Give a description of Platov from the story of the left-hander. The image and characteristics of Lefty from the story "Lefty" by Leskov with quotes. The image of talent from the outback

One of the most important characters in the story "Lefty" N.S. Leskov is the Cossack Platov. During the first few chapters, the reader gets the impression that he is main character. The author assigns such a role to Platov's characterization from the story "Lefty" intentionally in order to emphasize how important the character is not only in the plot, but also in the ideological content of the work.

He is an experienced and courageous warrior who ended up in the service of Tsar Alexander Pavlovich, as well as a simple Russian man who did not like to prevaricate and adapt to others - such is the description of Platov from Lefty.

The emperor believed: “We, Russians, are no good with our significance,” therefore, he spent almost all the time abroad, admiring other people's skills, and the Cossack Platov was forced to accompany him on trips. He did not admire the achievements of the British, saying that Russian masters could create inventions no worse, but the emperor constantly besieged him, repeating: "Do not spoil my politics." The king simply blindly came to admiration for everything foreign, because of which the Cossack was very upset.

After all, faith in a Russian person is one of the most important qualities of Platov.

The situation was indicative when the tsar, visiting one after another English cabinets of curiosities, came to a real delight from the gun of the finest work. The British were flattered and pleased. But when Platov opened the product and saw a note there that it was created by a Russian gunsmith, he was incredibly happy. The Russian warrior hoped that the tsar would also be happy and proud. However, the emperor became very ashamed and uncomfortable in front of the British, because because of his subordinate they were in an uncomfortable position.

Platov reacted sharply and painfully to such behavior of the tsar. The image of Platov in the story "Lefty" personifies a person with high patriotic feelings. N.S. Leskov showed how important it was for a subject to influence the king's opinion about his country, on which its future depends.

An opportunity to prove the power of folk craftsmanship
Returning home, Platov retired. However, when the new Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich ascended the throne and tried to understand what kind of English gift it was in the form of a dancing flea, Platov immediately arrived at the court and told everything as it was. Seeing Platov's faith in the strength and mind of the Russian people, the emperor instructed him to go to Tula, show the local craftsmen there an English invention and ask them to create something similar.

Platov showed some cruelty when he demanded that the Tula masters show their invention. He treated Lefty quite harshly when he brought him to Petersburg, almost tearing out his remaining hair. However, even such a characterization of Platov from the tale "Lefty" once again proves his devotion to the Fatherland and the new sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, who was so confident in the high abilities of the Russian people, unlike his predecessor.

Therefore, Platov was afraid to disappoint him. But, realizing his mistake, he changed his attitude towards the great folk craftsman Levsha and apologized to him.

Platov's life's work was true service to the Russian people. Being a participant in many battles, he proved his devotion to the Fatherland. His participation in the story of the English flea especially emphasized the sincerity of his love for the people and the state. After all, he not only fulfilled his professional duty to the country, but also rooted for it with all his heart.

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One of the most important characters in the story "Lefty" N.S. Leskov is the Cossack Platov. During the first few chapters, the reader gets the impression that he is the main character. The author assigns such a role to Platov's characterization from the story "Lefty" intentionally in order to emphasize how important the character is not only in the plot, but also in the ideological content of the work.

Service with Emperor Alexander

He is an experienced and courageous warrior who ended up in the service of Tsar Alexander Pavlovich, as well as a simple Russian man who did not like to prevaricate and adapt to others - such is the description of Platov from Lefty.

The emperor believed: “We, Russians, are no good with our significance,” therefore, he spent almost all the time abroad, admiring other people's skills, and the Cossack Platov was forced to accompany him on trips. He did not admire the achievements of the British, saying that Russian masters could create inventions no worse, but the emperor constantly besieged him, repeating: "Do not spoil my politics." The king simply blindly came to admiration for everything foreign, because of which the Cossack was very upset. After all, faith in a Russian person is one of the most important qualities of Platov.

Pain and resentment from the attitude of the king to his people

The situation was indicative when the tsar, visiting one after another English cabinets of curiosities, came to a real delight from the gun of the finest work. The British were flattered and pleased. But when Platov opened the product and saw a note there that it was created by a Russian gunsmith, he was incredibly happy. The Russian warrior hoped that the tsar would also be happy and proud. However, the emperor became very ashamed and uncomfortable in front of the British, because because of his subordinate they were in an uncomfortable position.

Platov reacted sharply and painfully to such behavior of the tsar. The image of Platov in the story "Lefty" personifies a person with high patriotic feelings. N.S. Leskov showed how important it was for a subject to influence the king's opinion about his country, on which its future depends.

An opportunity to prove the power of folk craftsmanship

Returning home, Platov retired. However, when the new Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich ascended the throne and tried to understand what kind of English gift it was in the form of a dancing flea, Platov immediately arrived at the court and told everything as it was. Seeing Platov's faith in the strength and mind of the Russian people, the emperor instructed him to go to Tula, show the local craftsmen there an English invention and ask them to create something similar.

Justified Cruelty

Platov showed some cruelty when he demanded that the Tula masters show their invention. He treated Lefty quite harshly when he brought him to Petersburg, almost tearing out his remaining hair. However, even such a characterization of Platov from the tale "Lefty" once again proves his devotion to the Fatherland and the new sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, who was so confident in the high abilities of the Russian people, unlike his predecessor. Therefore, Platov was afraid to disappoint him. But, realizing his mistake, he changed his attitude towards the great folk craftsman Levsha and apologized to him.

Weapons Master Lefty - main character story by N. Leskov. An interesting tale, which has become the plot of animated and feature films, theatrical productions, conveys the essence of the life of Russian talent.

The image and characteristics of Lefty in the story "Lefty" help to feel the events of the history of Russia, to understand how and what a simple Tula gunsmith lived.

Lefty's appearance

The master gunsmith Lefty remained known to everyone only by his nickname. Nobody knows his real name. The nickname is given for the skillful use of the left hand. It is even more convenient for the master to be baptized with the left. This ability surprised the British. Overseas engineers did not even imagine that it was possible to become a skilled craftsman without owning the right hand.

The left-hander suffers from strabismus. This feature is even more amazing. How did the oblique man manage to forge the smallest details for a miniature flea? What is the acuity of his vision that he works without any microscopes and complex magnifying instruments? Moreover, it performs the thinnest part of the product.

Other special features:

  • speck on the face;
  • lack of "hair" on the temples.

"... one oblique Left-hander, a birthmark on the cheek, and the hairs on the temples were torn out during teaching ..."

The teacher fought for the boy's hair, which means that the guy managed to be not a particularly diligent and diligent student.

A peasant dresses modestly because of poverty:

  • peasant's shoes (buttons) worn down;
  • Cossack on hooks.

He wears what he was: in shawls, one leg is in a boot, the other is dangled, and the ozyamchik is old, the hooks do not fasten, they are lost, and the collar is torn; but nothing, do not be embarrassed.

The guy is not shy about his appearance. Get used to it. There is no feeling of discomfort in the story when the boy is being changed, that is, clothes mean nothing to him. It is terrible to read the pages where he is stripped in the hospital and left practically naked on the cold floor. Someone liked his new suit very much.

The image of talent from the outback

Lefty lives in the city of Tula in a small house. A close mansion - this is how the narrator characterizes it. The couriers who arrived with Platov tried to get into the hut, but failed. The doors were so strong that they remained standing, having withstood numerous blows of the heroic force. The roof of the house was removed quickly, on a log. The tightness is proved by the stuffiness of the air, which, when the roof was removed, rose so high above the house that there was not enough air for everyone around. The poor peasant loves his parents. When he is asked to stay in England, the first reason why he refuses new living conditions is his old parents. He affectionately calls his father "Attenka", his mother - "Old Lady". Lefty does not yet have his own family, he is not married.

I'm still single.

The character of a hero from the people

Lefty is one of the three most skilled craftsmen in the city of Tula gunsmiths. This means that among all gunsmiths ancient city selected only those who are very talented. It is even difficult to imagine how many real artisans live in the city of arms production. According to the narrator, the whole Russian nation hopes for Lefty and his friends. The task that the masters face is to prove that Russian craftsmen can do everything better than others, in this story, better than the British.

Masters are hardworking and persistent. They did not give up the work before completion, not fearing the anger of the chieftain, they brought everything to the end.

Special personality traits

The main character has many of his own individual characteristics, but at the same time, his personality traits make Lefty a symbol of the entire Russian people, kind and talented.

Education. The gunsmith is not literate, not educated, like almost all the peasantry in Russia in those years. His school consisted of two textbooks: "Psalter" and "Dream Book". Talent lives in the master by nature. He managed to open it.

Cunning. A simple craftsman does not betray the ideas that three gunsmiths had about an English craft. He is silent in England, not trusting his thoughts to overseas engineers. Cunning in a kind way, without evil and intent.

Faith in God. The masters did not start the work without the blessing of the higher divine powers. They went to the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Gunsmiths hope for themselves and for help from above.

Decisiveness and courage. The master is not afraid to meet with the Russian emperor. Do not be embarrassed by torn clothes. He knows that, together with his friends, he fulfilled his order, he is ready to answer for the work. He boldly tells the king that they engraved their names on the horseshoes, what his work was.

It is necessary to take thought and with God's blessing.

Loyal to the Russian people, the oblique craftsman Lefty did not stay abroad, did not seek benefits for himself, even dying, he thought about how to help the Motherland. The patriotism of a simple peasant is amazing.

Platov - a character from the story of Nikolai Leskov "Lefty", Cossack ataman accompanying Emperor Alexander Pavlovich during a trip to England. Platov is distinguished by undisguised patriotism and love for everything domestic. It was this hero who was instructed to find talented craftsmen to work on a steel flea.

Being in England with the sovereign, Platov with pleasure exposed the treachery of foreigners. So, for example, when the British wanted to show off a pistol, he took a screwdriver out of his pocket, unscrewed the lock and showed an inscription indicating that the weapon was made by a Russian master in the city of Tula. He was sincerely pleased with the frustration of the British. In turn, this upset the sovereign a lot. Then the British decided to show the guests a new curiosity - steel flea who knew how to dance. Alexander Pavlovich liked this "nymphosoria" so much that he, without hesitation, paid a million for it. But Platov did not stop repeating that "ours" would be able to do even better, they only lacked teaching.

Due to his straightforwardness, he eventually lost the favor of the new ruler, Nikolai Pavlovich.

To people dependent on him, he treated with a degree of contempt. As a punishment, he could inflict beatings. So, for example, when Nikolai Petrovich and his daughter at first did not see the uniqueness of the work of Levsha, he immediately beat him up and was even ready to execute the master. However, having learned that the flea was savvy, he personally apologized to Lefty and later showed him all kinds of honors.

When, at the end of the story, the half-skipper came to him with a request to save Lefty, he refused to help, saying that he had retired and was no longer respected. Then he sent the Englishman to the commandant Skobelev. As a result, while he was running from one to another, Lefty died.

6th grade. Literature lesson using the regional component.

The theme is “The image of ataman M.I. Platov in the works of UNT, Don writers and the tale “Lefty” by N.S. Leskov”.

Smolyaninova Olga Leonidovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

Lesson Objectives:

1) deepening and expanding students' knowledge of works that reflect the life of Ataman Platov;establishing a connection between folklore and author's works;improving the skills to analyze, compare and generalize;

2) the development of cognitive interest and familiarization with the culture of the Don Cossacks;developing students' interest in literature lessons through various forms of lessons;

3) the formation in students of a sense of patriotism and belonging to the heroic past of the Russian people and the Don Cossacks.

Lesson type: a generalizing lesson using the technology of modeling learning (lesson-game).

Equipment: a textbook, a portrait of M.I. Platov, costumes of a judge, a prosecutor.

During the classes:

Teacher's word: In previous lessons, we got acquainted with the work of N.S. Leskov "Lefty", in which, along with collectively Russian people - left-handed represented by real historical figures. One of them is M.I. Platov.

Remember what you learned about this legendary man in the lessons of history and the history of the Cossacks?

Student message:M.I. Platov was born in August 1751 in the Starocherkasskaya village. His father was an honored military foreman. Young M. Platov was only 13 years old when his father enrolled him in active service as a constable. In 1774, the young colonel Platov was first noted by A.V. Suvorov in the battle in the Kuban. By valiant and honest service, the grandson of a simple Cossack reached high rank Ataman of the Don Cossacks. Together with his Cossacks, he took part in the liberation of Russia from the French in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Teacher's word: M.I. Platov was praised by poets, portrayed by prose writers and painters, people sang in their songs, legends and traditions. It is in historical songs that Ataman Platov appears as a dashing Cossack.

Reading a historical song by a student.

Not the dust in the field is dusting,

Not a dubrovushka makes noise -

The French with the army are firing,

Generalam says:

"Generals, generals,

I'll take your Moscow

I am from your churches

Crosses, I will help heads!

How the Frenchman began to shoot,

Only smoke and soot pours,

Is it in a daze

The red sun is not to be seen.

Count Platov General

Rides on a horse

On my good horse

Up the steep mountain;

Count Platov drives up

To his strength,

To the Don Cossacks:

"Oh, well done brothers,

You are Don Cossacks!

Can't you guys

Are the guards strong to steal?"

"This passion is not great -

The guards are strong to steal.

The guards were stolen

Thrown over the Danube River.

Count Platov General

I beat the silushka,

He beat him

which he sunk,

The rest of his strength

He took captive

He was exiled to Siberia-city.

Teacher's word: Our countrymen also wrote about the Don "whirlwind-ataman": A.F. Korolenko in the story "Ataman Platov" (see Appendix 1) and P.N. Krasnov in the essay "The villages of the former quiet Don" (see Appendix 2) ( reading excerpts from these works by a teacher or a student prepared in advance).


1. Having become acquainted with the Don Cossack legend about Platov and the historical evidence of P.N. Krasnov, answer the question: “What are the similarities and differences between Platov the legendary and Platov the historical?”

2. Which of them is closer to Platov from Leskovsky's "Lefty"?

Teacher's word: Since we are dealing with a “folk epic”, almost all the characters in the work of N.S. Leskov have the features of epic heroes, but among real historical figures, this primarily applies to the image of Ataman Platov.

Checking a task prepared at home.

1. “Platov rode very hastily and with ceremony: he himself was sitting in a carriage, and on the goats two whistling Cossacks with whips on both sides of the driver sat down and watered him without mercy so that he galloped. And if a Cossack dozes off, Platov himself will kick him out of the carriage with his foot, and they will rush even more angrily. These measures of inducement were so successful that nowhere could the horses be kept at any station, and always a hundred gallops jumped past the stopping place. Then again the Cossack will act back on the coachman, and they will return to the entrance. So they rolled to Tula ... ”(Chapter 8, textbook page 157).

This passage describes the extraordinary, supernatural speed of movement. This is one of the forms of hyperbole that always accompanies the figure of the epic hero.

2. “Platov didn’t answer anything to the sovereign, he only lowered his rough nose into a shaggy cloak, but came to his apartment, ordered the batman to bring a flask of Caucasian sour vodka from the cellar, rattled a good glass ... covered himself with a cloak and snored so that everything the English were not allowed to sleep at home” (Chapter 1, p. 145).

“Platov blew out an even larger glass of sour milk and slept in a sound Cossack sleep” (Chapter 2, p. Textbook 147).

The mention of the sour drink Platov drinks and his sound sleep serves, as in situations with the heroes, a demonstration of the hero's bodily power.

3. "... will light his Koreshkov pipe, which at once included a whole pound of Zhukov's tobacco ..." (Chapter 3, p. 151).

Teacher's word: Heroic strength and power are not the only virtues of Platov. He is not only a dashing Cossack and a brave warrior, but also a true patriot of his fatherland.

Prove with the words of the text that Ataman Platov is an example of patriotism, loyalty to his homeland.

1. “And as soon as Platov notices that the sovereign is interested in something foreign, then all the escorts are silent, and Platov will now say: so and so, and we have our own house no worse, and he will take something” (chapter 1 , p.144).

2. “The sovereign looked at the pistol and couldn’t get enough of it ...

If only I had at least one such master in Russia...

Platov took out a rifle screwdriver, opened the lock and read the Russian inscription on the dog: "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula" (Chapter 2, p. 146).

These passages characterize Platov as a patriot of his fatherland.

Teacher's word: In the episode of Platov's return to Petersburg, his courage and patriotism are discredited in the eyes of the reader. Callousness and hardness of heart, indifference and passivity of the chieftain lead to the death of the Tula left-handed craftsman. Given that M.I. Platov, with his indifference to the fate of the master, violated such Cossack commandments as mercy and readiness to help those in need, he should be condemned. I'm taking the case to court.

Court Clerk:All rise, the court is in session.

Referee: Having taken note of the application, I declare the trial open. The word is given to the prosecutor.

Prosecutor: Why do we consider Ataman Platov guilty ofdeath of a lefty? Yes, because he has a number of actions that led to such a tragic outcome, namely:

1. Platov did not give time for the left-hander to run for the "tugament", without which he could not follow back, grabbed and threw him into the carriage at his feet like a "pubel" and ordered him to sit there all the way to St. Petersburg.

2. When the left-hander was not accepted without a "tug" in the hospital, Platov did not intercede for the master, citing "population" (paralysis).

I think that Ataman Platov deserves severe punishment, transferring him to the rank of negative literary heroes.

Judge: Word to the defense.

Advocate: Gentlemen judges, gentlemen jurors. We listened to the accusatory speech of the prosecutor, but I ask you to look deeper into the reasons for what happened. Witnesses are invited to the trial.

First Witness:M.I. Platov - a military man, was on public service emperors and regularly carried out all orders.

Witness 2:M.I. Platov from the age of thirteen participated in military campaigns, fought under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov, performing the most difficult assignments, bravely defended his homeland in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Third Witness:M.I. Platov, having become an ataman, differed from the courtiers not only in taste and appearance, but also in democratic views, he was very confident in the Russian people and “did not like to yield to any foreign”.

The fourth witness (expert historian):If we turn to history, we will find out that the new Tsar Nicholas I, who replaced Alexander I, was feared by everyone for cruelty and arbitrariness, and even the “courageous old man” Platov was no exception. When misfortune happened to the left-hander, Platov had already "served his service" and had no influence at court. “They don’t respect me anymore,” he explained his inaction.

Advocate: All of the above led to tragic consequences. Based on the testimonies of witnesses, I ask you to be lenient towards M.I. Platov and make a positive verdict.

Referee: What will the jury say?

Jury: We have understood enough about this situation that has been revealed to us. On behalf of the jury, I would like to draw your attention to the defendant (turns to Platov's portrait). There is a hero in front of you Patriotic War 1812, representative of the army and the people in the fight against the French, a skilled commander, sung in legends, traditions, songs. A man of democratic origin, who was close and understandable to the people in spirit. In the tale "Lefty", the writer Leskov created an unvarnished image of a man from the people, whose consciousness was crippled by centuries of slavery that existed in Russia. Courageous in battle in the face of danger, the "courageous old man" fears the emperor. It was the destructive effect of serfdom that led the ataman to betrayal. Therefore, it is necessary to judge not Platov, but the socio-political system of the state. The merits of the general to the fatherland are great. We decided to leave it in literary works as a good hero for further study of future generations, as an example of courage, bravery, courage and patriotism.

Homework:Write an essay "My attitude to Ataman Platov."

Attachment 1.

A.F. korolchenko



Cossack Matvey Platov served as a batman for General Suvorov for twenty-five years. He was with him on all campaigns and carried out the most difficult assignments. He was for an adviser, he was also for a scout.

After the war with the Turks, the tsar sent Suvorov to England. The king of the guests received them in a formal manner, and conducted state conversations with Suvorov. And the Cossack Platov walks around the palace and is surprised at the wealth of the king. Suddenly the door opened and the princess came out. Platov did not lose his head, thumped his heels and saluted. And the princess, you see, was in a whim, as she screams:

Who dared to let a man into the palace? Get out of here!

Platov is on good terms with her: they say, you can’t leave, because in the service. But she doesn’t even want to listen ... Here Matvey Ivanovich could not stand it, he frightened the princess with a strong Cossack phrase, she sat down on her hind hooves and squealed. There was a commotion. The matter came to the king, and he handed over everything to the Russian Tsar. And the tsar, without thinking twice, ordered the Cossack Platov to be flogged and sent to the Don, so that hefty smart orderlies would not spoil politics.

Came for the third year new war. The French emperor led regiments to Moscow. Yes, so boldly that not a single Russian general can stand against him. The tsar is looking for a hero all over the country, no matter what Russia he would save from the enemy - there is no one. He then sends servants for Suvorov, and he answers:

I'm not up to the war ... My strength is gone, death is behind me. Let him put Kutuzov in command of the troops, and that assistant to the Cossack Platov. He is all military science took over from me.

The servants returned to the king and reported. And the tsar has already forgotten the batman, he asks who Platov is. The servants don't know. We asked the generals - and they do not know how to answer. Thank you, Prince Kutuzov remembered.

The king was hit in the head and shibanulo, he remembered the obstinate batman.

What, - he says, - Suvorov is fooling me. Generals cannot resist Napoleon, but what can a simple Cossack do?

You will live forever, you will also bow to the peasant: and he will teach you the mind-reason, ”Kutuzov answered, and he left for the shelves.

And the French rod. Soon the king will have nowhere to run. He sends servants for Platov. They brought him to the palace, the king asks:

Can you, a simple Cossack, command the cavalry?

I can, - answers Platov.

Can you, Cossack, save Russia from the French?

I can, - the Donets answers.

Well, if you can, - he says, - then I will respect you as an officer.

And Platov was not one of the simpletons, he answers:

This rank is not enough for me, Your Majesty.

So colonel, - says the king.

And this is not enough.

Well, general...


What do you want to be, a simple Cossack?

Ataman Cossack army which I will lead into battle, - Platov answers.

Be an ataman. Here's my royal sign for you, jump to the main headquarters to Kutuzov, take the Cossack regiments.

Ataman Platov arrived at the main headquarters, waiting for Kutuzov to come out to him. And the upper room is richly cleaned, covered with soft carpets. He squints, looks around, sees - by the window there is a patterned table, and on it is a wonderful makitra (pot). All in blue and red colors, expensive work. And he did not notice how Kutuzov entered the room.

Hello, Don ataman, - says the commander in chief.

Here Platov hurried up, wanted to give an answer to allrules, it didn't work. He caught his spur on a shaggy carpet, stumbled and pushed the table. fell

makitra on the floor and shattered into small shards.

Kutuzov frowned his forehead:

What have you done, Cossack? He broke my most expensive Chinese vase.

And Platov was not at a loss, he answers:

And here, Your Excellency, it has long been customary on the Don: to beat - so to smithereens.

The prince brightened up from these words:

Well done, Cossack, for finding the answer. And your words are correct... So you justify them in practice: defeat the French. I give under your command forty Cossack regiments.

A whirlwind flew Platov from Kutuzov, jumped on a horse, pulled him over his forehead with a whip. Before the short-haired girl had time to braid her braids, he already galloped into the camp and gave the order to blow the trumpet. Before the speech, he gathered the colonels and told them what to do; thirty regiments to prepare for the strike, six to ambush, and four regiments to ride one after another all day through the mound, which the French can see from afar. Let them think that we are gathering forces there.

The Cossacks prepared for battle. At a conventional hour, the earth hummed from horse hooves, peaks sparkled andcheckers in the sun. There was thunder from the guns. Platov struck from the side where the French did not expect, mixed their regiments, the enemy retreated. But then six regiments jumped out of the ambush to cut them off. The Cossacks crushed the enemy army, smashed it to smithereens. Napoleon himself was nearly captured. He jumped out like a wolf from a trap, and ran without looking back to his very capital.

Appendix 2

P.N. Krasnov


(an excerpt from an essay on the history of the Don Cossacks "Pages of the former quiet Don")

Matvey Ivanovich's parents were not rich people. And therefore Platov could only be taught to read and write. But Matvey Ivanovich's father and mother tried to make up for the lack of education of their son with education. They instructed him in the firm Orthodox faith, taught him to obey and honor his superiors, breathed into him ardent love and devotion to sovereigns, passionate adoration of the Motherland - Russia and the quiet Don ...

He was only thirteen years old when his father enrolled him in active service as a constable. “Look, Matvey,” his father told him, “serve the sovereign and the quiet Don approximately. Remember me. From simple Cossacks, I reached the rank of military foreman - courage and exemplary service. Take care of your father's customs: be a Cossack!

Shortly before the first Turkish war his father was sent to St. Petersburg and all his fishing establishmentsDenia instructed his son. But as soon as the war began - Platov could not stand it, handed over all his father's business to the care of clerks, and he rushed to the Crimea, to the army, where he appeared to the commander-in-chief, Prince Dolgorukov. Platov was 19 years old. He was a fine officer, full of courage and strength. The prince left him with him and soon promoted him to captain, appointed commander of hundreds of Cossacks who were with him. Platov commanded so well that he was granted the rank of military foreman and appointed commander of the staff.

In 1774, the 23-year-old Colonel Platov came to the Kuban and here, in the battle on the Kalalakh River, he showed courage, stamina, and diligence. From the Kuban he was appointed to the Suvorov detachment ... Here Platov began to learn the science of winning, began to understand what the duty of a commander was. Platov spent the beginning of the second Turkish war with Potemkin, and then, in 1790, he commanded the Cossacks who were going to storm Izmail. Since that time, Platov's name has already become known throughout the Don.

And now the rumor about the young Don general came and to Petersburg. Empress Catherine the Great wished to see Matvei Ivanovich Platov. The Empress affectionately received Platov, talked with him for a long time about the Cossacks, about the Don Army, and distinguished him from other generals.

The son of a military foreman and the grandson of a simple Cossack rose to the high rank of Ataman of the Don Cossacks by valiant and honest service. But Platov was also special as an ataman. Ataman lived simply. Often, looking at the luxurious chambers that the Cossacks acquired, Platov said: “We are notborn to walk on parquets and sit on velvet cushions ... Our business is across the field, through the swamps, and sit in huts or, even better, in the open air, so that both the sun's heat and any weather are not a burden to us ... "

Mind the Lord God did not offend the Don Cossack; useful to Platov and those books that he read in free hours. Platov, who flaunted the simplicity of his speech, purposely instead of "Warsaw", saying "Arshava", turned out to be a highly talented head of the cavalry. The Cossacks used to have lava *, but Platov was the first to use it so widely. He shook and tortured Napoleon's best cavalry with it, he glorified himself so much that they started talking about him not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Paris and London, where Platov traveled by invitation, everyone looked with adoration at the Don hero. His portraits were painted on porcelain plates and cups, woven on scarves, depicted on crystal cups. The English brought him an expensive, diamond-studded saber.

Gifted from the Lord God with a bright mind, Platov remained simple and original. Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Paul, especially loved the Don ataman for his simple and bold speeches.

Platov, who grew up in the village and spent his childhood in campaigns and wars, had to get into palaces, talk with emperors, and visit the royal table. Here, Platov's mind and resourcefulness more than once rescued him. After dinner, when Platov bowed to the Empress in one of the state rooms, he accidentally touched a porcelain vase with his saber.

and knocked her to the floor. The chieftain jumped aside, but was caught by his spurs and would have fallen if the empress had not supported him. Platov was not embarrassed. “Madam,” he said, “and my fall elevates me, because I have the good fortune to once again kiss the hand of my monarch, the most merciful mother.” And then, turning to the courtiers, he said to them: “Here is a proverb that actually came true: that if the Cossack does not take something, he will break it ...».

* Lava, venter - tactics of warfare.

“... She jumps at the enemy in an evenly elongated chain, and suddenly, by order of the commander, when the enemy least expects this, the flanks, like the wings of a large bird of prey, begin to bend, covering the enemy from two sides, so that he finds himself as if in a cauldron. And if the enemy manages to break this ring, the riders, with a scream, whistle and whoop, quickly reorganize and fall on the weak link in his battle formation, sweeping everything away at their gallop. Not a single foreign commander could figure out what laws this is controlled by, how and why the commander who commands this changes the whistling and whooping, according to which reorganizations are made ... "Semenikhin G. There is no extradition from the Don.