New education standards: AOP for children with disabilities. Drawing up an adapted educational program for children with disabilities Adapted educational program for students with disabilities

Inclusion is literally “getting involved.” We are talking about conditions that will allow children with disabilities to study in a regular school. At the moment, inclusive education raises more questions than answers. But there are also real results. In some schools, along with regular classes, correctional classes have been formed in which children with disabilities who require a special approach and special conditions are taught. During lessons, they are taught according to their own, adapted program, and during breaks and after lessons, “special” children are involved in the general life of the school, participate in events, and communicate with healthy peers.

The program in which children with disabilities study, as mentioned above, is not ordinary, but adapted. It is based on the principles of correctional work and is aimed at ensuring that children with disabilities receive a full education, but in forms that take into account their state of health.

How to create an adapted program?

The adapted educational program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard does not differ fundamentally from a similar program for healthy children.

The program of the corresponding subject should be taken as a basis and brought into compliance with the requirements. For example, the number of hours in many subjects for children with disabilities has been increased; in some cases (for example, in physical education lessons) there are peculiarities in the content.

Then you should choose a textbook from among those recommended, do thematic planning, and select suitable forms of control. It should be borne in mind that children with disabilities usually take exams other than the Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination, so it is worth bringing the forms of current control closer to the features of the State Examination. Of course, if we are talking about an adapted educational program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, then this does not matter: the educational program for children with disabilities is usually the same as for everyone else, they can only be offered additional time to complete tasks, special lighting , assignments printed in large print.

Finally, having completed all the preparatory work, you can create the program itself.

What should be in the program?

On the name of the educational institution, on the left “Considered at the meeting of the pedagogical council dated ___, minutes No. ___”, on the right “I approve” with the signature of the school director and seal, in the center the name “Adapted educational program of basic (or primary) general education for children with disabilities ( indicate the type)", year below.

The second page should list the legal documents on the basis of which the program was created. The list must include the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law on Education in the Russian Federation No. 273 dated December 29, 2012, Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of Students with Disabilities (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2014 N 1598) (if the program is for NOO), Charter of the educational institution, etc.

Provide information about the composition of the program (explanatory note, curriculum, academic schedule, work programs in subjects, assessment and methodological materials, etc.)

Then the goals of the program are stated. For example, these:

  • Creating conditions that provide the opportunity for children with disabilities to receive a quality education.
  • Social adaptation of children with disabilities using a differentiated approach to learning; formation of their social competence necessary for self-realization.

Or briefly (an option for an adapted educational program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the 7th type): “Creation in an educational institution of a special medical and pedagogical environment for the purpose of rehabilitation of children with mental retardation and their subsequent integration into the modern cultural and socio-economic space.”

Then you should put a list of tasks (most of them do not differ from the tasks of a regular educational program, with some nuances). However, it is necessary to include specific tasks:

  • Optimization of the activities of school staff aimed at correcting impaired functions of children with disabilities based on intact functions.
  • Rehabilitation of students with disabilities, allowing them to develop the ability to study and live in society, to fully participate in various forms of activity (cultural, creative, sports, etc.).
  • Work on the formation of students’ personality, regulation of the emotional-volitional sphere, cognitive activity, etc.
  • Application.

After the tasks, you need to indicate the planned results (they are formulated on the basis of the specified tasks: say, “work on developing motivation” - “formed motivation” and the like).

Here it is advisable to provide some results in accordance with the profile. For example, for children with mental retardation: “Development of the abilities of students with mental retardation through the organization of socially useful activities, creative activities, participation in sports events, project activities, etc.”

Then the work programs of all subjects are given, indicating the number of hours, names and authors of textbooks, and forms of control.

The educational program is discussed (and more often simply voted on) at the teachers' council and approved by the school director. It must be presented on the website of the educational institution.

Adapted program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO

Sometimes teachers find it difficult to create an adapted program for students with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, because this is a new matter. However, the requirements are inexorable: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2014 N 1598 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities” was published, now “special” elementary school students have their own Federal State Educational Standard, which means , there must be a program.

Features of the program

The educational program for children with disabilities is built according to a standard model, only something “corrective” is included in all points. In addition, it is necessary to clarify whether there are any changes in the number of hours or content of educational material in a particular class in a particular subject. Textbooks are used from the list recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard; Please note that for children with visual impairments, intellectual impairments, etc. There are special teaching aids, while students in programs, for example, type VI, study according to regular ones.

All features: special teaching aids, an increase in hours for studying a subject, the introduction of special subjects (SBO, adaptive physical education, etc.), teaching (stretching) the material of one year of study over two - must be reflected in the program.

Program structure

The program must include a list of regulatory documents on the basis of which it was created.

This is followed by an “Explanatory Note”, in which:

  • the need to create an adapted program is substantiated;
  • general information about the educational organization is provided;
  • the goals and objectives of the adapted educational program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, as well as the planned results are reported;
  • information is provided on educational and methodological, personnel (with information on the presence of defectological education among teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, etc.), material and technical support of the educational process);
  • features of the regime of children with disabilities, specifics of the calendar plan.

After the explanatory note there should be placed work programs on subjects of primary education, a list of health-saving measures and technologies used in the educational institution, a list of control forms; If desired, this is where you can place information about the planned results of the formation of the personality of a student with disabilities, measures aimed at his rehabilitation and integration into society.

In the modern realities of the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, the organization of education for schoolchildren with special age needs is becoming one of the priority areas of methodological and administrative work. In order to sufficiently implement inclusive education, development is an obvious way to practically implement the requirements of the Standard due to the fact that the implementation of such content allows:

  • to master the educational minimum for schoolchildren with special educational needs;
  • create a developing subject environment “without barriers” in an educational organization;
  • provide an atmosphere of emotional comfort for all participants in the educational process;
  • to form educational relationships in the spirit of equality, mutual respect and acceptance of the physical characteristics and intellectual capabilities of each child;
  • make full use of the variability of forms of organization of the educational process;
  • involve various specialists in educational practices, in particular an educational psychologist, a social educator, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, and medical workers.

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The change in the principles of state educational policy, which led to the establishment of new standards for conducting pedagogical activities, poses new challenges for schools, the highest priority among which is the development of programs for children with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, adapted taking into account their psychophysiological abilities and capabilities. The practice of organizing inclusion in educational institutions, especially in the field of methodological and technological support, raises more questions than answers, which does not negate the need to find opportunities for maximum involvement of students with special needs in the general life of the school.

Keep this for yourself so you don't lose it:

Read in the magazine “Handbook of the Head of an Educational Institution” recommendations for introducing inclusion at school:

- Now schools are required to teach even one student with disabilities according to an adapted program (the legislative framework)
- Medical care for students with disabilities (what to pay attention to)

The adapted educational program (hereinafter referred to as the AEP) is developed taking into account the principles of correctional work, individual indicators of the psychophysical development of students and the program content implemented by the school. It determines the content of education and the conditions for organizing the education of schoolchildren with disabilities, which is regulated by Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. However, Part 2 of the same Law states that general education of children with special educational needs is carried out in organizations that implement adapted basic general education programs (hereinafter referred to as AOEP), and Part 5 specifies that educational organizations implementing AOEP are established by state authorities subjects of the Russian Federation for students with disabilities. In light of this, it is important to distinguish between an adapted educational program and an AOEP, which can be developed at all levels of education, including preschool.

To work with children with disabilities and children with disabilities, it is important that teachers improve their qualifications and develop professionally. It is most convenient to study remotely, without interrupting work. For example, in . This portal contains online courses for teachers. To choose a course on working with children with disabilities and sign up for training, go here.

Content Definition adapted educational program for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard carried out by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC) after a comprehensive examination. The conclusion issued on the basis of an expert assessment indicates:

  1. A variant of program content, the implementation of which is considered appropriate due to the identification of certain deviations in age-related development. Adapted program content is specially developed for all groups of children with disabilities - deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders and children with other psychophysiological disorders, in particular ZPR.
  2. Form of study: full-time, part-time, part-time.
  3. Areas of correctional work carried out under pedagogical support programs (for example, speech therapy, psychological).

Just a few years ago, for children studying in the second and subsequent grades together with schoolchildren without developmental pathologies, AOP was developed on the basis of the main program content, while for students in specialized classes, training in AOP was offered at all levels of education.

Today, provided that a child with developmental pathologies is admitted to school, it is necessary to design in the AOP and AOOP versions, which is carried out based on the existing register of methodological developments, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. Due to the fact that the volume of teaching load is determined taking into account the curriculum, annual calendar schedule and lesson schedule, it is advisable to develop adapted program content at the beginning of the year in order to create comfortable working conditions for teachers and accompanying specialists, as well as to have the opportunity to adjust and supplement the AOP. Sample AOEPs developed for individual categories of students are available for download on the portal; they remain indispensable when developing the content of educational work. The existing list includes AOEP for the following categories of students with disabilities:

  1. Deaf.
  2. Hard of hearing and late deafened.
  3. Blind.
  4. Visually impaired.
  5. With severe speech impairments.
  6. With musculoskeletal disorders.
  7. With mental retardation.
  8. With autism spectrum disorder.
  1. For children who do not have intellectual pathologies and are able to receive general education in the same time frame as their peers.
  2. For students with disabilities with normal indicators of intellectual development, who are forced to study the educational minimum in an extended period, taking into account objective factors.
  3. For schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities (mild mental retardation) who do not allow them to master basic program content even if the terms of study are extended.
  4. For children with moderate, severe and profound mental retardation, who are unable to receive an education comparable in volume to the final educational indicators of normally developing peers, even over a prolonged period.

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard structurally consist of an explanatory note, planned educational results, a system for assessing children taking into account the specifics of their condition and development, a curriculum, subject content in individual disciplines (working version), a program of correctional work, spiritual and moral development, environmental culture and a healthy lifestyle, as well as methodological developments for the formation of UUD, taking into account the real educational situation, a plan for extracurricular activities and a list of conditions necessary for the implementation of AOOP in the prescribed volume.

Adapted educational programs for children with disabilities: how to create

The fundamental differences between program content intended for implementation with schoolchildren without developmental pathologies, and adapted educational program for children with disabilities No. Experts note that the complexity of methodological work in this area is due to the lack of multiple expert recommendations and scientific experience, which only necessitates a transition from planning to practical actions.

In order to ensure in a particular school the possibility of ensuring the constitutional rights of children, regardless of their psychophysiological state, the programs of relevant subjects developed by the AOP should be taken as a basis, the further processing of which will depend on the current goals - prolongation of study periods, reduction of study load indicators or simplification of the material to a given level. Next, a textbook is selected from among the recommended ones, the content of which must correspond to the work program, and the forms of diagnostic and final control are revised. The latter can be improved taking into account the physiological capabilities of the child (for example, tasks are printed in large print), partially abolished or radically revised.

Detailed development algorithm AOP and AOOP for children with disabilities at school presented in the table.

AOP development stage Contents of the activity

Aimed at identifying the special educational needs of children with disabilities. In order to fully realize the requests of consumers of educational services, the school administration, after receiving the conclusion of the PMPK or the recommendations of the IPRA, must:

  1. Form a team of psychological, pedagogical and correctional support, which should involve different specialists, taking into account the current state of the child, his needs and parental expectations.
  2. If the educational institution does not have the necessary specialists, consider the possibility of attracting them by opening a vacant position (if material and technical resources are available), concluding a cooperation agreement with the PPMS center, a volunteer association, and representatives of the municipal psychological and pedagogical support service.
  3. Conclude an agreement on the procedure for providing educational services with the parents of a schoolchild with disabilities.
  4. Additionally, the school is entrusted with the responsibility of studying the regulatory requirements for ensuring the order and nature of the organization of the educational process, supplemented by a correctional component, analyzing educational and methodological documentation on the topic, and developing the necessary local acts.

The main goal of this stage is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child by a teacher-psychologist, speech therapist and other representatives of the authorized disciplinary commission. To achieve this task, it is necessary to organize close interaction with family representatives, acting as correctly and gently as possible.

Based on the results of their work, specialists draw up conclusions about the psychophysiological development of a child with disabilities, paying attention to indicators of the development of educational skills, the nature of interaction with the outside world, peers and adults. This is necessary to identify areas of immediate and long-term development, determine specific educational needs, as well as the moral goals of pedagogical work in the current situation.


Directly development of AOP for children with disabilities provides:

  1. Design of software content.
  2. Determining the time boundaries of educational work.
  3. A clear formulation of the goal of implementing the AOP, which should be carried out jointly with the student’s parents, as well as defining a range of priority tasks.
  4. Formulation of the educational and correctional component of the adapted program.
  5. Planning forms of studying the program for each of its sections.
  6. Determination of diagnostic and assessment tools to identify the degree of development of a child’s educational achievements and social competence.
  7. Development of comprehensive criteria for assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical and correctional work.
It should be noted that the process of developing an AEP should remain open and creative, focused on the educational needs of the child. If difficulties arise within the framework of network interaction, specialists from the municipal PPMS center can be involved in the design of an adapted program. The finished methodological product must be agreed upon with the parents.
Implementation of AOP The practical application of program content is based on the organization of systematic joint activities of responsible teachers and highly specialized specialists included in the interdisciplinary commission, consistent monitoring of educational learning and the necessary adjustment of psychological and pedagogical work.
Analysis and correction Based on the results of the academic year or other period chosen as the period for implementing the AOP, comprehensive methods are used to evaluate the actions of the interdisciplinary educational commission, after an open discussion of which adjustments and additions are made to the program.

Regarding the approximate content AOOP for children with disabilities, then it should include the following structural components:

  1. The title page, which indicates the full name of the educational institution and the AOP, as well as the number of the meeting of the pedagogical council at which this development was approved, the protocol number, and the director’s signature under the heading “I approve.”
  2. List of regulatory documents on the basis of which the program was compiled. It is advisable to include the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal State Educational Standards, School Charter and other local documents.
  3. The composition of the AOP is target, content and organizational blocks. For ease of reading the development, the content section should include programs in individual subjects, and the organizational section should include a curriculum and schedule, a plan for extracurricular activities, and a set of conditions for the implementation of program content.
  4. Goals of the program implementation. A common formulation that fully reflects the work in this direction may be the following: “Creation in an educational institution of special conditions that provide an opportunity for children with disabilities to receive a quality education, socialization skills and integration into the modern socio-economic and cultural space.”
  5. List of tasks, including specific ones. Among the latter should be the consolidation of the activities of teaching and highly specialized school employees, aimed at providing optimal educational conditions for schoolchildren with special educational needs according to AOOP for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard, social rehabilitation of the “difficult” student population through participation in creative, sports, socially useful, labor activities, instilling skills in regulating the emotional-volitional sphere, and the use of health-saving technologies in the educational space. Planned results of educational activities, taking into account priority areas for the development of the student’s personality. Thus, for children with mental retardation, participation in socially useful activities, creative practices, sports events, project and research activities can be included in the list of significant tasks of practical learning.
  6. Directly the content of work programs in subjects with a curriculum and the procedure for implementing diagnostic functions.

In situations where a child has difficulties mastering the basic educational program, the first step of teachers and school administration is to focus the attention of parents on this fact with a recommendation to obtain a PMPK conclusion. I would like to draw attention to the fact that the development of an AOEP is possible only if the child has a medical commission’s conclusion indicating the requirements for training and education, and immediate development prospects. If the parents do not consent to the student undergoing the PMPK, educational services for such a child are provided on a general basis with all the ensuing consequences (the most obvious are difficulties in passing the final assessment, manifestations of deviant behavior). It is important that the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the volume of educational workload are mandatory, including for students mastering the educational minimum at home. Reducing working hours or the lack of so-called “contact” hours of work with teachers for a student with disabilities is a gross violation.

Effective implementation adapted educational programs for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard provides for close interaction between all participants in the educational process, especially the administrative and teaching staff, whose representatives bear the entire burden of responsibility. So, the director of the educational institution needs to take care of:

  • designing the learning process taking into account the specific content of individual educational routes for schoolchildren with disabilities, their personal intellectual needs;
  • searching for a source of financing, thanks to which the conditions necessary for the implementation of the AOP will be provided at the proper level;
  • necessary adjustments to regulatory documentation at the school level, including the development of new acts and orders, if necessary;
  • creating actual conditions that correspond to the realities of the educational space and the possibility of improving it (creating a barrier-free environment, purchasing and installing special equipment, expanding the capabilities of the internal ICT complex);
  • ensuring the inclusion process with qualified human resources, establishing network interaction with specialized organizations (medical centers, social institutions, interested sponsors, additional education organizations);
  • development of a diagnostic system aimed at identifying indicators of the effectiveness of work in the area.

Psychological and pedagogical support specialists (teacher psychologist, speech therapist teacher, speech pathologist teacher, social teacher, tutor) must actively participate in the development and implementation AOOP for children with disabilities at school, monitor the dynamics of schoolchildren’s development, identify and track success indicators, if students have individual learning difficulties, look for opportunities to overcome them, organize and conduct individual and group correctional and developmental classes, and also provide all possible assistance to teachers in choosing the optimal teaching tools.

As part of the implementation of the AOEP, primary school teachers and subject teachers are expected to:

  1. Participation in the design and implementation of special program content based on traditional teaching methods and the inclusion of an innovative educational component.
  2. Development of work programs in individual disciplines, taking into account the educational opportunities and real needs of children, which can be identified during a comprehensive diagnosis.
  3. Creating a developmental environment in the classroom, eliminating actual and psychological barriers.
  4. Formation of an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance, and productive cooperation in the team.
  5. Maintaining high educational motivation, creating “success situations”.
  6. Building the structure of classes in such a way as to ensure movement towards the zone of proximal development of each student.
  7. Adaptation of the content of basic and additional educational materials, if the need arises.
  8. Establishing effective channels of communication with parents of schoolchildren, especially children with disabilities.

Additional education teachers can make a feasible contribution to the optimization of the educational process at the stage of development of AEP and AOEP by participating in complex diagnostics, creating prerequisites for the successful adaptation and socialization of students with special needs, as well as conducting special educational practices that contribute to the development of personal potential and creative possibilities children.

AOP for children with disabilities at school: content

Required components adapted educational programs, drawn up taking into account the provisions Federal State Educational Standard for children with HIA, are the target, content and organizational sections. Due to the fact that software development fully determines the nature and features of the organization of the educational process with students with developmental pathologies, based on the content of each section.

It is advisable to include in the target section:

  1. An explanatory note indicating the principles of development of the AOOP, a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical portrait of students with disabilities for whom this program is suitable, with the obligatory indication of specific educational needs.
  2. Planned results of the program implementation, which can be copied from one of the AOEP options, taking into account the current condition of the child. As for the fourth option of the educational program, in view of the need to educate the student according to a special individual development program (SIDP), it is advisable to record only those results that can be achieved.
  3. A system for assessing the achievement of planned program results.
  1. Work programs by discipline.
  2. Methodology for forming UUD.
  3. Programs of spiritual and moral education, formation of environmental culture and healthy lifestyle.
  4. Corrective work program.

The work program, in turn, includes an explanatory note specifying the general goals of subject teaching, taking into account the specifics of the student’s perception of the material, a comprehensive description of the academic subject or remedial course, and designation of its place in the curriculum. Also, when describing the work program, it is necessary to present its value guidelines, a list of personal, meta-subject and subject results, the achievement of which is expected during the implementation of the pedagogical complex in AOEP, the actual content of the training course, a thematic plan with a presentation of the main types of teaching and educational activities, as well as a description of the material -technical resources necessary for the implementation of this software development.

A feature of the compilation of the content section for AOEP options 3 and 4 is the need to indicate basic educational actions instead of UUD, as well as simplification of the conceptual base in the program for spiritual and moral education. As for UUD, a reduction in the teaching load is ensured by revising the standard tasks for their formation (for example, not “work with several sources of information”, but “use information in solving everyday problems”). The program of spiritual and moral education is simplified mainly by eliminating the spiritual component, which is difficult to understand, as well as expanding the list of practical tasks.

To overcome individual learning problems of a child with HIA to the content section of the OAOP according to Federal State Educational Standard include program correctional work developed on an individual basis. It is important to ensure that it does not duplicate the content of correctional and developmental courses that are mandatory to attend, which necessitates preliminary development of the structure of individual correctional classes, extracurricular activities, and measures to increase motivation for learning and comprehensive development.

The organizational section of a program adapted for a child with special educational needs should include the following components:

  1. The curriculum, in turn, includes a mandatory part and is formed by the participants in the educational process. The content of the mandatory part directly depends on the chosen version of the program: if we are talking about using the first option, then it is advisable to leave the standard OOP structure, while when adapting the remaining options it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the PMPC to a greater or lesser extent. The program part, formed by participants in educational relations, provides for additional courses for in-depth study of compulsory subjects, the development of skills in which is the basis for social integration and professional self-realization.
  2. Conditions for the implementation of AOOP.
  3. A plan for extracurricular activities, consisting of a list of correctional and developmental courses and types of general developmental activities. In structure educational program according to the Federal State Educational Standard, designed for children with disabilities, the correctional component plays a key role due to the importance of overcoming individual psychophysical developmental defects. According to clause 8.4 of SanPiN, at least 5 hours out of the maximum 10 hours intended for extracurricular activities should be allocated for correctional and developmental courses, and the content of such classes should be drawn up taking into account developmental pathologies and real-life problems. Thus, for a child with hearing pathologies, classes on the development of auditory perception and speech technique are necessary, for students in the mental health department - general developmental classes.

As for the forms of extracurricular activities, their definition is the prerogative of teachers. To create conditions for the comprehensive development of children with disabilities, it is advisable to involve them in excursion activities, hikes, sports, creative or intellectual competitions, socially beneficial practices, project and research activities. It is possible to expand the forms of extracurricular interaction with students who have special educational needs by using the capabilities of additional education, cultural and sports organizations.

Development of AOP for children with disabilities in primary school

Contents of adapted basic general education AOP programs, developed by Federal State Educational Standard for primary school students from HIA, are characterized by a wider component content than AOOP LLC. This is due to the age factor, as well as the need for the harmonious development of the personality of children with special educational needs in the context of the need to instill basic social skills and create conditions for mastering subject content at the required level.

When developing program content for primary school students, it is very important to ensure the implementation of general didactic principles that provide for the construction of a holistic, systematic and purposeful pedagogical process, which is characterized by an orientation towards humanistic values, conscious and full participation of the student’s personality.

As for the organization of correctional and developmental work, the development of program content in the area should be carried out taking into account the following conditions:

  1. Constantly maintaining a balance of corrective, preventive and developmental tasks.
  2. Maintaining the unity of the diagnostic and correctional complex.
  3. Implementation of planning of special correctional and developmental work, taking into account the characteristics of educational difficulties, individual educational difficulties of the child.
  4. Execution in different sections adapted educational program, designed for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard, in particular AOOP NOO, grouping educational material on topics that are the most significant - cross-cutting.
  5. Organization and conduct of correctional and developmental work from the point of view of a system-activity approach, which provides for the development of a set of universal skills and abilities.
  6. Using a competency-based approach, which can primarily be realized through the use of a wide variety of methods and techniques of correctional pedagogical activities.
  7. Determining the volume of the teaching load, taking into account the child’s state “here and now” with an adequate revision of the coverage of the material in a particular lesson.
  8. Maintaining communication and active interaction within a team of interdisciplinary specialists. Maintaining an emphasis on developing the personality traits of students necessary for successful social integration.
  9. Creation of pedagogical and organizational conditions for consolidating the efforts of the child’s immediate environment.

Another important feature that determines the structure and content adapted educational program for children with disabilities is compliance with general didactic principles Federal State Educational Standard, in particular, the child’s full experience of all periods of childhood development. This point is of particular relevance for children with multiple health defects, who, due to psychophysical characteristics, consciously remain in preschool childhood, while due to age and the need to master subject content, multiple requirements are imposed. It is important that when designing educational activities, the student remains an active participant in the choice of content, and not a subject who does not have the right to vote; teachers create all the necessary conditions for active interaction with family representatives, in particular, on the issues of introducing a child with disabilities to sociocultural norms and traditions of society and states.

The success of mastering program content, adapted taking into account the child’s real educational capabilities, largely depends on whether the formation of the child’s cognitive interests and actions is created in various types of direct educational and developmental activities. In the situation of teaching children with disabilities, compliance with the rule of developmental education, which provides for the activity of each child in the immediate zone of his development, is especially important, since without consistent demonstration of successes, large and small, it is impossible to expect educational activity from the child. The integration of educational areas, necessary for the implementation of the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process, should also be introduced only after the student with disabilities reaches the required intellectual level, since otherwise there is a high probability of a decrease in cognitive interest due to a deep misunderstanding of the material being studied.

It is important to note that when designing OAOP programs IEO for children with disabilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard Teachers and other representatives of interdisciplinary teams often face multiple difficulties, of which I would like to highlight the following:

  1. Correlation of the content of exemplary educational programs with the requirements of the Standard and real opportunities for inclusion. In this case, the methodological problem may lie in the fact that finding the area of ​​“intersection” of these concepts can be very difficult due to multiple contradictions.
  2. Identification and structuring of methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical work for a specific section or block of AOOP.
  3. Determination of the subject, general developmental and correctional components of program content from the point of view of sufficiency, accessibility and necessity.

Given the significant difficulties faced by developers of adapted program content, it becomes strategically important to continue work in this area, the obligatory elements of which should be the development of advanced pedagogical practices, exchange of experience, consolidation of the efforts of subject teachers and specialized specialists in age development, as well as active involvement parents in the process of learning and comprehensive development of children with disabilities.

These recommendations are addressed to employees of educational institutions (administrators, teachers, psychologists, class teachers, speech therapists, tutors, and other specialists) responsible for drawing up an adapted educational program (AEP) for students with disabilities.

Goal of the work: creation of methodological support, organizational documents defining the structure and content of an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Education Center No. 1"

(structural unit of MBOU – gymnasium No. 2)


Compiled by Orlova Natalia Alexandrovna

year 2014

1. Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goals, objectives, methods and practical significance of the presented work);

2. Main part:

2.1 Theoretical aspects of the problem being studied;

2.2. Practical aspects of the activities of teaching staff (work experience of MBOU - gymnasium No. 2 in Tula);

3. Conclusion.

4. .


In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) established: “... the content of education and the conditions for organizing the training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as HIA )determined by an adapted educational program,and for disabled people also in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.”

The relevance of the topic of these methodological recommendations is explained by the fact that in order for children with disabilities to receive general education in general education organizations, appropriate adapted basic general education programs (in separate documents) must be developed, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities.

Goal of the work: creation of methodological support, organizational documents defining the structure and content of an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities.


  • providing assistance to specialists in the development of an adapted educational program for different categories of students with disabilities in educational institutions of all levels;
  • familiarization with the structure of the adapted educational program, mechanisms for its development, procedures for transferring a student with disabilities to study under the Program, with the organization of final and intermediate control.

Main part

II. Theoretical aspects of drawing up an adapted educational program for a child with disabilities


An adapted educational program (hereinafter referred to as AEP) is an educational program adapted for teaching persons with disabilities (persons with hearing, vision,musculoskeletal system, with speech impairments, intellect, autism spectrum disorders), disabled childrentaking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these individuals.

The AOP is developed independently by the educational organization, taking into account the federal state educational standards of general education by level of education and (or) the federal state educational standards for the education of children with disabilities on the basis of the basic general education program and in accordance with the special educational needs of persons with disabilities.

A necessary stage is the adaptation of the general education program, which is carried out taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled and includes such areas of activity asanalysis and selection of content; change in structure and time frame; the use of different forms, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities.The requirements of the state educational standard and the content of sample programs, including for children with disabilities, are analyzed.The features of the psychophysical development of persons with disabilities are taken into account (according to documents submitted by parents).The necessary structural components of the adapted educational program are designed andthe time limits for the development of AOP are determined. When designing an AOP, the period of time covered by the implementation of the Program content is indicated. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to a clear formulation of the goal of the AOP and the definition of the range of tasks that specify the goal of the adapted educational program.

  1. Determination of AOP content. Designing the content of AOP should include the content of educational, correctional and educational components.
  1. Planning forms of implementation of AOP.

The implementation of AOP can be carried out using various forms, including the use of distance technologies and e-learning.

  1. Planning the participation of various specialists in the implementation of AOP (educators, psychologist, social worker, additional education teacher, etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of including parents (legal representatives) of a student with disabilities, or a group of students with disabilities with similar developmental disorders, in the implementation of AEP.
  2. . Determination of forms and criteria for monitoring the results of mastering an adapted educational program.

Criteria for intermediate and final assessment of the effectiveness of AOP development should be provided.

  1. When deciding on the transfer of a student with disabilities as someone who has not passed the intermediate certification, it is necessary to be guided by:

clause 20 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education;

paragraph 9 of Article 58 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

  1. The decision to transfer a student from a disability to an AEP is made on the basis of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and with the consent of a written statement from the parents (legal representatives).
  2. The pedagogical council of a general education institution annually approves the AOP for students with disabilities and (or) groups of students with disabilities.


2.1. Component composition of the AOP structure for students with disabilities:

2.2.1. Title page;

2.2.2. An explanatory note, which sets out a brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics of persons with disabilities, with a description of the characteristics of their psychophysical development. Based on the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goal and objectives of teaching in the subject or subjects for the current period are formulated.

The explanatory note must indicate the approximate programs on the basis of which the AOP was prepared, as well as justify the variation if there is a redistribution of the number of hours allocated to the study of certain sections and topics, a change in the sequence of study of topics, etc.

2.2.3. Contents of the program. A component of the AOP structure, revealing its content in three blocks: educational, correctional and educational. The design of each of the three blocks should take into account the development of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students mastering AOP

the educational component of the AOP reveals the content of education by year of study, the expected results of subject achievements, forms of assessing the subject achievements of students with disabilities;

correctional component, sets out the directions of correctional work with the student (students), its techniques, methods and forms. The correctional block should provide for the activities of a teacher-defectologist, a teacher-speech therapist, and a teacher-psychologist.

The educational component contains a description of the techniques, methods and forms of work implemented during and after school hours.

2.2.4. Basic requirements for the results of AOP implementation.

In this section of the AOP, the goal and objectives of the Program should be correlated with its planned results, as well as specifically formulate the results of the implementation of the program at the level of dynamics of indicators of the mental and psychological development of the student (students) and the level of formation of key competencies. These requirements are the basis for the implementation of intermediate and final assessment of the effectiveness of the AOP. Requirements for the results of the Program implementation can not be separated into a special section, but can be designed in parallel with the description of the content of the Program within the framework of the components indicated above.

2.2.5. The system of control and measurement materials includes test materials, test texts, questions for intermediate and final certification, and includes evaluation criteria for test work.


3.1. The implementation of the AOP should include the creation of special conditions in an educational organization that should be applicable to a specific category of persons with disabilities.

3.2. When implementing AOP, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

taking into account the characteristics of the child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in the special organization of the correctional pedagogical process, in the use of special methods and means of teaching, compensation and correction of developmental disorders (informational, methodological, technical);

implementation of the correctional pedagogical process by teachers and educational psychologists of appropriate qualifications, its psychological support by special psychologists;

providing students with disabilities with medical, psychological, pedagogical and social assistance;

involving parents in the correctional pedagogical process.

3.3. Tutors, speech pathologists, speech therapists, and educational psychologists should be involved in the implementation of AOP in an educational organization.

Component composition of the AOP structure

Structural units of AOP

Their characteristics

AOP title page

Name of educational institution

Program approval stamp (indicating the date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the methodological association)

Statement of approval of the program by the director of the educational institution (indicating the date and order number)

The name of the adapted educational program without indicating the category of persons with disabilities.

Full name of the teacher(s) who developed (them) and implements (their) program (it is possible to indicate work experience, category)

Parallel/class in which the Program is studied.

Expert (by decision of the teacher or educational institution management)

Year of the program

Explanatory note of the AOP

The purpose and objectives of AOP.

Features of the class in which this AOP will be implemented. If the teacher is aware of the individual characteristics of a particular student/students, then this is also indicated.

List of educational, methodological and software used to achieve the planned results of mastering the goals and objectives of AOP.

The number of teaching hours for which the AOP is designed.

Forms of organizing the activities of students with disabilities characteristic of AOP

AOP-specific forms of monitoring the mastery of content by students with disabilities (current, intermediate, final)

Basic requirements for the results of AOP implementation

Subject result: “The student will learn” (mandatory minimum content) “The student will get the opportunity” (maximum amount of course content)

Personal result.

System of control and measuring materials AOP

Test materials, test texts, questions for test papers.

Quantity of control materials

Criteria for assessing test work

Practical aspects of the activities of teaching staff (work experience of MBOU - gymnasium No. 2 in Tula)

At the moment, two disabled children attend our institution. Both children do not have visible disabilities or developmental disabilities, both have preserved intellectual sphere, which freely allows them to be brought up together and study in groups with children who do not have developmental disabilities.

From the moment children with disabilities enter the institution, close work is carried out with their families on the developed and current “Algorithm of actions with children with disabilities and children with disabilities attending a preschool educational institution”

At the initial stage, an initial meeting was held with the family in order to get acquainted and collect information about the child’s development, and to clarify the educational request on the part of the parents.

Employees of the educational institution, administration: deputy director for administrative affairs, deputy. VR directors, medical worker, educational psychologist, speech therapists, physical education instructor, music directors who contribute to the creation of conditions and a favorable microclimate in the gymnasium to facilitate the adaptation of children with disabilities and disabled children, their successful socialization. They provide an individual approach to children when organizing the educational process. Teachers and specialists conduct conversations with parents, provide consultations, give recommendations, advice for the optimal development and adaptation of children in society, as well as providing assistance to all members of families raising these children. The administration, in turn, enters into agreements on the relationship between the educational institution and parents (legal representatives), and subsequently contributes to the creation of special conditions that involve the formation of an adapted educational environment. The health worker monitors the adaptation of children with disabilities and disabled children to the conditions of the educational institution, monitors their health status, well-being during the day, timeliness of taking medications, according to the conclusion and recommendations of the attending physicians during the stay of these children in the educational institution. Consults teachers and parents (legal representatives), gives recommendations on the implementation of an individual approach to children in accordance with the diagnosis in the organization of nutrition, organization of regime processes in kindergarten and at home.

The next stage is an in-depth psychological and pedagogical examination of all areas of activity of children in this category, the emotional-volitional sphere, higher mental functions, speech development, and intellectual development. The results of this survey are submitted to the institution’s PMPC in order to determine the further educational route.

Next, organizational work is carried out to design, develop and approve an educational program for a child with disabilities or a disabled child. Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, medical indicators, recommendations of the PMPC, the expectations of parents, the goals and objectives of the individual educational program are clearly formulated (the need to supplement or change the educational schedule is discussed, the forms of education are determined, the mode of attending classes, both subgroup and individual, additional types of psychological and pedagogical support, determination of intermediate and final results, etc.).

Next, teachers and specialists of the educational institution develop individual educational routes based on the developed educational program for a specific child with disabilities or a disabled child, taking into account the general educational program of the educational institution. These individual educational routes include the content of the main sections of the basic program, as well as correctional directions for a particular child, recommended by the institution’s specialists.

Since the optimal option for developing and implementing an individual educational program for a student with disabilities is one year, adjustments to its content are carried out based on the results of an interim diagnostic carried out in December of the current academic year. Based on the analysis of the intermediate diagnosis, changes and adjustments are made to the individual educational program for a specific child with disabilities or a disabled child.

At the end of the school year, based on the results of the implementation of the individual educational program within the framework of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC), an analysis of the final diagnosis of various areas of child development is carried out, adjustments are justified, recommendations are formulated in order to ensure continuity in the process of individual support for a child with disabilities or a child- disabled person by specialists at the next stage of his upbringing and training. A final meeting is also held with parents (legal representatives) to determine further forms of work with the child; teachers and specialists of the educational institution provide recommendations, advice, consultations, and reminders.

As mentioned earlier, at the moment, two disabled children attend our educational institution. According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Part 11, Art. 79“An educational organization must create conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children if they stay in an institution.”The administration of our institution creates special conditions through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, which involve the formation of an adapted educational environment without barriers, there are funds for training and education, as well as for the timely correction of disorders in the development of children, taking into account the structure of their disorders:

  • equipment for the development of general mobility;
  • equipment and toys for the development of: manual skills; tactile, visual and auditory perception; thinking, speech and language;
  • toys to support social-emotional development;
  • equipment for games with water and bulk materials;
  • materials for fine arts;
  • music library, musical toys;
  • fiction for children and parents.

In our institution, the procedure for developing and adjusting adapted educational programs for children with disabilities or children with disabilities takes place within the framework of the institution’s PMPC. The educational program is developed by teachers and specialists of the educational institution and approved by the director. An individual educational program for a child with disabilities or a disabled child in our institution has the following structure.

  1. Title page , which includes the name of the institution, purpose of the program, implementation period, targeting of the program (last name, first name of the student, year of study), approval stamp by the head, agreement with parents. If necessary, the program must be agreed upon with the chairman of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. On the title page you can indicate the specialist who is responsible for the implementation of the individual program.
  2. Explanatory note,which sets out information about the child: age, group, social environment, interests; parents' expectations; diagnosis; psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child with a list of developed skills and abilities and those that are not adequately developed. Based on the data of independent psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goals and objectives of accompanying the child for a certain period of time are formulated. The explanatory note indicates the main general education programs on the basis of which the individual educational program has been developed, and also justifies the variation if there is a redistribution of the number of hours allocated to the study of certain sections and topics, a change in the sequence of study of topics, etc.
  3. Individual curriculum. It is possible to vary the content of an individual program by strengthening individual topics and sections. Variation in the level of content of an individual educational program is carried out by rearranging the number of hours in the structural units of the program; changes in the sequence of studying individual sections of the program, some topics; increasing the volume of integrated classes within an individual program.
  4. Contents of the program.

Includes three main components or blocks:

Educational component, which reveals the content of education for a certain year of study (intermediate planned results) with the inclusion of calendar and thematic planning, criteria for assessing achievements in educational areas, etc.The educational component is mandatory if an individual curriculum is included in the individual program.

Corrective component, within the framework of which the directions of correctional work with students, techniques, methods and forms are outlined. The correctional block includes sections of educational institution specialists: a speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, a physical education instructor, a music director, an educator who has the opportunity to implement techniques and methods of correctional work with a student during direct educational activities and in free activity.

Educational componentcontains the conditions for interactions between educators and specialists with a child with disabilities or a disabled child, as well as with parents in the process of psychological and pedagogical support.

Conclusion and recommendations.This section formulates the rationale for making adjustments based on the results of the interim diagnosis and the conclusion on the implementation of the individual program as a whole when discussing this issue within the framework of the final psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation at the end of the school year. Recommendations are formulated with the aim of ensuring continuity in the process of individual support of a child with disabilities and a disabled child by specialists at the next stage of his education

In preparing this material, references were used to:

  • Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273;
  • SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 No. 26.

III. Conclusion

These recommendations are addressed to employees of educational institutions (administrators, teachers, psychologists, class teachers, speech therapists, tutors, and other specialists) responsible for drawing up an individual educational program (IEP) for students.

An adapted educational program is a document that defines the specifics of mastering the content of an educational standard based on the recommendations of the city psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of an educational institution, a comprehensive diagnosis of the child’s personality traits, and the expectations of parents in order to create conditions for the maximum realization of special educational needs child in the process of education and upbringing. AOP is compiled for children with disabilities and children with disabilities receiving education in various forms of education (full-time, individual education at home, as well as individual education at home using distance educational technologies (DET).

AOP is aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the process of teaching disabled children with severe visual impairments, the musculoskeletal system, as well as somatic diseases (provided that the intellectual sphere is preserved) according to educational programs at a certain level of education and the real capabilities of the child, based on the structure of his disease, cognitive needs and interests.

IV. List of used literature

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) -

Regional public organization of disabled people “Perspektiva” - www.perspektiva$

BUT Charitable Foundation "Downside Up" -

Regional public organization of social and creative

rehabilitation of children and youth with developmental disabilities and their families

"Circle" - www.roo$

Regional public charitable organization

“Center for Curative Pedagogy” -,

Center “Our Solar World” -

Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education (at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University) -,


President of Russia - to schoolchildren -

Website of the Tutor Association -

Website of the Ministry of Education and Science -

“Russian Education” Federal portal (about everything related to Russian education - regulatory documents, new standards, educational resources, etc.) -

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI)

Material from a presentation at a seminar on the topic “Adapted educational program for children with disabilities as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process”

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“AEP for children with disabilities as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process”


One of the indicators of the effective work of the teaching staff in the implementation of inclusive practice is a flexible, individualized approach to creating special conditions for learning and education for a child with disabilities.

This approach is manifested, first of all, in the development of a variable individual educational route for a child with disabilities within an educational organization, the development of an adapted educational program, the creation of an inclusive educational environment, special educational conditions that meet the needs of different categories of children with disabilities.

The creation of special educational conditions necessary for children with disabilities of all categories is divided into the following general areas: organizational support, psychological, pedagogical and personnel support.

Software and methodological support for the inclusive educational process is reflected in three documents:

– a correctional work program, which is an integral part of the main educational program, developed by an educational organization on the basis of a recommended list of general education programs,

Adapted basic general education program (AOEP), (underlies)

An adapted educational program (AEP), developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Adapted basic educational program is a program adapted for training certain categories of people with disabilities, including people with disabilities.

The program is aimed at “overcoming the discrepancy between the learning process of a child with disabilities in the educational programs of primary, basic, and secondary general education and the real capabilities of the child, based on the structure of his impairment, cognitive needs and capabilities.”

A well-structured, adapted educational program for a student with disabilities allows for the student’s personal development, mastery of educational material and socialization in the children’s team.

An adapted educational program, like any other program developed by specialists from educational organizations, must be approved by the head and designed and implemented for a child in need with the consent of parents (legal representatives), which is also enshrined in regulatory documents in the field of education.

Structure of the adapted educational program of primary general education (AEP IEO) for students with disabilities

1. Target section

In the explanatory note to the adapted educational program is given psychological and pedagogical characteristics and description of the special educational needs of students with disabilities, and, accordingly, the key ideas for organizing the educational process for this category of students at the initial stage of education.

Planned results students' mastery of AOP IEO should reflect subject, meta-subject and personal learning results in each direction, for each educational area.

Rating system Achieving the planned results of mastering AOP imposes not only requirements for subject, meta-subject and personal results, but also requirements for the use of knowledge and skills in practice, for the child’s activity and independence, as well as special requirements for the development of the student’s life competence in accordance with his individual capabilities.

“Program for the formation of universal educational activities” is built on the basis of an activity-based approach to learning and allows for the realization of the correctional and developmental potential of education for students with disabilities and is designed to promote the development of universal learning activities that provide students with the ability to learn.

Programs of educational subjects, courses in the correctional and developmental field ensure the achievement of the planned subject results of mastering the program. Here it is important to note the logistics: office, lighting, workplace, etc.

Program of spiritual and moral development and education is aimed at organizing the moral structure of school life, including educational, educational, extracurricular, socially significant activities of students with disabilities, based on a system of spiritual values, moral priorities, implemented in the joint social and pedagogical activities of the school, family and other subjects of public life.

Program for the formation of environmental culture, healthy and safe lifestyle a comprehensive program for developing knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior among students with disabilities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health.

The program deserves special attention correctional work. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education, the correctional work program must provide:

Identification of the special educational needs of children with disabilities caused by deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development;

Implementation of individually oriented psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

The possibility of children with disabilities mastering the basic educational program of primary general education and their integration into an educational organization. The Federal State Educational Standards projects for students with disabilities define the functions of the correctional work program, which consist in identifying the special educational needs of students with disabilities.

Extracurricular activities program, its essence and main significance lies in providing additional conditions for the development of interests, inclinations, abilities of students with disabilities, and the organization of their free time.

3. Organizational section

Includes Syllabus , implementing the AOP of the IEO of students with mental retardation, fixes the total volume of the load, the maximum volume of the classroom load of students, the composition and structure of compulsory subject areas, distributes the educational time allocated for their development by grade and academic subjects.

Deserves special attention system of implementation conditions AOP, which includes a description of the conditions and resources of the educational organization, justification for the necessary changes in existing conditions, taking into account the special educational needs of students with disabilities and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a description of the system for assessing the conditions for the implementation of AOP IEO for students with disabilities.



1.1.Explanatory note

1) The goals of implementing an adapted educational program of general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of students mastering the educational program of the NOU.

2) Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, description of the special educational needs of students.

3) Key ideas for organizing the educational process for students with disabilities at the primary stage of school (principles and approaches to the formation of AOP NEO and the composition of participants in the educational process of an educational institution; general characteristics of AOP NEO; general approaches to organizing extracurricular activities).

1) Formation of universal educational actions, personal and meta-subject results.

2) Subject results of mastering academic disciplines (academic achievements).

2) Requirements for subject, meta-subject and personal results at this level of education.

5) Special requirements for the development of life competence.

6) Forms of certification.

1) The connection of universal educational activities with the content of educational subjects.

2) Characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational actions of students.

1) General provisions (characteristics of the academic subject; description of the place of the academic subject in the curriculum; description of the value guidelines of the content of the academic subject; personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a specific academic subject).

3) Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

1) Goal, objectives, main directions of work on spiritual and moral education and development of students.

2) Planned results of spiritual and moral development and education (social competencies, behavior patterns).

2.4.Program for the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle

1) Goals, objectives, planned results of the educational organization’s work on the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

2) The main directions and list of organizational forms of work to create an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

1) List, content and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional activities that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities, their integration in an educational institution and their mastery of AOP NOO.

3) Description of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities (including a barrier-free environment, the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, provision of tutor services , conducting group and individual correctional classes).

4) Models and technologies for implementing correctional work in an educational organization.

5) Planned results of correctional work.


3.1. Syllabus

1) Basic curriculum.

2) The working curriculum of the educational institution.

2) Justification of the necessary changes in the existing conditions in accordance with the goals of the AOP of the educational institution, taking into account the special educational needs of students and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 3) Mechanisms for achieving the necessary changes in the system of conditions.

In our school, the following events prepared for the introduction of new standards for teaching children with disabilities:

    A diagnostic stage was carried out with 1st graders to identify children with disabilities: documents, medical records were studied, an interview was conducted with parents.

    a package of documents has been compiled for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities (order, local act...)

    developed by AOP NOO for children with disabilities

    A psychologist’s office has been opened, which has equipment... The psychologist is ready to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support to students in educational activities.

    There is an office of a social teacher who provides social protection to students and their development in society.

    equipped bathroom????

    a teacher was trained on the topic “Preparation for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education for students with disabilities”

Thus, the Concept of the Federal State Educational Standard for students with disabilities sets target and content guidelines in ensuring the right of children with disabilities to education through the creation of an adapted educational program taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and special educational needs of children, the organization of comprehensive assistance in the process of development and learning, the implementation of inclusive educational process.

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Adapted educational program for children with disabilities as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process

Compiled by: Avdeenko Elena Aleksandrovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 9"

“Education is the right of every person and has great importance and potential.

The principles of freedom, democracy and sustainable development are built on education...

… there is nothing more important, no other mission, than education for all...”

Kofi Annan

Justification of the need to develop special Federal State Educational Standards for children with disabilities (CHD)

  • The right of children with disabilities to education and its implementation in practice.
  • Children with disabilities are a heterogeneous group of schoolchildren.
  • Current trends in changes in the composition of schoolchildren with disabilities.
  • Children with disabilities are children with special educational needs

Software and methodological support:

  • correctional program;
  • adapted basic general education

AOOP program;

  • adapted educational program AOP


Adapted educational program - This is a program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

AOP goal: building the educational process for a child with disabilities in accordance with his real capabilities, based on the characteristics of his development and educational needs.


  • formation of educational skills;
  • mastering knowledge of the fundamentals of science;
  • intensifying interest in artistic and technical creativity, familiarization with the cultural values ​​of humanity;
  • individualization of training, taking into account the state of their health, individual typological characteristics.

Program targeting:

  • deaf;
  • hearing impaired;
  • late-deafened;
  • blind;
  • visually impaired;
  • with musculoskeletal disorders

apparatus (NODA),

  • mental retardation (MDD);
  • severe speech disorders (SSD);
  • autism spectrum disorders (ASD).


1. Target

3. Organizational


1. Target

1. 1. Explanatory note

1) The goals of implementing the AOP of general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of students mastering the educational program of the non-profit educational institution.

2) Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, description of the special educational needs of students.

3) Key ideas for organizing the educational process for students with disabilities at the elementary level of school (principles and approaches to the formation of AOP NEO and the composition of participants in the educational process).

1.Target section

1.2. Planned results of students mastering AOP LEO

  • Formation of UUD.

1.3. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of development of AOP LEO

2) Subject results of mastering academic disciplines.

1) Description of the directions and goals of assessment activities, the object and content of assessment, criteria, procedures and composition of assessment tools, forms of presentation of results, conditions and boundaries of application of the assessment system.

2) Requirements for subject, meta-subject and personal results at the initial stage of education.

3) Personal learning results in each area (mastering life competence).

3) Requirements for the use of knowledge and skills in practice.

4) Requirements for activity and independence in applying knowledge and skills in practice.

2.1. Program for the formation of universal educational activities

1) Connection of UUD with the content of educational subjects.

2.2. Programs of individual academic subjects

2) Characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative UUD.

2.3. Spiritual and moral development program

2) Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

1) Goal, objectives, main directions of work on DNV and student development.

3) Typical tasks of forming personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational actions.

2) Planned results of spiritual and moral development and education.

3) Forms of organizing a system of educational activities that allow students to master and practically use the acquired knowledge.

2.4.Healthy lifestyle formation program

1) Goals, objectives, planned results of work on the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

2.5. Corrective work program

2) Main directions and list of forms of work.

1) List, content and implementation plan for individually oriented corrective measures for the development of AOP NOO.

2.6. Extracurricular activities program

2) A system of comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in the educational process.

1) General provisions, goals, objectives of extracurricular activities.

2) The main content and organizational and methodological conditions of extracurricular activities.

3) Description of special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities; models and technologies.

4) Planned results of correctional work.

3) Goals, objectives and content of individual areas of extracurricular activities of the school.

4) Programs of extracurricular activities courses implemented in an educational organization.

3. Organizational section

3.1. Syllabus

1) Basic curriculum.

3.2. System of conditions for the implementation of AOP NOO

2) The working curriculum of the educational organization.

1) Description of the conditions and resources of the educational organization.

2) Justification of the necessary changes in the existing conditions in accordance with the goals of the AOP of the educational organization, taking into account the special educational needs of students and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3) Explanatory note to the working curriculum.

3) Mechanisms for achieving the necessary changes in the system of conditions.

4) Schedule (road map) for creating the necessary system of conditions.

5) A system for assessing the conditions for the implementation of AOP IEO for students with disabilities.

Thank you for your attention!

Colleagues, congratulations

Happy start of the school year!!!

Education of children with disabilities is carried out according to adapted educational programs. Such programs are developed for groups of children:

A - with similar problems (deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened, blind, visually impaired children, children with musculoskeletal disorders, severe speech impairments, mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, multiple developmental disorders);

B - with similar educational needs , differentiated in a group of children with similar problems (for example, in the group of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), the following groups are distinguished:
- children with ASD who, by the time they enter the organization, reach a level of development close to the age norm, have a positive experience of communicating with peers;
- children with ASD who, by the time they enter the organization, do not reach a level of development close to the age norm and do not have additional health limitations that prevent them from receiving education in conditions that take into account their general and special educational needs;
- children with ASD complicated by mild mental retardation (intellectual impairment);
- children with ASD who have additional severe multiple developmental disorders: moderate, severe or profound mental retardation, which can be combined with visual impairments, musculoskeletal disorders and be of varying severity, be complicated by current somatic diseases and mental disorders).

For each of these groups, educational programs with their own characteristics are developed (2-4 options). And, for example, in accordance with the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities (will come into force on September 1, 2016) for children with ASD who have additional severe multiple developmental disorders, it is provided, based on the educational program, to develop for each child a special individual development program that takes into account the individual educational needs of the student.

Features of adapted educational programs are established by federal state standards.

Currently in effect:

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373),
- federal state educational standard for basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897),
- federal state educational standard of secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413).

From September 1, 2016, the following will apply to educational relations arising from this date:

  • federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1598);
  • Federal state educational standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1599).

The determination of the educational program option for a student with disabilities is carried out on the basis recommendations of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC), formulated based on the results of his comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, and if the student has a disability - taking into account the individual rehabilitation program (IPR) of the disabled child and the opinion of his parents (legal representatives).

For each type of similar developmental disorders in children, several options for educational programs have been established. In the process of mastering the educational program it is possible for the student to transfer from one version of the program to another. The transfer of a student from one version of the program to another is carried out by the educational organization on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the results of mastering the educational program, on the recommendation of the PMPK and taking into account the opinion of parents (legal representatives) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Certain requirements have been established for adapted educational programs for:

  • deaf children
  • hearing-impaired and late-deafened children
  • blind children
  • visually impaired children
  • children with musculoskeletal disorders
  • children with severe speech impairments
  • children with mental retardation
  • children with autism spectrum disorders
  • children with mental retardation

For children with multiple developmental disorders requirements for adapted educational programs are indicated in the latest version of education for children with similar health problems (for example, the second option for education of children with mental retardation provides requirements for education of children with mental retardation, which can be combined with local or systemic impairments of vision, hearing, musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, autism spectrum disorders, emotional-volitional sphere, expressed in varying degrees of severity). These requirements can be found in the corresponding section of the table above (far right column).

Particular attention should be paid to the mandatory remedial courses that are provided for by federal state educational standards from September 1, 2016. Mandatory remedial courses provided for by the standards can be supplemented by the educational organization independently based on the recommendations of the PMPC and taking into account the IPR.