Transfer live stories all editions. Living history. About the show Living Stories

Nature - animals and plants - is an endless source of happiness. Learn to take care of it with us.

"Living Stories" is a program that combined two projects: "My Master's Friends" (presented by Irina Petrovskaya) and "Life in Flowers" (presented by Sergey Novikov). The program tells about all life that surrounds us: flowers, birds, cats, dogs and even exotic animals.

In the Flower Stories section, viewers will learn about the amazing and beautiful creations of nature, and the authors of the program will share the secrets of their cultivation. Does the flower love the sun or not, how often does it need watering, and what fertilizers are suitable for this or that variety ?! To understand all the diversity of the flower world and find an approach even to a very capricious plant will help Sergey Novikov.

Guests in the studio Irina Petrovskaya will become the stars of our cinema, television and stage with their pets. But, of course, the main guests will be ordinary viewers of the Domashny TV channel with unique stories about their favorites.

Irina Petrovskaya will also invite experts to the studio: cynologists, veterinarians, zoopsychologists. They will tell you how to raise your pet, what to feed and what kind of care is suitable for a cat, which dog, or very unusual exotic pets.

Each animal has its own unique character, you can find an approach to each, see its individuality, and then communication - no matter with a cat or a python - will bring joy. Under the heading "Pedagogical poem" zoopsychologists and cynologists will help to raise your pet and even correct some "character traits".

Sergey Novikov, leading:

Irina Petrovskaya leading:

“I noticed a long time ago: when serious people start talking about their animals, their facial expression changes, their voice warms up. There is something in this. I, too, as a viewer, most of all like to see animals on the screen. Therefore, I want to become only an intermediary between the little animals and their owners, who will come to the studio, between the owners and the audience. I want to avoid formal communication on duty and make a human program so that people would be pleased both on the other side of the screen and on that side of the screen.

Year: 2009-2010

Manufacturer: "MB Group"
Producers People: Natalia Bilan, Margo Krzhizhevskaya

Entertainment show hosted by Ivan Zatevakhin.

Air time: Saturdays at 07:10.

The show "Living Stories" got its name due to the fact that all the plots of the program are very, very lively, because the main characters of the project are animals. In key roles - all adored pets dogs and cats. The roles of the second plan were "played" by feathered and ungulates and other human neighbors on the planet.

Without a doubt, it is very interesting to observe animals, and even when the most interesting moments were captured on a video camera.

About the show Living Stories

In the Living Stories show, Ivan Zatevakhin will show the best videos, the main characters of which are animals. The author of the program patiently selects them on the Internet. Some videos were taken from the author's video blog of Zatevakhin himself, and what he saw will definitely be able to surprise viewers.

In the videos that Zatevakhin will show, animals do incredible things. The video is accompanied by author's comments, which are made in the comics genre. The authors of the most curious videos become guests of the Living Stories program. In the studio, their pets try to repeat what is captured on video.

In the Living Stories show, viewers may find the answer to the questions: who is smarter - a crow or a cat? who is funnier or a puppy or a mini-pig? can a dog say "mom"? So, for example, in one of the episodes, viewers will see how the border collie erases, the dachshund dances, and the welsh terrier performs the “Die!” command.

In the program of Ivan Zatevakhin - only live emotions and live reactions.

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On March 13, 2010, the Domashny TV channel in the weekly Live Stories program starts showing a series of stories filmed during the reception of patients at the Bona Mente veterinary clinic.

In this section of the website of the Bona Mente veterinary clinic, we will introduce you to these stories. We hope that the stories will be interesting and useful for you and your pet.

Happy viewing!

Heat stroke in dogs and cats. How to prevent it and what to do if it happened... On August 28, 2010, the head physician of the veterinary clinic Bona Mente Zurab Mammadov spoke in the Live Stories program on the Domashniy TV channel about the cases in which your pet can get heat or sunstroke, what are the symptoms It is important to note that in order to quickly help the animal, […]

Vaccination of dogs and cats, puppies and kittens. How often to vaccinate, how to prepare an animal for vaccination, how to draw up documents, how to avoid complications how often should an animal be vaccinated, from […]

Puppies first vaccination. Timely vaccination of puppies is very important! On May 29, 2010, the TV channel "Domashny" in the program "Live Stories" told about the first vaccination in puppies of the already known mother, Labrador Gina. The head doctor of the Bona Mente veterinary clinic, Zurab Mammadov, came to vaccinate her seven puppies, who have grown up and will soon go to new owners.

Your favorite dog has puppies. It is a great joy, but also a great responsibility. On May 8, 2010, the Domashny TV channel in the Live Stories program told how to take care of newborn puppies. The chief physician of the Bona Mente veterinary clinic, Zurab Mammadov, came to visit his patient, Labrador Gina, who became the mother of seven puppies a month ago.

Poisoning in dogs and cats. How to avoid and what to do if it does happen. On April 10, 2010, the Domashny TV channel in the Live Stories program told how to avoid poisoning in your pets and what to do if it did happen. Zurab Mammadov, head physician of the Bona Mente veterinary clinic, gives advice to owners

The dog cut its paw. Fundamentals of first aid. On March 27, 2010, the Domashny TV channel in the Live Stories program told what first aid should be provided to a dog if it cuts its paw. How to properly treat a wound and make a dressing before a visit to the veterinarian. The video lesson was conducted by the Chief Physician of the Bona Mente Veterinary Clinic Zurab Mammadov.

Acupuncture Methods On March 13, 2010, the Live Stories program on the Domashny TV channel showed a story about the use of acupuncture (acupuncture) in veterinary practice. Zurab Mammadov, the head physician of the veterinary clinic Bon Mente, sees a Shih Tzu with a spinal injury and a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog with paresis of the hind limbs. The veterinarian talks about the method of acupuncture and the results of treatment.