Moscow State University Faculty of Chemistry reception. Entrance tests. Specialty, other categories

Relevant regardless of the season. Sleighs need to be prepared in the summer - says a well-known folk saying. Therefore, future applicants need to decide on a university long before passing final exams and receiving a certificate. High-quality education in the traditions of the Russian scientific school is offered by Moscow State University, whose chemistry department is one of the leading in the university.

Historical reference

The teaching of chemistry began three years after the establishment of the university - in 1758. It took two years for the first chemical laboratory to be established. Initially, the disciplines taught had a medical focus, but starting in 1804, chemistry became isolated as an independent discipline.

Throughout the 19th century, the Department of Chemistry developed thanks to the talent of the people who headed it. The heads of the department over the years were professors F.F. Reiss, R.G. Gaiman, N.E. Lyasovsky, V.V. Markovnikov, N.D. Zelinsky. Each of them was not only an excellent lecturer, but also an excellent practitioner. The laboratory equipment is constantly being improved, which makes it possible to conduct experiments, the result of which was the discovery of the phenomena of electroosmosis and electrophoresis, laying the foundations of organic catalysis.

The Faculty of Chemistry or Physics and Chemistry of Moscow State University did not yet exist in those years, but there were only separate departments. In 1921, a chemical department was formed from them, which only in 1929 was transformed into the Faculty of Chemistry.


At Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Faculty of Chemistry is supervised by Professor V.V. Lunin, who became a doctor of chemistry in 1982. Sciences and in 2000, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In scientific circles, Valery Vasilyevich Lunin is considered a specialist in heterogeneous catalysis and surface physics. The dean has seven deputies: for scientific, educational, educational and methodological and other issues.

Despite his venerable age and high ranks, V.V. Lunin works in the field of chemical education: he gives lectures at the faculty and at leading universities around the world, and manages the organization of events for schoolchildren.

Faculty of Chemistry in numbers

Here are some statistics about the division. Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University:

  • has 17 departments specializing in various areas of science;
  • is the place of work for 1,750 employees;
  • provides the opportunity to study for 1050 undergraduates and 250 graduate students.

The faculty composition is unique:

  • academicians (14 people) and corresponding members of the RAS (10 people);
  • doctors (more than 250 people) and candidates of science (more than 750 people);
  • invited foreign scientists (more than 150 people).

About 600 engineers and laboratory assistants support the educational process.

Information for applicants

School graduates are concerned with the question: how to become a student at Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry)? The admission procedure is no different from other educational organizations. You must prepare documents and pass entrance tests (for some specialties the Unified State Exam is required).

In all areas, training is conducted full-time. It is possible to transfer to the second and senior years at Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry). In this case, exams are taken only in chemistry, the form of testing is the Unified State Exam and an oral test of knowledge.

Knowledge control programs conducted by the university in addition to the unified exam are available on the university website. In chemistry, the list of questions is divided into two parts. The first concerns theoretical chemistry, the second deals directly with elements and their compounds. Exam papers are composed of 10 tasks. To help applicants, the admissions committee offers a list of textbooks and reference books.

Training is provided mostly free of charge. In 2017, 223 people will be enrolled in the first year of the specialty. The university provides paid places for only 25 applicants. The master's program involves training only on a contract basis (11 places), the same applies to applicants with higher education (3 places).

Passing score

Judging by the number of applications submitted and the availability of places, the competition is not that great - 2.26 people apply for one position.

Analysis of competitive indicators in previous years will help to assess the realism of admission. The applicant must pass five screening tests. The maximum score for each is 100 points, which gives a total of 500. The first wave of admission in 2016 took place with a minimum score of 398. To be admitted in the second wave to the Faculty of Chemistry, one had to score more than 378 points. In 2015, the competition was lower - 382/364, respectively.

Is it a lot or not enough to get into Moscow State University? The Faculty of Chemistry does not set a passing grade as such. By dividing the value of 398 (the value of the 2016 competition) by the number of tests, the applicant can estimate that on average he needs to score 80 points in each exam. Thus, excellent knowledge of chemistry and other subjects - physics, mathematics, Russian language - is required.

High personal achievements of the applicant will help you get in. For example, a gold or silver medal for school achievements adds another five units to the score. The University will welcome participants in Olympiads in specialized subjects who have won prizes. Winners in the areas of "chemistry" and "nanotechnology" are enrolled without entrance examinations. The only condition is the Unified State Examination result in the subject of 75 points and above.

How to submit documents to Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry)

The completeness of the package of materials provided to the admissions committee is standard:

  • statement;
  • passport (copy);
  • certificate (original or notarized copy);
  • 6 photographs of the applicant (3*4 cm);
  • documents that provide advantages for enrollment.

You can deliver the listed papers in person, send them by standard mail or via email. It is important to meet the deadline. Admission begins on June 20, the final day is July 10.

Information for foreign applicants

Admissions phone numbers:
+7 (499) 147-15-33 (responsible secretary - Svetlana Anatolyevna Gavrilova)
+7 (499) 143-30-89 (Deputy Executive Secretary - Alexey Konstantinovich Erdyakov)

Official group of the VK admissions committee for applicants
Admissions Committee Email Address
Admissions office address:
m. University, Lomonosovsky pr-t, no. 27k1.
List of entrance tests in 2020

Specialty, citizens of the Russian Federation and equivalent:

  • MATHEMATICS (USE, profile)
  • chemistry (USE);
  • biology (USE);
  • Russian language (USE);
  • chemistry (additional entrance test, DVI)around July 19, 2020

All exams are graded on a 100-point scale.
Points awarded for are included in the sum of competition points, the maximum sum of points is 510.
Level I winners may receive 100 points instead of the corresponding Unified State Examination (provided that they received at least 75 points for the Unified State Examination in this subject).
Attention! The use of communication devices and other electronic devices, with the exception of simple calculators, is not allowed during the entrance exam!

Specialty, other categories

When applying for a second higher education, applicants take the DVI in chemistry as an entrance test.

When transferring to the second and subsequent years, students take an interview in chemistry orally.

Applicants from other countries, upon admission to the MSU FFM, take the Russian language and chemistry tests orally.

Submission of documents

Deadlines for submitting documents for admission to the first year and transfer to the second and subsequent years, including for persons with higher education: from June 20 to July 10 inclusive.

When enrolling in the first year of the General Medicine and Pharmacy program, the following documents are provided:

  • copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant (RF passport);
  • original or copy of a document on secondary general education;
  • at least 2 photographs measuring 3x4 (black and white or color photograph without headgear on matte paper, taken in 2019).
  • !!! medical certificates (specialist doctors: therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatovenerologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, allergist (for the pharmacy department); laboratory and functional studies: chest radiography, testing for carriage of intestinal pathogens (typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery ) and for helminthiasis).

Documents can be submitted:

  • personally or through a proxy (if there is a notarized power of attorney);
  • by mail (by post with acknowledgment of delivery and a list of enclosures) to the address: 119234, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Admissions Committee (the date is checked by the imprint of the calendar stamp of the postal service facility of the destination of the letter);
  • by email, the letter must be certified by the applicant’s digital signature;
  • on the website

When submitting copies of documents, the originals must be shown to the secretary of the admissions committee.

Providing hostel

The dormitory is provided only if you have permanent registration outside the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, or in the Moscow region if the nearest railway station, platform, siding, stopping point to your place of residence is outside the tariff zones of the Moscow Railway, the Moscow branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway from zero on the fifth.

  • for applicants: from July 1 to July 28 inclusive;
  • persons included in the lists of applicants (for personal submission of documents): from July 28 to August 3 at the first stage of enrollment and from August 3 to August 8 inclusive at the second stage of enrollment;
  • students: for the duration of their studies (for students on a contract basis - subject to the availability of available housing and at contract prices).

In case of receiving a bad mark on the exam, the applicant is obliged to leave the dormitory.

Accounting for individual achievements

When admitted to the MSU FFM, additional points are awarded for the following individual achievements:

  • having a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal or a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors - 6 points;
  • having the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, world champion, European champion, first place winner at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, presence of a gold badge distinctions of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (GTO) and the certificates for it of the established form - 2 points;
  • a grade given based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, - from 0 to 2 points.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total of competition points.

Applicants who have passed the DVI in chemistry, but did not pass the competition for budget places, can participate with the points they have scored in the competitive selection for contract training . In 2019 cost of contract training for citizens of the Russian Federation by specialty “medical practice” will be 493,000 rubles per year , by specialty “pharmacy” - 436,000 rubles per year.

Cost of education for foreign citizens by specialty "medicine" 510,980 rubles per year , by specialty "pharmacy" 454,900 rubles per year .

Benefits provided to winners of Level 1 Olympiads for grade 11




Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads from among the persons specified in part 3.1. Article 5 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ, members of national teams of Ukraine that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects, from among the persons specified in Part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ, for 4 years following the year of the relevant Olympiad , are accepted to MSU for undergraduate and specialist programs

Admission without entrance tests



Russian language

100 points instead of the Unified State Exam

WINNERS of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the 1st level in the 11th grade, if the Unified State Examination results in a given subject areat least 75 points :

12. All-Siberian Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren (only for the specialty “pharmacy”)

7. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren “Nanotechnology – a breakthrough into the future!”

(only for specialty “pharmacy”)

36. Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren

71. St. Petersburg Olympiad for schoolchildren

100 points instead of the Unified State Exam

50. Lomonosov Olympics

59. Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University


100 points instead of the Unified State Exam

52. Olympics “Conquer the Sparrow Hills”


100 points instead of the Unified State Exam

Admission plan for the MSU FFM in 2020



General Medicine

chemistry (DVI, written) (1)

chemistry (USE) (2)

biology (USE) (3)

mathematics (USE) (4)

Russian language (USE) (5)

Quota** (disabled people, orphans) of 55 places

Quota*** (target set) of 55 places

Second higher

Chemistry in writing

Foreign students

Russian language spoken

Chemistry orally

55 (budget) +65 (control) = 120




chemistry (DVI, written) (1)

chemistry (USE) (2)

biology (USE) (3)

mathematics (USE) (4)

Russian language (USE) (5)

Quota** (disabled people, orphans) of 15 places

Quota*** (target set) of 15 places

Second higher

Chemistry in writing

Foreign students

Russian language spoken

Chemistry orally

15 (budget) + 15 (control) = 30

*In 2019, the cost of contract training for citizens of the Russian Federation in the specialty “medicine” it will be 493,000 rubles per year, in the specialty “pharmacy” - 436,000 rubles per year.

Cost of education for foreign citizens in the specialty “medicine” 510,980 rubles per year, in the specialty “pharmacy” 454,900 rubles per year.

**quota of budget places for persons with special rights under national benefits

***Target recruitment quota will be known no later than June 1, 2020 Please note that Moscow University does not provide a list and does not select organizations that send citizens to targeted training.


According to the Rules for admission to M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2019, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master’s programs” p. 74 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697, upon admission to the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (specialties “general medicine” and “pharmacy”), the applicant must undergo a mandatory medical examination in accordance with the list of medical specialists below, laboratory and instrumental studies and provide a medical certificate on the results of the examination. A medical certificate is recognized as valid if it is received no earlier than a year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations.

List of medical specialists: therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, allergist (for the pharmacy department).

List of laboratory and functional tests: chest x-ray, testing for carriage of intestinal pathogens (typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery) and helminthiasis.

Contraindications: general: congenital malformations, deformations, chromosomal abnormalities with persistent severe dysfunction of organs and systems; consequences of damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, internal organs, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue from exposure to external factors (trauma, radiation, thermal, chemical and other effects, etc.) with the development of irreversible changes that cause dysfunction of organs and systems pronounced degree; diseases of the central nervous system of various etiologies with severe motor and sensory impairments, coordination and static disorders, cognitive and mnestic-intellectual impairments; narcolepsy and cataplexy; diseases accompanied by disorders of consciousness: epilepsy and epileptic syndromes of various etiologies, syncopal syndromes of various etiologies, etc.; mental illnesses with severe, persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations and conditions equivalent to them, subject to mandatory dynamic observation in psychoneurological dispensaries (In cases of severe forms of mood disorders, neurotic, stress-related, somatoform, behavioral and personality disorders, the question of professional suitability for the appropriate work is decided individually by a commission of medical specialists corresponding to the profile of the disease, with the participation of an occupational pathologist); diseases of the endocrine system of a progressive course with signs of damage to other organs and systems and impairment of their function of 3 - 4 degrees; malignant neoplasms of any location (After treatment, the issue is resolved individually by a commission of medical specialists, an occupational pathologist, an oncologist); diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs with a progressive and recurrent course (hemoblastosis, severe forms of hemolytic and aplastic anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis); hypertension stage III, degree 3, risk IV; chronic heart and pericardial diseases with chronic heart failure of 2nd degree or more or NYHA FC III-IV; coronary heart disease: angina pectoris FC III - IV; with conduction disturbances (sinoauricular block of the third degree, weakness of the sinus node); paroxysmal rhythm disturbances with potentially malignant ventricular arrhythmias and hemodynamic disturbances; post-infarction cardiosclerosis, cardiac aneurysm; aneurysms and dissections of any parts of the aorta and arteries; obliterating atherosclerosis of the aorta with obliteration of the visceral arteries and dysfunction of organs; obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, thromboangiitis, aortoarteritis with signs of decompensation of the blood supply to the limb (limbs); varicose and postthrombophlebitic disease of the lower extremities with symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency of grade 3 and higher; lymphangitis and other disorders of lymphatic drainage 3 - 4 degrees; rheumatism: active phase, frequent relapses with damage to the heart and other organs and systems and chronic heart failure of 2 - 3 degrees; diseases of the bronchopulmonary system with symptoms of respiratory failure or pulmonary heart failure of 2 - 3 degrees; active forms of tuberculosis of any localization; complicated course of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer with chronic often (3 times or more per calendar year) recurrent course and development of complications; chronic hepatitis, decompensated liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases with signs of grade 2 - 3 liver failure and portal hypertension; chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases with symptoms of chronic renal failure of 2 - 3 degrees; nonspecific ulcerative colitis and severe Crohn's disease; diffuse connective tissue diseases with dysfunction of organs and systems of 3 - 4 degrees, systemic vasculitis; chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system and neuromuscular diseases with significant dysfunction; chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system with dysfunction of 2 - 3 degrees; chronic skin diseases; glaucoma of any stage with an unstabilized course.

President - Academician Lunin Valery Vasilievich
Dean - Corresponding Member Stepan Nikolaevich Kalmykov

Chemistry as a scientific discipline appeared at Moscow University in the first year of its existence. Founder of the university M.V. Lomonosov, a great scientist, poet and artist, was also one of the best chemists of his time. The Department of Chemistry appeared at the Faculty of Medicine shortly after the formation of Moscow University in 1755. Many generations of Russian chemists, who went down in the history of world science, studied and taught at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University.

Today, the faculty includes 17 departments and 1 interdepartmental laboratory, which represent all modern areas of chemical science and relevant specializations for which highly qualified chemists are trained.

Departments of the Faculty of Chemistry:

  • physical chemistry (head of the department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Lunin);
  • (Head of the department - Professor A.V. Shevelkov);
  • (acting head of the department - Professor M.A. Proskurnin);
  • (Head of the department - Professor V.G. Nenaidenko);
  • medical chemistry and fine organic synthesis (head of the department - professor E.R. Milaeva);
  • (head of the department - corresponding member of the RAS S.D. Varfolomeev);
  • (head of the department - corresponding member of the RAS E.V. Antipov);
  • chemistry of natural compounds (head of the department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences O.A. Dontsova);
  • chemical technology and new materials (head of the department - professor V.V. Avdeev);
  • Petroleum Chemistry and Organic Catalysis (Head of the Department - Professor E.A. Karakhanov);
  • chemical kinetics (head of the department - professor M.Ya. Melnikov);
  • high-molecular compounds (head of the department - corresponding member of the RAS A.A. Yaroslavov);
  • (head of the department - corresponding member of the RAS S.N. Kalmykov);
  • general chemistry (head of the department - professor S.F. Dunaev);
  • laser chemistry (head of the department - professor A.V. Stolyarov);
  • colloid chemistry (head of the department - professor V.G. Sergeev);
  • fundamental principles of chemistry (head of the department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.P. Egorov).

The Interdepartmental Laboratory of Computational Methods in Chemistry is headed by Associate Professor V.S. Lyutsarev.

The faculty has more than 1,800 employees, including 9 academicians and 17 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than three hundred and fifty teachers and about 700 researchers. The faculty has over 1,200 students and about 300 graduate students.

The faculty trains broad-spectrum chemists in all areas of modern chemistry, taking into account the latest scientific trends, including those related to the production of new materials and medicines, scientific activities in the field of resource-saving and nanotechnologies. In addition, employees of the Faculty of Chemistry teach chemistry at a number of other faculties of Moscow State University, as well as at branches of Moscow State University in Baku (Azerbaijan Republic), in Dushanbe (Republic of Tajikistan) and the joint University of Moscow State University-PPI in Shenzhen (People's Republic of China) ). The high qualifications of graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry are also due to the fact that from the first year every student is involved in scientific work, participating in projects and conferences on relevant topics.

International connections, excellent teaching staff, a unique atmosphere that you feel from the first minutes of your student life, a place to which you want to return every day - all this is the Faculty of Chemistry.

Regardless of future specialization, all students study general fundamental disciplines during the first 3 years. These are: higher mathematics, physics, foreign languages, humanitarian subjects and, of course, basic chemical disciplines. Up to 40% of the academic time is allocated to the study of chemical disciplines in the curriculum, which is divided approximately equally between theoretical classes and laboratory work. Considerable attention is paid to fundamental physical and mathematical training. Up to 20% of academic time is allocated to the study of higher mathematics, applied mathematics, general and theoretical physics, which is almost twice as much as in any other chemical universities in the country.

Graduates of the faculty, as well as graduates of other universities, can continue their studies in the faculty’s master’s program in several programs, including the recently opened “Chemical Technology” direction. The duration of master's studies is 2 years. Graduates of the faculty who have good and excellent grades for all years of study and have shown a penchant for research work have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school at the faculty.

We want to see as our students talented young people who are passionate about the ideas of chemistry. For this purpose, the faculty has created a network of “sponsored” schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums, in which classes are conducted according to a special university program.

In order to attract talented young people to MSU, since 1993 the faculty has been conducting a preliminary selection of the most capable schoolchildren through Olympiads, not only from Moscow schools, but also from urban and rural schools throughout Russia, and even from the former republics of the Soviet Union.

The faculty is waiting for talented, gifted and daring young people who are eager to benefit the Fatherland and continue the glory of Russian science.

More detailed information about the faculty:

If you are in the 9th and 10th grade, you can try to enter the school from Moscow State University. SUSC is a specialized educational and scientific center. You can enter it if you pass an internal exam. According to statistics, all graduates pass the Unified State Exam with a high score.


Tutors and courses will give you good preparation, but don’t forget about self-training. You must study regularly on your own in order to enter the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University. The Unified State Examination scores are quite high, so be patient and make a preparation plan for yourself. To enter the Faculty of Chemistry, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, Russian and Mathematics. Mathematics courses from Alpha School are a good option for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. You will have a personal tutor who will constantly guide you. Preparing for and entering university is a very important step, so you should take your studies seriously. The most effective and proven method is preparation with an online math tutor. You will have great advantages: the tutor devotes time only to you, and you do not waste time on the road, which you already have little of. Professionals in their field - Alpha School tutors know how best to prepare you for such a difficult exam as mathematics.

Moscow State University (Faculty of Chemistry): scores for 2017.

At the Faculty of Chemistry, there are traditionally 5 entrance tests for applicants to the specialty training program “Fundamental and Applied Chemistry”:

  1. Unified State Exam in Chemistry
  2. Unified State Exam in Mathematics (profile)
  3. Unified State Exam in Physics
  4. Unified State Examination in Russian
  5. DVI in chemistry (an additional entrance test in chemistry, a written exam, which is mandatory for all applicants for the general competition and for special and targeted quotas, which is held at our faculty in the summer in the second half of July, after the completion of the acceptance of documents). The program of the additional entrance test in chemistry on the website of the Moscow State University Training Center. DVI in chemistry in 2019 will take place on July 18 (10:00), collection time is 8:30 at the main entrance to the Shuvalovsky building (Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4 - the building opposite the entrance to the admissions office of the Faculty of Chemistry). The consultation before the DWI will take place on July 17 in auditorium B-2 of the Shuvalovsky building at 16:00.

Any applicant can familiarize himself with the options for DVI tasks using these links: , , , , , . In addition, the Faculty of Chemistry traditionally produces every year collection, in which members of the methodological and examination commissions provide examples and analysis of all tasks of the DVI in chemistry and the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren of the current year. You can purchase such a collection at our book kiosk in the 1st floor lobby of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Anyone can watch video lectures with analysis of DVI tasks from the chairman of the subject examination committee in chemistry, associate professor, candidate. chem. sciences Karpova Elena Vladimirovna follow these links DVI 2014 And DVI 2015, Olympiad for schoolchildren "Lomonosov" in chemistry "Lomonosov" 2012.

Analysis of the tasks of the Lomonosov Olympiad from the chairman of the jury in chemistry, associate professor, Ph.D. ped. sciences Ryzhova Oksana Nikolaevna follow this link "Lomonosov" 2015-2016.

Unified State Exam results are valid for 4 years from the date of passing. If you took the exam with a different identity card (passport), you must attach a corresponding copy of that passport or a page of a valid passport containing information about previously issued passports. For certain categories of applicants(Clause 15 of the Rules for Admission to Moscow State University) the Faculty of Chemistry conducts exams in the form “instead of the Unified State Exam”. Applicants take exams “instead of the Unified State Exam” in the summer at Moscow State University. The points received are equated during admission to the Unified State Examination points. You can familiarize yourself with the options for entrance examinations in the form “instead of the Unified State Exam” at this link. We advise all applicants applying for entrance examinations in the form “instead of the Unified State Exam” to familiarize themselves with paragraph 15 MSU Admission Rules 2019, because This form of entrance examination is available only for certain categories of applicants. Confirmation of benefits for listed Olympiads with the results of an exam “instead of the Unified State Exam” is impossible.

Accounting for individual achievements

Upon admission to MSU, specialty programs are awarded points for the following individual achievements:

  1. Having the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, world champion, European champion, first place winner at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, presence of a gold badge distinctions of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and the standard certificate for it – 2 points
  2. Availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal or a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors – 5 points
  3. The grade assigned based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, – no more than 3 points

Points for individual achievements will be included in the applicant’s total competitive score. To take into account individual achievements, it is necessary to mark the corresponding point in the application, attaching, in the case of point 1, supporting documents indicating the order of the Ministry of Sports, and in the case of point 2, presenting the original certificate (its duly certified copy). The essay will be taken from the archive Ministry of Education. If you wrote it with a different identity document (passport), you must attach a corresponding copy of the passport or a page of a valid passport containing information about previously issued passports.