He tried to do the same. What is the correct way to spell the same or the same thing? The word "same" as a pronoun

Since both settings of lexical methods are acceptable, it is important to know that only one can be correct in the chosen text construction.

  • If “the same” is a demonstrative pronoun, we write the particle “the same” separately

I repeat the same as in the previous lesson.

  • Coordinating conjunction “too”, in a complex sentence, we write together

Yesterday we laughed all day, today we are also in a good mood.

  • The same pronoun is written separately in complex sentences

The book contains the same information as the dictionary.

In what cases is “also” written together?

  • We apply the rule regarding “too” as a conjunction. We check using the conjunction “and”. The replacement of “too” with “and” suggests that - this is a conjunction - we write together.

For example,

He also loves watermelon. Interchangeable with “And he loves watermelon.”

In what cases is “the same” written separately?

Let's check
  • If a sentence without “the same” does not lose its semantic meaning, then “the same” is a demonstrative pronoun. It is written separately

We were asked the same thing as last time. Surely they don’t remember that we were already asked this.

  • If after the demonstrative pronoun “that”, you can put “most” - we make a separate spelling

Everything was the same there. Everything was the same there.

I love the same aspic that you like. I love the (same) aspic that you like.

How to write the word too - “not the same”: together or separately?

  • It’s very easy to check: we substitute “also” instead of “also”. The meaning of the text does not change - we write together, it changes - separately.

In our case, “also” makes the sentence clumsy, that is, we write “the same” separately.

  • You can additionally check using declination. Let us rephrase: “not the same”, “not the same”, “not the same”.

How to write the word too - “but at the same time”: together or separately?

  • In the example under consideration, there is a demonstrative pronoun, not a conjunction. Since the absence of “zhe” does not change the meaning of the context
  • Let's separate them

For example: Mom understood that she was risking the life of her only son, but at the same time, she knew that if she acted differently, he would never forgive her.

Good afternoon
I’m completely confused with the conjugation, and I’m surprised that no questions about this arose at school or institute. And now I can’t figure it out with my son (6th grade).
According to the rule from the textbook, the verb LIVE should belong to the 2nd conjugation (all verbs are in it, except shave, lay), but it is clearly 1st conjugation!
He also beats himself, pours, howls, and so on.
It looks like the rule is greatly truncated and it is not clear how to determine conjugations then.
I advise my son to now conjugate the plural verb THEY LIVE and at the end determine that this is 1 conjugation.
I found a more complete rule on Wikipedia, and all these verbs are listed there - and it turns out that there are not 11 exception verbs at all, but much more - it is simply impossible to learn them. So why are children forced to learn a truncated rule that does not stand up to criticism? And how do you come across the verb LIVE, SLEEP (according to rule 1, according to life 2), SOUND, SHAKE, etc. - What should a child do on a test, how to determine the conjugation?
And horror also arises with differently conjugated verbs - where is the list of them, except to run and want. Poor children - a complete mess in their heads! Please tell me how to organize this mess?
Question No. 270444
Dear Gramota!
Thanks for the quick response, but... it PISSED me a little.
1. The correct format you provided does not fit well into the post title:
a. due to the bulkiness (length) of such design;
b. due to the small width of the post itself.
Here's an example of how such headers would look:
1 post: 1st answer out of 3. A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
Post 2: 2nd answer out of 3. A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
Post 3: 3rd answer out of 3. A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
Now on my video blog it looks like this:
1 post: 1 of 3 A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
Post 2: 2 of 3 A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
Post 3: 3 of 3 A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND...
2. Reading the answers on your site, I recently began to think that writing “1st answer” is incorrect, but the correct one is “1 answer”. What did I understand wrong - please explain?
QUESTION: is this design acceptable: 1 of 3. A WOMAN IS THE BEST FRIEND... (I had difficulty placing both quotation marks and a question mark). The use of “caps” (writing in capital letters), as far as I know, is NOT regulated in the Russian language, which means... does NOT contradict it. Maybe the same situation applies to the “1 of 3.” design. If I'm wrong, correct me.
To further clarify my NEED for using related post titles, just type “bodybuilding” in Google and my blog will be on the top line (the nickname is the same; the same can be done in a search on YouTube).
I would be grateful for your answer.

Russian help desk response

Of course, a more condensed format is also possible. For example, you can use a slash: 1/3, 2/3.

Question No. 265988
My colleague wrote the SAME together where he should have written the SAME separately:
"Are you suggesting that the Russians do the SAME thing?"
In addition, in the genitive case in the word genetics, I put E instead of I at the end (... because of genetics). I can’t prove to him even with quotes from the Internet that he is wrong.
He links to your site, which means he trusts you.
Please help me put him on the right path. Thank you, Oleg Kryuk.

Russian help desk response

1. The same. Here that is a pronoun. Wed: the same thing.

2. Because of genetics. Genitive case: because of what?

Question No. 251307
Hello! I kindly ask you to resolve the dispute at work. I believe that it is correct to write “according to the order from...”, and not “according to the order”. After all, we ask the question “according to what.” The same applies here - “according to the order, decree, agreement (not agreement)”, etc. They object to me, citing some special business language. They say that between the words ACCORDING and ORDER, a word is implied. For example, ACCORDING to the articles of the ORDER. But in this case, the question literally changes, so “according to the articles of the order” is the correct spelling.

Russian help desk response

The literary norm is clear: according to order, agreement, disposition.

Question No. 245166
how to write a USB cable, together, with a hyphen or separately? Is it the same USB port?
how to write stereo headphones, stereo system, together or separately?

Russian help desk response

Right: USB cable, USB port, stereo headphones, stereo system.

I decided to test myself with A.P.’s dictation. Chekhov's "Death of an Official". In the second sentence of the proposed text, I inserted the letter B in the word feeling. In the last sentence, in the same word, I did the same thing. But when checking, in the last sentence my “felt” was corrected to “chU-STvoval”. Why? What is the difference between this word in the second sentence and in the last?

Russian help desk response

Right: felt in all cases. It is very strange that the dictation program did not count the correct option. Now we checked: everything in the dictation code is correct, the correct option is suggested felt.

Question No. 238186
The bearer of the surname (if I may say so) “Butnik” claims that his surname is not declined according to cases. Is he right? By the way, he also asserts the same in relation to the surname Kress (Michelle Kress - male). Thanks for the answer. Cheledkova I.M.

Russian help desk response

This is wrong. According to the norms of Russian grammar, all male surnames ending in a consonant must be declined (except for surnames ending in -yh type Black, Gray). Right: Butnik, Butnik; Kressa, Kressu etc. But women's surnames Butnik And Cress don't bow down.

Question No. 237224

Is the punctuation correct: “The same thing: configured, launched, all the bots are working, but Hello is silent, like a guerrilla”? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Correctly: The same thing: configured, launched, all the bots are working, but Hello is silent like a guerrilla.

Question No. 220986
Dear linguists!
One question torments me: why is there no so-called “obscene” or “obscene” vocabulary in any academic dictionary of the Russian language?
Does anyone really think that due to the absence of so-called “swear” words in official dictionaries, they will disappear from the language?
Why, for example, do English dictionaries published by Oxford or Cambridge universities and other respected academic institutions contain “swear words”? For example, there is the word fuck, which is considered obscene in the English-speaking world. Of course, it is written what this word means, its origin, and, of course, it is indicated that this is a very rude, abusive, extremely offensive word. Why don't we do the same? Then it will be possible to show such a dictionary to the child and draw his attention to the fact that this word is abusive, extremely offensive. Therefore, it is used only in the most extreme cases.
One more aspect. Why do we still see e., b... and other “concealment” of abusive words in academic editions of many literary works by Pushkin and Mayakovsky? We must write directly and openly. Who are we hiding from? From children or what? Show me at least one schoolchild who doesn’t know this word?
In general, I think that we need to stop being hypocritical, deceiving ourselves, and finally publish a dictionary of the real Russian language. Including swearing. After all, language is a means of communication between people; in it, along with scientific, literary and “decent” words, there have always been, are and will be abusive words.

Russian help desk response

We assure you, Ilya Alekseevich, that linguists know about the existence of swear words and recognize their status as a special and integral part of the Russian language. Russian mat was also studied by the outstanding Russian philologist Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. So obscene language was and is present in the sphere of attention of linguists.
But there are reasons why Russian obscenities cannot and should not be included in academic dictionaries. Profanity is called profanity because it remains outside the literary norm. Academic dictionaries of the Russian language set themselves the task of reflecting commonly used, stylistically neutral Russian vocabulary, those words that are part of the standardized literary Russian language (including colloquial speech). To record profanity, there are specialized lexicographic publications. In dictionaries of swear words, all “e...” and “b...” are written directly and openly.
Question No. 218836
How to say correctly: according to the contract or according to the contract (also the same as the contract)

Russian help desk response

Correct: _according to the contract, agreement_, etc.

It includes words that denote signs of actions or signs and answer questions When? How? Why? For what? Where? and others. Usually, they are adverbs in a sentence and stand next to verbs, adverbs, adjectives or nouns. Adverbs can be:

  • derivatives - those that are formed from adjectives ( gently, carefully), nouns, verbs, pronouns;
  • non-derivatives ( now, tomorrow, there etc.).

Integrated and separate writing of adverbs

Usually the writing of these parts of speech is justified by tradition. But often it depends on how the adverb is formed.

  1. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between those adverbs that are written together and adverbial combinations that consist of several words. For example: for laughter, for show, end-to-end, end-to-end, in two, on the run and others. The main thing you need to pay attention to when writing an adverb is what part of speech it is formed from.
  2. Adverbs that are formed from different parts of speech with prepositions are usually written together. Among them are completely, five of us, forever, everywhere etc. Those adverbs that were formed by combining nouns with prepositions are a separate group of words that need to be remembered.

Some writing features

The adverb with the particle deserves special attention Also and a pronoun with a particle Same. It's interesting that unions Same And Also are always written together. So how is it written Same: together or separately? They can easily replace each other, which is why they are called synonyms. Another union close in meaning is considered And, which is often used as a way to distinguish both these conjunctions and combinations Same And Also. Eg: I have also (also) never met him before. In this sentence, the replacement of conjunctions is obvious, which did not in any way affect the meaning of the entire sentence as a whole.

How to avoid making a mistake

To find out how to spell Same: together or separately, you need to pay attention to what part of speech it is. It is important to note that combinations of words Same And Also replace with union And It's simply impossible. However, if we just miss a piece same, then the meaning of the sentence will not suffer at all. Deciding how to write Same: together or separately, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is usually followed by a conjunction word What. In this case, it is written separately. And when we think about how to write Also: together or separately - you need to see if the adverb is worth How. If yes, then we write separately. A striking example would be the following sentences: How do you like life at Aunt Zina's? Is it hard or the same as at home? Yesterday I watched the same movie as a week ago.

Significant differences

Dispel doubts about writing a combination Same(jointly or separately) the word will help All, which comes before the specified combination and only enhances its meaning. Eg: They described the same incident as a week ago. Often enough to understand how to spell Also: together or separately - very simple. Usually the meaning of the sentence helps prevent a mistake. If you take a close look at its structure or look at its features, it is easy to make the right choice. For comparison, here are two similar proposals: The children also watched with interest. - The children watched the same with interest. The first sentence means “and the children also watched with interest,” and the second sentence means that “the children watched the same thing.”

Thus, one can justify how it is written Also: together or separately. If we list actions, then the word is written together. If Same acts as a particle, then it is always written together. You just need to pay attention to the meaning of the sentence itself. Then the difference will become obvious.