Learning short suras from the Koran: transcription in Russian and video. Surahs from the Koran: listen online mp3, read in Russian and Arabic, download

The sacred verses from the Koran, which are the direct speech of the Creator of all things - Allah, are presented in a certain sequence and carry a very deep semantic load that can explain all the phenomena of the Universe.

What is an ayat

This is one sentence from the chapters of the Qur'an, of which there are 114 in total in the holy book of Muslims. Islamic theologians disagreed slightly on the question of how many verses are in the Qur'an, since they calculated using various methods, but unanimously agreed that there are over 6200 of them.

What do the verses from the Quran say

Each verse tells about the hidden, all of them reveal to people the truth about creation, being and the transition to another world. The entire holy book of Muslims is a comprehensive guide to the action of a servant of God throughout his worldly life - an exam and preparation for eternal existence.

The most common verses in practice

The first verse of the Qur'an sounds like this: "In the name of Allah the Gracious and Merciful" and reflects the complete picture of the existence of a person on earth - his whole life should be built on the motivation to live for the sake of the Lord and in His name, doing all good deeds to achieve His contentment and avoiding sins to avoid His wrath.

Ayats from the Koran, speaking about monotheism, about Heaven and Hell, about the mercy and forgiveness of the Almighty, are most often found in the holy book, since they reflect the basis of the Muslim faith. The essence of Islam is the worship of the One Allah, who has nothing and no one like him, does not need anything and is free from imperfection.

Mother of the Quran

The Qur'an begins with a chapter called "Opening the Book", which contains 7 verses. Each of them reflects the seven main sections of the Qur'an. It is believed that the first sura is the mother of the Koran, which embraces in its short text all the components of the holy book. She speaks about the qualities and attributes of the Creator, expresses the basis of belief in monotheism, asks to be directed to the true path and to keep from delusions and entailing punishments. According to the semantic load, it is these points that are stipulated throughout the Quran for 600 pages of the sacred text.

Healing verses from the Quran

The holy book of Muslims is universal. She not only teaches and explains the essence of life, but is also able to treat spiritual and physical ailments, if you apply the verses from the Koran with sincere faith and hope only for the help of Allah Almighty. For a sincere Muslim believer, it is enough to write certain verses on a piece of paper using saffron, which is easily washed off with water and is not harmful to the body, and then drink this water or wash the sore spot with it. If it be the will of the Almighty, the patient will be cured of his ailments. After all, every understanding Muslim knows that all weapons against any trouble are with Allah, and only He is powerful to correct the situation, save the afflicted from adversity and restore peace to the slave.

Whatever situations occur in the life of a Muslim, he knows that for every question there are certain verses from the Koran that can explain to him the essence of what is happening, suggest a way out of the situation and find the right guide to action. And in order to understand the meaning of the Koranic text, which is difficult for the perception of a simple layman, there are interpretations from leading Islamic theologians.

All peoples have developed their own magical tools. Some of them are based on religious traditions. Let's discuss what is a dua for the fulfillment of desires, how to use it. Is it possible for everyone to read Does Islam help the Orthodox? Dua for the fulfillment of desires is based on the Muslim worldview, can representatives of a different religion apply to it?

What is a dua for fulfillment of desires?

In fact, this is the name of a special prayer, to which the believer turns to Allah. Dua for the fulfillment of desires is recorded in the Qur'an. It is called Salavat for short. It, of course, is not forbidden to be read to anyone, like any prayer. But there are certain restrictions imposed by the religion itself on the one who refers to the Holy Book of Muslims. According to the traditions, Allah helps those who are undividedly devoted to him. There is much more obedience and respect in Islam than in any other religion. When a dua is read for the fulfillment of desires, it is unacceptable to "dictate" one's will to higher powers. Prayer in Islam is a humble request to the Almighty for mercy. This is the difference from other religions. Muslims are brought up in a different worldview paradigm from childhood. Everything in the world happens according to the will of Allah, they believe. And his decisions should be accepted with gratitude and reverence. Whatever a person wants, he will receive only what the Almighty gives him. Therefore, the dua is pronounced with a sense of predetermination of events. The believer cannot protest, insist (mentally) on the desired result. This is the philosophical difference between dua and Christian prayer.


Many people face one important problem when they want to enchant in a Muslim way. The fact is that the dua is supposed to be read in the language of writing, that is, in Arabic. Otherwise, nothing will work. Believers master this language, learn to read correctly and understand the meaning of words. An ordinary person does not have such skills. What to do? You can, of course, read a prayer written in Cyrillic. It is as follows: “Inaa lil-lyahii wa inaa ilyayahi raajiiuun, allaahuumma indayakya ahtassibu musyybaatii fajuurnia fiihe, wa abdiilnii biihee khairan minhe.” One thing is bad, you will not understand anything. Therefore, it is also recommended to keep the translation in your head. He is like this: “Truly I praise the one Lord of the worlds - Allah. I ask You, most merciful, to bring the effectiveness of Your forgiveness closer to me. Protect from sins, direct along the path of righteousness. Please point out my mistakes so that I can avoid them by Your grace. Get rid of all sins, needs and worries. May there be nothing in life that You do not consider right for me, Most Merciful Allah! This is a very strong dua for the fulfillment of a wish.

All possibilities in the soul

It is important to understand that you should pray only when you fully share the worldview of Muslims. Cunning will not help here. Since they decided to ask for the help of Allah, therefore, they agree with any of his decisions regarding their fate and further events. And no one guarantees the result. Ask any Muslim about this. The believer may not even understand the question. In his view, no person has the right to resist the will of the Almighty. That is, you should ask your soul whether you agree with such a formulation of the question? If so, please read the following suggestions. They concern only representatives of other religious groups.

How to use dua

To fulfill desires in Islam, it is still customary to pray in Arabic. And there is also a rule that older members of the family help the younger ones. In general, Muslims are big collectivists. Dua read by the community works faster and better. In any case, this is how they pray over the sick. And in order to remove the damage, older women from all over the area are going to. They read suras over the sufferer at night. Therefore, it is recommended to find a teacher from among the Muslims. First, in the process of communication, imbue with the philosophy of this religion. Secondly, this person will help you pronounce words correctly, tell you how and what to do. One description is not enough to achieve the effect. In addition, the prayer should be kept in writing. Islam attaches great importance to Arabic words. Suras are depicted on souvenirs, writes on expensive fabric. If you buy one and hang it at home, it will work as a charm or talisman.

The strongest dua for fulfilling desires

No matter how much you give to a person, it is not enough for him. People are interested in how to pray so that the wish will come true. There are many surahs in the Quran. Read everything in order. Start with the first one. It is called "Prayer to the Almighty." Then refer to the above dua. Next, suras 112 and 113 are obligatory. They protect from evil that came from outside and is inside. However, it is not at all necessary to resort to such difficulties. If there is faith in the heart, blind and genuine, then one prayer is enough. Forget about the result, like a child does. Have expressed the intention and wait for what will happen with sincere delight. Imams say that this is how all dreams come true. It's not about the number of surahs read, but about trusting the Almighty.


We have not touched on whether there are any rules regarding the desires themselves. In fact, Muslims ask the Almighty for the same thing that representatives of other religions strive for. We all need prosperity, well-being, happiness. It is advisable to ask for common things that are valuable to every person on earth. But it is better to realize specific material desires on your own. If you want a new gadget, earn and buy. Why turn to Allah with such trifles? How do you think?

The Holy Quran is evidence of the manifestation of the Creator's boundless Grace to His slaves, a book of divine revelation, which each time reveals more and more semantic depths for us and will remain a true life guide for the entire human race until the Day of Judgment. Undoubtedly, the Holy Book, consisting of one hundred and fourteen suras, is multifaceted and carries the boundless wealth of great wisdom sent down by the Creator himself. And it is the Koran that is the key that opens any obstacles that have arisen on the path of life.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself advised to read certain suras to solve certain problems, depending on the situation. So, for example, He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered to read the surah "al-Baqara" at home, so that he would not look like a grave, "al-Falyak" as a protection from envy, and the surah "an-Nas" Blessed The Prophet advised to read in order to protect oneself from nafs and all that is bad.

  • Sura "ad-Duha" is a remedy for fear of the Day of Judgment.

It is quite natural that a person has a fear of the upcoming day of the Great Judgment, because it is there that our future will be decided, extending into eternity. However, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) suggested a good means of getting rid of such fear, saying: “For the one who reads the surah“, seventy thousand angels will ask for forgiveness at night until the morning.”

  • Sura Yasin is the heart of the Holy Quran.

Named by the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as the heart of the Qur'an, this sura carries the multifaceted knowledge and deep meaning associated with both worlds. Noting the boundless significance of this sura, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Read, for there is good in this, and the one who is hungry will be full, and the one who is undressed will be clothed. A bachelor will find a family, having fear will gain courage. The one who is saddened, having read it, will be delighted, the traveler will receive help on the road, while the one who has lost something will find his loss after reading it. The dying will easily leave this world, and the sick will receive healing.

  • Surah al-Fatiha is a salvation from any difficulty.

If Surah Yasin is the heart of the Qur'an, then "" is the soul of the Holy Scriptures. As the great theologian Hassan Basri said, the Quran gathered all the knowledge revealed in the scriptures earlier, and "Fatiha" is the basis of the Quran. Therefore, many scholars, including Hasan Basri, advised the faithful to seek salvation from the raging storm of life's adversities in this sura.

  • Surah al-Wakiy'a - salvation from poverty.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) paid great attention to the issue of mutual assistance and support between the representatives of the ummah. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the believers about the increase in the property of those who sincerely give alms and pay zakat, and about the obligation of every believer to help his brother in faith, who, due to a combination of certain circumstances, found himself in a difficult financial situation. In order to get out of a state of need, the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also advised reading the surah al-Waqi'a: “If a person reads the surah al-Waqi'a every night, he will never be touched by poverty. Al-Waqiy'a is the Surah of Wealth, read it and teach it to your children."

  • Surah al-Mulk - salvation from the torment in the grave.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) read this sura every night and said to others at the same time: “” There is a sura of thirty verses in the Qur'an that will intercede for the person who read them and help him get forgiveness. This sura is ".

Ihsan Kyshkarov

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The Arabic word "naskh" (نسخ) is translated into Russian as "annulment", "cancellation". In the Qur'anic sciences, this term is used to refer to those verses that cancel the Sharia norms enshrined in the previously revealed parts of the Holy Book of Muslims. And some Islamic jurists have even noted that the verses of the Koran can be canceled by the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The canceled verses are indicated by the Arabic word "mansuh" (منسوخة).

It is noteworthy that neither in the Qur'an nor in the Most Pure Sunnah is the cancellation of an ayat anywhere in plain text (for example, “such and such an ayat is canceled by another verse ...”), although words with the root “n-s-x” occur several times, but in another context. There is only a general description of the phenomenon:

“When We replace one verse with another, they say: “Verily, you are a liar.” Allah knows best what He sends down” (16:101)

Information about the specific replacement of one verse by another is available only from the words of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or by building some logical structures. According to some estimates, 21 out of 114 Quranic suras contain canceled verses.

The verse quoted above (16:101) establishes the general principle of the abolition of the old verse by the new one. This principle was introduced by Islamic jurists in relation not only to the Qur'anic text, but also to the sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.). Another important verse of the Holy Book regarding the abolition of parts of its text is the following:

“Allah erases and affirms what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of Scripture” (13:39)

Theologians consider it as the source of two main varieties of the abolition of verses and hadiths - prohibitions And displacement.

Another verse explains why the first parts of the Noble Quran can be replaced:

“We did not send such a messenger or prophet before you, so that Satan would not put his own in his reading when he read the revelation. Allah destroys what Satan throws up. Then Allah confirms His signs, for Allah is Knowing, Wise” (22:52)

This verse, when viewed through the prism of the history of the so-called "satanic verses", acquires an additional semantic load. It should be noted here what is meant by the provocative term "satanic verses". We are talking about the verses from Surah "The Star":

“Have you seen al-Lat and al-Uzza, and the third one, Manat?” (53:19-20)

Some historians, including Muslim ones (at-Tabari and ibn Hisham), argued that, according to some legends, the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), after returning from Ethiopia, tried to achieve peace with the Meccans and named the deities revered by them holy angels. Subsequently, he retracted these words and stated that they were spoken under the influence of Satan. The vast majority of Muslim scholars consider this version to be a falsification, however, in connection with it, the 52nd ayat from it takes on a new connotation. The fact is that it allows you to justify the method of annulment of the verse "naskh al-hukm wal-ittilawa", according to which the meaning of the Qur'anic text loses its practical relevance, as well as the text itself disappears from the collection (mushaf).

The other two cancellation methods are "naskh al-hukm duna at-tilawa" And "naskh at-tilawa duna al-hukm". The essence of the first is that the text is preserved in the Mushaf (collection), but its meaning loses its relevance in the light of the verse published later.

Examples of ayat mansuh and nasih in the Qur'an

Canceled verse

Cancellation verse

2:115 “To Allah belongs the east and the west. Wherever you turn, there will be the Face of Allah…”
2:144 We have seen you turn your face towards the sky, and We will turn you towards a qibla with which you will be pleased. Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces towards her…”

2:184 “Fasting should be a number of days. And if any of you is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time. And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor in expiation. And whoever does a good deed voluntarily, so much the better for him. But you'd better fast if you only knew!"

2:185 “In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was sent down - the right guidance for the people, clear evidence of the right guidance and discrimination. Those of you whom this month finds must fast. And if someone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time. Allah desires ease for you and He does not desire hardship for you. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and glorify Allah for having guided you to a straight path ... "

2:183 “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors - perhaps you will be afraid.
2:187 “... Eat and drink until you can tell the white thread of dawn from the black, and then fast until night. Do not get intimate with them [wives] when you are in the mosques. These are the limits of Allah…”
4:15 “Against those of your women who commit an abominable act (adultery), call four of you as witnesses. If they testify to this, then keep them in your houses until death takes them to rest or until Allah establishes another path for them.”
24:2 "Adulteress and an adulterer, each of them you will flog a hundred times. Let not pity for them for the sake of the religion of Allah take possession of you, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of believers be witnesses of their punishment.”
58:12 "O you who believe! If you converse with the Messenger in secret, then precede your secret conversation with alms. This will be better for you and cleaner. But if you find nothing, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
58:13 "Were you afraid to precede your secret discourse with alms? If you did not do this and Allah accepted your repentance, then pray, pay zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah is Aware of what you do."
60:11 “If any of your wives left you for unbelievers, after which you received spoils of war, then give to those whose wives have left what they spent on dowries. Fear Allah in whom you believe"
8:41 “Know that if you have captured spoils, then a fifth of them belongs to Allah, the Messenger, close relatives of the Messenger, orphans, the poor and travelers, if you believe in Allah and in what We sent down to Our servant on the day of distinction, in the day the two armies met at Badr. Verily, Allah is capable of all things.”
16:67 “From the fruits of palm trees and vineyards you get an intoxicating drink and a good provision. Verily, in this is a sign for a people who think.”
2:219 “They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: "There is great sin in them, but there is also benefit for people, although there is more sin in them than good." They ask you what they should spend. Say "surplus". So Allah makes the signs clear to you, so that you may consider.”
4:43 "O you who believe! Do not approach prayer while drunk.

5:90-91 “O you who believe! Verily, intoxicants, gambling, stone altars (or idols), and divining arrows are the abominable acts of Satan. Stay away from her, you may be successful. Indeed, Satan wants to sow enmity and hatred among you with the help of intoxicating drinks and gambling and turn you away from the remembrance of Allah and prayer. Won't you stop?"

The second method of cancellation - "naskh at-tilawa duna al-hukm" - means the abolition of the text, but not the principle or rule laid down in it. If according to the first two methods, the opinions of scientists are more or less consolidated in terms of recognizing their legality, then there are significant disagreements regarding the latter. Its explicit embodiment can be found, for example, in the punishment for adulterers contained in the second verse of Surah "Light":

"An adulteress and an adulterer - each of them you will flog a hundred times ..." (24:2)

The text explicitly refers to the punishment of flogging. However, a tradition dating back to the time of the second righteous caliph Umar (r.a.) establishes stoning as a punishment for adulterers in nikah.

We also note that the issue of the abolition of the Qur'anic verse by the Most Pure Sunnah is subject to serious discussion in Islamic theology and jurisprudence. The Shafi'i madhhab does not recognize such a mechanism as legal, while it is acceptable in it.

As an example of the cancellation of an ayat by a hadith, we can cite the following fragment from Surah Bakara:

“When death approaches any of you and he leaves behind good things, then he is prescribed to leave a will to his parents and next of kin on reasonable terms. Such is the duty of the God-fearing" (2:180)

This Qur'anic text was canceled, firstly, by the verses on the process of inheritance in Surah an-Nisa, and secondly, by the hadith from Anas ibn Malik. It tells that the Messenger of the Almighty (S.G.V.) forbade making wills that contribute to the distribution of the inheritance not in the proportions that were established in Surah an-Nisa (the hadith is narrated in the collection of Ibn Maji).

In many hadiths, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) speaks of the blessed properties of the surahs of the Holy Quran. In all life situations, the Book of Allah is a guide and a means for a Muslim to achieve the mercy of the Creator and get rid of troubles and hardships.

Below, based on the works of Islamic scholars, the blessed properties of each of the surahs of the Holy Quran are collected. It is important to understand here that reading them cannot be taken as a means of automatically solving all material problems. The Book of Allah, first of all, must be read with hope and sincere intention to gain the pleasure of the Almighty, Who, by His boundless mercy, can eliminate all the difficulties that arise on our life path.

1. Surah al-Fatiha
Whoever constantly reads Surah al-Fatiha (as a special kind of dhikr - remembrance of the Almighty), Allah will reward him with the fulfillment of all his requests in this and eternal life and will grant protection from grief and adversity. And if Surah al-Fatiha is written on paper, which is then dipped in water and given to the sick person to drink, then, insha Allah, the Almighty will cure him, even if this person is recognized as hopelessly ill. (For this, of course, sincerity and one hundred percent certainty that Allah will certainly help is necessary).

2. Surah al-Baqarah
Reading this surah, inshaAllah, will give His protection from the harm of black magic, evil spells, etc.

3. Sura "Ali Imran"
The one who reads Surah Ali-Imran will acquire rizq (material resources necessary in this life), inshaAllah, from where he himself does not even imagine, and will be relieved of debts.

4. Surah an-Nisa
The Almighty will improve the relationship between husband and wife, rewarding them with a harmonious family life, if at least one of them reads this surah, inshaAllah.

5. Surah al-Maida
The Lord, inshaAllah, will reward the one who reads this surah 40 times with a worthy status in society, property and abundant risk.

6. Sura "al-Anam"
The situation of the one who reads this surah 41 times will return to normal, inshaAllah, circumstances will improve, and Allah will protect the reader from the evil intrigues of enemies.

7. Sura "al-Araf"
Allah will grant protection from punishment in akhirah (eternal life) to the one who reads this surah regularly, inshaAllah.

8. Surah al-Anfal
An innocent person in prison should sincerely read this sura 7 times. Insha'Allah, he will be released and will be granted immunity against any evil.

9. Surah at-Tauba
Will be satisfied, inshaAllah, all the needs of the one who reads this sura 17 times. Moreover, he will be protected from thieves and bad people.

10. Sura Yunus
Whoever reads this surah 20 times will be protected, inshaAllah, from the enemy and evil.

11. Sura "Hud"
Allah will prevent the occurrence of problems related to the needs of life to the one who reads this surah 3 times, inshaAllah.

12. Surah Yusuf
Allah will return the one who reads this surah to the people he loves and will make the reader beautiful in the eyes of all His creatures, inshaAllah.

13. Sura "ar-Raad"
Allah will protect the children of the one who reads this surah from all the invisible forces of evil, inshaAllah. Reciting this surah will also quickly calm a crying child.

14. Sura "Ibrahim"
Whoever reads this surah 7 times will be protected from hostility from people, and will also achieve the approval of parents, inshaAllah.

15. Surah al-Hijr
For success in trading, it is recommended to read 3 times. InshaAllah, this will be a means to success.

16. Surah an-Nahl
No enemy can defeat the one who recites this Surah 100 times. And, by the grace of Allah, his good intentions will be understood.

17. Surah al-Isra
Whoever reads this surah 7 times will be protected from evil, intrigue, as well as from human envy and hostility, inshaAllah. And a child who cannot begin to speak in any way (whose tongue is, as it were, “tied”), as a cure, should drink water in which a sheet with a sura written on it, for example, was placed.

18. Surah al-Kahf
Those who sincerely with hope in the Almighty read this sura on Friday will be protected from all kinds of trials and tribulations throughout the next week. Allah will reward the reader with health and good condition. In addition, reading this sura gives protection from the machinations of the Dajjal (Antichrist).

19. Sura "Maryam"
Allah will reward with prosperity and relieve the need of the one who reads this surah 40 times, inshaAllah.

21. Surah al-Anbiya
The one who experiences inner fears should read this sura 70 times. Also, whoever reads it regularly will be rewarded with a God-fearing child, inshaAllah.

22. Surah Al-Hajj
Allah will remove fear, and at death will ease the death throes of the one who often reads this surah, inshaAllah.

23. Sura "al-Muminun"
Allah will improve the character of the one who reads this Surah regularly. Moreover, He will put the reader on the path of repentance and increase his spiritual level, inshaAllah.

24. Surah an-Nur
Allah will grant strong Faith in the heart, inshaAllah, and will protect from the instigations of Satan the one who reads this surah regularly.

25. Surah al-Furqan
The one who reads this surah 7 times, the Almighty, insha Allah, will protect enemies from evil and help to stay away from bad places.

26. Surah Ash-Shuara
Whoever reads this surah 7 times, Allah will help in relationships with others, instilling in them love for him, insha Allah.

27. Surah an-Naml
Divine protection from the cruelty of tyrants and oppressors, inshaAllah, will be granted to those who read this surah constantly.

28. Surah al-Kasas
The one who reads this surah 7 times, Allah will protect from a serious accident and from big enemies, insha Allah.

29. Surah al-Ankabut
If a person writes this surah on something, and then dips it into water and drinks it, then the Lord, insha Allah, will save him from absent-mindedness, giving him concentration and composure.

31. Sura "Lukman"
The one who reads this surah 7 times, Allah will relieve stomach pains, and also reward him with a cure for mental and many physical ailments, inshaAllah.

32. Surah as-Sajda
If this surah is written (on paper or the like), then placed in a tightly closed bottle and buried (hidden) in the corner of the house, then this house will be protected from fire and enmity between its inhabitants.

33. Surah Ahzab
An entrepreneur is recommended to read this surah 40 times to run a successful business. InshaAllah, this will bring relief and His blessing from the Almighty.

34. Sura "Saba"
Allah will solve very serious and difficult problems of the one who reads this Surah 70 times, inshaAllah.

35. Sura "Fatyr"
Reading this sura will give protection from the evil of invisible forces, inshaAllah. The Almighty will bless the life of the one who reads it regularly.

36. Sura "I am Sin"
Very difficult problems will be solved by the one who reads this surah 70 times, inshaAllah.
It is recommended to read the dead and those in their death throes. And whoever drinks the water into which the written Sura Yasin is dipped, then Allah will fill the heart of this person with such Light that will drive out all anxieties and worries.
Whoever reads this Sura daily in the morning and evening, then, by the grace of Allah, it will bring salvation from poverty, give protection from punishment in akhira and provide a wonderful place in Paradise. To the one who reads this surah at least once a day, Allah will send barakah (grace) in the form of various blessings and amazing wonderful events. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is “I am Sin”.

37. Surah as-Saffat
Allah will give prosperity to the one who reads this surah 7 times, inshaAllah.

38. Sura "Garden"
Whoever reads this Surah regularly will be blessed with immunity against the evils of Satan, inshaAllah.

39. Surah al-Zumar
Whoever recites this Surah regularly will be blessed with honor. Moreover, Allah will generously reward the reader.

40. Sura "Ghafir"
Allah will fulfill the wishes of the one who reads this Surah 7 times, inshaAllah.

41. Sura Fussilat
Whoever wants to be protected from the evil of thieves and bandits and pickpockets, inshaAllah, let him read this sura.

42. Surah Ash-Shura
Allah will remove the fear of the enemy, inshaAllah, from the one who reads this surah 30 times.

43. Sura "az-Zuhruf"
Shaitan will not be able to penetrate the heart of the one who reads this surah, inshaAllah.

44. Sura "ad-Dukhan"
Everyone will love the one, inshaAllah, who constantly reads this surah.

45. Surah al-Jasiya
If the one who is going on a journey reads this surah 40 times before leaving, then his journey will be blessed, and he will return home unharmed, inshaAllah.

46. ​​Surah al-Ahkaf
To protect clothes, it is recommended to put a sheet with this sura in the closet, inshaAllah.

48. Surah al-Fath
Things will go well for the one who reads this sura 41 times.

49. Sura "al-Khujurat"
A sick person who cannot find healing, let him read this sura 7 times. InshaAllah, the Almighty will bless him with the necessary medicine and restore his health.

50. Sura "Kaf"
Whoever recites this Surah 3 times a night on every Friday will be blessed with good eyesight. Moreover, his appearance will be luminous and happy, inshaAllah.

51. Sura "az-Zariyyat"
During the period of crop shortage and need, it is recommended to read 70 times. Then, inshaAllah, the Almighty will send blessings and rizq, and everything sown will grow well.

52. Surah at-Tur
Allah will grant health to the sick who listens to the reading of this sura 3 times. Also, reading this surah will bring love and harmony to spouses who are experiencing problems in family life, inshaAllah.

53. Surah an-Najm
To fulfill the conceived desires and intended goals, you should read this sura 21 times.

54. Surah al-Qamar
Reading this Surah protects from fears, inshaAllah.

55. Surah Ar-Rahman
Reading this Surah brings joy to the heart of the reader, peace in his home and good luck in business, inshaAllah.

56. Surah al-Waqia
Allah will reward the one who reads this Surah with independence, wealth and an excellent position in society. Anyone who wants material wealth should read this sura between the evening and night prayers (Maghrib and Isha), inshaAllah.

57. Surah al-Hadeed
Whoever reads this surah 70 times, Allah will grant success at work, great energy (strength) and freedom from worries, insha Allah.

58. Surah Al-Mujadil
If this surah is read 3 times above the ground, then thrown at the enemy, then this will put him to flight, inshaAllah.

59. Surah al-Hashr
If you read this sura 3 times to fulfill a specific du’a (prayer), then the Almighty will soon fulfill this request, inshaAllah.

60. Surah al-Mumtahina
The one who reads this Sura regularly will have hypocrisy removed from the heart, inshaAllah.

61. Surah as-Saff
If you read this sura 3 times, and then blow on a certain person, then this will give him special strength in the face of difficulties and ill-wishers.

62. Surah al-Jumu'a
Love and harmony will be restored between the arguing spouses if you read this sura 5 times, inshaAllah.

63. Surah al-Munafiqun
If you read this surah 100 times, then a person will acquire immunity against the slander of envious tongues, inshaAllah.

65. Surah at-Talaq
If you read this surah 7 times, then Allah will send protection from the insidious plans of a woman who has bad intentions. It will also give freedom from debt, and the reader will receive wealth from unexpected sources, insha'Allah.

66. Surah at-Tahrim
If a married couple reads this surah with the intention of achieving a good relationship between themselves, then the Almighty will fulfill, insha Allah, their desire.

67. Surah al-Mulk
The one who reads this surah 7 times will receive protection from adversity and find what he has lost. And constant reading from sunset to dawn will bring a special blessing.

68. Surah al-Kalam
Du'a will be fulfilled and protection from the evil eye will be granted to those who read this sura 10 times, inshaAllah.

69. Surah al-Haqqa
The one who reads this surah will be able, inshaAllah, to resist the enemy and will be protected from his evil.

70. Surah al-Maaarij
On the Day of Resurrection, the one who read this surah 10 times will be protected from the horror of what is happening, inshaAllah.

71. Sura "Nuh"
Even a single reading of this sura will drive the enemy away, inshaAllah.

72. Surah al-Jinn
Reading this sura 7 times, inshaAllah, gives protection from the evil eye, the evil of jinn and shaitans and from verbal abuse. Small children to whom this sura is read will also be protected from all sorts of adversities.

73. Surah Al-Muzammil
If you read this surah over a frightened child, then his fear, inshaAllah, will go away.

74. Surah Al-Mudassir
Reading this Surah will protect the reader from all evil, inshaAllah.

75. Surah al-Qiyama
On the Day of Resurrection, the fate, inshaAllah, of the one who regularly read this Sura will be clothed.

76. Surah al-Insan
Reading this surah seven times, inshaAllah, will drive away evil, bring the reader closer to people from the family of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and grant their intercession.

77. Sura "al-Mursalyat"
Reading this surah drives away slander, inshaAllah.

78. Surah an-Naba
A special light, inshaAllah, will illuminate the darkness in the grave for those who during their lifetime regularly read this sura after the daily prayer (az-zuhr).

79. Surah an-Naziat
Whoever reads this surah regularly will not feel the pangs of death, inshaAllah. When the reader dies, his soul will easily go to the angel of death Azrael.

80. Sura "Abasa"
If you read 3 times with the intention to fulfill a specific request, then the Almighty, insha Allah, will fulfill it.

81. Surah at-Takwir
Whoever reads this surah will be able to make a strong impression on others, inshaAllah.

82. Surah al-Infitar
Whoever reads this surah constantly will die, inshaAllah, with repentance, thanks to divine support.

83. Surah al-Mutaffifin
Whoever recites this surah 7 times will be blessed in his commercial affairs, inshaAllah.

84. Surah al-Inshiqaq
In order to ease the birth pangs, inshaAllah, a woman needs to drink the water in which this Sura was immersed (dissolved) (previously written on a piece of paper, etc.).

85. Surah al-Buruj
If you read 21 times, then the evil plans of the enemy will fail, inshaAllah.

86. Surah at-Tariq
Reading this surah three times will protect, inshaAllah, from the evil of genies, shaitans, thieves and bad people.

87. Surah Al-Ala
Harm will not touch the place where this sura hangs, inshaAllah.

88. Surah al-Gashiya
For a quick, inshaAllah, relief of a toothache or pain caused by rheumatism, it is recommended to read this surah.

89. Surah al-Fajr
Reading this surah will give protection from the wrath of the authorities, inshaAllah.

90. Surah Al-Balyad
Reading this surah will help, inshaAllah, those who suffer from mental disorders, as well as in case of eye strain.

91. Surah Ash-Shams
InshaAllah, all the fears of the one who reads this surah 21 times will disappear.

92. Surah al-Layl
For protection, inshaAllah, from fears, you should read this sura 21 times.

93. Surah "ad-Duha"
To find (return) the stolen, inshaAllah, you should read this sura 41 times.

94. Surah Al-Inshirah
In order to receive God's blessing, inshaAllah, on new clothes, you should read this sura 3 times on the day when it is put on for the first time.

95. Surah at-Tin
The one who reads this Surah 70 times, inshaAllah, will look worthy in the eyes of others.

96. Surah al-Alaq
If, before turning to the authorities, you read this sura 7 times, then the reader’s requests will be satisfied and he will be adequately and respectfully received, inshaAllah.

97. Surah al-Qadr
Whoever reads this sura 500 times on Monday night will see the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), and all the problems of the reader will be resolved, inshaAllah.

98. Surah al-Bayyina
Reading this Surah gives, inshaAllah, protection from hostility.

99. Surah Az-Zalzala
Will be defeated, inshaAllah, the enemies of the one who reads this surah 41 times.

100. Surah al-Adiyat
Reading this sura gives protection from the evil eye, inshaAllah.

101. Surah Al-Qaria
Thanks to the reading of this surah, by the grace of Allah, good relations between two people will be restored, peace and harmony will reign between them.

102. Surah at-Takyasur
Daily recitation of this Sura will give protection from punishment in the grave, inshaAllah.

103. Surah Al-Asr
Will disappear, inshaAllah, all the troubles of the one who reads this surah 70 times.

104. Surah al-Humazah
To protect yourself from slander and evil of envious people, inshaAllah, you should read this sura 20 times.

105. Surah Al-Fil
Will keep the enemy (at a distance), inshaAllah, reading this sura 150 times between the evening and night prayers (Maghrib and Isha).

106. Surah Qureish
To receive divine blessings on food and drink, insha Allah, you should read this sura and then blow on the table. Also, in order to get rid of the obsessive fear (that someone will harm), you should read this sura 7 times.

107. Surah al-Maun
Allah will protect the child from troubles and trials if you read this surah over him 41 times, inshaAllah.

108. Surah Al-Kawthar
Whoever reads this surah 1,000 times will be rewarded, inshaAllah, with the opportunity to drink from the Kausar spring from the blessed hands of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

109. Surah al-Kafirun
Whoever reads this surah 3 times daily will be protected from various adversities, inshaAllah.

110. Surah an-Nasr
Allah will keep the Faith of the one who reads this Surah 3 times. Protected from the machinations of Satan, she will remain unshakable, inshaAllah.

111. Surah Al-Masad
Whoever recites this surah 1,000 times will defeat the enemies, inshaAllah.

113. Sura "al-Falyak"
Thanks to the daily reading of this sura 3 times after each prayer, a person will be protected from various trials and from worldly hardships, inshaAllah.

114. Surah An-Nas
If you read this sura together with the al-Falyak sura after each prayer, then this will give deliverance from various kinds of trials and sorrows, from the evil of envious people, from the sharp tongue of slanderers, from the evil eye, from sorcerers and from the intrigues of jinn and shaitan.