Modern geological era. What is the era. How life originated in the ancient eras of the earth

The history of the planet Earth already has about 7 billion years. During this time, our common home has undergone significant changes, which was the result of changing periods. in chronological order reveal the entire history of the planet from its very appearance to the present day.

Geological chronology

The history of the Earth, presented in the form of eons, groups, periods and epochs, is a certain grouped chronology. At the first international congresses of geology, a special chronological scale was developed, which represented the periodization of the Earth. Subsequently, this scale was replenished with new information and changed, as a result, now it reflects all geological periods in chronological order.

The largest subdivisions in this scale are eonotemes, eras and periods.

Formation of the Earth

The geological periods of the Earth in chronological order begin their history precisely with the formation of the planet. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The very process of its formation was very long and, possibly, began as early as 7 billion years ago from small cosmic particles. Over time, the gravitational force grew, along with it, the speed of bodies falling on the forming planet increased. Kinetic energy was transformed into heat, resulting in a gradual heating of the Earth.

The core of the Earth, according to scientists, was formed over several hundred million years, after which the gradual cooling of the planet began. Currently, the molten core contains 30% of the mass of the Earth. The development of other shells of the planet, according to scientists, has not yet been completed.

Precambrian eon

In the geochronology of the Earth, the first eon is called the Precambrian. It covers the time 4.5 billion - 600 million years ago. That is, the lion's share of the history of the planet is covered by the first. However, this eon is divided into three more - Katarchean, Archean, Proterozoic. And often the first of them stands out in an independent eon.

At this time, the formation of land and water occurred. All this happened during active volcanic activity for almost the entire eon. Shields of all continents were formed in the Precambrian, but traces of life are very rare.

Catharhean eon

The beginning of the history of the Earth - half a billion years of its existence in science is called katarchey. The upper limit of this eon is at around 4 billion years ago.

Popular literature portrays the Catarchean as a time of active volcanic and geothermal changes on the Earth's surface. However, this is not actually true.

The Katharhean eon is a time when volcanic activity was not manifested, and the surface of the Earth was a cold, inhospitable desert. Although quite often there were earthquakes that smoothed the landscape. The surface looked like a dark gray primary substance covered with a layer of regolith. The day at that time was only 6 hours.

archean eon

The second main eon out of four in the history of the Earth lasted about 1.5 billion years - 4-2.5 billion years ago. Then the Earth did not yet have an atmosphere, and therefore there was no life yet, but in this eon bacteria appear, due to the lack of oxygen they were anaerobic. As a result of their activities, today we have deposits of natural resources such as iron, graphite, sulfur and nickel. The history of the term "archaea" dates back to 1872, when it was proposed by the famous American scientist J. Dan. The Archean eon, unlike the previous one, is characterized by high volcanic activity and erosion.

Proterozoic eon

If we consider the geological periods in chronological order, the next billion years took the Proterozoic. This period is also characterized by high volcanic activity and sedimentation, and erosion continues over vast areas.

The formation of the so-called. mountains Currently they are small hills on the plains. The rocks of this eon are very rich in mica, non-ferrous metal ores and iron.

It should be noted that the first living creatures appeared in the Proterozoic period - the simplest microorganisms, algae and fungi. And by the end of the eon, worms, marine invertebrates, and mollusks appear.

Phanerozoic eon

All geological periods in chronological order can be divided into two types - explicit and hidden. Phanerozoic refers to explicit. At this time, a large number of living organisms with mineral skeletons appear. The era preceding the Phanerozoic was called hidden because its traces were practically not found due to the absence of mineral skeletons.

The last about 600 million years of the history of our planet are called the Phanerozoic eon. The most significant events of this eon are the Cambrian explosion, which occurred approximately 540 million years ago, and the five largest extinctions in the history of the planet.

Eras of the Precambrian eon

During the Katarchean and Archean, there were no generally recognized eras and periods, so we will skip their consideration.

The Proterozoic consists of three major eras:

Paleoproterozoic- i.e. ancient, including siderium, riasian period, orosirium and staterium. By the end of this era, the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere reached its present level.

Mesoproterozoic- average. It consists of three periods - potassium, ectasia and stenia. In this era, algae and bacteria reached their greatest prosperity.

Neoproterozoic- new, consisting of tonium, cryogenium and ediacarium. At this time, the formation of the first supercontinent, Rodinia, takes place, but then the plates parted again. The coldest ice age took place during an era called the Mesoproterozoic, during which most of the planet froze over.

Eras of the Phanerozoic eon

This eon consists of three large epochs, which differ sharply from each other:

Paleozoic, or an era of ancient life. It began about 600 million years ago and ended 230 million years ago. The Paleozoic consists of 7 periods:

  1. Cambrian (a temperate climate is formed on Earth, the landscape is low-lying, during this period all modern types of animals originate).
  2. Ordovician (the climate on the entire planet is quite warm, even in Antarctica, while the land sinks significantly. The first fish appear).
  3. Silurian period (the formation of large inland seas takes place, while the lowlands become increasingly arid due to land uplift. The development of fish continues. The Silurian period is marked by the appearance of the first insects).
  4. Devon (appearance of the first amphibians and forests).
  5. Lower Carboniferous (dominance of ferns, distribution of sharks).
  6. Upper and Middle Carboniferous (appearance of the first reptiles).
  7. Perm (most of the ancient animals are dying out).

mesozoic, or the time of the reptiles. Geological history consists of three periods:

  1. Triassic (seed ferns die out, gymnosperms dominate, the first dinosaurs and mammals appear).
  2. Jura (part of Europe and the western part of America is covered with shallow seas, the appearance of the first toothed birds).
  3. Chalk (appearance of maple and oak forests, the highest development and extinction of dinosaurs and toothed birds).

cenozoic, or the time of mammals. Consists of two periods:

  1. Tertiary. At the beginning of the period, predators and ungulates reach their dawn, the climate is warm. There is a maximum spread of forests, the oldest mammals are dying out. Approximately 25 million years ago, a person appears and in the Pliocene era, a person arises.
  2. Quaternary. Pleistocene - large mammals die out, human society is born, 4 ice ages occur, many plant species die out. The modern era - the last ice age ends, gradually the climate takes on its present form. The supremacy of man on the whole planet.

The geological history of our planet has a long and contradictory development. In this process, there were several extinctions of living organisms, repeated ice ages, periods of high volcanic activity were observed, there were eras of the dominance of various organisms: from bacteria to humans. The history of the Earth began about 7 billion years ago, it was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, and less than a million years ago, man ceased to have competitors in all living nature.

Humanity has fallen victim to a terrible pandemic caused by a mysterious fungus that enters into symbiosis with the human brain. The infected turn into zombies that feed on the meat of living beings, including healthy people. The remaining uninfected people live in several military bases. They're trying to create an antidote. To do this, they are engaged in the study of mutant children born from infected mothers. These children are intelligent like humans, but their eating habits are identical to those of zombies. Children are kept in cells, fed with worms. They are taught by being brought to classes in wheelchairs, shackled hand and foot, under escort of armed soldiers. Classes with them are conducted by Helen Justinov, who treats mutant children like ordinary children. One of her wards, Melanie, literally idolizes the teacher. However, when Helen comes to Melanie's cell and tries to free her from handcuffs (the girl was left in chains for the night as punishment), she almost eats her benefactor.

The next day, Sergeant Eddie Pax takes Melanie in a wheelchair to the lab. Along the way, they see how crowds of zombies are trying to break into the base. Melanie is brought to the laboratory, where Dr. Caroline Caldwell is going to dissect a mutant to make a drug from her brain that gives people immunity against a pathogenic fungus. Justinov bursts into the laboratory, she tries to disrupt the operation. Zombies break through there, having penetrated the guarded perimeter. Melanie frees herself and goes outside. She sees crowds of zombies attacking base personnel. Two soldiers - Sergeants Kieran Gallagher and Eddie Pax - managed to get into an armored van and want to leave the base. Dr. Caldwell is with them. Melanie saves the Justins from the zombies, they also get into the van, which takes them away from the zombies. The military wants to shoot Melanie, but Helen won't let them. She is supported by Dr. Caldwell: Melanie remains her last hope for a vaccine.

So that Melanie does not attack people from hunger, they put a mask on her and shackle her with handcuffs. The van stops in the woods, where people are trying to draw water from a stream. They are attacked by zombies, Pax takes the wagon out of the forest. People are trying to contact the headquarters, but they cannot pick up a radio signal. The van travels to London in search of food.

There are crowds of zombies on the streets of the city. While there is nothing living nearby, they fall into a trance, from which they can be awakened by the smell of a living being, a sudden movement or a loud noise. People smear their bodies with a special cream that fights off the smell of a person, and go to the city, trying not to make sudden movements and not make noise. They go through dense ranks of zombies. At this moment, Caldwell notices a female zombie carrying a stroller, in which you can see the legs of a small child under a pile of rags. Caldwell had not noticed maternal instincts in zombies before. She brakes the stroller, throws the rags aside and sees the rats, which have already eaten most of the child's corpse. The woman involuntarily screams, this sound brings the zombie out of a trance. People have to run, firing back from the zombies. They take refuge in an abandoned building, try to get in touch with the headquarters, again without result. Melanie asks Caldwell where she came from. She says that the military during the raid found a group of mutant children in the maternity hospital. There they also found the corpses of their mothers with their entrails eaten away. Women fall prey to the fungus while already pregnant. Babies infected through the placenta ate their way out. Melanie is one of them.

Pax discovers that there are hordes of zombies around the building. They reacted to the sound and blocked the building. If only they were distracted by a running cat! Melanie asks to go outside. She's hungry, and zombies don't feed on their own kind. Melanie is released. She catches a cat in the alley and satisfies her hunger. Then she goes into some apartment and finds a dog there. Melanie picks up the animal, carries it to the blocked building, and releases it. A crowd of zombies rushes after the dog. The path is clear. People move on. They discover that sprouts are making their way from the bodies of dead zombies. This is the next stage in the development of the fungus. On the branches of the plant boxes with spores. Caldwell says that if these tough boxes break open, the spores will infect all the surviving people.

People discover a mobile laboratory. It is armored, it has a gateway. Pax tries to start the engine. Gallagher goes out in search of food. Melanie also goes hunting. She catches a dove and satisfies her hunger. In one of the buildings, Melanie discovers a group of wild mutant children, they do not have the skills of articulate speech. It becomes clear to Melanie that the kids have tracked down Gallagher. She runs to the lab and informs Pax that Gallagher needs help. But it's' too late. The children lured the sergeant into a trap and killed him. Pax, Melanie and Justinov come to this place. They are blocked by a pack of predatory children. The sergeant is about to open fire, but is stopped by Melanie. She will deal with the predators herself. Melanie confronts the leader of the mutant children, defeats him and takes Pax and Justins away. They return to the lab, where they are rendered unconscious by Caldwell with a sleeping gas. She wants to extract Melanie's brain. But the girl knows how to hold her breath and remains conscious. The doctor persuades Melanie to sacrifice herself for the Justins (Caldwell herself will soon die of blood poisoning), but the girl goes outside, goes to the mutant plant and sets it on fire. Under the influence of high temperature, the spore boxes open. Pax comes out of the lab to look for Melanie. He becomes infected with spores and asks the girl to shoot him. She does his will.

Caldwell is eaten by hungry mutant children, leaving only Justin alive. Helen lives in a sealed lab and trains wild mutant children brought to her by Melanie.

To understand what era it is, you need to look at the decision of the II session of the International Geological Congress, held in 1881. Then scientists argued about our planet. There were several points of view, which brought confusion to science. By a general vote of experts, it was decided that the modern geological era is Cenozoic. It began 66 million years ago and continues to this day.

Features of the Cenozoic

Of course, the modern geological era is not something monolithic and monotonous. It is divided into three Neogene and Quaternary. During this time, the world has changed dramatically. In the early stages of the Cenozoic, the Earth looked completely different from what it is today, including in terms of flora and fauna. However, it was then that several events took place, as a result of which the planet became what we know it to be.

The restructuring of the worldwide system of interconnected sea currents began. It was caused by unprecedented continental drift. Its consequence was the complication of heat exchange between the equatorial and polar basins.

continental drift

In the Paleogene, the Gondwana supercontinent broke apart. An important event that marked the modern geological era was the collision of India and Asia. Africa from the southwest "stuck" into Eurasia. This is how the southern mountains of the Old World and Iran appeared. Geological periods passed slowly, but the map of the Earth inexorably became similar to today's.

The ancient Tethys Ocean, which separated northern Laurasia and southern Gondwana, disappeared over time. Today, only the seas (Mediterranean, Black and Caspian) remained from it. Important events also took place in the Southern Hemisphere. Antarctica broke away from Australia and headed towards the pole, turning into a glacial desert. The Isthmus of Panama appeared, which connected South and North America, finally dividing the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.


The first period that opened the modern geological era is the Paleogene (66-23 million years ago). A new stage in the development of the organic world began. The boundary of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic was marked by the mass extinction of a huge number of species. Most people know this disaster from the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The Mesozoic inhabitants of the Earth were replaced by new mollusks, bony fish and angiosperms. In previous geological periods, reptiles dominated the land. Now they have lost their leading positions to mammals. Of the reptiles, only crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards and some other species have survived. The modern appearance of amphibians was formed. Birds dominated the air.


The generally accepted sequence of geological eras says that the second period of the Cenozoic era was the Neogene, which replaced the Paleogene and preceded the Quaternary period. It began 23 million years ago and ended 1.65 million years ago.

At the end of the Neogene, the organic world finally took on modern features. Discocyclines, assilins and nummulites became extinct in the sea. The composition of the organic world on land has changed greatly. Mammals have adapted to life in the steppes, dense forests, semi-steppes and semi-deserts, thus colonizing vast territories. It was in the Neogene that proboscis, ungulates, and other representatives of the fauna common today (hyenas, bears, martens, badgers, dogs, rhinos, sheep, bulls, etc.) appeared. Primates emerged from the forests and populated the open spaces. 5 million years ago, the first ancestors of modern man from the genus hominids appeared. In the northern latitudes, heat-loving forms of flora (myrtle, laurel, palm trees) began to disappear.

Formation of modern mountains and seas

In the Neogene, the process of mountain building continued, which determined the modern landscape of the planet. In America, the Cordilleras and Appalachians were formed, in Africa - the Atlas. Mountains appeared in the east of Australia and in Hindustan. Marginal seas (the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk) arose in the western Pacific Ocean. Volcanoes were active, volcanic arcs rose from the water.

For some time the level of the World Ocean exceeded the present level, but by the end of the Neogene it fell again. Glaciation swept not only Antarctica, but also the Arctic. The climate became more and more unstable and contrasting, which was especially characteristic of the next Quaternary period.

fauna migration

In the Neogene period, the territories finally united into an integral space. There was a Mediterranean route between Africa and Europe. The Turgai Sea disappeared from the West Siberian Lowland. It separated Europe from Asia. After it dried, migration between different parts of the world was facilitated. Herbivorous horses came from America, and antelopes and bulls came from Asia. Proboscis spread outside of Africa. Cats, which at first were saber-toothed and lived only in America, flooded Eurasia.

The Isthmus of Panama formed 4 million years ago. There was a land connection between the two Americas, which led to an unprecedented migration of animals. The southern fauna throughout the entire Cenozoic was in a state of isolation, actually living on a huge island. Now, species unfamiliar to each other have come into contact. The fauna is mixed. Armadillos, sloths and marsupials showed up in the north. Horses, tapirs, hamsters, pigs, deer and camelids (llamas) colonized South America. The northern animal world has been enriched. But in South America there was a real disaster. Due to new competitors in the face of ungulates and predators, many rodents and marsupials died out. These controversial events became known as the Great American Exchange.

Quaternary period

It took several billion years for numerous geological eras and periods to replace each other and finally come to the point when the Quaternary period of the Cenozoic began one and a half million years ago. It continues to this day, so it can be considered modern.

All periods and eras of geological history differ from each other in unique features. The Quaternary is also called the anthropogen, since it was during this period of time that the development and formation of man took place. His first ancestors appeared in East Africa. Then they settled in Eurasia, and from modern Chukotka they came to America. People have gone through several stages of development. The last one (homo sapiens) came 40 thousand years ago.

At the same time, it is unique in its climatic jumps. Over the past million years, several ice ages have passed, changing to warming. Climatic troubles have led to the extinction of many heat-loving species of flora and fauna. Animals that adapted to life in the conditions of the ice age (mammoths, saber-toothed tigers) also disappeared.


The answer to the question of what era is now has already been found (Cenozoic). At the same time, within its framework, the Quaternary period continues today. It is also divided into parts. The modern division of the Quaternary period is the Holocene epoch. It began 12 thousand years ago. Scientists call it interglacial. That is, this is the period after a significant warming.

At the same time, modern mankind managed to catch several small ice ages. Climatic changes, characteristic of the entire Quaternary period, have been cyclically repeated several times over the past 12 thousand years. At the same time, in terms of its scale, remaining miniature and not so much cardinal. Climatologists note the Little Ice Age, which occurred in 1450-1850. Winter temperatures in Europe have dropped, leading to frequent crop failures and turmoil in the agricultural economy. The Little Ice Age was preceded by the Atlantic Optimum (900-1300). During this period, the climate was noticeably milder, and the glaciers were significantly reduced. It should be remembered here that the Vikings, who discovered Greenland in the Middle Ages, called it a "green country", although today it is not at all "green".

Hello! In this article I want to tell you about the geochronological column. This is a column of periods of the Earth's evolution. And also more about each era, thanks to which you can draw a picture of the formation of the Earth throughout its history. What types of life first appeared, how did they change, and how much did it take.

The geological history of the Earth is divided into large intervals - eras, eras are divided into periods, periods are divided into epochs. Such a division was associated with events that took place on. The change in the abiotic environment influenced the evolution of the organic world on Earth.

Geological eras of the Earth, or geochronological scale:

And now about everything in more detail:


1. Catharchean era (from the creation of the Earth, about 5 billion years ago, to the origin of life);

2. Archean era , the most ancient era (3.5 billion - 1.9 billion years ago);

3. Proterozoic era (1.9 billion - 570 million years ago);

Archean and Proterozoic are still combined into Precambrian. The Precambrian covers the largest part of geological time. Formed, areas of land and sea, active volcanic activity took place. Shields of all continents were formed from Precambrian rocks. Traces of life are usually rare.

4. Palaeozoic (570 million - 225 million years ago) with such periods :

Cambrian period(from the Latin name for Wales)(570 million - 480 million years ago);

The transition to the Cambrian is marked by the unexpected appearance of a huge number of fossils. This is a sign of the beginning of the Paleozoic era. Marine life flourished in numerous shallow seas. Trilobites were especially widespread.

Ordovician period(from the British Ordovician tribe)(480 million - 420 million years ago);

On a significant part of the Earth it was soft, most of the surface was still covered by the sea. The accumulation of sedimentary rocks continued, mountain building took place. There were reef builders. An abundance of corals, sponges and molluscs has been noted.

Silurian (from the British Silur tribe)(420 million - 400 million years ago);

Dramatic events in the history of the Earth began with the development of jawless fish (the first vertebrates), which appeared in the Ordovician. Another significant event was the appearance in the late Silurian of the first terrestrial.

Devonian (from Devonshire in England)(400 million - 320 million years ago);

In the early Devonian, mountain building movements reached their peak, but basically it was a period of spasmodic development. The first seed plants settled on land. A great variety and number of fish-like species was noted, the first terrestrial animals- amphibians.

Carboniferous or Carboniferous period (from the abundance of coal in the seams) (320 million - 270 million years ago);

Mountain building, folding, and erosion continued. In North America, swampy forests and river deltas were flooded, and large carbonaceous deposits formed. The southern continents were covered by glaciation. Insects spread rapidly, the first reptiles appeared.

Permian period (from the Russian city of Perm)(270 million - 225 million years ago);

A large part of Pangea - the supercontinent that united everything - was dominated by conditions. Reptiles spread widely, modern insects evolved. New terrestrial flora developed, including conifers. Several marine species have disappeared.

5. Mesozoic era (225 million - 70 million years ago) with such periods:

Triassic (from the tripartite division of the period proposed in Germany)(225 million - 185 million years ago);

With the advent of the Mesozoic era, Pangea began to disintegrate. On land, the dominance of conifers was established. Diversity among reptiles is noted, the first dinosaurs and giant marine reptiles appeared. Primitive mammals evolved.

Jurassic period(from mountains in Europe)(185 million - 140 million years ago);

Significant volcanic activity was associated with the formation of the Atlantic Ocean. Dinosaurs dominated the land, flying reptiles and primitive birds conquered the air ocean. There are traces of the first flowering plants.

Cretaceous period (from the word "chalk")(140 million - 70 million years ago);

During the maximum expansion of the seas, chalk deposits occurred, especially in Britain. The dominance of dinosaurs continued until the extinction of them and other species at the end of the period.

6. Cenozoic era (70 million years ago - up to our time) with such periods And epochs:

Paleogene period (70 million - 25 million years ago);

Paleocene epoch ("the oldest part of the new epoch")(70 million - 54 million years ago);
Eocene epoch ("dawn of a new era")(54 million - 38 million years ago);
Oligocene era ("not very new")(38 million - 25 million years ago);

Neogene period (25 million - 1 million years ago);

Miocene epoch ("comparatively new")(25 million - 8 million years ago);
Pliocene epoch ("very new")(8 million - 1 million years ago);

The Paleocene and Neocene periods are still combined into the Tertiary period. With the advent of the Cenozoic era (new life), there is an abrupt spread of mammals. Many large species have evolved, although many have become extinct. There has been a sharp increase in the number of flowering plants. With the cooling of the climate, herbaceous plants appeared. There has been a significant uplift.

Quaternary period (1 million - our time);

Pleistocene era ("newest")(1 million - 20 thousand years ago);

Holocene epoch(“a completely new era”) (20 thousand years ago - our time).

This is the last geological period that includes the present. Four major glaciations alternated with warming periods. The number of mammals has increased; they have adapted to. There was a formation of man - the future ruler of the Earth.

There are also other ways of dividing eras, epochs, periods, eons are added to them, and some epochs are still divided, like in this table, for example.

But this table is more complicated, the confusing dating of some eras is purely chronological, not based on stratigraphy. Stratigraphy is the science of determining the relative geologic age of sedimentary rocks, subdividing rock strata, and correlating different geological formations.

Such a division, of course, is relative, since there was no sharp distinction between today and tomorrow in these divisions.

But still, at the turn of neighboring eras and periods, significant geological transformations mainly took place: the processes of formation of mountains, the redistribution of seas, changing of the climate etc.

Each subsection was characterized, of course, by the originality of flora and fauna.

, And can be found in the same section.

Thus, these are the main eras of the Earth, on which all scientists rely 🙂

Critical study of the chronology of the ancient world. Bible. Volume 2 Postnikov Mikhail Mikhailovich

ancient eras

ancient eras

Once upon a time, the question of ancient eras was considered simple and clear. But the clear and definite judgments of our simple-hearted ancestors are blurred in the hands of modern scholars who are forced to reckon with the results of a critical study of sources. Trying to reconcile the contradictory data of the manuscripts, they come to conclusions that, to put it mildly, surprise. We will compare the data of the 18th century author Blair (see) with the latest work on chronography, written by the American scientist Bickerman.

The era of the Olympics. Blair begins counting time according to the Olympiads from 776 BC; this year is the 1st year of the 1st Olympiad. The Olympic Games themselves were first introduced by the Dactyls in 1453 BC. 50 years after the flood, then forgotten; restored by Hercules in 1222 BC, then forgotten; then again restored by Iphitus and Lycurgus in 884 BC. However, they began to be used for calculating time only from 776 BC, starting with the victory of Horev (according to Scaliger on July 23, 776 BC).

Blair stops counting time for Olympiads in 1 AD; this year is the 4th year of the CXCIV Olympiad. Blair does not say when this account actually ended.

Turning to Bikerman, we are surprised to learn (see, p. 70) that this era was not used in life, was practically not noted in documents and was invented (!) by historians. It was first allegedly used by the Sicilian historian Timaeus around 264 BC. (see , p. 224), i.e. half a thousand (!) years after the First Olympiad, and it came into wide use after Eratosthenes. According to the Olympiads, events are dated, for example, by Pausanias and Eusebius. This dating was also used in the Middle Ages: “Byzantine historians continued to refer to the Olympiads” (see, p. 70).

From here it is not far from the point of view of Morozov, who considers the Olympic era a medieval fiction. The reason is not only the fact that this era was used only by very late writers and obvious apocryphists (such as Pausanias and Eusebius), but also its four-year period, clearly associated with the Julian leap year. Morozov's theory about the origin of the era of the Olympiads will be presented in § 3 of Ch. eleven.

The era of Diocletian. Of this era, Blair only reports that 284 AD serves as its beginning.

From a traditional point of view, it is impossible to explain the popularity of this era (“The era of Diocletian was widely used in Egypt and the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. It has survived to this day in the church calendars of the Copts and Ethiopians” (, pp. 51-52), especially when you consider that Diocletian is known as a fierce persecutor of Christians Bickerman puts forward the theory that "this reform (meaning the introduction of an era from 284 - Auth.) caused inconvenience to astronomers ... Therefore (!? - Auth.) astronomers, even after the abdication of Diocletian, continued (!? - Auth.) consider the fictitious years of his reign ... ", noting at the same time that "... this era found wider application only in Egypt, starting from the 6th century. AD" (p. 67).

Morozov's opinion on the origin of this era, explaining, in particular, its popularity, we will present in Chap. 10.

Era "AD" Blair writes that in 516 AD. “Dionysius the Lesser introduces universal reckoning” (i.e., counting the years “from AD”). Modern scholars have supposedly reconstructed the train of thought of Dionysius (, pp. 189-190).

While calculating Paschal, Dionysius, in their opinion, drew attention to Easter on March 25, 563, when a rare event happened: Jewish and Christian Easter and the feast of the annunciation coincided. Dionysius knew about the "Great Indiction" or "Easter cycle", a period of 532 years, through which the phases of the moon repeat on the same dates of the months and on the same days of the week. By subtracting 532, he found that the previous such match was March 25, 31. So the date of the execution of Jesus was “found”.

Subtracting 30 years (the life time of Jesus according to Luke), Dionysius received the date of the conception of Christ (according to his ideas, an integer number of years passed from the conception to the death of Jesus). Having added 9 months, he, to his satisfaction, received the date of the "Christmas" - December 25th.

However, it is noteworthy that the reckoning from R.Kh. “It was not accepted immediately. For the first time, the official mention of the "Nativity of Christ" appeared in church documents only two centuries after Dionysius, in 742. In the 10th century. new (already five hundred years ago! It’s the same as if we considered the “new” chronology proposed in the time of Dmitry Donskoy. - Auth.) chronology began to be more often used in various acts of the popes, and only in the middle of the 15th century. all papal documents necessarily had a date from “the birth of Christ” (, p. 190). In the secular calendar, the era "AD" entered (see, p. 52) in Germany and France in the 16th century, in Russia under Peter in 1700, and in England even later in 1752.

Such a long and late acceptance of this era makes the reports of Dionysius very suspicious. It is possible that it was created in 1095, when the second Easter cycle ended (if, of course, there is at least some rational grain in linking this cycle with the establishment of the date of Christmas).

Era "From the founding of the City" (Rome). Blair begins counting time for this era from 753 BC, referring to the "opinion of Varro." He stops it in 250 AD, noting that "Here most of the chronicles cease to keep the reckoning from the foundation of Rome."

Thus, this account ends just at the junction of two Roman Empires - Empire II and Empire III.

We learn from Bickerman that, like the Olympian era, this era “did not really exist in the ancient world, and such a way of counting is accepted only in our time” (see, p. 72). This is explained by the fact that “the age of Rome remained controversial ... In Roman historiography, the dates of the founding of Rome, excluding the most extreme opinions (for example, the date ... 729/8 BC), fluctuate between 759 and 748. BC." (see , p. 72). Thus, this was the first and only case in history when the scholarly disputes of very late scribes prevented the legendary era from establishing itself among the people.

We see that the era "from the founding of the City" can rightfully be considered a medieval apocrypha.

Therefore, when we propose a different date for the founding of Rome, it will not contradict any reliable facts.

Interestingly, both apocryphal eras (776 and 753 BC) are very close. Close to them and the so-called. the "era of Nabonassar" (747 BC) used by Ptolemy. Here, the hand of the same apocryphal spotter clearly went through.

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