Is it possible to swim in hornets. Do not panic: the water in Hornets is not dangerous, you can swim and drink water from the tap. No significant improvement

Last week, the news that green flakes with white coating appeared in the only drinking source for more than one and a half million people and fish began to die alarmed the people of South Urals. After all, usually the reservoir begins to “bloom” no earlier than mid-June. Why the water has deteriorated and is it possible to swim and even drink in it, the specialists of the MUP POVV of Chelyabinsk told.

Recall that on June 2, vacationers noticed on the official beach in the Soviet district of Chelyabinsk green flakes with a white coating and fish that floated to the surface of the water upside down. They turned to Rosprirodnadzor for experts to take water samples and determine what kind of rubbish swims in Shershnya at the very beginning of summer.

If this happened, for example, in the first days of July, such a stir around the suddenly green waves, of course, would not happen. Chelyabinsk residents are used to the fact that it is in the middle of summer that the water in the Shershnevsky reservoir warms up enough to ensure the massive growth of blue-green algae, which give such visual effects. However, at the beginning of summer this happens for the first time.

According to the sanitary and laboratory service of the MUP POVV of Chelyabinsk, the algae bloom has already begun: at the moment, the laboratory has already recorded 35 million cells against the standard of 100 million. This happened for a number of reasons. First of all, of course, this is an early onset of heat. In May, hot weather persisted, which made it possible to warm up the reservoir for indicators acceptable for the reproduction of algae.

We assume that one of the most probable reasons for the appearance of a green-brown spot with a fish die-off is the first burst of flowering, when in the process of life (with active reproduction and death) a rising suspension of algae clogs the gills of the fish, as a result of which the fish die, - they said in press service of MUP POVV. - This phenomenon is observed annually. Tests have shown that the first burst of bloom is dominated by anaben-type algae, which, unlike the usual blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), do not give a geosminic odor to the water.

It should be noted that according to the statement of the laboratory service of the city water utility, in recent times blue-green algae began to appear even in winter, which is completely atypical for this reservoir. Pollution of the reservoir is the second reason for the early flowering of water.
- Early flowering and general negative state of the reservoir is due to the increased anthropogenic load, and despite the fact that the treatment facilities operate with a power reserve, their capabilities are not unlimited, - said Valentina Aksenova, head of the laboratory service of MUE POVV. - It is necessary to think about the state of our water supply today. I think that it is strictly forbidden to build up the coastal and coastal line of the Hornets.
It should be noted that at the moment there are reasons for Chelyabinsk residents to worry about drinking water no, the treatment facilities are operating as planned and supplying the city with water that meets the standards. You can swim in the Shershnevsky reservoir, it is undesirable to swallow water. However, this remark applies to all natural reservoirs of the Southern Urals.

For reference:
Anabaena (lat. Anabaena) is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), which is part of plankton. Cells are round or barrel-shaped. Known for their nitrogen-fixing abilities, they form symbiotic relationships with certain plants. They are one of four genera of cyanobacteria that produce neurotoxins that damage local wildlife, farm animals, and domestic animals.

Take a dip or not worth it? Chelyabinsk residents today again paid attention to the sanitary condition of urban water bodies. The reason is the morning warning of rescuers, in which experts urged to refrain from swimming in three reservoirs at once because of the presence of E. coli in them. True, by lunchtime there was no trace of the warning - does this mean that the rescuers made a mistake and swimming is absolutely safe? Our correspondent tried to clarify the situation.

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On August 10, Rospotrebnadzor announced that a recreation area at the Dachny Lane section of the Smolino village is under a ban from August 10. There, experts discovered a viral contamination that can cause an acute intestinal infection. In addition to this, this morning the city rescuers issued a message warning against swimming not only in Smolino, but also on the First Lake, as well as on Hornets.

Sailors-rescuers of the Chelyabinsk city rescue service on all official municipal beaches through loud-speaking means inform vacationers about the detection of viral water pollution, which can cause acute intestinal infection. Rescuers advise citizens to refrain from swimming.

The information was instantly reprinted by the city media, and there was a stir about the fact that two more lakes of Chelyabinsk were blacklisted. However, after some time, the warning from the site of the rescuers disappeared. In the service itself, the reason for this step could not be explained. For a comment on this matter, we turned to the city department of civil protection.

Vyacheslav ALEKSANDROV, acting head of the Department of Civil Protection of Chelyabinsk: "We instructed rescuers to warn vacationers that there is a danger if they enter the body. We were corrected in the morning, Rospotrebnadzor said that they did not see a direct danger, so they stopped making announcements."

A week ago, a causative agent of intestinal infections was indeed found on Pervoy and Shershnya, but then the department stated that although there were bacteria, their number was within the normal range. Approximately the same experts say today.

We inform you that the epidemiological situation of acute intestinal infections in Chelyabinsk, as of August 17, 2016, remains stable. Over the past week, 233 cases of the disease were registered by primary referral, which corresponds to the average multi-year level.

According to doctors, bathing in dirty water can still go sideways for many. The risk group is quite extensive and consists of those whose immunity is significantly weakened.

Kirill ROZOVOY, candidate medical sciences, family doctor, clinical pharmacologist: "These are newborns, people with chronic diseases who eat handfuls of pills, these are people who have undergone surgery, these are people who are treated with antibiotics and people who eat irregularly."

Although the regional Rospotrebnadzor has not established a direct link between bathing and the number of people with acute intestinal infections, the risk of getting infected by drinking water is called high. In this regard, residents of the city are urged to immediately go to the hospital at the first symptoms.

Kirill ROZOVOY, candidate of medical sciences, family doctor, clinical pharmacologist: "A perfectly clear picture: temperature 39 - one day, severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other signs of ill health - headaches, breaks, chills."

However, a significant part of Chelyabinsk residents do not seem to attach importance to the hype around the infectious state of the lakes. So, just a few meters from the island of green algae on the Hornets, both adults and children bathe.

Alexander SMIRNOV, a visitor to the city beach: "If you couldn't swim, then you need to fence everything with tape and not let it in. E. coli must be filtered. And so - we swim and swim."

Clarity on the question of how dangerous it is to swim in the Chelyabinsk reservoirs should be put by all the same specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. The results of analyzes of water samples from places of mass water recreation should be published soon.

Alexander Kulikov, Oleg Salpanov, STS-Chelyabinsk.

The Shershnevskoye reservoir operates in cascade with the Argazinskoye reservoir and regulates the flow of the river for many years. Miass to provide industrial and drinking water supply to the cities of Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk, Korkino, Yemanzhelinsk. The Shershnevskoye reservoir is "a glass from which Chelyabinsk drinks Argazinsk water."

The name of the reservoir received from the village located near the dam. Shershni, which, in turn, is named after one of the first settlers of Chelyabinsk - the Cossack Shershnev.

The total volume of the reservoir is 176 million m 3 , useful - 170 million m 3 . The area of ​​the water area at the normal retaining level (NSL) is 39.1 km 2 . The length of the reservoir is 17.5 km, the average width is 2.2 km, and the maximum width is 4 km. The average depth is 4.5 m, the maximum depth is 14 m (at FSL). Transparency from 5 m in winter to 1.5–2 m in summer. The length of the coastline is 85 km. The length of the dam is 2 km. Laid along the crest of the dam highway. According to its genesis, this is a reservoir of a river valley (channel) type with long-term flow regulation. Shershnevskoye - the 2nd in terms of full and useful volume of the reservoir Chelyabinsk region after the Argazinsky reservoir.

The section of the river valley Miass near the village. A hornet suitable for the construction of a reservoir was identified in 1924. In the autumn of 1960, the construction of auxiliary structures for the dam began. In the spring of 1961, the digging of a pit began, the construction of an earthen and reinforced concrete dam, a pumping station, and a power station turbine.

The filling of the pit with water began in 1965, and ended in July 1969. 959 hectares of arable land, 2000 hectares of hayfields, 300 hectares of forests and shrubs went under water, villages were flooded, communication lines and power lines were moved.

Simultaneously with the commissioning of the dam in 1969, an 840 kW hydroelectric generator was also launched. The water flow, for which the turbine was designed, had to be at least 10 m 3 / s; in this case, the reservoir would be completely drained in a few weeks. Therefore, the launch of the Shershnevskaya HPP had to be abandoned, and it is currently inactive.

The volume of inflow in the alignment of the Shershnevsky reservoir is determined by the flow of water discharged from the Argazinsky reservoir, and the lateral inflow in the area between the two hydroelectric facilities. The catchment area in the dam site is 2550 km2. The average long-term inflow is 124 million m 3 .

The working release from the Shershnevsky reservoir to ensure the uninterrupted operation of water intakes of enterprises in Chelyabinsk is 5 m 3 / s. Sanitary release, which ensures compliance with water quality standards and favorable conditions for water use in the downstream of the reservoir, is provided in the amount of 0.5 m 3 /s. At present, 70–80% of the water from the river. Miass passes through the pipeline and only 20-30% flows through the natural channel.

The bottom is a mixture of silt, sand, flooded meadow and chernozem soils. The coastline of the Shershnevsky reservoir as a whole has smooth outlines, along the eastern coast it is slightly indented; from the south and west the coast is steep, there are backwaters.

The catchment area of ​​the river Miass from the Argazinsky hydroelectric complex to the dam of the Shershnevsky hydroelectric complex, with the exception of the upper part of the catchment area of ​​the river. Karasi, located on eastern slopes Ilmensky ridge, belongs to the forest-steppe zone. The forest cover of the territory is 32%, deciduous forests are widespread with a predominance of birch. On the considered section of the river. Miass receives the rivers Karasi, Bishkil, Birgilda and small streams. There are a number of lakes on the catchment area: Bolshoy Kisegach, Bolshoy Sunkul, Bolshoy and Maloe Miassovo, etc., as well as ponds on the tributaries of the river. Miass.

The quality of water in the Shershnevsky reservoir largely depends on the volume of working releases and the sufficiency of water reserves in the Argazinsky reservoir. A negative role is played by the technogenic load experienced by the river. Miass on the upstream site. Have an impact reset Wastewater treatment facilities Poletaevo-1, surface runoff from adjacent territories, violations of the regime economic activity in the water protection zone (lack of improvement of the adjacent residential area, the formation of unauthorized dumps, etc.). Found 15 local unauthorized places of discharges of wastewater of various origins. Around the reservoir at a distance of 50–200 m, an asphalt road was laid in some places, but mostly an unpaved road. Cemeteries are located 500 m from the water's edge.

The water quality of the Shershnevsky reservoir varies from "polluted" to "very polluted". The main pollutants organic compounds and heavy metals. In some periods, there is a rapid growth in the reservoir blue-green algae and associated deterioration in water quality.

The water color of the reservoir reaches 37–53° during the flowering periods and 100–120° during the flood period.

The massive development of phytoplankton during the summer months is an indicator high level eutrophication of the reservoir. Long-term observations show a gradual increase in the content organic matter in water. The reservoir is currently characterized as mesotrophic-eutrophic.

According to the chemical composition, the water of the Shershnevsky reservoir belongs to the hydrocarbonate class, the calcium group. Mineralization varies throughout the year from 290 to 336 mg/l, the content of oxygen dissolved in water varies from 68 to 119% saturation. In the water of the reservoir, the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of copper are exceeded by 1.2–1.6 times, zinc - by 1.7–2.8 times, manganese - by 4.8–5.5 times.

To date, 622 species of algae have been registered in the Shershnevsky reservoir. Under conditions of anthropogenic eutrophication, the species richness of blue-green algae increases.

As long-term observations have shown, the main groups of the animal population of the bottom of the Shershnevsky reservoir are oligochaetes, mosquito larvae, bivalves and gastropods. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number roundworms and oligochaete worms of the family Tubificidae resistant to water pollution. All this indicates an increase in organic pollution in the near-bottom area of ​​the reservoir.

Carp, silver carp, crucian carp, tench, bream, chebak, whitefish, pike, zander, burbot, perch, and ruff live in the Shershnevsky reservoir.

The preservation of the Shershnevsky reservoir in the future as a source of drinking water supply involves the following measures:

  • construction of treatment facilities for surface runoff;
  • afforestation of the water protection zone;
  • cleaning the bottom of the reservoir;
  • development and implementation of a system for monitoring the state of water quality;
  • creation of a system of public control over the use of the reservoir and the conduct of economic activities in its water protection zone.

O.S. Ushakova, I.I. Sokolsky

June 23, in the press center "Granada-press" held a press conference on the safety of swimming in the Chelyabinsk lakes.

Every summer, the beaches of the Shershnevsky reservoir, Lake. Smolino and lake. The first are becoming the most popular places of recreation for citizens. On fine days, several thousand Chelyabinsk residents rest on the Shershnev beaches, the second most popular summer holiday destination in the city is the beach of Lake. Smolino. Residents of the Traktorozavodsky district prefer to relax on the shores of the First Lake.

June 15, "Vremya Che" took water samples from the Shershnevsky reservoir, Lake. Smolino and lake. First. A new sampling was carried out in the immediate vicinity of city beaches - in places of mass recreation of citizens. The analysis of the received samples was carried out by an independent laboratory, and the data obtained differ significantly for the worse from the results obtained by Vremya Che in March and April.

The results of the study were announced Felix Panov, chairman of the volunteer eco-movement "Time of Che":

The Shershnevskoye reservoir - the only drinking source of the city, according to the results of new studies, once again turned out to be the most polluted:

Turbidity is 59 units at a rate of 2.6 - an excess of 22.6 times.

Chroma- 124 at a rate of 20 degrees - an excess of 6.2 times.

The taste of water- 5 points with an upper limit of the norm of 2 points

A similar situation with smell water - 5 points with 2 acceptable.

Permanganate oxidizability(an indirect indicator of water pollution) is more than doubled and amounts to 13.20 mg/dm3 at a rate of 5.0 mg/dm3.

Ammonia quantity in water exceeds the norm by more than 15 times (31.38 mg / dm3 at a rate of 2 mg / dm3)

Slightly better situation on the lake. Smolino and lake. First.

In the water of the lake Smolino exceeded the sodium content of 263 mg / dm3 at a rate of 200, increased hardness: 9.6 units at a rate of 7 units, water turbidity is 6.1 units at a rate of 2.6. The content of chlorides is increased - 524.7 mg / dm3 (norm - 350.0), as well as the total mineralization (mg / dm3 1834 at a rate of 1000 mg / dm3). In the water of the lake The first revealed an excess of fluoride content - 2.21 mg/dm3 (norm 1.5 mg/dm3), total mineralization also goes beyond the upper limit of the norm - 1026 mg/dm3 (at a norm of 1000 mg/dm3)

Despite the fact that oz. First and lake Smolino are not drinking sources, the fact of non-compliance of water quality with SanPIN and WHO standards cannot but cause concern.

Viktor Tkachev, Head of the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region: “There are more than 3,000 lakes in the region, about 300 lakes are used for recreational purposes. Hornets, First Lake, Lake Smolino - these are the water arteries of the metropolis, and people relax on these reservoirs after a working day - in such a heat, you want to be at least a little near the water in nature. The bulk of people leave the city, and everyone is well aware that literally forty kilometers from the city there are good recreational resources. This year the weather favors, perhaps the economic situation, but it is almost impossible to buy a ticket to the lake for the weekend. We must take into account any research, constantly keep the inhabitants of the region informed of the situation, but I would like to draw attention to the fact that the bulk of the lakes of the Chelyabinsk region are our pearls. I believe that the main part of the region's water bodies is suitable for swimming and I can recommend having a rest with us in the Southern Urals.

Alexander Lagunov, director of the regional state institution "Specially protected natural areas Chelyabinsk Region”, noted that the environmental practice of recent decades shows that people themselves are quite dangerous for the ecological state of water bodies. Due to the influx of tourists, the banks of water bodies change the properties of the soil and the species composition of vegetation, the age of water bodies increases significantly due to anthropogenic impact.

The experts agreed that in order to maintain environmental well-being, it is necessary to reduce the anthropogenic load on the region's water bodies, conduct regular monitoring of water quality and closely monitor compliance with environmental legislation by the owners of residential buildings and enterprises located on the shores of lakes.

Felix Panov, chairman of the Che Time volunteer eco-movement: Two weeks ago, we sent letters to the executive and legislative authorities of the city with a request to pay close attention to the quality of water in the Shershnevsky reservoir. Letters were also sent to the Russian Copper Company and developer companies that are building cottage settlements on the banks of the hornets with a request to provide information on what measures to protect the Shershnevsky reservoir are being carried out by these companies. It is unacceptable to hush up the results of anthropogenic impact on Hornets. Some of the appeals are still under consideration, but we have already received answers from the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Administration of Chelyabinsk and from the Russian Copper Company.

The Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Administration of Chelyabinsk provided us with detailed information concerning the collection of garbage in the coastal zone of the reservoir, as well as ongoing studies of water quality.

The RMK enterprise pleasantly surprised us with a complete and detailed answer about the research conducted by the company over several years. The answer contains information about the current anthropogenic impact on the Shershnevskoye reservoir, potential threats to the drinking source, and a complex of hydroecological studies.

Unfortunately, the construction companies involved in the construction in the coastal zone of the Shershnevsky reservoir did not respond to the appeals of Vremya Che. We will closely monitor the situation around the Hornets and promptly inform the public and the media.

The only source of drinking water supply for Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk, Korkino, Yemanzhelinsk, part of the Sosnovsky district is about Shershnya. 1.5 million people drink local water. But soon it will be possible to apply the saying “Don’t drink, you will become a kid” to our reservoir. Because the results of the study of samples taken from the reservoirs of Chelyabinsk do not inspire optimism.

In March, the volunteers of the “Vremya Che” movement launched an action to study samples in the Miass River, the Shershnevsky Reservoir, Lakes Pervoi and Smolino. Water was taken in different areas - both within the city and in the suburbs. Samples were examined in an independent laboratory "Invitro".


Analyzes have shown that the water is not only not safe to drink, but swimming in the reservoirs is unsafe. Water does not meet the requirements of SanPIN for the most important indicators. For example, the turbidity and color of water in Shershnya are exceeded by more than five times. The norms for electrical conductivity and oxidizability are violated - in all reservoirs.

It turned out that according to a number of indicators, the water in the only drinking source is even worse than in the "non-potable" Smolino and First. The results will be sent to the prosecutor's office of Chelyabinsk and the city authorities.

She spoke very eloquently about the results of the study. Associate Professor of the Department "Geoecology and Nature Management" ChelGU Ekaterina Pestryakova:

The study included the analysis of water for increased levels of bacteria and blue-green algae in reservoirs. Cyanides are a very serious risk factor. I am often asked in which bodies of water you can still swim. I will say this: in Uvildy, on Turgoyak, in Spruce. I would not swim in Chelyabinsk reservoirs, and I do not advise anyone.


Specialists of the municipal enterprise "Industrial association of water supply and sanitation" round table in the city Public Chamber reported that they had to all year round purify water in Hornets by chemical means. Even in winter, blue-green algae live and breed in the reservoir, culture medium for which - ammonia and phosphorus.

Every year, the technogenic and anthropogenic load on the reservoir is growing, - says Valentina Aksenova, head of the laboratory of MUP "POVV". - This is shown by regular samples in Shershnya and at 190 points from the city reservoir to Argazey. The most difficult time is the flood, when all the poison from the roads is washed into the basin of the reservoir. At this time, the quality of already purified water is significantly deteriorating.

Every year, according to Aksenova, the quality of water is deteriorating in terms of biological indicators. Wastewater treatment plant settlements, located above the Hornets, discharge poorly treated effluents into the reservoir.

Two years ago, the only non-alternative source of drinking water supply for 1.5 million people was transferred to category B (very polluted water). It is strictly forbidden to build up the coastline and coastal line of the Hornets, says Valentina Aksenova.

If the Hornets die, what will we drink?