What are they doing in paradise? How to get to heaven? How many people will go to heaven

Eternal life, invulnerability, bliss and youth without end - a familiar picture? It is a paradise. It is prepared only for the most obedient. We can say that everyone dreams about it, and whoever says that he does not dream is lying. Each paradise has its own order and bonuses. "Dialogue" sorted out what you could choose.

Lucas Cranach, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Image from the site: en.wikipedia.org

Lost, found and the one in the sky

According to the concepts of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), we humans already had paradise. Adam and Eve lived exactly there - in Eden, in the east of the earth, but, having tasted the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, they were expelled by the Creator. A beautiful garden is now guarded by a winged Cherub, and we can't get there yet.

The opportunity to go there appears if you choose a righteous path in earthly life. “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?” (1 Corinthians 6:9). Quite specific descriptions of what awaits the righteous after death are drawn by the New Testament:

“It has a large and high wall, it has twelve gates and on them twelve angels<…>City street - pure gold, like transparent glass<…>Its gates will not be locked by day; and there will be no night<…>In the midst of its street, and on either side of the river, is the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. And nothing will be cursed; but the throne of God and the Lamb will be in him, and his servants will serve him. And they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. And the night will not be there, and they will not need a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God illuminates them; and they shall reign forever and ever” (Rev. 21:2, 12, 21, 25; 22:2–5).

For Christians, the kingdom of God is not the same Eden in which the first people lived. Do not return there. You can only get into the one in heaven. Adam and Eve did not know Christ. But we, the descendants, got to know him, and we are striving for him, to the Kingdom of Heaven. And we not only strive, but also create it together with the divine. There can be no question of any eternal rest. God settles Adam in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it (Gen. 2:15), and it is written about the future inhabitants of Heavenly Jerusalem that they will serve Him (Rev. 22:3). According to the Bible, staying in paradise is depicted as a kind of human activity and is depicted not as static and idleness, but as a constant dynamic of approaching God. And the same Tree from the primeval paradise is waiting for people there, and it is it that will feed the righteous.

Mikalojus Ciurlionis, Paradise. Image from en.wikipedia.org

For Muslims, these two paradises - Eden and heavenly - are rather identical. The Islamic paradise is called Jannat. Ideas about him are less metaphysical, more mundane. Its inhabitants are left to each other and to their pleasures, and if Allah appears, it is only to greet them (Quran, 36:58) and ask about their desires. “Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah. This is a great profit!” (Quran, 5:19; 59:22; 98:8).

Here are the gifts prepared for believers: “In the gardens of delight there is a crowd of the first and a few of the last, on embroidered beds, leaning on them against each other. Eternally young boys go around them with bowls, vessels and goblets from a flowing source - they do not suffer from headaches and weakness<…>among a lotus devoid of thorns, and an acacia hung with fruits, under a far-spreading shade, on the banks of flowing waters and among abundant fruits, not exhausted and not forbidden, and carpets spread out, and We created for them (companions) a special creation and made them virgins, loving husband, peers.<…>For the God-fearing there is a place of salvation - orchards and vineyards, and full-breasted peers, and a full goblet. They will not hear there either chatter or accusations of lying” (Quran, 56:12–19; 28–37; 78:31–35).

There is a fairly common, but erroneous opinion that women are not expected in an Islamic paradise. However, it is not. “Allah promised the believing men and women the Gardens of Paradise, in which rivers flow and in which they will remain forever, as well as beautiful dwellings in the gardens of Eden. But the pleasure of Allah will be greater than that. This is the great success” (At-Tawba, 9/72). Just for women and men, it has different rewards. Each man receives virgins - huri: “Big-eyed, black-eyed virgins, with silver-colored skin; which neither man nor genie has touched before; who look only at their husbands.

In the Qur'an, women who went to heaven are called "azwajun mutahharatun" (pure spouses). These women are worthy of Paradise, and the higher their level of purity, the more beautiful they will be. Here they are decorations.

Paradise without paradise

In Judaism, there is a concept of paradise, but it does not imply eternal life in a fairy garden. Judaism draws its attention to the fact that, leading a righteous life, a person receives the right to be resurrected for eternal life on Earth, and even the body is resurrected. After the resurrection, the earth will be different - absolute, ideal. Paradise and hell are interpreted by Jewish theologians as metaphorical concepts.

Buddha statue. Photo from pixabay.com

In Eastern religions, nirvana can be called paradise. She is nowhere. And it is connected not with achievement, but rather with extinction, cessation. The soul emerges from the constant whirlwind of rebirths - samsara, gets rid of suffering and abides in eternal non-existence. There are no desires, just as there are no sufferings with which each stage of reincarnation is associated. The causal relationship is broken. According to the Buddhist thinker Nagarjuna, "The cessation of thinking about being and non-being is called nirvana."

In Hinduism, moving away from egocentric existence is called moksha. This is the stage before nirvana. In Jainism, since karma is a special type of substance that makes up the karmic body of a jiva (saint), nirvana is interpreted as liberation from karmic substances and is achieved in the process of learning religious practices. The jiva receives siddhatva - absolute knowledge. He can ascend to the pinnacle of the Siddhakshetra universe. And this is close to the traditions of Christianity and Islam.

On the ground

Abolitionism (not to be confused with the anti-slavery movement in the United States) is based on the manifesto of the British philosopher David Pearce (he is also called the "builder of paradise") "The Hedonistic Imperative". According to him, achieving the highest possible degree of happiness is the main goal of life. According to abolitionists, there is a “basic level of happiness” to which a person eventually returns, no matter what happens to him. Neither the level of income, nor the events that can make him happy or sad for a long time (such as the birth of children or the death of a close relative) play a role.

In the future, “our descendants will probably live in a civilization of well-motivated, high-achieving people, driven by various gradients of bliss, they will be unaware not only of suffering and disease, but also of the slightest psychological discomfort,” Peirce writes.

David Pierce. Photo from en.wikipedia.org

The level of human happiness is biologically limited. Pierce theorizes that humanity can overcome the genetic predisposition to suffering through scientific advances in areas such as applied neuroscience, biotechnology, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and psychopharmacology. Abolitionists view the very possibility of suffering as an undesirable aspect of human nature and believe that humans can and should reprogram their brains to achieve maximum levels of happiness. There is a version that this can be achieved not only with the help of already developed technologies - for example, genetic engineering - but also thanks to technological advances that are theoretically capable of appearing. For example, loading consciousness into a computer system.

Abolitionism comes from the fact that emotions are physical, not spiritual, and thus, by rewiring the brain, it is possible to radically change the way a person perceives the world around him. And while evolution has not made everyone happy, technology can take the place of evolution and create a post-human who feels only happiness and does not experience sadness or fear. At the same time, external functionality is preserved and improved. Skeptics have a question: how to know happiness in a transhumanist paradise without experiencing disappointment, because the value of positive emotions is determined based on negative experience? Since most abolitionist projects involve stages of implementation - from the creation of bioprostheses to immortality - scientists are given the responsibility to determine how to develop and implement each of the stages. If these ideas are implemented, it will be necessary to compare the final goals and possible means of achievement that appear in connection with risks. It is likely that people may not follow the path of these programs.

Prepared by Egor Shcherbota / IA Dialog

What awaits us in hell, read.

Paradise is what people call the highest bliss that a person can experience. The Bible gives a description of paradise in Orthodoxy on various levels: spiritual, spiritual and physical. Very often, Christians call the Kingdom of Heaven a paradise, a place given by the Creator for a happy life for the glory of the Creator.

Eden - heaven on earth

Reading the Bible carefully, we see that the word "paradise" is first described in Genesis 2:8.

Before that, the Almighty created Heaven and earth, luminaries, plants and wildlife, and only then in the east he founded the paradise of Eden, the location of which can be determined by a geographical map. The Bible says that one river flowed out of Eden, which divided into four: Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.

garden of eden

If the first two rivers have sunk into oblivion, then the Tigris and Euphrates exist to this day, which serves as an indisputable proof of the existence of Eden for atheists. Modern Christians equate the concepts of paradise and Eden, although Eden is the name of the area, and paradise is the place of residence of the Divine essence. Amazing is the mercy of the Lord and His concern for His children. The loving Father first prepared everything for the bliss of the first people, and then created them themselves.

Adam and Eve were expelled from the place of bliss, but the first earthly couple did not lose the love of God. Adam and Eve could be in direct communication with the Creator, they saw Him and were filled with His mercy. It is difficult to imagine the feelings of people who were "shrouded" in the Creator's love.

In the arrangement of the Garden of Eden, the theologians of the world traced three components connected together:

  • Eden;
  • external world.

Eden became the prototype for the creation of the tabernacle, a tent created according to the descriptions given by the Creator. The Tabernacle served as a place of temple services for the Jews during their journey through the wilderness and consisted of the Holy of Holies - paradise, the Sanctuary - Eden, the outer court - the outer world.

The Tabernacle and Ministry in It

In the arrangement of modern temples, one can also draw a parallel with the habitat of the first people. The altar is a symbol of the heavenly corner, the meal is associated with Eden, and the porch is a symbol of the outside world.

You should not look for the location of the Garden of Eden on modern maps, because it was created before the flood, after which the earth's crust changed.

For Orthodox believers, the Garden of Eden has become a place given by the Creator, where there is no suffering, no illness, no death itself. Great is the promise of the Most High given in the Revelation of John. It says that on earth a heavenly corner will be restored. (Rev. 21:1)

Important! The description of paradise in Orthodoxy implies not only the geographical location of the Garden of Eden, but the bliss of being in the love of the Creator in spirit and soul, both now and in eternity.

Kingdom of God - heavenly Eden

A great consolation for people who have lost their loved ones is a possible meeting in heaven. The kingdom of heaven promised by Jesus Christ is in heaven and on earth, in the hearts of Christians.

The purpose of earthly life, filled with suffering, wars, cataclysms, excitement for tomorrow and their descendants, is the transition to Heavenly Jerusalem.

In Matthew 25:34 there is a promise to inherit the prepared corner of Eden in Heaven, Jesus promises to drink wine with his disciples in the kingdom of the Father. (Matthew 26:29)

The Revelation of John describes heaven in heaven, which the prophet saw with his own eyes.

Vision of John the Evangelist

According to the testimonies of St. Theodora, St. Euphrosyne, St. Andrew the Holy Fool (each of them at one time was raised into heaven to the third heaven), a heavenly corner exists.

Testimony of Andrey Yurodivy

I saw myself clothed in the brightest robe, as if woven from lightning; a crown was on my head, woven from great flowers, and I was girded with a royal belt.

Rejoicing at this beauty, marveling with my mind and heart at the inexpressible beauty of God's paradise, I walked around it and rejoiced. There were many gardens with tall trees: they swayed with their peaks and amused the eyesight, a great fragrance emanated from their branches ... It is impossible to liken those trees to any earthly tree: God's hand, not a human one, planted them. There were countless birds in these gardens ...

I saw a great river flowing in the midst (gardens) and filling them. There was a vineyard on the other side of the river... Quiet and fragrant winds breathed there from four sides; gardens swayed from their breath and made a marvelous noise with their leaves ... After that, we entered a wonderful flame, which did not scorch us, but only enlightened us.

I began to be horrified, and again the angel who guided me turned to me and gave me his hand, saying: “We must ascend even higher.” With this word, we found ourselves above the third heaven, where I saw and heard a multitude of heavenly powers singing and glorifying God… (Climbing even higher), I saw my Lord, as once Isaiah the prophet, sitting on a high and exalted throne, surrounded by seraphim.

He was clothed in a scarlet robe, His face shone with unspeakable light, and He lovingly turned His eyes to me. Seeing Him, I fell before Him on my face... What joy then from seeing His face seized me, it is impossible to express, so even now, remembering this vision, I am filled with indescribable sweetness. prepared for those who love God,” and heard “the voice of joy and spiritual gladness.”

Kingdom of God within man

The message of the Kingdom of God, given by Jesus Christ, runs like a red thread through the entire New Testament. The Creator is love, filled with this feeling for other people, a person fills his heart with special bliss, heavenly paradise.

Jesus Christ sent His disciples to bring people the Good News about the future life in eternity. (Luke 9:2)

Realizing the truth of the existence of a corner of bliss in heaven, a person ceases to be afraid of death, he tries to live his earthly, very short path so that he can spend his eternal life not in hell, but surrounded by angels and the light of the Holy Trinity. A churched person, filled with the love reigning in the Orthodox Church, performs the feat of preparation for the transition to Heavenly Jerusalem with his earthly life.

Forgiveness of sins from God

One of the ways Orthodox can get surrounded by angels in heaven is forgiveness. Throughout his earthly life, a person voluntarily or involuntarily offends people, and he himself takes offense at them. The Holy Church, by the great Grace of the Creator, bestowed upon the faithful people the sacraments of Communion and Confession.

Read about confession and communion:

  • What prayers are usually read before confession and communion?

The response of the truly Orthodox to the words "Forgive me" is striking, after which it sounds "God will forgive." People have great confidence in God, if a person has forgiven from a pure heart, then the Almighty will surely forgive, this is His promise. "God will forgive" is not just an excuse, it is faith in the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Very often an Orthodox person, weak in spirit, looks at the sins of another and compares his life with someone else's. The worst thing is that on the Day of Judgment, every believer and non-believer will have to meet God face to face, and there will be no relatives, relatives, neighbors and friends nearby. Everyone will give an answer on their own, why they did not accept Jesus Christ in their hearts, did not receive an “entrance ticket” to heavenly paradise.

The Son of God said that only He is the road leading to God the Father. (John 14:1-6) Only I have faith in Christ, through His revelations a person is transformed from within, filling his heart with the Kingdom of God.

According to Metropolitan Hilarion, paradise is a state of a person's soul, a bliss that can only be felt by the Orthodox who are filled with the love of the Creator. The statements of the metropolitan echo the words of the Evangelist Luke, who wrote that the Kingdom of God is within Christians. (Luke 17:20)

Learning to serve God through love for people, to become the hands of Jesus on earth, to fill the world with Christian love - these are the ways to fill the hearts of Orthodox with the presence of God.

Return of paradise to earth

Psalm 37:29 states that the truly righteous will be the heirs of the new earth that God will create on our planet. Based on the prayer "Our Father", one can trace the idea that Christ indicated to Christians the coming of the Kingdom of God to earth.

Our Father who art in heaven! May your name be hallowed; let your kingdom come; may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

New Heaven and New Earth in the Bible

The prophet Daniel (Dan. 2:44) wrote about the world government on earth, headed by Christ, when God's government will gather the nations and a new paradise will reign.

The new time was also preached by the prophet Isaiah, promising that the old times would seem like a terrible dream. On the new Mount Zion there will be joy and gladness, and sorrow and sorrow will be removed.

Say to the timid in soul: be firm, do not be afraid; behold your God, vengeance will come, the recompense of God; He will come and save you.

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be opened.

Then the lame one will spring up like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb one will sing; for waters will break through in the desert, and streams in the steppe.

And the phantom of the waters will turn into a lake, and the thirsty earth into fountains of waters; in the dwelling of the jackals, where they rest, there will be a place for reeds and reeds.

And there will be a great road, and the way along it will be called the holy way: the unclean will not walk on it, but it will be for them alone. Those who follow this path, even the inexperienced, will not get lost.

The lion will not be there, and the predatory beast will not climb on it; he will not be found there, but the redeemed will walk.

And those redeemed by the Lord will return, they will come to Zion with a joyful exclamation; and eternal joy will be over their heads; they will find joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing will be removed.

The prophet John was instructed to tell people the good news that God promises to return paradise to earth as it was in Eden without pain, sorrow and problems. New Jerusalem, the kingdom of joy, love and bliss is described in the 21st chapter of Revelation, the apostle emphasizes that at this time people again receive the gift of seeing and communicating with the Creator.

In order to meet God in the future, according to Archpriest Chaplin, you need to be filled with faith in God so that you know Him on the earthly level and be sure that you will recognize the Creator in heaven, and He will recognize you.

God offers people His love in exchange for fidelity, obedience, and then He will fill the believers with wisdom on one condition - they will not independently seek the truth, eating the fruit of Good and Evil, eating sin.

Important! A person who tries on his own, without knowing God's instructions, to deal with sins and righteousness, will surely be blinded by the devil through money, sex, power, pride and unforgiveness. Only the word of God reveals true paradise - the bliss of being in God's presence.

What is paradise in Orthodoxy and how to get there

We are atheists or religious dogmatists, all the same, each of us has a glimmer of hope that there, beyond the border of death, it will be GOOD. Well, at least a little better than here. It's completely dark here.

Of course, hell is even worse than on Earth. Hell is very close. And makes us look towards paradise.

What should an earthly soul do in paradise?

The maximum that a modern person can do in paradise is to sweep dust paths along which holy people, angels and god (s) walk. Yes, and there is nothing special to sweep there - the saints do not allow themselves to litter.

Not finding a job for himself, an ordinary person in paradise will be sad. And heaven will turn into a real hell.

Here on Earth, there are gadgets. Parents who are always in a hurry toss them to their babies so that they do not get bored. And there are no gadgets in heaven. There is no need for this garbage.

There are factories, hydroelectric power stations, cars, bicycles and sports equipment on Earth. Man creates them to remind mother nature who is in charge on Earth. And in paradise there is no such rubbish. Nobody needs him there.

On Earth, there is jealousy, envy and misunderstanding between people. Where can these states come from in paradise, if the very concept of “paradise” is directly opposite to the negative side of human nature?

On Earth, there are youth idols Rihanna, Oxxxymiron and Purulent, who fish out the dirtiest and most obscene expressions from their native language to describe their inner experiences. And in paradise, creatures have no desire to entertain each other with “garbage” art.

Heaven does not kill. There are slaughterhouses all over the earth.

So will there be heaven after death - or not?

After death, a person will definitely rest from the earthly vale. This vacation with a stretch can be called a paradise existence.

No pursuit of food and water, no wars, no envy.

Obviously, the intelligent organizers of our Universe have tried to create a kind of "sanatorium" where beings come to rest after adventures on planets like Earth.

So in paradise the earthly soul will rest from the Earth, drink coffee (or herbal tea) and dream about how to get into the earthly meat grinder again.

The Lord created the first people - Adam and Eve - perfect and sinless. He created them in His own image and likeness. That is, endowed with the properties that He Himself possesses: freedom, creativity, reason. The lot of the first people was holiness and heavenly bliss, and the meaning of life was the knowledge of God and becoming like Him.

The earthly paradise, or beautiful garden, in which God settled Adam and Eve, was located in the east of the earth and was called Eden.

The life of people in paradise was filled with joy. Their conscience was calm, their hearts were pure, their minds were bright. Their highest perfection consisted in moral innocence. The very thought of something unclean and sinful was alien to them. "And they were both naked, Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed" (Genesis 2:25).

They were not afraid of disease or death, they did not need clothing. Living in paradise, they used all its gifts and enjoyed all its joys. Eating the fruits of the Garden of Eden, especially the fruits of the "tree of life", they received bodily strength and health. And they were immortal.

There was no enmity among the animals: the strong did not touch the weak, everyone lived together and ate grass and plants. None of them was afraid of people, and everyone loved and obeyed them. But the highest happiness of Adam and Eve was in communion with God. The Lord appeared to them in paradise in a visible way, like a father to children, and talked with them.

This living, direct connection of man with God was the first and perfect religion of the human race. Our communion with the Lord is now what we call prayer.

God created people so that they would love Him and each other and enjoy the great joy of life in the love of God. Just like the Angels, He gave them complete freedom, without which there can be no love. So that Adam and Eve could show their freedom and establish themselves in goodness, God gave people a commandment. She forbade eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. "And the Lord God commanded the man, and said, Of every tree in the garden thou shalt eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for on the day that thou eatt of it, thou shalt die the death" (Gen. 2- 16.17).

Fulfilling this command, or desire of God, Adam and Eve showed their love for Him. Gradually, moving from obedience to an easy commandment to more complex ones, they would be strengthened in love and perfected in it. Adam and Eve gladly obeyed God. And in paradise in everything there was the will of God and God's order. Holy Scripture does not tell us how long the blessed life of the first people in Paradise lasted. But it aroused the malicious envy of the devil, who, having lost it himself, looked with hatred at the bliss of others. After the fall, envy and lust for evil became characteristics of his being. Every good, peace, order, innocence, obedience became hateful to him. Therefore, from the very first day of the appearance of man, the devil sought to terminate the grace-filled union of people with God and drag man along with him into eternal perdition. And so he appeared in paradise - in the form of a serpent, which "was more cunning than all the animals of the field" (Gen. 3, 1). An evil and deceitful spirit approached the woman and said to her: "Did God truly say: do not eat from any tree in paradise?" (Gen. 3:1). “No,” Eve answered the serpent, “we can eat fruits from all trees, only fruits from a tree that is in the middle of paradise, God said, do not eat or touch them, so that you do not die.” (Gen. 3, 2-3). Then the devil aroused distrust in God in the wife. He told her: "No, you will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat them, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5).

The serpent's seductive speech had an effect on Eve. She looked at the tree and saw that the tree was pleasing to the eye, good for food, and gave knowledge; and she wanted to know good and evil. She plucked the fruits from the forbidden tree and ate, "and gave also to her husband, and he ate" (Genesis 3:6).

The greatest revolution in the history of mankind has taken place - people have violated the commandment of God and have lost what the Lord so lovingly and generously endowed them with. Eternal and insatiable longing for the lost paradise, sorrows and death have now become their lot.

But the Lord is boundless and infinite, just as His mercy and love are infinite and boundless. The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who appeared in the world, again gave to man that which he had once rejected. He gave him the opportunity to communion with God, bliss and immortality. And now a person, curbing his will, which is more inclined to sin than to do good, overcoming the imperfection of the mind, which has lost its desire for divine things, can correct the evil that Adam committed in his life. And then he will gain much more than what our progenitor, expelled from paradise, lost - he will gain the everlasting and eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

He replied with the words of Allah:

“For the faithful, I have prepared in Paradise that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, which no man could even think of.” One can talk endlessly about the beauty of Paradise and its grace. It is said that in Firdavs Paradise there will be all the treats and drinks that a person has seen and a thousand times more than those that he has not seen in his life. It is also said that rivers of honey and milk flow in Paradise. Paradise consists of eight levels. Each next Paradise is located above the previous one. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The inhabitants of the lower Paradises look at the inhabitants of the upper ones as we look at the stars ».

Heavenly vegetables and fruits are different from earthly ones. The Almighty called heavenly treats grapes, dates, honey, milk, meat; heavenly clothes - silk, velvet; heavenly houses - houses of silver and gold, pearls, yachts, etc., so that we understand, because these names are familiar to us. And if the Almighty called the fruits of paradise, his treats, clothes, houses by their proper names, we would not understand what is at stake, and we would not have any desire to be worthy of them. How can the fruits of this world be similar to paradise, while it is said that if the people of this world see even a grape from the lowest Paradise - Dar-us-Salam, they will forget about all earthly blessings? And if people from Dar-us-Salaam see a grape from Jannatu Na'im, they will be disgusted with all the fruits of their Paradise. The ratio of the gifts of Paradise of a higher level to Paradise of a lower level is to the same degree. Their ratio is similar to the ratio of the gifts of Paradise of the lowest level to worldly gifts.

The one who is rewarded with Paradise will have a palace made of pearls and other jewels. Each palace will have seventy thousand gates, each gate will have seventy thousand trees, each branch of these trees will have seventy thousand varieties of fruit. In each courtyard there will be seventy thousand gold shops, each shop 330 cubits long, and each shop will have seventy beds. Next to each yard there are seventy children, in their hands are golden bottles, in each bottle there are different drinks. Honey, milk and other rivers will flow in front of the palaces. When a person wants to climb onto a bench (like a couch), it will become an elbow lower, and when he sits down on it, she will rise to the sky. When people want to go somewhere, the shops will carry them. If they want to fly up to the sky, the benches will fly with them like birds.

Angels from Allah will come to each inhabitant of Paradise five times a day with various treats and fruits on golden trays. This is a gift for prayers performed on time.

In Paradise there is no night and darkness. The roof of Paradise is the Arsh of Allah, and the light will come from it. A sign by which the inhabitants of Paradise will be able to distinguish night from day will be the closing of the gates of Paradise and the lowering of the curtain on them. Then people will go into their tents along with their houris and wives that they had in this world. In the morning, the birds of paradise greet the Almighty.

If a person wants to see someone, the shop will take him there faster than lightning. And after the meeting, he will take you back to the inhabitants of Paradise. Angels visit people from time to time and greet them. At the time when the inhabitants of Paradise eat the fruits of Paradise, the birds in the trees will praise them (tasbih) with their beautiful voices. They will eat for pleasure, and not in order to quench their thirst or hunger. Also, they will not have any discharge, even if they eat continuously. Sweat will be released from their bodies, which their bathrobes will absorb, but they will never get dirty.

May Allah grant us Paradise! Amine.