Who did the fet marry? Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet - quotes

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich (November 23, 1820 - November 21, 1892), the great Russian lyric poet, memoirist, translator.


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Afanasy Fet was born in Novoselki, a small estate located in the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province. His own father is Johann Peter Wilhelm Feth, an assessor of the city court in Darmstadt, his mother is Charlotte Elisabeth Becker. Being seven months pregnant, she left her husband and secretly left for Russia with 45-year-old Afanasy Shenshin. When a boy was born, he was baptized according to the Orthodox rite and named Athanasius. It was recorded as Shenshin's son. In 1822, Charlotte Elizaveta Fet converted to Orthodoxy and married Afanasy Shenshin.


Athanasius received an excellent education. A capable boy was easy to study. In 1837 he graduated from a private German boarding school in Verro, Estonia. Even then, Fet began to write poetry, showed interest in literature and classical philology. After school, in order to prepare for entering the university, he studied at the boarding house of Professor Pogodin, a writer, historian and journalist. In 1838, Afanasy Fet entered the law department, and then - the philosophical faculty of Moscow University, where he studied at the historical and philological (verbal) department.

At the university, Athanasius became close to one of the students, Apollon Grigoriev, who was also fond of poetry. Together they began to attend a circle of students who were intensively engaged in philosophy and literature. With the participation of Grigoriev, Fet released his first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon". The creativity of the young student earned Belinsky's approval. And Gogol spoke of him as "an undoubted talent." This became a kind of "blessing" and inspired Afanasy Fet to further work. In 1842, his poems were published in many publications, including the popular journals Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin. In 1844, Fet graduated from the university.

Military service

In 1845, Fet left Moscow and joined a provincial cuirassier regiment in southern Russia. Athanasius believed that military service would help him regain his lost noble rank. A year after the start of the service, Fet received the rank of officer. In 1853 he was transferred to the guards regiment, which was stationed near St. Petersburg. He often visited the capital, met with Turgenev, Goncharov, Nekrasov, became close to the editors of the popular Sovremennik magazine. In general, the poet's military career was not very successful. In 1858, Fet retired, having risen to the rank of headquarters captain.


During the years of service, the poet experienced a tragic love, which influenced all his further work. The poet's lover, Maria Lazich, was from a good but poor family, which was an obstacle to their marriage. They broke up, and after some time the girl tragically died in a fire. The poet kept the memory of his unhappy love until his death.

Family life

At the age of 37, Afanasy Fet married Maria Botkina, the daughter of a wealthy tea merchant. His wife was not distinguished by youth and beauty. It was an arranged marriage. Before the wedding, the poet revealed to the bride the truth about his origin, as well as about some kind of “family curse”, which could become a serious obstacle to their marriage. But these confessions did not frighten Maria Botkina, and in 1857 they got married. A year later, Fet retired. He settled in Moscow and devoted himself to literary work. His family life was quite prosperous. Fet increased the fortune brought to him by Maria Botkina. True, they had no children. In 1867, Afanasy Fet was elected a justice of the peace. He lived on his estate and led the life of a real landowner. Only after the return of the stepfather's surname and all the privileges that a hereditary nobleman could enjoy, the poet began to work with renewed vigor.


Afanasy Fet left a significant mark on Russian literature. He published his first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" when he was a student at the university. Fet's first poems were an attempt to get away from reality. He sang the beauty of nature, wrote a lot about love. Even then, a characteristic feature appeared in his work - he spoke about important and eternal concepts in hints, was able to convey the subtlest shades of mood, awakening pure and bright emotions in readers.

After the tragic death of Maria Lazich, Fet's work took on a new direction. He dedicated the poem "Talisman" to his beloved. It is assumed that all subsequent poems by Fet about love are dedicated to her. In 1850, a second collection of his poems was published. It aroused the interest of critics, who did not skimp on positive reviews. Then Fet was recognized as one of the best contemporary poets.

Afanasy Fet was a representative of "pure art", he did not touch upon burning social issues in his works and remained a staunch conservative and monarchist until the end of his life. In 1856, Fet published the third collection of poems. He sang beauty, considering it the sole purpose of his work.

The heavy blows of fate did not go unnoticed for the poet. He became hardened, broke off relations with friends, almost stopped writing. In 1863, the poet published a two-volume collection of his poems, and then a twenty-year break came in his work.

Only after the surname of his stepfather and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman was returned to the poet, he took up creativity with renewed vigor. By the end of his life, the poems of Athanasius Fet became more and more philosophical, they were present in metaphysical idealism. The poet wrote about the unity of man and the universe, about the highest reality, about eternity. In the period from 1883 to 1891, Fet wrote more than three hundred poems, which were included in the collection Evening Lights. The poet published four editions of the collection, and the fifth came out after his death.


Afanasy Fet died of a heart attack. Researchers of the life and work of the poet are convinced that before his death he tried to commit suicide.

Main achievements

  • Afanasy Fet left behind a great creative legacy. Fet was recognized by contemporaries, his poems were admired by Gogol, Belinsky, Turgenev, Nekrasov. In the fifties of his century, he was the most significant representative of the poets who promoted "pure art" and sang "eternal values" and "absolute beauty". The work of Athanasius Fet marked the end of the poetry of the new classicism. Fet is still considered one of the brightest poets of his time.
  • The translations of Athanasius Fet are also of great importance for Russian literature. He translated the entire "Faust" of Goethe, as well as the works of a number of Latin poets: Horace, Juvenal, Catullus, Ovid, Virgil, Persia and others.

Important dates in life

  • 1820, November 23 - was born in the estate of Novoselki, Oryol province
  • 1834 - was deprived of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman, the surname Shenshin and Russian citizenship
  • 1835-1837 - studied at a private German boarding school in the city of Werro
  • 1838-1844 - studied at the university
  • 1840 - the first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" was published
  • 1845 - entered the provincial cuirassier regiment in southern Russia
  • 1846 - received an officer's rank
  • 1850 - the second collection of poems "Poems" was published
  • 1853 - transferred to the service in the guards regiment
  • 1856 - the third collection of poems was published
  • 1857 - married Maria Botkina
  • 1858 - retired
  • 1863 - a two-volume collection of poems was published
  • 1867 - Elected Justice of the Peace
  • 1873 - returned noble privileges and the surname Shenshin
  • 1883 - 1891 - worked on the five-volume "Evening Lights"
  • 1892, November 21 - died in Moscow from a heart attack
  • In 1834, when the boy was 14 years old, it turned out that legally he was not the son of the Russian landowner Shenshin, and the recording was made illegally. The cause of the proceedings was an anonymous denunciation, the author of which remained unknown. The decision of the spiritual consistory sounded like a sentence: from now on, Athanasius had to bear his mother's surname, was deprived of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and Russian citizenship. From a rich heir, he suddenly became a "man without a name", an illegitimate child of dubious parentage. Fet took this event as a shame, and the return of the lost position became his goal, an obsession, which largely determined the poet's future life path. Only in 1873, when Afanasy Fet was 53 years old, did the dream of his whole life come true. By decree of the king, the noble privileges and the surname Shenshin were returned to the poet. Nevertheless, he continued to sign his literary works with the surname Fet.
  • In 1847, during military service, in the small estate of Fedorovka, the poet met Maria Lazich. This relationship began with a light, non-committal flirting, which gradually grew into a deep feeling. But Maria, a beautiful, well-educated girl from a good family, still could not be a good match for a person who hoped to regain the title of nobility. Realizing that he truly loves this girl, Fet, nevertheless, decided that he would never marry her. Maria reacted calmly to this, but after a while she decided to break off relations with Athanasius. And after a while, Fet was informed about the tragedy that occurred in Fedorovka. A fire broke out in Maria's room, her clothes caught fire. Trying to save herself, the girl ran out onto the balcony, then into the garden. But the wind only fanned the flames. Maria Lazich was dying for several days. Her last words were about Athanasius. The poet took this loss hard. Until the end of his life, he regretted that he had not married a girl, because there was no true love in his life anymore. His soul was empty.
  • The poet carried a heavy burden. The fact is that he had crazy people in his family. His two brothers, already as adults, lost their minds. At the end of her life, Afanasy Fet's mother also suffered from insanity and begged to take her life. Shortly before Fet's marriage to Maria Botkina, his sister Nadia also ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Her brother visited her there, but she did not recognize him. Behind him, the poet often noticed bouts of heavier melancholy. Fet was always afraid that in the end he would suffer the same fate.
In memory of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892)

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet with German roots,lyricist,translator, author of memoirs. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg

In the Oryol province, not far from the city of Mtsensk, in the 19th century, the Novoselki estate was located, where on December 5, 1820, in the house of a wealthy landowner Shenshin, a young woman, Charlotte-Elizabeth Bekker Fet, gave birth to a boy, Athanasius.

Charlotte Elisabeth was a Lutheran, lived in Germany and was married to Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Feth, an assessor at the Darmstadt city court. They got married in 1818, the girl Caroline-Charlotte-Dahlia-Ernestine was born in the family. And in 1820, Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker Fet left her little daughter and husband and left for Russia with Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, being seven months pregnant.

In the pastures of the dumb I love in the crackling frost
In the light of the sun, the brilliance of the sun is prickly,
Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost
Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.
How they like to find thoughtful eyes
Winded ditches, winded mountains,
Sleepy blades of grass among the bare fields,
Where the hill is bizarre, like some kind of mausoleum,
Sculpted at midnight - or clouds of distant whirlwinds
On white shores and mirror polynyas.

Afanasy Neofitovich was a retired captain. During a trip abroad, he fell in love with the Lutheran Charlotte Elizabeth and married her. But since the Orthodox wedding ceremony was not performed, this marriage was considered legal only in Germany, and in Russia it was declared invalid. In 1822, the woman converted to Orthodoxy, becoming known as Elizaveta Petrovna Fet, and soon they married the landowner Shenshin.

When the boy was 14 years old, the Oryol provincial authorities discovered that Athanasius was registered with the surname Shenshin earlier than his mother.
I got married to my stepfather. In this regard, the guy was deprived of his surname and title of nobility. This hurt the teenager so deeply, because in an instant he turned from a rich heir into a nameless person, and then he suffered all his life because of his dual position.

From that time on, he bore the surname Fet, as the son of a foreigner unknown to him. Athanasius took this as a shame, and he had an obsession,which became decisive in his life path - to return the lost surname.

Athanasius received an excellent education. A capable boy was easy to study. In 1837 he graduated from a private German boarding school in Verro, Estonia. Even then, Fet began to write poetry, showed interest in literature and classical philology. After school, in order to prepare for entering the university, he studied at the boarding house of Professor Pogodin, a writer, historian and journalist. In 1838, Afanasy Fet entered the law department, and then - the philosophical faculty of Moscow University, where he studied at the historical and philological (verbal) department.

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

At the university, Athanasius became close to the student Apollon Grigoriev, who was also fond of poetry. Together they began to attend a circle of students who were intensively engaged in philosophy and literature. With the participation of Grigoriev, Fet released his first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon". The creativity of the young student earned Belinsky's approval. And Gogol spoke of him as "an undoubted talent." This became a kind of "blessing" and inspired Afanasy Fet to further work. In 1842, his poems were published in many publications, including the popular journals Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin. In 1844, Fet graduated from the university.

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.
Wind. In the forest alone
Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun -
I do not understand anything.

Wind. All around is buzzing and swaying,
Leaves swirl at your feet.
Chu, there is suddenly heard in the distance
Subtly calling horn.

Sweet call to me herald copper!
Dead sheets to me!
It seems that the poor wanderer came from afar
You warmly greet.

After graduating from the university, Fet entered the army, he needed this in order to regain his title of nobility. He ended up in one of the southern regiments, from there he was sent to the Lancers Guards Regiment. And in 1854 he was transferred to the Baltic regiment (he later described this period of service in his memoirs "My Memoirs").

In 1858, Fet finished his service as a captain and settled in Moscow.

In 1850, the second book of poems was published.Feta, which was already positively criticized in the Sovremennik magazine, some even admired his work. After this collection, the author was received among famous Russian writers, which included Druzhinin, Nekrasov, Botkin, Turgenev. Literary earnings improved the financial situation of Fet, and he went to travel abroad.

In the poems of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, three main lines were clearly traced - love, art, nature. The following collections of his poems were published in 1856 (under the editorship of I. S. Turgenev) and in 1863 (immediately a two-volume collected works).

Despite the fact that Fet was a refined lyricist, he managed to perfectly manage economic affairs, buy and sell estates, making a fortune.

In 1860, Afanasy Fet bought the Stepanovka farm, became the owner, lived there all the time, only briefly appearing in Moscow in winter.

In 1877, Fet bought the Vorobyovka estate in the Kursk province. At 18
8 1 he bought a house in Moscow, he came to Vorobyovka only for summer vacations. He again took up creativity, wrote memoirs, translated, released another lyrical collection of poems "Evening Lights".

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet left a significant mark on Russian literature. In the first verses, Fet sang the beauty of nature, wrote a lot about love. Even then, a characteristic feature appeared in his work - Fet spoke about important and eternal concepts in hints, knew how to convey the subtlest shades of mood, awakening pure and bright emotions in readers.

After the tragic deathsweetheartMaria Lazich Fet dedicated the poem "Talisman" to her. It is assumed that all subsequent poems by Fet about love are dedicated to her. In 1850 a second collection of his poems was published. It aroused the interest of critics, who did not skimp on positive reviews. Then Fet was recognized as one of the best contemporary poets.

The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. lay
Beams at our feet in a living room with no lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Like our hearts for your song.
You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you are alone - love, that there is no other love,
And so I wanted to live, so that, without dropping a sound,
Love you, hug and cry over you.
And many years have passed, languid and boring,
And in the silence of the night I hear your voice again,
And blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,
That you are alone - all life, that you are alone - love.
That there are no insults of fate and hearts of burning flour,
And life has no end, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!

Afanasy Fet remained a staunch conservative and monarchist until the end of his life. In 1856 he published a third collection of poems. Fet sang beauty, considering it the only goal of creativity.

In 1863the poet published a two-volume collection of poems, and then a twenty-year break came in his work.

Only after the surname of his stepfather and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman was returned to the poet, he took up creativity with renewed vigor.

Towards the end of his life, Afanasy Fet's poems became more philosophical. The poet wrote about the unity of man and the universe, about the highest reality, about eternity. In the period from 1883 to 1891 Fet wrote more than three hundred poems, they were included in the collection "Evening Lights". The poet published four editions of the collection, and the fifth came out after his death. With a thoughtful smile on his forehead.

Reading time: 5 min

Many schoolchildren hardly distinguish Fet's poetry from Tyutchev's creations - undoubtedly this is the teacher's fault, who failed to correctly present the masterpieces of two meters of Russian literature. I assure you that after this article about interesting facts from the life of Fet, you will immediately learn to distinguish the poetics of Afanasy Afanasyevich from the work of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev, I will try to be very brief!

The main differences between Fet's lyrics and Tyutchev's

In Tyutchev's poetry, the world is represented as cosmic, even the forces of nature come to life and become natural spirits that surround a person. The motives in Fet's work are closer to reality (mundane). Before us is a description of real landscapes, images of real people, Fet's love - the same complex feeling, but earthly and accessible.

The secret of the poet's surname

As a child, A. Fet experienced a shock - he was deprived of his title of nobility and his paternal surname. The real name of the writer is Shenshin, his father is a retired Russian captain, and his mother is the German beauty Charlotte Fet. Parents met in Germany, where they immediately had a whirlwind romance. Charlotte was married, but completely unhappy in marriage, her husband liked to drink and often raised his hand to her. Having met a noble Russian military man, she fell desperately in love with him, and even maternal feelings did not interfere with the reunion of two hearts - Charlotte had a daughter. Already in the seventh month of pregnancy, Charlotte runs away to Russia to Afanasy Shenshin. Later, Shenshin will write a letter to Charlotte's husband, but in return he will receive an obscene telegram. After all, the lovers committed an un-Christian act.

The future poet was born in the Oryol province, was recorded in the register of births by Afanasy Shenshin. Charlotte and Shenshin got married only two years after the birth of their son. At the age of 14, Athanasius was recognized as illegitimate, he was given back the surname Fet and is called a "foreigner". As a result, the boy loses his noble origin and the inheritance of the father of the landowner. Later he will restore his rights, but after many, many years.

Fet and Tolstoy

In the works of Lotman there is a mention of one unusual case from the life of two great writers. Everyone played card games in those days, he especially liked to gamble (but now it’s not about him). So, the process of the games was quite emotional, in a fit of rush the players tore and threw the cards on the floor, money fell along with them. But it was considered indecent to raise this money, they remained lying on the floor until the end of the game, and then they were taken away by lackeys in the form of a tip.

Once, socialites (including Fet and Tolstoy) were playing a card game, and Fet bent down to pick up a fallen banknote. It was a little strange for everyone, but not for Tolstoy, the writer bent down to his friend to light a candle. There is nothing shameful in this act, because Fet played with his last money, unlike his rivals.

Fet also wrote prose

In the 60s of the 19th century, Fet began work on prose, as a result, two prose collections were published, consisting of essays and short stories, sketches.

"We can not be separated" - the story of unhappy love

The poet met Maria Lazich at a ball in the house of the famous officer Petkovich (this happened in 1848, when the sun mercilessly burned down on the border of the Kyiv and Kherson provinces). Maria Lazich was charming - tall, slender, swarthy, with a mop of dark thick hair. Fet immediately realized that Maria for him is like Beatrice for Dante. Then Fet was 28 years old, and Maria was 24 years old, she had all the responsibility for the house and younger sisters, because she was the daughter of a poor Serbian general. Since then, all the writer's love lyrics have been dedicated to this beautiful young lady.

According to contemporaries, Mary was not distinguished by incomparable beauty, but she was pleasant and seductive. So Athanasius and Maria began to communicate, write letters to each other, spend joint evenings discussing art. But one day, leafing through her diary (then all the girls had diaries in which they copied their favorite poems, quotes, attached photographs), Fet noticed musical signs, under which there was a signature - Franz Liszt. Ferenc, a well-known composer of that time, who toured Russia in the 40s, met Maria and even dedicated a piece of music to her. At first, Fet was upset, jealousy surged over him, but then when he heard how great the melody sounds for Maria, he asked to play it constantly.

But the marriage between Athanasius and Mary was impossible, he has no means of subsistence and title, and Mary, although from a poor family, is from a noble family. Lazich's relatives did not know about this and did not understand at all why Fet had been communicating with their daughter for two years, but did not propose. Naturally, rumors and speculation about Fet himself and Mary's immorality spread around the city. Then Athanasius told his beloved that their marriage was impossible, and the relationship must be urgently terminated. Maria asked Athanasius to just be there without marriage and money.

But in the spring of 1850 something terrible happened. In desperation, Maria sat in her room, trying to gather her thoughts on how to live on, how to achieve an eternal and indestructible union with her beloved. Suddenly, she stood up sharply, which caused the lamp to fall on a long muslin dress, in a matter of seconds the flames engulfed the girl's hair, she only had time to shout "Save the letters!" Relatives put out the fire of madness, but the number of burns on the body was incompatible with life, after four painful days, Maria died. Her last words were "He's not to blame, but I ..". There is speculation that it was suicide, not just an accidental death.

Marriage of convenience

Years later, Fet marries Maria Botkina, but not because of strong love, but by calculation. In his heart and poems, the image of the tall and black-haired Maria Lazich will forever be preserved.

How Fet returned the title

It took the poet several years of service in the infantry to achieve the rank of officer and receive the nobility. He did not like the army way of life at all, Fet wanted to engage in literature, not war. But in order to regain his rightful status, he was ready to endure any difficulties. After the service, Fet had to work for 11 years as a judge, and only then did the writer become worthy of receiving a title of nobility!

Suicide attempt

After receiving the title of nobility and family estate, having achieved the main goal in his life, Fet, under some pretext, asked his wife to go to visit someone. On November 21, 1892, he closed himself in his office, drank a glass of champagne, called the secretary, dictating the last lines.

“I don’t understand the conscious increase of inevitable suffering. Volunteering towards the inevitable. November 21, Fet (Shenshin)"

He took out a stylet for cutting paper and raised his hand above his temple, the secretary managed to snatch the stylet from the writer's hands. At that moment, Fet jumped out of the office into the dining room, tried to grab a knife, but immediately fell. The secretary ran up to the dying writer, who said only one word "voluntarily" and died. The poet left no heirs behind him.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (11/23/1820-11/21/1892), Russian poet. His father was the German Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Föth (Föth), an assessor of the city court of Darmstadt. Mother Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker was only married to her husband for about a year. She, being pregnant by him (this is confirmed by her letters to her first husband and relatives), was carried away by a 45-year-old Russian nobleman, captain Afanasy Shenshin, who was in Germany for treatment, and in September 1820 left with him for Russia.

Her son was born in Novoselki, Oryol province, was baptized according to the Orthodox rite, named Afanasy, recorded in the birth register as the son of the landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. In September 1822, Shenshin married Charlotte Becker, who converted to Orthodoxy before the wedding and became known as Elizaveta Petrovna Fet.

In 1834, when Afanasy Shenshin was 14 years old, a certain "mistake" in the documents was discovered (lack of official adoption), the boy was deprived of his surname, nobility and Russian citizenship and became a "Hessendarmstadt subject Afanasy Fet." This became a mental trauma for him, since he considered himself the son of Shenshin, and not Fet. Only in 1873 did he manage to officially take the surname Shenshin for himself, but he continued to sign literary works with the surname Fet, since he had already gained fame with this name.

In 1834–1837 Fet studied at a German boarding school in Verro (now Võru, Estonia), then at the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy (graduated in 1844), where he became close to the writers A.A. Grigoriev, Ya.P. Polonsky. In the same period, he began to write and publish his poems.

Fet's first poetry collection "Lyrical Pantheon" was published in 1840 with the participation of Grigoriev. In 1842 publications in the magazines Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye Zapiski followed. In 1845, wanting to curry favor with the nobility, Fet entered military service in a cuirassier regiment and a year later received his first officer rank.

In 1850, the second collection of poems was published, which met with positive reviews from critics. 1853 Fet was transferred to the guards regiment stationed near St. Petersburg. The poet often visits the capital and gets acquainted with, and others. He approaches the editors of the Sovremennik magazine. With their assistance, in 1856, the third collection of Fet appeared (edited by Turgenev).

Married in 1857 to M.P. Botkina, the poet retires with the rank of guards captain and becomes a successful landowner. He ceased to be published, and in 1859 he also terminated relations with the Sovremennik magazine. Even the release of a two-volume collection of poems by Fet in 1863 does not change this. In 1867, Fet was elected a justice of the peace for 11 years. In 1873, the nobility and the surname Shenshin were returned to him.

During the years of Fet's poetic silence, his interests are evidenced by the works of Horace, Ovid, Goethe ("Faust") translated into Russian, and the philosophical treatises of Schopenhauer. Only on the slope of his life Fet returned to poetic creativity, published 4 collections of poems under the general title "Evening Lights" (1883, 1885, 1888, 1891). He also wrote memoirs "My Memoirs" and "The Early Years of My Life".

Fet's romantic poetry is apolitical and alien to the interests of public life of that time (he constantly argued about this with Nekrasov). Fet keenly feels and unusually "musically" reflects in his poems the currents of being in Russian nature, which also reflect the "landscape" of the multifaceted Russian soul. This is the main strength of the harmonious poetry of a born German by blood, who became an outstanding Russian poet.

Fet died in Moscow from a heart attack on November 21, 1892. He was buried in the village of Kleymenovo, the Shenshin family estate.


wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

What a night! On everything what bliss!
Thank you, native midnight land!
From the realm of ice, from the realm of blizzards and snow
How fresh and clean your May flies!

What a night! All the stars to one
Warmly and meekly look into the soul again,
And in the air behind the song of the nightingale
Anxiety and love spread.

The birches are waiting. Their leaf is translucent
Shyly beckons and amuses the gaze.
They tremble. So maiden newlywed
And her dress is joyful and alien.

No, never more tender and bodyless
Your face, O night, could not torment me!
Again I go to you with an involuntary song,
Involuntary - and the last, maybe.

Not so, the Lord, mighty, incomprehensible
You are before my restless mind,
That on a starry day your bright Seraphim
A huge ball lit up over the universe.
And a dead man with a burning face
He commanded to observe Your laws,
To awaken everything with a life-giving ray,
Keeping their ardor for centuries, millions;
No, you are powerful and incomprehensible to me
The fact that I myself, powerless and instantaneous,
I carry in my chest, like that Seraphim,
The fire is stronger and brighter than the whole universe,
Meanwhile, like me, the prey of vanity,
The plaything of her fickleness,
In me he is eternal, omnipresent, like You,
He knows neither time nor space.

The more I live, the more I have experienced,
The more commandingly I constrain the ardor of the heart,
The clearer for me what has not been from the century
Words that illumine brighter than a person.
Our universal Father who is in heaven,
May we keep Your name in our hearts,
Let your kingdom come, let your will be
Yours, both in heaven and in the earthly vale.
Send and now daily bread from labors,
Forgive us a debt: and we forgive debtors,
And do not lead us, the powerless, into temptation,
And deliver self-conceit from the evil one.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in 1820 and died in 1892.

The young poet lived in a small village. Later he studied abroad and then came to Moscow, skillfully maneuvering with the acquired knowledge. Fet's work is considered to be virtuoso - experimental. The author loved innovations and often used them in his works. His collections began to be released already in the twentieth year of Shenshin. (Russian surname Feta)

Afanasy Afanasyevich was recognized as one of the best landscape painters, because the description of nature in his works is truly striking in its beauty. It was typical for the poet to dedicate his poems to nature. Each landscape is symbolized: spring is youth, the time of unbridled love; autumn - old age, withering of life; night - trouble, the action of dark forces; morning is the dawn of everything new and good.

Another feature for Fet's work is the use of various repetitions - anaphora, epiphora, refrain. This helped the poet to enhance the transmission of sensations. In terms of genre, Fet tends to fragment, lyrical miniature, cyclization.

The poet "liberated" the word and increased the load on it - grammatical, emotional, semantic and phonetic load. This was the innovation of Afanasy Afanasyevich in relation to the artistic word.

More biography of Fet

Athanasius Fet - translator and lyric poet. His poems have been part of the school curriculum for several generations.

He was born in 1820 in the village of Novoselki, not far from Mtsensk, a county town in the Oryol province. In the village was the estate of his father, retired military Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. He married abroad in 1820 with his future mother, Charlotte Fet, who bore the name of her ex-husband. It was this surname that her son got: when the boy was 14 years old, it turned out that the Orthodox wedding was performed after Athanasius was born. The spiritual consistory deprived the boy of his father's surname, and after that - noble privileges.

Fet received a good education at home. At the age of 14, he was sent to a German boarding school in the city of Verro, which is now in Estonia.

At the age of 18, he entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University, but soon moved to the Faculty of Literature. He studied for 6 years: from 1838 to 1844.

It was during his studies at the university that Fet published his first poems. His debut took place in 1840: a collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" appeared in print. He begins to cooperate with Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin.

After graduating from university, the poet decided to try to regain his nobility by enlisting as a cavalryman in the army in 1845. A year later he was awarded the rank of officer. But, unfortunately, he never received a letter of nobility, it was given only from the rank of major.

It was a difficult period in the life of Afanasy Fet. He was very worried about the death of his beloved - Maria Lazich. She died in a fire. During this time, he dedicated many poems to her.

In 1853 he was transferred to the guards regiment, which was located in St. Petersburg. There he became close to the circle of the Sovremennik magazine. It included: Turgenev, Druzhinin, Nekrasov. A special role was occupied by friendship with Turgenev, who helped to compile and publish a new edition of Fet's poems in 1856.

In 1857 Fet got married. His chosen one was Maria Botkina, the sister of the literary critic Vasily Botkin. Maria was not particularly beautiful, but she had a large dowry behind her. It was these funds that allowed the poet to buy the Stepanovka estate. He decided to retire and take up the arrangement of the estate, which was rather big: 200 acres of land. His friends regarded this act as a betrayal of literature. Indeed, only notes on agriculture and small literary essays began to come out of his pen. Fet explained this by saying that no one was interested in his work.

The writer returned to creativity only 17 years later, when he sold the improved estate and bought a house in Moscow. Now he was not a poor man, but a well-known Oryol landowner. The writer again adjoins his friends. He is intensively engaged in the translation of classical German literature.

By 1892, the poet's condition began to deteriorate sharply: he began to suffocate, experiencing terrible pain, he almost lost his sight. In the last months of his life, he often thought about suicide. Died November 21, 1892.

Option 3

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in 1820 and left this world almost a century later, having lived an incredibly eventful life until 1892. For the most part, Fet's lyrics dealt with the theme of nature or love. These themes are quite common, but the poet was not banal and was able to create a number of truly outstanding works.

Fet was often called a poet-musician, because he created poems that became the basis for romances. By the way, romances based on Fet's verses are still popular and are heard from the stage.

First, Fet studies at a boarding school in Estonia, and after that he enters the Faculty of Literature at Moscow University. In the city, the poet begins to communicate with various representatives of the creative elite and gains some popularity, Fet's works were praised by Gogol and many other figures of that time.

For the most part, Fet's works are filled with some lightness and, as it were, detachment from this world, but the fate of the poet himself can hardly be called cloudless. He was left without a title and in order to regain his status, he entered the army in 1844, where he served until 1858. It was there that he wrote many magnificent works, including those dedicated to Maria Lazich, whom he loved completely and lost quite tragically.

In fact, Fet's work should in many ways be assessed precisely through his relationship with Lazich. Mutual feelings were connected with this girl of the poet, but the young and ambitious Fet then could not take a wife from a poor family, being himself not fully accomplished. The marriage did not take place, and Lazich tragically died from the fire, and as a result, Afanasy Afanasyevich constantly blamed himself for this situation and remained faithful to Mary throughout his life, although he later started a family.

Retired Fet works as a justice of the peace and is engaged in creativity, writes not only poetry, but also translations, he also creates a book of memoirs. For the most part, the poet spends all these days in the estate he acquired for himself, which was of great importance in his fate. Fet died of a heart attack in Moscow.


Special and complicated in many ways, fate with its dramatic events is characteristic of Fet's work.

Afanasy Afanasyevich had a long and troubled life. He appeared and grew up in the family of the landowner Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin and his wife Charlotte Becker. At the age of 14, the boy learned that he was born out of wedlock. When he was studying at a German boarding school located in one of the Baltic cities, Athanasius received a letter saying that now the young man would live under the name Feta. And then the poet felt all the grave consequences that were associated with his new name. It was here that Fet felt the first impulses for poetic creativity.

Afanasy Afanasyevich continued to compose his creations with special zeal even at Professor Pogodin's boarding school, where he prepared for exams at Moscow University. Gogol was the first to give his blessing for his creative studies. Joyful Fet decides to release his poems as a separate collection, borrowing some money from the servants. The book "Lyrical Pantheon" was nevertheless published in 1840 and received an approving review from Belinsky. The approval of this literary critic helped Fet to realize his potential in the literary field further. The poet begins to intensively publish his works in the Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye Zapiski.

In 1845, Fet abruptly changes his fate, leaving Moscow and enlisting in one of the regiments in the Kherson province. Now he could rise to the rank of hereditary nobility and thereby regain at least a little what he had lost. However, his creative activity waned. He never managed to rise to the nobility, and in 1853 he was transferred to a regiment located not far from St. Petersburg. In 1856, a revised collection of poems was published, which was highly appreciated by Nekrasov. And Fet begins to develop an active literary activity. He tries himself in fiction. Translates the works of Heine, Goethe. In 1857, he legally married the daughter of the richest Moscow tea merchant, Maria Botkina, and retired. Later, having bought a small estate, he became a Mtsensk landowner and continued to write. In 1863, he published a new collection of his works in two parts, which remained unsold to the end. Then he buys another estate, Vorobyovka, and he is elected in the county as a justice of the peace. But Fet did not leave literature. In 1883 he published the book "Evening Lights". Further, under the same name, collections were published in 1885, 1888 and 1891.

Friends organized a solemn anniversary dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the poetic activity of Afanasy Afanasyevich. However, the limited readership caused him bitterness and sadness. For some time now, Fet began to be tormented by old ailments. And on November 21, 1892, the poet committed suicide. And in our time, it has become likely that Fet's lyrics deliver great aesthetic value to readers.

3, 4, 6 grade

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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