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The article will reveal the main points related to the possibility of returning goods without a receipt in 2019. What are the reasons for the return, will it be possible to do this, and how to proceed - next.

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A situation arises between sellers and buyers when the second wants to return the goods because of his marriage. Sellers do not always agree to an exchange, so the consumer should be aware of their own rights.

Important Points

Consumer protection law gives them certain rights. However, not all citizens use them. Not everyone knows that you can return the goods back without having a check in hand.

Return Features:

If there is no receipt, the fact of purchase can be proved in another way. For example, provide the seller with:

  • on the transfer of funds from the bank;
  • warranty card;
  • products;
  • packaging from the goods with the initials of the seller, cost.

A representative of the store may require a passport and file a statement about the loss of the receipt. Returning goods without a receipt is the right of the buyer by law.

What you need to know

If the consumer is not satisfied with the quality of the product or the product breaks down within a few hours (days) after purchase, he has the right to visit the store and demand to replace it.

The buyer must have a statement with him. There is no set application form. But the document must indicate:

  • name of the seller;
  • applicant's details;
  • a list of malfunctions of the product, due to which it has to be changed;
  • proof of payment.

The application is presented to representatives of the trading network. If the application is refused, it is sent by mail.

In case of refusal, a conflict begins between the seller and the buyer. Citizens have the right to send a copy of the application and complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

If, after submitting the application, the seller returns the money, he is not involved in.

If he refuses to exchange the thing or return the funds, the consumer has the right to file a claim and a lawsuit in court. In court, the plaintiff must prove that the purchase was made from that seller.

If the goods are of inadequate quality, returning it without a receipt, the buyer has the right to demand:

  • return money;
  • repair the product;
  • reduce cost;
  • Compensate for repair costs - you will need to provide documents on expenses;
  • exchange the product for a similar one.

The buyer must submit an application-claim, on the basis of which the product is changed or an appeal is made to the court.

If the product is discounted, this is not an obstacle to its exchange. If such goods are sold, the seller is obliged to writing indicate shortcomings.

If, after the purchase, other defects were found that were not indicated by the seller, the buyer has the right to return it. If the check is not presented, the seller has no right to refuse to accept the goods.

For each case (return, exchange, repair) there are terms:

If the deadlines have expired, the buyer has the right to demand compensation for damage - a penalty of 1% for each day of delay.

The main condition for a return is that the product must look the same as when it was purchased. If the seller sees even minor damage, he has every right not to accept the goods.

Without a tag, but with a check, it will be possible to return the product if its quality is inadequate. The seller takes the item for examination. If poor quality is confirmed, the citizen is obliged to return the money.

Main reasons for returning

There are a number of conditions for the return of purchased goods:

  • detection of a manufacturing defect;
  • equipment failure (during the warranty period);
  • expiration date;
  • non-compliance with the quality indicated on the package;
  • the thing did not fit the buyer - in size, color.

When returning the goods, it is necessary to reasonably explain the reason for the return. An exception is a purchase on the Internet, by mail, through a catalog.

What does consumer protection law say?

Basic normative act protecting the rights of buyers - adopted on February 7, 1992. It regulates the relationship between the consumer and the seller.

The purpose of the law is to protect the rights of a citizen and impose obligations on the seller to accept a low-quality product or a high-quality one if it does not suit the consumer.

If the buyer does not have a receipt, evidence may be used. defines the rights of consumers when buying goods with inadequate quality.

In accordance with the seller has the right to demand compensation for damage.

Is it possible to return an item without a receipt?

It is allowed to return the goods without a receipt in the following cases:

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

A quality product cannot be returned to the store if the item is no longer to your liking. These are cosmetics, personal care items, animals and plants.
Upon arrival home, you do not need to immediately cut off the tag, throw away the box Especially if the check was not kept
It is necessary to observe the return period according to the law, take into account expiration dates Otherwise, additional documentation will be required to confirm the injury.
For the exchange, you need to take the documents accompanying the goods Warranty card, data sheet, etc.
For an exchange without a check, sometimes you have to fill out a questionnaire Provide a passport

According to the law, the return of products without a receipt is given 2 weeks from the date of purchase. This applies to undamaged goods. Sellers have the right to extend the term by informing the buyer.

The procedure for exchanging things without a receipt:

Before going to the store Collect boxes from the goods, attached documents
Check item For scratches, dents
At the store, contact the senior salesperson or administrator Not a consultant
Calmly explain the situation, provide evidence of the purchase of goods in this particular store Where the thing lay, the day of purchase, who served. If a person paid with a card, show SMS on the phone
If the goods are refused to be accepted and exchanged, write a statement If a store employee behaves aggressively, file a complaint on the official website of a legal entity or a private entrepreneur
If there is no positive solution Complain to Rospotrebnadzor

The lack of goods is not always manifested within 14 days. If the grounds for the exchange are compelling, an application is submitted to the court. Before that, evidence is collected. For example, a thing caused an allergy.

Buyer action algorithm

Procedure for returning goods without a receipt:

  1. Make an application in two copies.
  2. Visit the store where the item was purchased. Call the person responsible for the return or exchange - the merchandiser or manager. If there is no receipt, you must bring with you a person who was present at the time of purchase and will confirm this.
  3. Hand over one copy of the application to the seller, on the second ask to sign with the date, initials.

If the exchange is not interested and the buyer wants to return the money for the purchase, you should ask in advance if there is a product with the same characteristics in the store.

If it is not there, an entry is made in the application about this - the money is returned to the buyer.

If the object is of poor quality

The main reason for returning the item is the presence of a marriage that the buyer did not find at the time of purchase. The main thing is to act immediately.

Do not delay for a long time - the sellers refer to the fact that the product was damaged during use, and the buyer is to blame.

You can exchange defective goods without a receipt. Exception - the cost of goods exceeds 10 . Then you have to prove the written conclusion of the transaction. Witness testimony will not work.

The buyer has the right to be present during the quality control of the product. If there is a dispute about the quality, an independent examination is carried out.

If the fault of the seller or the manufacturer is not proven, the costs are reimbursed by the buyer. If the seller denies the purchase of the item, you can use the testimony of witnesses - people who were present at the time of the purchase of the goods.

CCTV footage will also help. If the management refuses, it is allowed to contact Rospotrebnadzor or consumer protection organizations.

It is difficult to exchange expired goods without a receipt. Usually money is returned for it, but sometimes the buyer wants to receive the same product, only fresh. The algorithm of actions is the same.

A product can break down for a variety of reasons. In order to exchange a broken item, it is necessary to prove that the breakdown was due to the fault of the manufacturer, and not as a result of misuse.

Video: is it possible to exchange goods on the market without a receipt

Before making a claim against the seller, you must contact an independent institution for an examination. Be sure to get a conclusion.

The nuances of the procedure for returning goods without a cash receipt:

  • the buyer must require a warranty card or other technical document with a seal;
  • non-cash payment will serve as proof of purchase when there is no receipt;
  • for additional fixation of the purchase, it is better to use a bonus card and register in personal account trading company.

Goods of inadequate quality can be exchanged. In addition, the buyer has the right to claim damages.

If the marriage is not visible at first sight

It happens that when buying a product or thing, a defect is not detected immediately, but in the process of use - a hidden marriage.

He's called various reasons- incorrect transportation or storage conditions, non-compliance with the rules of use.

According to, if the seller kept silent about the defect, the buyer has the right:

  • ask the seller to reduce the cost of payment for the goods;
  • extort free of charge to eliminate shortcomings;
  • claim reimbursement for repair costs.

The buyer also has the right to replace an identical product. He has the right to require the seller to compensate for the moral or material damage caused due to the use of a broken product.

The absence of a check is not an obstacle to the exchange or return of goods. A claim is also filed.

If the warranty period is not set, then in accordance with the law, the buyer has the opportunity to return the damaged goods within 2 years.

Each party has the right to demand an examination to identify the cause of the malfunction. The buyer will receive compensation if the failure occurred due to the fault of the manufacturer.

The law establishes that if the goods did not fit the buyer according to some criteria, he can return it back. To do this, you need to submit a list of documents, including a check for payment.
But what if you lost it or threw it away? How to act in such a situation so that unnecessary goods do not remain in your hands will be discussed in this article.

○ What documents can be used instead of a check?

The Consumer Protection Act (CPLA) states that a purchase can be returned even if the receipt is missing.

The absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods by the consumer is not a basis for refusing to satisfy his requirements (clause 5, article 18 of the RFP).

However, to save time and reduce the number of disputes with the seller, it is worth considering how you can replace the payment receipt. The main thing is that the submitted document confirms the fact of payment and identifies the object of the dispute. Below will be presented possible options check replacement.

Attachment to the tear-off coupon.

A tear-off coupon for a cash receipt is an accounting document that records the fact of receipt of funds to the account of its holder. It contains information about the date of purchase, the subject and amount of the transaction. The application to this coupon is transferred to the buyer and can serve as his proof of making money for the goods. Therefore, this document can be used if the seller refuses to issue a return due to the lack of a receipt.

User manual.

This document can be used if the product is returned by the buyer some time after purchase, but before the expiration of the warranty period of 2 weeks. The instruction allows you to identify the subject of the dispute and prove that its operation was carried out in accordance with the necessary standards. Therefore, the document can be used to confirm the fact of purchase and the validity of the buyer's claims, replacing the payment receipt.

Completed technical passport.

This is a document that contains the main characteristics of the product, both technical and operational. It is issued at the time of purchase and can be used instead of a receipt for returns. It is applied when the return is carried out on the basis of inadequate quality of the goods and the buyer needs to prove that he has complied with all operational standards.

User guide.

It can replace the receipt if the return is made due to non-conformity of the goods with the characteristics. It is a proof of familiarization of the buyer with the necessary standards of operation and their observance.

○ How to write an application correctly?

Considering that stores are extremely reluctant to accept goods back, it is important to be prepared to protect your rights. If it is not possible to resolve the matter amicably, you can go to court. But before filing a claim, it is necessary to try to resolve the issue out of court. To do this, you need to make a written complaint to the store.

What needs to be specified?

The document is drawn up in free form, but in order for it to have legal force, it must indicate:

  • Details of the recipient and originator.
  • Circumstances of purchase (date, time, place of purchase, product name).
  • Grounds for return (if the product is of good quality, indicate that it did not fit, if it is of inadequate quality, describe the shortcomings).
  • Requirements for the seller (exchange or take back).
  • Claim for reimbursement if the goods were delivered to the store by the customer (applies to goods weighing more than 5 kg).
  • Legislative norms regulating the issue (links).
  • List of attached documents (passport, proof of purchase).
  • Date and signature.

It is important to keep in mind that the information should be as detailed as possible and not require additional explanations.

Can an item be exchanged?

The product can be replaced with a similar one, if available. Otherwise, only a return is possible - the store is obliged to accept the products back and give the money to the buyer for it.

If the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) at the time of presentation of the requirement, there is no goods necessary for replacement, the replacement must be carried out within a month from the date of presentation of such a requirement (Part 2, Clause 1, Article 21 of the LOZPP).

The buyer has the right to demand a refund, even if a similar product is in stock.

Do I need to provide passport details?

The law does not require such information to be included in the claim. It is enough to indicate your full name and put your signature.

If the seller asks to enter his passport data in the text, the buyer can decide for himself whether he wants to do this or not. The absence of such information does not affect the legal force of the document and the need for its consideration.

○ Should I fill out a check loss statement?

The decision on such an action remains with the buyer, who decides for himself whether he wants to fill out additional paperwork or not. This statement does not affect the possibility of a return.

But if such an offer comes from the seller, you should use it, because this document may be important for the store (for example, for reporting). In addition, satisfying the seller's request will significantly reduce the risk of lengthy disputes and will contribute to a speedy resolution of the issue.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that the law does not provide for the need to submit such an application. It is enough to indicate the fact of the loss of the check in the text of the claim.

○ Is it possible to exchange goods of inadequate quality without a receipt?

The presence of a receipt of payment is not critical, regardless of the reason for the return. But, if we are talking about a product that does not meet the declared characteristics, you should be prepared for the fact that an examination may be required. It is necessary to determine the fault for damage to the goods.

How to make a claim?

If it is not possible to resolve the problem with the seller through negotiations, other measures should be taken. One of the most effective is filing a claim. It is issued according to the same principle as for the return of products of the appropriate quality. The information listed above, as well as the requirements for conducting an examination, are indicated. If the seller refuses to pay for it, you can do it yourself. If the fact of a manufacturing defect is proved, the cost of the study will be reimbursed along with the cost of the goods.

Deadlines within which a request can be made.

If it is a defective product, a return claim can be made within the warranty period. Usually, this is 1 year from the date of purchase, but the time frame may vary in one direction or another. That's why this information It's best to check with the warranty card.

If you need to exchange goods of good quality, the claim must be submitted within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Each buyer remembers that when purchasing any product, you need to keep the receipt. However, what to do when, for some reason, the check is lost, and the goods need to be returned or exchanged. A systematic question arises: is it possible to return the goods without a receipt?

The answer is ambiguous and will depend on many factors: whether this product is food or not, of good quality or inadequate, how much time has passed since the purchase. Let's consider these conditions.

The main source regulating the relationship between the buyer and the seller is the law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights" (hereinafter referred to as the law). We will turn to him in search of the necessary information.

How to return an item of inadequate quality?

Before answering how to return a low-quality product to the store, let's first understand what is a product of inadequate quality. It should be noted that such a definition is not fixed anywhere in law, however, it is generally accepted that a product of inadequate quality is a product that has flaws that have arisen as a result of marriage during its production or in case of non-compliance with storage conditions.

A claim can be sent not only to the seller, but also to the manufacturer or importer.

Other features

One more point should be remembered: if the product is expensive or technically complex, then its replacement is carried out only if there are significant defects. Otherwise, such items are subject to warranty repair and are not subject to replacement. The list of goods that are technically complex is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
After receiving a claim by the seller, events may develop as follows:

  • the seller accepts low-quality goods and satisfies the requirements of the buyer;
  • the seller accepts the goods and sends them for examination, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of the defect. If the examination establishes the fault of the buyer, then the latter is obliged to reimburse all the costs incurred by the seller for the examination. However, the result of the examination can be challenged in court;
  • the seller does not accept the goods, referring to the absence of a check. In this case, you can go to court. Statistics show that in 90% of cases the court satisfies such claims.

How to return a good quality product?

About how to return the product to the store if it is of good quality, but did not suit you for a number of reasons, the STD law also regulates this possibility.

Of course, any seller will not be delighted with the need to exchange or return goods, especially in the absence of a receipt. But, if you persevere, most of them will make a concession.

However, if the seller refuses to sign the applications, flatly refused to exchange the goods, then you can send this application to the seller by mail, and if no response is received within a reasonable time, go to court.

How to return an item without a receipt if it is food?

The legislator has established that it is possible to return the goods to the store without a receipt only if the food product is of inadequate quality. Whether the money is returned without a check or not will depend on compliance with the deadline for filing a claim: claims are accepted only during the expiration date of the food product.

That is, if the shelf life of milk is 48 hours, then the claim must be filed within this period. This rule is waived if an already expired product was purchased.

An effective way to "persuade" a stubborn seller to return money without a check is to threaten to contact Rospotrebnadzor. It is usually easier to return money for low-quality goods, so it is easier to pass an inspection of the whole store.

Thus, it is possible to return or exchange goods without a receipt. Of course, this brings certain difficulties and unpleasant chores. If the seller refuses to enter into a constructive dialogue, and proving his case is a matter of principle, you can always go to court.

Lawyer of the Board of Legal Protection. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, indemnification by insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.

Protection of consumer rights is one of the main tasks of the state. Thus, if a product purchased some time ago did not satisfy the requirements of the buyer, he can contact the seller to exchange the product for a similar one or return the money. The issue of returning a low-quality product in a situation where the necessary evidence is provided, as a rule, is resolved positively in relation to the consumer.

In order for the reverse transaction to return the goods to pass without excesses, you need to know your rights and obligations in relation to the second party. If you have a receipt on the purchase of this product, then it is allowed to return it by law. It is important to understand that the product should not be used for a certain period of time.

If the receipt is not preserved, then by law such goods are allowed to be returned if the buyer does not like it. A confirmation of a purchase from a particular seller may be not only a check. This can be a packaging barcode, a cash or sales receipt, as well as a product warranty card. The main thing is to understand that the condition should be the same as on the day of purchase. What does it mean? Let's figure it out!

Can I return an item without a receipt?

By law, the return of a product of good quality without a receipt is also possible. You can return the goods to the seller if they have not lost their original appearance within 14 days from the date of purchase in the following cases:

  • did not fit in the form;
  • overall dimensions and weight do not satisfy the requirements of the buyer;
  • color didn't fit
  • regarding clothing, if the style of the product does not fit;
  • not satisfied with the product.