Kozlov Mikhail Danilovich GSS memoirs of the war. Big biographical encyclopedia. See what "Kozlov, Mikhail Danilovich" is in other dictionaries

(born January 21, 1915) - bomber pilot, Hero Soviet Union(1948), Major General of Aviation. Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941. Was deputy. Commander of the 15th Guards dbap. He made 205 sorties (178 at night) to bombard military targets deep behind enemy lines. After the war until 1966 he served in command positions in long-range aviation.

Watch value Kozlov, Mikhail Danilovich in other dictionaries

Averin Mikhail Mikhailovich- (c. 1884 -?). Social Democrat. Worker. Lower education. Member of the RSDLP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Ivanovo-Voznesenskaya province. and worked as a printer. He was characterized by local Chekists ........
Political vocabulary

Avruskin [ovruskin] Mikhail (hosh-shay) Yakovlevich.- (1897 - 1938). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP with pre-revolutionary experience. Arrested on March 12, 1924 (according to other sources in July 1924) in Simferopol, on July 18, 1924 he was sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp .........
Political vocabulary

Agursky Mikhail (melik) Samuilovich- (1933-1991) - cybernetic scientist, historian, political scientist and literary critic. Born in Moscow, the son of an American communist who came to the USSR and was repressed in 1937. Writer, ........
Political vocabulary

Aksenov Mikhail Pavlovich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Irkutsk province. He was characterized by local Chekists as an "active" party worker. Further fate is unknown.
K. M.
Political vocabulary

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich- (November 3, 1857, Tver province - September 25, 1918, Yekaterinodar). Born in the family of a soldier of long-term service. Graduated from the Tver gymnasium, then the Moscow cadet school........
Political vocabulary

Aleshinkin Mikhail Andreevich- (c. 1894 -?). Member of the PLSR since 1917. Artist. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Tsaritsyn province and worked in the political education. He was characterized by local Chekists as "passive" ........
Political vocabulary

Andreichenko Mikhail Grigorievich- (? - ?). Anarchist. Member of the revolutions of 1905-07, February and October 1917. In the early 1920s. lived in Krasnodar. Arrested in December 1922. In December 1923 sentenced to 3 years in prison........
Political vocabulary

Aram Michael- (? - ?). Anarchist. At the beginning of 1919, D. Bondarenko, a member of the militant organization of anarchists-"motifs", participated in the expropriation of the Office of the Southern railways(Kharkov, March........
Political vocabulary

Astangov [real name Ruzhnikov] Mikhail Fedorovich- (10/21/1900, Warsaw - 4/20/1965, Moscow). Anarcho-mystic. Artist of the Moscow theater. Evg. Vakhtangov. In 1927-30, a knight of the anarcho-mystical "Order of Light", regularly participated in its ........
Political vocabulary

Astafiev Mikhail Ivanovich- (c. 1894 -?). Social Democrat. Worker. Lower education. Member of the RSDLP since 1908. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Ufa province, worked as an assistant driver. He was characterized by local Chekists ........
Political vocabulary

Atlas Mikhail (menachem) Yankelevich- (?, m. Red Podolsk province. -?). Member of the Zionist Socialist Party. In November 1926 he was kept in the Taganskaya prison (Moscow), then in exile in Novosibirsk. In 1928 - May ........
Political vocabulary

Bagdatyan Mikhail Sergeevich- (1874 - ?). Social Democrat. Arrested 8/2/1921 by order of the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal, soon released. Arrested again on 04/08/1921 in Moscow, accused of treason against the Soviet power, ........
Political vocabulary

Badin Michael- (? - ?). Anarchist. Student. Exiled for 3 years to the Urals, in exile by the end of 1930. Further fate is unknown.
NPC "Memorial".
Political vocabulary

Bakunin Mikhail- (1814 - 1876) - theorist and practitioner of Russian anarchism. Bakunin's ideas can be counted among the ideological heralds of National Bolshevism. Considered the need for immediate...
Political vocabulary

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich- - revolutionary, one of the founders of Russian populism and theorists of anarchism. For active participation in the revolution of 1848-1849, B. was twice (by the courts of Saxony and Austria) ........
Political vocabulary

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich (1814-1876)- - revolutionary, one of the founders of Russian populism and theorists of international anarchism. For active participation in the revolution of 1848-1849. he was twice (courts........
Political vocabulary

Bahram Mikhail Zelmanovich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1914. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Smolensk province, worked in the Gubprodkom. He was characterized by local Chekists as "a member of the committee, influential" and ........
Political vocabulary

Begichev Mikhail Alekseevich- (ca. 1866 -?). Member of the AKP since 1905, then left SR. From the workers ("proletarian"). Education "lower". At the end of 1921 he lived in the Tsaritsyn province. Further fate is unknown.
M. L.
Political vocabulary

Belopolsky Mikhail (Moses) Efraimovich- (1906, Boyarka of the Kyiv district of the same province - 8.1939, Kalinin). Member of Dror since 1924. Arrested in Kyiv in September 1927. Sentenced to 3 years of exile. He served his sentence in Vikulovo. In 1930, received ........
Political vocabulary

Belyaev Mikhail Alekseevich- (February 23, 1863, Petersburg, - 1918). General's son. He graduated from the gymnasium, artillery school, in 1893 - the Academy of the General Staff (first class). Participated in the Russo-Japanese War
Political vocabulary

Berdichevsky Mikhail Ilyich- (1880 - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP since 1899. Until 1917 he was in prison in 1906, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913, in exile in the Narym Territory (escaped), in Turukhansk (served 4 years), in the Arkhangelsk province. (departed 2........
Political vocabulary

Bernatsky Mikhail Vladimirovich- (1876 - at the end of the Second World War, Paris). Graduated from Kyiv University, listened to lectures in Berlin. Professor of political economy, publicist. He lectured at the St. Petersburg ........
Political vocabulary

Bogov Mikhail Vasilievich- (c. 1887 -?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Servant. Lower education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Yekaterinburg province, worked in the Office of the Office of the Railway.........
Political vocabulary

Bogoslavsky Mikhail Alekseevich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP. In 1917-18 he was a member of the Tomsk organization of the RSDLP. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Irkutsk province, was a student. He was characterized by local Chekists as "energetic, ........
Political vocabulary

Bondovsky Mikhail Ivanovich- (c. 1881 -?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP since 1917. Railway worker. Technical education. At the end of 1921 he worked at the depot of the Ufa station. He was characterized by local Chekists ........
Political vocabulary

Bonch-bruevich Mikhail Dmitrievich- (1888 - 1940) - a Bolshevik, an associate of Lenin, actively involved Russian sectarians - whips, eunuchs, Molokans, Dukhobors, etc. in the revolutionary movement. Developed the first...
Political vocabulary

Borsuzhd Mikhail Yakovlevich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP. employee. Secondary education. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Vitebsk province, worked as an inspector R.K. [?]. He was characterized by local Chekists ........
Political vocabulary

Bochkovsky [Bechkovsky-Podolsky] Mikhail Vulfovich- (1899, Ovruch - ?). Zionist socialist. In 1924 he was arrested in Yekaterinoslav. 12/12/1924 sentenced to 3 years of exile. He served his sentence in the village of Nesterovo (Tomsk Province). In 1925 he was sentenced to 3 ........
Political vocabulary

Brown [brun, Rakitin-brown] Mikhail Yakovlevich- (1889, Elizavetgrad -?). Anarchist. The son of a merchant. Student of the Novorossiysk University (Odessa). In the anarchist movement since 1905, he worked in Odessa and Elizavetgrad, carried out ........
Political vocabulary

Bukin [bukov, Pereletchenko] Mikhail- (? - 1920). Anarchist. Locksmith. Since March 1917, the leader of one of the groups of anarchist-communists in Yekaterinoslav was arrested in May 1917 for organizing expropriations. By the autumn of 1917 he was released, ........
Political vocabulary

Kozlov Mikhail Danilovich - Deputy Commander of the 15th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment (14th Guards Bomber Aviation Division, 18th Air Army), Guards Major. Born on January 21, 1915 in the village of Verkhneye Turovo, now Nizhnedevitsky District, Voronezh Region, in the family of a railway worker. Russian. He graduated from the 7th grade in the village of Egoryevka, now in the Kastorinsky district of the Kursk region. After the death of his father in 1928, the family moved to the city of Voronezh. Here in 1933 he graduated from the school of factory apprenticeship at the steam locomotive repair plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He worked as a mechanic at the Voronezh plant named after V.I. Lenin. In 1935, on the job, he graduated from the flying club. In the same 1935 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Voronezh Regional Military Commissariat. According to the Komsomol recruitment, he was sent to the Perm Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1936. He served in parts of the bomber aviation on Far East, in the cities of Khabarovsk and Belogorsk, Amur Region, as a pilot, then as an air unit commander. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1941. From July 1941 on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He received his baptism of fire as part of the 37th Bomber Aviation Regiment (31st Aviation Division, Western Front). By the end of August 1941, he made 21 sorties on an SB aircraft, was awarded the order Red Banner. In September 1941, the regiment, which suffered heavy losses, was withdrawn to the rear for reorganization. In the rear, the pilots were the first to master a new aircraft - the American B-25 Mitchell bomber, which came under Lend-Lease. The regiment was transformed into a long-range bomber regiment and from July 1942 began combat work on new aircraft. At the end of July 1942, pilot Kozlov, as part of his regiment, participated in the operations of the Western, Kalinin, Stalingrad, and Bryansk fronts. The objects of the bombing were troops and accumulations of military equipment at the stations and railway junctions of Gomel, Vyazma, Vitebsk, Orsha, Smolensk, Roslavl, Bryansk, aviation at the airfields of Kursk, Smolensk, Sescha, Vitebsk, Novo-Dugino. In September 1942, the regiment was transferred to the long-range aviation (ADD), and in March 1943 it was transformed into the 13th Guards. By August 1943, Guard Captain Kozlov was already a squadron commander, made 140 sorties on the B-25, was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner and presented for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also the standard-bearer of the 4th Guards Aviation Division and was the first to accept the guards banner. The submission to the heroic title was changed by the ADD command, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin. Later in the guard, Captain Kozlov also actively took part in hostilities as part of the ADD, flying mainly at night deep behind enemy lines, destroying concentrations of troops and military equipment at railway junctions, stations, ports, airfields, and river crossings. The crew of Major Kozlov's guard was often sent on missions as a leader-controller and a target highlighter. Major Kozlov celebrated the Victory Day of the Guards in the position of deputy commander of the 15th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 14th Guards Bomber Aviation Division. In total, during the war years, he made 205 sorties, 178 of them at night. After the war he continued to serve in the Air Force. In August 1947, he took command of an aviation regiment. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 23, 1948, for the courage and heroism shown during the Great Patriotic War, Guards Major Mikhail Danilovich Kozlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 8310). In 1950 he graduated from the Higher Officers' Flight Tactical School for Commanders of Long-Range Aviation Units (Ivanovo). In December 1950 he was appointed commander of an aviation division. In 1957 he graduated military academy of the General Staff named after K.E. Voroshilov, commanded the aviation formations of the Long-Range Aviation. From January 13, 1962 to October 6, 1966 - head of the flight center (Ryazan city). After being transferred to the reserve in 1966, he worked as an employee Soviet army in military unit 21654. Lived in the city of Ryazan. Died November 19, 1991. He was buried at the Skorbyashchensky cemetery in Ryazan. Major General of Aviation (1958). He was awarded two Orders of Lenin (09/18/1943, 02/23/1948), three Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Star, and medals. In the city of Ryazan, on the house where last years the Hero lived, a memorial plaque was installed.

Kozlov, Mikhail Danilovich

(born January 21, 1915) - bomber pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1948), Major General of Aviation. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. Was a deputy. Commander of the 15th Guards dbap. He made 205 sorties (178 at night) to bombard military targets deep behind enemy lines. After the war, until 1966, he served in command positions in Long-Range Aviation.

Big biographical encyclopedia . 2009 .

See what "Kozlov, Mikhail Danilovich" is in other dictionaries:

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    Portrait of A. D. Menshikov. 1716-1720, unknown artist. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (November 6, 1673, Moscow November 12 (old style) 1729, Berezov) Russian statesman and military leader, associate and favorite of Peter the Great, after him ... ... Wikipedia

    Portrait of A. D. Menshikov. 1716-1720, unknown artist. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (November 6, 1673, Moscow November 12 (old style) 1729, Berezov) Russian statesman and military leader, associate and favorite of Peter the Great, after him ... ... Wikipedia

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(born January 21, 1915) - bomber pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1948), Major General of Aviation. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. Was a deputy. Commander of the 15th Guards dbap. He made 205 sorties (178 at night) to bombard military targets deep behind enemy lines. After the war, until 1966, he served in command positions in Long-Range Aviation.

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  • - People's Deputy of the Russian Federation, was a member of the Agrarian Union faction; born in 1946; graduated from the Moscow veterinary academy; at the time of the election - the director of the state farm "Voskresensky" ...

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  • - brother of Alexei Danilovich K. . Translated from French: "New Gulliver"; "Zelamira, or Strange Unions"; "A simple story"; "The life of the maiden Matilda"; "Vertoprashka", "Heinrich Delmor"; "...

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  • - doctor. Genus. in 1847, studied at the medical-surgical academy. In 1875 he defended his doctoral thesis: "Histological studies of human blood in various diseases" ...

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  • - Leading specialist of the State Geological Enterprise "Chitageology", Professor of the Chitinsky polytechnic institute; born March 15, 1932....

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  • - spec. in the history of philosophy, philos. religion and philosophy. rights; cand. philosophy Sciences, Assoc. Genus. in with. Division of the Odessa region. Graduated from ist. f-t Odes. un-ta and asp. departments of philosophy humanit. faculty of Moscow State University...

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  • - the son of Prince Danila Vasilyevich Shcheni ...

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  • - brother of Alexei Danilovich K. . Translated from French: "New Gulliver"; "Zelamira or strange unions"; "A simple story"; "The life of the maiden Matilda"; "Vertoprashka", "Heinrich Delmor"; "Annushka"; "Lovely teacher of morality" ...

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  • - test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. Since 1957, on test work in the experimental design bureau of A. N. Tupolev. Killed while performing a demonstration flight in Paris ...

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Mikhail Alekseevich Kozlov Not just insects St. PetersburgGidrometeoizdat 1994 © Line illustrations by T. G. Kashitskaya, 1991 © Chuvashskoe book publishing house, 1991 © Binding, flyleaf, title - L. A. Yatsenko, 1994 © M. A. Kozlov,


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BELOZERSKY Nikolai Danilovich, a wealthy Chernigov landowner, in 1824–1841. served as a county judge. Comrade Gogol at the Nizhyn gymnasium. The writer maintained friendly relations with B. until the end of his life. told P. A. Kulish that, “visiting in Nizhyn

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DENISOV Ilya Danilovich Colonel of the Red Army Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Conr was born on August 1, 1901 in the village of Temiryazevo, Chernsky district, Tula province. Russian. From peasants. Participant civil war. He took part in the fighting in 1919-1920. on the Western Front. It's hard in 1919

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To Ozlov Mikhail Danilovich - Deputy Commander of the 15th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment (14th Guards Bomber Aviation Division, 18th Air Army), Guard Major.

Born on January 21, 1915 in the village of Verkhneye Turovo, now Nizhnedevitsky District, Voronezh Region, in the family of a railway worker. Russian. He graduated from the 7th grade in the village of Egoryevka, now in the Kastorinsky district of the Kursk region.

After the death of his father in 1928, the family moved to the city of Voronezh. Here in 1933 he graduated from the school of factory apprenticeship at the steam locomotive repair plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He worked as a mechanic at the Voronezh plant named after V.I. Lenin. In 1935, on the job, he graduated from the flying club.

In the same 1935 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Voronezh Regional Military Commissariat. According to the Komsomol recruitment, he was sent to the Perm Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1936. He served in bomber aviation units in the Far East, in the cities of Khabarovsk and Belogorsk in the Amur Region as a pilot, then as an air unit commander. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1941.

From July 1941 on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He received his baptism of fire as part of the 37th Bomber Aviation Regiment (31st Aviation Division, Western Front). By the end of August 1941, he made 21 sorties on an SB aircraft and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In September 1941, the regiment, which suffered heavy losses, was withdrawn to the rear for reorganization. In the rear, the pilots were the first to master a new aircraft - the American B-25 Mitchell bomber, which came under Lend-Lease. The regiment was transformed into a long-range bomber regiment and from July 1942 began combat work on new aircraft.

At the end of July 1942, pilot Kozlov, as part of his regiment, participated in the operations of the Western, Kalinin, Stalingrad, and Bryansk fronts. The objects of the bombing were troops and accumulations of military equipment at the stations and railway junctions of Gomel, Vyazma, Vitebsk, Orsha, Smolensk, Roslavl, Bryansk, aviation at the airfields of Kursk, Smolensk, Sescha, Vitebsk, Novo-Dugino.

In September 1942, the regiment was transferred to the long-range aviation (ADD), and in March 1943 it was transformed into the 13th Guards. By August 1943, Guard Captain Kozlov was already a squadron commander, made 140 sorties on the B-25, was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner and presented for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also the standard-bearer of the 4th Guards Aviation Division and was the first to accept the guards banner. The submission to the heroic title was changed by the ADD command, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Later in the guard, Captain Kozlov also actively took part in hostilities as part of the ADD, flying mainly at night deep behind enemy lines, destroying concentrations of troops and military equipment at railway junctions, stations, ports, airfields, and river crossings. The crew of Major Kozlov's guard was often sent on missions as a leader-controller and a target highlighter.

Major Kozlov celebrated the Victory Day of the Guards in the position of deputy commander of the 15th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 14th Guards Bomber Aviation Division. In total, during the war years, he made 205 sorties, 178 of them at night.

After the war he continued to serve in the Air Force. In August 1947, he took command of an aviation regiment.

At order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 23, 1948 for the courage and heroism shown during the Great Patriotic War, Guards Major Kozlov Mikhail Danilovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 8310).

In 1950 he graduated from the Higher Officers' Flight Tactical School for Commanders of Long-Range Aviation Units (Ivanovo). In December 1950 he was appointed commander of an aviation division. In 1957 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff named after K.E. Voroshilov, commanded aviation formations of Long-Range Aviation. From January 13, 1962 to October 6, 1966 - head of the flight center (Ryazan city). After being transferred to the reserve in 1966, he worked as an employee of the Soviet Army in military unit 21654.

Lived in the city of Ryazan. Died November 19, 1991. He was buried at the Skorbyashchensky cemetery in Ryazan.

Major General of Aviation (1958). He was awarded two Orders of Lenin (09/18/1943, 02/23/1948), three Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, two Orders of the Red Star, and medals.

In the city of Ryazan, on the house where the Hero lived in recent years, a memorial plaque was installed.