How to expand consciousness. How to expand consciousness: several techniques and steps to achieve this goal What does consciousness expansion mean

The theme of the expansion of consciousness has reached the peak of its popularity, although perhaps not, and the highest peak of its popularity is yet to come, but since the second half of the 20th century, this topic has become more and more interesting to mankind, new author's methods are being created on the basis of yogic knowledge. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Expansion of Consciousness: A Practical Method

To expand consciousness means to go beyond the existing boundaries of perception. People are often interested in methods of expanding consciousness, but it is worth noting that our consciousness is never in the same state.

Its boundaries are not rigidly fixed, thus, almost any event in life can have such a strong impact on human perception that the boundaries of consciousness themselves go beyond the usual limits. No wonder they say that when an unexpected event happens to a person, it can directly affect his attitude to reality, how he will perceive it.

An interesting question is the connection between consciousness and perception. Perhaps, here we can say that our consciousness directly depends on the way of perceiving reality, but there is also an inverse relationship, when your perception depends on the breadth of consciousness.

This statement leads us to the following conclusion:

no matter from which side you start your development, from the side of changing the angle of perception or starting to work with consciousness, this will lead to the fact that the second element of this pair will also be subject to change and, possibly, even transformation (as you already understood, consciousness and perception appear).

The way in which consciousness can be influenced through perception can be illustrated by a rather popular invocation technique these days: Stop focusing on negative situations in general, we do not perceive the negative as negative, changing the perception of unpleasant situations or facts to positive, we choose the position of a “crazy” optimist who says that everything that is done is for the better, and we begin to live in this mode.

Thus, we develop a new outlook on life, the perception of reality under the influence of regular practice of boundless optimism will gradually begin to change, and with it the consciousness itself. At the same time, the more you are in a state of internal and external awareness, the more useful this practice will be for you, i.e. you not only do it mechanistically, automatically, because it is ordered to do it, but you are fully aware of the events and your reactions to them.

Awareness of life, situations and being in general can also be singled out as a separate independent practice, to which not only dozens of books are devoted, but almost every real spiritual teaching assigns paramount importance to the practice of cultivating awareness.

The development of awareness is seen as a cornerstone in the system of self-development, embedded in the spiritual teaching, therefore, the development of the practice of awareness is taught from the very beginning of the student's immersion in a new system of knowledge.

What is meant by mindfulness practice?

Multidimensional expansion of consciousness through the practice of observation

First of all, the multidimensional expansion of consciousness is not only awareness of your actions, but above all of your reaction to them.

At the forefront are the observation of emotion, tracking its appearance and extinction. Ideally, this technique should be applied to any emotion that has arisen, so over time you will learn to track and even prevent the development and development of emotions, especially negative ones, into some kind of emotional outburst.

For this from the very beginning you have to disidentify with the emotion as such. Stop impersonating your own "I" with a specific state. Many spiritual teachings, no matter how different in their essence and direction, at this point come to an agreement that the human "I" is not an emotion or a state, not to mention that it is even more so not an external image, as you yourself understand.

Therefore, during the very initial stage of the emergence of an emotion, let's say you begin to feel anger inside, you must switch from the object that caused this feeling to the feeling itself and try to feel it. It would seem that there is a contradiction in this, because you should not personify yourself with a feeling, and at the same time you should feel it, immerse yourself in it.

However, there is a big difference between awareness, feeling the emotion itself and unconscious reactions caused by this emotion, under the influence of which you will respond to the challenge of reality or, in other words, react to the object.

The practice of expanding consciousness according to the method of Jose Silva

Many of you have probably heard about the Jose Silva method of expanding the boundaries of consciousness.

In his method, the theory of brain wave activity comes to the fore, where:

beta rhythm activated when we are awake and perform normal activities, work. The oscillation frequency can vary from 14 to 40 Hz.

alpha rhythm starts working when we are physically less active, or even if we continue to seem so, but internally much more calm, then the oscillation frequency decreases. Characteristic of alpha-level frequencies from 8 to 13 Hz.

Theta rhythm is predominantly a sleep state, although for those who practice regular meditation, this rhythm of brain activity may turn on at the moment of meditation, which will mean being in deep meditation. Oscillation frequency from 4 to 8 Hz.

delta rhythm manifests itself in a state of very deep sleep, and the frequency of vibrations ranges from 1 to 4 Hz.

José Silva was very familiar with meditation practices.

On this he based his method of expanding consciousness, which later gained popularity under the name "Fulfillment of desires according to the method of Jose Silva". Silva explained the miraculous effect of his method in this way: when a person is in a state of consciousness in which beta rhythms are maximally active, he cannot hear / accept a message from outside.

External noise, too much mental activity (and we must not forget that our mind chatters incessantly) interferes with our inner development. Thoughts themselves act as a barrier between the personality and the information that a person can receive from higher planes.

The “noise background” of the thought process dampens the vibrations of another level, which keeps a person from entering another qualitatively new level of consciousness.

Later, other areas and schools of self-development and spiritual practices will call this the transition of consciousness from one level to another "quantum leap" for more visibility.

Hans Berger's contribution to the multidimensional expansion of consciousness

As we can see, Jose Silva did not make any special discoveries hitherto unknown to mankind, his merit lies in the fact that the knowledge that was known to the ancients, including yogis and followers of Buddhism (which, however, does not contradict one another, because yoga as a spiritual teaching can be an integral part of certain schools of Buddhism) became known to the general public, and without going into a description of the specific terminology that schools of ancient teachings often use, Silva described what happens to a person using metaphors that are understandable to everyone, such as “the receiver ” and “transmitter”, comparing the human mind with a radio receiver, as well as using the results of research in modern science.

For this we should be grateful Hans Berger - the founder of the modern electroencephalogram, who was the first to record fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain in the range of 8-12 Hz and immediately called them alpha waves, since they were the first to be discovered.

Until now, official science cannot give an unambiguous explanation for the activity of these waves, while people practicing the expansion of consciousness have long understood that alpha rhythms of brain activity lead to the fact that internal psychological blocks are removed, which instantly opens up access to other knowledge, more extensive, not subject to the exact laws of logic, in a word, a state of consciousness in which a person turns out to be incredibly creative.

Creativity: techniques and methods for expanding consciousness

Creativity reaches unprecedented heights, and it is no coincidence that most of the masterpieces from the world of art and scientific discoveries were made just then, when the activity of beta waves for some reason was suppressed, as, say, in certain cases, when discoveries were made in a state of half sleep, i.e., the idea came just at the time when a person dozed off (it is then that alpha rhythms manifest themselves with greater force).

And is it not because doing creative work, playing music, creating pictures, participating in choral singing, a person actually goes into a state of meditation, and this is just such a state that is characterized by greater activity of alpha waves, sometimes with a transition to theta and minimal activation of beta waves? mode.

Now it becomes clear to us why often, when the question of expanding the boundaries of consciousness is asked, creativity is recommended, because it automatically, without special exercises, without dedication and study of complex, unknown practices, changes a person’s consciousness, because during the creative process, electrical brain waves change.

Thus, doing something creative, even if creating crafts or sketching on paper, you yourself, without realizing it, dive into meditation. A similar state can be achieved during immersed long reading of literature.

Your brain is still emitting beta waves, but alpha is already starting to block them. By the way, it is this state that is called the state of “enhanced learning”. If you can stay in it for a certain period of time, then you need to use it to your advantage. During this period, new material is best remembered, in order to remember something, several repetitions or the use of mnemonic techniques will not be required. Information enters directly into your consciousness because you have indeed expanded your consciousness.

Meditation as a method of expanding consciousness

The advantage of the new methods lies in the fact that in them, without any preparation, a person is given some techniques with which he can learn to dive into the alpha state. But such methods are suitable for those who in no way wish to practice meditation.

For those who want to start practicing real meditation, maybe even attend a Vipassana course or are already practicing, no other methods will be required, because whatever the new method, it always contains the basics of meditation practices.

Therefore, even from a practical point of view, it will be better to master real meditation. than to devote time to its derivative products, which are only adapted for the modern person, who does not often wonder where what came from.

Perhaps the most important thing to say about the expansion of consciousness is that it is unnecessary to strive for it. If we remember the words of the Buddha, who said that every desire (or aspiration) gives rise to suffering, then the meaning of the above will become clear in the context of expanding the boundaries of consciousness.

It is rather a desire of the ego, "I", in self-affirmation, than an internal need. Although even a need can come from false reasons, it can again be based on internal dissatisfaction with one's own life, hence the desire to manifest oneself from the other side.

In fact, consciousness is bound to evolve at the right time, if that is the plan, which is destined from above, but it is not necessary that it should happen in this life. The very pursuit of something only indicates that a person is still looking for meaning in the outside, even if we are talking about such a phenomenon as consciousness.

Search and striving are the result of unsatisfied diverse desires that are sublimated, but do not leave a person alone to the end, they have not been eliminated. Try to generate fewer desires in general, and then everything that is required will come at the right time.

Instead of an afterword

Our reader probably already understood that one way or another, and the methods of expanding consciousness are associated with spiritual teachings, the practice of meditation, concentration and awareness. Therefore, it is time to decide for yourself whether you will delve further into this topic, following the path of ancient practices, or a superficial acquaintance with this sphere of human knowledge will be sufficient for you.

The choice is yours. Be in the flow!

The expansion of consciousness is an expression popular in the world of self-development and meditation practices. I'm sure you've met him in books, or maybe heard mentions of how cool it is to take and "expand your consciousness", for example, with the help of fly agaric decoction. Let's look at this phenomenon from the standpoint of the practice of meditation and internal mental processes, and most importantly, what it gives a person. Indeed, in fact, this process is extremely important and helps to understand what exactly meditation and the practice of “states” can give you.

Everything that I met on the topic was nothing more than a philosophy that had no applied significance. Moreover, I have not met a single adequate explanation of what it is in general and what it is for. Most people, after reading a couple of books where this phrase is used, begin to think that they understand it. The other part believes that this phrase is already clear to everyone who hears it.

Let's, however, take a scientific approach and understand this expression from the point of view of meditation practice.

The “Wu Dao Pai” school, armed with qigong, a system of psychotechniques of one of the oldest Chinese meditative directions, is distinguished by a very modern methodology that helps to clarify the vague topic of self-development, meditation.


You have probably heard such a well-known thesis - All areas of self-development speak about the same thing in different words. And indeed, if you think about it, then a person at different times and in different countries asked the same questions about nature and the secrets of the universe and, of course, looked for answers to them.
Sooner or later, in the process of searching, a person realized that all the most important answers are hidden not in the depths of the ocean, the darkness of the endless space or the bowels of the earth, but in himself. By studying yourself, you can comprehend the laws of the world around. Thus the focus of knowledge turned from outside to inside.

Man realized that the external can be known through the internal, that everything works according to the same laws, and the simplest and most accessible field for their study is himself - his body and psyche. Thus, various methods of self-knowledge were created, with the help of which a person studied himself, the laws of his own psyche, the principles and mechanisms of the inner world.

But why is such self-knowledge needed? Of course, in order to open the door to the new and the unknown. So that through the internal structure of oneself, to know the outside world and its laws, to reveal the secrets of the ocean depths and heavenly bodies. But this global work begins with the study of oneself.

The body, being the material manifestation of man, seemed the most familiar and least mysterious. In addition, the body seemed to be the least reliable source of effort - illness, old age, death - all this imposes restrictions. Of greatest interest to all was the soul, or psyche. After all, you can’t touch it, you won’t see it, and therefore it is more mysterious and attractive than the body. The psyche is not material, but it does not age (well, or its aging is not as obvious as the aging of the body) and perhaps does not die, as it happens, for example, with the body. So the emphasis in most practices of self-knowledge shifted to the study of the psyche while maintaining the health of the body. After all, the body, whatever one may say, is the temple of the soul, and the temple must be kept in good health. But still, the psyche - what is it, what does it consist of and can it be controlled?


The human psyche is a multifaceted and complex concept. "Psyche" is Greek for soul. And of course, when a person is studying any unknown territory, which is essentially his own psyche, he needs a map of the area in order to at least roughly understand the area of ​​study.
So, to draw up a map, you need to divide the territory. The psyche can be conditionally divided into two zones. Here we will be helped by the global work done by K.G. Jung, a famous Swiss psychotherapist, founder of the school of analytical psychology and his followers. But we interpret Jung's ideas in our own way, so as not to jump from one to another and confuse you, dear readers.

As we have already said, the psyche can be conditionally divided into two areas - consciousness and subconsciousness.
Consciousness is everything that we know, realize, understand. For example, our personality, our self, how we perceive ourselves and what we identify with is part of our consciousness. Consciousness is a kind of active field or field of our internal active processes. All the processes that occur in our minds, we realize, notice and, thanks to this, at the very least we can manage these processes. We will talk about how awareness helps to manage internal processes below.

The subconscious, the second part of the psyche, is the dark side of the moon. That is why the subconscious is often called the zone of unconscious processes, that is, processes that we are not aware of. It is also part of our psyche: our reactions, internal mechanisms, which, nevertheless, are constantly working. They exist, they are always with us and they directly influence us, our decisions, our judgments, but they are, as it were, behind the scenes of our perception. We do not notice the processes taking place in our subconscious. Precisely because we do not notice these processes, do not catch them, these processes remain uncontrollable for us, and that is why these processes control us 100%.

So we are not always aware of why we acted one way or another in some situation, why we were offended by someone, or why we don’t like onions since childhood, or why we were lucky in some situation. I wrote about luck, but luck is also a chain of unconscious actions-processes that seem random to us, but are not random. In some systems of self-development, such an internal mechanism of luck and protection, for example, is called the Guardian Angel in order to somehow describe the fact that it works in our interests. That is, now, you probably understand that our subconscious is filled with a huge amount, in some cases, useful, and in some cases, harmful information.

The subconscious, in turn, can be conditionally divided into two sections - this is the personal subconscious and the collective subconscious. With the personal subconscious, everything is more or less clear - these are processes that are directly related to you. Your memories, impressions from the past, childhood, relationships with parents, etc. The collective subconscious is the more complex part of the subconscious. It is the idea of ​​the collective subconscious that carefully gives us the understanding that all people, from the point of view of the psyche, are a single interconnected being, a single mental organism. After all, the collective subconscious is, as it were, one for all. You have probably heard that there are lakes and reservoirs that are connected to the ocean with the help of underground channels and caves. Thus, these lakes and reservoirs are formally independent, but in fact they are a continuation, part of the ocean. So it's the same with humans. Each of us perceives ourselves as a separate being not connected with other people, but in fact we are all connected and influence each other with the help of the collective subconscious. The collective subconscious can also be called collective thought or collective intention. It has existed for as long as humanity has existed, and perhaps even longer. Indeed, in fact, the collective unconscious unites not only all people, but in general all forms of life into a single mental system. It can be called the collective soul, of which we are all a part. At different times, different researchers and thinkers discovered this amazing phenomenon and tried to somehow describe it, name it, and even learn how to control it. For example, Vernadsky, a famous Russian biologist, called it the Noosphere - the sphere of reason or the sphere of thought. Einstein called it the Unified Field. In India, the collective soul is called the Akashic Record. Universal data bank, Information field, etc. It is from this area of ​​the subconscious that our Intuition comes from - direct knowledge, which spontaneously manifests itself in us in some situations.

Our psyche can also be divided into three more planes. In Wu Dao Pai Qigong we call this the concept of the Three Inner Worlds. The two worlds - Earth and Sky - are the worlds of our subconscious, the middle world is the world of Man or the conscious part of the psyche. Thus, we entered the concept of three worlds - a very common concept in various systems of self-development, including shamanism, into Jung's theory of Consciousness and Subconsciousness.

So, the psyche is divided into three components - Earth, Man and Sky.
Earth is the sphere of instincts, the sphere of repressed tensions, everything that we consider wrong, everything that we condemn and do not accept in ourselves and others. This is the dark side of man. This is all that can easily destroy a person, breaking through to freedom. However, the Earth does not mean something bad. So, for example, the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of reproduction belong to the sphere of the Earth. If uncontrolled, these instincts can easily harm a person. For example, guided by too strong a self-preservation instinct, a person may harm another, or he may develop some kind of phobia out of excessive concern for his life. The reproductive instinct, being uncontrollable, can turn a person into a sexual maniac or simply induce a partner to cheat. But at the same time, thanks to the existence of these instincts, we have survived and are developing as a species. Thus, the whole question is only who controls whom and how much - you or you.

The sky is a sphere of light, higher manifestations of the psyche. The highest manifestations include a variety of mechanisms of our subconscious, responsible for our protection and development. A person often experiences a subconscious thirst, the source of which he does not realize - the thirst to develop. Become better, smarter, know yourself, develop your potential. This is the engine of our inner evolution, which is at the same time the engine of the development of the entire human race. This mechanism of Development can be called the Inner teacher, or even teachers, this is how this mechanism is treated in some systems of self-development. Thus, using this mechanism, a person believes that someone directs his development and, not realizing this mechanism in himself, begins to believe that he is something different from him - a kind of Spiritual Teacher. However, at such moments, we ourselves, without realizing it, teach ourselves.

Another internal mechanism that relates to “Heaven” is the protection mechanism and the mechanism of luck, which we have already described above - the Guardian Angel. However, even here a person essentially protects himself, protects and leads to important events in life, calling it luck.

The highest internal mechanism, the core of the psyche, the source of our being, is the Divine principle. We will call this part of the psyche, like K.G. Jung, - Superconsciousness.

Man, the third sphere of our psyche is our own consciousness - the sphere of everything that we understand, is realized by us, approved by us and is our everyday life.

Now we have drawn a small map of the area, a map of our psyche. But we started talking about the expansion of consciousness. What is it in the context of everything we have already talked about above?


In the process of exploring the inner space - their own psyche, people discovered that the only effective practical tool for this is immersion in oneself - meditation.

Meditation is a different kind of exercise that allowed a person to train various skills related to his psyche. In this regard, meditation can also be compared to a simulator that helps the practitioner to “pump up” mental muscles. But besides pumping up the internal muscles through meditation, another process became possible. And this process is the expansion of consciousness. In the process of meditation, the practitioner brings himself into a special state of perception. In the Wu Dao Pai qigong school, this state is called the state of the Observer. Staying in this state, the boundaries of Consciousness become not so strong and seem to be moving apart, covering previously unconscious areas of the psyche - the area of ​​the subconscious. A person expands the zone of awareness in his own psyche.

That is, imagine that the Consciousness is a circle inscribed in another, immeasurably large circle - the Subconsciousness. A person is accustomed to identifying himself with just this small circle, practically with a point. That is, we limit our perception of ourselves only to the sphere of the inner circle. the greater part of the I, the outer circle, remains for man Terra Incognita, the Land of the Unknown.
In the process of meditation, by changing his perception, a person got the opportunity to expand the boundaries of the inner circle. Through the expansion of the boundary of the inner circle, a person suddenly began to notice mental processes that were previously unconscious for him, but nevertheless influenced him.

At the beginning of meditative practice, after a person returned to his usual state, the boundaries of Consciousness (inner circle) also returned to normal ... (well, or almost) Gradually, with regular training, the new experience is fixed and the boundaries of Consciousness really expand, become more and more sustainable. The diameter of the inner conscious circle gradually increases and is fixed in new boundaries. So, gradually, due to the regular practice of meditation, more and more new processes of his own psyche fall into the field of perception of the meditator, which before he simply did not realize, did not have the opportunity to notice.

For example, such a person begins to notice why he is angry in certain situations, or why he prefers a certain color of clothing, or why someone or something frightens him or causes any other reaction.

You ask, what is it for? Why expand consciousness through meditation? Why be aware of internal processes through this expansion? How can all this be useful? It's simple. Awareness gives you two simple results that can make a huge difference in anyone's life:

  • Get out of control of previously unconscious internal processes and make these processes safe for us and the people around us
  • Learn to manage useful internal processes and mechanisms and even develop them

Imagine if one day you get out of control of your anger, or your fear, or your suspiciousness, or any of your addictions, or any of your other reactions that somehow turns you around every day of your life.

Now imagine that you can learn to control your reactions, control your internal mechanisms. For example, your ability to self-heal or your ability to adapt, or your mechanism of memory, remembering. We have countless incredibly useful internal mechanisms, having the opportunity to manage and develop which, human life will become hundreds of times better.

The process of expanding consciousness implies methodical work with one's own psyche.

The first step to manage internal processes, whether negative or positive, is their awareness - that is, the very fact that you once consciously noticed them, in yourself, learned about them. For example, if I had not mentioned the self-healing mechanism, there is a possibility that some of you, dear readers, would not have paid attention to it. Or, when you suddenly notice your anger, any of your inner reactions that you didn’t notice before, you didn’t realize. But due to what does it become possible to notice, to realize any of your reactions?

Status and Surveillance

This happens due to the process of Disidentification with one's own reaction.
When you begin to observe your reaction in yourself, as if from the outside. When some reaction from the zone of the unconscious enters the zone of consciousness and you notice it, that is, when the 1st step is taken, you have a chance to curb it. The curbing of a reaction, for example, anger, occurs due to disidentification with it. This is the second step. Disidentification is the process of separating oneself from one's reaction. This is not some kind of mental work, this is the result of continuing observation-registration of the discovered reaction in oneself.

Registering something in oneself implies that the practitioner continues to observe the reaction as something separate from oneself. Without judgment, without effort, but as a scientist under the prism of a microscope. Smooth, calm, neutral.

The main problem of any reaction and its control over a person is that we do not notice it in ourselves at first. Well, when and if we begin to notice, we consider this reaction as an integral part of ourselves. And even more. We think that we are this reaction, because we do not separate ourselves from it. This is what is called identification.
The essence of the process of observation-registration is to separate the reaction from oneself - the one who observes it. This process leads to the fact that the practitioner begins to understand that in his psyche there is an Observer - the one who observes something, and the Observed - what he observes.
Thus, gradually the Observed loses its power over the Observer.

The observer understands that only he himself, by his attitude, by his identification, fed his anger. That is why, when the process of registration-observation of something in oneself takes place, a person stops feeding the reaction with his attitude, his reflection. When such a conscious process of disidentification with the reaction does not occur, we seem to be one with our reaction and therefore do not have the opportunity to do anything with it. For example, take and abruptly stop being angry.

To make it clearer, here is an example from childhood. You probably sculpted from plasticine. So sooner or later, using plasticine of different colors, we mix two pieces into one and there is no way, or at least it is extremely difficult to do, to take and divide the plasticine again from one piece into two according to its colors. So it is with our reactions, awareness of our reaction, what we called the 1st step - this is similar to how a child suddenly noticed that two colors were mixed in a single piece of plasticine.

Next, in the second step, the child practitioner begins the gradual process of separating the two pieces of plasticine. Until one piece becomes two again. The Observer is separated from the Observed to such an extent that he is able to control the Observed. Manage your reaction. At will, make it stronger or weaker in yourself. Turn it on and off as you wish. This eventually leads, first, to full awareness of one's reactions, and then to complete control over them.

After all, such a person realizes that absolutely all reactions and internal mechanisms are undoubtedly part of his psyche, but not himself. That is, any person is initially free from any of his reactions. All internal reactions, however, are not the person Himself, not his true Self. But if the Self of a person is not his reactions, not his instincts. What then is I? Probably, the True Self is that part of Us that unsticks multi-colored pieces of plasticine among themselves. By the way, this is why the practice of meditation is also called a way to realize Who or What You really are.

But let's get back to the expansion of consciousness.
When you notice something in yourself, it becomes possible to direct your attention to the study of the found mechanism, to identify its patterns, ways of inclusion and development, etc. That is, awareness-observation-registration in oneself of a process, reaction or some mechanism is the starting point of the process of self-exploration. I'm not talking about the mental process of awareness, when you can understand something logically by inference. To realize through the state means to experience the experience of direct interaction-contact with the object of awareness. Simple, theoretical knowledge, alas, will not be enough here. That is why meditation is needed - a source of personal experience-interaction.

Thus, with the help of the practice of meditation, we bring the unconscious part of the psyche into the realm of the conscious, getting the opportunity to interact with it and get new results. Different practices describe various stages of the gradual expansion of consciousness. This happens until the All Subconsciousness becomes Consciousness. Until the practitioner is aware of absolutely everything in himself that he was not aware of before. Until the inner circle expands to the size of the outer circle. Until the two circles merge into one. Such a person realizes the divinity of his own nature, the infinity and immortality of his Self and the unity of all life on Earth through personal experience.

In this short article, we have introduced many new terms with you, and many have not yet been fully understood, but I think you understand the approximate scheme. Next time we will talk about the Superconscious, about demons and why meditation is better than hallucinogenic mushrooms as a tool for expanding consciousness.

In the meantime, it is important for you to understand that all of the above is pure practice. And without practice, this whole theory is dead, just as all sacred texts are dead without being tied to meditative experience. Therefore, to begin with, find a system that will become a Practice for you. Next, get acquainted with the Observer State through exercises on personal experience. Well, let this article be an inspiration for you and an approximate understanding of the processes and results that can become a reality for you through the practice of meditation!

Today, the topic of self-development and self-improvement of a person in all aspects of life, including his consciousness, is relevant. Traditionally, for this purpose, an ordinary person uses the recommendations posted on the pages of the Internet. It should be noted that these recommendations do not always contain useful and accurate information that is not harmful. This is the difference between this material. Here are detailed step-by-step instructions on how to expand your consciousness without harming yourself.

In July 2018, a girl contacted me with a problem in her relationship with her study group supervisor. She is a student of the Pedagogical University, graduated in her third year. Olga's problem (the student's name has been changed) was that she had a feeling of uselessness and a misunderstanding about her future life path. She even began to think about dropping out of school.

During her detailed story about the causes of her problem, Olga mentioned that the curator has been systematically suppressing her for all the years since the beginning of her studies. Olga from the first year became an activist in the student movement of the university. The curator of the group - Olga Valerievna - did not approve of her zeal. The curator was annoyed and confused that all of Olga's proposals were accepted unconditionally by the dean's office.

After a major scandal between the student and the curator, which was witnessed by the entire dean's office and the entire Olya group, the dean decided to limit their direct contacts. For this reason, Olya was released from her favorite extracurricular activities, for which Olga Valerievna continued to be responsible.

And everything would not have been very bad if Olga Valerievna did not work part-time as the secretary of the dean of the faculty, where Olya continued to study. The dean at that time was Olya's supervisor - in practice and on a course project. Making an appointment by phone with him, she was forced to talk with Olga Valerievna. The same, taking advantage of the opportunity, certainly hooked and teased her. For example, she could say: “... that you, Olenka, are not worthy of the title of teacher. It was you who were exempted from extracurricular activities, and should you not think: why did they do that? Maybe you are to blame for something?

Such communication psychologically devastated Olga, which led to a narrowing of her consciousness. She decided to no longer be interested in the life of her native faculty. Leave. Hide. Olga Valerievna, at every opportunity, continued to mock the girl. She asked tactless questions regarding the girl's lack of personal life at that time, humiliating her in front of witnesses.

It was after such questions that Olga had a narrowing of her consciousness. She began to think that she did not succeed as an interesting girl and would not become a good professional teacher. She hid from everyone, finding her salvation in social networks, where she began to spend most of her free time. Olya came to a psychologist for help. She wanted to understand how to live and what to do, hoping that the specialist would tell her the direction and something that would change her life and everything would be easy and simple again.

The psychologist really helped the girl. He taught her to resist her tormentor. Helped me find motivation to continue my studies and get a profession. Over time, she made many new friends. She was able to find strength and continue to communicate even with many of her fellow students who supported the curator. During classes with a psychologist, they went through all 7 stages of consciousness expansion described in this article. In total, it took 8 meetings for the girl's consciousness to recover, and she again began to experience psychological comfort.

Steps on the way to the expansion of consciousness

In order to start preparing for the expansion of consciousness, it is necessary to master constructive methods, thanks to which this process is carried out quickly and efficiently. This is precisely the reason for structuring the process of expanding one's consciousness into steps.

  1. Stage 1. To get acquainted and master the methods of self-regulation and release of one's own energy.
  2. Step 2. Determine the goals that need to be achieved through the expansion of your consciousness. The first goal should be trial and uncomplicated. Despite this, the chosen trial goal should be broken down into small sub-goals - stages to achieve them.
  3. Step 3. Draw up and write on paper a detailed plan for gradually achieving the goal through small sub-goals.
  4. Stage 4: Develop empathy, prioritizing empathy, empathy and compassion. Experiencing these feelings, there is an opportunity to learn to better understand other people, which contributes to the faster development of the expansion of consciousness in oneself. Through the development of your emotional state, you can teach your own brain all sorts of ways to avoid the consequences of TJS (anxious life situations) by developing stress resistance.
  5. Step 5. Learn to discard unrealizable dreams and false expectations from the past, because it is they that do not allow the individual to move in the direction of raising the level of his own consciousness. It is necessary to try to learn to live according to the principle of "here and now". It must be understood that only being in the present, a person can develop his personality and expand his consciousness.
  6. Step 6. It is necessary to study the table of feelings and emotions. This must be done in order to understand what emotions a person is experiencing at the present time. If a person’s emotions have an endophytic character, then positive psychology techniques should be used to eradicate the negative. Negative energy hinders the achievement of even partial awareness of one's problems and does not make it possible to succeed in the development of consciousness. In this case, a person goes on about his illusions.
  7. Step 7. The need to get rid of the complexes and clamps that every person has. They block consciousness, preventing the individual from moving to a new level of consciousness. Such complexes include discussion of other people, gossip, inability to forgive. These complexes are deposited on the subconscious and affect the function of the formation of psychological barriers. Having understood your problem, you need to work it out on your own or with a specialist psychologist and get rid of the internal barrier. In case of expansion of consciousness, it is recommended to apply the practice of solitude. It is solitude that will allow the individual to sort out his thoughts and build further goals. Staying alone with yourself is recommended for no more than half an hour daily.
  8. Stage 8. This stage can be called "getting out of the comfort zone" of the individual. This should be done in order to expand your consciousness and learn how to survive in any unusual situations for yourself.

The main tool for the ability to expand your consciousness

The main tool for the expansion of consciousness is the desire to achieve the goal. During regular training of this process, the individual must be able to restrain himself in a positively directed vector of psychological balance. It is necessary to accept yourself "as is", to love yourself with all the shortcomings and virtues.

  • You need to take care of yourself, trying to correctly and objectively analyze each of the aspects of your personality.
  • Identify unique positive traits in your character.
  • Encourage yourself to lead a comfortable lifestyle.
  • Do not dwell on the negative from ill-wishers and do not pay attention to them, so as not to lose your psychological balance.
  • Empathy needs to be developed. Even if you already have well-developed sympathy and compassion. for

A powerful tool for the expansion of consciousness is the experience of any high feeling of love.

Love is chemistry. It is important to find barriers in yourself that block love. Get rid of them by allowing yourself to accept and understand this feeling.

Love should be understood very broadly. This feeling can be experienced for a particular individual, for nature, for your pets, for the universe, for flora and fauna in general. Such a feeling contributes to the expansion of consciousness and the renewal of a person's resource.

Ways to expand consciousness

The first technique that promotes the expansion of consciousness is solving crosswords, crosswords and puzzles that can be seen in every magazine or newspaper. Thanks to this lesson, a serious training of memory, flexibility of the mind is possible. It is enough to solve scanwords, crosswords and puzzles twice a week for 15 minutes. The second of the techniques available to everyone for expanding consciousness is the recognition of new concepts. For example, mastering new technical devices in everyday life. The third technique that promotes the expansion of consciousness is the development of logical thinking. Improving logical thinking contributes to the renewal of energy. To do this, you can use the solution of Japanese crosswords and Sudoku.

Recently, one can often hear about the expanded consciousness, but not everyone is able to explain what it is. That is what this article is for - here the concept of consciousness, as well as its forms and types, will be described in detail. Naturally, most attention will be paid to such a type as expanded consciousness. You will learn not only what it is, but also by what methods it is achieved, as well as what levels it has. But first, it is worth dealing with consciousness itself and its basic types.

What is consciousness

Before considering expanded consciousness in detail, it is necessary to understand in general what ordinary consciousness is. All people use this word, but if you think about what it really means, then few can give a clear answer. The fact is that there is no clear answer - in general, human consciousness can be described as a structure through which a person is able to control his actions. Thus, if you lose consciousness, that is, you faint, then you immediately lose control over your body. When you do something unconsciously, or on a subconscious level, then you do not need to control these actions. You inhale and exhale air without constant control of these actions, that is, you do it on a subconscious level - therefore, when a person loses consciousness, he does not die, since there are processes that do not require the involvement of consciousness itself. So now you have an idea of ​​what normal human consciousness is. But before exploring expanded consciousness, it is necessary to dwell a bit on the basic level in order to get a broader idea of ​​what state you can be in every day - this is very important for further understanding the intricacies of the transition to expanded consciousness.

Consciousness sleeping

There is no point in describing normal consciousness, since every person can imagine it. You are in this state of consciousness when everything around you and inside you is in order, without any major changes. But what does the sleeping consciousness mean, for example? No, this is not the state your mind is in when your body is resting during sleep. Although we can safely say that it is the most approximate. The fact is that a sleeping consciousness is observed in those people who are overtired physically and psychologically. They can do various things, talk, but most often this happens almost unconsciously, that is, there is no direct connection between actions and emotions. Everyone knows the feeling when you come home after the hardest day, fall into bed - and the next day you do not remember how you got home at all. This is the sleeping consciousness.

Consciousness flying away

This type of consciousness is very close to the previous one, in fact, it is a harbinger of the sleeping person. When your mind switches to flying mode, you should think about rest. It is characterized by a loss of the ability to concentrate. Your body's resources are not yet exhausted, but often the thoughts you want to focus on elude you.

Consciousness jumping

This type is typical for mentally unstable people, as well as for those who are in serious nervous tension. In this state, your attention cannot stop at one thing and constantly switches from one object to another, thereby preventing you from functioning normally.

Consciousness is bright

This example of consciousness is already much more familiar to all people. Many people think that it is close to extended, but in reality it is not. A bright consciousness is characterized by a heightened perception of what is happening around. It is caused by some strong feelings, both positive and negative. For most people, it returns to normal fairly quickly once the euphoria wears off.

Consciousness is calm

If you are interested in an expanded state of consciousness, then you should pay attention to this point. The fact is that this particular type is the closest to the extended type - this is a kind of path to your goal. In order to realize expanded consciousness, you need to learn how to acquire a calm consciousness in any situation. This type is typical for a person who has a rest, is full of energy, but is not in a hurry to spend it, is not distracted by some details, does not try to do several things at once. In this state, you are able to calmly and slowly think about yourself, your life, your environment, assess the situation, and so on. It is after this that one can try to comprehend the expanded state of consciousness.

What it is

However, what does it mean to expand consciousness, thinking? How can this be achieved? Methods should be left for later - they will be described in more detail later. Now it is worth concentrating on understanding what constitutes expanded consciousness. So, you already know what a calm consciousness is - and now imagine that you rise above yourself and can look at yourself from the outside. Generally speaking, this is precisely the expanded state of consciousness. You can not only calmly assess the situation, you can do this by looking at it from the side, as if not in your body - this way you will be able to learn much more than if you just try to evaluate something in a calm state of consciousness. It is believed that this is one of the highest states of consciousness, to which absolutely everyone should strive. But at the same time, you should not think that you can simply be outside your body - and you will immediately cognize an expanded consciousness. To learn how to acquire it, you will need years, or even decades of training. This is a very difficult process, which is not given to everyone. So don't be discouraged if you don't manage to enter the expanded consciousness right away - it's good if you can do it in a few years. In this case, do not rush - otherwise you will not even be able to gain a calm consciousness, to say nothing of an expanded one.

First technique

What is the practice that expands consciousness? This is the question asked by people who want to comprehend this state. In fact, there are several methods. This article will talk about the most famous, popular and most effective ways. And the first of them is turning off emotions. The fact is that it is emotions that load the human consciousness very strongly, redirecting it to those topics that should not excite it. A person is happy, upset, frightened, and so on. And all this is due to emotions that do not allow you to find harmony with your inner world and look at the situation from the outside. You will not be able to achieve the expansion of consciousness if you are distracted by various emotions, so if you are interested in how to expand the consciousness of a person, then the first thing you have to do is learn how to turn off your emotions. If you manage to do this, then you will remove the invisible limit from your abilities, you will have a chance to rise one step above the level at which all average people are.


Another method that you definitely need to master is the harmonization of the state of the body. What does it mean? The fact is that constantly your body makes any small or even large movements. A slight turn of the head, a look to the side, a raise of the hand. All of these actions happen because your brain gave the order through the nervous system. Naturally, all these actions require concentration, attention, and resources from him. And it all loads your mind, so you may not hope to find peace until you can get it all under control. Your goal is to establish temporal harmony throughout your body so that your brain doesn't have to be distracted by any commands. All processes that should take place in your body will be subconscious, and your consciousness will be clear of all unnecessary actions. Experienced specialists can achieve this state on their own and quite quickly, but if you are just starting to practice, then music that expands your consciousness can help you, for example. It harmonizes the vibrations of your body, thereby facilitating your task.


What other ways are there to expand consciousness? If you really want to be successful at this, then you should definitely learn what a mantra is. A mantra is a special text that may or may not have a specific meaning. The essence of this text is to be constantly repeated. Why is this being done? It's quite simple - when you chant a mantra, you fill your consciousness with a single piece of information. When this happens, your consciousness is no longer able to perceive other signals that both the surrounding world and the body itself sends to it. The result is a kind of blocking of consciousness, which will allow you to achieve its expansion. As you can see, you can expand your consciousness in many ways, but it is best to use the whole complex, due to which the likelihood of success will increase significantly.

The first level of expanded consciousness

If you have watched a movie that expands consciousness, then most likely you have heard that there are levels of such consciousness. This is true - many experts distinguish three levels of expanded consciousness, each of which must be comprehended in order to climb one more step up. So, the first level differs from the usual standard consciousness not too much. However, the differences are already quite noticeable, so it is unlikely that you can enter a similar state and not pay attention to it. How can one recognize such a state of consciousness? The fact is that in the standard state a person perceives the world as it is. This means that for him a house is a house, a tree is a tree, and a table is a table. Nothing unusual, everything is quite standard. If you were able to achieve a state of expanded consciousness, then everything in the world begins to become dynamic, not static. So the table for you ceases to be just a table, it becomes part of an interconnected, constantly changing system.

The second level of expanded consciousness

When you can fully comprehend the first level of expanded consciousness, there will be a second level ahead of you. What does he represent? In fact, this is about the same as the first level. Only this time your mind is no longer the "observer". If at the first level you simply watched how objects intertwine in interconnection, how everything becomes dynamic, then at the second level your consciousness also becomes a part of all these interweavings. And as a result, it remains to comprehend only one, the highest level of expanded consciousness.

The Third Level of Expanded Consciousness

What awaits you at the third level? As you already understood, this is the last, highest level, to which absolutely everyone aspires, but only a few are able to achieve. Your consciousness is still part of everything that is happening around, it is still part of the global network, but at the same time it rises up a notch and gains control over what is happening. This is exactly what was discussed initially - when you reach this stage, you are able to assess the situation as a whole, feel it, understand the essence of everything that happens. Simply put, your consciousness simultaneously remains your consciousness, and becomes something higher that controls everything around.

Consciousness is a very important factor in the evolution of the Universe. All consciousnesses are connected by energy lines of force on the mental plane, and on the field level they represent a single field. Each consciousness, be it a primitive energy unit, such as the consciousness of an elementary particle, or this powerful consciousness of a person, is at the same time a particle of the Consciousness of the Absolute.

The sum of all consciousnesses is the Absolute. That is, everything that exists in the universe is a Super-essence - the Absolute...

The process of expanding consciousness is the path to awareness, going beyond your own self-limitations. Society constantly teaches people to limit their power, this is necessary for the survival of society. Most of these limitations remain unconscious throughout life, and many pass from one life to another.

Therefore, if a person does not purify his consciousness, his essence begins to be covered by some outer shells.

If you imagine a person in the form of an egg, then he, as it were, begins ...

Keys that will be useful to you in the analysis of any life situations:

The outside is the same as the inside.
Like attracts like.
Start paying attention to what is happening around and inside you.

If you notice something around and it causes certain thoughts and emotions in you, then it is present in you; you should learn some lesson from this situation.

If you don't like something in others, then it is present in you.

If you are avoiding something, then behind this ...

This higher world has one feature that should always be remembered if we want to imagine it in our imagination - this is that one of the restrictions imposed on our consciousness is removed there. In our physical life, our consciousness reflects only three-dimensional space - not because.

That there are only three dimensions in the universe, but because the physical brain is organized in such a way that in a normal state it perceives only these three.

In fact, we live in space...

The most direct path to consciousness expansion for most people is to become aware of the fact that they have "consciousness." The presence of Consciousness is a fact that requires conscious comprehension. This is called self-awareness, and developing it is quite simple.

The next hundred times you see your reflection in a mirror or anywhere else, do the Who? meditation.

Ask yourself three times "Who?", each time stretching the sound "ooh" for ten seconds. This can be done out loud or to yourself. In any...

Consciousness is a mental component, a set of mental reactions of each body of a being. Each human body has its own consciousness. Its level depends on the degree of development of matter and correspondence to the frequency of vibration of the standard of Matter of the cosmic Plan, to which it belongs. Cosmic Plans are subdivided into space-energy Levels.

The combination of energies on the highest overtone of the energy Octave reflects the state of consciousness of Matter, which is the standard for the lower...

The consciousness of a person who embarks on the path of spiritual development undergoes a significant expansion. Streams of Light and Love pour into his Light body, enlightening the whole being. Gradually, the whole life of a person changes. His Lightbody becomes dominant.

The ego resists, but gradually fades into the background.

The formation of a personality on the basis of the Light body takes a different time. There are periods of significant progress, there are periods of falls and a decrease in the level of vibrations. But...

Consciousness is a function of the mental body of a living being. Consciousness of the object of the Universe is its virtual mental body. Since the entire Universe has a complex multidimensional structure, all consciousnesses have a connection with the specific plans of the Universe.

All consciousnesses of rational beings are connected with mental planes, of which there are a great many due to the huge multidimensionality of this level of the universe.

All egregors inhabiting the mental world are interconnected, and all of them have a connection with each ...