can write poetry, lines can be born from people who have never thought about writing poetry. But that doesn't mean that these poems are worse, right? That is why our collection is so diverse - from the creations of recognized classics to random poems of modern ordinary people.

Stop for a moment...

When reading bewitching poems, you really want to stop the moment. Stop and read, read, read, absorbing all the content of these verses, experiencing his emotions together with the author. After each line, the whole world seems to open anew, you begin to notice such subtle details that you had not previously paid attention to. Lyrical poems teach sympathy, empathy, they seem to breathe under the attentive gaze of the reader. We hope that you, too, will experience these deep emotions by reading the collection of lyric poems presented on the site.

Poems as a tool for expressing feelings

It often happens that in order to express their feelings, there are simply not enough words. For example, if you are delighted with a beautiful girl and cannot decide to tell her about it, poetry will come to your aid. Where familiar and sometimes harsh prose ends, gentle and sensual works of poetry begin.

Choose your favorite lyric poems and tell about your feelings with their help. After reading a touching and deep poem, no one can remain indifferent. And if you want to confess your love in this way, it will be appreciated.

a. As we have seen, the content of the lyrics, on the one hand, consists of reflections summing up the universality of external being and its state, and on the other hand, the diversity of everything special. But both of these elements, simple generalities and particular intuitions and feelings, remain as such mere abstractions, which, in order to acquire a living lyrical individuality, require some connecting element of an internal, and therefore subjective quality. Therefore, a specific poetic subject must be established as the focus and true content of lyric poetry, a poet who, however, does not pass over to actual action and does not get entangled in the development of dramatic conflicts. On the contrary, his only manifestation and action is limited to the fact that he bestows on his inner world words that, regardless of their subject, set forth spiritual meaning self-expressing subject and strive to awaken and preserve in the listener the same meaning and spirit, the same state of mind and the same direction of reflection.

β. This revelation, although it exists for others, may be the free flow of joy or pain, finding its outlet in singing and coming to terms with its fate in song, or it may be a deeper attraction that does not want to keep only to itself the most important feelings of the soul and the most important reflections - for he who can sing and create is called to this and must create. External impulses, urgent requests, etc., may take place, but the great lyric poet in such cases quickly turns away from his own subject and begins to represent himself.

Thus, Pindar - to dwell on this example, already mentioned more than once - was often called upon to sing this or that winner of the competition, crowned with laurels, and from time to time he even received money for this; however, the singer always takes the place of his hero and, following independent associations with her fantasy, either glorifies the deeds of her ancestors, or recalls ancient myths, or expresses a deep look at life, wealth, dominion, at what is majestic and highly venerated, at nobility and the charm of the Muses, and above all on the dignity of the singer. And so in his poems, he does not so much honor the hero, glorifying him, as he makes himself, the poet, heard. He did not have the honor to sing the victors, but they are honored because Pindar sang them. This incomparable inner grandeur is the nobility of the lyric poet. Homer, as an individual, sacrificed himself so much in his epic that now they no longer want to recognize the reality of existence behind him, but his heroes live and are immortal, and the heroes of Pindar remained an empty phrase for us, but he himself, having glorified himself and honored himself, stands before us as an unforgettable singer; the glory that his heroes can claim is only a reflection of his glory, the glory of a lyric singer.

Among the Romans, too, the lyric poet partially retained this independent position. Thus, Suetonius (vol. III, p. 50, ed. Wolfii) relates that Augustus wrote to Horace these words: “An vereris, ne apud posteros tibi infame sit, quod vidaris familiaris nobis esse” (Latin “Or are you afraid, that descendants, seeing your closeness to us, will consider it a shame for you”). Horace, as a rule, hurries back to himself, except in those cases where he speaks of Augustus ex officio, which is always easy to feel. The fourteenth ode of the third book, for example, begins with the return of Augustus from Spain after defeating the Cantabra; however, what Horace praises most of all is that now that Augustus has restored peace to the world, he, the poet, can safely enjoy his leisure and his idleness; then he orders to bring wreaths, fragrant oils and ancient wine for the celebration and invite Nehera as soon as possible - it is clear enough that he is busy only preparing for his celebration. But now he appreciates loving vigils less than before, in his youth, in the era of the consul Planck, for he inspires his messenger:

Si per invisum mora ianitorem
Fiet, abito.

(Latin. If a delay happens because of the gatekeeper, go away)

To an even greater extent, one can pay tribute to Klopstock for the fact that he was the first to feel in his time the special, independent dignity of a singer. Having declared this, he behaved and behaved accordingly, he brought the poet out of his position as a court writer for all tastes and tore him away from those idle and insignificant amusements with which a person only ruins himself. Nevertheless, it so happened that the bookseller was the first to consider him as his house poet. His publisher in Halle paid him, probably, a taler or two per sheet of the Messiah, and besides, he ordered to sew a waistcoat and trousers for him, and in such attire, in trousers and a waistcoat, he took him to society, so that everyone could see, that he purchased them for him. On the contrary, the Athenians erected a monument to Pindar - as at least it is told in later, far from always reliable sources (Pausanias, I, p. 8), since he glorified them in one of his odes, and, in addition, they sent him ( Aeschines, ep 4) twice the amount of the fine that the Thebans, alien to indulgence, imposed on him for the excessive praise he paid to a foreign city; and they even say that Apollo himself, through the mouth of the Pythia, announced that Pindar now owns half of the gifts that all Hellas used to bring to the Pythian games.

γ. Thirdly, in the total range of lyrical poems, the integrity of the individual is also depicted from the side of his inner poetic movement. For the lyric poet is internally compelled to express in the song everything that is poetically composed in his soul and in his consciousness. In this regard, we should first of all mention Goethe, who was always poetic in all the diversity of his eventful life. And here he belongs to the most remarkable people. It is rare to meet an individual whose interests would be manifested in the most different directions and yet, despite this infinite breadth, he always lived in himself, turning into poetic contemplation everything that touched and affected him. Everything became a lyrical outpouring for him - his external life, the originality of his heart, more restrained than open in everyday life, the scientific orientation and results of lengthy research, the judgments of his developed practical meaning of life, his ethical maxims, the impressions that produced on him the diversely intertwined the phenomena of the era, the conclusions that he drew from them, youthful ardor and enthusiasm, the noble strength and inner beauty of manhood, the all-embracing life-loving wisdom of old age; in these lyrical outpourings, he expressed both a slight hint of feeling and the most severe conflicts of the spirit, freeing himself from them thanks to this expression of them.

Other categories

Lyric poetry is an ancient genre that originated in ancient Greece. Later, lyric poetry became popular in Ancient Rome, among the lyric poets such poets as Virgil, Horace, Tibull, Ovid became especially famous. They were successful successors of their Greek predecessors (Virgil and Ovid are mentioned in the prose works of Soviet writers).

During the Middle Ages lyric poetry was distributed both in Europe - Britain, France, Italy, Germany, and in Asia - primarily in the Middle East, in the Arab countries.

In the province of Provence, the carriers of the lyrics were wandering poets - troubadours. Gradually, this poetry spread to the northern part of France, and also came to Germany.

In Britain, lyric poets created poems about the adventures of a brave hero, the noble robber Robin Hood (although in fact this man was much less noble, or rather, an ordinary bandit).

At the beginning of the Renaissance, among the lyricists, the Italian poets Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarca became especially famous. Especially serious was the influence of Petrarch's sonnets, both in Italy and abroad. Lyrical sonnets Italian poet became the forerunner of Shakespeare's famous sonnets.

AT Russian Empire lyric poetry was born thanks to A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky. Among the famous Russian lyric poets are E.A. Boratynsky, F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Fet, A.K. Tolstoy, N.A. Nekrasov (oratorical "I" is often found in his lyrics).

In the work of Soviet poets, lyrics were less common than among their counterparts from the 19th century. The most famous lyric poet Soviet Union– A.T. Tvardovsky (according to the literary critics P. Weill and A. Genis, Tvardovsky's poems are a kind of reincarnation of Nekrasov's lyrics).

Sometimes the words "lyric" and "poetry" are used in the same context. However, they cannot be called absolute synonyms. To apply the concepts for their intended purpose, it is necessary to find out how lyrics differ from poetry.


lyrics name a kind of literature (one of three), a feature of which is the sensual expression of the author of his state of mind. At the same time, the personal, subjective becomes generally significant, interesting for many people, since it echoes their feelings and experiences.

Poetry- creativity in which a language different from ordinary is used. In a general sense, poetic means works of a poetic format. Traditional verses, in turn, are lines with consonant endings - rhymes.


If we talk about the difference between lyrics and poetry in general terms, then lyrics are the feelings and emotions that are in the center of attention of a separate work, and poetry is the form in which the author’s speech is clothed.

Let's consider each of the concepts in more detail. Let's look at the lyrics first. To understand its features, let's compare the lyrics with the other two types of literature. One of them is the epic, which involves a narrative about ongoing external events. At the same time, the reader clearly sees the temporal and spatial sphere in which certain actions are performed.

Lyric is opposed to epic. If the latter reflects the facts of objective reality, then the lyrics are based on an appeal to the inner world. In this case, the author tries to show experiences in their dynamics, using certain artistic means. Works relating to drama (the third of the genera) may contain both lyrical and epic moments.

Let's turn now to poetry. It is often understood as poetry, that is, creativity, the opposite of prose, which is not characterized by rhymes. At the same time, some transitional forms also belong to poetry, such as blank verse. If we consider the issue even more broadly, then sometimes any elegant presentation, even purely prosaic, is called poetic, in a metaphorical sense.

Understanding the difference between lyrics and poetry, it should be noted that lyrics can be found in poetic, dramatic works, and prose. Music or the mood of a person are lyrical. However, poetry is not always lyrical. For example, a lyric is not a narrative poem or a verse advertisement.


one of the main types of poetry, in which the poet directly expresses his feelings and passions of the soul; its name comes from the lyre (see this word); its sublime form is a hymn, ode and dithyramb; ordinary - elegy, thought, song, sonnet, etc.

Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


A kind of poem, the subject of which is the expression of the feelings of the poet; It got its name from the musical instrument lyre, to the accompaniment of which verses were recited in Greece.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


a type of poetic work in which the poet expresses a set of thoughts, feelings and moods.

Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .

See what "LYRICAL POETRY" is in other dictionaries:

    - (poetry: Greek póiesis, from poiéo I do, I create; prose: Lat. prosa, from prorsa straight, simple, from proversa facing forward, cf. Lat. verse versus, literally turned back) two main types of organization of artistic speech (See . Speech… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    POETRY AND PROSE- (poetry: Greek póiēsis, from poiéō - I do, I create; prose: lat. prosa, from prorsa - straight, simple, from proversa - facing forward, cf. lat. versus - verse, lit. - turned back), two main types of organization

    This term has other meanings, see Poetry (meanings). Poetry (Greek ποίησις, “creativity, creation”) is a special way of organizing speech; introducing an additional measure (measurement) into speech that is not determined by needs ... ... Wikipedia

    In a number of other arts, writing occupies a very special place, depending on the element that it is customary to call it the material of the word. The word is an instrument of human communication, a means for expressing thought; the poet uses it in order to ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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    Life-affirming lyrical poetry, glorifying earthly joys, most often - love for a woman, wine, fun and freedom. The name of this type of lyrics is derived from the name of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon, but a model of poetry on these topics ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

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  • Lyrical poetry of Pushkin's followers, Shtrandtman, Reproduced in the original author's spelling ... Series: