Short suras to teach. Learning short suras from the Quran: transcription in Russian and video

Sura Al-Fatiha is the first sura of the Holy Quran.Her the name translated from Arabic means “Opening the Book”, since it is not only the first in order of location in the Koran, but also the first sura , sent down in its entirety.

"Al-Fatiha", consisting of seven verses, was sent down in the Meccan period of the life of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.). This is narrated in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), transmitted from the words of Ibn Abbas: “Once, when we were sitting next to the Messenger of Allah, the angel Jabrail was next to him. Suddenly, he heard a creak above his head, after which Jabrail looked at the heavens and said: “The gates in heaven have opened, which have never opened before.” Through them, he descended to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said: “Rejoice in the two lights that were given to you, but were not given to any of the previous Prophets. These are Surah Al-Fatiha and the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah. Everything that you read in them will certainly be granted to you ”(Muslim, Nasai).

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Despite the seemingly small volume, Surah Al-Fatiha carries great meaning and is of great importance in people's lives, and no other verse of any of the Books of the Creator can compare with it. God's Messenger (LH) once said: “I swear by the One in Whose Hand is my soul! Neither in the Taurat (Torah), nor in the Injil (Gospel), nor in the Zabur (Psalter), nor in the Furqan (Koran) anything similar to the Surah Al-Fatiha (Tirmizi, Ahmad) was sent down.

Every Muslim reads Surah Al-Fatiha at least 15 times a day, since its reading is necessary in every rak'ah. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught: “If someone made a prayer without reading the Mother of Scripture in it, then his prayer is imperfect” (Muslim).

While reading this sura, the believer enters into a dialogue with the Lord, which is narrated in the following hadith: “Great Allah said: “I divided the prayer into two parts between Me and My slave, who will receive what he asks. When the slave utters the words "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds", the Creator replies: "My slave gave me praise." When a believer says: “To the Gracious and Merciful,” the Lord answers: “My servant has praised Me.” When a person says: “To the Lord of the Day of Judgment”, the Almighty answers: “My servant glorified Me.” When the one who prays says: “We worship you alone and we pray to you alone for help,” the Creator answers: “It will be divided between Me and My servant, and My servant will receive what he asks.” When the believer says: “Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, not those on whom anger fell and the erring,” then Allah replies: “This is for My servant, and he will receive what he asks” (Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Dawud, Nasai).

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Sura (Arabic سورة) is one of the 114 chapters of the Quran. All suras of the Qur'an, except the ninth, begin with the words of the basmala "In the Name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful" (arab. Each sura consists of verses (revelations). The number of verses in suras varies from 3 (suras Al-Asr, Al-Kawthar, An-Nasr) to 286 (suras Al-Baqarah). Starting from the second sura of al-Baqarah, the suras in the Qur'an are arranged approximately in descending order of the number of verses.

According to the place of sending down, the suras are divided into Meccan and Medina suras. The division of surahs into Meccan and Medinan is, first of all, a consequence of stylistic and thematic considerations. The classification of suras into these periods is based on factors such as the length of the verse and the presence or absence of certain key concepts or words (for example, ar-Rahman as the name of God).

There are three opinions in the division of suras into Meccan and Medinan:

1. Taking into account the time of sending down.

  • Meccan suras: everything that was sent down before the Hijra (migration), even if outside of Mecca. This is until the moment when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered Medina.
  • Suras of Medina: everything that was sent down after the Hijra, even if not in Medina. Even if it was sent down in Mecca. This opinion was expressed by Yahya ibn Salam Basri (died 200 AH).

2. Taking into account the place of sending down.

  • Meccan: everything that was sent down in Mecca and its environs, like Mina, Arafat, Hudaybiya.
  • Medina: everything that was sent down in Medina and its environs, like Uhud, Quba.

3. Considering who is being contacted.

  • Meccan: where there is an appeal to the inhabitants of Mecca.
  • Medina: where there is an appeal to the inhabitants of Medina.

The meaning and origin of the word "sura"

The linguistic meaning of the word “sura”, which is relevant for the Koran, was studied by the outstanding orientalist and Turkologist, Doctor of Philology, Professor G. Kh. Akhatov.

The researcher put forward a number of assumptions:

  • this word means a simplified form of the word “sura”, pronounced with the consonant sound hamza (ء), and meaning “leftovers” or “remnants of food on the dishes”, because the sura of the Qur'an is considered to be its separate piece / separate part. However, this assumption, as Professor G. Kh. Akhatov established, has a serious obstacle: the writing of the letter hamza was invented 2 centuries after the appearance of the Koran, Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, taking the letter “ayn” (ع) as a basis and inventing hamza (ء ).
  • the word "sura" comes from the root "sur", which can mean "fence" and "fortress wall". That is, the suras firmly guard, protect the verses and unite them into one whole.
  • the word "sura" can come from the word "savor", from the Arabized Persian word "dastvara - dastband" ("bracelet"). From time immemorial, the bracelet was considered a symbol of eternity, continuity, integrity and morality, and, proceeding from this, the sura, as it were, tightly rings the verses of the Holy Quran with spiritual morality.
  • the word "sura" often denotes a high status, the highest position. The divine word, even within the limits of one sura, has the highest position.
  • the word "sura" could well be derived from the word "tasavvur" in the meaning of the word "ascent": the verses of the sura create a spiritual ascent...
  • the word "sura" (سورة) may be a corruption of the word "sura" (صورة), meaning "katrinka".

As a result of a comprehensive linguistic and comparative historical analysis, Professor G. Kh. Akhatov came to an objective scientific conclusion that the word "sura" in the linguistic sense has not any one, but a polyphonic (multi-valued) meaning, that is, according to the scientist, “Sura” is a chapter of the Koran, which performs not only dividing functions by “high walls”, ranking the text, but to a greater extent bears “architectural” - spiritual and energy functions that contribute to the formation of a special internal spiritual energy of believers when reading verses.

Meccan suras

Meccan suras (Arabic آية مكية - Meccan verses) are chronologically early suras of the Koran, sent down, according to Islamic tradition, to the Prophet Muhammad before the Hijra.

Features of Meccan suras

  1. All suras beginning with single letters, except for suras "Al-Baqarah" and "Alu Imran", are Meccan.
  2. All suras in which there is an instruction to bow to the earth are Meccan.
  3. All suras that contain the word كَلَّا (But no!), are Meccan, because many Meccans were proud and arrogant. The use of this word put them in their place and seemed to warn such people.
  4. All the surahs that tell about the prophets and ancient communities, except for the surah Al-Baqarah, are Meccan.
  5. All the surahs that tell about the story of the venerable Adam and Satan, except for the surah Al-Baqarah, are Meccan.
  6. Almost all surahs that contain the phrase يَا اَيُّهَا النَّاسُ and, at the same time, do not have the phrase يَا اَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ امَنُوا are mek Kansky.
  7. Most of the short suras are represented by Meccan suras.

Theme of the Meccan suras

  1. In Meccan suras, faith in Allah is often recalled.
  2. The fallacy of polytheism is reported, it is said that this is blind following, it is said that this path that the ancestors followed is wrong, and the Qur'an also calls for the use of one's own mind.
  3. Themes such as the greatness of Allah, His power, the importance of obedience to Him, as well as belief in the Day of Judgment come to the fore in the Makkan suras.
  4. The Meccan suras describe in detail the confrontations of the prophets who lived earlier with their peoples.
  5. These surahs deal in various forms with topics such as moral principles, righteousness, good deeds, the importance of visiting relatives, good relations with parents, the rights of neighbors, the importance of controlling the tongue and heart, as well as such sins as unbelief, oppression of other people, sinfulness, burying children alive, murder, adultery and the immorality of it all.

Meccan Surah Style

Based on the criteria taken from the Koran itself, namely on its vocabulary and style, the German orientalist G. Weyl, followed by T. Nöldeke, divide the suras of the Meccan revelations into three groups.

  1. The first group includes literary perfect suras. Sublime style, adorned with bold images, short and very rhythmic verses contain simple yet strict instructions. The meaning of these verses is often unclear, especially when subtle allusions are made. In addition, spells are very common in this group, based in most cases on natural phenomena, but many of them also remain a mystery. These spells call a person to think about his salvation. Short, expressing the confusion of the feelings of the sura, not all were understood by the contemporaries of Muhammad. Sura 96 ​​is considered the oldest of them.
  2. The suras of the second group are calmer, the spells in them gradually give way to the formula: “This is the revelation of Allah!” or the command: "Say!", with which Allah addresses his Prophet. The prediction of the Last Judgment recedes into the background before the proclamation of monotheism: Muhammad decisively breaks with idolaters. The suras are getting longer. In them there are some, still vague instructions regarding the rules of conduct and rituals, allusions to the prophets that preceded Muhammad.
  3. There are more and more such tales about the prophets in the third group of Meccan suras, which is, apparently, a vague reflection of the legends of the Jewish haggadah (part of the Talmud, which includes stories, parables and legends). Such tales occupy approximately 1500 verses, that is, one fourth of the Qur'an. Their goal is to show the infidels how in the old days God struck people who refused to listen to the prophets. This repetitive third group of suras, written in a less confident style and more rhetorical than poetic, is the least remarkable part of the book, despite the fact that the legends have a folklore interest. The incantations so frequent in the older suras finally disappear. Allah is often denoted by the word rahman ("merciful"). In later suras this word disappears. One orientalist explains it this way: Muhammad must have feared that the believers would not see in this rahman a deity other than Allah. In the Hudaybi agreement, the Meccans, abandoning the formula containing this name, retained the old formula: "In your name, O Allah!"

So, the first group of suras of poetic tone corresponds to the first four years of Muhammad's activity; the second group, in a semi-poetic-half-rhetorical tone, for the fifth and sixth years, and the third group, in a rhetorical tone, contains the surahs of the revelations of the sixth year BC. This is the classification of the Meccan portions of the Qur'an adopted by Nöldeke. “Pictures of the end of the world and the Last Judgment, written in bright colors, calls to prepare yourself for them, leaving unbelief and worldly life, stories about the fate of ancient peoples and their attitude towards the prophets who were sent to them, a story about the creation of the world and the miraculous creation of man for evidence of the omnipotence of God and the dependence on him of every creature that he can destroy and resurrect at his own will - such is the content of the oldest parts of this book of revelations ”(Goldzier).

Suras of Medina

The Medina suras, or Medina chapters of the Qur'an, are those late suras that, according to Islamic tradition, were sent down to the prophet in Medina, after the Hijra of Muhammad from Mecca. These suras appeared when the Muslims were in greater numbers than when they were an oppressed minority, as in Mecca.

Features of the Medinan suras

  1. In these suras, the principles of law, punishment, inheritance issues, social rules, and principles of state law are developed.
  2. These suras give permission to conduct military operations and describe the provisions related to this.
  3. All surahs that speak of hypocrites, except for the surah Al-Ankabut, are Medinan.
  4. The Medinan suras deal with topics such as dealing with Jews and Christians, as well as attempts to call them to the truth and renounce their delusions.

The style and themes of the Medinan suras

These suras of the Medinan period were written by a religious and political legislator, who was no longer supposed to preach his religion, but to systematize religious teaching and at the same time lay the foundation of a new society. In style, these suras hardly differ from the Meccan suras of the third group, except for new words introduced in various prescriptions. On the question of the last verse of the revelations, opinions are divided. Many authors agree that this is verse 5 of sura 5.

As for the content, there are some hints in the suras about the events that took place then. Thus, there is a call to properly respect the Prophet and his family; praising those who die on the “path of Allah”, attacks against the “hypocrites”, these Pharisees of Islam, and against the Christian trinity (for example, sura 4, 169: “After all, the Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam, is only the messenger of Allah and His word, which He threw to Maryam, and His spirit… do not say three!.. Verily, Allah is only one God.” Indeed, Jesus appears only in the Medina Suras); there are also attacks against the Jews. With regard to the Jews, it should be recalled that in the Meccan suras, Abraham appears only as one of the prophets who preceded Muhammad, without any connection with the Arabs. In the Medina suras, after Muhammad's break with the Jews, Abraham's activities began to be associated directly with the Arabs: according to the Koran, he and his son Ismail created not only the Meccan sanctuary, but also a pure original religion, the very one that Muhammad seeks to restore and which the Jews distorted and Christians.

Precepts for religious, civil and criminal cases are collected mainly in suras 2, 4 and 5, numbering more than 500 verses (about a tenth of the Qur'an). However, no code of laws can be found in the Medinan suras in

in the truest sense of the word, and it must be reiterated that, contrary to a widely spread misconception, Muslims do not administer justice according to the Qur'an. It should also not be thought that the Medinan suras are exclusively legislative in nature. Some of the verses in them refer to some of the most beautiful passages in the Qur'an (as in Sura 2, 135 et seq.). Some other verses are quite clear about the religious beliefs and duties of an exemplary Muslim (for example, Sura 2, 172: “It is not piety that you turn your faces towards the east and west, but piety is who believes in Allah, and on the last day, and into angels, and into scripture, and into prophets, and gave property, despite love for him, relatives and orphans, and the poor, and travelers, and those who ask, and against slaves, and stood up prayer, and gave purification, - and fulfilling their covenants when they make them, and those who are patient in adversity and distress and in time of trouble, these are those who were truthful, it is they who fear God.

Benefits of knowing the Meccan and Medinan suras

  • Knowledge of Meccan and Medinan suras helps to learn the history of legislation and understand the wisdom of Allah. Follow the gradual revelation of the Shari'a law. Like an explanation at the beginning of the basics, then the details.
  • The use of this in the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an.
  • The study of the biography of the prophet.
  • Using methods of bringing religion to people in practice. Those who have not yet believed should address him using Meccan verses, among Muslims - Medinan ones.

Some Surahs of the Quran

  • Sura "ad-Duha" is a remedy for fear of the Day of Judgment. It is quite natural that a person has a fear of the upcoming day of the Great Judgment, because it is there that our future will be decided, extending into eternity. However, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) suggested a good means of getting rid of such fear, saying: “For the one who reads the surah “ad-Duha”, at night seventy thousand angels will ask for forgiveness until the morning.”
  • Surah al-Fatiha is a salvation from any difficulty. As the great theologian Hassan Basri said, the Quran gathered all the knowledge revealed in the scriptures earlier, and "Fatiha" is the basis of the Quran. Therefore, many scholars, including Hasan Basri, advised the faithful to seek salvation from the raging storm of life's adversities in this sura.
  • Surah al-Wakiy'a - salvation from poverty. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) paid great attention to the issue of mutual assistance and support between the representatives of the ummah. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the believers about the increase in the property of those who sincerely give alms and pay zakat, and about the obligation of every believer to help his brother in faith, who, due to a combination of certain circumstances, found himself in a difficult financial situation. In order to get out of a state of need, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also advised reading the surah al-Waqi'a: “If a person reads the surah al-Waqi'a every night, he will never be touched by poverty. Al-Waqiy'a is the Surah of Wealth, read it and teach it to your children."
  • Surah al-Mulk - salvation from the torment in the grave. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) read this sura every night and said to others at the same time: “” There is a sura of thirty verses in the Qur'an that will intercede for the person who read them and help him get forgiveness. This Surah is al-Mulk."

Any person, if he is a believer, regardless of his religion, seeks help and support from higher powers. Most often at such moments he turns to sacred texts. After all, many people know that the words of prayers or holy scriptures can help even in the most difficult cases. In Islam, in addition to the obligatory five times prayer, the reading of the holy book is considered an obligatory action. Believers listen and read surahs from the Koran for every day. They perform prayers for various purposes.

Prayer for every day

Dua for each day may be different. Or the same ones are repeated. The most famous and important prayer word was the ayat Korsi (ayat-al-Kursi). Islamic theologians advise reading it daily at any time and in any situation. Before leaving the house or before an important matter. When going to bed or vice versa, when a person woke up.

For example, after the night prayer, Isha is advised to read the last verses of Surah Korov. And on Fridays, the verses of Al-Kahf. Every evening you can read Yasin. According to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Allah will forgive the reader of all sins. Whoever reads Surah Ad-Dukhan in the evening, 70 thousand angels will ask for it. Or read the last 3 verses of Surah Al-Hashr in the morning. Then until the evening the angels will pray for him.

And if death overtakes him at this time, then he will die as a martyr. Whatever suras a Muslim reads every day, it will in any case be good for him. This is why reading the Quran is so important in Islam.

Basically, people try to find a prayer with the help of which everything will be “good” in their life. But the semantics of this word is different for everyone. And in fact, there are several main trends in Islam to improve its existence. Therefore, when turning to God in prayer, you need to ask specifically about this:

It is also useful to ask for knowledge every day. To do this, you can read 114 ayat 20 of Surah Ta Ha. Sitting down at the table and after the end of the meal, words of thanks are also pronounced. It is necessary to read suras and verses before going to bed or in the morning. On the way to the mosque, for a walk or on important business. You can pray in any language and with any words. The main thing is that the dua comes from the heart and with sincere faith in the omnipotence of Allah Almighty.

House cleansing

In the Muslim world, they believe in a parallel world of genies. It is they who can spoil the lives of people in their own home. Cause various troubles. Quarrels and enmity between native people begin in the family. Jinn also have believers and non-believers. And they can do a lot of harm to a person. Sometimes genies take over the body and torment the soul.

In such cases, reading the Quran helps to cleanse the house. Cleaning is carried out under special conditions:

  • General cleaning must be done.
  • Ghusl (full ablution).
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Read the Qur'an slowly, pronouncing the words clearly.

Adhan also helps to clean the apartment. When the call to prayer sounds Satan and genies are leaving this place. The most effective surah from the Quran for cleansing the house is Al-Baqara, and surah Al-Imran is also read for these purposes.

The suras that have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere at home and family relationships are An-Nur or Ar-Rahman.


There are several opinions about the origin of the name. According to one opinion, it is derived from the verb "karaa", which means "to read". According to another opinion, it comes from the verb "iktarana", which means "to bind." According to the third interpretation, it comes from the word "kira", which means "treat". Theologians believe that the Koran received such a name because it is a gift from God for believers.

The Quran itself uses various names for the last revelation, of which the most common are: Furqan (distinguishing between good and evil, truth and falsehood, permitted and forbidden); Kitab (Book); Dhikr (Reminder); Tanzil (Send down). Mushaf refers to individual copies of the Qur'an.

Significance in Islam

In Islam, the Holy Quran is a constitution that the Almighty (in Arabic - Allah) sent down to His messenger so that each person could establish relationships with the Lord, with himself and the society in which he lives, and fulfill his life mission in the way that this is what the Lord of the worlds willed. It is an eternal miracle, which will not lose its importance and relevance until the Day of Resurrection.

The one who believes in him gets rid of slavery before the creatures and begins a new life, since his soul seems to be born again so that he can serve the Almighty and earn His mercy

Muslims accept this grace, adhere to the divine guidance, follow its instructions, obey its commands, avoid its prohibitions and do not transgress its restrictions. Following the Quranic way is the key to happiness and prosperity, while moving away from it is the cause of unhappiness.

The Qur'an educates Muslims in the spirit of righteousness, piety and benevolence.

The Prophet Muhammad explained that the best of people is the one who studies the Qur'an and teaches other people this knowledge.

Al-Fatiha - the first sura of the Qur'an

In the Meccan period of sending down the Koran, Islam was not the state religion, and in the Meccan suras more attention is paid to the doctrines of prophecy, eschatology (a system of religious views and ideas about the end of the world, redemption and the afterlife, about the fate of the universe or its transition to a qualitatively new state. Also an industry theology, which studies them within the framework of a particular religious doctrine.), spirituality, as well as ethical problems. The most important postulate and leitmotif of the entire content of the Qur'an is the doctrine of Monotheism, which rejects the existence of other gods, in addition to the true Creator of all existing being, and prescribes the obligation to serve only Him.

In the Revelations of the Medina period, greater importance is given to social, economic issues, problems of war and peace, law, family relations, etc. Divine commands in some cases were sent down gradually, from easier forms to more complex ones, for example, initially Muslims prayed twice a day. day, and then came the command to pray five times. In accordance with the real circumstances, Allah could send down the Revelation, which was temporary (mansuḥ), and then cancel it and replace it with a new one (nasiḥ), by analogy with jurisprudence, the term abrogation is used (cancellation or change of an outdated law (treaty, agreement)). Sending down the Qur'an in parts contributed to a better perception of it by the people, facilitated the study and practical application of the Qur'an in everyday life.

The Qur'an was sent down not only to the Arabs, but to all mankind: "We sent you only as a mercy to the inhabitants of all the worlds."

At the same time, the Koran does not contain anything fundamentally new, not previously known. It tells about the ancient prophets (Adam, Lut, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Musa, Isa, etc.) and about various events in their lives. The Qur'an also tells about events that will take place in the future.

The Qur'an also tells about the problems of the origin and essence of being, various forms of life, about cosmology and cosmogony (Cosmogony (Greek kosmogonía, from kósmos - the world, the Universe and gone, goneia - birth) is a field of science that studies the origin and development of cosmic bodies and their systems: stars and star clusters, galaxies, nebulae, the solar system and all its constituent bodies - the Sun, planets (including the Earth), their satellites, asteroids (or minor planets), comets, meteorites.

Cosmology is the study of the structure and changes in the modern universe, while the scientific fields of cosmogony are concerned with the question of the origin of the universe. Observations of our current universe may not only provide predictions for the future, but they also provide clues to events that took place long ago when... the cosmos was just being born. So work on cosmology is based on astrophysics of current observations and the construction of models of evolution - cosmogony does not duplicate, but complements astrophysics), contains Divine commands about service. Thus, the Qur'an contains general principles for all aspects of individual and social existence.

Structure of the Quran

There are 114 suras (chapters) in the Quran. All chapters are divided into verses (verses). In total, there are 6236 verses and more than 320 thousand letters (harf) in the Quran. The text of the Quran is divided into 30 equal parts, each of which is called juz in Arabic.

Some suras were sent down to Muhammad in Mecca, others in Medina. The Meccan suras were sent down to Muhammad before the hijra (migration to Medina) or on the way to this city. In turn, the Medina suras were sent down in Medina or during some journey made by Muhammad after the Hijra. Revelations sent down in Mecca are considered abrogated and true in Medina.

Muslims believe that the content of the Koran cannot be changed, since the Almighty promised to protect it until the Day of Judgment:

"Verily, We sent down the Reminder, and We guard it"

All suras of the Qur'an, except the ninth, begin with the words: "In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful." In the first sura of the Qur'an, these words are included in the text as the first verse.

Surahs, with a few exceptions, are arranged in the Qur'an according to their size, not chronologically. At the beginning there are long suras, then suras with a gradually decreasing number of verses.

The most important surahs and verses of the Qur'an

Sura 1. The most famous sura "Al-Fatiha" ("Opening the Book"), also called the "Mother of the Quran", is repeatedly read by Muslims in each of the 5 obligatory daily prayers.

Sura 2, verse 255, called "Ayat of the Throne". One of the most striking statements about the universal dominion of Allah over everything that He created. It is this verse that, according to Muhammad, is in the first place in the Qur'an.

Sura 24, verse 35, "Ayat about the Light" - a verse describing the glory of God.

Sura 36. "Ya-Sin". In the teachings of Islam, this sura is the "heart of the Qur'an."

Sura 112. A very short chapter "Ikhlas" is a kind of "creed" of Islam. Its name means "Sincerity".

History of the Quran

Main article: Codification of the Quran

Manuscript of the Koran, 7th c.

According to Islamic tradition, it is believed that the Koran descended into the world from Allah in its entirety on the night of Qadr, but the angel Jabrail passed it on to the prophet in parts for 23 years.

By order of the Prophet, the verses sent down to him were immediately written down. To do this, he had about 40 secretaries. Zayd ibn Thabit said that after the secretary wrote down the Revelation, the prophet forced him to read the verses again and only after that he allowed the people to read the Divine Revelations. At the same time, he insisted that the Companions memorize the Revelations by heart, for such knowledge would be rewarded by Allah. Thus, some of the Muslims knew the entire Koran by heart, the rest - in fragments.

Revelations were written on date leaves, pieces of flat stone, leather, cloth. Records were made as Allah revealed the verses, but the revelation was mixed. Only after sending down a group of verses did the prophet announce in which sura and in what order they should be written. There were also Revelations that were not supposed to be included in the Koran, but were of a temporary nature and were later canceled by Allah.

All the verses of the Koran, but in the form of separate entries, were collected by the decision of the first Caliph Abu Bakr.

Sources from this period say that twelve years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, when Osman became caliph, various parts of the Qur'an were in use, made by famous companions of the prophet, in particular Abdallah ibn Masud and Ubayya ibn Kaab. Seven years after Osman became caliph, he ordered copies of the Koran to be made and sent to different countries.

Gathered together, brought together in one list during the reign of Caliph Osman (644-656), these Revelations constituted the canonical text of the Koran, which has survived unchanged to this day. The first complete such list dates back to 651.

The Quran still exists in oral form, when people memorize it in its entirety.

So, the Qur'an was sent down, or rather, it began to be sent down in the month of Ramadan, 611 AD. The night of the beginning of the sending down is not exactly known, but the opinion about the 27th night of the month of Ramadan has a greater argumentation. This night is called "the night of power" and an entire chapter is devoted to it in the Qur'an. After the first revelation, which can be found in the opening five verses (verses) of sura (chapter) 96 of the Qur'an, the prophecy continued for 23 years. The Quran is written in a particular style. It cannot be called poetry or prose. Some surahs have long verses, others contain short laconic verses. The narration of the Qur'an is so unique and harmonious that it excludes any human participation in its compilation, and given that the prophet, peace be upon him, was not taught to read or write.

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 1)

The first part contains verses on the topic "Tawhid" ("Monotheism").

I created jinn and humans only for them to worship Me. (Quran, sura No. 51, "Az-Zariyyat", "Scattering Ashes", ayat 56)

Were they created by themselves (or just like that)? Or are they the creators themselves? (Quran, sura No. 52 "At-Tur", "Mountain", ayat 35).

If Allah touches you with trouble, then no one can save you from it except Him. But if He touches you with good, then He is capable of all things. (Quran, sura No. 6 "al-An" am, "Cattle", verse 17)

Say: “Indeed, my prayer and my sacrifice (or worship), my life and my death are dedicated to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He has no partners. This is commanded to me, and I am the first of the Muslims. (Quran, sura No. 6 "al-An" am, "Cattle", verses 162-163)

Say: "I call only to my Lord and do not associate anyone with Him as partners." (Quran, sura No. 72 "Al-Jinn", "Jinn", ayat 20)

Indeed, Allah does not forgive when partners are joined to Him, but forgives all other (or less serious) sins to whom He wills. Whoever associates partners with Allah, he invents a great sin. (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women", verse 48)

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 2)

The second part contains verses in continuation on the topic "Tawhid" ("Monotheism").

Teach for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it's better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from delusions and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

Your Lord said, “Call on Me and I will answer you. Verily, those who exalt themselves over worshiping Me will enter Gehenna humiliated.” (Quran, sura No. 40 "Ghafir", "Forgiving", ayat 60)

Say: “Have you seen those to whom you invoke other than Allah? Show me what part of the earth they made? Or are they co-owners of heaven? (Quran, sura No. 46 "Al-Ahkaf", "Sands", verse 4)

You worship idols instead of Allah and invent lies. Indeed, those whom you worship instead of Allah are not able to give you food. Seek sustenance from Allah, worship Him and give thanks to Him. To Him you will be returned." (Quran, sura No. 29 "Al-Ankabut", "Spider", verse 17)

Isn't Allah enough for His servant? They terrify you with those who are lower than Him. (Quran, sura No. 39 "Az-Zumar", "Crowds", ayat 36)

If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" - they will surely say: "Allah." Say: Have you seen those to whom you call instead of Allah? If Allah wants to harm me, how can they avert His harm? Or, if He wants to show me mercy, how can they withhold His mercy? Say: “Allah is sufficient for me. Those who trust in Him alone hope." (Quran, sura No. 39 "Az-Zumar", "Crowds", ayat 38)

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 3)

The third part contains verses on the theme of "Tawheed" ("Monotheism") and the importance of submitting only to Allah and His Messenger, despite everything that contradicts it.

Teach for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it's better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from delusions and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

The living and the dead are not equal. Verily, Allah grants hearing to whomever He wills, and you cannot make those who are in the grave hear. (Quran, sura No. 35 "Fatyr", "Creator", ayat 22).

When you call to them, they do not hear your prayer, and even if they did, they would not answer you. On the Day of Resurrection they will reject your worship. No one will tell you like the Knower. (Quran, sura No. 35 "Fatyr", "Creator", ayat 14).

Who is in greater error than those who call instead of Allah to those who will not answer them until the Day of Resurrection and who are unaware of their call? (Quran, sura No. 46 "Al-Ahkaf", "Sands", ayat 5).

When they are told: “Follow what Allah sent down,” they answer: “No! We will follow what we found our fathers doing.” And if their fathers did not understand anything and did not follow the direct path? (Quran, sura No. 2 "Al-Baqara", "Cow", ayat 170).

There is no choice for a believing man and a believing woman when they make a decision if Allah and His Messenger have already made a decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has fallen into obvious error. (Quran, sura No. 33 "Al-Ahzab", "Allies", verse 36).

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 4)

The fourth part contains verses on the topic "Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)" and the importance of obeying him.

Teach for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it's better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from delusions and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

O those who believe! Do not be ahead of Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah, for Allah is Hearing, Knowing. (Quran, sura No. 49 "Al-Khujurat", "Rooms", verse 1)

But no - I swear by your Lord! - they will not believe until they choose you as a judge in all that is entangled between them, they do not cease to experience constraint in their souls from your decision and do not submit completely. (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women", ayat 65)

He doesn't speak on a whim. (Quran, sura No. 53 "An-Najm", "Star", verse 3)

Say: "If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "Family of Imran", verse 31)

O those who believe! Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and the powerful among you. If you argue about something, then refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. So it will be better and more beautiful in value (or in outcome; or in reward)! (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women, ayat 59).

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 5)

The fifth part contains verses about the importance of understanding religion as it was understood by the righteous predecessors, starting with the Companions (Sahaba) and about the perfection of the religion of Islam, which prohibits innovations (bida "a).

Teach for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it's better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from delusions and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Those who are with him are hard on the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see how they bow and fall on their faces, seeking mercy from Allah and contentment. Their sign is the traces of prostration on their faces. This is how they are represented in the Taurat (Torah). In the Injil (Gospel), they are represented by a crop on which a sprout has grown. He strengthened it, and it became fat and straightened on its stalk, delighting the sowers. Allah brought this parable in order to infuriate the disbelievers with it. Allah promised those of them who believed and did righteous deeds, forgiveness and a great reward. (Quran, sura No. 48 "Al-Fath", "Victory", ayat 29).

Allah is pleased with the first of the Muhajirs and Ansar who outstripped the rest, and those who followed strictly behind them. They are also pleased with Allah. He prepared for them the Gardens of Eden, in which rivers flow. They will be there forever. This is a great achievement. (Quran, sura No. 9 "At-Tauba", "Repentance", ayat 100).

And whoever opposes the Messenger after the straight path has become clear to him, and does not follow the path of the believers, We will direct him to where he turned, and we will burn him in Gehenna. How bad is this place of arrival! (Quran, sura No. 4 "An-Nisa", "Women", ayat 115).

Today, for your sake, I have perfected your religion, completed My mercy on you, and approved Islam as your religion. (Quran, sura No. 4 "Al-Maida", "Meal", verse 3).

Or do they have partners who legitimize for them in religion what Allah did not allow? If it weren't for the decisive Word, their dispute would have already been settled. Verily, the wicked are destined for a painful torment. (Quran, sura No. 42 "Ash-Shura", "Council", ayat 21).

Say: “Shall I tell you about those whose deeds will bring the greatest loss? These are the ones whose efforts have gone astray in worldly life, although they thought they were doing the right thing! (Quran, sura No. 18 "Al-Kahf", "Cave", verses 103-104).

Ayats that are important for everyone to know! (Part 6)

The sixth part contains verses about the truth of Islam and the uniqueness of Truth.

Teach for the sake of Allah and do not be lazy, these verses are the key to success in both worlds. Learn at least one verse a day, or even less often, because it's better than not learning them at all! Guided by these verses, you will protect yourself and your family from delusions and will be able to spread the call of Islam to other people, exalting the Word of Allah.

It is He Who sent His messenger with the right guidance and the religion of truth to exalt it above all other religions. It is enough that Allah is a Witness. (Quran, sura No. 48 "Al-Fath", "Victory", ayat 28).

Verily, this religion of yours is one religion. I am your Lord. Worship Me! (Quran, sura No. 21 "Al-Anbiya", "Prophets", ayat 92).

Are they really looking for a religion other than the religion of Allah, while all who are in heaven and on earth have submitted to Him, by their own will or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned. (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "Family of Imran", ayat 83).

Indeed, the religion of Allah is Islam. (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "Family of Imran", verse 19)

From one who seeks a religion other than Islam, this will never be accepted, and in the Hereafter he will be among the victims of the loss. (Quran, sura No. 3 "Ali Imran", "Family of Imran", ayat 85).

What can be beyond the truth, except for delusion? How far away from the truth are you! (Quran, sura No. 10 "Yunus", "Yunus", ayat 32).