Characteristics of the hero sleigh, a horse with a pink mane, Astafiev. V. P. Astafiev. “A horse with a pink mane Sanka Leontyev a horse with a pink mane

My grandmother sent me to the ridge to buy strawberries along with the neighbor kids. She promised: if I get a full tuesk, she will sell my berries along with hers and buy me a “horse gingerbread”. A gingerbread in the shape of a horse with a mane, tail and hooves covered in pink icing ensured the honor and respect of the boys of the entire village and was their cherished dream.

I went to Uval together with the children of our neighbor Levontius, who worked in logging. About once every fifteen days, “Levonty received money, and then in the neighboring house, where there were only children and nothing else, a feast began,” and Levonty’s wife ran around the village and paid off debts. On such days, I made my way to my neighbors by all means. Grandma wouldn't let me in. “There’s no point in eating these proletarians,” she said. At Levontius’s place I was willingly received and pitied as an orphan. The money the neighbor earned ran out quickly, and Vasyon’s aunt again ran around the village, borrowing money.

The Levontiev family lived poorly. There was no housekeeping around their hut; they even washed with their neighbors. Every spring they surrounded the house with a miserable tine, and every autumn it was used for kindling. To his grandmother’s reproaches, Levontii, a former sailor, replied that he “loves the settlement.”

With the Levontiev “eagles” I went to the ridge to earn money for a horse with a pink mane. I had already picked several glasses of strawberries when the Levontiev guys started a fight - the eldest noticed that the others were picking berries not in dishes, but in their mouths. As a result, all the prey was scattered and eaten, and the guys decided to go down to the Fokinskaya River. It was then that they noticed that I still had strawberries. Levontiev’s Sanka “weakly” encouraged me to eat it, after which I, along with the others, went to the river.

I only remembered that my dishes were empty in the evening. It was shameful and scary to return home with an empty suit, “my grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, is not Vasyon’s aunt, you can’t get rid of her with lies, tears and various excuses.” Sanka taught me: push herbs into the bowl and scatter a handful of berries on top. This is the “trick” I brought home.

My grandmother praised me for a long time, but didn’t bother pouring the berries in - she decided to take them straight to the city to sell. On the street, I told Sanka everything, and he demanded kalach from me - as payment for silence. I didn’t get away with just one roll, I carried it around until Sanka was full. I didn’t sleep at night, I was tormented - I deceived my grandmother and stole the rolls. Finally, I decided to get up in the morning and confess everything.

When I woke up, I discovered that I had overslept - my grandmother had already left for the city. I regretted that my grandfather’s farm was so far from the village. Grandfather’s place is good, it’s quiet, and he wouldn’t hurt me. Having nothing better to do, I went fishing with Sanka. After a while I saw a large boat coming out from behind the cape. My grandmother was sitting in it and shaking her fist at me.

I returned home only in the evening and immediately ducked into the closet, where a temporary “bed of rugs and an old saddle” was “set up.” Curled up in a ball, I felt sorry for myself and remembered my mother. Like her grandmother, she went to the city to sell berries. One day the overloaded boat capsized and my mother drowned. “She was pulled under the rafting boom,” where she got caught in the scythe. I remembered how my grandmother suffered until the river let my mother go.

When I woke up in the morning, I discovered that my grandfather had returned from the farm. He came to me and told me to ask my grandmother for forgiveness. Having shamed and denounced me enough, my grandmother sat me down to breakfast, and after that she told everyone “what the little one did to her.”

But my grandmother still brought me a horse. Many years have passed since then, “my grandfather is no longer alive, my grandmother is no longer alive, and my life is coming to an end, but I still cannot forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”

V.P. Astafiev is one of the writers who had a difficult childhood in the difficult pre-war years. Having grown up in the village, he was well acquainted with the peculiarities of the Russian character, the moral foundations on which humanity has rested for centuries.

His works, which made up the “Last Bow” cycle, are devoted to this topic. Among them is the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane.”

Autobiographical basis of the work

At the age of seven, Viktor Astafiev lost his mother - she drowned in the Yenisei River. The boy was taken in by his grandmother, Katerina Petrovna. Until the end of his life, the writer was grateful to her for her care, kindness and love. And also for the fact that she formed in him true moral values, which the grandson never forgot. One of the important moments of his life, forever etched in the memory of the already matured Astafiev, is what he tells in his work “The Horse with a Pink Mane.”

The story is told from the perspective of a boy, Viti, who lives with his grandparents in a taiga Siberian village. His daily routine is similar to each other: fishing, playing with other kids, going to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, helping with housework.

The author pays special attention to the description of the Levontius family, who lived in the neighborhood. In the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane,” it is their children who will play an important role. Enjoying unlimited freedom, with little idea of ​​what true kindness, mutual assistance and responsibility are, they will push the main character to commit an act that he will remember all his life.

The plot begins with the grandmother's news that the Levontiev children are going to the ridge to buy strawberries. She asks her grandson to go with them, so that later he can sell the berries he collected in the city and buy the boy gingerbread. A horse with a pink mane - this sweetness was the cherished dream of every boy!

However, the trip to the ridge ends in deception, to which Vitya goes, having never picked strawberries. The guilty boy tries in every possible way to delay the disclosure of the offense and the subsequent punishment. Finally, the grandmother returns from the city lamenting. So the dream that Vitya would have a wonderful horse with a pink mane turned into regret that he had succumbed to the tricks of the Levontiev children. And suddenly the repentant hero sees that same gingerbread in front of him... At first he does not believe his eyes. The words bring him back to reality: “Take it... You’ll see... when you fool your grandmother...”.

Many years have passed since then, but V. Astafiev could not forget this story.

“The Horse with the Pink Mane”: the main characters

In the story, the author shows the period of growing up of a boy. In a country devastated by civil war, everyone had a hard time, and in a difficult situation, everyone chose their own path. Meanwhile, it is known that many character traits are formed in a person in childhood.

Getting to know the way of life in the house of Katerina Petrovna and Levontia allows us to conclude how different these families were. Grandmother loved order in everything, so everything went its own, predetermined course. She instilled the same qualities in her grandson, who was left an orphan at an early age. So the horse with the pink mane was supposed to be his reward for his labors.

A completely different atmosphere reigned in the neighbor's house. Lack of money alternated with a feast, when Levontius bought various things with the money he received. At such a moment, Vitya loved to visit his neighbors. Moreover, the tipsy Levontius began to remember his dead mother and slipped the best piece to the orphan. The grandmother did not like these visits by her grandson to the neighbors’ house: she believed that they themselves had a lot of children and often had nothing to eat. And the children themselves were not distinguished by good manners, which is good, they could have a bad influence on the boy. They will really push Vitya into deception when he goes with them to get the berries.

The story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is the author’s attempt to determine the reason for what may guide a person who commits bad or good deeds in life.

Hike to the ridge

The writer describes in some detail the road for strawberries. The Levontiev kids behave unreasonably all the time. Along the way, they managed to climb into someone else’s garden, pull onions and use them on whistles, and fight with each other...

On the ridge, everyone began to pick berries, but the Levontievskys didn’t last long. Only the hero conscientiously put the strawberries into the container. However, after his words about the gingerbread caused only ridicule among his “friends”, wanting to show his independence, he succumbed to the general fun. For some time, Vitya forgot about his grandmother and the fact that until recently his main desire was a horse with a pink mane. The retelling of what amused the children that day includes the murder of a defenseless siskin and the massacre of fish. And they themselves constantly quarreled, Sanka especially tried. Before returning home, he told the hero what to do: fill the container with grass, and put a layer of berries on top - so the grandmother will not find out anything. And the boy followed the advice: after all, nothing would happen to Levontievsky, but he would be in trouble.

Fear of punishment and remorse

Exploring the human soul at crucial moments in life is a task that fiction often solves. “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is a work about how difficult it was for a boy to admit his mistake.

The next night and the whole long day, when the grandmother went to the city with the tuesk, turned into a real test for Vitya. Going to bed, he decided to get up early and confess everything, but did not have time. Then the grandson, again in the company of neighboring children and constantly teased by Sashka, fearfully awaited the return of the boat on which the grandmother had sailed away. In the evening, he did not dare to return home and was glad when he managed to lie down in the pantry (Aunt Fenya brought him home already after dark and distracted Katerina Petrovna). He could not sleep for a long time, constantly thinking about his grandmother, feeling sorry for her and remembering how hard she experienced the death of her daughter.

Unexpected ending

Fortunately for the boy, his grandfather returned from the farm at night - now he had help, and it was not so scary.

Lowering his head, pushed by his grandfather, he timidly entered the hut and roared at the top of his voice.

His grandmother put him to shame for a long time, and when she finally ran out of steam and there was silence, the boy timidly raised his head and saw an unexpected picture in front of him. A horse with a pink mane “galloped” across the scraped table (V. Astafiev remembered this for the rest of his life). This episode became one of the main moral lessons for him. Grandmother's kindness and understanding helped develop such qualities as responsibility for one's actions, nobility and the ability to resist evil in any situation.

description of Sanka from the story Horse with a Pink Mane! Pleeeeez!!! and got the best answer

Answer from Liana[newbie]
Among the Levontiev children, the author pays more attention to Sanka. Sanka was the second son of Uncle Levontius and, when the eldest left with his father, he felt like the leader among the children. Astafiev writes: “Scratched, with bumps on his head from fights and various other reasons, with pimples on his arms and legs, with red, bloody eyes, Sanka was more harmful and angrier than all the Levontiev boys.” This was really so, because it was Sanka who teased the boy, forcing him to pour out the berries, laughed at him, mocked him and demanded the rolls. The author seems to be studying Sanka, he makes us understand that the hero of the story is attracted and admired by Sanka’s energy and ingenuity and repelled by his anger and vile actions.

Answer from Mak pvapvk[active]

Answer from Inna Nikulina[newbie]

Answer from Yotepan Plekhov[newbie]

Answer from Arina Kateva[newbie]
Thank you! Helped!

Answer from Sevilya Emiralieva[newbie]
Please make a speech characteristic in the table of vocabulary, intonation, etc.

Answer from Nadezhda Suravtseva[newbie]
Thank you

Answer from Victoria Bakhmutskaya[newbie]

Answer from Nikita Ivanov[newbie]
Sanka is one of the bright secondary characters in the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” by Viktor Astafiev. This article presents the characteristics of Sanka in the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”, a description of the appearance and character of the hero. Materials for the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” >> Sanka is the neighbor of the main character Vitya, the son of Uncle Levontius. Levontius, who has many children, has a whole horde of children growing up: “... drunken Uncle Levontius ordered one of his boys.” “The Levontief horde fell, the berries instantly disappeared.” “I quietly trudged after the Levontyev guys from the forest. They ran... in a crowd...” The following is known about Sanka’s appearance: “Scratched, with bumps on his head from fights and various other reasons, with pimples on his arms and legs, with red, bleeding eyes..." "Sanka's unwashed face appeared..." "The Levontiev boys... were red-faced..." Sanka has a hole between his front teeth that all children like: "...Sanka grinned and snorted his saliva into the hole Between his front teeth, he could fit another tooth in that hole, and we were crazy about Sanka’s hole, how he snorted his saliva into it!” Sanka and his brothers love to play around and misbehave. For this, the author calls them fighting eagles: “The boys played freely, fought, threw dishes at each other, tripped each other, started fighting once or twice, cried, teased. On the way they dropped into someone’s garden...<...>Here everyone stopped playing around..." "It was with Uncle Levontii's eagles that I went foraging for the strawberries..." "The fighting eagles fell silent." Like all Levontii children, Sanka is strong and dexterous: "...strong, dexterous, especially at the table." Sanka is the most harmful and evil of all the Levontiev children: "...Sanka was more harmful and evil than all the Levontief children." The hooligan Sanka is a real "demon", the evil spirits do not take him: "And the demon winked at me Sanka, and rushed further, down the ridge, home." "Sanka ran the farthest into the cave - even the evil spirits did not take him!" The hooligan Sanka knows a lot of bad, "filthy" words: "Oh, you! - Sanka grimaced and called me a nasty word. He knew a lot of such words." "Sanka whistled and yelled in a stupid way, giving us heat." Sanka doesn't like to talk a lot, and he can "stick" if he doesn't like something: "With Sanka, it's not painful to separate the turuses, he, just a little something, and he sticks it in." Sanka loves to eat: "...loves to devour himself more than anyone else." Sanka is used to getting rid of his mother with lies and tears: "My grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, is not Aunt Vasenya, from her lies, tears and various excuses you won't get away with it." Sanka's family lives poorly: "There is no point in eating these proletarians, they themselves have a louse on a lasso in their pocket." Sanka and other Levontiev children know how to "soak themselves from the earth", that is, find edible plants, berries, etc. in the forest. d.. Sanka also knows how to fish: “The Levontiev boys knew how to get their fill from the earth, they ate everything that God would send, they didn’t disdain anything...” “Sanka was getting ready to go fishing, untangling the fishing line.” The main character is having a fun and interesting time with Sanka and his brothers: “We spent the whole day so interesting and fun, and I completely forgot about the berries, but it was time to return home. We sorted out the dishes hidden under the tree." Sanka gives Vitya, the main character, bad advice. In the end, Vitya realizes that he should no longer listen to the evil Sanka: "I won’t do that! - I protested. “And I won’t listen to you!”

Sanek is one of the sons of Uncle Levontius and Aunt Vasena, a character in the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” Sanka was the second son in the family and the most harmful. The main character of the story, the boy Vitya, hung out with the Levontiev boys.

His Grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, did not like this, since the neighboring children seemed ill-mannered and hooligan to her. She was right in her own way. These children could kill a bird, torture a fish, and scare them with scary stories.

Once, having gone for berries, Vita had to return with nothing, since Levontiev’s

When they returned, the same Sanka threatened the boy to tell everything to his grandmother if he did not steal the rolls for him. This blackmail also succeeded. Vitya carried the rolls until Sanya was full.

The meanness and evil actions of this character are repulsive. The author himself sometimes indignantly calls the Levontief children a “horde.”

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  40. Aksinya Aksinya Astakhova is one of the main characters of the novel “Quiet Don”, a Cossack woman, the wife of Stepan Astakhov and the beloved of Grigory Melekhov. Fate has been cruel to Aksinya since childhood. Having learned early on the slave position of a woman, she was married to an unloved man. The marriage only intensified the hard labor and physical humiliation of the girl. One day at Don’s she met Grigory, with whom she had already […]...

“Horse with a pink mane” characteristics of the main character of the work

“Horse with a pink mane” description of the main character

The hero of the story is a boy of seven or eight years old, whose mother drowned and no father. He is an orphan, but his grandmother takes care of him. He is poorly but neatly dressed, his clothes are clean. For breakfast he always has bread and milk, which the Levontev brothers do not have. Vitya was friends with the Levontiev children, which Katerina Petrovna did not like, since the latter were poorly educated and hooligans.

The hero of the story was drawn to Levontius because Levontius’s family was not like other families in the village. They fed the boy there and pitied the orphan out loud. He did not yet understand that true love is manifested not in drunken pity, but in deeds.

The true attitude of the Levontevs towards the boy was manifested in the fact that they left him alone on a ridge without strawberries.

The hero was gradually drawn into a grave deception: first, he poured the berries onto the grass, and the Levontiev boys ate them; then he listened to Sanka and pushed herbs into it, then stole the rolls to appease Sanka. In the evening, he did not find the strength to admit to his grandmother that he had deceived her, and thus made the grandmother herself a deceiver, who almost sold a can of grass in the city instead of berries.

“I thought that now my grandmother would discover my fraud, give me what I was due, and was already prepared for punishment for the crime I had committed.”

It was thanks to his grandmother’s wisdom that V.P. Astafiev’s hero learned important life lessons: by succumbing to someone else’s influence, you can commit a bad act; it is very difficult to admit what you have done; spiritual repentance is painful and unbearable, and only repentance brings relief.

The image of the main character “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is an example for many. He shows how to act, what to value.