Why Romeo killed Tybalt. W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet": description, heroes of the work. Some interesting essays

The story of tragic love - writers and poets of all times and peoples turned to such a plot. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was no exception. Far from being an English classic, he became the ancestor of such a plot. But the opportunity to show the all-consuming happiness of loving people, which can even overcome a sad end, is such an idea of ​​Shakespeare's work.

History of creation

He loves her. She loves him. Relatives against their union. The lovers solve this problem in their own way: the imaginary death of the beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot has been known since the time of Ovid, who so colorfully painted in his Metamorphoses the love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The only difference with Shakespeare's plot was that it was not the poison that caused the death of the young man in love, but the sword.

Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied well the short story of the Italian Luigio da Porta, who, back in 1524, described the love of Romeo and Juliet from Verona in The Story of Two Noble Lovers. This short story has been changed many times (Juliet was 18 years old at the beginning, before her death she manages to talk with Romeo, but then dies of longing for her lover).

The main source that served as the basis for Shakespeare's immortal work was Arthur Brick's poem "Romeo and Juliet", created by him in 1562. Shakespeare reworked the plot somewhat: events take place in the summer for 5 days (Brick has 9 months in winter). He completed work on the work in 1596 (the exact date of creation is unknown, but it was printed at that time).

The plot of the work

Two noble families from Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been at enmity for centuries. Even the servants of the masters are drawn into the conflict. After another battle, the Duke of Verona Escalus warns that the culprit will be punished at the cost of his own life.

Romeo, a member of the Montecchi family, is in love with Rosalind, who is Juliet's friend. Mercutio's friend and Benvolio's brother are trying in every possible way to drive sad thoughts away from Romeo.

At this time, the Capulet family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations have been sent out to all the noble people of Verona. At the celebration, the 13-year-old daughter of Senor Capulet, Juliet, should be introduced to her fiancé, Count Paris.

Romeo and his friends also come to the ball at the Capulet's house. After all, here he hopes to meet Rosalind, who is the owner's niece. So that no one recognizes them, the young men decide to use masks. Their plan was exposed by Juliet's cousin, Tybalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house is trying to stop Tybalt.

At this time, Romeo meets Juliet's gaze. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way to happiness there is a huge obstacle: the age-old enmity between the Montagues and the Capuleti.

Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other and decide to get married, believing that this will put an end to the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo, through the nurse, negotiates with the monk Lorenzo to conduct the ceremony.

A few hours after the wedding, the young man witnesses how Tybalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo, in a rage, deals a death blow to Tybalt himself.

Tragic events led to the fact that the Duke decides to exile the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo invites Romeo to wait for a certain time in Mantua.

At this time, Juliet's parents inform her that they are preparing to marry her to Paris. In desperation, the girl turns to Lorenzo. He gives her a special sleeping pill to simulate death with it. Romeo does not know about this.

When the young man saw the sleeping Juliet, he decided that she had died. Romeo kills Paris and takes the poison himself.

Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In desperation, she stabs herself. The death of lovers reconciles the families of Montague and Capulet.

main characters

The daughter of Señor Capulet, surrounded since childhood by the love and care of her loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, nurse. In her incomplete 14 years, she has not yet met love. The girl is sincere, kind and does not delve into the conflict of families. Obediently follows the will of the parents. Having met Romeo, she completely surrenders to the first feeling, because of which, as a result, she dies.

A romantic young man from the Montecchi family. At the beginning of the novel, he is in love with Rosalind, Juliet's cousin. Love for Juliet turns him from a frivolous reveler into a serious young man. Romeo has a sensitive and passionate soul.


Nephew of Montecchi, friend of Romeo. The only one of all the characters who does not support the enmity of families and tries to avoid conflicts entirely. Romeo has complete confidence in Benvolio.

Nephew of the Prince of Verona. Juliet's fiance. Shakespeare describes him as handsome and with a good heart: he also does not support the conflict of families. Dies at the hands of Romeo.

Monk Lorenzo

Confessor who takes an active part in the life of Romeo and Juliet. Secretly marries lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and fervently desires to stop the war between the Montagues and the Capulets.

Tybalt- Juliet's cousin, who maintains a blood feud between families. Kills Mercutio, and himself dies at the hands of Romeo.

Mercutio Romeo's friend, a young rake, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tybalt.

The main idea of ​​the work

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values ​​that can destroy traditions. Love has no barriers: it is not afraid of any prejudice. Young people are ready to go against society for the sake of their happiness. Their love is not afraid of life or death.

We all know this classic hero of the famous work of William Shakespeare as an unhappy fifteen-year-old boy in love. "There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet ...". The names of these two lovers were first used by Luigi da Porto in 1524 in his play The Story of Two Noble Lovers. The events took place in Verona. This plot became so popular during the Renaissance that in 1554 Matteo Bandello wrote a short story, in 1562 Arthur Brooke - the poem "Romeo and Juliet", and Shakespeare will take this story as a basis and create his world-famous tragedy.

The plot of the story

The protagonist appears on the scene immediately after a short fight between two servants of the warring noble families of the Montagues and the Capulets in the city of Verona. Romeo Montague is sad and dreary, he has feelings of unrequited love for Rosaline. In order to somehow have some fun, Benvolio and Mercutio's friends persuade him to go secretly under masks to go with them to the Capulet's masquerade ball. As a result, Romeo is recognized, and he leaves the ball, but during this time he manages to see the owner's daughter, Juliet. They fall in love with each other at first sight, and only later find out that both belong to families that are mortal enemies.

And here, arguing on the topic: "Romeo: characterization of the hero", it should be noted that the young man turned out to be very brave and persistent. One night he comes under Juliet's balcony and confesses his love for her. Young lovers take an oath of love and fidelity and want to get married in secret. They entrust this business to the familiar monk Lorenzo. But then an unexpected event occurs: Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliet's brother. Romeo is expelled from Verona.

Death of lovers

At this time, Juliet's parents are preparing her for the wedding with Paris. She is forced to ask for help from the monk Lorenzo, who offers her to drink a potion that will put her to sleep for two days so that everyone thinks that she is dead. It all happened, but the news with explanations that Juliet's death was imaginary did not reach Romeo.

Beside himself with grief, having learned about the death of his beloved, he returned to Verona and went to the Capulet crypt, where he met Paris and killed him. And after that he drank poison and died near Juliet. When she woke up, then, seeing the dead Romeo, she immediately killed herself with a dagger. After this, the Montecchi and Capulet families stopped their senseless war, which led to the death of their beloved children.

Romeo: characteristic

At the very beginning of the work, the author draws his hero as a completely inexperienced young man who is completely absorbed by love, or rather, a far-fetched passion for Rosalind, an impregnable and very absurd beauty. Romeo understands his crazy behavior, but still, like a moth, flies to a fire. Friends do not approve of his choice, because they understand that his passion is artificial, he is bored with the reality around him, and he purposely invented all this for himself. His soul is still too pure and naive, and she can take her usual passion for true love. I must say that Romeo was an ardent dreamer, the characteristic of his nature suggests that he longs for love, but only in order to establish himself in it. He wants to become a winner over the indifferent and arrogant Rosalind. It seems to him that this will help him raise his authority with friends and grow in his own eyes.

Romeo and Juliet

When he sees sweet Juliet at the ball, all his false feelings are dispelled, he immediately forgets about Rosalind. Now his love is genuine, which regenerates and elevates him. Indeed, by nature, he is endowed with a tender and sensitive heart, which feels the approaching disaster, even before they decide to go on a holiday to the enemy house of Capulet. He tried to resist this, but it turned out to be useless for him to fight fate, since a strong passion nevertheless prevailed on Romeo. His characterization claims that he is quick-tempered and not ready to accept the circumstances. First, he kills Juliet's brother Tybalt out of revenge for the murder of Mercutio's friend, and then he also kills the innocent Paris.


Shakespeare does not show himself as a moralist here, he does not make his characters positive or negative. Romeo's appearance does not particularly interest him. He shows the tragic path of everyone who cannot curb his destructive passions, which took power over such a bright, vulnerable and sublime soul as Romeo.

Tybalt is one of the minor characters in William Shakespeare's world-famous classic play, a tragedy called Romeo and Juliet.

He belongs to the Capulet family. Tybalt is the cousin of Juliet, the main character of the tragedy. He is the nephew of Lady Capulet. The character first appears in the work in the opening act.

The author endowed this character with a terrible character: arrogant and quick-tempered. He supports the idea of ​​a blood feud between the families of the Montagues and the Capulets and in every possible way provokes their members to quarrels. He was raised to be rude and cruel. Perhaps it was his character that led to a tragic end for all members of both families, because after the murder of Tybalt, Romeo was expelled from Verona as a punishment. But, at the same time, he loves his sister, treats her very kindly and tries to protect her. The man takes care of Juliet in every possible way, he is truly attached to her. Due to his quick-tempered and scandalous temper, Tybalt is unable to compromise and resolve disagreements without violence. Very often, this character deliberately provokes an opponent with unflattering statements about him in order to start a fight with him.

Tybalt did not know that Romeo and Juliet were secretly married and hid this fact from their families, so he treated the young man without due respect. During another quarrel with the Montecchi family, Tybalt kills Mercutio. Moreover, he does it vilely and consciously, violates the code of fights of that time. Benvolio asked him to help stop the fight, but Tybalt did not listen to him, but, on the contrary, became the instigator of a new confrontation. For this act, Romeo challenges him to a duel. During the battle, Romeo avenges the death of his best friend and kills Tybalt. It was for this murder that the younger Montecchi was expelled from Verona, and the enmity between the two revered families intensified even more, which led to a tragic end for them.

With the help of this character, Shakespeare shows the reader the moral foundations and social structure of Verona during the Middle Ages. His life positions are a vivid example of the model of behavior habitual for that time among the intelligentsia.

Characteristics and image of the hero.

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ACT III Scene 1 Square. Enter Mercutio, Benvolio, Page, and Servants. Benvolio Please, Mercutio, let's go. Today it's hot. Capulet everywhere. We can not avoid trouble, And in the veins the blood boils from the heat. Mercutio You are like those who, entering a tavern, put a sword on the table with the words: "Bring it, Lord!", and grab it at the second cup unnecessarily. Benvolio Am I like that? MERCUTIO My dear, you are as hot as everyone in Italy, and just as prone to recklessness and reckless in inclinations. Benvolio Really? MERCUTIO Isn't it? He still doubts! After all, you are ready to climb with your fists on anyone who has one hair more or less in his beard than you, or just because a person eats chestnuts, while your eyes are chestnut. Your head is full of fist considerations, like an egg is with healthy food, and, just like an egg, it is knocked soft-boiled by eternal brawls. Didn't you beat up a man for coughing in the street and waking your dog up in the sun? Have you not attacked a tailor who dared to put on a new pair before Easter, or someone else for tying up new shoes with old ribbons? And such and such wants to teach me peacefulness! BENVOLIO If I loved quarrels like you, I would let you insure me with an hour and a quarter guarantee. Mercutio Insure yourself! Oh you guarantee! Enter Tybalt and others. BENVOLIO My head, here is the Capulet. MERCUTIO I swear by my heel, I don't care. Tybalt Follow me, my friends! I'll talk with them. - A word or two, no more, gentlemen! Mercutio Word-two? Tell me how important! I thought it was another hit. Tybalt I am always at your service, give me a reason. Mercutio Is it still to be given? Tybalt Mercutio, are you with Romeo? Mercutio In company? What an expression! What are we, in the artel of itinerant musicians? If so, don't be angry. Here is my bow, with which I will make you jump. I like it! In company! Benvolio In vain do we make noise among the crowd. One of two things: retire - or Discuss the dispute with a cold soul And disperse. They look from everywhere. Mercutio And to your health. For that eye. Let them watch. I won't budge. Romeo enters. Tybalt Stay away! Here is the person I need. Mercutio Your man? What is he attached to? Apparently, to be with you as an Opponent in your duel. Tybalt Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you All can be expressed in a word: you are a scoundrel. Romeo Tybalt, the nature of my feelings for you Commands me to forgive your blind malice. I'm not a bastard at all. Be healthy. I see you don't know me at all. Tybalt Words do not appease the vexation that you always excite. Romeo It's not true, I didn't offend you. And soon the news will reach you, Which will closely make us related. Let's part friends, Capulet! You hardly know how dear to me. Mercutio Cowardly, despicable obedience! I must blot out her shame! How, Pied Piper Tybalt, are you going away? (He draws his sword.) TYBALT What, exactly, do you want from me? Mercutio One of your nine lives, king of the cats, in anticipation of the eight others, which I will beat out after. Draw your sword by your ears before I grab you by your own! TYBALT Readily! (He draws his sword.) Romeo Mercutio, leave it! Mercutio Well, sir, where is your passado? They fight. Romeo Draw out the sword, Benvolio! Knock out of their hands They have weapons. Lord, be ashamed! Tybalt! Mercutio! After all, the prince forbade the Massacre in the streets of Verona. Stop, Tybalt! Mercutio! Under Romeo's hand, Tybalt wounds Mercutio and hides with his accomplices. Mercutio Stab! Plague take both of your families! And he left - and intact? Benvolio A big shot? Mercutio Scratch. But this is enough. Where is my page? Run, boy, for the doctor. The page leaves. ROMEO Take heart, the wound is not deep. Mercutio Of course, the wells are deeper and the church doors wider. But enough of this one. Call me tomorrow and they'll tell you that I ran away. For this world, I'm peppered, the matter is clear. Plague take both of your families! Ah, the dog, and the rat, and the cat! Scratch a man to death! Unscrupulous scoundrel! Learned to fight from a book! What the hell are you doing between us? I was wounded from under your hand! Romeo I wanted to separate you. Mercutio Lead, Benvolio, somewhere. I'm losing my feelings now. Plague take both of your families! I have become worm food because of you. Everything is dust! Benvolio leaves with Mercutio. Romeo He is my friend and kinsman of the prince And wounded badly because of me. I silently bore the mortal insult: Tybalt insulted me in front of everyone, Tybalt, who soon became my own for more than an hour! Thanks to you, Juliet, I become too soft. Benvolio is back. Benvolio Romeo, our Mercutio is gone. His fearless spirit ascended to the sky, With contempt turned away from the earth. Romeo Bad day! One murder is a bad omen for the Coming One. Tybalt returns. Benvolio You see, there's bloody Tybalt again! Romeo How, unharmed and at the height of glory? Was he killed? Shut up, kindness! Fiery-eyed anger, I am yours from now on! Tybalt, take back the scoundrel You told me! The spirit of Mercutio Has not yet flown so far, To not crave you as a fellow traveler. You or I will share this path. Tybalt No, only you. You hobnobbed with him in your life, you go! Romeo Let's see who else! They fight. Tybalt falls. Benvolio Run, Romeo! Alive! Citizens on the move. You killed Tybalt. You will be condemned to death for murder. What are you standing for? Run immediately! Romeo mocking fate! Benvolio Why do you delay? Romeo leaves. Citizens enter. First Citizen Where did the cutthroat Tybalt run off to? Mercutio is dead. Hold the rascal! Benvolio Here is your Tybalt. FIRST CITIZEN I warn you: You are under arrest. Follow me, sir! Enter the Prince with his retinue, the Montagues, the Capulets, their wives, and others. Prince Who set the example of stabbing? BENVOLIO Most Serene Prince, order to restore the Cause of this bloodshed. By the hand of Romeo is slain and him who killed Mercutio himself before that. Lady Capulet Tybalt! Tybalt! Brother's child! O husband! O prince! Oh, terrible loss! Our kindred blood has been shed! Seek her from the Montagues, good prince! Here he stands - a murderer and a scoundrel! Prince I ask, who is the self-ruled? Benvolio By the fault of Tybalt, who is here prostrated. He insulted Romeo. Offended Tolerate the insult and, on the contrary, As best he could, tried to cool Tybalt. But all Tybalt was uneasy, He continued to rage. Here Mercutio intervened, they grappled, and off they went. They fought for a long time with equal strength. Turning almost all the time between the swords, Romeo asked them to stop, But he himself brought the fatal outcome closer: From under his hand the brave Mercutio was wounded to death. Tybalt fled And thought to hide, but then returned. Then Romeo lost his temper, And before I could figure it out, Tybalt lay lifeless on earth And Romeo fled from the consequences. Here is a duel reliable move. I am responsible for the report. LADY CAPULET He's from the Montague family. For him, not truth is more important, but kinship. There were twenty of them, and they barely defeated Tybalt with the whole crowd. Grab Romeo, prince! He is a murderer and according to the law he must be executed. Prince Romeo was the instrument of retribution. Whom shall we condemn for Mercutio? Montecchi Romeo is the smallest. He was friends with him And took revenge on the murderer, as you would have noted. Prince And for this self-inflicted act He will immediately be sent to a foreign land. And I'm doubly tired of your strife Since the lives of loved ones cost me. I will impose such a fine on you that you will appreciate my patience. I don’t attach any price to tears, prayers, you won’t atone for your guilt with them. When Romeo does not leave the edge, Nothing will save him from death. Clear the area! Remove the dead. To forgive a murderer is to kill. They leave. Scene 2 The Capulet's garden. Enter Juliet. Juliet Rush faster, fiery horses, To the evening goal! If Phaeton were your driver, you would have rushed long ago And darkness would come on the earth. O night of love, spread thy dark canopy, So that those hiding might secretly look at each other, and Romeo Entered me unheard and unseen. After all, those who love see everything by the light of faces illuminating with excitement. Love and night live by the instinct of the blind. Great-grandmother in black, prim night, Come and teach me fun, In which the loser wins, And the stake is the purity of two creatures. Hide how blood burns with shame and fear, Until suddenly she grows bolder And understands how pure everything is in love. Come, night! Come, come, Romeo, My day, my snow, glowing in the dark, Like frost on a crow's plumage! Come, holy, loving night! Come and bring me Romeo! Give it to me. When he dies, Cut him into small stars, And everyone will fall in love with the night firmament, That they will leave the day and the sun without attention. I bought a house of love, but Not entered into the rights, and I myself was Sold to another, but not handed over. And the day is dreary, as on the eve of the festivities, When the new thing is sewn, and it is not yet known to put on. But here comes the nurse With news from Romeo, and then Any language is eloquent in like the sky. Nurse enters with ropes. What's the news, nanny? What is this: Ropes for Romeo? NURSE Yes, ropes. (Throws them to the ground.) Juliet Why are you wringing your hands? What happened to you? Nurse Our doom! Doomsday! Killed, killed, dear, killed, Killed, sick, gave his soul to God! Juliet Is heaven so heartless? Nurse Not heaven, but your dear Romeo. And I'm a fool! Who could have expected? Juliet Why are you torturing me, you devil? From this torture would howl in hell! So Romeo killed himself? Yes or no? I'm such a "yes" Kills rather look basilisk. One such "yes" and I'm not me And I'll never be myself again. Answer me: yes or no, and do not waste words, To make happy or finish. The nurse saw the wound herself. Here is such. Here on the chest. God forbid! And how much blood, blood! Pool of blood! Himself white-white, like a canvas. I froze as soon as I saw it. Juliet O heart! Broken Bankrupt! Jail, eyes! Close up for freedom. Become dust again, dust. In the same coffin I will bury Romeo and myself. Nurse Tybalt, Tybalt! Dear friend Tybalt! What a speech! What a treat! Why should I survive you! Juliet How does this whirlwind change direction? Romeo killed and Tybalt killed? Have I lost my husband? Lost a brother? Why doesn't the archangel's trumpet blow? Who is still alive when they are gone? Nurse One Tybalt is killed, Romeo is alive. He stabbed Tybalt and into exile. Juliet Romeo shed Tybalt's blood? Nurse Yes. Though believe, though do not believe, but shed, shed! Juliet O flower-bush with a snake lurking! Dragon in a charming guise! A fiend with an angelic face! Fake pigeon! Wolf in sheep's clothing! A nonentity with the features of a god! Empty view! Controversy! Saint and villain in one flesh! What is nature doing in the underworld, When she infuses Satan In such an endearing appearance? Why is the bad text bound so well? Where does the impostor come from in such a palace? Nurse In men there is no conscience or honor in anyone. All pretense, Empty seduction and deceit. A sip of the liquor! These sorrows I, an old woman, will soon be driven into the coffin. Shame on your Romeo! Juliet Watch out! Romeo was not born for shame, Shame is ashamed to touch his forehead. On this spotless face Could honor to be crowned. The meanness that I dared to scold him. Nurse And why should you praise the murderer of your brother? Juliet Shall I condemn my wife? Poor husband, Where can you hear a good word, When the wife does not say it At the third hour of marriage? Oh, robber, he killed his cousin! But would it be better if this robber killed you in a fight, brother? Go back to your roots, tears! You are out of place. Tributaries of anguish, fortunately you bear tribute by mistake. My husband is alive, whom Tybalt wanted to kill. Tybalt, who wanted to kill him, was killed. Everything worked out. So why am I crying? I heard the word. Tybalt is a pity, but it is more terrible. I would be glad to forget him, but my memory is full of them, like a villain remorseful. "Tybalt is killed, and your Romeo is banished." Here is the word "Exiled". This sound is more terrible than the death of a thousand Tybalts. Tybalt's end is enough, But if I'm bored alone And society is needed, say After the news of Tybalt's end About the death of a mother or a father, Or both, if you really need it. But to pile on Tybalt's corpse The words: "Romeo is banished" - this is too much And it means to destroy mother, father, Tybalt, and Romeo, and Juliet. "Romeo is banished" - this is the depth of Despair without edge and without bottom! Where are my father and mother, tell me, nanny? Nurse Weep over Tybalt without death. Do you want to join them? I'll take it. Juliet Don't, nanny. Let them pay themselves. Romeo I do not bring tears. And hide the rope ladder. Ropes, oh how many failures! You, too, are disappointed: you were waiting for Romeo, and he is in exile. They twisted you, so that, clutching at the knots, He penetrated me under the cover of darkness, And now you wallow without a goal. Here, even without you, they were widowed as brides. Take them, nanny ... I'll lie down on the bed - Not a groom, but wait for an imminent death. Nurse Well, so be it. I know where Romeo is. Take it easy, baby. I'll find it And by the evening I'll deliver it by all means. I'll go now. He is in the monastery. Juliet Put a ring on his nameless one, And let him come to say goodbye at dawn. They leave. Scene 3 Brother Lorenzo's cell. Brother Lorenzo enters. Brother Lorenzo Romeo, come out. Come out, unfortunate! Sadness has fallen in love with you. You are married to grief. Romeo enters. Romeo Father, what news? What does the verdict say? What evil would still want to know me? Brother Lorenzo You are right. Everything is in trouble with you in friendship. I brought news of the prince's decision. ROMEO Does he take the case to the Last Judgment? Brother Lorenzo Oh no, why? His decision is softer: You are sentenced to exile, not to death. Romeo Oh, better have pity and say that to death! The proximity of exile is harder for me than death. Don't say a word about exile. Brother Lorenzo You have been exiled from Verona. Be patient. Everything is ahead, not a wedge of light converged. Romeo There is no life anywhere outside the walls of Verona, But only hell, purgatory and torture. To expel from life, to condemn death - I don't see any difference here. When you tell me about it, You hand me an ax on a tray, To cut off my head with a smile. Brother Lorenzo Ungrateful! After all, according to the law, you are worthy of death, but you remained to live. So, are you blind that you don't see mercy? Romeo What a mercy! It is a revenge. The vault of heaven is only above Juliet. A dog, a mouse, any small thing They live under it and have the right to see it, But not Romeo. Dung flies Have much more weight and significance Than Romeo: they are allowed to come into contact with the snow-white miracle of Juliet's hand and steal the Blessing of her bashful lips, But not Romeo. This cannot be. He is in exile, and the flies are full! And you said that deportation is not death? You would have poisoned me or stabbed me, What to pester with this idle talk. Exile! Banishment is an expression met with cries in hell. And you, priest, friend, sage, mentor, could you call me an exile? Brother Lorenzo Fool in love, let me speak. Romeo You will speak of exile again. Brother Lorenzo In protection from your dreary thoughts I will carry philosophy With you into exile, companion of the persecuted. Romeo Exile again? This is not an outcome. Your wisdom will not create Juliet, It will not move the walls, it will not abolish the Order. Philosophy is no help. Brother Lorenzo Well, then fools have no ears. Romeo Fools are deaf, but seers are blind. Brother Lorenzo Let's talk about your business. Romeo Be silent about what you do not understand! When you were as young as me; Loved Juliet; hour, as married; Killed Tybalt; just as yearned And would go into exile, you could rightfully judge that. Then you would tear your hair and roll on the floor, Taking measurements of the coffin for yourself. They knock on the door. Brother Lorenzo Knock. Get up. Hurry, Romeo! Hide! Romeo Why! I'm still hidden from everyone by the Wall of impenetrable sadness. They knock. Brother Lorenzo Do you hear the knocking? Leave. They knock. Who's there? Now. - Get up. You will be detained. Go to the reading room. Oh, how stubborn you are! They knock. Now! What impatience! Who's there! Who do you need? From whom? NURSE (behind the scenes) Open the door, then I will answer. This is Juliet's Nurse. Brother Lorenzo Good afternoon. Nurse enters. NURSE Father, tell me, where is Romeo, my lady's husband? Brother Lorenzo He's on the floor And drunk with tears. Nurse What a coincidence! She is exactly the same. Brother Lorenzo Compassion of hearts. Affinity of the soul. Nurse So lies and cries, Lies - and that's it. And you can't, you can't! Get up, sir, get up! You are a man, you do not suit. Romeo Oh, nurse! Nurse That's "ah"! We will all die and we will not escape death. Romeo Are you talking about Juliet? Well, how? What with her? Do I look like a villain to her? After all, I have stained Her memory of childhood with my own blood. How is her health? How does she live? Where is she now? What does she say about our marriage? Nurse What does she say? Roar, revmya roars. Then he falls on the bed, then he jumps up, Then he shouts "Romeo", then "Tybalt", And again he falls backwards. Romeo Romeo! Oh, this name is death for her, As it was death for her own. Tell me, where do names nest in us? I will destroy this place. (He takes out his sword.) Brother Lorenzo Hold back your hand, fool! Answer: Are you a man? With tearfulness you are a woman, And with blindness of actions - a wild beast. Effinity in the form of a man! An animal with a human face! You surprised me. Holy Order I swear I thought better of you. Did you kill Tybalt? Well, do you have to kill yourself and at the same time kill your wife, who lives by you? What is wrong with your kind and heaven and earth, Which you betray to blasphemy? They united all in you Not for disintegration. By this you dishonor Your nature and love and mind. Not using your triple wealth, You are like a miser-usurer. Your nature is a wax doll When fearlessness is not revived. Your love is a game of vain oath, When to the detriment of those who love. Your mind is like a clumsy soldier's gunpowder, Which is torn in his hands, Meanwhile, how it was created for self-defense. Get up man! For whom you died, Your Juliet is alive. This is happiness. No matter how much Tybalt wanted to kill you, You yourself killed Tybalt. Happiness again. Think how many successes are pouring in, And you are angry at your own fate! Look, look, such a bad ending. Go to Juliet at night for a date, As agreed, and calm her down, But return before the round of the guard, Otherwise you won't be able to get into Mantua. Stay in Mantua until there is a reason to open your marriage and reconcile at home. Then we will beg to be returned, And the joy will be two hundred times stronger than the grief of the current parting. Nurse, tell the hostess, So that they go to bed earlier today in the house, From tears, sleep attacks anyway, And so that she waits for Romeo. Nurse Oh God, God! Night to morning To stand and listen. Here it is, learning! I will say that you will come, I will report. ROMEO And that I am preparing to hear a reprimand. NURSE She has sent you a ring, sir. Look, don't be late. (Exit) ROMEO How alive I am from all this! Brother Lorenzo Go. Goodnight. So, remember, One of two things: before the guard, leave Or in the morning, make your way in disguise. Be in Mantua. I will send news with your servant from time to time, how your affairs are progressing. It's time. Give me your hand. Until a happy meeting! Romeo I go to her, and I can't hear my feet under me, Otherwise I wouldn't be able to part with you. Goodbye! They leave. Scene 4 A room in the Capulet house. Enter CAPULET, LADY CAPULET, and PARIS. CAPULET We have a misfortune, Count, and so far I have not spoken to my daughter. In Tybalt, souls were doomed here. But death is death. It's already quite late. Juliet won't come down from above again. If not for your company, believe me, I, too, would have gone to bed an hour ago. Paris The days of mourning are not the time for matchmaking. Milady, bow to your daughter. LADY CAPULET I'll bow and learn everything from her. She is consumed by loss. Capulet Paris, I know a daughter, and I vouch: She will love you. Ridiculous thought, That she disobeyed. See her before going to bed, wife, and prepare her for what our future son has in mind. And this Wednesday ... However, what do we have? Paris Today is Monday. Capulet Monday? Perhaps Wednesday is early - not in time. Then Thursday. So, on Thursday, tell her, It was decided to marry her with Paris. Will you be ready? Do you agree? No noise. Two or three friends, that's all. And then Tybalt - and suddenly fun, gossip, Isn't it? two or three families. Is it convenient on Thursday, tell me straight? PARIS It is a pity that Thursday is not tomorrow, not now. Capulet Excellent. So Thursday. Now go. And you go to Juliet. Order her to prepare for the wedding. Farewell, Count. Shine, my servants! So late that it will soon be too early. Goodnight! They leave. Scene 5 Juliet's room. Romeo and Juliet. Juliet Are you leaving? It hasn't dawned yet. We were deafened not by the lark's voice, but by the song of the nightingale. He sings at night over there, on the pomegranate tree. Believe me, my dear, it's a nightingale. ROMEO No, they were the lark of the clique, Heralds of the dawn. Its rays blush the clouds. The lamp of the night burned to the ground. A day was born in the mountains And tiptoeing towards the peaks. I have to retire to live, Or stay and say goodbye to life. Juliet That strip is not the light of dawn at all, But the glow of some luminary, Ascending to light your way To Mantua with the fire of a torchbearer. Stay some more. Where are you in a hurry? ROMEO Let them seize and execute. Since you agree, I will certainly stay with you. So be it. That haze is not the haze of dawn, but the brilliance of the moon. Not a lark's song Above us announces the vaults of the sky. It's easier for me to stay than to leave. Well, death is death! That's what Juliet wants. Let's talk. It hasn't dawned yet. Juliet No, no! Hurry, run: it's dawning, it's dawning! The lark-gorloder With his clumsy cuts our ears, And the master of the trill seems to breed! He does not trill, but he breeds those who love him, And his eyes are like toads. No, against larks, toads are lovely! He reminded us by singing that it is light And that the time has come for us to part. Now run: the shine of the morning is all blush. ROMEO Blush day and blackest farewell. The Nurse enters the room. Nurse Juliet! Juliet Nanny? Nurse Mother is coming. It's getting light. A little more careful. (Leaves.) Juliet In the window - day, and joy - from the window! Romeo Let's embrace. Goodbye! I'll jump into the garden. Juliet Will you leave like this, my friend, my husband, my treasure? Let me every time all this time Know about yourself. There are so many days in a minute, That, surely, I will grow old for a hundred years, Until I meet my Romeo again. Romeo I'll send a message from a foreign land To anyone who will undertake to carry it. Juliet Will we ever see each other again? Romeo Probably. And all these torments Will serve us later as a memory. Juliet Oh God, I have an evil eye! You seemed to me from here, from above, Lowered to the bottom of the grave And, according to the eye, terribly pale. Romeo Sorrow devours us, and she Drinks our blood. You are also pale. Bye Bye! (Exits.) JULIET Fate, you are considered to be Changeable. If so, fate, Then in fact, be fickle And keep him away for a century. LADY CAPULET (offstage) Are you up, daughter? Juliet Who speaks to me? Are you mother? Haven't you gone to bed yet? Have you risen? What do you need so early? Lady Capulet How are you, Juliet? Juliet I'm not at ease. Lady Capulet Are you crying over the dead? But you can't wash it out of the ground with His tears, And if you wash it, you won't revive it. Enough. To cry in moderation is a sign of great love, And crying without measure is a sign of stupidity. Juliet And if the loss is so great? Lady Capulet For the lost man does not see your tears. Juliet Yes, I pour them according to my desire. LADY CAPULET You cry not that Tybalt is gone, but that the scoundrel who killed him is still alive. Juliet What scoundrel? Lady Capulet Romeo! Juliet (aside) He and meanness are incompatible. - God knows, No one has ever tormented my heart like that! LADY CAPULET All because he is still alive. Juliet lives and is beyond my reach. I will avenge Tybalt myself. LADY CAPULET We'll have our revenge, you can rest easy. I will send to Mantua, where, they say, the criminal hides. There they will be able to mix Poisons into his food. He will hurry to visit Tybalt, And this will restore your peace. Juliet I'll never rest until Romeo is in my arms. Find a man to send, And I'll find Romeo's poison myself. I will make poison for him so that with peace, believe me, he will fall asleep. Oh, what a torment to hear this name And not be able to rush to him, To, out of love for the unfortunate Tybalt, Strangle him to death in his arms! LADY CAPULET Make me a mixture, and I'll get a messenger. Now I will tell you joy. Juliet At a time like this, joy comes in very handy. So what is this joy? Lady Capulet Your father is full of concern for you. To entertain you, he chose a day For a holiday. We never dreamed of such an unexpected celebration. Juliet Well, good afternoon. When is the holiday? LADY CAPULET Thursday, my dear. Thursday Beautiful Count Paris, your betrothed, In the morning invites us to Peter's temple, To marry you. Juliet I swear by Peter's temple and Peter, I don't combine with Paris in any way! What a hurry! Driven down the aisle, When the groom does not even show his eyes. Thank you Notify your father That it's too early for me to marry, and if necessary, I'd rather marry Romeo Than marry Paris. That's so joy! LADY CAPULET Here he comes. Tell him yourself. Let's see how he takes these speeches. Enter Capulet and Nurse. Capulet Sunset is accompanied by dew, Nephew's sunset is marked by downpour. Flows again? Still in tears? At a glance, such a frail body, And it fights like a ship on the sea, With an abyss of tears and a hurricane of sighs - Until a new silence reigns. Well how are you? Have you already communicated our command to Her, wife? Lady Capulet Said, but she won't listen, Refuses. Thanks. Capulet What? What? I can not hear. Repeat. Doesn't want to? Thanks? She did not understand All this honor? It is not obvious to her, How many times the bridegroom is more noble than us? Isn't she proud of our find? Juliet I should be grateful, but I'm not proud. What pride in that which is hateful? But your vain labor is dear to me. Capulet That's logic! I'm sorry, I don't understand. Where is the connection? Now "grateful" and "proud", Then "not proud" suddenly and "not grateful." Drop those things, mama's daughter! What is your pride and gratitude to me? But on Thursday, please, if you please, go to Paris to get married in the temple, or I will drag you on a rope. What keeps the soul, cholera, carrion! I got sassy! LADY CAPULET You are out of your mind! Juliet Father, I beg you tearfully on my knees, Let me just say a word! Capulet Not a sound! Everything is known in advance. On Thursday, be in church or in front of me Never again! Be silent, be silent! Murmured, fools, That we have one daughter, but in fact And this is a lot, so we were baked! Wow, vile! Nurse God forbid, sir! You can't say that about your daughter. Capulet And why, mistress, with a pointer? They would go to the neighbors to wag their tongues! Nurse I'm not lying in vain. CAPULET Go to God! Nurse Can't you open your mouth? The Capulets tell you, Gossip with your neighbors over a mug! This is not a pub. LADY CAPULET You are too hot. CAPULET All this drives me crazy. God! Wherever I was and whatever I was up to, Whether visiting, at home, forever, day and night, My thought was to find Her a groom. And finally he is found. A rich man, a handsome man, a noble man, Brought up, the embodiment of all virtues, A dream and a dream, and this creature squeaks: "I don't want! I can't! It's too early for me. Sorry." You can not? Okay. I forgive. But if you please, go ahead to feed Where you want, but no longer with me. Keep in mind, I don't waste words. You have two days to think, And if you are my daughter, then you will marry, And if not, wander, starve And you can strangle yourself: God is my witness, Then I am no longer your father. So, think about it. It's not jokes. (Exits.) JULIET Is there no compassion in heaven? They can see right through my misfortune. Oh, mother, don't throw me out! Postpone the marriage for a month, for a week Or with Tybalt put in a crypt! LADY CAPULET Everything has been discussed. Do what you know. Be quiet. I won't say another word. (Exits.) JULIET Oh my God! Oh babysitter! What to do? My vow is in heaven, I have a husband. How can I return the oath from heaven to earth, Until my husband flew off the earth? Why does fate forge such forges So defenseless creatures like me? Well, what do you say, nanny? Is there no consolation? Nurse There is consolation. Romeo in exile. He will beware of poking at you and demanding you. Therefore, I would marry the count. He is a sweetheart. Romeo is a small fry In comparison with him. Such a thunderstorm in the eyes You will not find among the eagles. Your new marriage Will eclipse the first one with its benefits. And your current husband is so far away, What is it - like a dead man, the same benefit. Juliet Do you speak from the heart? Nurse From the heart. Juliet Amen! Nurse What? Juliet You have reborn me. Go downstairs and tell your mother: I will bring Lorenzo repentance For the sin of disobedience to his father. Nurse I'll go and tell you. This is a commendable step! (Exits.) JULIET Here it is, here it is, original sin. O tempting demon! Which is meaner: Pushing me to lie or blaspheming Romeo in the same language with which She praised him so many times? Break, break! There's an abyss between us, nanny. And if the monk does not help me, There is a means to die in my hands. (Exits.)

Page 10 of 18

Resentment... Come back and draw your sword.

I swear that I never insulted you
That I love you, even though you won't believe
Until you know the reasons for love.
So, O Capulet, I am the name of this
I love it like my own. - Peace be with you!

Cold dishonest humility!
One will erase it, a la stoccata.
Let's measure ourselves, rat-hound Tybalt! Takes out a sword.

What do you want from me?

Nothing but one of your nine lives, venerable feline
king! I will swallow this one at once, and the remaining eight, with your permission,
crumble into breadcrumbs. Kindly draw your sword from its scabbard by your ears. Yes
just hurry, otherwise your ears will get acquainted with mine.

At your service! draws sword.

Good Mercutio! sheathe your sword!

Mercutio Tybalt.
Well, well, sir! passado!

Benvolio! help me
And we will knock out swords from them. Seniors,
Be ashamed! What are flashes? Oh Mercutio!
Tybalt! The prince strictly forbade fights
On the streets of Verona. Stop, Tybalt, Mercutio!

Tybalt wounds Mercutio and leaves with his supporters.

I injured!
A plague on both your houses... The road is over!
He left - and not injured?

Are you injured?

Yes Yes! scratch, scratch empty!
She is enough, however ... Where is my page?
Hey you bastard! Hurry, surgeon! Page leaves.

Friend, cheer up! It's not a deep wound.

Yes, of course: smaller than a well and narrower than church doors, but with
me and her will be ... Come visit me tomorrow, how I will lie sedate
mister. I'm stuffed enough for this earthly vale!.. A plague on both
your houses... Damn it! this dog, rat, mouse, cat, could kill
man ... A braggart, rubbish, some kind of scum that fights according to the manual for
arithmetic! Why the hell did you come between us? I'm hurt from under you

I thought to turn things around for the better.

Get home somehow.
Benvolio, I'm losing my strength.
A plague on your houses! Here now
By their mercy, I am for food for worms
I'll go... I feel... Oh, your houses!

Exeunt Mercutio and Benvolio.

And behold, a good man and prince
My closest relative and faithful friend
Mortally hit by a blow
Because of me, for my honor,
Insulted by Tybalt, Tybalt,
With whom I became related in an hour.
Oh dear Juliet! the beauty
Your shamefully changed me
And the iron temper turned into wax.

Benvolio returns.

Oh Romeo, Romeo, our Mercutio is dead,
And the noble spirit has already soared
Beyond the clouds, despising the earthly world.

Oh, fateful and gloomy day! Start
Sorrow and darkness for many, many days!

Tybalt returns.

Here comes the furious Tybalt again.

Alive! in celebration! Mercutio is dead!
Fly to heaven you, holy meekness,
And rage, with fire in your eyes, be
My leader now!
Well, the scoundrel's name is Tybalt, back
I give to you. Soul of Mercutio
Not much traveled yet
Above our heads and waiting
For yours to connect with her.
Or you, or I, or both of us - to him!

The boy is pathetic! Here you are inseparable
Was forever with him, so you go
To him there!

Romeo drawing a sword.
The sword will solve the matter.

Fight; Tybalt falls.

Sorrow save yourself, Romeo, you! People
He runs away, and here lies Tybalt, slain...
Do not stand in a daze: the prince will condemn
To death, if he finds you, run!

O! I am the toy of rock!

What are you worth?

Romeo leaves.

Armed citizens enter.

1st citizen.
Where did the one who killed Mercutio fled,
Tybalt the killer? Where did he run?

Here he lies - Tybalt.

1st citizen.
Messer! Follow me!
In the name of the prince, obey me.

Enter the PRINCE and his entourage, the Montagues and the Capulet, their wives, and others..

Where are the vile instigators of the massacre?

Most Serene Prince! I can tell
Sad details of their quarrel.
Here lies, slain by the hand of Romeo,
The one who killed your loved one.

Lady Capulet.
Tybalt! nephew! brother's own son!
Oh prince! Nephew! My husband! It's blood
Our own! Prince! If you are right -
For our blood Montague shed blood!
Nephew! oh nephew!

Benvolio! who started the bloody dispute?

Tybalt, here slain by the hand of Romeo.
Romeo spoke meekly to him, asked
Think again, throw an empty quarrel;
Warned of your terrible anger,
All this - with a quiet look, meek speech,
Almost with humiliation - but nothing
He could not appease the mad temper
Tybaltova: not heeding the word of the world,
Tybalt rushed with the tip to the chest
Mercutio: the same, irritated, his sword
He directed against him and, with a military
Negligence, one hand death
He reflected, another - sent
Her Tybalt; and Tybalt skillfully
Defended. Romeo called out to them:
"Stop, disperse, friends!" and your words faster
With a deft blow, they parted their swords;
But at this moment from under his hand,
Tybalt's treacherous blow to death
Mercutio is smitten. Tybalt is gone
But soon he returned to Romeo again: he
Already burning with a thirst for vengeance ...
Faster than lightning they grabbed
I did not have time to draw the sword - Tybalt
Lying already dead, and when he
Fell, Romeo fled in an instant. The truth is everything
What did I say, or let Benvolno die.

Lady Capulet.
O sovereign! After all, he is related to the Montagues,
Lies out of affection, tells lies...
Connected twenty of them insidiously
And twenty - one could hardly kill
I ask for justice - you must
Give us a right court, sire! killed
Tybalt Romeo: Romeo must fall.

Romeo killed Tybalt, but Tybalt
Killed Mercutio. Who will pay me
For the dear blood of my own?

Not Romeo, prince: he was a friend of Mercutio.
His only fault is that he decided
The one whom the law would have decided:

And for this in punishment
We determine his exile
Don't delay. I myself am a victim of your strife:
The blood of those close to me is shed here because of you;
But I will impose a heavy penalty on you
And you will repent of my suffering ...
I will be deaf to our: excuses,
Do not touch me with a groan or a plea!
So, let Romeo hide quickly;
Otherwise, here his death awaits!
Carry the corpse and wait for our orders!
To spare murderers - to help murder!
go away.


A room in the Capulet's house.
Enter Juliet.

Oh, fiery horses! hurry up
You jump to Phoeb's dwelling! Whenever
Phaeton was a charioteer, long ago
He would have driven you to the west, and the night
The shady one would descend to the ground...
The cover is thick, oh night - a haven of love
Spread quickly so that human blinders
Closed and Romeo trembled
In my arms, invisible to anyone,
Not condemned. Light in excess
To lovers among their delights,
From the brilliance of your own beauty - and if
Love is blind, the better it gets along with the night.
Come, oh solemn night,
You, majestic wife, all in black, -
And lose, win, you
Me in the mysterious game that
Two chastities serve as a pledge,
Instruct, oh night! A rush of immodest blood
Close you on my cheeks
Black mantilla until love
At first timid, she will not become bolder.
But it will turn into a debt of purity.
Come, night and Romeo, you, my day in the night:
Day because you arrive
On the wings of the night you are whiter than the first snow
On the feathers of a crow ... Dove-night,
Sweet night with black eyes
Give me my Romeo, and if
He dies, then you take him,
Cut into small stars
And the vault of heaven will light up so brightly,
That the whole world will fall in love with you, oh night,
And stop praying for a vainglorious day...
O! I bought myself a house of love,
But I don't own it yet: myself
I have been bought, but not yet taken...
This day is so boring, like a night for a holiday
Boring for an impatient child
To whom a new thing was sewn, and put on
They don't give new clothes... Oh! here comes
Nurse and news brings!
A language that can only be spoken
Knows the name Romeo, for me
Heavenly eloquent.
Nurse enters with a rope ladder. Nanny! What,
What's new? And what's with you?
Not a ladder, eh, which he ordered
Bring my Romeo?

Stairs... yes! Yes! Throws the ladder to the floor.