From electrician to president: biography of Emomali Rahmon

Emomali Rahmon has been the permanent president of Tajikistan since 1994. After the constitutional referendum in May 2016, an amendment was made to the country's basic law, removing the restriction on the number of re-elections to the post of head of state.

From the year of his election to the highest position in the country, the President of the Republic acquired the title "Peshvoi Millat". The full name of the title is "Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation".

Childhood and youth

Emomali Sharipovich Rakhmonov appeared in a large family in the village of Dangara, Kulyab region, TSSR. Emomali is the third son in the Rakhmonov family. The father of the future president, Sharif Rakhmonov, is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and was awarded the Order of Glory of two degrees. Mairam Sharifova's mother is a housewife, raised children and kept house.

The future leader of the nation, having graduated from a comprehensive school in 1969, got a job as an electrician at an oil mill in Kurgan-Tyube. In the early 1970s, Emomali Rahmon served in the Pacific Fleet, and after demobilization he returned to the plant, later working as a salesman.

In the late 70s, Rakhmonov entered the university by correspondence, choosing the faculty of economics. He received his diploma in 1982.


Since 1976, Emomali Rahmon has been the secretary of the board of a collective farm in the Dangara district of the Kulyab region. For six years, the young man has grown from the secretary of the party committee of the state farm to the instructor of the district committee.

In the summer of 1988, Rakhmonov took the chair of the director of the state farm and worked in this position until 1992, until he became a deputy of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan.

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the TSSR were held under the rumble of opposition rallies. Due to the abundance of red symbols, the rallies were called communist. The Popular Front of Emomali Rahmon opposed the "red camp". In December 1992, the front-line soldiers occupied the capital, and Emomali headed the government.

In November 1994, the country held a constitutional referendum and presidential elections. Emomali Rahmon won with 58.7% of the vote. 95.7% of voters in Tajikistan voted for the updated Constitution.

The united opposition and its supporters did not come to the elections and the referendum, declaring the elections rigged in advance.

The president

To reduce the degree of confrontation, in June 1997, Emomali Rahmon and his government signed a truce with the opposition, giving it a dozen government seats. Islamists joined state structures, the parliament and the army, but the fight against the opposition did not stop. There were two assassination attempts on the leader. The first was in April 1997 in Khujand: a grenade flew into the presidential cortege. In November 2001, a terrorist set off explosives near the podium in Khujand, where the head of state was speaking. Emomali Rahmon was not injured either in the first or in the second case.

In the winter of 1997, Colonel Mahmud Khudoyberdiyev, one of the former leaders of the Popular Front, started a rebellion, which was supported in Uzbekistan. Emomali Rakhmonov crushed the rebellion and undertook to eliminate yesterday's comrades-in-arms and influential oppositionists.

In 2003, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, Yakub Salimov, was detained in Moscow and extradited to his homeland, where he was sentenced to 15 years in a maximum security prison.

It is noteworthy that Yakub Salimov saved President Rahmon during the first assassination attempt. Salimov pushed the president away and covered his body from shrapnel. Emomali Rahmon thanked and said in a televised address that he and his children will always remember Yakub Salimov. But 6 years after the assassination attempt, Salimov, appointed Tajik ambassador to Turkey, is accused of abuse of power, arms trafficking and attempted coup. The ambassador was arrested in Moscow, where he fled.

And in December 2004, the second opponent of Emomali Rahmon, the head of the Tajik Democratic Party, Mahmadruzi Iskandarov, was arrested in Moscow. After four months in a pre-trial detention center, he was released, but in the spring of the following year, Iskandarov received 23 years in prison.

"Misfire" happened only with the former Minister of Trade Khabibullo Nasrulloev. At the request of the prosecutor's office of Tajikistan, he was detained in Moscow, but the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation refused to extradite Iskandarov to the authorities of the republic. At home, he was accused of involvement in illegal armed groups that threatened to overthrow state power in Tajikistan. Previously, Nasrulloev was a supporter of the Popular Front and an ally of Rakhmonov, but in the presidential elections he supported his rival Abdumalik Abdulojonov.

After the elimination of the most ardent oppositionists, Emomali Rahmon took up the strengthening of power. In 2003, he held a referendum that resulted in changes to the constitution. The leader of the nation received the right to run for president in 2006 and hold the presidency for two more 7-year terms.

In 2006, Emomali Rahmon won the next presidential election. In line with the “Tajikization” taking place in the republic, Russian endings of surnames were banned. So Rakhmonov became Rakhmon and "cut off" his patronymic. A period of return to folk traditions and the old way of life began. The Islamic Quran was translated into Tajik, and in 2009 a decision was made that Tajik was the only possible language for business use. The Russian language, despite the promises of Emomali Rahmon, was "out of work."

In December 2009, information appeared in the Russian media that President Emomali Rahmon hit the President of Uzbekistan. The Tajik leader admitted to a difficult relationship with the head of a neighboring state in Dushanbe, at a meeting with Tajik journalists, where the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station was discussed.

Journalists claim that Emomali Rahmon spoke about disputes with and even that he had two fights with the President of Uzbekistan. Russian publications wrote that Rakhmonov was confiding "not for publication", but there were fifty journalists in the hall who did not miss the opportunity to seize on the sensation.

On the second day after the publication of Rahmon's interview, there were no comments from the press services of the presidents of the two republics, so there was room for speculation.

In 2011, the English-language weekly "The Economist" in the compiled "Index of Democracy of the Countries of the World" put Tajikistan on 151 steps as a state with an authoritarian regime. The economy of the poorest republic of the USSR, undermined by the war, which claimed up to 120 thousand lives and 18 annual budgets, gradually recovered. In 1999, according to the World Bank, 83% of people were below the poverty line. But in 2011, the figure dropped to 45%.

The country's economy is dependent on the funds earned by labor migrants. According to the World Bank, in 2011, 47% of Tajikistan's GDP came from migrants' remittances.

Emomali Rahmon managed to resolve the territorial dispute with China, which lasted 130 years. China demanded the return of 28.5 thousand km². During a visit to Beijing, the President of Tajikistan ceded to China 1.1 thousand km² in the Eastern Pamirs. The political maneuver that resolved the territorial dispute was appreciated by the European Council, awarding the head of state the title of "Leader of the 21st century."

In November 2013, in the presidential elections, Emomali Rahmon took the presidency for the 4th time. And in 2015, he ratified a law that allowed him to hold the post of head of state for life.

Personal life

Emomali Rahmon is married to compatriot Azizmo Asadullayeva. The couple had 9 children: two sons and seven daughters. All occupy key positions in the country and are connected by dynastic marriages with representatives of the authorities of the republic. The eldest daughter Firuza is married to the head of the Tajik railway. Son Rustam, born in 1987, headed the anti-smuggling department, today the mayor of the capital.

Ozoda's daughter received a degree from the University of Maryland. In early 2016, Emomali Rahmon appointed Ozoda Rahmon as head of the presidential administration. Married to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic.

Parvin's daughter is married to the son of the Minister of Energy and Industry. The sixth daughter of Zarrin is the announcer of the state television channel. In 2013, she married the son of the head of the Communications Service.

In his free time, the head of state enjoys hunting and reading books. He collects antiques. Ill-wishers and the opposition attribute defamatory connections to Rahmon and reproach him for having a "harem". Emomali Rakhmonov's mistresses are singers Gulra Tabarova, national television announcer Munira Rakhimova and the daughter of the republic's defense minister Diana Khairulloeva. Of course, the information has not been officially confirmed and there is no evidence.

Emomali Rahmon now

In February 2017, the President of Tajikistan told reporters why he appointed his eldest son as mayor of Dushanbe. According to him, Rahmon Rustam Emomali is an experienced manager who "cannot be negatively influenced by outsiders." Rumor has it that Emomali Rahmon sees in his son a successor to the presidency, which he will take in 2020.

At the end of February 2017, he flew to Dushanbe. The visit of the leader of the Russian Federation was timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries. At a meeting in the Palace of the Nation (according to the English website Theestle.Net second only to the White House), the presidents discussed trade and economic cooperation and signed a package of joint documents.


A February 16, 2010, telegram from the American embassy in Tajikistan states that the president's relatives manage the republic's large businesses and own a bank. The state's exports are limited to aluminum and electricity from hydroelectric power plants, while two-thirds of the profits of the Tajik aluminum plant in Tursunzade end up in the offshore companies of the president's company. From these receipts, Rahmon allegedly "made" a billion-dollar fortune.

There is no official confirmation of the information or a completed investigation confirming the rumors.

Life in a particular country largely depends on the personality of the first person - his character, upbringing, education, worldview. the site continues to talk about the biographies, families and hobbies of the leaders of the post-Soviet republics. We have already written about the chapters,. This material is dedicated to the President of Tajikistan Emomali Sharipovich Rahmon.

From sellers to presidents

Emomali Rahmon officially bears the loud and long title "Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation" or in Tajik for short "Peshvoi Millat". He was born into a peasant family in 1952 in the village of Dangara, surrounded on all sides by the picturesque mountain ranges of Pamir-Alay. Emomali became the third son of Sharif Rakhmonov and Mairam Sharifova. Father Sharif fought during the Great Patriotic War and was awarded two Orders of Glory.

After school, the future leader of the nation went to study at a vocational school as an electrician, after graduating from which he began his career in his specialty at an oil plant in Kurgan-Tyube. A year later, Rahmon joined the army, served as a sailor in the Pacific Fleet for three years. After demobilization, he returned to the factory, but soon decided that his calling was to work in the economic sphere and got a job as a salesman. At the age of 24, he felt the strength to perform administrative functions and went to work in his small homeland at the Lenin State Farm. He was the secretary of the board, worked in the party committee and the trade union. In 1982, Rahmon graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Economics of the Tajik State University and became chairman of the trade union committee. At the age of 36, he was appointed director of a state farm and in this position met the collapse of the USSR.

Kremlin Pool/Global Look Press

Unlike other leaders of the Central Asian republics, Rahmon did not inherit power from the Soviet era, but was forced to fight for it. In 1992, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the republic, which had already become independent and was on the verge of a bloody civil war. A further whirlwind of political events threw Rahmon into various positions and forced him to seek a common language with various political forces. In September 1992, he became the head of the Kulyab Regional Council of People's Deputies, and in November he declared the illegitimacy of the government in Dushanbe, and was proclaimed head of the parliament of the republic by his supporters in one of the provincial cities. Soon the forces that elected Rahmon took control of the capital. After complex political maneuvering in 1994, Emomali Rahmon won the presidential election.

Influential family

The Tajik authorities guard the details of the leader's personal life. From official reports, one can only learn that Rahmon is married to a woman of about his age named Azizamo. The president's wife does not give interviews, she rarely appears in public with her husband, so journalists of the republic, accustomed to discipline, do not try to find out the details of the life of the first lady. It is only known that she has always been a housewife, and now she prefers to relax in the Sughd region, where the Bahoriston government residence is located. It was only in 2016 that a high-profile story related to her happened, when a local expert on religion, Abdullo Muhaqqiq, publicly proposed that Azizamo Rahmonova be declared the “leader of Islamic women.” The expert compared the wife of the president with the wife of the prophet Mohammed Aisha. “Azizamo, the wife of President Emomali Rahmon, the first of the Tajik Muslim women, entered the Kaaba with her daughters and was honored with this Islamic shrine. Until now, dozens of mothers and Tajik women have made the Hajj pilgrimage, but they have not entered the Kaaba,” the expert wrote in his article at the time.

There are rumors in Tajikistan that in fact the head of state, in addition to his legal wife, maintains a whole harem. Opposition websites recorded pop singers Gulra Tabarova, Nigina Amonkulova, Manizha Davlatova, television announcer Munira Rakhimova and the daughter of the republic's defense minister Diana Khairulloeva as the president's mistress, but no one could provide clear evidence of this.

Two brothers of Emomali Rahmon have already died: Faiziddin died in 1959 while doing military service on the territory of the Lviv region, Nuriddin died at the age of 68 in 2017 - according to some reports, he strongly influenced personnel policy in the highest echelons of power, although formally he always kept in the shadows.

The president himself became the ancestor of a large and influential family. Together with his wife Asiamo they have two sons and seven daughters. All marriages of the children and grandchildren of the head of state are of a pronounced dynastic nature. So, the daughter Firuza owns several construction plants and is married to Amonullo Hukumov, the son of the head of the railway. Ozoda's daughter studied in the United States, worked as a deputy foreign minister, defended her Ph.D. thesis in jurisprudence on the rights and freedoms of women in Tajikistan, and is married to Deputy Finance Minister Jamoliddin Nuraliyev. The couple has five children. In January 2016, Ozoda became the head of the presidential staff.

Kremlin Pool/ Look Press

Rukhshona works as Deputy Head of the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she lived in London for a long time with her husband Shamsullo Sohibov, who now heads the National Winter Sports Committee. Parvina is married to Ashraf Gulov, the son of the Minister of Energy and Industry, and Zarina works as an announcer on national television, married to the son of the head of the communications service under the government.

The eldest son Rustam was born in 1987, graduated from the Tajik National University, studied at MGIMO, worked his way from the deputy head of customs and the president of the football federation to the head of the anti-corruption agency and the mayor of Dushanbe. He is married to the daughter of a major businessman in Tajikistan, the couple has a son and a daughter. According to some experts, Rustam should become his father's successor as president. Political analysts point out that in the 2016 constitutional referendum, citizens not only approved Emomali Rahmon's right to be elected countless times, but also lowered the minimum age for presidential candidates from 35 to 30. Thanks to the amendments, Rustam's son will be able to run for the highest office in the country in 2020.

All that is known about the youngest son Somon is that in 2012 he won a gold medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics in Bucharest.

At the end of 2017, one of Rahmon's granddaughters married the grandson of the head of the Sughd region. The marriage is remarkable in that Rahmon, who is considered a representative of the southern clans, through the wedding of his granddaughter, intermarried with a representative of the north of the country.

Collector and matchmaker

Emomali Rahmon is fond of hunting and collecting antiques. The head of state also likes to read books on historical topics and fiction. Of all the works, Abulkasym Firdousi's poem "Shahnameh" and the study of Bobojon Gafurov's "Tajiks" stand out. At the same time, literary creativity is not alien to the president himself - the books “Tajiks in the Mirror of History”, “Independence of Tajikistan and the Revival of the Nation” and “Tajikistan and its role in solving global problems” were published from his pen.

Even the president sometimes deals with the arrangement of the personal lives of his fellow citizens. Last autumn, he found a wife for 23-year-old village teacher Saidro Asrorov. During Rahmon's visit to one of the villages, the teacher read poems of his own composition dedicated to the national leader. The head of state, having learned that the author of the poem was not married, presented the teacher with an alarm clock and instructed the local authorities to find a bride for him. Just 10 days later, a wedding was played in the village, a young nurse became the wife of an educator, who for some reason was stone-faced throughout the festive ceremony and never looked at her happy husband.



early years

Emomali Rakhmonov was born on October 5, 1952 in the village of Dangara, Kulyab region, Tajik SSR. After graduating from high school, he began working as an electrician at an oil plant in Kurgan-Tyube, then from 1974 to 1974 he served as a sailor in the Pacific Fleet, and after the end of his service he returned to the factory. In 1982, Rakhmonov graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Tajik State University. From 1976 to 1988 he worked as the secretary of the board of the collective farm of the Dangara district of the Kulyab region, the chairman of the trade union committee of this farm, and also held a position in party bodies. In June 1988, Rakhmonov became the director of the state farm. Lenin of the Dangara region, holding this position until November 1992.

Civil War

In early November 1992, Emomali Rakhmonov became chairman of the Kulyab regional executive committee, replacing the former personnel officer of the internal affairs department for combating terrorism and banditry Dzhienkhon Rizoev, who was killed, presumably, for his call to withdraw the Kulyab formations from Kurgan-Tyube and lay down their arms. From November 16 to December 2, the 16th “conciliatory” session of the Supreme Council of Tajikistan was held in Khujand, which accepted the resignation of Rakhmon Nabiev and elected Emomali Rakhmonov from Kulyab as chairman of the Supreme Council. Two days later, representatives of the "People's Democratic Army of Tajikistan", which controls the capital, said on the republican radio that they consider the new leadership of the country, headed by Rakhmonov "treacherous and communist odious" and that they will not let the new government based in Khujand into the capital. On November 26, the field commander and founder of the Popular Front, ex-chairman of the Supreme Council Safarali Kenzhaev and the Hissar group launched an attack on the capital. On December 10, a special battalion of the field commander of the Popular Front, Minister of Internal Affairs Yakub Salimov entered Dushanbe with fighting. (English) Russian . Together with him, Emomali Rahmonov and members of the government arrived in the city. Detachments of Islamists and Democrats were forced out to the east of the country; some of them retreated to Afghanistan. The main fighting has now moved to Karategin (Garm, Romit) and Darvaz (Tavildara). The dominant political force in the country has become the “Kulyabians”, among whom is Emomali Rakhmonov. According to one political analyst, "Kulyab won the war and became the master of the republic", but at the same time believes that as a region, Kulyab did not gain anything from Rakhmonov's rule.

On August 10, government troops cleared Dushanbe of Salimov's formations, the next day scattered "self-defense units", took control of the Gissar and Shahrinav regions and captured the city of Tursunzade, and then moved to Khudoyberdiyev's stronghold - Kurgan-Tyube. On the night of August 12-13, Emomali Rakhmonov twice had a telephone conversation with Mahmud Khudoyberdiyev, as a result of which Khudoyberdyev agreed to return his units to the barracks and leave the post of brigade commander in exchange for personal immunity, on the condition that Rakhmonov issue a decree on the release of the colonel from his post "in connection with the transfer to another job" . However, on August 18, hostilities resumed, ending soon with the defeat of the detachments of Mahmud Khudoyberdiyev.

Domestic policy: stabilization of power

Over the years following the end of the Civil War, Emomali Rakhmonov managed to strengthen his own position and eliminate his competitors from the political arena. On April 30, 1997, the first assassination attempt was organized on him, when a fragmentation grenade was detonated during the solemn ceremony of celebrating the 65th anniversary of the local university in Khujand, as a result of which he was wounded. The president was then saved by Yakub Salimov, who pushed the head of state away in time and covered him with his body. Speaking on Tajik television, Rakhmonov even said: “Tajiks, you must remember who saved your president, my children and the children of my children will always remember this!”. However, very soon Salimov, who was in Turkey in the position of the Tajik ambassador, was accused in absentia of abuse of office, arms trafficking, creating criminal groups and attempting to organize a coup. Salimov moved to Russia, where in June 2003 he was arrested at the request of the Prosecutor General of Tajikistan and extradited in February 2004 to his homeland. A Tajik court sentenced him to 15 years in prison, finding him guilty of treason by conspiring to seize power, banditry, and so on. . In addition to him, in Moscow in December 2004, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of Tajikistan, the head of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan was also arrested. (English) Russian Mahmadruzi Iskandarov (English) Russian , but the Russian side did not find any grounds for extraditing him to the Tajik authorities and he was released. However, in April 2005, he suddenly disappeared and soon ended up in the pre-trial detention center of the Ministry of State Security of Tajikistan. In addition to them, behind bars were such influential politicians as the ex-head of the presidential guard Gaffor Mirzoev, the former leaders of the United Tajik Opposition (UTO) and the ex-head of the customs committee Mirzokhodzhi Nizomov.

On November 8, 2001, there was a second assassination attempt on Rakhmonov. Near the podium from which he spoke, a suicide bomber set off an improvised device, but no one was hurt.

In August 2003, in Moscow, at the request of the Tajik Prosecutor General's Office, the former Minister of Trade Khabibulo Nasrulloev was detained, whom the Tajik authorities accused of involvement in illegal armed groups pursuing the goal of overthrowing state power in Tajikistan. Previously, Khabibulo Nasrulloev actively participated in the activities of the Popular Front, but in the 1994 presidential election he publicly supported Emomali Rakhmonov's rival, Abdumalik Abdullajonov.

The Economist Intelligence Unit's World Democracy Index 2011 ranked Tajikistan 151st as an authoritarian country.

Socio-economic situation

Even before the collapse of the USSR, the Tajik SSR was one of the poorest Soviet republics. The civil war in Tajikistan claimed from 60 to 150 thousand human lives, the damage amounted to $ 7 billion, which was 18 of the country's annual budgets. Poverty has become the most acute problem in Tajikistan. According to World Bank data based on a 1999 poverty survey, up to 83% of the country's population was below the poverty line. In order to overcome it, in 2002 the Majlis Namoyandogon Majlisi Oli approved the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper developed by the government. According to the household basic needs assessment method, the poverty rate in Tajikistan decreased from 72.4% in 2003 to 53.5% in 2007, and in 2011 it was officially 45%.

The Tajik economy turned out to be heavily dependent on the money earned by labor emigrants. At the end of 2011, according to the World Bank, as a percentage of the country's GDP, Tajikistan became the leader in remittances from migrants, which amounted to 47% of the country's GDP.

Foreign policy

In foreign policy, a difficult relationship developed between Rahmon and Uzbek President Islam Karimov. At a meeting with journalists on December 8, 2009, Rahmon stated that he had fought with Uzbek President Karimov: “I argued with him many times, even fought twice, once Nazarbayev separated us, the second time Kuchma. And I told him: “We will take Samarkand and Bukhara anyway!” .

During his presidency, Rakhmonov managed to resolve a 130-year-old territorial dispute with China. During his visit to Beijing in May 2003, he agreed to cede 1.1 thousand km² to the PRC in the Eastern Pamirs, although China initially claimed 28.5 thousand km² (almost 20% of the territory of Tajikistan). On January 12, 2011, the Parliament of Tajikistan ratified the protocol on the demarcation of the Chinese-Tajik border, according to which 1.1 thousand km² of disputed territories (0.77% of the territory of Tajikistan) were transferred to China.

Transformations in the way of life of society

In 2006, while visiting a rural educational institution, the president noticed false gold teeth in a school teacher. Seeing this, he said: “How can we convince international organizations that we are poor if our rural teachers walk around with gold teeth!” After that, all citizens of Tajikistan were ordered to remove their golden prostheses. Under the editorship of Talbak Nazarov, seven books were published in Tajikistan: "Emomali Rakhmonov - the savior of the nation" (covers the period from 1992 to 1995), "Emomali Rakhmonov - the founder of peace and national unity" (1996-1999), "Emomali Rakhmonov - the beginning stage of creation" (2000-2003), "Emomali Rahmonov - a year equal to centuries" (2004), "Emomali Rahmonov: the year of the culture of peace" (2005) and "Emomali Rahmonov: the year of Aryan civilization" (2006) . The publications were timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the country's independence, the 2700th anniversary of the city of Kulyab and the Year of Aryan Civilization, declared by order of the President in 2006.

In July 2009, the President submitted to Parliament a draft of a new language law. In a televised address on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the first language law, he stated: “The greatness of a nation can be judged primarily by how its representatives protect and respect their national language”. The head of state said:

In early October 2009, the country's parliament adopted and the president signed the law "On the State Language". This law establishes the Tajik language as the only language for communication with state authorities and administration, while the Constitution of Tajikistan proclaims Russian as the language of interethnic communication. Commenting on the discussion around the Law on Language, Emomali Rahmon said:

“We do not understand the hype raised in the media around the new law on the state language. The name itself suggests that this law regulates the scope of the Tajik language only. And the Russian language in Tajikistan has a constitutional status - the language of interethnic communication. And no one is going to review it."

Personal life

By religion, Emomali Rakhmonov is a Muslim. In 2007, he ordered that the Qur'an be translated into Tajik.


Emomali Rahmon's father - Sharif Rahmonov participated in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd and 3rd degrees. Brother Faiziddin Rakhmonov died in the late 1950s in the Lvov region of Ukraine "in the line of duty" while serving in the Soviet Army.

Rahmon has nine children: seven daughters (Firuza, Ozoda, Rukhshona, Tahmina, Parvin, Zarrin and Farzon) and two sons (Rustam and Somon). The first daughter, Firuza, married the son of the chief of the Tajik railway, Amonullo Khukumov.

The eldest son Rustam played for the Istiklol football club, headed the department for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the State Investment Committee, then was appointed head of the anti-smuggling department and later became president of the Football Federation of Tajikistan.

The second daughter, Ozoda, works as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. She married the Deputy Minister of Finance of Tajikistan Jamoliddin Nuraliev

The sixth daughter, Zarrina, works as an announcer at the Shabakai Avval state television channel (Channel One).

In June 2012, Rakhmonov's son-in-law (his sister's husband) Kholmumin Safarov, who was the director of the State Enterprise of Forestry and Hunting of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, was killed. ..




Medals and other awards

Prize and honorary titles

Publications and works


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  27. Mikhail Tishchenko. Rahmon's third first time, "Lenta.Ru" (07.11.2006).
  28. Democracy index 2011 Economist Intelligence Unit (2011).
  29. History of the East. - M .: "Eastern Literature" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008. - V. 6: The East in the newest period (1945-2000). - P. 460. - ISBN 978-5-02-036371-7, 5-02-018102-1
  30. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the Republic of Tajikistan - 2003. - Dushanbe. - p. 8.
  32. The poverty rate in Tajikistan has dropped to 45 percent, "Lenta.Ru" (28.04.2011).
  33. Olga Samofalova. Grants in a neighborly way, VZGLYAD.RU(November 21, 2012).
  34. Arkady DUBNOV. "We will take Samarkand and Bukhara", News Time (10.12.2009).
  35. Alexander Reutov. Tajikistan cut off land to China, Newspaper "Kommersant" (13.01.2011).
  36. Tajikistan ceded part of its territory to China, 13, 2011).
  37. The EU honored the President of Tajikistan with the title "Leader of the 21st century" (Russian) , Rosbalt.RU (18/08/2011).

Emomali Rahmon was born on October 5, 1952 in the Dangara region of the Republic of Tajikistan in the family of a farmer.

He began his career in 1969 after graduating from vocational school No. 40 in the city of Kalininabad (now Sarband), as a master electrician at the Kurgan-Tube oil plant.

In 1971-1974 he served in the Pacific Fleet. After demobilization, he went to work at the state farm named after Lenin in the Dangara region.

In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Tajik National University.

In 1976-1987, he served as secretary of the board and chairman of the trade union committee of the state farm named after Lenin in the Dangara region. Then he worked in party bodies.

From 1987 to 1992 he was the director of the state farm named after Lenin in the Dangara region.

In 1990, Emomali Rahmon was elected a People's Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan of the XII convocation.

In the fall of 1992, he was elected Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kulyab region.

On November 19, 1992, at the XVI session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan.

November 6, 1994 Emomali Rahmon is elected President of the Republic of Tajikistan by popular vote.

On November 6, 1999, on an alternative basis and by popular vote, Emomali Rahmon is re-elected to the post of President of the Republic of Tajikistan for a seven-year term.

On November 6, 2006, as a result of free, transparent and democratic elections held on an alternative basis, Emomali Rahmon was elected for the third time to the post of President of the Republic of Tajikistan for a seven-year term by popular vote.

On November 6, 2013, Emomali Rahmon, gaining 84.23% of the vote, won the next election of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In accordance with the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation", the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon is recognized as the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, for the greatest and unique services to the people of Tajikistan.

He is the Hero of Tajikistan (since 1999).

Married, has nine children.

At that time, when the glorious and worthy son of the people Emomali Rahmon was elected the head of state for the first time, our Motherland - Tajikistan that had just become independent - was going through tragic days. The bloody war and conflict between the Tajiks, which led to huge material damage and great human losses, threatened the integrity of the country and the very existence of the Tajik nation.

Thanks to wise steps, steadfastness and exceptional courage, Emomali Rahmon saved the country from the threat of disaster, rallied the people and returned thousands of refugees to their homeland.

Thanks to the firm will of the Head of State, in a short time everything that was destroyed was restored, new large objects appeared, the "Unity Highway" was built, providing a constant connection between all corners of the country, and roads, allowing the republic to get direct access to the ocean and develop relations with far-flung countries. and near abroad.

All the most important achievements and successes of the country are the result of the selfless work and courageous steps of Emomali Rahmon.

The reward for these titanic efforts was the love and respect that Emomali Rahmon earned from the people of Tajikistan and among tens of thousands of foreign compatriots. He also won the great respect of the world community, which each time gives him signs of attention as the authoritative Head of Tajikistan, an experienced politician and exponent of universal values ​​and ideals.

The greatest achievement of Emomali Rahmon is undoubtedly the establishment of lasting peace and national unity. The bitter experience of internal wars in the world testifies that not a single state has been able to defeat its rivals on the battlefield and stand at the head of the state apparatus, government structures and military bodies, using weapons, military equipment and its soldiers.

Thanks to the provision of peace and national unity, Emomali Rahmon laid a solid foundation for the transition to the stage of economic recovery and the start of constructive deeds.

To date, the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan has been officially recognized by more than 150 countries of the world. The Republic of Tajikistan has recognized the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Declaration and other international agreements - and carries out its domestic and foreign policy, protecting human rights, regardless of national, religious or racial affiliation.

Emomali Rahmon made a huge contribution to increasing the international prestige and prestige of Tajikistan, to solving global problems. Repeatedly speaking from the high rostrum of the UN, he drew the attention of the world community not only to the problems of Tajikistan, but also to the issues of Afghanistan, the fight against terrorism, extremism and drug smuggling, the uneven development of the states of the world, and the provision of clean water to mankind. In particular, he attracted the world community to solving the problem of Afghanistan, which was turning into a base for terrorism and extremism.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon also shows a far-sighted and serious approach to the most important issues related to the future of mankind. At the suggestion of Emomali Rahmon, the United Nations proclaimed 2003 the International Year of Clean Water, and 2005-2015 the Decade of Water for Life. Currently, most international and regional events are held within the framework of this Decade, so this initiative of the Head of State causes a feeling of pride in every citizen of Tajikistan.

For twenty years of independence, our country, under the leadership of Emomali Rahmon, has been moving confidently along the path of building an independent democratic state. During this time, Tajikistan had its own Flag, Coat of Arms and Anthem. The main foundations of statehood arose and strengthened - the national army and border troops. Tajikistan was accepted as a member of authoritative international organizations and established political, economic and cultural ties with most countries of the world. The foundations of the constitutional system and public administration were streamlined, a national currency was put into circulation, and the national passport was recognized.

Thus, the historical merits of Emomali Rahmon lie in the fact that it was he who, having assumed control of the state, averted the threat of his disappearance, extinguished the flames of civil war, restored paralyzed power structures, especially law enforcement agencies, created a national army and border troops, provided conditions for strengthening of power and the state, guaranteed peace to the nation, returned refugees and internally displaced persons to their homeland. He laid a solid foundation for building a new society in Tajikistan, carried out a constitutional reform in the country, created a new Constitution (Basic Law) of Tajikistan, provided a political and legal basis for the signing on June 27, 1997 of the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord. Emomali Rahmon achieved peace among the Tajiks, which was an instructive experience for the world community. He created the conditions for national revival, laid the foundation for constructive deeds, radically improved the socio-economic situation of the people, eliminated the threat of famine and contributed to the growth of the political authority of the state in the international arena.

For his invaluable contribution to ensuring peace in Tajikistan and strengthening the security of the region, and other outstanding achievements in expanding friendly relations and cooperation between peoples, Emomali Rahmon was awarded high titles and awards from states and various organizations of the world.

The merits of Emomali Rahmon both within the country and abroad are generally recognized. For his valuable contribution to the development of the human community, he was awarded the Gold Star of Albert Schweitzer and the honorary title of Professor of the World Medical Academy in the Humanities. He was the first politician in the world to receive such a high award.

In 2005, on the eve of the celebration of the National Unity Day, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon was awarded another high award - the gold medal "For the strengthening of peace and harmony among peoples" of the International Federation of Peace and Accord. It should be noted that among the heads of CIS member states, Emomali Rahmon was the first to receive such an award.

Over the years, Emomali Rahmon was also awarded the Star of the Patrons diamond order, the highest award of the International Charitable Foundation Patrons of the Century, the Order of the National Hero of Afghanistan - Ahmadshah Masud, the Prize of the International Writers and Journalists Foundation of the Republic of Turkey, the Ruby Star "Peacemaker", Gold Medal of the People's Assembly (Parliament) of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Badge of Honor of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Order of the Olympic Council of Asia, Gold Medal of Honor of Mavlono Jaloliddin Balkhi (Rumi) of UNESCO, Golden Order of the Revival of the Silk Road, Nikolai Blokhin Gold Medal - the highest award of the Academy of Medical Sciences Order of the Russian Federation, Order of the 3 Stars of the 1st degree of the Republic of Latvia, Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the 1st degree of Ukraine, Nishoni Pokiston (Badge of Pakistan) - the highest state award of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the highest order of the Russian Federation, the Order of Alexander Nevsky and a number of other awards and prizes .

At a new stage in the construction of the young state of Tajikistan, fate bestowed on the ancient Tajik nation in the person of a unique historical figure - the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon - a man who represents the highest qualities - justice, generosity, courage, compassion and a unique ability to unite people. It was the combination of these qualities that brought society to a high level of self-knowledge.

It was thanks to the consistent efforts of Emomali Rahmon that Tajikistan was saved from a national tragedy at the end of the 20th century and strengthened its state independence, thanks to which the Tajik nation, after a millennium, has achieved outstanding achievements on the path of national revival and is moving confidently towards a better, prosperous and self-sufficient future.

President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Emomali Rahmon was born on October 5, 1952 in the Dangara settlement of the Kulyab region of the Tajik SSR and was the third son in the family. After graduating from high school, he got a job as an electrician at an oil plant in Kurgan-Tyube. From 1971 to 1974 he served as a sailor in the Pacific Fleet, and after the end of his service he returned to the plant.

From 1976 to 1988 he worked as secretary of the board of the collective farm of the Dangara district of the Kulyab region, chairman of the trade union committee of this farm, and also held a position in party bodies. In 1982, Rakhmonov graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Tajik State University. In June 1988 he became director of the state farm. Lenin Dangara region. In 1992, Rakhmonov was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR of the 12th convocation, so the previous position had to be left aside.

In the fall of 1992, he was elected chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kulyab region, and in November 1992, at the XVI session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon was elected chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan. Already on November 6, 1994, Emomali Rahmon was elected president of Tajikistan in a popular vote, and on November 16 he was sworn in.

In June 1992, opponents of the Islamists, led by Sangak Safarov, revolted in Kulyab. The confrontation resulted in an interethnic conflict and a civil war (1992-1997) between the Popular Front - supporters of a secular state (the clans of Khujand and Khatlon) and the United Tajik Opposition - a coalition of Islamists (immigrants from the Garm regions) and democrats (from Gorno-Badakhshan).

In the autumn of 1992, the Kulyab rebels united within the framework of the Popular Front with representatives of the Khodjent clans (the north of the country) and received the support of Uzbekistan and Russia, since the possible Islamization of Tajikistan threatened to disrupt the geopolitical balance and activate Islamists within these countries themselves. The People's Front was headed by Safarov's associate, Emomali Rakhmonov. In December 1992, his troops occupied the capital without a fight. Emomali Rakhmonov headed the government, and the Islamists were forced out to the east of the country and to neighboring Afghanistan.

Against the background of the strengthening of the power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, on June 27, 1997, a truce was concluded between the Rakhmonov government and the United Tajik Opposition. Islamists have merged into state structures, including parliament and the army.

In 1998, Rahmon headed the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan. In November 1999, he was re-elected to the post of President of Tajikistan for a seven-year term, in accordance with the changes made to the country's constitution following a referendum held in September of the same year.

In June 2003, another referendum was held to amend the constitution of Tajikistan, as a result of which Emomali Rahmon got the opportunity to participate in the presidential elections twice more. A provision limiting the age of a presidential candidate was also removed. In November 2006, Rahmon won another presidential election.

On October 4, 2013, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon was nominated as a candidate for the post of head of state by the ruling People's Democratic Party. Already on October 9, 2013, he was officially registered as a candidate for the presidency. More than 220,000 signatures were submitted for it, while the norm was 210,000 - 5% of the country's electorate. More than 83% of voters voted for Emomali Rahmon in the next elections.

Emomali Rahmon is the Hero of Tajikistan. Over the years, he was also awarded the Diamond Order "Star of the Patron" - the highest award of the International Charitable Foundation "Patrons of the Century", the Order "National Hero of Afghanistan - Ahmadshah Masud", the Prize of the International Writers and Journalists Foundation of the Republic of Turkey, the Ruby Star "Peacemaker", Gold Medal of the People's Assembly (Parliament) of Egypt, Badge of Honor of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Order of the Olympic Council of Asia, Gold Medal of Honor to Mavlono Jaloliddin Balkhi (Rumi) of UNESCO, Golden Order of the Revival of the Silk Road, Nikolai Blokhin Gold Medal - the highest award of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Order of the Three Stars 1st Class of the Republic of Latvia, Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise 1st Class of Ukraine, Nishoni Pokiston (Badge of Pakistan) - the highest state award of Pakistan and a number of other awards and prizes.