Interesting Cleopatra Facts for Kids. Interesting facts from the life of Cleopatra. The story of Dionysus, who could not resist the charms of the East

Exciting for himself (because of the unusual role of the speaker) and significant for subordinates. Before moving on to the entertainment part of the party, each employee or the entire company as a whole is usually given parting words for the next year, the positive aspects of the outgoing year are emphasized. Speech at a New Year's corporate party can either make you respect the leader and rally the team, or become an occasion for gossip. That is why it is so important that the congratulations are not expressed in hackneyed phrases or in a negative way.

Happy New Year greetings to employees are not just wishes of happiness and health for the holiday.

This is a kind of promise of successful work in the future from the lips of the leader of the company. But you should not turn a speech at a corporate party into a meeting of a manager and subordinates, which is based on dissatisfaction with work, the tasks and subtleties of the labor process, and financial plans for the coming period. The New Year is a holiday, so the words of the head of the company should sound bright, simple and sincere. It is better to keep silent about the negative - this is how the leader will achieve greater recognition in the team. Before congratulating employees on the New Year, it is advisable to think over the speech in advance, because standing in front of the staff, it will not be easy to overcome the excitement and say the main thing.

Unwanted Happy New Year Greetings from Employees

The leader is not always a brilliant speaker. Incorrectly composed and expressed congratulations can be the result of excitement in front of the public. Here are a few examples of how not to behave when writing to colleagues:

  • Employees are not children, and the leader is not Santa Claus.

    Therefore, it is not necessary to promise people next year that which will not be realized in reality. Of course, you can guarantee everyone an increase in salary, a promotion, but only when the head of the company has confidence in his own words. Otherwise, the manager's congratulatory speech will introduce distrust and negativity into the ranks of employees.

  • New Year's greetings are not an hour-long monologue of the boss.

    A long speech at a New Year's corporate party will tire employees, and the meaning underlying the manager's message will be lost. Speaking for a long time, the head of the company will inevitably begin to describe working moments, give figures and facts, which will cause boredom among the people and a desire to finish listening to the speech as soon as possible, without delving into the essence.

  • Subordination is always needed.

    There is no need to congratulate employees from above, they already know very well who is in charge here. However, the director, who suddenly begins to behave like an old comrade, can cause embarrassment in subordinates. Should only be addressed professional quality workers, bypassing personal life and everyday problems.

  • The success of the company is the work of all its employees.

    Therefore, make a speech at the New Year's corporate party, emphasizing only your own successes or noting only the heads of departments. This is a shame for ordinary employees, whose work turns out to be insignificant when listing all the merits of the leader.

Rules for the leader's congratulatory speech

If you are lucky to be the face of the company, then knowing some of the features of addressing the team will help in building when the task is to congratulate the team on the New Year.

The monotony and enumeration of statistical data will not bring enthusiasm and admiration for their company into the festive mood of subordinates.

Your congratulations to employees on the New Year should not be too dry and drawn out. To say parting words to respected colleagues briefly, brightly and to the point is a good option for how to congratulate employees on the New Year. If the team is small, you can briefly thank each employee, if you are the head of a large enterprise, it is better to mention the achievements of each department without getting personal.

The message of congratulations should be to convince subordinates that the coming year will bring great profits and significance to the company among competitors at the expense of ordinary workers doing their job. The simpler and more sincere your speech is, the more harmonious and fruitful the work of the team will be. Say that you value and are proud of your employees. Praise them. Speak concretely, not abstractly, because the prosperity of the company is the merit of every person working for its benefit. And it’s better to forget about the negative on this day - there will still be an opportunity to discuss mistakes and failures.

How to behave during a congratulatory speech

When making a speech plan, do not forget that - the posture, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice are important here. When thinking about how to congratulate employees on the New Year, do not forget a few simple rules:

  • Smile.

    A dull or angry look will distort even kind words.

  • If your staff is small, try making eye contact with each employee for no more than 10 seconds. If you have more than a hundred people in your subordination, then you can look at every third or fifth person or address everyone, turning your gaze to the heads of departments, for example.

  • Pose.

    Take moderately relaxed, not leaning on a chair or table. It is advisable to stand in front of the audience, while holding your arms along the body, not gesticulating too much with your hands. No need to hunch over or sway from side to side.

  • Voice.

Gifts for subordinates and colleagues for the New Year

Thinking how to congratulate the team on the New Year, it would be useful to reinforce the words with a memorable gift. The criteria for choosing gifts for employees are as follows:

  • Price.

    The gift should not be overly expensive. Souvenirs or things necessary for work with company symbols will do.

  • Relevance.

    At work, it is not customary to give items of clothing and personal hygiene, for example.

  • Utility.

    It is desirable that the gift to the employee carries some meaning and has a purpose. You should not buy knick-knacks for the sake of savings - then it’s better to get by with words or certificates for something.

  • Package.

    Employees should see that gifts are carefully and beautifully wrapped in wrapping paper or enclosed in bright, neat bags.

Perhaps the employees themselves wish to please you, as a leader, with a gift. In such cases, you should behave kindly, bow a little, thank for the present, unfold it and be sure to consider what exactly was presented to you. The exception is a bribe or an open attempt to please you, for example, with the aim of promotion. In such cases, you can do as you please, perhaps even rejecting the gift.

If for the New Year you plan to give a gift to a person holding a high position (for example, an important client), then it is advisable to choose a present based on the field of activity of the person you decided to congratulate, on his preferences (if known). Entrust the choice of a gift to a person with good taste. Naturally, company executives are not given calendars or notebooks. Therefore, it is better to focus on the age, gender and position of the person you plan to please for the holiday.

Your boss at work means a lot to you. New Year 2017 is a great occasion to surprise him with an original congratulation. Throughout the previous year, you spent most of the day under the strict guidance of your boss. He must be congratulated on the New Year 2017.

On this page you will find congratulations to the boss on the New Year 2017. There are cool congratulations, in prose, in verse. In this collection, you are sure to find something that your boss will like.

Cool congratulations to the boss Happy New Year 2017.

If your boss appreciates humor, then a cool congratulation on the New Year 2017 will appeal to him.

"Thank you for understanding»
Thank you for understanding
Sometimes difficult tasks
You distribute to subordinates
But you are always in high esteem with us!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you well in the New Year!
Like a lady boss you are good
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

"To the male boss»
Happy New Year
You, boss, with all my heart.
I sincerely wish you happiness
Need to rest sometimes

To argue work
Never be sad!
And now - forget the worries,
It's time to celebrate!

“We are on the same road with you!»
You are our leader
Gloomy ... even formidable!
And in fact -
You are just serious.

And also responsibly
You are getting to the point
And the right decision
You always find.

We wish you a new year
smile more often
joke a little
And even laugh!

We in turn
We won't let you down
After all, one way
We are going with you!

We together want to congratulate you now,
Our beloved boss, dear!
And send congratulations on the New Year
Your heart and, of course, your soul!

May you be lucky everywhere, always and everywhere,
May you have great joy for a century!
May you have success in life!
May the best chance come more often!

May you be respected at work
Let respect be over the edge!
May everything that you are only waiting for in life
Come soon and there will be paradise!

Under your leadership, we all worked
And we've learned a lot from you...
And today we are all gathered here,
To wish you a happy New Year,

So that you are always beautiful in work,
To be respected by all of you for your deeds!
So that you love your work passionately,
So that you have the joy of work!

We want to wish you well
And a lot of joyful worries!
May all your wishes come true
May success find you soon!

You are my boss, but also a friend
And in the New Year I want to wish that suddenly
Everything happened and everything happened
May the best come to you soon!

I want you from the heart I wish
Find the way to the pedestal!
To be the best everywhere and everywhere,
May you always be lucky in your work!

To always lead correctly,
May this year be great!
To be able to achieve everything that you wanted,
May you be cheerful and very brave!

Beloved boss, congratulations
And wishes for new better days.
In working with us more patience,
And surrounded by loyal friends.

May the New Year bring you good luck
Let love disturb your peace
Let life go with happiness only in addition
And let it be like this for a whole year!

There are many quivering sides
At New Year's Eve
Such as joy wagon,
And other pleasures.

Among them, toasts to the chief,
And Happy New Year,
You can trade in them
Addition to your salary.

Can you honestly say
About the team of respect,
Or don't take it at all.
Participation in general congratulations.

Let in big and small deeds
Great success awaits you
May good luck and fun
You are accompanied all year!

And the end of the year comes again
In a fun and friendly team.
Our boss is a dashing daredevil,
Well, just a fairy tale in the working world!
Patience, happiness, love and good luck,
We wish you a new year.
Without you, our life would be a little different,
Health to you, joy and life in harmony!

Congratulations to the boss on the New Year 2017: in verse.

The boss is not indifferent to poetry? Then congratulate him in verse!

We wish you in the coming year
Best of luck!
Health, happiness a whole swarm,
Plate with red caviar.

Live brightly, in an eternal fairy tale,
Not afraid of fate with caution.
The roads of life are more authentic
More joy for her.

It's New Year's Eve, which means
Everything will be new soon.
And success awaits you there, not otherwise,
May all the best await you in it.

And I want to wish you a lot
Strength, good luck and more patience,
And even though you are a strict boss,
We love you all without a doubt.

Champagne already spilled
For all glasses with friends.
And the chimes strike in the square
They give rise to new days.

May good luck be with you
In work, in life and in dreams,
Patience and strength in addition,
And I wish you all the best!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish the New Year
Was much better and better
For two thousand and twelve, here.

So that good luck in work and in life
You have always been a true friend.
And all that is bad and superfluous
Forever gone from your life.

We have a head for everything -
This is our leader!
He has a secretary
He also has a driver.

Also, he is a man
Very kind, very sweet
And we appreciate all of it -
He is irreplaceable for us!

Happy New Year we
Congratulations to the team,
And we are a gift to him
We will definitely donate.

We'll be next year
We work harder -
And our favorite boss
Give us a lot of money!

Congratulations to the boss on the New Year 2017: in prose.

Congratulations in prose (in your own words):

I wish your business to prosper, so that managers make a profit, an accountant makes debits with credits, and you can afford a luxurious vacation in the Maldives in the company of charming natives, and so that your wife does not know about it, and truly waits for your return!

Today is the most magical day of all days of the year. Today the most cherished dreams come true and fairy tales become reality. Because today the new year 2017 is coming. And at this moment I wish you love, happiness, health and success in everything. May faith, hope and love always be with you not only on this day, but every day in the new year. happy new year 2017

P congratulations! I wish you accomplishments
Bold plans and easy victories,
To be less tormented by doubts,
To always have an answer.

Let the champagne flow like a river
There will always be a reason to rejoice.
May your income triple
There will be joy more than five times!


AT congratulations to you as a team
Happy holiday, which is already at the door.
We wish you new successes, good health,
Well, the banknotes in the wallet are larger.

May all projects, desires and goals,
What are the plans for next year
Like on the wings of a playful blizzard
They fly into the hands without any hassle.

Family happiness, as if from a picture,
We want to wish you, boss.
Let the heart heat to the dear half
It will be impossible to appease the frost.

May the New Year bring you joy
Rest, oblivion of work problems,
So that your festive mood
Nothing was disturbed.


P let the New Year be rich,
Brings a lot of contracts
Fate will not forget you
May you always be lucky in everything.

Let partners trust you
And subordinates always.
Let the mountains promise happiness
Dream, luck and star.


P let this New Year be
Full of success and good luck.
May it surely bring
You have a lot of joy in addition.

What do we wish for?
Have a good mood,
Grow in a career, flourish,
And let there be luck in business!


AND I wish you next year
Brought good luck, new achievements.
So that everything that you have in mind comes true,
To be in a great mood.

From my side, I want to say
That you are the boss, about what they dream.
And so we will support you in everything,
The whole team will stand up for you.


To when armfuls of congratulations sound,
When everyone wishes Happy New Year,
I wish you new achievements!
Let your enthusiasm and ardor not fade away!

Let there be no obstacles on the way!
And strength to you in achieving all your goals!
Don't live in vain every day!
Success to you, ideas to you new, bold!


P Happy New Year!
Let happiness come to the house.
You are hope and support
Well, we won't let you down.

Let the work please
Turnovers grow.
And at any time of the year
Lilies bloom in the soul!


FROM Happy New Year
You today, dear boss.
I wish happiness
And he brought you success.

To increase income
Joy to be carried by the family,
To make plans come true.
They were true friends.


FROM Happy New Year, chief. I wish that in the new year all desires come true, all dreams come true, all plans come true, all hopes come true, so that all goals are achieved, and all successes are multiplied tens or even hundreds of times.


FROM new year, new happiness,
Dear our boss,
We wish that in work
Success was sure to come.

Even in personal life, too,
It will always be sunny.
Stay with us longer
Never be sad!


FROM Happy New Year today, we want to wish you
Our wishes will now be discussed.
May the New Year come and multiply your income,
Health will be strong, and in the house - only comfort.

May the new year bring more achievements,
Love and respect for many years to come.
May all plans and wildest dreams come true,
And life will be magical, unprecedented beauty.


D dear leader,
May the new year bring
Everything you want
Will increase your income.

Let things go uphill
The house will be a full bowl.
Even in the most severe cold
Let it warm you up.


M Of course we love you
You are not a bad boss.
Even if you are strict
But not at all problematic.
You would live without fuss.
Let dreams come true.
New Year will bring you
Let the millionth income.
Although it's still a little...
Billion! To remain.
Sex is not to be forgotten
And not just to repeat!
Everything at work
To decide with a bang,
Passion in the eyes, charm.
So that without hesitation at all,
In one moment, deciding to get together,
They could rush to the resort!
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!


P accept congratulations.
On the eve of the New Year!
Happiness, let a lot of joy
It will bring you life.

To you, chief, I wish
Be healthy, don't get sick
Be lucky, be lucky
Be strong and not grow old.

Let there be more money
May you be lucky in your work.
I only wish you well.
Let success come in life.


L congratulations dear boss!
So soon, New Year's Eve.
We wish you well-being and joy,
In business, let it always be lucky.

Of course, we wish you patience,
Everything was made easy for you.
More happiness, mood
And in the heart it was so light.


FROM Happy New Year to you,
We wish happiness to the whole team.
Good health, success on the way,
Recognition, good luck, all the best and love.


FROM the old year brings bad luck,
New - let it bring victory
Plans, goals, new tasks...
May success now await us in everything!

Happy New Year Boss and New Happiness!
The world we live in is bright.
What we have in the present
It will be better every day!


T With their steps the New Year is coming,
May he bring happiness.
I personally want to wish you, boss,
So that all projects are on the shoulder.

May good health be all year
And all year round let you be lucky in business.
Optimism, money, joyful undertakings
And reliable, faithful, devoted friends.

I wish you happiness - so that for a whole year,
So that you can find an approach to people,
Be less at work and get tired
And, of course, go on vacation more often.


AND I want adequate subordinates,
Good health and profitable ideas.
I want to find new clients
Pleasant meetings and sincere friends.

May the New Year fill your heart with happiness.
May this year be bright and rich.
And all the wishes of Santa Claus will fulfill,
Bring gifts under the Christmas tree.


P let me wish you a Happy New Year. With all my heart I wish you a good year in your work with interesting projects. Good health to you until old age, successful work. May there always be only bright people around you, with whom it will be possible to reach heights in work and deeds in the new year. Happy New Year to you.


P a lot of difficulties
They don't knock you off your feet
Great Opportunities
You are only chosen
May New Year's wishes
Come true wonderfully
At work, in leadership
Everything will be interesting.
for your understanding
We thank you
Trust and recognition
We want to express to you.


O t team, regards
Allow me, boss, to congratulate you
And wish you well, patience.
Working with you is top notch!

May good luck come in the New Year
Great, let's get things going.
Let Santa Claus not hide miracles,
Life will be a joy of light.

Let the ideas flow
Incomes will be - not to compare.
Believe in everything good
And keep this faith.


P Happy New Year to all of us
Celebrate with the boss.
We know that there is a lot of work
Yes, we ask Santa
Luxurious only presents to you,
And as a gift
Let's turn the whole office into bedlam,
Let's celebrate the holiday brightly!
Be strong, our dear boss,
... we will dance in a round dance.
The deer has already brought joy.
Hooray! And happy New Year!


AT New Year, from the team,
We wish you - "creativity",
Be a benchmark for everyone
And so that success awaits in everything!

You are wise and just
conscientious, courteous,
That's why for us -
You are the best, hundreds of times!

We won't wish you much...
Happiness, even if only at the threshold
Always waiting for you every time
And good luck at the right time!


FROM Happy New Year!
I wish you prosperity
inspiration, success,
Greet each day with laughter.

And share optimism
And breathe the love of loved ones
Never know doubt
And go to great things!


P I wish you a New Year
Life so that the cycle
Brought success to you
You are the best boss!

Let me prepare for you
And bring it under the tree
Everything that suits you
Let everything be in the New Year!

And luck and luck
And health, no doubt
And love and inspiration
And wish fulfillment!


I I wish you a Happy New Year
Much happiness and good luck.
Let it bring you income
So that you become richer!

Let dreams come true
And life will be insanely sweet.
I want to live without fuss
So that everything is in order for you!

Let the snow of sorrow sweep away
Give joy and fun.
May a miracle come this night
To brighten the mood!


AND I wish you from the bottom of my heart, boss,
So that the New Year brings joy,
So that he gives you happiness
So that luck follows.

So that with the onset of this year
Three times the income
So that everything that has long been dreamed of,
Easy to turn into reality!


AT from the New Year is knocking on the door,
And everyone wants to believe in a miracle.
May wishes come true
And the year will bring prosperity.

May there be peace and light at home,
Health to you for many years.
May the days be filled with warmth
Let all sorrows become a dream!


P under your guidance
It's very easy to work!
Just need to learn
Work wholeheartedly.

Here you put your soul into the matter -
And things will get better
With a special touch!
Chief, Happy New Year!


FROM Happy New Year to you! You are an example for every subordinate, you are a truly wonderful person. I want to wish patience, high achievements, wisdom, good spirits, strength, satisfaction and stability. May prosperity reign in your family. Happy holiday!


P May the New Year be successful,
All tasks will be solved at once.
Let there be no problems at all
And the profit will come 10 times!

Try to live without stress
And smile to everyone more often.
Let the year pass without grief
And you will be inspired!


AT you lead our team
And guide us wisely.
We congratulate you on the New Year!
May he please you with income,
Bright success, prosperity,
May all wishes come true
So that at work and in the family
You have always been in charge.
We wish you very strong nerves,
Ideas are always great.
Let the coming New Year
It will only bring you happiness.

Happy New Year to you,
We wish happiness to the whole team.
Good health, success on the way,
Recognition, good luck, all the best and love.

I wish you, beloved boss,
So that you shine with joy
So that the good Santa Claus
Brought everything you dreamed of!

Let every moment be
Magic this New Year!
May this holiday be a delight
And bring a lot of happiness!

Let me wish you a Happy New Year. With all my heart I wish you a good year in your work with interesting projects. Good health to you until old age, successful work. May there always be only bright people around you, with whom it will be possible to reach heights in work and deeds in the new year. Happy New Year to you.

May the New Year be rich
Brings a lot of contracts
Fate will not forget you
May you always be lucky in everything.

Let partners trust you
And subordinates always.
Let the mountains promise happiness
Dream, luck and star.

To you, chief, I wish
The best New Year ever!
So that you achieve a lot
Without much hassle.

So that for the fulfillment of plans
Didn't have a headache.
Subordinates loved
And you are always praised!

New Year comes without demand,
And we are finishing the year.
Plans are carried out with interest -
Wait, what will be our result?

Our boss is the captain on the ship,
As soon as he gives the command, we will swim.
The captain is responsible and wise.
And the ship is moving forward!

Congratulations on a bright new year,
May it be the year of all victories!
And there will be no dropouts in the team,
There will be happiness, joy and success!

Man boss

Happy New Year!
And of course we wish
Good luck and victories to you,
Sweet life for a hundred years!

Be honest, be fair
Successful and beautiful.
Be generous, kind, brave,
Skilled in all things.

So that all your plans come true,
Finances flowed into your hands.
To not know the difficulties
And respect your subordinates.

May this New Year
It will only bring you joy!

We work under your leadership
Pleasant, joyful, surprisingly simple.
You are the boss, it seems to us, from God,
And you know a lot about your business.

You have a lot of participation, understanding,
And you will see the effort from us.
Work will be in full swing again
In the meantime, boss, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you!
And I wish you smiles, goodness.
And I wish you good health
I wish you comfort and warmth.

Under your strict guidance
Things are easily resolved.
You are a fair leader
You are far-sighted, like a leader!

I wish you positive
At work - only creativity.
Go forward without knowing the troubles
And achieve big victories!

From the team, regards
Allow me, boss, to congratulate you
And wish you well, patience.
Working with you is top notch!

May good luck come in the New Year
Great, let's get things going.
Let Santa Claus not hide miracles,
Life will be a joy of light.

Let the ideas flow
Incomes will be - not to compare.
Believe in everything good
And keep this faith.

What do we wish the boss?
AT New Year become richer!
So that in business - not to know mistakes,
At home - only warm smiles.

New plans for the New Year
Know the approach to subordinates,
Go with competitors
Two steps ahead!